titk pah.t wnvs PrtRO I The Daily' News HELPLESS WITH ISTRUCK ORE ON 16 PRINCE RUPERT ll.RITISH COLUMBIA ! THE BELLE VUE Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News RHEUMATISM Printing and Publishing Co., Third, Avenue, AT ALICE ARM H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Onlil Ha Took "Fruil-a-fe" SUBSCRIPTION RATES! Tlie Fruit Medicine Tunnel at 100 Foot Depth Proves City Delivery, by carrier or maiC per month 11.00 Veins Extend Downwards Uy mail to all parts ot the llritfsh Umpire and thn)Unitd Htateg. It. It. No. 1. 1.tR.ir, OxT. In advance, "For over three yars, I was That Far. per year f iwa To all other countries, in advance, per year 87.60. Milliard to bd wi.ii Khciuialitm. TELEPHONE 9S. I treated with dvctors, and tried L. J. Iluuhc... mniiiiflfcr of ih I More Tobacco for ihe Money without lrnrfit. Transient Display Advertising tt.U5 per Inch each insertion nearly Finally,everylhiuir.I tried "Fniit-atlrca". IHlKuV mine at Alien 'Arm, ieir. Transient advertising on front page $2:00 pe,r inch. Brtr I W httf a box f u Rrph II. c. nail, one of tin-liflieholrs, P mm Local. Headers, per insertion, 25c. per hne. ititfrotimeitl; the pain was easier. dial he fin ulruek Classified advertising, per insertion, ?c per word. and the swelling started to jo dona , fine lixvkiiiu mi. ..I I Hit feel in Legal Notices, each insertion - . 15c. per agate line. I continued UUny this fruit medicine, from )h nioi'ili "f Ihe Mulind, ' Improving all the time, and showiliu uali'ii i .i ixl urey rnpp' i DAILY EDITION. Thursday. March I'.l.'l. ouir I can walkabout two miles and This prnperty i- up the Illlani rl do lifht ;liore about the pUce". llive'r vnboul trie imIIo? friii J ALr;XA.DF.Il MUXKO. Alice Arm and tin .vioinlerfully UNSEEMLY ROW DEMPSEY DRAWS 60c. a box, 0 for f?.K, trial site Sfe. uoihI showings ..l ..re. Tlio lunnel j At all dealers or seat postpaid by is Kill fe' I'.uii t tin siirfai'i'. j Canadns best bqy-the Frult-a-lives Limited, Ottawa. driven in front ti inink of Hi. 1 IN GLASGOW! THE COLOR LINE; rier.ire of It .uj V. Ilarcy.iin li-i on ronsiilt lln- nd-j llu ECONOMY Package SUITCASES fiiuineer, with liir iitirpose of., ! I irini; Iheileplli, vvullli and rieh-nes Put! Declares He Will Never Accept; Labor Members Demonstrate TRUNKS of li .iirfaee showing Anain.i firaniinn riom of Cnallence From'Other i Vatnrally Ihi -Irike i- iimwI kmIis. !IIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIHIIII3 City to Prince I Than White. HANDBAGS faeloey. as. wlnb' il d'e hiH proxi i lie extent of I Ik- ore or ally fnrlli- Pandemonium rciirned al FIGHTERS TO GET" Tents and Awnings particular concerninc it, it ... ke;lnl nicelinn hi tin- filasuovv iLjoes pioe I bill Ihe ore linNjIepth. SIXTY PER CENT BAIL SCHCtHJLC Ti.wn Council rallei: fur I lie pur.: whirli w the unMirianl ining, EAT FISH and SUPPORT A LOCAL INDUSTPv jirwf of considering Hip roused . J. F. MAGUIRE The vein which bus-jllst liAen vistl-iif (he Prince of Wales. ay .Balance From Bout to be Divided struck at 100 fool pth has lten j 'or 4h ta 712 Second Ave., Prince Rupert EAT n (Ilargnt'ileiiil-h In fh,e London Between. Them on Forty-Sixty uncovered for abonl a mile on Ihe! .Mondays. Wedneadays uo Sat Times'. ' Basis, proicr( and from a ipu ranees it uroays ai in.ia a.m. , At Ihe outset Councillor Klr-fc. would seem as iNthere whs (lie; From lh tail, vnod said Dial no freedom of thel nkV YOP.K. March St. II ha makiiif ifn rich mine, 'l lier.-nr.-1 Sunday. Taeaday and Tburs city should be given lo any. in- been finally arranged Mini in Ihe PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Ilier oiiliroiings which look Iday at 7:15 p.m. Rupert Brand dividual, no mailer who lie was. ,o furthcoming boui-bclwceii Hcmp-long well. i a tru-it wi n- men umin-. and rrfnlier. ihe llcliler Thursday. March 14. For Vancouver and South. lloyrd. The Lord provost vn:are lo rceeive xixly per cent of High. !:.' a. m.. fwt. Tuesday t... "I p. in not Hit Ford of creation" and Imd H,,. rrceiiti Instead of a half mil-in. :t:5M p. m., 11.1 fer CHIEF STEWARD OF Thursday 11 p. tn Ri LLS- rijrhl to (ro lo l.on t!i m lo nee Ihe dollars straight. Low, I;53 a. III.. J.5 feet. GEORGE IS A POET March 18. ?:i an. Aprtl S -B prince about a lilasifow visit xiie iiiniliN will -plil their l:0 a. III.. .1.1 feel. From Vancouver and South. v. llioiil Ihe sanction of the clas liarc. sivly er cent "f il goinji ' Friday, March 25. Sundays 8 p. in he (Councillor' Klrlivoodi re pre- ,, im winner and forty icr cent Ilich. 3:16 a. in.. 2i.r feet. Wrote Special Souvenir for "Hobo ..Wednesdays ... 10:30 a. in Senlcd. ' -lc loser. ,1 1:11 p. III.. 81. feel. I March 7. in undo 2 (1 1 Hat" which Arrived Yesterday j SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE In an Uproar ( "ord has .been received from Low, H:J3 a. in.. 8.1 ft-el The rrisi was reached wIumi. ;nnnpiiey at Calgary. He expresses JOrft p. Ml.. 4.3 feel. V The follow!hk ...uveirir nmih!i ror Mn "no Alice Arm. j TO COOK Cut flsh into required pot t -pb. Iki after Other Labor member hadLntisfactinn' at the arrnnrcitcn Saturday, March 26. wns written by i:hief fsteWHrd J. H. , tut p.m. hatter. Place in very hot fat and fr. fur K tr !1 harapgtjed House, an Jie Illh. 2:5i n. in.. 88.1 reel. " V p.m.1 lhf nltenyd ib-clares aeeent edtiedayt (and' yill never Yuav am: aii u..ii.,i. I,, "i...i. i SOU) IIY ALL KF.TAII.ril3 was Vnoije (o (ake (lie vol p. 'inid a challenge from a -colore,! man.' 15:25 p. nh. 2.:i feel. Imt" wlileh nrrievd herM-ycsterday I From Ano and Alice Arm. a rlinrils ot vole, vole. ine lie wauls to keep the jinme white. Low, 9:11 a. III.. SJtifeel. Turtniays .... ajn. on I lie prince lieonye on its way Canadian fish & Cold Storage Co lli Labor tneinliory wildly demanded 2l:l'J p. in., 5.5 feift. from "Xew York iiileH'; . 'hursd.iji p in. The time ucfl is raclfla stan a, roll rail, so Ihat a reeord could le kepi. . DIED TODAY dard, for the 120th Meridian weal. I trtivelled o'er iiioiinlnin and 'For Port Simpson,'Arrandale, Mill It is counted from 0 to 21 hours, 'The Council" floom 1 1 was now in( rfters, (Bay, Wales Island and Naaa River. an uproar. MenjVrs jumped'from Fred Oerge Bright of'Cedarvale from midnight to midnight; I ve v audert'd i;rt lull ami down tjundays 13 p.m. lheir seals, and .slantinp on the III et the HosoiUI for a The table given Is for Port dale. L.. . From PU Simpson, Arrendale, Mill lest,s.jvil;Ill..J"edj(;lalid and , on.O X. , . Simpson but the time for Prince Kli.ip thy HmsI fti Ihe Wel Tm!(Bay, Wale Island and Naaa nivee. sfiouMdVfQllrns ' -u Rupert varies only a few minutes ejHthels al Loril never nl rest, iTueaddys : a.m ProvKsl Paxlon. (Vmnefllor Kerr.; The death oeeurreil this mnrn-during on some days and on others is I'm tlH- IMmi Hal out .'n Ihej Ihe hubbub advanced U.ingr al Ihe Prince lluperl -neral the same. The range of the tide trail. Queen Ciiarlotte Islands: PACIFIC The rhair. seized the. tnare andiHospilal of Free ieor?e Hriahl. may be computed as 5 per cent For . GRAND TRUNK deliberately fliinjr it on 'lo lM- ,8 native, who has been ill al the' greater at. Prince Hupert than at L'v-svwtel in malt laa ;iinl box Marrh t. li and 28 S.S. PRINCE GEORGE sailing floor. The Council olHeer replaced!hospital inre Orlobor lasL Th Port Simpson both at spring and e?r. From MidnlBht Thursday f. Kwan m P " t V- lliMionee on Jl aeeiislomml rent-Ifuneral arransemenls are In the neaps. Therefore the rle in the I'vei-nMle 6f 1r IhVs in n- ixtrlM March S. (7 and .11 vei. Vi- 'oi,i and I' W ' v ' ins-placei '- ;Above the nOle (be hands of Hie H. C. L'nderlaker Prince Hupert harbor Is slightly I've riddrn wilh mnle ami Iieen S. S. PRINCE ALBERT Jirtf Provost shouted. "All in I " greater than Port Simpson. hmii.lcd hy fools. For JUauway and tha Yukon. For Porl t:i.-in-nt .Mn--n " "' favor of the motion In eonfer Ihe reeedliy "the ftr bearing Ihe The height Is in feet and tenths Hut, Uiank heien, itiii on uiy March 7. IH mid ?H s.llo- II Oi-.n lliiirl-ll. M freedom on the I'riiiee hold up'niaee. The exeitinj: diM-ussiou of feet above the average level if vuy hack. From SkajMny and Yukon. MikIi :ii.i their hands." ended in I he corridors. lower low water. I'm cll"at on the ?dne briny cerin. March 12. 2-1 imd April t TRAIN SERVICE. .,..,, Left the Chamber j the mace, which was slightly And March i-ve-ity-twii is the Pasenar Monday, Wednesda and Saturdai- I dmm.t. n n-.. "" r The Labor memlier who fav- dented, ww Ihe gift of Lord llosc- date. Itewart, Maple Bay and Bwarno for intc Umlfhera.direct prince connections neont".for all points ored ait ainenduiefit to (h etTerl itery after the amuluamitinn of I nm miikinit Hi If Irlp on a (i.T.P. PolnL Steam.hip Un All Ocean tLal(no entertainment should be (ilapow in 1!112. ship. FOH Agency Biven out of the cominon fund; "Prince (ieinte" is her naiiin ' Jlareh .1. 17 and .11 yn mrormatlnti aid isira arrtatlOKt, appi es Pi because the Council rrfoscd rind Frida;- mid FJlsli-r Mfln- nnd she's iirenl. FP.IM ' , (franl of an extra tlO.OOO for m:- (hi- bcini: holi 'ay, the p..si IllUce TIMBER SALE X 3121. March 1. IH and April I employed relief, rushed nl the vi I be closed, cxrepl bi tw i WJi-ii I i-'ei lme5 home to rjiy Srftlfl lii(W-r v-lll In rvr Wert hv lh Lord lrivst. but several mauii-- jttiid 10 a.m. only, when Ihe Rc-1 I'Olrn i ,ori'.lrr. i'rlnae iiuptTI. H. C, ixil owner rales olovd round bis lonlliir. jpisir..lion urn; flenernl l)eiery uwr 191. ono for IIm-isssi HirrlMM.i iim or m l.lrrnrr nay (XXIIt April. An I I hang on Hie M,ri in his who4ben left the chamber. pre. 'w'rkels will ii" ope lsr I'unlle' I.UlHl. lo rill 3SU.U0U hynl hall, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWA5 r.fi i,r i.faar, r-uruc attd HcuiMwk. ,?s on, ymr mill Is slkiwed U rftiMHfal White he's readinft Ihe luas Hint lf llllllMT. l-UI r. HI'lt MT " oi ht lli il HI FiirltuT rxrllriilirs r Ine .hif rrer. , clina to my rnite. He'll remember Ibis . steamer, fiTI:K TO .oTIM TOHS B.C. Coast Steamship Sern I'rllwe llllls-M, fl. :. separalr Sealed Trndrr, rilx'd that's all. oprr.t Plates Crowns Bridgework Twdr for erfHr Hiitfrl .i:nri.. ll'.o... TIMBER SALE X 2725. kHll Tf.ni! f..P lla,in I I. i MARY If you Ii rn to Ihe. bacJ. of IhisliMirl IMS,- .mil t rYiyrd to in S.S. PRINCESS ..aM FfirX" Scaled trnnrri will a ririvet By im . IIMHMiralil ll Mrttlsier xt ruMir VVortt Alassa, irv labc!. Skagway, Ulniir or UniH al Vlriuna, H. c, mil y lip In If o'rbsrk n.in. or imtty. Ii dav For Ketchikan, Juneau, mer man nonn mi iixi tw nay or April, A plioU: you surely will ee. .r April. If I, rar in rrinn aMl nsn- Itll. for III niirrlitM or Llrriice X 7i. nwuwn iu a i mir' lion al I'rUV-r Hiiperl Rupert Dr. Jos. M Ki ill S.300.0i)U rift t,t Sprum anl-llHn. It'n llie'fllOKllW 1 1 1 ship iiuvvhicli mnii in risMtrrtton 18. 28; April I, 1. . March 7, aguire t""k no an arra alluaim on Llmraionn Hay, eawnti, in iim eruw Unpen EHH-loral I inf.de Hi- I i.4iiii, Kiand. Oueen i narloii lalandt Di- rip Mil Met Victoria and Seattle from Prlnc "up , irlet. From Van "Oliver lo Hupert, IMaaa sikl inraiK.in.ran now m seen For Vancouver, two vara will l illowod ror re II Ilk- uhV "' - i. HalKto.- Ksa . lu4rn 2. PHONE 575 movai or nmDrr. . . nr.. n nl A-wni mn li u.i-, inrisivrr. J. II. March 12, 23. April runner nartiruiar or in rnir roreaifr. UrMulUd; Ban.. I'lr.-rninrin tool, Cutirl Aaalatant viri.,ru, 8. i:., or OMMrKI Foreater, ermre tlouae, reinr lluix rl lli liepsrlniem nl " Lsdy liu)rl. B. C. . . IHMif Wotka. Vl-I.irt. B. U. . ror tit. r'nilion and aadlnn. W PRINCE RUPERT CLUB Imoi or any Ii imI. r not liM .mriiy ... nn.Miiin r1. I aoanl. arrrrdrd. X vw, u. urn.onu, TIMBER 8ALE X 2870. Dental Diagnostician TAKES LEAD BRIDGE CiilUir I'. Wors.1'IIIUe,KrurnVrr. Cor 3rd Avenue and 4 1 It Street Prince RuP'"' B lealnd Irnriera will Ixt rtrelvrd b th ,.nidi Work" Is twrinM in. MlflMU-r or l.aniU al V'irmrta. noi later u li.rla. II. i , man wsm on Hie Tin day of April, mil, Hriii Ifi. fin Get My Plans and ror lli niirrhae or l.lrenr X aJd. to rut J.750.0KO rwl or Odar. Spriire, Hal- Had Big Win Over Wanderers In Estimate Your on miiii ami iiiiOHiii. m an arra aujarrni 10 Indian Hrn", fill Inland, InJon ram, Last flight's Tournament of. Dental Work luinsi- i, i:moi rnmrlri. Office Hours: Two fi i cart will l allownd ror re Moore Shield Series. a moval or tlntbrr. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT B to 12 a.m. Sunday Furlhrr iiartlriflara or In Chlr ForesUr, 1 p.m. Appointments Vlrlorla. B. C. or PKlrlrt Forlr. Prince Hy defi'iiiiriK. thi Wanderers at) 7- M O Evening linprl, B. C. bridve last nijihl with a IWi lend! f"''w':, Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Blk. ixalcd TIMBER li-ndfm will SALE tie X rrlvd 2824.hy in Ihe Uhend Prince in I be Hupert series of fllilb six is In littri-touriintiienlK now PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC ST06E Uiniiti' or Unila at vi'snna. B. i:.. nol Jietweeii llie two lairi llian noon m IIm-. 7 1 n day or April, t'ifl. Ii.r In tmrrnane or un-iirn x !. clubs. Tim Wanderers were be- i Ofllco tho Post Extraction of home office Teeth at your or my u. ui f.3 1.0011 rl or spriuc. Odar. Bal- Opposite fore lendiiiKby 'i3 bill Ibis is uov. Min and KriniixK, on an area itnalcd in IMWJ lnll, lunr . i:oal lualrii l. overcome, leutiiiK an ad milage ol Twi i yeara will Is. allowed for r J. Proprietor inoval r llrnlwr. IHSU in favor of Ihe 1'rlnro lluperl Gawthorn, rurilirr nariirulara nt In Chirr Former Vlrtorla, B. or pinrlcl Forealrr, I'rinr Oluli for Hie .Moore r'hirl'.. There liiiiri, M. r.. reiiialns but one more lournnmeiil G. H. Arnold - Notary Public Bas to Followiiih finish Ihe eeries.were last nlKlil s MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS scores : I'ruii' liiiMTt chid for sxalnut of all kinds, FOR SALE. Suitcases rill-bury and OiMhi ... " Tine 7-rooiiied house on a 38-foo, lot, furnace heat. On Has imiii and I'aiiiirr ..... o !' waiiarr anil 'liiill ... 1171 tn SHEET MUSIC 11 f I It Avenue, Section B. $8,000.00. Term lo bo arranged. wamui ici and Mi M'Uin mo IMft A nice liniiffnbiw on I'lllh Avenue, Heclion fl, -with one lot. Trunks I.rrs.Mrkrruii and aisl Mnrrl"i our'iKsi . 3fH Hrld 1700 Pathe and Gerhard Heintzman Phonographs 4 rooniH and hath ,,.$2,200.00 on lenm. Trunf -, It pays to -ret a good 1 ii.on An excellent dwellinij site on Dunsmnil" Street l;etweon lh It pays to chooas It here t Tinkrr Wandi'rrra and Wrarinoudl Cliin " .. lor Tlt Atliixl! v-, and Gennelt Records and rfh Avenue, on Oraft Hill, 50x50, $1,000.00. Hks and riuinanrlrr . . . m HUT riill'Hi mill Aiiiialeiiiiir . . (Itl ln H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. F. M. Crosby Mai'duiiald anil Ijonolin . . toon I u Aiiin and llulrhinson . . . linn con PROMPTLY Insurance Bond , Rentals 715 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert Vlckrra and lisN'r . . . Ill" mil REPAIRS OF EVERY KIND EXECUTED 11,(00 ,0t riitrwrimmm I