EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! SPECIAL BARGAINS | Here You Are Who Wants a 1925 Ford Delivery Car? Covered body, self starter, good running condition, tires fair and has 1932 license Price was $80.00 Reduced Price, $60.00 FOR THIS WEEK ONLY All used cars this week at 25‘: off list price S. E. Parker Ltd., Ford Dealers OFFICIAL RETIRING G. H. Stead Has Been 42 Years in Telegraphic Service VANCOUVER, Aug. 30:—After British Columbia. He arrived in| Vancouver in May, 1927 to open the superintendent’s office and has re- mained here since that time. He has had charge of the company’s telegraph business not only on the mainland, but also on Vancouver} Island. | Mr. Stead first joined the old' Great North Western Telegraph} Company in Winnipeg as a mes- | senger in 1888 and held down this, job for two years. In 1891 he was | taken on the permanent office staff as day delivery clerk and from that time steadily worked his way to the top of the ladder. Prior to the organization of the Sanadian Press, Mr. Stead operated | she news service of the G. N. W., in} Western Canada, for R. F. Easson, xf Toronto. Mr. Stead was connec- bed with the famous Victoria Hoc- cey Club, of Winnipeg, and during} he early days was responsible for he organization and development of a hockey bulietin service. This THE DAILY NEWS | SHIRLEY SHOPPE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS BIG SAVING ON FALL COATS, DRESSES, SCARVES, SWEATERS, HOSE, LINGERIE—IN FACT ON EVERYTHING IN THE STORE @) We are cleaning out all our Spring Coats at $10 each—values up to $35—Polos’ Dress Coats and Tweed Coats. This is a real saving. Come in and look them over. A small deposit will hold any article in the store. Shirley Shoppe, Corner of Sixth Street & Third Avenue | = = ay \f' completing. 42 years of service, dur-| a jing which time he has witnessed} ‘tremendous strides in the develop- F th Wh | F i ‘fjment of the use of the telegraph, or e 0 e ami y 'f;George Stead, superintendent of} \f|the British Columbia division, Ca-| Everything must be sold. — see — Inadian National Telegraphs, re-| \ tires from service with the company | M fat the end of this month. He has| ontrea Mm orters ;made no future plans, except that} “T will now be able to enjoy a holi- | day.” NS r= = FIRST ll]. Mr, Stead is well known in busi-| ness and commercial circles 1 POLI ¥ iS | oer ane through the west and especially in| DISCUSSED There was some discussion at last night’s meeting of the city council of the policy which had been fol- lowed by the cit ‘ whereby y in connection with | relief work some men such as foremen, had been paid wages while otners working under them received relief orders. Ald. Macdonald, who brought the mat- ter up, urged that, in future, one plan should be followed—all being paid either in wages or relief or- ders. This might tend to remove grounds for discontent or criticism Ald. Pillsbury stated that the} board of works had already had} this question under consideration | and had decided that, in future there would be a change in policy; along the lines suggested by Ald Macdonald. Ald. Casey criticized the practice * Third Ave. East Phone 83 BULKLEY VALLEY COAL Jiwt.cre IS A HIGH CARBON, NON-COKING, BITUMINOUS COAL That can be used to economical advantage in all styles of fire boxes. In your kitchen range try the nut-egg size and simply shake the bottom grate when a hot fire is desired use single screened lump. In furnaces use single screened lump with a generous portion of fined added to hold a slow fire or banking over night. You will use no other fuel after becoming accustomed to— BULKLEY VALLEY COAL For heaters The New per ton $11.50 SPER HARD COAL Minehead Coals $11.50 per ton HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 jtarted with a bulletin after each veriod; increased to a bulletin af- ter each goal and later developed to a running story of the game. Mr. lof committees setting out volicies | without the approval of the coun- cil. This had been a fault of recent | councils. He believed that all such The Survival of the Sweetest (By Barbara B. Brooks) PLAIN BAKED CUSTARD Two cups scalded milk, four tablespoons sugar, three eggs, one- leighth teaspoon salt, one-half tea-| lays spoon vanilla extract. Scald the milk. Mix sugar, eggs, | lays salt and flavoring aua combine with scalded milk. Pour into buttered custard cups or baking dish, set in! oan of hot water and bake in slow} oven (300 degrees F.) until firm. A} = /knife blade run into the centre of the custard will come out clean when the custard is done. Yield—four servings. CNR Trains For the East— Mondays, Wednesdays and Satur- 12:30 «oon Thursdays and Fri- 3 p.m. Tuesdays, From the East— | Sundays, Thursdays and Fridays ; : 11 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Satur- days ses jectionshalipeial aan ane ee Monday and Tuesda TWO SHOWS — 7 ang y a LADIES, AT Your — meet — LESLIE HOWARD In the Hilarious SERVICE Comedy “Reserved Foy Ladies” With George Grossmith Benita Hume Society Raves About Him, King Tries to Steal His Stutt —You'll Love Him Comedy—BING CROSRy in “THE BILLBOARD Gir” Musical — “SWITZERLAND METRO NEWS ADMISSION — 5% Ste Feature Starts at 7:40 & 9 rN) ee WEDNESDAY & THURSDA “The Trial of Vivienne Ware" WEDNESDAY REVIVAL WHEELER & WOOLSEY in “THE CUCKOOS” Capitol Baby Shoppe COMPLETE OUTFITTERS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE CARNATION gives surer success and finer results in cooking. That is why it is economical. Cuts cream Use Carnation for creaming Stead was also a keen oarsman with | matters of policy as that mentioned the Winnipeg Rowing Club and is|should be settled by the council. He life member of the St. Georges | was opposed to anything in the way j of favoritism or making pets of any Mr. Stead has a very keen know- | one. edge of Western Canada as during| Ald. Rudderham took exception nis service with the Canadian Na- to the suggestion of Ald. Casey. Ev- ional Telegraphs he opened up the | ery member of the council had been elegraph service in every compe-|aWare, or should have been for all tive town or city west of Port Ar-|had been told, of the policy being thur, with the exception of Winni- {followed on, relief work. Why wait veg and Vancouver until this late hour to kick? It is understood that with the re-| ‘irement of Mr. Stead the Alberta| bury of Ald. Casey's suggestion re- ind British Columbia districts will| garding “pets” and “favoritism.” ye merged under the jurisdiction | The concensus of opinion amone of W. J. Rooney, superintendent at | members of the council appeared to Sdmonton. be |that there should be some fixed Te ciaeectiiedaliatiahiggntecthbiin policy. All should be paid either in Women-Children wages or relief orders. | To Get Clothes Applications Now You, too, can have a Beautiful Skin Being Received) > ‘ ee » if you go ig 5 8 a gear he — Nea | shai th the ons nin Few Days | right way “] had skin & cruptionsthat # made me ash- amed, I also had mean headach« Lo fam very ae grateful to See Fruit-a-tives. mm My skin is lovely now, a Pr “4 # # wei $4 and I am very happy .”—Miss A. D., Buchannon, Sask. Mayor C. H. Orme intimated to he city council at its meeting last light that applications were now yeing received at the City Hall for clothing for women and children! whose breadwinners are out of work ind on relief. Within the next few days, the mayor said it was hoped a start might be made on getting out ithe requisitions for tnis clothing. The mayor stated that accounts Fruit-a-tives stimulates FIVE, vital ; Saad organs to work naturally. It is the f the last two weeks included $1425 very best remedy you can buy to for clothing for men on relief work, overcome poor complexion, head- the city’s actual share being $475. aches and constipation. The great y discover f a brilliant physician, ee, ee tS Fruit-a-t gives you COMPLETE HOTEL ARRIVALS internal cleanliness, and your skin | ' reflects y perfect health, 25c. and | Central 50c. at all druggists. Try them, R. Russell and son, Edmonton J}. McKay | o . ‘ Sunnyside Cannery; Ed ;Cadden, E oat M. a. Burton, Fru it-a- tives | Sunnyside Cannery. MAKE AND KEEP YOU WELL + ———a- “Cleanliness is Next to | costs in half. Carnation is coffee, fruits and cereals. In Godliness” ; pure, unsweetened, evapor- cooking, makes foods richer, SPECIAL FOR TWO Prince Rupert ated milk containing all the tastier and finer-textured. WEEKS essential food walues of Approved by medical August 29 to September 10 DRY DOCK inclusive whole milk—tich batter- fat, vitamins and minerals. Write for free Cook Book and Baby Book Carsation Co, Limited, 184 Abbott St. Vancouver, B.C, authorities for baby feeding —that's how good it is! AND | SHIPYARD | Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Ladies’ or Gents’ Suits Pressed By Steam 50 Cents Sponged, Cleaned and Pressed 75 Cents Naptha or Dry Cleaned and Pressed, $1.00 Phone — 649 LING - TAILOR | We call for and deliver to all parts of the city. Mail orders i} receive our prompt attention, Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Stee! and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Tron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts “Small stuff,” remarked Ald. Pills-| SUMMER SALE Everything in the store to be cleared at cost. Our large stock of children’s wear must go. We have— BEACH PYJAMAS GIRLS’ DRESSES BOYS’ WASH SUITS GIRLS’ PULLOVERS BABIES’ COATS BABIES’ SHAWLS BABIES’ PRIMCOVERS BOYS’ COATS GIRLS’ COATS All these goods, new this summer, are actually to be sold at cost. It is a great opportunity for ladies to outfit their children ut prices not usual in Prince Rupert, Third Avenue CAPITOL BABY SHOPPE re DOES YOUR BUSINESS NEED A DOCTOR? Now, Mr. Businessman, have you ever tried to d’s.znose the reason for that sudden drop in profit over the figures of “last month?” If the temperature of your business alarms you there is no need for you to lose any sleep the remedy is simple. ADVERTISE “Ah!” you say, “But that’s all very well. I’m only a small man and can’t afford it.” That’s the reason the small man remains a small man, The big men in business today did not become big by hiding their light under a bushel, they advertised, and Advertised, and ADVERTISED, Adver- tising Is as necessary to a “sick” business as the doctor's services are to’ sick person. And it will find the money to pay its own bills, if done judiciously, from the inerea ed volume of increased profits. Start with a small appro- priation IN “THE DAILY NEWS” tomorrow and test the idea for yourself—after all it’s RESULTS that count today. We have an expert adver: tising man at your service at any time. He will advise you as to size of space to use and see that your space is filled with “business bringing” copy. PHONE 98 and make an appointment —— —