K1 r - rn-v i.e..e. Expre For Prompt ,j Night Service Wail TAXI 99 Transfer Service Phone PRINCE RUPERT llmoo" 7 'ae-fler ione oou Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper TonrinJ Car I'MIMIK III PKIIT. H. C. TUrWHAV HKITKMIIKII -'o, 1021. rnuj' ciruu ioi toit ! PRICfc FrVB CENTS --J nf erence Expected To Be Held 'J VALERA SAYS IRISH ARE WILLING TO ATTEND CONFERENCE m: FIRST PICTURES TAKEN IN MOSCOW SINCE LENINE'S ASCENDANCY. fro RIAL i FRAUDS PROVED Dail Ereann Aiirdous for i I CONSIDER WHEN IN EXCHANGE Conference with British ITINO TOMORROW But Quibble Over Terms I I, aU( Nearly S4.000 Ha to B Return' who. ad to the OoMPnminl, Com- . . m- miction Order. LO.MKJN. Srpt. 20. ()e Valera Iclcgraphed iJojd f!rg? H " i 'g: i ii entrrdaf akirtg Ulirther the letter of Hrptrmlier 7 was intepdcd .j; In VAXCOLVKH. Kept to.- Twett a demand fur swrreuder on the jwrt of Sinn Fein or an inriUlion .c. ' Mir men ainarHl befwre th i a ronfrrerfrr to he free on IhHIi sides and wllhoul prejudice H'Vj? ConiiiiiaMt Imc I tea lints .rlh with hould an agrormeiil not he reached, lie nays if Ihe InUer U niraul .. i .- tii connection tin l III ! i ion of atrrlinir etrtoann' un Frin ruafirm tin acreiitauee oT (he invitalion lo the rou i i- i annrlian eurroaey. Four ! i drlegalcn are ready to meet Ihe British rcprei. .nj. I ' in . wrr t.'nan who were e n la liven. ' .I ml' Hi.-, il ii return iholr profit The daaire of lie Valera and his roletigiies for a eonfereurf i Mi. I r.nirl i'iti i tb Oirv Lull I nlrong. Th iMiil do-a mrt hHirve the Hole forwarded lo IJord .. ii amount inn lit nearly III II I iHrge are to the roHnlriiction that claimed renifriillSiNi I i."' Mh-r writ. it hi- 13 lmw ojeii they rn ft plant ' tint the euavefotMi was a legl i i novereign state and it is generally believed the ronfereiir SuH i.mi-- tranaaoUnn or duo U an will he held. I MMiit .vbajHV mistake. ' faiftWd KIM w. onlfd t-t.ay Hop lary 1 Mtt and M. W. I'aM lo36 ii' ... ' - ;" ! HALIBUT AT (FURS SELUNG I'Ih r..mnilalin tll l . Ii)dr- . , . m . J I a-ai i --- -.ii-ii. ii.i i- i ii- i I, Victoria HIGHER BID HIGHERPR1CES -35 LLOYD GEORGE WILL 'HI. DISCUSS WITH MAYORS Tan Cants Paid foe Ono Car-! Tan to Twanty Par Cant Ad- load Lot at FUN , Eichanga vances Over Spring Sales at imriit,, rin ItlirUfDI AVUrUT freak) I lie UitdJii Lyimuii TMa. Momlno . No .York.;. ' i.MHI'XM. Kept l"re I The priee nf haliool on Ihe XKYV YORK. Kept, .0. With liable Water. Inner l.lnvii iirnrr baa enneeut liM-al market la KradaaHy rtnlnjr an eslimated sales fatal of about - mo ro-1,4 tHo latmrile mayor and ihi morning one ear tea d ax.vi.nno end wilh prartleally all ii unit ., . irlll;. ..iiit"ti horiKJKll lo lot sold at Inr for firal rlaaa of Ibe skin sold showinR aj-nee gel II' 4tarua itli Ibm tat unmt,"f fiah. There were only (ws car- ovrr ibe price paid at tbejre hi prnMem. fh moling loaiN in wilh a few odd born! be the April rale here tho sixth mini ' Il tm Hold at tU fariil (xa- side. .ttnnat fur aualion opened au. -1 .in Fidbnainsr were today' arrivals pioioualy- yelerIay in the Ma. it(hit and aalea: smile hall. Hher and Muakrat' -t.-)fra .. a a timnt. Sti.eoo pound; Km- vbnl for first bwnor. There i' i i ai'il blem. S.OOh pod, and lla. 1509 wa active bnldinz for stone . lb ss.ooo.ooo fruit Munda. old to the Sinclair Marten wMh the Cerman skin who l CROP THIS YIR mberiea at Vc and le. r tb- collection brincin? tho uli. a IN THE OKANAOAN Thor. 5006 pnonil: Cnpr ht prices and the Halkan ones tii a Sjienrer. C0O0 pound; Pair of lle lowest. Oiler did well Ken- VAM'JH'YhH. rpt. . Jarka. pound, and Alii "rally, with many nf the fair to I repfi I he fruit rni(i la lt IMMI ptiuiMl, dd to Ibe Ilooth medium irrade idtins bought fur i ln riMn harwitl tkf ytsir in lit Fisheries Canadian Co. al tor A ITI i. w(Nlll. j .it'.-ra ii IMtMHU Vallay U valued and lo. More than 37.00(J moleskin, nri'a a al MHnrtaing likr H,(HW,-MMI Sunil. ieO Mtitil; A tie man. niKiih to make a continuous 1 , in' ln- a try UatMH-UM V. IJM .000 i-Miail: .Majrflewer. 5000 ulrta? nearly 17 miles Inn were .iMir-i- f lk pnHrnteial dttarl iMuml; llMth, ISdO pud and notd at prices which showed no J . id. mi hi of grtrulltira. Aluba, S60 pound'a. enld to lb-Canadian hanjre from Ihe Ajril levels, i ' i il ii i v. r r- t-i l'ih and Cold Slorare Tbe other fur sold today show. ' - m.oV TkM photofripha ara tb firat to L Ukn (raaty la ScTtt Rut. i U r. . ; t:. a c ant."T They wara Ihi., at K.5r and tr. il Ibeso penila?e increases. Mat by CapL rn u Mc' vaach vhoaa nrtli o . afi .tra Id !( t r buli-i.i i ' hata teste i wtda I "lher So, tne marten. 15. H'H'lH praad atUatioa Ttt '. ia e rater In tb roteuaa of tha Third Inl' .it.mw'. t ilifcaw It waa held' M.i. ti n Mir all lb advantage and la IloUbol Thaatr. ao.t Lnioa tn.iJ a irwch. no tha opaoiaf Ui t' ara is a craod parade la tba STILL WAS FOUND baum marten, 15; :Wthern otter. i i'ii.- nl the disadvantage eau he fantoaa llad aquara of Mwcnw. kra tha clralt I robber. ttaka Itaaia. w executed under Catherine ?0, MHtthern otlor, 10; lyui, 15, y Temporary. had rlwlir. Hueli an ar-' tha QraaL -ad bra 1-rauM araclad tare yara aio a atoaaajcat to taat raMx h chief. The top pMure ON MASSE IT INLET luM-ricaa ermine, 20, llussian who la aUUtary dreas, and. Jhowa daUcataa raaarlac talaa Troluky. la aiaoai tha ipatUtar. U il Hi ,1 iiifrrnienl uimiIiI not wertde lUdtk. alau In military uraaa. la baaida hlia. Tba backraaod la tha anrtaat Kraaal lln Waa Tha lower ph rinine. lo. brown muikraf, 30; 'I l.i il... ... IL ikM.mil wiuilllll tocraph thowa aona Ik tabantk boiuawlnaa abappla ; la tit 8ukhrtka ma rkel, where trade ia permiued MOUNTED POLICE nulbern muskrnt, 50 and blask' I'll', ii MI xv.miUI daprue Ihe eily or aa caaiUIUtlc Itoaa. muakrat. tfl. a , . ... It 11. I.Mrt 1 will till I I. Tomorrow's celling btf A. Jchnson ts Charged With Op h i had Ihi ii .i ii iiiwr Im aei larvely Riven nver to fuses, lh i'iir'. Acland It Inspector in !-inir-luruir iiMluatrie and NAMES WITHOUT wlllmul '.it tiny bamk Xt tin' NIGHT SHIFT erating Thero. I her iifferiinta ineludina ab ""l -I l .i.m.IniiI iiaynMH reuiuiiK t'Mhrr liui it a ri'iilrfrr-i en I to.own skunK pett aim twu sea I I III I M B I I , , in iitim im the foundations I ir I) VMlh'iul Hi" juriadielMHi ( Iliapeelor A. K. Acland. of the niter. The last named fur 1. ANY AUTHORITY CUT OFF AT i ir ..i nd t iMMklMNie of all oni-miiiiiiie. Ihe 1 1 Mine In 1 1 nve lln aajM p Itnyal Canadian Muiinted Pitliee tbe raret in tbe world. n Ibe uniaif''-in. Moaty of lie ' I'liuiri Thia i iwrtieitlarlv i at preeont at Maeit Inlet in i.,r (i, I..... ..f - Ima Imln.lrv that will Sona of England Commttlee and Sunn mil iH'W'aed uf Kunl''ii"l.in i ho o.e bylaw.afll, werr BUCKLEYBAY -imneetion with Ibr trvuu of A YOTING ON BYLAWS iili-r I in i,',,e and devekip (ho natural atiU Maett Q.W.V.A. Johnon wboe on Dalaqata Went Too A- f r Hn iiiiine nf Uu Uroal iry I ri xHireen oi a romniimiiy. Far. Inlet wail dieenverrd by Ibr TAKES PLACE FROM . . War Veleran Aaaootatiaaa, it i i iti .1 tii -a i.i Flnt 8teD In DovelopmanU. ,wrnl on the r uvular wttMltl tbe About rift Employee of Mas-si mounted pllee reeeslly. 9 TO 7 TOMORROW IL.I I I I. The of JnhHon i N" remamleil on plari!K uf the naauoa Thia 11 I'nilMlOie inn m jannieni. himw ieiljfa or auUinHty It Timber Co., Arrived on ,, l"hitit Pdp ""l ' IheMHia nf hluiitund hide and ;f tha j.reMilnit, Attltftgli a a obarue of Uomuk firearm in v..m 1,0 Prince John. t uoeion. An Indian woman Tomorrow the voting on the ' w'lh lhe w" the lii-fat War Yeterana' Akw-olatlnn leanlulloH m (Mlad -Tiyi tb ii i.r toward itie luiinlfealo named Annie Wilson with YVestview School, Water Ktteu. n.'w ,,,e iwllwl IHw a very ihi iwi-utly .H'Utiiin k"ui on mm4 mm i luir 1 "dilry thai would ho yf inaued ipHHK Ik water aun---ne-Ml aganut (iNeiiiiil Uanr. It n The n in hi liifl at Ike Maiwolt whom be w aHasetl to have iun and I'nnce llupert lulp and ""inaaatirnhle heneflt lo Prineu helwe-n Ihe elty and I tie iemrall cmi-uaaroal Dial the i imlier niiaay a mill, at Huek. been living. wa fined 12-60 on Paper aareetncnl bylaw will u K nr., lll'H'-l nd Northern II. (J. I'rlnre Hujrt l'ulp ami iMcBHl uI U yonJ U puwan-a ley Hay. lieluiiKWia to I'. I., lluek-'.'. a similar c barter. Sha arrived ink- olace in tho oily hall from ' ,,, Khniild il ln the nieaiiH of de- Co.. haa leeii done in kniti iai' in liluami; the uaato of lb favao. Ihi. heeii i-ut .iff and there in the city lal iuhIH iu the 0 o'clock in tho morning until ' uiriM il la-1 niifbl III tho city on lrlttee John. in the evenln. Only ve,,,l,'"g one of Ihe large waler- wljlmul tile entire ainal nf eiloH Ml Ibe paper it even prop . .."tiL lower it will open the way for eilher oraniialioii. A i'iniiiit-le tiou. Hi,' irnn v Juliii al'Ut So null. Hy owner are qualified to rat I, ....I n.unr L ........ijtii'iit 1.1- 11,a .l;il.lill. Of (liroo n Hi. "iiili d by men. auliie uf t hem with their DRINKERS WILL ALSO their votes. Ctty Clerk Wood f 'MiilllV III niany other indutrie Ihe oha of MBglaHd ami a dele-Kale f,iini'i.'. Willi an- tbua Hll UUt uf will be returning offteer anjl wl a 1 imii.' ,,,,U i.iiiiii....... .........inci. Tl.i. .v..ill.I ........in,illl wa appointed hy I tie Hrejl ORIENTAL EXODUS : work. 0H-ratbnia witi oontltiue HAVE TO SWEAR IN have a hi deputies. James N: 1 Chi luii uppreriahle increantf in iopii-l..iuiii NVnr Velerana to en-npi-i ate wllti FROM THE PROVINCE wild i lie minle day ablfl. ORDER TO GET LIQUOR Kelly, ti II. Ilatwetl. Edgar linker nee. iiiwauiBA In ivnVroll with Ihe Trutlwe and l.ahi ;.unil ititnd i'"'Hf" hai baOH uvada and e. Halrher. "i why i..i giT snipe for hiiiuea and an in italnic iiilo the liyUw hut it wilh cull my mre Ihe milt re " ' it mi '.ii.iiil ruiMiiun in Lwko eare of waa iKit Intended n iuie lln-nauie Every Vessel Takes Out Larg i peiied a -li ui nine aim attd Ihe VICTilHIA. Ki.i SO. Pi uvia-ion In - thi) llii di'veliipmenlM neceaaary lo of the UkiM-iatH'!' if" Number Who Ara Returning yarda a. imw im ity full uf lumber. haa bieil mail' for pasainB SALE OF LOTS l lliinr' auth a oirauhir ami " dntna Homo. Tin re alilt larue quau- an order in enuueil for takintt of ni.iKi' unpen a eiiy. nintl Thr witter nureenieul helween an the yiajiirtly of Hn nu mber lity if l"H le el wliioti Wtalulory uVelaral mn from all for Taxes t hi ") the i it v mid Ihu eoiuixiny him of holh Molella felt Hint Iholr VICTOIIIA. e.l. HO'-'lliore i-neiuil'" Hn- bei nf the tinihor etirin8 amale purehaae per-mila lhafr has ln a d uxodua uf Orfeti-Inl Ttii- in "f tm inillnii'ii wli.. fur buying lnjunr. l'l-in ""tiiv ,i pi) wm ked out hy coiuimmi'ui ili'lenalra have (tone bay"Ud citv or r m act aueinr. on Hiiffiiti atoatfHtn ' dui ai iiti it ti. i .' l.i-t niittil are iml i-s.ii) B-fct for the permit I'H'iy niru mill t. rulllleatioil of tlli IKtwera. Tha .tMNMl T tl It ' nir. l will Not Opposed. ihk Hie lam lew Uh Tint ln nma i'iii- 111 lllf City but Will Lmtiai ili'tia ' da reaMeivee in 0etMi in lit iii lli it rnnr arreeinmil hy (he rtili'iMyi'r HHwrt ii frMai, elemkar SOlk. 1 of tbe nf Ituaalo l""k tHlt 6UU, iHiiiiiiiui- i Vancouver. llriliab lUilumbui. II 1 1 the vnrk mi naniHiiiit in me ruv inn A prominent member preaa ii (I tii.. txt aM t'i the NilM'i MllU' 4U0. ami tl l Ml.' utijerl uf Ihi' new r.-gula I .i t t .gr- f'" Ml' aa Son or hnirlaml, apealinM 'l'rtiin ri'Mili in iinlolil tieneuii ny ,n'ttil l IS of ' 'Ur'a 1 aiateil ilinf tin name unjrt -i "t i hi- M'luti-aKli' anil Ki'i' inkan nn tRiiii ui a t inn r ii. I'l-fvi'Ki ihe abuse "'(- ia aiiJ ! n)iniiar IHI. ' a Ihe estahlishineiit or u Inrge in ni' ininit V t'l-r. . iitrv th -in reuiivd Jvivroll of thn or-ieiy had B'ntr n ih. -tevara) Uirr v a acta tn i ,' ,!,' with the i.hautatiiua 'tin V I by Amei i. aa itoi a who tji w ii rv :k " "i uid turning L.tent ifi'irrr mto i ireular wuhout 'hr fui au'h ' !r.n M'i'l ls ff WUtHl tji'lxw n ji v -, hav,. tln tt) return adtn w ami pin t,.i.- ul :-Jiiur of tho li-nlae. A c unnuueo tow de hs w th ylli-w turn ha - ihei; np4r under it u- ! ihik iiri idu in a? nrodUL'l ry - I