PAGE KinilT THE DAILY NEWS Popular nnd Reliable LIBERALS WORRYING MURDERER ATE Public OVER VOTERS' LISTS G. H. ARNOLD, Notary t HIS OWN DOGS Westholme I IUK INSl'IUNCK lit carefully written by ue in reliable rom-punies. Dominion lo Make Ohangee In :: The;ifif Proflnclal List Without We are permanently engmrrd in the business and our rreords are amiratrty kept, to that when ymr poJIry eiptw Ouan-Wak, the Eskimo, Cheated Court of Revision sy. They 1 onight, TucsrJAy you will I notified in sufficient time to ke ymm property Pursuers by Dying In protected. We solicit your busine. Bllztard. M IONIA. Kept W. iJWral. Mack HeiinHt . Hiijir.-,,.. , tff be art to bow fHrttt when H. G. HELGER50N, LTD. Wl.tNIPF.u. rf.i If T uiied to mveltaUi pro. lerili Hi drill Muuard after Rentals p.ale ssaeV by Ottawa Insur&nce enrape from tar le anl a mad I humid us Ho- vtra Hat U the Ilia lit lor life over ArelH- iKtminimi fieri mn. was tbe fate of Uumi-Wak. Baki-ho : I lie I Ntllilti I lit aept tbe murdjew i tw c-.tjiiaaiaai. lOc CIGAR ,Pr.'llM-inl M'tem' llal. IHll tbl arcordin to i n fori i ii i it rasaHod llt b t be brousTtit us to dale brr. Uniom yd ia Kaaraarer ioiiiiiiHii offtriaU. Ih will Coal Weston's Egg Coal In bM baffle for iif.- the hi. Xiao IfOt in erh dttrirt for Ml Egg aritlvr slayer re.orte.i i.. in. Ibf addiiui uiireitrrel Heme for food wtteii supplies pate out.' the I'M anS dropplNg a any a Guaranteed Coal and aaaayad his la! daub fi.r,f"'f; without roftreiiss naiuea to a fa.! whpers showed I lii- rowrder freed! on foot mi,, the Speciality Speciality -emrt "f relon Alberta Standard of aa A MUsard. where Ite wrrr atvln t- . ... . Th, Hm. J. 1. MsIah, Hrv 630 - - PHONE - - 630 I ....1... MmI fctt. S4 Muhal I wrw as r"wri m, . -. " e- 4.i - k..u.U.-i ... iP' tap h Ufr in the atuna.'"". Harr TZZl i IJZL ,LZ jiiaranlrc I r.oaj nirau. if mm is not as "! a say. we. . Hioa-Wa eruard of Mkm war, aft r hi. rsr ,r n nmbed with far tattvt 4tUnn will runrivt- it and ni t charge" for hat vu have imed. !inrr of two eoaai.mion . V Pr lMTHd dvin tbe na ilbe provHwuil Mot Mwl n4ni EoOi $13.50 Delivered Lump, $14.53 U.re4 wr tbe MaL led Pwti t Bakar Lake .l..t .. Absolutely No Clinkers and No Soot. wMl w-au-r a br.e jail ad fled - th o.-t and 'h' '., " tl Jllslll Th fura ' otir SV tttbwr.. t.-ed hi. hmm o bl. Ion. fl.sbt tfar," ?T?.J1J aM lie. laa Swo-K-Ti-Yo.AV ,st Mural at ia a Wit-,r'" V yond that Miaw Urn a free band Dr. Sutherland II Br for l irUn br out fitted aard IliaBeajll wMa ffitie and a ckK Trtck,rf.r m u. io aw ui or ienfi mnai ih I '.nil tnlM froaa tbr mL wm.' Po4ie traeaa Mm eMoHjr .. , ,k ', D.D.S., L.D.S., D.D.C. 'e .f wbieh were f.tuad ia kin srwsa lata pejhli T 5 MH Uhms4 Patrtei O'Hata. or bant kaiMHi for nwt on (be trail. ! HSla uf ataw l ak f DENTISTRY in all its branches if NUwa Tbe Mounted Pire .larled in drnlified artl. list over to a f aafMiM IUI .'III. .nd bold fuyilKe and ele ffuai Ub l rfi-ld ln- tee. ien a fror tssas) tei dd o Exchange Block, Suite 14 and 15 pursuer. were retarded in tbe W. strike nff ua st win. H ienfb rha.e by oliuaM. a lid I be In tH last ia!"' hi uruers For Appointment Phone Black 516 BMunied owl Mast asaaW aarb fiKin OmuM-Wmk kHl killed It I. rZ . . . ... "lell mt HaiMBBeHts u u'Nfs ur ouej ano useo in ;he i.merasjsasH SusjM b strtar s.eiirb aar firrw.l Iraraa off and earr takaa to sea Uis' Cash & b-sdlBK frviri Hie 11' o sbowod Carry 'ii'frU"-. w-re raajtstamd dur Ute fufrMKe aaad.- hi lai at- Ik- at. rLm V. tempt te reajrh Hi rjiMsao et- . .. . . . Anothsr Dig Opportunity to tlemeiil. 75 milt'- ilari ua f4.t. E" Lumber Cave Money. Wttboot fMd. o'-.l wrariad by toita Liberal Aaoncaitam. ri Direct Bought plained thai lb I to nm ton rtiafal to wa. on able ernaietit I. tahbsf tt Prielr .IiiM I.. wilht'ad tbe riv.-r uf tar Alto Chaster Outina ana Cj p.;iej j;i r.. !..J I a ' i Hat. ear- H k NH8rM 4 fa i ri and in tbe plttiard wbteh -i;iii-iT ..f Mial. inndt- kakrhrwa. as taw bU tmr tb " .-('.... iimu li. '.b-d. From the Mill saves you the middleman's commission. I' edrral Hat T provtacMi II baa rvoMitt asMS rsirliad. Ui The Sherrahs We solicit your patron&ge with a "quality sW .fc.J mmi lNUIANS IK JJN , ,Kel mrr-m, guarantee" TEA OFF GRAHAM 1SL4ND m iuU!m IZ- Colored Comedians, Sinter . Mus. iani,Diw DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPLAP LATH ;l bark ua IB Not. TMa Adrr isai'ir- . U a ret N.Lr.Js a. ot u. XKp'pttes to a lerar asjwaliar wnsa SIDING FLOORING CEILING FINISH 'en I ndVr tbr . C MsrrUn I oir II-- '.i-'al We-! I . Own Qa6 nWe- Coats CiUhsa Art. :ierHls wfa faal t vM Lumber has now readied rock-bottom in price. 1 'i. Reported Good. I'ka- r..-i.iar o base iben aalea atrasi edt tb lJuilding time is here present your requirements II. Special, lb. FWBi ii HOUSEHOLD V Hhrr r. H- H S" forty -:- at our office, Seal Cove or Phone 3'il. IndwH' are ijbrMwc lor ala and halibut uff tbr north end of TERRACE 49c desrr 5 PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. of e?ery j-t c (raliatii MMd in tb' ir own aas- ..Ime lajiot lie. Iskini r -' Tbr Twrrae Faar vfe ixday Reduced Prica, iH.neU t.. i- m-4 m l er. iieni ana) irr la aibibM tter bea Specially rairbe. ai. b iM ii. jirei bow af baaal pradwe oer TIP TOP TEA as tar aJtry for the ba ant'e of this i - AUCTION SALES CoLductec s 2 ? lb. ban s3o ADVERTISINGS OFTER i I .mis Hism af Mi Hnd. ba W. G. BAKRIE Jc,orc ' cticcis. it will be "pos'fg youf t . I C II W li Jim .a'-k.n(ii-. i. fonbisrd I fart of Joi L AJ your intcrcst lo consul' us- Phtnie Ked 15', ell a1 till, lll'li'e. Mural fur tt 823 Third Ave. Prirw Ui irvrt R r 25 Piece 'Qf'h ' w Arrble Imaaiby. or Yar.Ki .er. baa asrtvr! here and wit I aaaaaaaaaaaaBfiaaaaaBaaafiasaaaanRHBaaaaBBBBasniHMaaaBKvHv- Sanitary Market "mm a law off las. t I lUace fNaaf has purSNar4 ; "Walk Downstairs and Save Aluminum I be at 111 at I i from Keunv r Money" Mrus. aad la mas ma M to I ei II iYeu; rrr. Set Tbe fraNiemori lot 1 1 man er'loa af Oeul j 1.till, a low FORTHE BENEFIT mill l aMf mp. I of the CommuLity ;ni..i.,. r. of tlir I abie STEWART Hui.i' uii- eiiiiliied I" il) If you ran puiliaiM; In tills AluatiniiHi ware at I'niM lluicrt an arln le of price. Ii. .iinf efr He. KaiwiH Mum U esavinx value and rir to that Hi any im-i .r i.aaaata. Now bare fur I'rMsaa Huart wbara lie in any otlior rtty lbl tbr t mii 1'ifcsJi vi" will relieve Oabon Hit wH Iks PURCHASE IN PRINCC We Will tl.lte i saw lo e-plain lattar at HuwMtH. Dulario. it y i-r-ni i i d mti i RUPERT lliir o.-al lu our ru at tbe yw4 mailtta FoHowtir Ai'J'Vl It will le li your ultimate I .In. i . W i irivr f"U our tbis Mr. Mass wttl raiuni for a uits lene(it. Word fm ii Mint ibis u Mi. frw wwafca la btawart and UI WE SUPPLY STEEL WIRE bivae.i (iiiveri iHhafj p''ii tba aa limns lu UMKtaod. He. ROPES e-i uM.-injii.-u aavd you net W. t. ItietJiurwak, uf lb .Nortb. of a prire and quality rqual yotii m..Hya worth er Croaa, will ImjM inimtbjy r. I" it n (.id. r Iiouhc to U. t Me. bore durlMK the wintsw. Our Regular Model BUY FROM US We buy American Cur. s s s ThcSmarmtUrrh-Js MOUNTAIN PARK STEAM Kandy Uaanaeliejr has reiuruad Innmpltie U'itvi AND FURNACE COAL rency, Silver, Gold or u ntewart after a all.arias af a 'J --i. a locally and fuund Bills year duriaa wlitoli llnir ho ira-liartnd A three button sack tlir Beat. Mwdh Haiottan and A Nemo Corset coat and a style that Philpott, Evitt & Co. liana tosjfa. ... Rupert Table Supply Co. will appeal to the bud-nets Tel. C4S Next Pottofflce There was ! to Mr. and which supplies adutc man. Auctioneers Insurance PHONES Ml, Mrs. II. F. fiifftlofl. al Mallei with perfect comfort. By IcA Hay. a soa. s s s it gives bulges if In o good quality of an bumps or H.mier Ptsktiti Ima abimilolrd the ida oun which lines all wool tweed at loffviHR ou;traets ou the MarJfJ arc iiiwt Hivf liarlna ut wul aS.00(I trim, wrinklclcss suits and gowi. Consumers Coal Co. Ltd. feet of lojts fur liuroi Al Workman and I0u jilles for tli WnStfttrmirF $35.00 Rn II Sen lit BUk I'reioiar iitltn tramway. Sk AjftU co ... J. I'. HuwkiHauM arrivad liofa Jet us help you to cno 'v!nvotP lust waek ami will ojieu up tli You will find it w f.0. Klint ItdwanJ Oaf" and oofuluet fitting-worries which may ' - a buloiisr busiiHNiB uuimaa. ttatt. Ills lieef will uiilue friMH you or your dressmaker. MARTIN O'REILLY tii ItulUay see ulley Tclrpiionc U. U. Jli iui' il lias ln i'ii KtVM4 JABOUR BROS-LTD- tbr perinauellt aioiutlaaUl uf Our prices are all Lower Oath Prices cv 0od V"U are always Number 7 wliai fnitfci limit Tha House of Prices. Lower Price. Third "" Will Take Ooal Baok If not Satisfied. Many people read newspapers a; tnunli for their advertising ui .-(was as Miey do ur uews