PA0E BTX - . ? LITTLE CHAMP I sport Chat ry..--i MUST NOT BOX The iniertuwai c.ntel between Prince , Anynt and Frine. Rupert for. Ilea HHf Haled! Cleveland Ccmmtitton fcrced to and the fl.Mlh.-ru M. v.. habalt Give W But U Have No ih.unpkmahip lat werk canno' Mora of Him. 'w1 uld In have been atiafactor- tf - ity nwwHii'U although, under the ANSWER THIS PUZZLF mivKLAST d. Hie irtrmiilaiirra, n fair rnotierfa . ,J , ' , ... ! trophy h.ill go I.- the TO ffllWIe. vn i ho .mttt.t wt ounimt . nt r Ar a bex ft! Ik local rhM ' J knit .. thai th. did not win 4: A UJWu" U'ihhartrut. HMiii:in i the h.-'tt hut, If ha.l played twin rommiit n ninoninr. '"Mi-- .un.o ia the acrtea the Se Whon KMbaa mi" 'I for a "! "Her hoy might have been on wit. PrtMh H as.-eon the "v f.MHii.if with Prince tin. C.iaillin ahmii.! name m ref.jltui that , neither here or crec and aajajajea. h rr ah.-.' they fnftfW being An Heveaath hour .yicHnn to it with tliir ecttve de. the nfftet&i we. anode to KH-; by lrinr ftenrge n Frl-bnae. who rrflkd to mMr the tear. Ofran Katta may fill en-rina: I NEVER skip unlea a change a ta a claim lni year hut it Ilatlifr than .ca."int lh tvfr- jralher diffinill lo r. h-.w tky lalnm. ! r.nnniitnn i. "n iffl 1,. mm iriir.' ilcnto when ifs it In naid. hut KittMUM ariinniwhki would, naturally, b lit Vil not ftiliH.. Urn I.. i-iwaiA-r. .!! f Ihf in In play i..r Hum. I-.. - . ..l....kU ...... anon in iiiiurf if"'""nif Sl ynnr the .ninHittna. INTERNATIONAL n. will hr llffr nt rinitr nrrjicfni' itf rultt GOf CRICKET iMTCHIHrr .hi.hut f.'atiira l.l trill 1W ht pl&f4 for unW amatvur Commtncti tt Philadelphia To nilM or nrl Tn. rp i a iriMMt day 45th Annual EvanU dfl of airMn t i in Inral prt How Many Objtctt Starling Vilb "S" Csn Yog Tai Because NABOB is itng eirelo to har Hnn llu- liw pn KM Tm4 MVC W MJM. t4 mi, -u , PHII.AItKI.IMHA. pt. !prt inln wild Ihr II '. AintMir t lay, Tv.c, i.4 u. Really Delicious An All Canadian and an All. AlhlHle A)..Miaiioii nri aa.Nt. Philathia r.-itii-h rnmm.-nrt-a ami hi thai ea. Irama flwM toe. U rw4r. md d. i Im ,C.4. .t"o ,.. mT- .tla! play bdar. U will br In. foHy. oihr aita that romt ttpr Rich, fra&rant, strong and FLAVORY! fifth annual mi.-h lrtwMn 'jin-aila nM ala ha h affilitl. It is the perfect coffee packed in the an4 tho 1 iiii.Mt xttir f TTI would mttt nrrartly a COSTS KOTIILVG TO TET or m mm aax aw r. a. . - lh." fiatiar-four nrr i"u malrhcn ly to Ik SHf hWd Nil it. no perfect container by the exclusive I'nilatl Mtatea won 1'?. Canada 1 4. ttaxtM. waajM. Ah amalrwr a-and vacuum packing process. Be sure you tftfw wrr .irnn Tin- fir! Mvtailoai ita alrinironl r'Mht-malht kMi n .Uyrd in N ' I too ahaMM twnmHwl player say NABOB. York In IHKl. waa won by Caa-jlbat aetKlH la affiled l'rit 1 Ma n fmt bin iii tm tm - ada. ,JoriM h4 In ronti 1h wn- otuuvc ntiat mm PENCRAFT terlr iiaar lh- rt lhi yar Anjot Sara Certificate for iarrina In favor tbr amtiMir nn Aluminum " " H Mfc M M M Wear-Ever TILDEN AGAIN H.I I Mil thttiprx rr nanar. mrnl ha4 rinrr'vd uf a Kelly, Douglas TENNIS CHAMPI" tt. l" i m mm I car lac aat aa . a m taMcairr rw arav. The PVbjwr lieorai. buneb VYy K.t Trr W VTa X. Ltd. hr'Ni i(TMel dral f .. rta-Dafeatad u m mi mm 1 THE PRI7F5 I & Co., W. F. Johnaon In : n,anhi inyway I.ti and Straight Sata In Final Round 'credit miiaf h (riven them for ttmrn m hi! mj mi ml aa. t lb ea l mm. mmm mtt ml Prince Rupert naHaiortaa- tuali an nccMm 'mwmm mm mm m (sm mm ana r a". (IIII.AIKJUIA. !. ,iaM aa tlMr dW. vai If Ikw I Ma mm Vancouver mt mm. mm mm wmm m mmm. M M lm aaa William TMden of Ihila4clphia, ..r batbrt aM lalal In mw mmm mm mM mm, mm I M BU mm m asufn national lcni chana-i aapreaebina; thf prof c.Carnal START NOV tm tm mm a ipt-n. havtnir defeated v. F. .ftar aH. tCer waa mf rat IP- I m ttm IJolinHi in lr:nhi l in tfcr lajyarnit IUmh. dulny aa ad if a tM mm jfinal riNiinl n tl forlirin an-iuMr hapaji. M 4Hf In inaal icnnl ainglc c..inietilUi.Uirihir iwnoHl nnuHaHyif'd DEER HUNTING WIRELESS REPORT t - jplayara ht hapfMuft id b ae wfc. r -irq ?,t I HANDKAII fOIIRT iataaaj lhrth IWT en- a.m. jinvi 1.. ibew. Anyot al. dkll DONE YESTERDAY'' r-1 NOTSUCCESSj HF.AI THKK. IxilXT OUar. I .acd here. lUitn laarn aimle "iiilii-at wind Iik'iI; itarnHlrr .?: tfmp.Talurr. SO; ara inod- Structur. Na.t Clt, Hall I. Now ' "", THE MAYER COMPANY Llttla Oam Cam In AfUr Waak rlc. Ready for Ua Cnthu- ! uZ ' JTiZ iln ' " I , F.nd Hunt, According to Ht'l.l. IIAIttMlH- 4Uin. noutk. alasm Shown. vUateons for an early aeeseeeeee 1 mi t Reports. weal alroas wind; barnantr. r..HR iuc it i. hoi nuHjHAND LOGGER DIED lork ettop. er lb. toe aut ?V.42: IcmiM-rature 63: ac-a imm1 The new handball oowrt netl l'otk. ahldr. tr lb. 11 rruhcc im rnnee 11 g learn mm trav mi The onenlntr of the dec aan. rri'- f . P-- (he City Hall, built by tlx firemen el attain title pert ami but next TODAY IN HOSPITAL " ,b- 1e ... .n doe. not are.,, to Uav. Pv- f"11 Wl" B u r,Pf,4-!LV year lb err will he three llt al ..... ound al 6 p.m., uortlwlCeajneli, Itaa al . .. Ham. V"- r 'h leaet to make- I'rtnee (Seur.e. a u a la .i..n a very aucasiui iiwn mej Iboaad. otayed H-ljriMna rnriir, li MIW 4-11 fJ.-l the Arst gaifkM ere yea-terday point of view of the hunlera. It (Noon.) after noon. omeer of A ay ox and Ocean Fall. h,..r. died a. the tieneral Mo-- r b 'VI N Jomcwjiat early yet aad Um HBAII THKK IHH.NT -ftaining; both Ihe Are and noliee deparl- INlal today lt...-.l Wl been fa, ,k t deer are difficult to get. Harry freati aoalnweal wind: barometer.I meal, are atMhuaiaslM' the BASEBALL SCORES logging on IHtrtiaod -an4 and a ur, 14. 19.34; lemfteralure. tlauriUeartrnd 1 tree fell on hint altoeJ. Hu. tW Hi. game and It will Cooked Ham. f't in nice bek Uotlry brought a J Ik.. t.M.omAfAl a aata Waaaa.j aaaaajl a I bl MaT A.P rough. keep tbesn in much better trim Amarlaan League " r '" ftuare rla. tT iti. ei but no others have been reported HILL HAHIKIH llainintrj .here he lay MnoonaetaM anlll The court la a neat apfaMriiig Chicago. 1-5: lkUn. 8-8. SMl ,janj pf b, although there may have been freah aoutbaaat wind; barometer. atrtictnre and the eiten4Mim St. I.oui. 7: I'httfl.lelplila. 4. oeath. Ifa.ln.rna nmr Ik A. others ahot. S9.IS; teieralure, ?; ea moderate. voled seem to have been well tetioit. 10. Xew York, 6. Mr. I'ortetle re.ided on Third j(f lotigue Tbi. i V. O. Fulton earn la without worth while. Avenue. He waa a Honian Caltto. treert . Nut kiatlenal game from Smith Uland, although Dlgby Uland Italning, mtli-t Laagua lie and a 33 years or a-e. CaKee liver, lb., t Ilr.Miklyii-rhicauo. rain. ba aaw five atte deer gale; bamweler, IH U2. Dairy Froduea, HERSOYITCH STILL New York. IMIIahurg, 2. there. Other report ceinr temperature, 50; noon apike Admiral 1; CARPENTIER TO TRAIN lluller. ner It. - ... Iioatoii. 0. nrttclnnatl, A. ndhlng but doe arwl aa doea WatiMin, 60 miles south of Iiuilar. feMtklnr) tier , lb.... ISO SKILLED FIGHTER IMuladeii.hia. 3; St. IkjI. 3. are not to be ahnl this year they Dixon's Entrance, northbound: IN STATES FOR BOUT lateeae, per IU Hg were unable to kill. 11:20 a m . ioke I'niicc Albert Coast League. Mmburger Cheee, per'Jb.. JThe; fttormy weather wHI Improve m ll-.-.-iii' Hi rail, norilihiiund. Knocks Out Patsy Cllna of New l.rtUnil 10; Heat lie. 0; only Kgg. (eae J e I Y'HIK. M-:V Kept. Ueorge the duck ahootinar and in York In the First Round. no gain- .-0 Kgg. (ILta. freh rata (Jariwnller will erne I., the lnile.1 all mehhor.d there will be a r!ggs. local tnrdi.r of Water Vtalea to atari training for the 1 Change MO.vrilKAI. 20 J.kt LJGHTWEWlilT i itumber of huntera out I hi week K'li CHICAGO MararaNii llih lighl heavymeiglii ihamptonahtp e'na (t'Taovitrh. Canadian w-ller-weiglii l to try their lurk with th-bjrds Cmb Imney WAS Tllf. CAI.3t IT m. bout itti TvmMiy litMrtis of HI and deer. cliampHi.'i Knocked .Hit BEAT J1MM1E HANLON rt nggar,. per- 1 m.1. I v Lie DIARRHOEA l'aty Clir.. .f Vw S 'rt In lh- F-niil. llread. per loaf ff 1 jti.ti.t:.-Illil. MADE SHRINERSlrVHiLE ! fu-ai round of a t't i mnd boul. TEN-ROUND DECISION n...ip rlir.l u 30-Hl la- 1 He it a clever iii'in fighter Milk. ier caa .... I5.7& l STEAMER AT KETCHIKAN art PaotiU trrr Bub(aortas aubject frua to pUr dltrrbOM to pUrt aa DKNVI ft. . Kenl .'0 Market Prices Veaetabtea !.' tccosal of lb chant of aur cluuatt, '.(. Whit. ..f l.liu ago. a fUJvev tieaila J 8 tit, M Pr4npl trtatmeai itS , California M !' KETailKAN. Repl. 20. Five ltghiw igh' wn a t.-n round rte. Keata. OnWn. dry. I DR. FOWLER'S ii.n -Mi' Jitntni.. Ilantun of Heels, per lb., Hiah candidate were initialed Into the Flank alouk, lh ti uiylerles of Bhrinedom when the EXTRACT Or ftenvrr 1-. a lunit here lal night. Hhouldar' leaX, II S0e New Turnip, per Ib. ...-oav; rib. Alameda in the Inttall WILD 'TAWBEWRY New aCrrwle, p ...-a 1 waa port, Chuck aleok, lb I He. n.l.kisa I 1 1 ing officer being I'al Potentate a Hwa caw rue.a tlx pain, ehacki JOHNNY DUNDEE GETS T-lxine leak (Oe Cuiilinnwer 29" . ,r tfl. The Itei Thompson and Frank C O'". " Aor Hound ateytk. 3Ue lla.l Irtliire MMaaMe. V danl. Ihinn of Mle Temple of Seattle. DECISION OYER TIPLITZ ttmHftt tttntUXtl mith . ua Hlrloln alaak, jer lb. went. ' New aiiltled by members of the Bouth- er tau kmd it ot tui by :bcam Ileef Htt iwaat, lb. 7 I to I'olalnea.eaeh per.H..mim lifter Jl boinl ' etilern AlaaVa Bhrlne Rluh. Tlie ta too frqwei tad irnuuor itoota, II08TOM. Mae.. Pept. 10. lleef, eliuek laal. lb.' Gtieumbers, f rr Ib ll !ritnti. anioM& tight wl ib ,; Initiatory ceremonies were held at ,kae4 au. Ihua readariae rf It wlta- i ' tiv liinHlen of New York wa Iteef, rib rMl. lh I5e Tin' the f)d,1 Kellowa nan. . IW to, tK u.tment of all bol award. t n deotattm iner Jiae lleef, boiling, lb. Hi' to 10c .ir.r.rmii..... rallfernla . imp'"" ' Thnie making the trta over the roaatMa or uca ao4 ib 1S youae, 1 " I'liiMalpiita lal night UHl'urgar. per 1 ..a . .......liviitn.. uv up"-i " blirninff and were Paul Hunt , Mr. baeal I. B.atoo, Oraybnra. in a i. ti riiuml ixHit. HilewlMg beaf. per lb in.- u lee &.W.I.....V. ulet -n Abbot!, nay fleorge I)a. Bamu.-I 7!' ,rtja Horned beef, p. r lh 10c ;' lh teat. Bay rlrlf lobk ry Nv.l oranae ,0.!' I the reldnn. Louia King and Daniel ,t ttm ,Uf tM (jinl). leg. pi'r Ib 43o lb., 35. tide tw SCOTTISH LEAGUE Italflna, per MeDonald. xhtm aiaraaa Tlwy tr to pal. and I.smb, toln 160 lb. . SOe .it f"'a Mer Thompson ond linun - tiuMt thy auus Mutton, mi. Ming ... ?n rurant per were going , iMr b-me at . -LT&'J I 'AIM iN Kepi. 10. The fo-I Mutton, ahouldrr. lb . 24 to 28o aprniK 1 allte afler having made a pti- u4 1 omui aar it wuiair htp4 uwo 'Wiii thr Kolllh league lg of mutton, lh lOo k s gtlmage (0 Anehorage where 1 ha. aiw uas it twa my taildr . 1, - ,r gmue played yelei I.0I11 f mutton lh ui ba 1 they had charge of the inihutnrv -r u-xbms aa 11 1 an you cum for day Wat xhoiibh-r roa(. pr lb . 280 BLADDER .. ,1 t ceremnnle. for a large ria. ..f " Wf An tan o. Itaith lluvera Leg of veal 0i and oo mtJrvm Cindldalee They af.-pprd ff ,.,.. , Ptt, p 3' fg at Plain nt8Rel per lb.. . 2lo '"Vnl'-S here long enough ak cfigrge if Tin t atiuura Co.. Umiii, I'lir'Tlrfi Hear 1 0, llaugrrs. 2 j Rhamrocs suusagti Mr! ,teve' df tie ceremonle. Toronto, om, II ii sua " (.el lie I jl'urk, leg 4 So