THE DAILY NEWS ... , JPAOh TWO i FRED IYES, WHO WAS. The Daily News "FRUIT-A-TIVES" BURNED AT MASSETT, Published IMiINCR Every HUPKUT Afrnoon,- except niUTISlI Sunday,COLUMBIA by The News SAVED JER LIFE COMES TO HOSPITAL Third Avenue. Printing and Publishing Company. Fred Iwi, the taWwrnpH aarai-; II. T. PULLEiN, Managing Editor. at MasHt, who wa burned r Bis Fruit Medicine toys Imniy some ttme asm when tn EMBerniDTinN HATE'S I was allPMptitwr to lortrt a fir Relief 6lres Clly Delivery, by moll or carrier, per month., . . . . ... . . . . . 1.00 wMU keM4H, wa brought and the Uniled Stale. he Unnil Hoapiial SK" In-' Hy malt to all parts of the llritish Empire in adranre, per year I nirmd ternUy i i , pvfn'nff on tali nlrain.-f '''' To all other countries, in advance, per year ? I hvt u for ye ami ii it. J- John. Mrs. U, im.iii. Mr CUta I took d v-S fe aal Mi timi M - Kmm TELEPHONE 08 I read mMhir arwut tvet aeefwirsanted hin. Thf m a S"mS rWf burned man a atindd hy Or Transient Display Advertising i.25 per Inch each Insertion a Wilrft a Dig1 W llrlirR at MasHt hfrf rMnin 12.00 pef Incn them. to the rilv Transient Advertising on Front Page Insert . T'f line After finWMnf a few botes, IM Local Readers, per Ciassined Advertising, per insertion .. c per word entirely rrttevrd health or tlIyir'"u rert, aa4 RIZE WINNERS IN . .15c agate line my fMieral per each Insertion Notices, Legal I I km wriUnc to U4I jra thai SEWING SECTIONS Coatraat Mates so Application. Ut." AM advarllsku should b ie Tka Daily News OtTice on day presiding nay EXHIBIT! Uh. OF SCHOOL puMicatiea. AH adtertisUg received subject to approval. JCa S)eabot,8for$?K. trial sua At dtwlers or --nt p. It DAILY EDITION Tuesday. Sept. to. 19?I Fruit a Uir LiWiira, oiuaa. Th fiill.minir wrr the ' f H" seloa firr In lh etR wi.k. fihttt ni -n. 'i in. Jealously Guard Ial wIt: i Infant tlarwer.i pahlf ; J Immlflratlon Privilege. senrl xtcl- ! '. 'nrrf Under the treaty with Japan there can be no restrictive legi- STOP! l!rHlerwrar. in 'iivl. I i lation pu'ting cilixen of that country at a disadvantage over nn Mary Mrftae, Mali "ara, hlh . ' other. M the snmVtime an arrangement was made with Nippon by which that government was to restriet its own emigration t..i IHtlow Rse. iMikli- rh.".ll at my place and see my Netla taarte. Ora t.ri i th-. girls I Canada. The nnftiber allowed to enter wa specified in fine display of Hand Ma.1 TwH-.hi agreement. Vu Clarke; riraec Aerkmyd. ! I There was nq fueh agreement with China, but the people SUITCASES Machined Apron -.Vary Mrlln. ' from thalt-mntr) wer restricted to some extent by the $&00 head tax and also by the' Immigration restrictions, whleh, property en-5 Trunks TENDERS FOR PIPE , force!, made it practically impossible for Chinese lalrorers to enter' the country- CLUB BAGS Tendrs f.r loO feet f hvl i Against the Hindus there were no restrictions except the of All Kinds wood :ipe and sit et r. u j general immigration laws, which latterly have acted as an tm-I T'a were opened by the " eouncil lat Hgbt am! wr tr passable barrier. Large Stock On hand ferred ta the IWmrd of Wirk of the,' restrictions against Orientals coming here to In spite select from. wllh ptrwer to ael. s ihv tiv iti rnminff. but no one knows exactly how. The to The lenders we a Mlow: laws, if enforced, are fairly effective but jet there have beenj Pmlth A MalMt. pit--. 8t m PLAY """evasions, although not as many a is generally supposed. At thw ' J. F. MAGUIRE per fiMtt : Ts. HA M earh. ftime: of year hflhdre'd of Orientals who live here visit China awl Ntit Ue PrW- 3epn )'-' ic Prince pec ItHpert T'a.Pwpply r... pl-. 1 t.rv... 4Mrinnri nft mrrtt! amis the ocean in the steeraxe f Canadian Pipe Co, Ltd, Van-r..nvrr. cm NAVY CUT the large vessels. Within the weekjiundreds have left Canada .n pipe. 7r pec fool; Ts one Of these, perennial visit. In the spring they return and then ft) each. CIGARETTES it looks as if a lot of Orientals were coming here, when as a matter MISS IONA ROBERTSON Vancouver... Vd Wf a a A Taak rmtm tad .. owe ate iii-r low; i . of fact they are the returning men who left for a holiday in the RECITAL APPRECIATED II as each autumn. Whether we can, as China did years ago, buiW a wall about BY LARGE AUDIENCI- SYNOPSIS OF us on the west and ay no one shall pass over that wall, is for the future to decide. In British Columbia the Orjenlal question is There was. a larire and appreciative more acute than elsewhere. For many years at election times audience ut lat niirhl lo hear .Visa lona ftnbert'im In anti-Oriental cries have been used for the purpose of winning elections. There hate been campaigns for absolute exclusion, butj a, ,hfl Kmpres Theatre. Al 17 Mmt w rMm4 N H u re there was always the come-back that if we refused entrance to though suffering from a severe II t car Chinese, and Japanese they could refuse entrance to our ciluen ewdd the entertainar san oevrral r4 lala Mly, Ten Years Ago and cut off alt trade between this country and the Orient. grup of sons- ineludin? Oaelie In Prinem Ruprt lr hMrl awfr FISH The Daily News is in favor of the closest possible exclusion seleetlens. Hhp has inty of 4 kwh I tM (r MM EAT of Oriental immigration. At the same time it ecms doubtful if power and her enunciation l W HHW. mt ma SapUmbae 20 1911 an absolute airtight policy would be workable. On the I'acitlc perfect. Her singing was great rr. tar 4jMt tjr-iii rib tl w4a. a mm nl I tirr. sffKaki f aa a ramt-aiBB r seaboard we have no countries with which to trade except Orient-il ly appreciated. ikMtrf I av. ( mm wnw- r countries, and all sides of the question have to be carefully .Vot only Is Mis rioberlson a WIM.rt-mpBt Ut Ik Liberal r.Ntiwa la at hn.1-. And Support t W. K. WllliaxM efmlrtnai weighed. This article is written with the idea of placing before (rofwl singer but as a dramatic rt ihii md mmh lnoiwli fc. wm whKrhupx-r ttl 4 II ! I ataat llir SJfkkara WVTW IhriM-lll r. yr readers the difficulties as" well as the present status. reoonleir she icl. nlaht !( 4 RlflftMi ! mm -tm for V. J. MlkltartbV Ai.i Ak sh gave several selreliona wllh kfr C tttmM. Wltn ( cmMnr I llil Mans. Ertaral rVxrsMn hI "Oriental Question gol effect. the showed great Im iha I tar. mt-t S" Smoked and Czrsd a II Mt)tffM. Fresh, a voii miwwinn. r. versatility and dramatic '"! International. power. t aS-kMllk. 4t av a a The Oriental question is an international one and cannot be John Davey aana twice and t'l4 kuiawiitu rarllrtroU a Fish inM imI ttrmtrr Ska ttmim Ctiarloa Krii asxl Heart settled bv aiiv tettv restrictions put on local industries. While we both timet was recalled. He wa Kr4a vttkaxjt Mtauu.tSl r. . would all like to see white labor employed, the city solicitor says j in good form and his fine t-nnr A.a.'a axaka mat t lmrr.Triitf I mn. Hi atnt llim HaMarn nwnninK wef at mmrummif ttae raiiwyi itjrp.tun-i Diatributf! it would be illegal to put a restrictive clause in the water agree-' voice wa hcaro u aovatnaar. M ttmt ratliara ao wh a .i ill Mid- ik ii a ho( whlrh Storage menL The nueslioii that arises is whether we are to hob! up the; Iblh sinner were aeeompan- r unit aaa IU frala a CaDjJian Fish & CoH . "If aSat.H)a1 failed I" ' WP.-i notkihilitv of irettiiiir an industry here in order to ouibble overbed by V. Vauichan Havlc fatfaa-a.a (tan TMM I mimI h4 m taua, impfftmmi I h-y went I tnvawligalr. Mimethmir uvtr which we have no jurisdiction. Itv all means let1 The reeltal which was 4 It W "a. arttlai I PRINCE RtriM ' rl.r.4 trt4 rttitia4, ami raaftaw a us have the pulp mill if we can get it. We may not get it, but nt "njoyabla throughout, was given iaa 1 imf ara raatra4. uwlcr the ausoices of the Ht Ila-ampaw b4aii Cra ! Untrgf II Oman ir-tl : rate let ua do our part. any mt raor a'.iltar yl-rptum. It M BRAND lb Prtaxaa Andrew's Boclely. the arrange I an aff a lM la nahHM SI Urn nxirntna: n Mm RUPERT V. fana. ariikavt artaaj amiaaOaai, hrtc for II mcnts being made by J. Ma prrt rampaiaa Letters Must Sign tataa waiailorT taacraxaiann guire. aa raaMaoca anaialaiaaal a Crak Clriiit-iila, Ibe rtiliarrvaihrv .''" To the Editor. ranla4 taaaV f llUalc III the frnjaral r-baili... it seems necessary to state so very often that no letter can be ("aaut ara4 afaaa, w aiaa4li M aaaa. ar aa Iaaaa4 aa Ixnaaatiaa. Mr. trwan waa nirl by V.iy.u (Hiblislied unless the, signature of the writer4s afllxed, and if more OOa aa aa abaalaa Mar f jaTifiat raal 1 than one peroa is purported k be held reipousible for the com-" The Man in the Meet Saaiail taa m a alaa laaaaa.aajaat n taVrMU aa4Hiaaa piatain Uanaon.'.leaaetjta.M. M. pba ar. I Mr munication. the signature of each must be afllxed. Without this aiaaa aaaaallB It aaraa tnaf ba aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaMaMa ?T?r. the letter cannot be published. The signatures may not be puh- SAYS- laa4 M IB. bv Uaiory aaa aataa ar laaluatrtal ar iwar aMaa aat 2 lished if it is desired that they be withheld, but the letter must be Maalt laa1 aaX iraa4la aaraa HAZELTON mt ba pwakaaaaV aiaMlWaaaa Iw4u4a Cafe properly signed as an evidence of good faith. Anonymous letter TKS years ago the people here t rfaaal tM ftampaja St. Regis go v the wasU basket There is a letter lo nana today purporting were eraiy over the elections. r VataraJ aiaMiaa kar roa4a mavloai ana aa tnwnilMa putrfcaa4 to come from a general committee, but it is not signed by the Ji'o means were considered unworthy aaa4illaaal upaa MMrrOaa a a raw! Mtaa rtwretaSa UtaMard baa ae Avanoa la Ikaaa. B.kata mt aaa-half ml mm mt Third writer. It is already reposing in the waste basket where it belongs. to elct a eandidate. To. rra. aat araa4if fcalf W fturvkaa rKpUd a pmUjm as aahot The News gives its space to correspondents to a reasonable day we are getting ready for srtaa. la aaa. Irarhrr at nba) ViiweU anil will extent to air public questions, but not for a continuous propaganda. an election and well what ei.akirTOMS' rata oaiwra act. MHMnenc bar duiica mt irt6r Tba Hest of r,'-M Tk aanca mt Ikta aat I anlanaa People who with to carry on a propaganda through the newspaper about it T UKtiaaa mi pmtnm anal mmrv- I. pare.1 by U-,rla and sn.-l Days must for the lar arllh Mb tlajaatr'a TuTtm. Thm a 365 jj pay privilege. Otaa ai'hU. vklrb Ika kali ur a'aalaaaa (n the sum f romf.Ti WHRN a girl has nothing else ar 4raaa4 pra.aanplor mf katay Ialby II. Morkill. who viailil far nil aa4ar tka Aat I it4a4 put on, she puis on airs, fratn tnr jmmr tmm lb daalfc a Urrr recently, matin arrUHBe-iiiiii DINING ROOM aurk araa. aa farmarlr. MHlH aaa to ship a carload of ore f,EW $ The Last Day of Summer WHIVf a newspaper fails to rvralla.aar ar Tkla iat Ika prtTllaf rarluato I W of Ika ma4(laal ra from tbd) New ilaielloo Oiakl am NOW OPEN good dlvidenda it is sign the Cobalt properly lo the Aliyoi i pay a Na (aa falatlra la pra-amptla a fa I'rlval-Supper , exhaust la too close to the In. Soa ar kayabia b a4air aa pra. inrliir. We J!aa4lU amHIuna racordad aftar J'ia li. (til awl Din""' a T-OOAT Ik eksais fa ef good weatber. but from , take. Taiaa ara rmllla4 far fla ar. ... e-1 saoas, Tkt wst fall Hay to day It Is oa Ik niaa.Ifaalaiaa 4ua aa4 tvr baa raatara paid af alnca bwmii Augaal (Umatabte i:iiua has returnaal Parties. v st'l days tiid 'kt wlattr asoatks ailad af avar opsa ear WOK and the Kirls ride wllh i, UK. aa aecnual af par mania. It from a trip into the ( in Inarm ara not far aff. larfiaa awuar "Should I put aa I you r laiaraal laiaa m aa aoiaiara'ar'ant ta-aapOa.a,H, iMirarutaa and Inarineea dlatrtat. Ha bfaHtghl The llernleivus f tb itumuier will asaVt a break aay aids eurtaias?" i Walk and you walk alone. lava ar rltjr 14 baM bf mambara f back imi InleraMiing tajlaa 111 a 4 Torraa. ar 4tfM)a.a, aaalra4 Particular IMner. f)uy a Ford Coups ar ! Fur the flappera lhe daya dirart ar n4lrart. ramlta4 trot an from Manaon Creak. Fda, If Ik watkr h Ara so act In tlitJr ways liaimaai la Mart a II. lit. a FORD SEDAN fia. lower taa wiadows; That you niuit have a boat of SUB PUSlCHASf LANDS a OS cnowN The New llaillon luanr lean) TRY US Kur"' pel if alnraay, elo Ikssa aad your own. rravlataa (4 far laauaaca mt auilably aaiigw lhrr i(al of 4W. rblrd I" Ctmmm rraaia la aub-purabaaar a mt Phone you kava absolute pratae-tiea t'raaa Ia4a. aiulrn rlbl (nam two wvks ago by brnttug Itairl-ton 1MB aad eoasfort TilK Ketchikan Ala.ka Chronicle purrbtaar aba fa Had la camipirla lal wk in all fivr event h ptirrbaaa, Ianlr1nf far fall ara. a ral-allaiaal .1 Ta pries of tkt Otis It all bet up bf cauj some af rraalnan of purehaaa, la. 'lbe followiiiif wera ilia tayarf: Is iatt.03 aad Iks Hsdaa naval of!kr has b-en there laraal 4 aH a4 tUInt laiaa waula W'hara mt aub-purakaa-ar art final pal MU-I .l- ul.l'.- Mt. Ii. Ilkh-mood i II1JI.10, f.o.b. Prlaea Ru-psrt, and written to lha Portland aai. purraaa pric aua aa lata ' n.l K. A tlmblard beat THEOCOLLART.LTD;, mm aiairibaiaa partlaaalalr n, C (hoik sbodsls Journal to say navigators find abala araa Appliaali iana aiaal b m4 Mr- J I' .iil. way and A. A. . .. fully equipped with starter L'.a-t.neicuiaan n oy iun smell. I mr aaar a. Ia. '.iiiiU"i mi. ii s slum lea llrv. J. . afaat a I aad elactrle llgbtlag.) Urailaf Act,ONAZINO III, for ralaaaalla II Hiwlll beat J K. Kroat; Ii A Till'..... .....I .......r..ii - ...m,uiu i.i au..w i. 4aalonmaH,,4 grMtfcr ar II aaaloek anum ladualtf and pro. i,,..l.Unl In at A. A. I: . a.. TW . i.. brr1,..ra I ROOD & FRIZZELL-Ford Dealers iat al) mall .I'llieril lOWIIS s4nIBoibH uadar l oiaii.ii.r UUll-a alllgll'S, Mla V. Itlflllll.illd aa.u.M It aai CS...aatklAIll-rV-rsTSl I ara lechy Whui they want is , MtJS.l.JrSRLVhr W mZl ti.-.i t v.-. M Wan i. . nun a BOinrona say ihry auiplt the , V!??4 m.'..- ."Th. um-r di'Ui.l It- v J It. II WiM ! t ai ' Phone Green 268 Prince Rupert 1 0. Dox 1G89 9 ' !, ut partially lima, par Mill Y fda- w at A A I iuiioii I tut a Ucia, eanpart or Iratallara. up (the city taa k4. it I J K t s' I