The Daily News THE TORTURES The Man in the Moon II1I1III1IIII1IIIIIIIHII1ISI PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA SAYSt- Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The NqK OF RHEUMATISM Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. I.l.'Ki: remark Ihnl a had r,--ulnllon ACDONA slicks in a man when n H. F. PULLEN Managing Editor. vtun'l. That . '. mmm a w n i;oiki reputation in irt ma r ir u ma When He Happily Stopped right, l.nke. it would he dlDlenlt SUBSCRIPTION RATES i t Began To Take "Fralt-a-tires" to have both nl the same lime. City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month $1.00 3 Ottawa St., llnx, I. Q. A WOMAN'S will i snnielhliliJ Out rear By mail to all parts of the Hrilish Kmpire and the United States "For a year, I unrrJ with Khf' i hut it i dinii'ult to break, hut n in advance, per year IP.00. tHaiiim, bfioj forced U Uy la & woman' wiiii l. there you htiv fLxlMf-r."- j I.,.. forfite.inonlh. I trieJ oil VUJ uf Ihe record of ilcteriulualioo. More Tobacco for ihe To all other countries, in advance, per year ..... .1 J7.60. medicine without relief to J thought Money I would ner 1 aids to walk araio, Wi: I'hglNh are proud of Knir-land i tmmax t . c j i; TELEPHONE 83. One day whit l.vinr la bed, rtad because he produced tnli o "Fruil-4-liirt" the treat fruls polite sons. i:niieelii? .Vn. air. Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per Inch each insertion medicine; and it seemed Just what I We simply hne the ability to re- Transient advertising on front page $2.00 per inch. needed, to.I decided tcytty It, coirnire facls. Local Readers, per Insertion ............ 25c per line. TKi Jirst box ktlptJ mt, and I r-'ini Classified advertising, per insertion, 2c per word. took the table U refularly until titrj An'llft wnii-liiiiB three nun Legal Notices, each insertion, .... lfc pcr"hgate line. trace of the Khenmatlsm Irfl mi." einetge at intcmil fniii n cni LOREXZO LKDCC. each rather iinsteadv ahiiul Ihe Contract Hates on A(,Mic&tioh. SOc. a boi,6 for$2.10,trial lie 25e. icK-i, the cnn-lahle stepped iliMile All advertising should be in the Daily iVews Olllce on day preceding At all dealers or lent poatpaJd by i,nil inquired what wa golna on. 1 t ztt . Lit tr z ii l publication. All advertising ceccived subject to approval. Frulta-tiie IJmited, Ottawa. Jul a llllle BBine of poker, Canada's best buy-the (ilechninn, ' eerbMy got II DAILY EDITION. Thurxhy, Mnr.-li 10, 1 9?I. full hniise,-' wu 'he answer from ECONOMY Pdckngc SAILS another unlnilv relehrnnl. Wlll Mr. Reld AWNINGS IT wns nun nf Ihe country news Weather the Storm? papers, of riiill-oe, thai puhlliheil. 'Mrs. It liiriless was iiM-ntiiu jg3tHIIIIIIIIIIHllllllllla WillJIon. J. I). Held, minister nf railways, wcnllicr tie lorm TENTS ' ninaloe when Ihe ran -uim'iht of prntcM which i being nn iiii'ri at tu" immense expeiiditiires " dipied rulliim her in Ihe inlry. on the Canadian Nnliiiiinl riiiilwiijs? He lin been very much mi J. F. MAGUIRE trial during the pal year, nild the opinion prevalent In the vel 712 Second Ave,, Prince Rupert K.N'OCKI.N'fi an enemy makes him to think AIL SCHKDULt feel lliatyou thnl Hit" job is loo big for him. It i the biggot job 111 ere is in Agent for croud Canada and Mr. Uriel N not by. any menus Ihe .biggest nian. He C H. JONES & SON. Ltd. iae taken notice of him. l-a I I kc t-C Li A W I.' I M 40 years' experience ai maker For lh Cast. . . k ui -f iv t-t t iv r a j is said In be loo much of h noliliriaii to be given charge of mi WINMPIXt rhymesler make i . Mondays, Wednesday ana SsU important a department. l this he pails ere;her ear and otheKpiirU urday at 10:15 a, in. 11 is possible lhat the Meighen Coveniment ninjiiol survive Where pads ne'er Vuight to be from tn lasl. Rupert Brand the railway admissions. The deficit is colossal. Just at a time PRINCE RUPERT TIDES And leac her chest and raUes Sundays. Tuesdays and Tburs. when the country was expecting reduced taxation owing In the esoed i days at 7:15 p. m. Friday, March 11. curtailment of reconstruction expenses, lliere comes an additional l'ir pour mere man to se. High. 2:21 n. in.. fel. Tor Vancouver and South. KIPPERS load placed on the shoulders'of the with absolutely people 1 :30)t. m.. 20.1 feel. WHY call Hie place firm- Hay? Tuesdays i p. in. no h.ope for any mn mediate relief. Whatever fiovernment i in Low, 8:31 a. in.. 1.8 fed. I Missesl U m called llevil's Thursdays II p. in power, the debts'' will have In be paiil, and the people will have (o 20:12 p. m, 4.9 reel. Creek r llirl Ditch. March I?. 23 nild April 2 A Nourishing nnd Delicious Bre jfar FooJ fool the, bill. There is no gelling away from it. Saturday, March 12. From Vancouvae and South. High. 2:52'.1. mM 2(1.7 feet. ItKlll l Iryinsr In dhow thai I lie Sundays H p. in. When the returned soldiers wsked fir some Jielp they were 15:16 p. in.. fed. failure of Ihe inadian National!Wednesdays 10.-30 a. in. TO FT p,acc ,n fry'"s Pan told there wns no money. Yet (he (loveriiment announces that Low. 9:5 a. in., 1.8 feet. i due (o the McAiIihi awndl. March 7. IH ondo :h VUvi nild cool:- -far- len' trwttw'CUlk the money has been spent on one of its departments, and Ihe 21:13 p. in., 5.5 feel. Piisildy he i right, but tUere only result, so far as Prince Itupcrt ran see,"has been to provide The time used is ractrtc .Stan may, he olber reon. Foe Anyoa and A(lea rm. Sold by nil Restaurants, Retail Grocers & Bctds dard, for the tZtith Meridian went. Sundays to or the people a poorer service than formerly. - pjn. WIII'Y Ui. It(.l 1,11m nlu..,l SMOKED DAILY BY It is counted from 0 to 21 hour, Wednesdays, V p.m. The discussion on Ihejailway estimates will prove interesting. from midnight to midnight. railvta heTpeak a glihly uhotil From Anyo snd Allca Arm, Mr. Ileid is trying to lay Ihe 1lame for Ihe present condition The table given Is for Port mjllinrts n nml nf ti do anmii Tii,ii. a.m. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, U of affairs on McAdoo. an .Vmerinah, but the people of Canada will SImrJson but the time for Prince rtjekeK. i hurdays p, in, swallow that. Mr. Heid has Rupert varies only a few minutes Prince Kujicrt B.( seari-V'ly failed in his conduct of Ihe SriM'llKl- Inkn I hn I l.iipior Railways Department, and, if Mr. Meighen experi to retain the on; some days and on others is Hill ami fiern.nn rer.nml...... nn,4 cor rT,r oimpaon, Mrranosis. mill the same. The range of the tide Wea Island Bay. and Mass ronlldenre of Ihe few supporters he has left, he should make Ihe H..lheiki Soviet and smother Rlssr. may be computed as 5 cent per 'hem all In Hie finw Hay mud. ;undays 10 p.m. haste to see that a belter is placed ill man charge. : greater at Prince Hupert than at . !From en. Simpson, Arrandals, mill Lumber Situation Port Simpson both at springs and n, .-- , W'Bay. WaUa Island and Naaa Rlvse. neaps. Therefore the rise In the luemJays ajn. Is Discussed. - - -j. , - Prince Hupert harbor is slightly Ten Years Ago Tin following is n short edilorial article 'appearing iii the greater than Port Simpson. In Princa Rupart Quaan Cliarloita Istandal rnif tdhmi' npinir current number of the Pacific Ctat Lumberman under Ihe head The height is In feet and tenths rr vjixmiLf muim rtttiia nnini iug "Prince Hupert's Ufgent .Need: . ' of feet above, the average level of Mareh 2. 1 1 and 23 S.S. PRINCE GEORGE sailini lower March 10. 1911 "Of all Ihe hard-hips under which Ihe Xorlheni Hrilish low water. Clairnimr Ihnl injuries u. Vmra Midniahl Thursday tt Kwnnin I! i i Columbia lumbermen at labor Mareh 5. 17 and 31 vet. Victoria nnd Settle present none is more apparent than lained In an nerideni haxe unfitted the need of a lumber assembU wharf akprince Itupcrt with WATKfl SToaiK.XOTICi:. liirn for further rins entraemenl. S. S. PRINCe ALBERT For BVagway and tha Yukon. r'ur P.nrl f'.leinents. M.i M 1 1 - I cranage audi all facilities for the speedy and eilirieut nf Tmniny Hums, fnrtner Ixixiiik loading tut Miitrr mat r.rtnny CnmuiiKuiH Marrh 7. IM and 28 southern Queen luuloil" I- n i.lnifiiiiin. i kUintf Ihe Pn?et t deep .-ea vessels. There is a demand nil-over'Ihe world for the lirinr, saieiimir k Power . LM.. ikm From Skagwa; and Yukon. Manh IJlli. products of this district but there is no machinery that enables iMtHi u Anyoi, e. win tfiy fr r.nund l.'Ierlrie llailuay ., of Mareh 12. 23 and April 2 tiiiiiii ernuirr Urrnrr for. in Urr or fire million Seattle, fur "SO.OftO damaire. HAS at Saturtlf la.nirer Manrlak. IAednaada and the small millmeu and Ihe big ship owners fit taj advantage of IiIKiim of water mil or the et brinrta ' 'it llliMen Creek ,tew"rt Mapl lor Sinilher. prlnee tie..rye 1 dm"' , whien ton WMitrwrlr too Ihe nrl while hahy on Porrher Bay and Swamp -ttve situation. all lrin Into lOdilen :reel, about Iwo-inuit Ins; diret connect ton for i" Ulaiid was txirn In Mr. and Mrs. Point. "The exorUitant railway freight rales now in operation have of Tlx!mile from Oranby will Bay. W Sim lliw n..L- Tii Illll.. nirl.FOf Agency All Ocenn Steamship Linn atorare-rtani tw joeaiMi inn put an end to IJie shipment by land of any but Ihe highest grades let from ine.eai bonixlirr of lot ffti. will he named Klleii Ann. March .1. 17 and 31 for information aid r"'a'' tt of northern timber at anything approaching a prnlll, but the loss The rapaeiu- of Ihe revrroir I lie erealnl IFiIOM a tim oei4, irs T'c4 labnui ate mtilKia mion. atxl it win The town uf Douglas, Alaska. I March t. IH and to the mills might be .offset to a considerable degree if advantage 0d eeral aerea of tatul The waief April I (lame with Ann fichlius n men could be taken of the falling water ralesjlij .-hip Ihe lumber of will be UKrHed from Ihe atreara at I no the I WATI'.n NOTIfiK. dam ami will be lined for mimns and hlaie, the north, not only to its established markefs, but lo new ones donteallr fitirfi'xea lyvxi llw mine denrribwl ... nivnti.ii ami vr.. where il nniipie qualities woulogaiii it a sleady.salc. j a loi o, int. in. m anil 4 SI, FranV Miifiley tuts lieen ap-' I- JniTirr thai The w. r. Mcrarter CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIffl ISIS. IJS ami 77. tut. Ittt, tit!. pointed ,al Ollawa In he ....,. r iUJSZ T .ewtMl 'AI no more pays a big vessel lo loiter around ItiJ. tin. lift, till, tin, tttt, J' win ayTr wauin r w . Hir i.rillim liir me tut! in imh cuwe imiu la f . l.'IKrr .111111 ,'T'. i picking up portions of alumber cargo here and there than it and Ifll. The lleeiwe aptilied for I 'In aire .Mil .r w.Mn... , oen tupplemeni an arplieaiion lo lake and oa census. fHwa weelertv aiwf i.i B.L. toast itearasnip compensate lhesniall manufacturer lo pile it in places accessible water a pre water nonce polled orr fat . K-anal about itirw i, mil from trt, i' t 1 . . . . - - for shipment by water. The key lit Ihe whole situation is (he June, to laee water branrb file dflolo). ..iiMiiiil ... ll, irii.'iw.iii, limn- The water will tw dtteHed frVn IN, ft PRINCESS MARY ThU n.tlre mi ponied nn Ihe rrovnd on . abolition of delay and the heavy cost of handling and rehaiidling: Ihe Jrd day of February, I St I. A eopy nnfr of Ihe fl.T.I'i tealllers. an-n.ounces (lu.InOlitn of atieam aiul mill mmmit r,.m 1 Pne Ketchikan Skaowav. AIIS, VSSI trial, aannnll i Ihe purchase of Ihe and minim purpuae upon So vital docs (lie question seem to Ihe establishment of a jiiarket of thla notice and an appnration purauanl lhlwl artiolninr. iennrd a T. t A. ' Ihrrrto and lo Ihe "Water Aft, tlt." will r.leamer Prliic Jun for local J 1 7. The awiicani wilt eierriM na Rupsrt for Xorlheni H. C lumber anything like conimensurnle willPlts be pied in Ihe omce of lb Water Heeorder1 eree mil of Prince Hupert. The finser aojareni a territory.a i ) -i.- aprtiicant tium tha m.rvi. 1 e. .1 -. -e--.-Snrll S. 1S. 21 . L. possibilities, lhat is incredible thai' no notion has been taken in al Prtnre Huperl. i vessel i al preenl In fllaajrow. TIM nonce wa. rMt.Mf m tm i, ... . . m.-. i- .Am princ objection to itm ai-pntation may be rm in. tun rtav f Janiian, mil. ,py ror vancouvsr, vision ana oni - the matter before thi. 9 tiled wun the aidVa!r HAeorder or who r Itii nnnre and an applieatinn pnrauam 2, 12. !"V.Vn. ,na "' "water an. s I ." will March 12, 23; April "Pending the arrangement for flrsl class facilities surely the comptroller of Wsier nirnta, parlia 20,000 CHILDREN Ii. Pleif In tne nine t IK. tl'.t.. ii...... ment Buiidln, victoria, B.C.. vitbm iniriy at Prince Unpen, h. c Mime shift can be made lo meet Ihe present emerjMiry." rti after the flrit apearanre of ibia objeeii.n m ihe appliraliofi may t fr rle. reeruoii and aalll. " " KILLED IN ACCIDENTS ttled wllh the aald Water Heeonter or wun Aasnl. notice in a local newipaprr. "l.',l.,7',"r "f Water Hittin. parliament W. C. ORCHARD, Ocnsrsl (!IIHV IMI.ts. I1M.J. SVKLTIHJ 4 liull.lin... Virion, H. v., within Ruprr. rilWKn CO, LTD.. Applicant. thirty daya after tn. nrl appearanra of Cor 3rd Avnu and 41 Ii Street Prince By William Yumr, ar-nt. MiW YOHK. Mar, in.- Twenty Ihi. notM-e In a local newnpaper. The petition foe the anoeovai At iim The dale of the ant publiraiion of tnia IhouKaml children under fourleeii anplirant a V'ideruklna aa i.u.a ;' an Dr.JOS. MAGUIRE notice it the ftta day of rebrutry, IStl. yenrs nf nge are killed by aceid. iKril pllrant II will ilaie-tn I-, Jwarrt t in tiled tne iiy nce the of tomp ihe entv each year In Hie I'niied teller, anil any tntereatrd peraon may i I LAND ACT. Hie an rrf,ecui thereto I Tt In I lie oraca of Stales, necordinir'lo fltniren jutt the Oimntmller or of the Water Rerorder. DENTIST. Static ! Intention U Spplf t. made piilillc by Hie Aoierican lied Prlnc.TIIK W.Rupert.V. McDVHTKH B. C. BCnR Co, J.TD . Special Barnes Purchatt Lnd. Cross. , rpiicani. All thla In arena Land Dltlrirt, fterordlnt Ola- Hurn. falU. aulomoblle nnd The date of the sy rim rata piiniiralinn iiieti, atrnt or ttita month Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block irlet f t'tiion or coait,aay. Ranre adjoinin, anil lot annate its. at Dead other vehicujar aceidenlH. drown- notiee la Saturday, trliruary IS, lift. Furniture to room rnnkaa Furniture liiK and poleonlnK exact the hcati-l Taae nmic thai .Hortnan R, arorjtiural. Lady Assistant Open Evenings (it Prince Hupert, crrupalmn tnter mariner, loll of child, life. Forty per for Office Hours: Phone 575 Sunday, by Inlcnli to apply for permlaaloQ lo cent of the children Mho die bernre , Bags Sprint! 9-1 2f 1.6; 7.9. Appointment purrhaae ihe folic in t dearritwd land: rnarhlnif their fifth birllulay arc; Prices Good a Comnienrinr al a po'l planted on ma killed accidentally, Mhlle almost Suitcases oittn line ut lot lS, lln-nee eait to ruainai Thi'; llieiir. loutn to rhalm: inenre weal Id twenty per c'enl of Hie deaths rlialna to ahorej tnenre aloni hore lo poal rclalmintt 1boe Jielween flvn and Trunks and romaininr forty acre, more or li, fnurleen j-esult from acoldeiiln, " G. H. Arnold Notary Public Dated January..MiHMA.I J, ft,ISII.mioiua'HST. lha cnmpilalion show. After' It pay to jjet a uood Trunk - fourteen, accident caun pronor- i It pays to tkooe It here Near!" LAND ACT. fionalely fewer tleaths, "Spring Is FOR SALE. Firl aid inelruelion Riven F. M. Crosby J'ino 7-roomeU house on a 3H-fnot lot, furnace, heal. On CA9SMII LAND roast MSTHICT or nonet DISTRICT Of Hwinimers (hrounhoul (he United 715 Third Avenue, Prince Hupert NOTE YOUR SPRING Fiflh Avenue, Section 6, $6,800.00, Terms lo Iw arranged. TAlk notice that CASSMR.J Wrtxler Scott Simp-on. 8late by the lied f-rons reduced A nice bungalow on KHIh Avenue, Sect low fl, with one lot. of Telegraph ( reek, B. C, ocrupatleo drowniiur alalille from 10,000 Indlao Airenu tnlrAd to apply for perniia-lon reductions 4 rooms and bath $2,200.00 on tonus, to leaae Hie followlna dearribed lauder in a.tiiiii iiiinuuiiy, Hie staiemeiii Art Clothes havo mado An excellent duelling- site Dunsmulr Street 4 ijimiiencinf ai a poal planted mo yttat said, voiu between Is on ( more or la norltiwral of tne Boriowrit MUSIC FOK DANCES. claim arc below replacement and Of h Avenue, on Orafl Hill, 50x50 , . $1,000.00. corner of ibe Telerrapb CrerS tow nine, ; V " marked Initial Poatt tnence uorlli t enainai ARTHUR'S A3 Third K H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Iheore eaal 40 chain) tlwne. aouth 40 Advertising- is, offen expensive,, rl'lni ioenreeat 40 rhaloa lo toe point bvt it Is like expensive Insurancs Bonds RsnUI of rodiiiM-nceineol, aud (ostalnjoif ISO acre nothing an . I r V r K n . . - Pr nc tuor or le, as nu erfipl- sloii) anr) idle Phono 4l Phone 481 vifcbSTta sqoTT siMreii.t. (Hie, CrrrmUrr I em, IIIO.I I clerks. If