fptembff SO, 1021- TIIK IMinY NBWH UNEMPL FREIGHT RATES JM i TflF AILWAYS mi ll'lttrilPlll I- rfMlflflo llliriUIILMII fV vj ait... . ti-rt . ',... ..... ..... .. .. when It to lower rate. made ftllr li irivav i un jr limn rninri.iii i i ir r. mi i- ' I .vir..v I i in- pi -im n ii.'.n ...t itamrtmg was ptuo,eU railway Tliey were 1unWiijlpf cy Men, uemdoyeil mai-hitierv. iih-iii.loved railway iimpim nt. mid 1. r: !-. r .1 though, ihey were f u'deavoruig Willi mie hand lu out wagoe down and with the ootfll ttt fJ&Hada i rauon enough, ilon-fore, fur every large Unnudian in!i-r lo k' ! rute up. thereby securing fur their uwn treesiirea fcnatead if naangrun biiteM intareel to sliHly tie relation lo the general oroblrrit--4o ee whether anything t Dip Canadian public any saving.,etfecletl un the wage rotta. They ware atcd lo, the iH Hi mef rrmaittt to be dtme to advum- (tir general prosperity r Ike tomilry. m : nrnt position of having urged blanket Increases of rale, when Wage went iij-and . " .....ing blanket decreases whe'u wage weft seemingly decreased. " J, , In tht eouneelHHt lheritway eofnpeni- have been specially interested. Freight rate toweh evetjwie., ami, beoatre Ihey touch everyone, am alwoy ofose Ui the pwtdie FUl.LOWIXO STATEMENT is'uflercj.therefore, wilh a view ( oxitlBltiflg wfiaf . iim'hiumiq4 and more ronrenitHtlf attacks than the true ruueao of,oeprtmnmm which TDK railway believe lo he the" true rein linn of railway freight rale to jfic question ,nt lrs easily (liceritrd antl more difficult, il not indeed tropawibly, ot eoalivL ( unemployment, outlining the history of lianadiati rate, explaining something til the ground wufV of role-maklfie; and clearing u the seeming anomalies referred lo, Furthermore, tlie railway, white Joining wiUi everyone l-e 'i the general agitation ' ii.ii none may remain a iolLTe mtle lor fnUuc weakening of conlkJenee between i ii JrllaWoM of ifieee ami wagee found themselves recently in the eotming.) anomalous IIm Mii,ir and the earner. and lucre p in iraaV, aad hi the pud further rwdortlona of - For the flrat all months ef 1921 as compared to the Freight Rates Unemployment mfon. The tfttTereaeo hetwreti abinu a -.1 onion to a feoy first six months of 1929, the volume of traffic on the most . .i a arge part of the world- populatum Idle, or only indoatry" rather thai uneaadina im-i mi kmda of gonda U fortunatsly situated Canadian road fall 2C.72 par canU, and W, part .ally ofllrienl owing lo war r JiiurtM4 pMlHirjl Itluatroted la tbe eoae of a eertaln .mull radwaf whieh hy Its revenue on this business, In spite of the higher rata, - utlil - it Ii iHt-nUrn in many parta of law "tneeairatinat rate retluellotM on IuihImt pnaMed the mtlla fall 11.14 per cant. w .rid alm! afraid f Uiatr invmlioii. of that region U remotn oeon and tlo- i-hijup to remain at . iiii,r.-r afraid to oraaiilm. rapiUI hrllatlag lo uwrrat -a murk, whereoa if the effeel of the rflurtHNi had haan eaU The net result of lbee change tia bepn a slat, of ..r rptrtia Hrtf.itinn of world umauHion l mlaotna. Ured oer all the noda oarrled hy iliai road pork family emergency- in the ofllea of even tbp mot fortunatejy i,. total of awoit aattaM for I he orld'la la than ooold hp haen note to ao a amah handful of aHver fa a aHuated of all Canadian road. Waves could be paid and hill n ri.nl. Uwn no do not produc iHikin genaralU -aiiiutt year pritvtdad the doe ran ml ratem had heea iNMtaed on a turf, on time. Kven the usual dividend was paid, a very fiw aii IiIUp tght surplus one of the factors in niainlainiair tha reputation Br r"ew purehar -f ale; dppread prieea hy atofoaoanera - iul tberr aroold have of Canadian securities, earned. But thla 'iiiiioytii-Qi. Tnt u Hie arHit wrM.M fonoaomrtol of been aiint ao poipliiyment. railway waa tlualton. was only done by deferring work that must ultimately be tbr uaiiiloyMipnl Ho much for the day to day r.-duriioam arranaod on dona en currant account. !weh eonomioe cannot long be I k . ..n.hltoii u mternaUonal. nut lueal lo tnada. If lhMianda of artiele by the Ira IT,, dpuartuienla of the fonlinued without eatinft 1 too far into the broad safety i ana4tan railway raten m a tMaratintMg faator w ataktntt In Itm7 a euiiataatial rrdu-iin tn Kaatean ralea w tuorxia whieh the '.ana ilia n road maintain. Nothing but Ho- aW irri of owr ataort awud; la other wed. if Jo ltt a ery moterial rut was made in rite Wrat, slackened eeed of trains and redueed Canadian industrial anadtan tp wet hlaher tn tnleenaHonal wwkrt. thau ao that thp trnnaeoaUnental Iibp . ntcrrd the war period eflUieaiey ean result If tbee Having have to he ten? eon. thp kihm of our eoMtawtiioea. then rlhay rates ooM tip on U a oprpaed enrninv power. llWoi. Fatfintt trafSe;till further agjrravalrs the eondU . H.i.Hruinm to MetMOtyHi tn-tianatla hy iliaai our WMAtalutnanep eaCtlnl endtlnoe lb he aoeriieed to air. alrad. Inetng the aniaWr of onr riialoruera. and HHILt: AM even the railway. r the dira. fdifleot Ibe credit of your railway curities. .Neither ean it Hi. order noiiilng M to oar N'uiiit) for Uiw fretcht rate, there are rertaia HntMa be yegteeled. I lot in the rl plare the real eaTeot of freiaihl ralea Odptrnd which no onw Otbtpi. raaJuettoo. Uf oonrae. fu May tire manapensents aoproaefaed (he tatk ef re lriv inakinii la a deoatabta tolni. Thta U wroen-' there are theoriata och aa Mr. lleraard tluvr, whh be. Jucfiiir llreir wane bills for the lrt time in many year it Iipp that all raaheay poIt aaould he free. Imt pmvmk eat the management and not the men who ware taking the I lly Ike fart thai pHeea Ml laal fall after the rate aidr vtroa ao f or an odtaare. aa yet. of poMie opinjon. M Inrtlathe. Itiey had been foreetJ to adopt the wartlike er irreaed Invtead f rtar aa the retail tradaa haa ia aaauaned by naaat peupla that a railway will etoe heal er. ljiejeaps araniea in toe unuea Maiva wnere trz per eeai. V'tkeapd; tep at leaal oa4 oaoaue. of rowreo, epa free railway If Jue uiembera or the railway uniona live. Therefore when uiuol be paid for hy the latpaypr when their aaanacemenly V1-.n Tit reverse movement was undertaken in that eounlry the ttml tan eaot. reooetion on 1 lly the faet a re are allow 1 4 to ahow their iopIIIp hy meeting the oblioalwna nal offered In ordee to atlmulale euol m.eii.pnt fl&nadian nmds at once gave due notice and a provisional ratpn. of their pfvpertioe ooi of the paramo. Ii i. unually raong. and ndllional decrease of roushly lo eewt. eorre. n. Hip Mitnaier month, wa followed hy a drop In the coal af per nu. d toot ihre MiaUtn fall Into two aroupa: apQhdlnff tit the same movement in the United Sxtates was iniiaire otTertwa hload of an tnoroae. rodi I. To pay their eiiiptoaoae; to pay for current put into effect, tentativoly, a from July l&th. This redue-tiyn In thr eood nfaee. atMin for the pornoae of anru-iK'iu opplipa ef inatavUala urb aa euol, oto4 to pay tor repair has net been aeoepted by the United Slala iHewbcrp. U did have aorioui efieet. Canadun espoH rale arp aud rvptorementa. slfp Of the uniens, whore a vote i being taken on the .npr and no htghee than the' raloe wunlriea wnh oho-h ptk wor by Uie Canadian membership, who have I nate may he eontare.l. Mile for mil p. the haul from or nip t. To pay urh aav or aire for the nee of the applied for,a hoard uf conciliation. Kvery reourro of the rprn i'.aniiUn oint to the hand of a tic a lion f cai iil whiefa holN thee railwaya a will moke tinadkan monageMienU will be noU to otain thia imperntHely Oee-esary liparer than tn Hie United Jtaloa. The eaport rale on i.i.i) puritie are ay dealrahw. tad eaaily marketed, ami only too moderate reduction of their wape WIN Brain I lowpr than H oat lant Aagtiai. Mo-is.'i tNinata or ktoek. Thie iaeolie mre than the which account for aixly per cent, of the cost of opera I In?. n. m i N111.ui of the eatabliabed rata Of dividend in the They are compelled to regard the matter a still umrttled la oilier word. In international MonirlHtoa on b. r ... ! ,.iiatpy owned mada. It laeorip I hp parnina ato and therefore net la be eonsidcroU as a basic for the redne-tien l.i.-f Itaii.n of etHMTt. Uanada la heti'wJVj Ihbt railway rot.--. .I ..or u-du o aafety mornin of taeome over eipendi of rallwuy rates a view which the majority of the far a- iniprnallimal tradp ia eonear nad. Iliey are aid--mikiic lu-.-. whii li will aure invrtor of oom(drte iafety. Thia beard of railway eonanslaeionera have just eipreeeed in it pintiioyiiiea! rather than aaararaloif it. ..f ptallilipd by the !: ii. a purplua waa ilednitoSy Judgment. Inatdp iinada the aaine la true. Allhua il i a .ii.iuiii.-ni oi tin- board of railway eommipvionera in 11 1. Hi - . Iiairmanliip of Mir lleury Orayton -and upheld Conclusion .'.-i In l ift! till Mint b prtnr or disprove, the ratraaya of rnad i i ar.- ine'f in elaimlnit that, by and tarn. omI arr ran n d l H- ji.iiii. nt of w;n. when thp matter aaatn eon. 'Ilie railway matMsnment wehoine dellalion of railway Canada than in the United Malea. i'juimiU .i,. -. .I .-Iiii-ii. I. I'pou Ihia pripripie reU tjinada'a pht to..re at'ly in rate and are working steadily toward that end. On two w4eajieer need '..! of le cent, but January, iilnliiy t ni.-i tin- nint owyrketa he may on btanWi redoetioo par grounds, however, they ak that general deereasc be and feel confident of brinffins tttok fund for extending any wii. r. a. there I ntlll no derreaap. nor imniediatp uroaperl moiii y deferred: f a Wauket deereaae in the lulled SI alee. lor railway aa ahe may re a ire hi the future. First llerause the so-ealled wage decreasea are not yet W ar ronditiona, following the Weeiern and intern aasnrod and win not he until the parallel decreases in the The Trend of Freight Rates ml.- adjuatmenta, brouahl tU raMway utaaaiieuient United Stale, where Vi per cent, of the union nMawljershiu With the etpeplion of war mid wot-wor eandHiona li4toly up aaairnd the fundamental prolitem. ComparinB lies (and where no Renoral freight rate reduction have been i" ImiIp ipndeney or frpiakl rU In thie rouattry. aa tn Hi. o. riuii-ut llaurea for ItHii aratnat IvIV Ike 11 orderedi, are settled. ay Uier orutireip counln or it kind, hi downward. Aa v, ,,i for wluib the railway blue book k$ avoHablr the wasa Second Hecausa the volume of Ira Mr in the tanned kite .mada population rie. a our indutrtea mutiioly and bill of thp railway rte Soo par epfla ooul lit ppr rent.. future is problematical and any serious decline if coupled 'ii. ipiiuy of Unfile heeoinpn more nearly llko lha4 of olatar He 3te ppr rent. Hut neither the voiiUHe of trafnV nor the with a decrease in rates, would have very grave effect on intiiPK. uf Hip trinrlMil roula of railway aervter eon .rale of freight rule harreoaed tn canjiwralde oVicrw durinx oven the nui-l favorably situated management. i" MiiMiifided aiHona a Braal numlier of ahinftera and trav- thai prriod. The aelua! rpvetnie pee ton ier mile which the real proof or disproof of the nfultari advanced only The railways have spoken against blanket daaroases on h.t.. iPtyin on aaoii, therpfore. a mailer (fnclkoti of thoae i the grounds thai il would he in tke interests of the eounlry The the 107. 10 ' than hefere. For weity year prior to the war. leaf-ii' lv-nty per cent, over your enlarp.-d of M VeU as a whole lo ceneenlrate any b. n. llrial n fleet to be ex. luenwtae rcut. For twenty lkaeafiPt. the di -rt-paury. although an per ou -in the Inereave. yeora. the Rat lo yield pceted on "key eommodities" raili.-r tkau distrfhubs llin 'a'lwaya hap Ippii aIJuliit rate downward 4tuHYpart pi-ii linee and to per rent, in way uppoel over nil elassas of goods, thereby benefiting only the UU. to meet the inerehred addMioiml rpspnue waue. i..iii m. i depreap hi I In pITppI hy the hoard of rajtway moufh iiiiiiim.i..iipi . TIipp mtion have Ippu akilfully aptdled The Inereoaed wapea were effeetive from May tlmt the Irihutors, by eiMrinr4 orurlleal eeonoHilpla that ie. by the freight increased rale not uniil S. t-uib-r. the etTertivene of They have beeK aetualed throughout by the desire lo (ain Ptii.-ria of the railway. wIiom titnineM it i lo know llial tnrr.'a.e deMiHkd on Hie voluoM of traflk' reinaimna asslsLln the process of deflation -objeaNng only wheel that nil liraii. li.n of industry InllmalPly. ao that the In iielll of ..t a fairlx limb level. II lil f i- a lime, llipu u.'wii I" drof. Jiihiht sewn to tlirealeu their solveuey and injure flcp nliiiiUry rate adJnalmenU would ao to "ky com. I o.luy it o. very low. Ncv. rl hele. a five jier eenl. di'i-rease lliFiHw-niid Ihrough them the ulliuiaU itroat uf the ""Mini..' ihua atltuulating further growth of the omtatry, uii-. Miiied ut Jaiwaury. Canadian iub!io. The Railway Association of Canada 263 St. James Street, Montreal, Quebec