1 PAUR FOUR TIIR DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT GETS Itnin.i,im,u.uin.- " i i in k 1 M"H inc INTO LATEST AFSHION I Sport Chat Daily News Classified Ads. I a I f I LIHMH I Hegret was expressed at Ibe England wear Style Adepts to That Similar Worn Foot llasketball Association meeting a CENTS PKH WORD IN ADVANCE. No A.t .,..,ent Teher. for I.., than nOe on Krld Ay night that there inf 6Q Here. ,j jj no tlelegnfe present represent WANTED FOR RENT Prince ing the Oallies. Il would now rtnfiert girls have un VNTK1 ?l to S Ml IIKMT SisenLak I -vase that this, a-t.l. npnr pioneer organ. wittingly 1M Hie faOil.m of the world. Kngmnd I Adopting the TiaTIoji In the city sorting eir feet Ion. Musi be in tenon In prlvwle ,nus nloiMnnetH.; SrSi& style of footwear seen for many ele.s which ha nlway taken estsuttiion. offers to Lind d. .to.. ,n. Ptsnne Wnek ,n. Sa&fes- yetr m the street here during on nc(ltepart In both foothill say's Cartage and (Storage, til ISO TJZXTLrLl SSL&iS !rWS-, niMl tmskelbAll la nt to enter Fourth Mrect. xl , A4sVMsVnmaT Hie winter season. The ladles l IKM tinl..ei M a the basketball league (his wtsv PiNMM P- rLz,-rr.."f rsf so-. f I.unilon arr wearing- llimn WANTKIV To hear from owner stenm hentetl Aoply Grocer ler. This is to be peg t el led both eW MTsnm.w7rr5nrr. Your loots, rMMnr nleiml ( I he from nf JT"04 farm for snle. ttla'e H'm.iii . Hli.. Ml reel oTX ss wsi rft.Hu m,, the standpoint of the stMsii KilM Of n knrr nm! resembling close very eh getee, full particulars s r and from the stand-point ly in appearance some of the generally l. Fi, Kuan, atirn. ... . Minn n.'r nr,w.w-i rwwi in rem1 St- Q "CH IISL ISSI rubber uoea worn here on damp of the learn particularly. or room and hoard. . ........ MilRman winl ry dry. Pictures nf this rhe main reason seems in be KvAXT8l Woman for dining Ml. it latest style," an they rail II. that the Rallies are disgruntled room. Apply Qui rat Hotel noTUt arr win? the round of fhe Illustrated I the manner in which many of WATCH REPAIRS raisr he bl players have already BOARO AND ROOMS 1 iwm.j oe newspaper. JtwetV ml Watohmakor been grabbed by other Senior up llOOU and board at reaonal LEE 8. JOB eaa eagtie elubs. They may he rale, tyt Fnlion fMreet V. O. Hoi 1 79 Yoiir Coal Bin GREER STARRETT HAS justified in feetrnir as they do Phone HHse Ml. II Hid Third Avenue. Prtna but at the same time they are GONE FOR All Work Onaranleed HERRING kely letting a lot nf good In RtMlkl anil Hoard. Housekeep Is Maw Empty TO SEYMOUR CANAL termediate League material go ing reom-t ts rent. Phone Illue MaH Orders a Hpwily isatHu Tse as I. a ris by that may later enter In other 81. W HAIRDRESSINQ "' SatSkM tlst, , teams. It Is the general opines V . is. anew ssesVsai The Cold Storage fishing host that the (tellies could muster a FOR SALE idihs- HAmt)nr8ixn.. tw. ,v.s il ' - Or il will be soon. rtreer Slarmti, :npt. Pete Wing-ham. good intermediate teatn If User'Fflll SAI.X MeUary Ulorta eel waving, shampooing. Singe- SOTIOt Uaii We ore offering left on Saturday for Seymour wanted to and. If that Is the rang, oootntele with all stove Ing, Hair Irydng, Scnlp treat- mAlf4'WM.Cw''f REDUCED PRICES Canal lo gel a of it men! .r...i.H.. -r.. ' "k5? e mi cargo eae, certainly sewn fntty for pipe Ud waterfront fittings v....y vupi fcJT. y iv0 i. As4mL of 0lww, for September delivery. herring for hail for the fishermen them not to do sex It wetjfci and MHsnoclions. i-isl II in and wigs for entleineti and Don't wait, but have that plying oot of this port. be a step in the drixetlon nf only Uiree month in ne. .transformations for ladles. IT' 'ml nmTTfil (M to eras bin filled now with the Owing to the large amount of baviRg a Senior leairue team lVieo ?i cn.b. Phone Hlue Bwltrhes made BP from ladios' si s mmi mSmI LI ZJZ- "fr.'i - fishing done this autumn the neil winter if Ihey en n not have S31, ' If own pomWn gs. nnx UAniiKrt '. rf. anS. i FAMOUS demand op the herring Ira been one now. SHOP 11 Hit lb niM.1 t.e.- nSi."Sk",Sr'S" 22!"..'Vr . j" t i mi i iii n rin a n.in..j t n Ki aea itace mmm mm rikmnssss - --- ii iihiiii iii iiinTi n o great mat a mmmii shortage COMFOltTAHLF. home for sale. "ro u. l lisuo IflBS MSMMhMS. r HSON COAL has occurred and the Slarreil The IUsketbH Assentation has Six rooms and bath, lawn, 78. 13ms. ICIeeesi. if, rrsrunV- I m r i linn r n.nmnnwnamkasi in w s a au iiiiinr is gone north for the porpose of deckled to extend the date for irarden and ehlcken house. 1 fZKssKJieS.- Phone 58 for quirk delivery. relieving that shortage. The the elosin of entries In the Part ), Mlance as rent. VOTERS LIST sTiei , mitKl Special rates on ear lot. herring are running about 300 various leagne untR November Apply Mnnro Hro. If. I ms. tl mile frm here on the Alaska I In the hope that still more . ... a K . K . .... r . LICMS kol.ler. kw,- - fW,,J L.i w . ap ' t mtaita OtSTBSTf-iOS I rv at. teams Aiiunut i ru l a iurto uarioaa tieUM. mr rUili.l ik. t .i. ru mm iwi i Km Prince Rupert Feed Co. lewms may In a enter.Imgve Although may provide three arriving next week. Ppcotal to (Wlr IIn EST..". U ZL?Z I prlre. atlnI Oreccry. J'mU imT lots of inlerestrnr IMMes. the iUi M la -ereeenee tirnt it tZT ,.s.. Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. WILLIAMS CREEK IS ton StreeL Ir t, Meal number is fimr and tnere liver to we before a b.ib . s I t a a atsska.. BEING INVESTIGATED; is only one basketlsall leagve KOfl RM.K!tlrh el.ss klwini-'" owiuiory i"r so far that has tbal n amber, eordwnnd. fl3 M roil ooH,!,,', thnreent.i GOOD VALUES that being Ibe Ladles' ... ... . per lhte ntfia ftn .-iJ t..i Said Basia SHOVN one I. iiesrvoreH. ji tseoomi .wentso. . . . kw ( my The best place to eat la termedlales. The Settlor and Phono Sd. owosenmners niuoi Ha own usm seM tin. teei heme. Dut If you can't be the Intermediate League have jre.ioVnl in in city .Inre Jannan CT home the best place In rEllJtACE, Oct. I- J. II. Hell three teams each ssv could stand HAR4IAIK lion walnut dioiof il.t. It?l. br HHlMn subject, of ' " fc arwHJlmr. Rupert Is who recently staked some min. nc mtwe entry nksHy whHe -the room suite. I ed few months. the full age nf ? rears and hlvr -MSr at mt iVit raanctanaio ng claims on William Creek boys and girls Juniors, eneb tLfm.OO. Phone Htock lit. If raid a rood lot of on T?! L M'f near Laketse Lake, has taken In with only tw, shcuk have the holder must few Nrlll,li .uhwi. Is-'-t-m In- St. Regis Cafe an engineer to inspect Ibe prop KH 8ALH flahy tsnggy. Al- rT esr. fir number doubled. It is htnhly f the full a of 91 Me. ...i -- erty with a view to further development. ntosl new. Apply Hr-tUi im SaV desirable that these gaps showld nave pold a license fee of at I Third Avenue Ave Em Pnnne Wise M3. t&H he filrw amk any possmlc eom-binatlons IJA.on ier sssnsi. The Itendi'tx f (he Mr. Iiell ha a group of ever, Oms CaOse Bsr. ekBMv on r.l claims about five miles sheukl be brott(rnl together PIANO for sole )mm narnaia In nosjer lo asaint :h se v.ho d- Ukssr mis m 4ttM. M ss fSssaS. J. G. WESW tirular diiK'r. up t;w and entered. for ausrk sale ii MeMrjrdle nol AnUh wori until after . in '??e. r t. the creek from the Laketse Lake Yom can always depend on Apartments. IS the r.uy rterk Will aUen I al bi tSs4 Sacwt tl rad and, according In getting a real feast here report, Prince tteorge, Pmethcrs and offlce on TueMmy nest from o to lllltl SltS LateM there is a large body of or FOR HAI.K Murean; child's skilfully prepared dishes, Altec Arm, snuttl tews In tns t p.m.. and n ThunMiav nevl made from the choicest, carrying good, values. It Jt neighborhood, all have plans ertn and tenth. Pnone Orvea from 1. 'a i..... a- a . iik. - "OVST practically a quarrying i f"- maci sitkbt Lsno assvaicT-tea proposl. 13. t freshest meats, vegetables well underway for skating rinks ooee of tokmg xbckr dswloroii-na. ...jwri!! WMT. rrvk (u and is n likely lo become . a pijms bmi l oeti and fruits. shipping mine in" the near future this, winter and great pubtto In PROPERTY FOR SALE. HveVeb isswrs nnoo-Mg mm usoir -m sfTseissa. sc. mhs.ii Tlii- pleasant and homelike . leresl and support is being Ac late smuaS hefaur ial- 'I ' rm- m uri.uidings will add lo corded them. Here in Prince LAN(i Ilaielton Dlstrfet. Iirge reilUa. aaat lka m kxt hv niJ baaf aa Ska NnsrSBS inrratan Uaa your enjoyment of (he Picked samples from this Rupert wrliere there arc wink and small tracts. ,KMHirs con may do . ol the lime of wU' tmTtmtSLTmim Tse assavcu rnllowsil proteriy as pood food. n j.nl- Ik.. I .n f Ik.'l... Win. Grant Agency, llatelton. talcsu I heir dcclaratMHt. . iSLFtLFLZTSi tta 2 t copper percent; silver, ISO! r towns the,, matter seems o be H. a tf HHAUT team, -en " -t J; We specialize .In private gold. I?.HO. A, WOOIi, ljy?3Vr?lg y easy, " Dinner and Supper Parties. practically dead. People seem at US 10 a OWL. Msnsfsts to be taking lhe"eatne old onorse Taxi Service In Connection PHONE 4S0 LOOKING FORWARD of telling things drift until II Ft m YOUR NltXT DA.NCB or so is too lale and then blaming cial event, Pryee's Up-to.Ikale;Vaaraavar. S. C . ssteaas la MOT M Ob : einas rnmalli Mamsrr at Laaaa W imo ti TO INCORPORATION somebody else. It would eer Orchestra. Phone Illue JH.V (f braaa ta tein Sw fval. ! aa aa4 LsmsLmS. talnly show little effort or In lOswrSVee IsaOs. Mluu -m skiasftM) !!. rTf" "esl. sae Htw. if TOWN OF SMITHERS terest on the pari of the people ULHIC, Itril gentler on the rt-Ju.. l-i., a , i . . .. va rill ! iaS interested if the place Is nut spirit lies Tfran Ured eyelids ft''JJL' f tSSS. - T,t-"f - IL-Ir!-? Rood & Fmi non tired eves." Tecmveon. ismn mii ss' ran. tvm sat Sw ; rfcii mW smss The SMITIIEIIR Oct. 2t.-ieneral put in shape for use this winter. Qaality Grocers ii . -is. Uer aari si fasw to eatal at- 'snssstae Snri nee T4 I satisfaotton is expressed here The matter should be giv ii. s. iiairvjf meiirr, In anas i im I I '" t t ft sliasi tl la t g '- St S I West. Tele. ' nil i"f. aa naa lancia waa mki, Riirhlh Avenne. at the result of the sweeping en early attention. There is a MJS. Vex t afeaaas ijnrns nMVhPV emSS victory last week m favor of coo nc II meeting ionlirht why rtwaw snaaa. skeara Otcrv CHkRLnrtK USD MTtStOJf. " sasl. tae najtskBMf Sa ce mtt All the Fixirt's incorporation. The vote. 100 not hate the matter put before TUITION I T a-4lr UMt W O. MrMams. asawr. w was I issaatse. a f . NMrai b lm.ik- a Ml' on.VII r. AaaS'lai to 54, winch was a large one. the city fathers without further PMUa i.ilaaiiss MiaHSrr of UMi tar s t s. m s a rua ce. for followed assurances frtn the delay? II. AUIiftFY PHYCK. Professor and cal. sitri sa4 P.i4 r tt. test SAlMrmJ aM a as aaaWr laa tiUoataa Provincial 4tevernment on the! Teacher of Violin and Piano. A 0arrs)a4 Uass. si las U Itiaarits kasH. roaits question. It is felt here CHIEF SKUGAJD GOES limited number of pijpils accepted. ONaa Sis4 tl IsUiM.IM aarsasssl C cnawnarta romsr at si Sams east Ntgkt PVmes J 0; SlV S71 Thanksgiving- that greater progress will be Phone Illue J8I. tf I Tnnaae s Saraea aiaai SS salaa, W Loagwlll. Waa TK ISeaae aaalk) S i-Slall. Mwara eSM SS made than has hitherto been ON INDEPENDENT LAY tales. Ikeaea artk SS rhaaaa la paSat af Oar Phone A host of good things i here possible. 8CWINQ lrsUat SeaSaaikat tlk. ISSI. STEEN8L0HGWH.L ( make that Thanksgiving A charter will be at onee ap TO HALIBUT BANKS OOWNK, iats. Novelty Pulls and Dinner a complete success. plied for and it is expected that Wen's Hhirla made to order and qui iiikaLorfc cash mvmso. i' SHeatl Mala Works will become The Odd boat Ttla aatlra last V O MtWamt aalaae incorporation an Storage fishing remodelled. 733 Third Avenue. . Vaaraanar, n. c talaada ku aM4 n mm Cranbsrriea, Figs, .Apples, aVcomplished fact in January Chief Bkugaid, Capt I). Cauroe. Phone 403. 1 1 SrMtaa rniamUs MuataUt at Laa fr.r Agrst far Ur(1ary Funxsn -jus " aWaAaj i.. i i i i 1 1 f fil i-f.L...K Raisins, etc., in faet all and next when an election will be is paving the halibut banks today, utyral to oaar i r-.lb.aut 5axitllrr sml wrytliing required for the liehl to appoint three commiss having been outfitted on FURNITURE REPAIR tarrifcee Itads Mlatla Saletf skt last I. fleotmit Cogioaars II traaaai taiaasv m. 1 saaaaaria si a nasi table. ioners who, under the terms of the independent lay to fish for DOXT nULV your Furniture for V "Z? .t uST tU Htraat and Fitter Hltsst new: the Villagm Act, will administer halibut. During the summer she Prleta Rupert A. C. want of proper repair. Polish. Arr local affairs. "Ftirward Smith-er was packing salmon. is the slogan iLeiug adopted The Chief Hkugaid carries a up., v.iatltt0. ii. ii. liritlttlllf g s Monro Bros. (lale Ilulson'i Day Co. , 823 Leraled rvmjr Ui itti 1 here for IpZS. IHIs considered crew of. fifteen men all told, all w Mr K'-saii uitar Third Avenue. Phone Dlaek that Alberni's failure carries no of whopi flli and all of whom TOM LEE CO. Phone 88 Third Avenue 13. fireen 471. tf ry .' menace for this place. will share equally In the pro. see ti eeeds of the catch. MISCELLANEOUS. 10 ReeenJ Avenue, U'etl rli'SI I- REPORT HEAVY RUN WINTIirt harbor for small boats Labels VEO ETA OLE art " SMITHERS no swell and no chafing; Wholesale ane RsUII OF. SILVER SALMON wharfinger In constant alien. IJoil and ' L ieneral onsraetors III I Lumber & V.. Dawson, who has been a danee. Apply Korlhern Hx- Labor Kiehange , Whtn Shall Wt Ctirt HOQIIAM. Was!. , Oct 21. popular member of (lie Uuen change, 133 Second Avenue, The annual run of silver Salmon llauk staff hero for snjjio. H'ie. 1'tion' gto- Make Milk Prince HuperL .C swept Into the harbor and up has geue lo Victoria to which Phono 547- P.O. Dox Tit Canadian the rivers in tremendous numbers, ity he IlKPAIflS In typewrtUr Slade has been transferred. We believe that every cillien Laund Shingles on their way to their llcfore his departure a dunce Stevens, t5 Pecotwi Avenue, of liriUslfeaUdtimbig knows ioir Steam spawning grounds. The run. was given in his honor and lie opposite Kdtro G Phune 304. dairy herds are seen 11 tn none PIlSM 1 according to fishermen, is the prticnted with a ring. LOST In Canada. ...W,M" heaviest In more than six years a a a Terrace Third A llrceders from all user Americn new shipment of Fir and will coutinue for several I.OHT Oovenimeul Agent H. II. Ifos- Hunch of keys with Identification eotne here to buy annuals fmni Dimension and Shingles weeks, although the heaviest klna is a putlenl lu the lliuel- metal slug. FlnJy llritish Columbia lerla. has juHt arrived, bought force of the run will be felt tB Hospital where he Is un- please reluiQ to Dally News Paeido Milk is the Mtly milk Fruit Lands during the next few rays. dergninB Offic two minor tf operations, tork at the market's put Up ill oU,r ploiiu)e. "Aberdaen Drift," a rich fishing see round olf Cow Point, bas Mr and Mrs. II. have AUTOMOBILES It is guoti. II la pure. rs 1st l biIVm rrem mws i"J Darling Lowest prices It never elianm-a. rrm MBuel m t" s been ilolled with fishing boats returned from the Fast, where. nurKIll Motor (k, deals rs V' .. i.u I .l !1P'!t a. kSos alrsatierrr plssis. t"" ovtf since hauls .in waaier wwat a muwi oti it SSa' rv alaait taJ 1 04 rHr'. Monday night, huge Ask for quotations. Uiey scant several inoutha k.itt. "Heo" Cars and TrvM-ks. Auto, r ..... nlaali: aaaaU Uiala an.I aall Crlss Sv being made, some boats taking aaying. m.. s. 7"W aitfiw i, .f SSSO iaaS. aalssss afftS. Utey tptui ,ofn4v mobile repaJts. Tlrgs, aces-sorios Pacific is llritish Columbian. In as many as 350 salmon. Most 1'eterboroutd visiting with and WJ-;, a7effli4. SSr E. H. Shockley of the catches ge to the plant inair son. In stock. Cominereisl Fvrd parte .always bodies Pacific Milk Co. 1:"... - or ttte Baimon rlsherniena Cooperative SlorB e e tMslrlrt. built Fred for all IM Planing Mills, Cannery in Koutli ft II. Hit.kins has purposes. Umltcd ...rftt Aberdeen, whlfh opem Monday two, lots purchased us give you a price oa your rsataHas at Kenney Bros. & Co. gscoi In Prince Rupert, B. 0. (ha Ioaiblway see-tlon our body. Taylor A Moo rehouse. AbkalalarS a S2S oasag aracrr. morning, Manager Btrnnd PHONE re. O. O. ported' and Is ereclmg a nent little Corner Third and Ninth LaSaar, VAHCOUVCR Rsal ItUlt ssS Istsrts.s ersiara vuuaae on tuein. Avenue. if I 1CSSACC, . 0.