run Bm OTTEf aTKVr'B - ' -' - . . ?-i . CWHfSES I BRINGING UP FATHER ' ' . , By George McM JBHmpHH ' I'VE JUtT COT A. ) (?!SEC!W ll COINED BEEP II CORNED OtEP i WHAT VM.U ( rj t'fZZTSKL MINUTE TOT A jTl HCRC 1 AND CABAr AD CMlftAfiC VOU HAVE- COP. i ' " ' 'j"Q l i' 377 i tost Biti riiii it . LOCAL STUDENTS -Kill I Paint will add to the SPORT I years life of your home, and our LEAD IN MUSIC 1 I YOUR -a BUSINESS DIRECTORY new wallpapers would make i IT II In I lie nmninl relay race of the art .- the interior Triore comfort-ahle James Mitchell and Miss Kathleen and attractive. Grant Take Important Part t iiivpenlty of Hritish Columbia at These are Good Plnces to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy Vancouvpr held clerilay, Archie Vancouver Hotel Concert SILVERSIDES (li-iinl. ,-nn of Dr. and Mr. II. It. (Irant, of ili: rily! was one of a is ready The annual- spring concert of rlhi" oelelle Ileal run for I ho frcsh- BROS. tin1 imiK'iil society of tli' Hritish lliall class. Archie has been !-Ili;u AKIIATKI) W TKHS Tt HMTI HK AMi OENKIIAI. LAI 'N fill IKS 2nd 'Street Columbia t niersily ill he held MKHCM; n pri'lly fal paci- al unn oT on afunlay evening in Hie luili aiavtR aoTTLiNa woutt CAflAOtAN ITfAHsaAUKOflT Painls " the I i-yiny. am. ha Vliiiwn bin 111 fver Sirri - Pbtio tJt wiLraiD oaarTOM Cor. TMM and Tin. a. tor riraemy tu PrtMiac fwpi. Wallpapers room of Ih)' Ifnlcl Vancouver. M.vgr5 as a rprinlpr dlnw hVing l'ht.e nreen it, for tetond twiui ntrnl- l"he jWiVfortironcc will be the Varnishes Xalsomine In Vb ilonvor. TliP cnurn of Hull n.nni:ii snoi IKM. I'AINTKItH AMI DKCOIIATOnS i-i"Mi in? evjyil.'fjlhe ypnrs net i- farr Triiu 4U l,'iiiiT!it.v a Glass, etc. itilii'H of llfenriely. . ?iti? dl I'oint, (Trry to Hip fnml uf. YCKAHXM BIRBIR SHOP Ri'ltMTI'Hr: rato icaocra James Mili-IWJI. .-(in of Mr. anil ttiljr Dr!f mini 111 J ft) Ave. Mil aixl rraier - Ptaa Qrern t , Wisor & Niwpn'j Art Supplies Mi. J. f v At i Ifltefl i Ninth Acnnc Ie tomiiorary nnfvrrsily Imilil. rnaaa irxnu in?s-in Faltirv. The rtdiy fur Third te. - fh-nj Oreto 441. Picisres I'd Pitlare FraniEg Kji:;V I iwswiit of the society Iho rare n nip donalril by (lie HAKKFIH I'A I NTH AMI OII3 and in the rflrrt on Sal unlay, Phone 22 P.O. Box 120 niflil and Miss Kat h l''ii .(Irani, Arl 'it) ola or hirh Minx LA catst 8Atav tmi a. w. (OOC CO. - t1 Art lauphlt-r f Dr. and Mrs. II. II. KrillnTlfie I'ilNliliry of lllin fily! rtlrtl Avrub Pb4ie I rniMci nuriwT riro co. Pltll. out. a4 WaHfMixr. mrs. 0. rrizzt (caul. Fourth A 4"nii- East ..jiA A nieinlie.-. , Mw iarakin. eor. tnd An. an4 Tik it. (inil in "'rin lluin .1 CHINA CMOCKKItV. NfTrin.NS PAIXTKIIS ,NIi UKi:illTOtS; orj wom- r mira ani rna Tlio Klk have iliH-jiled in accepl j ...... tn.'.iiiJ ' ttii.m. ii..ll. ..r n. .IMII U, ,.1'lil till 1 U..I II.I- llic niiailonpe or the un or '.an. ; THE DCflNV LLIn CO. KISM M KUCHA NTH. HfrTAIL ecu. a oaoascTT rkt 4TI. an- (akmc reat intere-l and a Third Aveuae, oppit pott OBlrc EPSON COAL CO. nda iiiiloor !ia.eiall Irani In a ARTHUR'S atARarT b-adinp in tin- musical work i,-trl M'l'i" of pain and tlu flril of Thud Ae. rtioa 410 A 4)1. PO. tmi 411 II.LMIH.n (if flu imi I'oily. Hum' will likidy b miiii time ni.KAXI.VO AMI I'HKSSINO TtiN a lomowill rkM a. next week. 'Hie Klk had I heir fiKNKHAI. MKniMIAXIUSK TOlvo ovc woaa fruimir tai dryj have received ciurirg Uie laat-three 'WILL COMPLETE SHIPS llr.Hl prai'liiM- on Tuesday and rleinlni SrU vll - t-botm at, WIHO CMIt TUCX CO. weeks there is inmie promNins mclerial 7J1 IKM4 At - PkM IIMk HKNTAI.S COA ABOUT EIGHT MONTHS - -i in sichl.- There were ahmil r. w. ha at PlMor tlUrk 4l dozen players vim lurji.'. out al CAFKS OltOr.KMIKS 100 Coal cars There are 350 Men Employed at!) e prnelire. Ihe I.lkj ,rav at. TMC BOSTOK BRILL LiNiiv-a pninct aopmT onoctav SHIN pVlNTJNn Shipyard and Number to lenlion lo (he fuel that tie Son Third Ate. I bmelll A food plara to t , Cr a"k and rulloa - tUnot in m ip.L of Canada lie had K'"d deal ill a caottrrr ir. from Maeleod River m-ne. owned Be Increased. a of; aacsea iui p-pel ire already Mils iiriiiir, lull! TMI SXITt CATC IIAItDWAHK by Prince Rupert citizens. jtecond Mm. Birr'! n(l for til BMntl. I Bulk I11JJ We have tR exclusive rijrn The. WallnPoOompnny ia frrad-ually Uiey are ronndent ll.lil I hey will I MOWl a McHULTV - tfHt Ate. HIIKKT MKTAI. WOIIKH krereasjiipilie huiiiImt of iln gie them a pood run. hieiiiM)ler) paiMa and ruhrnro tap. handle this coal In Prfnce JtupertT Don't be misled by other coal employees. At ivresenl there jre CIOAItS AXlJ .TOHACCO Pile. aowt;' STEAM COM dealers who use firm alu-vl 350 working I here and this Plann are .being made for, a , gieand Atrnbc pnnma 14 our name jiaudirap billiard serirs lielwPrill VOKAMAKA itl Third Ate. WL 1MPOI1TKH nnOCKHIKH r.o.D. cars u to advertise their coal. numlier will be in;reatted Irr about 50. , ' tl.i! Prlnre Iturprt and Wanderers aloikta attar atAaarr TttN a Loaawiu. a. If want real a good you screen? ri'lH Street pbeoa III Oltibs to follnw Ihe preeiil series; e 1 roal, call.up U. J. Turney, Die xup'erin-teifidviil. nnunniSTS KayM hp eipeclM to lia" itweer! the p.vo clubs, of whirhl V OKXTS Phone 58 Ihe vi'seli, coinpli'tnl in lesx I linn fiM'P caine.s ijul of six have already) W. J. SIcCUTCMtOH UUXCIIKS FOIl IIIHK COIL ; hern Ida veil. In I his series Ihe Second Avenue and Slilh StreeL ILaweca NHBITaoaO," Ptteaa IIhI PO-, au r. LIC oppMil PmI offle riuhl inon(h. . , f k 1 - rteti m Kauu la Norihrrn B. To liev.oaa t. Al koi(if tad Preestaa Prince Rupert1 Feed Co. IM 11 r e experieneeu and older player.s of (hn Prinre lluperl si-em' . . Comer 2nd Ave. and 7th St. A 11 0 UJ'J, In be ileiniinslratiiiff their sup. U 1 i The Man in the Moon erinrily and have n liandsnliie lead ui ihi 1 iv iniiji r SAYS:- already in llnvrpn for Ihe MeMof-die Llmlied Cup. In the proposed series Daily News Classified Ads. PhoneillljW the players will he carefully I I i unkirul for to people iuo-1 S Terrace Fruit Lands p aded and Jiinlrheil wiUi a view to 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Leas then OOe ask Ni-ws when work on the in M i t r im An itti nras f i n r nrtil iP'W slalmn is I If aa- 1 tiiiiiiH IIl i Hi isely contested tmirnaijienl. I WANTED. II USE K Striu flrdil grown 22 Acres, 1 mile from Terrace t-'l'llt."l-L-l'l' ... . IM. FM SAM'. Tender- will be n..m..ia uy ..u .wa a. re. inrliidiou all lb'' I the pbiill", Npx, Sa(ur,,ay ariem.n anchonly f)0 yds. from horn leader bulhe m a thoiisand l ;'lvl by the Atlin Klsherlea Ltd. ft4.0pp fo(ha nf ((, ,.,. WAXTKIi" A house and lot, or al liable new nrielies of n eenl We Serf school. 5 acres cleared and ou au.-ati.i ir.nssy wiieu n Ilf UrilUU lU.lo.i.l.hl meets nile or two tola without Iihuho, for the purchase of their warehouse illliNxliietion. ' including the fenced containing 75 bearing eouiPK to feat iiLrs. III""11. Ant'.rew'x team in tin' semifinal , iiiMr Mellridn on 7th, Ktli or Old on the i. T. P. d"k;"Kull Daily Mail' of varnisheil copper fruit trees. A spring Must l iiaritain. parlieiilaro may lie had at office wi" for the Mninlund Cup in Avenues. a color, niyl "lloonier Iteauly" creek running across the DKMPSirv nays hfli noyor Can n l,ooo cash, balance or phone IJU. If the dark red. Ihe yahcoiiver. The winner in thU pay up elioiean of property. Good log house, aixept a challenge frliui aatolored nonn roil 5 rooms, and good log bam. hian, yet a ureal many people Lniuteh will meet the winner In, Ihe iiionllily. Aildres. V. P., SiriTIXf i I'UiOH ! a ibitet,. IHiihIp Ms a Onp lot nf statd.ird and Price ?2200 cash for quick thouhf that ilurint' th: war he Wallace's, 1.1 ks and South Hill care of Daily News. Island lleil. My hens laid all! we.Jiiiig, rose. I.ayntr Xur- sale. was yellotv. evenU in the llndjs. At least olie WANTKD SPCnd-tiand furniture. winter. 29 Slxlli Ateniie Vm1, - serOn, Metlirta,JI.C. f x . of Prince Itupej-t'i fonlballers will If you Jiave anythlnic to Phone. 187. tf FOR ntnj IT is umli-ritloiiil Ihe C.mailinn have a place- in the tussle fur sell call. Red 243 Wo cash. KENNEY BROS. & CO. National iiianaKenient has ordereit James Mitchell, of Inst year's F. M. Crosby, 7J3 Third pay Avenu FOIt MrClary Kooteifiiy FOIt ItENT Tliree.rtiollirliouee i"'' one hundred new refripernloruir Crllie's leain here, has hepn ijluy-inj tf ranKe, ilining inom (able, liu. Wk. n Real Estate and Insurance West. ... 00 Third .Weiiue near Dry Terrace, K.C. bi carry that deficit for last year; steadily with Hi" "Mali, rah oleum, chairs, healer. 218 Seven Apply Orandvlew llnlel. ttt 1 he rumor has not iieiyi eon Ix.ys dirina Ihe winter. II is WA.XTM Olrl 'for dental omen Hi East. r,) nod ' " Jininilo will make a place in from six rtVloek PERSONAL 1!lined. likely n nfne eypn-inif. FOIt HALE Three.rnoniftd Imune !-. 1 ". one of the Ideal I -iimis when lie Ptify lift 1? News of. '1'HK in furiitnlied, Seal Crte. Apply HlerJlliy Infant felnale eljIliU for M t v onlyx aatisllPd'people returns about the llrst of May, flee. . 71 connection with ihe railway situ probably with Hie Som of Canada. .iiannnirajMorc. eat uav4. 71 rdorlion. .Apfly lix 174 Daily TOM LEE CO. ation a ie Mackenzie &' Maiyi and WA.NTCD. DrnJnaklng. Prici Second.hand furniture hoiiRhtand News onici. If 840 the (irand Tvunk aiiarchoiiierH. reasonallp. Mr. Roller. IDoH sold. P. LeClalro. Phonu Oreen DANCES "'1 . n Second Avenue, West WHIST LEAGUE Sivpnth A venue Jaat. Phone IT was rather unkind to delay 511. tf 7 t .223. IJVEUY 8ATIJHOAY EVEXINCT, 9 VEGETABLES Hie arbitral ion procecdiiij: on Mil I I I 11 Ml Mil St. Sons of England and BOARD AND ftOOMS till 12 Mclnlyre Andrew's, Ip Hall.) -Dance 4vemt Wholesale and Retail the (Jrand Trunk until;li!(, annual WAN'TCIi Capable oicl for irrn-xeral Third "!neral Contractors and staU'inent of the tJN', Jt. was Oddfellows Were Winners hiiusework. Aply S!2.'l lib FOIt IIOOM ASM liriAMIt Phone Admission: (ienlletnen, 50e:i If Labor Exchange isaued Last Evening. yeniie West. Phone CM. 71 lied 121. (f Lndien. 2.1c. THKsMan in the Moon I jikcd The. HI. Andrew' Society, Sons ron 1ALC STRAWBERRIES. HAIR DRESSING. Prince Rupert, U.C if he really believes thar railwnyj(lf j.;nRani and Hie Oddfellows J A I ll DUKSSINO, SPECIAL SCALP II.l.l LneB nli Phone 547- P.O. Uox 725 i-iuion story, wincn. ion'y, nie halibut FIVE-ACHE IIAXCII FOIt HALE, FAee Illl.'l 1 I I lib W ' vcro' the winner at whisl last FOR HALF. HxlfHJ boat, Ire.ilmenl. Marcel wnvlnir. ,llrst'orteiSrindi. . . J. night defeating the Knlylil of fully pmilpped Frisco Standard mile from 'IVrraee stnHon, two t iiinssHue. Hair dyeing. Ladles' j . A'IAIV coniplainti(Jliat ?inoe Columbus, Knifdil of Pythias ami I'nSliip- and half nerea elenrpil and coinhfngs made into switches. ....norAM fl1' shirta' have been worn short the Sons of Canada respectively. Tim 36x9 workboal 28 h.p. havy fenced.' house and Chnrles .I.eClare, 2,13 Hlxth $1J0 per M .i'omI of Ihinn has ajsi Konn up, whist Raines to be played next duty; good well. Crop connisls of 19 Stn-ef. !'hons Hlue 78 for home SMITH & MALLETT I ins nas 110:1111 iph pripouragei, me Wednesday wflUliilsh the winter's 3lxH work boat or Iroller R h p. houandAtrawherry plnnls and appointment, , tf F.ST.CLl3lfrl fashion of wi arint; sock. schedule for the Tiybliavn Cup, Yale: larae nnnber raspberry. Iiliu:ki A W which has been won by tin' 15 ft. row boat, 2'6 h.p. Inboard nnd red current bushes, and ACCOUNTANTS PLUMBING AND HCATINQ aonm ai'pht trees. Au l.eal AdvertiflA In tbn Datir Knight of Columbus', engine.; v EX PE It I ENC i:I) A CCOU NTA NT; CKGIKEER3 The dale follow: Hull 2uxU, ready for enginn; home, pleasant occupation, ami would loka chargo of set of 1 .itiirt'lffl Estimate furnished. W. I.. PU. 25 h.p. 1.cycle, rnKinn; first prop will half pay" for moks, whole or part time. ' Kniahla of Col. ..12 3 21 50 h.p. I.cycle enlp; ranch. Quick ucllon reipilird. W. E. WllllMroft. Phone IVA. 'aP Addreia, 3rd Avenue, head Sons or Kiipland . 0 tl 20 7 Ii.p. (liinrnnleo engino; Jor inrticulnra call, phone or Ulnck SSO. If ' 0 Heoond BtreeL pfArterie$ St. Andrew' .... i) 0 ! 4 h.p. Adams enh-lno. write, T. MuCLYMONT. If M. M. STF.PIIKNH. 8HORTH AND TYPEWRITING Sons of-Cannua ,8 fi 1ft f" A urloui condition which NURSERY PRODUCTS Phone 174 P. O. Box 174 It i-''t navia wnen you srouii tno mar, z KiiIkIiU Pylhias 7 H It FOR SAM', 15 h.p. Emerson hlsh flit nt ntn Qlnniiri-nnlilii Srlirt(i1 S la-iiiaai a j 1 11 rps, 11 r 11 f w a,v""' 1 kidneys and bowsli to action by I. O .(. Y. 7 11 speed marine engine, almost FIIUIT TJIEES.-,Apple.', pears. livening cIbsspk. Mnndny, Wed-, . ..slI"...1 ujin(Or.Ch('iKidney-LlvrPillt. 1 Valhalla 7 9 H Chcrrlea, Chartered new, cost j,375.00, sacrifice PIiiijis nnd Poucjiea; nesday and Friday, 7:30 to 0 UAVC Your Suit Cleaned Onapilladoto. 25.abo,lldtilar f Klka .' lo 12 350.00. Andrews lleiiben Jnlin-on, also a full line of muiuII frnltM, o'clock. Individual liislructlnn. j and Pressed by our Steam A 3 12 C All slrlclly first C, '. V. clasi jCtock?. tf Machine Method. Price reasonable. Hi' Chases P.Oj Hot 132, J'rlnre Largest and best assnried sUck No. 10 Smith lllock. Give us a trial. Itiiperl. 7t FOR nXPF.RT BIIOI5 RKPAin. in Urn cnunlrv. Layrilr. Nor. Tjko.color window cards take piioncm. nulklw LING, TAILOR Efe03 Inc. McArthur'a Shoe Store, 3rd FOIt SALE llaby Imggy In good erles. Wilkinson Itoad, Vie-lorla, Hi eye quickly. See them at Ih 1 Ave. tf con lit ion. plionn Orccit 21,1. H.C. tf News Job Oopartmnt.