mm inni viiuT nnWB 7 BRINGING UP FATHER ByG True Economy y OF ALL THE BUM PLACED IT ithcp& TKtaci tut mwo ifnowc HIT CHM-N Una i I'VE BEEN IN -THIS lt THE e.NY BOOT VN I i SvA T 1 UskJfkW aVsBI.a a. LOOKiN rcR jOmg. IN THI 1 1 II rrv I .Tnn 1 1 1 PCRtON p- ALL OST- TOWN" II H WITT MFC- OAUdHTTD amci rwn cuevr? at ih motel-jr . 1 n v i i Ml I - Ilia. ax 1 I "l . SW f f II II I WfMtX 11 1 11 i wmm.. ran F YOU tend us your last year1! ikirt or dress and have it returned looking like new-Un't that.true economy? SJ ' a , Frequent Dry I wat at tTi rsrut rnn Cleaning and Pressing w will prolong the life of your clothing and BASKETBALL ;NEW BUILDING keep it fresh and new. BUSINESS DIRECTORY TOURNAMENT; THIRD AVENUE May we help you I These nre Good Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy economize ? Exhibition Hall Was Gala of Frank Clapp to Erect Two-Storey Comic and Strange Costumes Concrete Store and Hall rt EDSON Canadian Last Evening. Frank CJapp AKH ATKIt WATKHH l l ltVITl'HB AXI) ORNF.ItAh LAl'MHIIKS Steam Laundry T li i" masquerade lia kr-l Itn II announces vto.lay MKIlCIIANIHSr: llial hp had dellitilely decided lo tournament held in Hip Exhibition bcavc" lommo works CN0IAl STCABI LAUNORT Phone 8 llinldiiis last evening liy the High lirurmtl nilh Hip ereelioii of a re rrwrr imi pimm tit WU.fRiO ORATTONCor. TMnt tM Ttk. riMne . tor Urinisr siwt rreuUit rvf concrete two.slnrey Imildintr on rhw" Orrta It, for mi-ooJ asm rartU- School Indents attracted an en-j i SE EAH m Iv-n InN wliipli ho own on Third HAnHKH shop I'MNTISllH AXII IiKlltATOItH i Ace. jut below the h.iily Xew '.o b cart jj le.pK Four matches were staged nnico- XS,,t VOXAHSMA BSR8ER SHOP run.NiTiiiK "'ready fRIO SCAOpeM nn com. for Hip evening's pntprlainmpnl , I-sdT Barber uh Inl Itis. (Ml rntr 1-tmM Otrm ! m" ,r ' "' nnd providpd fun and merriment , ,f rSUNK BRCHU iii abundance. 0 building will ! creeled Thtnt rt)rvi omi 441. nawaiuo . wiaikr HXKKRS I'MNTS AMI OILA ri... i. ...i.i.i i- immpnniPiy. con. Stop! " is PrVo ' ivp oiip hi? I'KKfl STOIlliM ! a iirtMVitaiori or clowns, pi.-r.-il... la casta BAKERY. TMC A. W. U4I CO. -ral, - ta4 A?. fBlnt kftun ncHM If 4 .UK Mm 4 Wli4ir Look!! fRmcc rupcrt rtio co. .floor with a lapinrnl liPiionlh and nil 1 1 it tr nuti it .lt.ia.arf.l in njni 'tomioa. r&r. ttu) At. i4 lis L .-a.-li imnirinihlK Tin. hnv nnil a IO'l- hall a bote. It will Im' VAUX.K CIIOCKKUY. NOTIONS I'AINTKHM AMI HKCl 111 THIIH Albert S M Listen!!! mlivHHrnol mP'rt" "d mo.prn in. a iris of too IIikI Spool i lie prnoopdingi by ini:in: in p-rry rpppi an.i win a.i.i pr-ponnld.'rubly TMt OtNUr ALLtlt CO. PISH MKUCII.WTS. HKTAIL ILL a CROtSfTT rMii 77. A LITTLE COXSinF.RATKlX lo liip of: TMlil AMir. aeeostM rasl OlDre. lusty ralcby onir- Pirtcially pi-p-jiarp.1 nppparance ARTMUPff at ARK IT !' Phones 11t,W will convince yoii thai 'lainty f'ir th- mcHq. that pari of Ihc slrwl. Tho poI j Tand wi Pbuw 4S 4 4l. P.O. Ini 4t I'M Allll Mi now Wallpaper and fresh v.ill ho approximately ? CLrUXINf. AMI PHRSSINfi Tlipr.- ditlf inoiijpnl was not n STUN a IONOWIIL r.KXKHAI. MFncilAMllSH lM S. clean Paint arc not only ) in lh two' Piilertnininpnt TOKYO OYC WORKS- freMMt tiki 3r) sanitary and healthful, but -ml Hip r inability of Hip Mrlu. GENERAL LECK1E TO rlMiilar - irt Atrnu - fbon 414 wina chin vutn oo. ! the altrarlitenpss of Ttt S in Ph ! TS i HKTIH ynur tors wa oflpn fM'd lo Hip iiIiihihI The Tti surroundings lends la with Hip -iihiip sirlit a prpxenlr-tl WORK STEWART CLAIMS fiHOCKIIIKS P. W. MAtrr Pkm BMk 411. brighten your thoughts ami whilp thp tramp -trorp hi pmprpw. ' piil you in good spirits, too. I LIMCY-t PRINCC RUPfRT OROCIRV TIip -4.IU-.I of tin- tournament H Recenl secured Option on! SlflX 'lTIn We rarry the newest and TMrtt At. PkiM 47. A WM plw lo etl 'lh svt rulloa - PVfw lit . !in ii mi' .k'ih on iiip pay ilie m w r I li. best Columbia and Excelsior bill a cwotitrr p u. I 1 I f I .II H it'll cli.'ol rratufi'phnnp and the WALLPAPERS AND PAINTS -Indents lire highly Kralirieil with Groups. THC tUTC CATC IIAHIAVAliK - - J Varnishes. Kalsomlne, Class, flip ilPftH. rejonp lo IheirePf- ISenmd Ate. Bitresl HMI It Mowr. a sUnulty "tt At jiow.. KlIKI-n' MKTAI. WOHKS etc. fieiipral ft. O. lMwar.ln I.ppkie1 MprlMadlerY.T''! ! rianwrt lup- for! After few- a nre1 ji. Pippiisps . . . p!W. IttrrtMsf JU) lHI U met i I paid th? 4nrnipnlplainmi,ntl,aH reeenlly rcurp.l an option ClfiAILS AMI TOHAf.CO .i i a i s ii Ik j nowi-s SILVERSIDES BROS. nill Inliv nHlM'110.?'- " from V. V. HuhIi and Arthur' koU r6- YOKAHAVA Itt TMM ttc. WMt lAipoirriiii oiiocKiUF.s Phone 22: Second Street 'Hi I..ornament matches Vp- Hang nit their rlaimx, Columbia. P.O. Box 120 sulled a -follow: j Kveninp Sun, Sentinel and 'Salient. ' I 1 AtBIRTA CAT MAJMBT BTftN A 10NBWIU. PWI S. Xeanvt!eT Jlisdi . Mae.lonald, known an Columbia Or..up, a!o DIlttUilSTS Tiflft Streel l loo tl star' i; . Mi.s M. Simms MIa P. Treniayne. Ftpelaion nnil l'?flf.te tnnti-n m flu.! luwi:iifoh imtB t.ii)hsmi.ip,s cv oknts fiijf :t ''W Min it. Harvey and LFhUor, I ; ."'""'"r onu iMiiif, known a tmt w. J. bhcutchion -Seomt r.i. -r ,-rtt Ateawe and Sum Atreet. LAncli 1 'NARBCTRONO," P1MMIS llHl 400. Hanal Xpwa. Ilolh .'an" I'ii'retl.'M Mi. A. tiurviclu group i r tttr Urirl tjnir bum In .lorlkero 8. C ' The USO.tO Rnst At CWUMl Slhl PfMt. M. Lan.:aater. Mias 11. Mrllae, Mi-'arn "ilnaled on Jhe middle ork of EDSON LCO. .M. Tarter and Miss F.. KerKhaw. 0,!lacirr Creek, pistil iniW froiir M.'li'iii Mii.w M noberls Mln MPWari. . Kelly. Mix,. II. Ilibbard.' Mt! Ari-orilin In ll.p.lerms of the M. Lind-ay and Mis II. Morrison,l"l ''on considerable amount of l I CUM II Classified Ads. have received daring the Ut Daily News II: fb.y- in irU' .Irps t:. l)I,n-t",,p",P"",nl wor " "r wnunr three whVi in. '. Keririu, II. FrjiZPlI, V.ila'',n reason. In rommenrc Tk:i Ann MiU:hell aiul F. Morrison. 21. In,,t la""F """ 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Leaa than HOc 100 cars Coal I Old Maws .miss v. mi or k icy,i "a '.i""r, oe -ja iceisior wora in in dp rommence.i 'Mis s. 'laldPione. Ml (i. WVAMTCO. MI ST HI' SflLIV -Offer will be eon ntnr IMiss I. Outer and Mis W. nibh.!nn r before July 15. Mr. Hush rer.-itPil for lil 18. Hlock 8. kri-ki I" I from Madeod River mine, owned 1 1. llaeheinrn-'sJ. KpII C. Insii-laiider. .will uppjinlrnd the work. (VAMKII Srconu-Iiana Iiirni-. Seelmn 2 on Second ieniih bv I'd flKXT- 1-tirni-l.e.l siiile. ti I by Prince Rupert citizens. V. "Miinlsromeiyy J,Kasl: While jhe opjlon diver Imtll lure. If ycU hae anything to; owner, J. Komp. 11? A. ft. 3. or three r"m. SI. .oui It.mins nv ltio" We have the exclusive rieat to Kroups, i( is so drawn Dial if after nTPrito i nv and F. K'Tsin, 17. sell call lUd 243. We pay cash.! SHerarrtrnlo Cal M Plume. Ite.l m. . V I L L IV A I 111 handle thU coal in Prince Rupert. Clowns Mis M. Palmer, F. spendin? 410.(100 in .levelopmeait F. M. Crosby, 715 Third Aenuef - 777,ZZZZZ7 u- a i uui.rr i i.ii iu Don't be misled by other coal Morrison, C. Dunran. ft. Kelsey, work the purchasers wish In drop at tfjrH SALI-llange. hexilap. Iron ei . U.lsl V dealers who use our firm name .n. W. KerRin, i2. ITnknnwn one (rrotip and relafn the other. le.i allirilllT nlul liilil I raftavaa tall faV. I ' . to advertise their coal. J!is MrLenaptian. Mi (Idernnp, Ihey may do so. upon makiim l aUSI'KKHPIJIl AVANTFIl-Apply iHrd. drcaser and taWe. ia.aa',W',CKn ACC1WXTAXT A C II IW If jou watt a real good screened j : i liai-M-y. II. Fi izrell and V. the vendors a sub-lanlial easli Mr. I'elheralonbaupli, Second 7 Fiflh Anue Wl. Phone , "MUM I t at IT ntlHIHQ U ri Ul Sanitary and coal, call up Mit.Ji.-ll. It. payment on Iiepemher 31, 1021. Street. tf Itlu TOO. CO tinnjts, whole or part time. l(.ilni ; W. B. WtllUcrott. Phone Phone 58 1 whctIeague WIRELESS STATIONS C0ARD AND ROOMS If III SALi: fctnap for cab, spee.1 3luck 250. tf pri bin ict fcireti Koptrt i - wl Folly. Must be AOld before Prince Rupert Feed Co. PRAIRIE PROVINCE; IIOAllIi AXU ROOM SL'ITAHLF. TluirAdny. Owner pa ing town. SHORTHAND TYPEVVRITI NO Elks and Sns or England Win for one or two. Phone Illark Phone 137 and ask for Hooppr.ptman Stenographic School!" Corner 2nd Are. and 7th St Veterans Failed to Turn up. 217. CO Twelve Recommended In Northern FOR SALI1 Fnurleeii.foot ski IT, I i.tening ciasaew, .Monday, en-; . ITU X, Mi I The sons of F.nsland w-ern ur-j. FOR flatt nnSfltv nti4 t.ll,u ?1A In Oi - w It lr cenfreSmard. Strongly' its Manitoba Professor Wallace by sful or Ihe O.l.lfellowit liy a built. 25.00. Apply h 163.' o'el.ick. Individual intlruetion. f 6 to 3 at whist last n If lit FOR SAI.BIHIO.tialitiut boat, Xewa Xo. 0 Smith Block. If nuniNa its Ilally OUIcp. tf .i hi . Valhalla WIXMPKO, Mar. 1Tl.Thc fully FrUen SUindar.i ami the dele e opilpiittl Terrace Fruit Lands tablishinenlT.f chain of twelve HAIR DRE8SINQ. a ,ri 1. The.- were llin only two Hngin; IFOJI S.LFFurnUhlno of Ik-!. U'aiiii-s played and the painp Iip-Jtwuen v.-irclesn statinna in Xorlhern .IrttD work tioat SH b p. heny hurts cnmplPle anil , sm KlUBitl' ,rlKSS,xr,. upkcIAT. SCALP and (Sreat Manitoba, al an estimated ont if hou. for . . . .the SI. Andrew's duly; pent. Apply 735 FlrM ...,t 22 Acres. 1 mile from Terrace lrwlmrn, MarPP, Wttvln. F,ce in rccorniiiende.l 'ra by Prn-fcnsut t55,OAO, W ar Velt-rans did not come, oft", 31x8 work boat or troller 5i.p. Avenn West. ."sS Addrei. and only 600 yds. from rnnssugr. Jlnir dyeing, iidle (the latter team' failing to put in II. C. Wallace, commissioner vi... 0f Second school. 5 acres cleared and 'an appeofancp. Tho Veeran for lh norlti country In lis . 28 fin.! rumlMHil 20 h. p., ir!' on ALJ 'l'wo nolo .arke.r-s- Combings made Inlo swilehea. 174 T" Phoni fenced containing 75 bearing the ar.lial dejiarltnenlal report. niiles: jonsl as new, snap. Knuulro on Charles I.eClarca, 333 Sitlh fruit trees. A spring j IIiub Hie forfeil league KtandinK Paine, lo date Commissioner Wallace 1 of Ihe Runabout r n mile, .to h. p. board Hie. Hilly liny at lu' Hay. Street, d'hone lllue 78 for home; creek running across the opinion that such a system of appointment. tfi 15 ft. rowb.Mit. 2' h.p. follows: InboardJpoR HAI.U Ten h.irr eal Cwc property. Good log house, wireless roinmunlcalii.n in highly 5 rooms, and good log barn. I W. L. Pis. ili'.iirnl.le for Ihe successful lie. engine: Marine Ways. ApMy W. J, DANCES I l.i.l U.W4 I Price $2200 cash for quick Knigl.U of Col,.. 1 2 2 21 Hull 20P, icndy for englae; Thoina, box 165 Xew office. miiri i iiuv Sons of panada ,8 5 16 velopinpnt of they north counlry. 25 h.p. l-cycle englnp; i:vr.rtv hatuiuiay i:vi:xix, 0 sale. j si. Andrnw'H 8 0 16 The mining possibilities depend 50 h,p; ucyelo engine; FOR SALI1 Trolling nulfll I h. till 12)anro in Mrlnlyre Hall. Sons ofBnsland .8 fi 16 very largely on tho ability of 7 h.p. rttrarnnteo engine; p. engine. First $125 takes it. Aduilsslon: Oenllemen, 50c; KENNEY BROS. & CO. Valhalla 7- 0 1 people in Ihe rounlry lo keep in 1 li.p. AiJami engine. Apply P.O. box 217. If Ladic-R, 2U. it j oddfellows 6, 1 12 constant communication will, the MM. BTKPIIKXR. 11 1 t loiilm'de Second.hand fiirnlliirn hmighland LA XI) ACT. Real Estate and Insurance Knight..rPylhian 6 7 12 world, Hip cotnmlsalonpr FOR KAI.USixUwn and half fneil enld, P, LeClaire. Phone Oreen' Terrace, B.C. ; l lks 5 10 10 slates, especially during Ihe lie-t'vern HIITICE Of IITfc.MTIO.I TO API'LY ! i. W. V. A. 3 II 6 reason period while (he biilllip row ikoal "Lily I'." Will 514. u ItMf I AMD. v sprinsr break.up an.) the full a.miI ten, jlaa five speed out. LOST In yusn Chirlntl Hl.nd. Unit nutrlrl m i bv frppzo-ijp are In poces pnch board faille motor. Fop cash hemrijisf DuirKI ul Skiwna,' sod Simsl par. sale 200. Can be seen nl tho LOST Ladies gold watch, mono, lyii)4i IKrtur a.ljoinint' Lou 44l inJ TOM LEE CO. Vaeht Club. TAkE .NOTICE Iful t, Hume H. Ptninr-I'm situ. Prince Ituperl Apply A large clarion U already pram "J.M.W." on back. Return r Prmre liii-rl. occupation ", ale.1 at Tim-Pan and Commission Will lidmumK Prineo Ituperl lo American Manner, Inienrts in applp rnr pnni"ti.m Consulate, tf 810 Recond Avenue, West la IrkM its. fuitnwlni .lorrilsM) UihIi: - LEE 58 . 'A isriott senditioR which If ra- Wallace recommend t lial llulel. (.nniM-naur si s pt punlM ti w i 11 LOHT-Sma.l poeket wnllet or lot in, on oeori con-jr, VEGETABLES tittsd whan you srouis the liter, I another be bull! at Phjuicnnel an.) FOR RAMIt-OoiIk.. LlmouAlnp, In 1.90 rutins inort r: kidneys nd bowsli te etton by ten smaller ones ul intermediate laming sum-of money nnd per- leas in m low tp mark nr nknrd Wholesale and Retail Ural elnsi condiflon. Jut.1 like eoual pprs- lo lUitxiurj iiwiaw loulh.tilf rly (sd follow-ln uinj Or.Chns'i Kidnt litsrPillt. points. j-rMn n iim Km nw wslrr ours 10 rluins OVneral Contractors and Onspllladots. 2S.iboi,lldilrt new, Ouoil lire, bumper, and 729 Fifth AMnue WeU Phone more ur iw i,t a ia.ini iu wrl 40 Labor Exchange J, Iho Oreal War Velernns ewryllUDS omplele, 11.500 Red 1 09!i A !. Hi;riitim lltrnre from nn ihe HuufnwMt 7.40 cnaini corner ma ef souin-weil lot i Chases May, Write 'P.O. box 831. 68 rcrper or Vn 411; Itienee norlB-westerly GF.ok?;,sp MKIord player, is convalepjnR POUND nd fuliomnr Itie M(H '" N 1 -t D.trk of N(jn nrtour l rntn nrnrs or Prince Rupert, B.C. from his rcenl operation al Ihe FOR SALIV-Pinini? Room aultr. In in tti point of commencement iod Phone 517 P.O. Hoi 725 fieneral Ilnnpilol anil was rml In Can be een by appoint rnenl- -Plioii.' POUXD Small bimeh key. Apply ronltlntnr (ri-et mors or less. (MT.Kedr' "..... lay foe 4fce first llm.' Oreen i'... 3d News ofllre. Per Pre.1. Nssb, U.C.L.I., stenl. Dtted Hit ftio OA or ;cu4ry, l til.