PAGE FOUR TUB DAILY NKWB 1 ,i .1 FOR MOTHERS! Local and Personal Watch your ehlwreo's Mine. too n a yon lit llc.btett trtt THREE DAYS lb Tblt f a lore rsth SBtlwptte pUce er tore,from balm applr Infection,l protect ere-test Launch "Oh Baby." Blue S48. Universal Trading Co i: from tjft4lt and t 81. nfla Tail. Phne tie. tf ONLY OOB follow e rn.n..TI.I..I Avenue and Sixth Street we QURING the Fnll Fair rn Csrtful nuk en motbtr bane for atT tbatr blr II. C. UrrferUkem. Phone II. tf drttt tsjarltt It end P1"!? we rill offer phono-grnphs ... I. tie pr.ttntt tor po-IM-Ity Haynrrn; DndorUk.-r. Phone et fttttrUf. Dttt for cut, 351. if on very ensy burst, traldt. bruit, rlofworn. terms the Ivnlent of nip tor, see: an. UvtklBf Low-Profit eqi rt .l dsaltri 10c be, Kr ftrttiioal shoe roaolrtM a moderate monthly - imnisn. Meflri.l. rttrwt tf Pfc rental. Tender ore l Ih- mlled for No longer any io:.d th.' iiainlinf of lli. rit Mall. The .l r will ns the "Mw aa al Quick-Turnover Pofov reason why you should lrern. not have one of these . splendid instruments. QUEEN CHARLOTTE Mie .May AVfcjdv of Port Cirmonlo. and tfks Krfic H Mir. Demonstrations daily ISLAND EXHIBITS if Masoott, ore reen-i. rrd al the at Exhibition Hall. COULD NOT COME Hotel Prince Raport. Mr. . J. Evan, .i.ier of Mr. fpLAlSi LADIES SUITS Failure of Boats Service Pre-vented Hen Self. arrUd m Ihe nly Large Number Ei from Htickley Ray on the Pritif cellent Display Rtach-Ing Jolw laet nbjni. Here for Fair. All Sizes, Colon ard Materials dealing :hief Cnunrillor Alfr.-.l Adam. Trier, There were a larire number of f ino Indion rouiwil al MauMril. Extra Special, e ready on the Queen arrived In I be eity on ihe Prince Special liarlottc for the Prince Fin pert Jobn loot nvfnl. Fthibillon Ial wank but owta . the failure of tranportali Moeoiol MKortialriK .'ffor for $25.00 ii wa imptiMe lo end I bent Fair Week. l.aoV Rvenina $9.50 TWO STORES They included noire Panano. with buckle. M.7&. !cr and airrirultnral iri.pUy awl onr wHninw. Family Shoe both Maett asxt StWejrole wore loro. tf In r.-nlrlbwle. lleide. wnswin AT YOUR SERVICE. ami a pirl were l enene ovor The Union steamer Caannaun arrived carry Ibi morninc frum Kite demon I rat ion of basket Phones 82 and 200. corner Third Ave. and Sixth St. wtirk TbU frotn I aVrplane the teeond pmee time rot thai nerves.Any ox at and Ihe to ftkeena today lodin River ran al-non UN VE RSAL TRADING CO. "k tir rale baa been disappointed Phone 134 Third Ave., opposite 2nd St. in rettta xhMlt tn Ike Prince t We rater partteulaHy to fam-iy Our Dslivery Service Is Free ftuncri Tber Pair.were a few eihibtt a Imde at ihr U.-l Pal. Hrtnv S. K. Shane, Manager lit waft from the Ooeen OiarioMes the children aMit and cn We will fill ydur orders exactly as you wish. Why but rd nearly at many there ywr alar fhad meal in rontforf. Vu will Phone 376 Corner Third Avenue and Sixth Stres nriee roaonaelc not make your telephone work for you? mid hate hen bod the boa! oor rim.t.' it, trip last week. Not lee-able If in Ihe Indian display, how v.'i. wa the work in black I-tornt Keeper Artnimn. of alaie ami kM and liver by I anoara lifki. Uyr.-n :hartetle Ormes Limited I Min Price, of Skideral, and Niende r-tnrn'd u i lie island IN THE LETTER BOX. Ren hen YallatiUe. ,.f M asset . on Ihe lnt trip of ihe Priori (.tin after having Imo aoulb The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Stores FARMERS7 PICNICS- for ludidnya. WAR VETERANS POSITION. AT GRAHAM ISLAND l. W V v An Mcrni'fM't Ih- Mllor ImiIv lew GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILfil ntootin will be held in the room In view of Ike ptitiltHr-d mi-er S. S. PrtlNCE RUPCRT M r o.oSf nl M ii at. In dtocu the r.mcernlnB Ike ani(...- of l lie Wednesday UtOO p m. for Aayot. Ths ;sr irJ:!f Affairs Held Recently at Msttt proposed Mrreonsowt khvoen Ik Ureal War VHcroo .H-iailin Ocean Falls. Vancouver. Victor tr.4 IIM NOTICE TO FISHERMEN and Tlelt Quet From . t t. PRINCE OCORCC and the Prtneo Runert Pulp f itnadn, Prtnoe Hu--ri Hraiiek' Saturday 1:00 p.m. for Stert; Suntfay mKr.laM ! Many Parts. . nd Paper Omtpooy. l-td A full rtaard ko nrtifMUHI Pulp and Bay, Ocean Fall. Vancouver. Vlctecl UtSU Good Supply of at tendance la rnqhealed. lap-r Hill installation and al-er t. t. PRINCE JOHN M.KfKTT. Penl. ;. Toe i For Port rjemenu. Ma..hi nl wMh of anTeemenl Ike Cily Maeil Fanner Institute held Tbosna and all on nouHi-m - Iteaey. fttdoan Aoeol 14lh, puni ICE,"ig BAIT a pienle and dance recently. Maeil eeorhea Ihe eity on led Ortnee IbrmMyk Rupert your may column I be permit. September Sad i UUt About nitty iiertMNw were in at Ihe Prinee John tool niehl brm. Train Service. ft ttinte for Ike lnformalt.n of, Psaeaee MONDAY. WhOfcCSOkY UTUK9U tendance ami I iter e were vtaliur bag with bun child notiy ren Ike ih- official Fo-einith. r. J'ritv.- ralenojrer. re i ro. from other iarlt of the Quota wk are l I., the CnquoJeelia lution of I hi Hranrk. vie I nen inMk nt dir.- e.inn. u ! f Charlotte Maod. InotMute nl t u I lal al Sordta. Mr. leoy . Canada n .i Thai deleaalloo be eiii i.. AT BUTEDALE About ten day gn there wa will be here fr a week. a Cltr Ticket OCce 6 Third Avenue Ike I'.lly O-uncil and lhal r..n-' a reunion nteab? f ail farmer f Ike Mend al Tlrll. There A report of a nsoolin held crete aetii-n be taken aloua wilh id nor lode lhal a raue he were peoeH prevent from all recenlly at Uueanel aive W. J ver (iraham Island aa far away Bowser a okjelio to Ike erec-lon inaerted in the noreenteiti with a Maaseti and Port Cleenenla. of a ci.urt house at Prince ike Prince rUipert Pulp and Po S5BV CANADIAN PAOHC RAiHl DENTISTRY of QUALITY ller Omtpany. thai n-i le ihan ' Many of them, including Indie. Rupert. He alo iikdoeled a Lib ill lion -visitors will do well l lae me examine tUeir walked irver the Mexican Tni nuanher of ihcr detail of ike eiokly motored per" oont while labor !- Wtf&A R C. Cnxtt Servicei ' trail Ui attend. wrfc I hrn.a carried on ky Ike trelh while in lnwn. TbonklrwT Ut you alnahlc( Provincial Special arrangement will be made with thoso who have Uotrrnmenl. in odvonce. fromPrinceRup ' . only a few day in town. MUSICAL SOCIETY Yours rrspectfullv. luojiiriiiM al the council meet. 1 DOHT NEGLECT YOUR TEETH in lai iiivM k i. M. KKU.V. Pre. Juneau " M-f FIRST REHEARSAL any prrr For Ketchikan, Wrengell. had been made in Ihe onenin- J. M. CAMPHFl.t.. .fy l ti Octeber 10, DR. BAYNE SepUmber 6, 12, 1, 2i of Seven Hi Hirer t to the new Many .New Members&AII Are Cap. waiiun. M l. k-rr waa (old ky RUPERT INDEPENDENT Vancouver. Victoria nd 8U-SepUmber Room 4, 5, 6, Helgeraon Block Phone 109 tlvated "Trial Toe by the Optra Actio Maor lvtihavn Inal Ike October 1, 1. 17. 2i by Jury. ter had been plaeod before POLITICAL ASSOCIATION 10, TliTr wa a kumI al tendance Ike railw. y authorities. Agency for all Btrohl Uiw. t lh" fiml rehroreal of the Hc Al a iio'i'liiia "f i lie I'r l nee inforiiialiou ' of ih.' vUHinn knll playera lull Prince Hubert M tin tea I goeiofy lael Ruperl liKteiM-lub-lil I'olllieal - Otn.ral AJ week -laled inal not since W. C. ORCHARD, Ini rveniitfr In I no PreabylortaB socialion held loal ntybl it wa leovin rMiHmry u4 h seen a . .. . .nrf aed Aenue. PH Prevent Forest Fires Hall. Many new nieinbora wore role w!n.l. equalled Ihe fast decided to appose the bylaw vurntr vi w-wo - ai enrolifd anil all atari Ike eoaoun service im.-n al Ihe fto Kol ronlma water priilees i ihe with nihuiooi neimr 4n Uwrinn Fvlnidiion week. Ha always , Prince Rupert Pulp A Paper '.. ' 'L ' 1 .xlTft' aplivaied by Ihe fleet usem lne Ih- ...rue Mr. Vloilnr. IfW-over for their proposed pulp null Mil iilemfd. liilhort ii Settlreon' we i.reeiale Ihr eotnpli-tMoal. beeauae there wa nl inrluded UNION STEAMS!!!" CO. OF "Trial by Jury." wHteli will ie in il any anti-Oriental clause. fur ttf- wsta rn tso ' ' tr. Green Forests are an Investment which gives big ireenlei net.I IHOflth. . tloe "f I i ts t'U cr M siu im. tun BJful. . I r - returns. I'" iiioi iHlere4HtK fenlnre F.oW.1 HvV'.f HnaoM.. ho-lwill FPFfT H01KP sua MCB a. !..( m .ii.I. i will he the leauty eliorua n( hoen aH..;.i,-d l.y I be l.leuieaal I " " el esse Aims The shareholders Include, directly or Indirectly, lrile.HiakU." K. V. Umr to Ihe Ooveifi'ir in couihII Ui he recta- ON AMBROSE AVENUE oiiiliu-litr. irar of inrth. deaika and mar- f every citizen In the Province. riooe. a nil eesiiirnr voder the Jame Walt Ii as made appliea F- New BIRTH. Marrm. 4;( (r he Habine lion tor a innluiiiK permit in Dividends are shared directly by every Individual A ilaiiiditer wa lrn In Mr. Aaem y (, ladiaiu) only, in the erect a one and a half inre Steve ' who resides In British Columbia. Mid Mr. M. M. MaUrhton, of l H K. lorlna. rei,,ied frame dwelling- bouse on Am King Cloliei lten'-r ApaHliienla im HejiteMV Indian w - t. broor Avenue al a oust of ;',- ART l..-r tw. Hi Parkview Malernily Each tree Is worthy of preservation, and means Third Avenun Mmiim. I-Ulinnnfiiii HI reel hulit are lo he iml in . employment to someone, sooner or later. ikrioiKli Mi i:iiimnt Park ud Heuiinionlbly payments are In Lint Arrived ANNOUNCEMENTS lUovouili enue bv the ellv Ue mad lay Ihe eity lo Caidstlu Ho timber substitute has been found, but timber This w.i- .I--.- lal in hi by 11. W.. Haliin(iun for Ihe delivery Fall All Wool UNDERWEJ, lbj rllv eii mi recommendn- of Kmilh I aland roek on I ho rily provides substitutes for many articles. Adair Carea tiaMer U).I.K. lion .if II , of Work. A Mt-rcury v o street piotiiksd Mini a niiiumuni Ccotco wolsoy eeciiiut Annilflt Italtf Oei0lor 1 1 Netliiion f,.f ii had beeu of 7!t eui'ie feel per day to delivered. The Lumber trad Is called the barometci f e fewelved fi i t: X. t.Mit .mil Ii Hoxpilal Anuuil "laneo. U-l olber.. , ,,. British Columbian prosperity. Ih, w ll lie r :i. Duboin liMnurrnwa Phono GO Keep the mark set high; destruction of the Forests illicit I he I "n IrUUk ParlTlcUe.tM.rfi.tst IVbv feaet HUNTER., and hulhtaua "Trial .ll'MIIM taiicq f .Inlin arrived hint la them. Today lerytkinf. Ad- spells loss for everybody. hr Jui-y ,y the l'rmoe Hupert reiiliiK ii' in M-etl Inlet with vrrllao I K'iri..fy. Nnvi iiiber 23. 0 Ihpw i" Milii'i of pnsseiiuer -now GENERAL BLACKSMITHINO AND ami ' 1 1 "I' i .'llili lYi-llf III. MIII'MIK AitvsMtse In Ihe Halts New BUILDER whicli v. i - mi i , ,,f .hIiii iii Husi POZEMA !if from id nti.; : I label if lull.- NOTICI TO CONTM0T0M, Ao.nt for DayEld.r an- PREVENT FOREST FIRES. uerv .il M .-p.i ti Inlet of lal I. lll h. l . 'I ,! I.. . Toinit i'un Ih' m lone-- 'l '"' 1 I f? '17 st skis lim. 4t- 1. ruin-' ft i .'i r uww. u r. !. tt . tbd er4 in I' i Ml. 1 1 1 M II). it t .j .i. .t ii, i i.i.ii r. ana - Avnua in. il I ii. - Ilil.l Plrst " RuDtrt B. , t4 f i i.' tt f e u f I II.WW -' -