"""" PWI WCtBt Willi" ( : -- r ' ' " ;' ' ' ' f ' BRINGING UP FATHER ',, , .; 1 -" By I THCWTOTO fJ t-J ITUPVoAV CUT THTRC V-U rwLFF,T?'J Pure ielhi ixixsweetentocl xnilH-ready always ov ImI 3Zj7TTf rfte!& 'T'Sr coohmd ox i e m --7.. '. 7i j i i SALMON ITOTOS CHILDREN iATHON COMPANY IS LEAD AT M'GILL CONTINUING GREAT cciriAn l rlc 1 I I1 I TROLLERS STUDY LANGUAGES ENTERTAINMENT BILL; : x era rr-jTei tc m unn sr su a rr m airiv tavj & a a. s a a a a, " a-e rai ' 1 a 0 a wr w -t,. w auvcm uTvriiiiini lanvn mr man quo 1 I ifff f I II S 1 1 1 1 Miss Helen Fotos and Brother "Hello Bill," Elk Comedy; ."The ft , : , m l" v . Trolling: boat with New Wages of Sin," Drama and W"T"- John Make Great Records and ! l. -: --Ill CUrmA Engine, all complete, Vaudeville. - Mu Both Win Scholarships. WANTKH flood canon up to 18 rixi Ri;.NT-Ti,e .round nWi.7 7 UIIU UU For Sale. "Hello nill," the comedy played feel, one. go""! Outboard e'n-i nnd-basemcni rtf th sv..ti Market rriccs D. J 1 The - rfnil lionor lil of T , pa good In G en- Mine, one u. by the Alhon Slix-k Conipany and p. Oliyer Typewriters McfJill University. Montreal, nt gine. M m. si iiPiii:.N's. t( ' "'' ' ' y: Hie reJVnt oaitiiiinlionN linn jiifl which they will present again wpiiilsl hjr IX n. JltMi u n Meats. - l tonight, is a screnni indecil nnd SITUATIONS WANTED hliwt'Mrlnl Hh.., ru"ly Jiini I. T-bone (.teak ..' 3o sm! i fj Safes & Fireproof in uie a'"' Cary rieen reciveii r'y the rendilimi by IhU clever company Hound steak ' WtA and shows that Miss Helen Polos Yank lier irdher John, children of T. is creditable itulceal. Ilnlxyt YOI.VU LAI IV wthe iKt.itinii as Sirloin steak, per lb l3o Of -ur Sl-r.fi- '1,1 Foil IIT.NT--l.argr I l-'olos of tljis cily and former Athon talcs e leading purl and sli-nograpber. experienced. Hot hoiix, partly Meet pot roan I, lb.. 12 He lo 23c Will .1. v, I Lots & Houses For Sale sludenls of Hie local Ii i k!i chori, is assited by all the olher four l"t. Iaily Nevrs finice. ftirnlh-d, two 1 mile II. from Terrace. 1.11 Reef, chuck roasl, IL..52H to 25o Apply menibers of Ihe Miss t'inUy. have been brilliantly surroskful. company. Reef, rib riMt, 11 30c and 31c Kflle Johnson taking the leading (Ht(t:i:itY I.I IIK wnnU steady Moth tenue ljt, after 5 Hei-r. iM.uing. II IV Out of 273 students in Kirsl Year Arts, MiswTolns has laken lady's part. ponilbni. Apply Hot H'J. Ilally PJH. ISO Hamburger, per lb, 23e Mrs. S. Frizzei & Hanson v" Dybhavn "The, "agc of in' Is a sketch News MHc-. I2S Stewing Insef. III econd place on the list, winning nillMSIILIl fWKiM WITH HOT lief L'or along a serious vein and there i Insurance Third the Annie Markinlosli prize with BOARD AND ROOfsyS and bl wstf. Norfolk Hixnis 0.llr.l In-ef. r Hi Smith Block Agents. a dcided moral In it. Mr. Athon first class honors in (Latin. I . Miiin lll.iek .10 9? Lamb, leg, per lb..,.. 3e Cerner Third and Fifia ! Avenue, Prince Rupert 'again lakes Ihe leading tide, litis Fivneh. fierman andireelc. Her PALMMIt llOHHIffor board n ml t li full, loin 50c ; jlijne a n hypocritical old minister FlJltMSIF.H STITF. TO IlKXT hrolher John wins flrnl 1 vdass rooms, 1 b'tiu Cooking, llales; Mutton, slewing .... : i- honors in Hie sjuim sulijecls. !- whose youthful shi finally reasonable. rs. .MelMiigall. VI. Louis llooins. Pb4)n Red 91. Million, shoulder, lb.. 2ftc to 2Mc ing awardeil Hie Classical and finds him Out it as he was tn4.i0ft SevrnlU Aenuc WmI, l.e of mutton, lb (tic! Accident and MiMlirn Languasre Scholarship. !condemning similar his iwn ilaughlcr for Phone Ited Mil. If LOST IaiIIi of luutlon, lb. (0c! DINING HER Helen look firs! place among a ,oiu. IHT fiobl cuff link, mcnugrain Venl shoulder roaf, per lb.. . Je all competitors in I-ntin And 'John . The vaudeville -turn by Miss fOlt ItOOM AM) IIOAIIO Phone "JJH.M. Yalueit as keepsake. Irfg of veal 30c and 4ic' Sickness 'Johnson and Mr. A!lion is full third: Helen Mr! place In l-rencli llej t2l. tf Finder please phone I Him tt8. i'laiu sauge, per lb, .... 23c, ;nf life and clever and and John second: Helen first repartcv Moinroek sausage (3c IS A H AB1TI Insurance place in Herman, John seeond; the curtain drops' on n charming ron aatc LOST Purse ronlalning money Pork, leg 30 ,vocal duet. liolh lied for fintt place in Oreek. and rcecipl. ReWaril. Return Pork chops,. er b, 33-1 Ynu ar not immune from These successes reflect honor lictiidc Ihe vaudeville and FOn 8ALK--Three cruisers 33 to Daily News Office, Hot 10 1 ill,,rL IliMiTDer, iwr II 3''r Accident r Pickni eillier j sketch numbers there is nn entertaining 30 feel, one halibut boat, one upon the ability of these ynunjt L(ST Hold wrlt watch. Phone I!. lieeil, pa-r III, 7fej And a darrr Tood al liomo or 1 ravelling. A series of comedy plc-' halibut three (rollers student as well a credit on schoopcr, j j 'Ham. sliced iie, habit Good tod I Policy In one of our ulrnnK their teaching in Prince Hupirt's lures,' 28 In 32nffti, 28-foot runa- iiiniii. vii,ee, iter lb vc too. (:nmfinnii'M wilt proiwrly schools. . Vutf IwgiSlerUng. engines, one ACCOUNTANTS Malt hack jrl, tor and satisfactory ser pfiividp for yni. aiid your JOHN WISEMAN HAS 7 h. p. fifiaVuntee Heavy Uuly Chicken, per lb. .......... . 33e vice means pleased 1'X PKR I K.NCF.! ACCOUNTANT family ilnrintr any dit-cbility. Kngine, one 20-foot bull-M. Fowl, lb, J0c Our Policy will interest ALBERTA VETERANS DISAPPEARED-WAS UP M. STKPIIF.N8. If would take charts of el of Pickled per.pots', per.,......lb 3e patrons. oooks. whole or part time. you. x IfONOR STUTCHBURY ON DEFRAUD CHARGE WHITi: LCniKllLNS -Prlie lay W. K. Wllllstroft. Phone Oof.kM lialrt. SHWI. (lf lb".;. Tn AND OURS ARE Prince ing strain, fur sale. Yearlings. Slack 239. tf Spare ribs, per lb, 30e Habit. Rupert Get the Local Visitor Held In High Esteem 2. Two year old. 11.73. All jlloast bain, per lb, Hit John C. Wiseman, who was to SUMMER RESORTS. Hologna, per lb 30c by. Edmonton Returned laying and in first-class condition. insurance hate come up on remand' Ibis Jelljed lungiie V Men. Airs. W, ItojM Thompson. INCHF.ASF.D ACX)MMODATIO.N morning on u charge of.obtaining Hroilers , 34e fase failed Terrace.'.Il.fi, , If including a lenl fcr family or Calve Sir 5. aft Agencies, Ltd. Howard Stutchbtiry, Alberta money by pretence, for hoarder liver, lb. .Regis psrly at, siKjimcr to answer to his name. I. W. PFrTINfi F;r.R 2.00 n iloien. Dairy Produce. Ir.'tdc commissioner, who Jh Al P.O. Drawer 1632. Phone 130 present In this cily, was to have I'atiiinie: neling for the dnfence, flhf-ie Island Reds. Hen laid Hill French.Farm. Tecrare. i.anfear (f A Holler, per lb .v.... 3e Third (venue Second Avenue been Ihe. recipient al Kdmonlon said he was Miljve hi client wn all winter. 02 Sixth Avenue Roller -rooking , per lb tlie last Sunday of a noteworthy awnre that Ihe cae came up this F.asl. PIirin187. 39 DANCES JCtieese, per lb. 3ie presentation by the returned soldiers morning a nr. his non-appearance Lllilblirger l'heee, ier 6'i- FOR RALIv-Fnrniliire. Including of Alberta in the for'n of eould only be uncounted for by KVKRY SATURDAY HVKNINd, 9 Fjfg. (ease) a. I Or Rupert Marine Ironworks an illuminated address. On account hl absence front, the city. rugs,furniture,.electric do. Ily range,appointment.bedroom till 12 Dance In Mctntyre Hall. fjgs (II. O.-fresh ese . itr SILVERM Admission: SOo; 'Kggs. Oenllemen, of Ihe absence of Mr. Magistrate McMordie said that local Phonn 230. 22 Supply Co., Ltd. SlJitchbury the presentation hail he tried In make I Icings as eay Ladlee. 2.1c. tf Margarine ... fScj Have on hand; o be postponed. a Mi.kf.ibe in regard to (mlting FOR HAIJ-liIlsh baby-buggy. Man people rend newspaper fomb honey 60c Bros. Large new xlock Hall While nnf a relumed man him up bonds for the appearance of cheap. Apply 513 Hi Ave. an mucn for their ihrriiing Sugar. er lb t2e self Mr. Slutehhury was untiring any arciiM'd, but in future be I'asl. phone Red SQL tf llresd. per loaf 2 for 23c Thrusls. in. to 2 in., improve; enhfmns as (bey itkt for news. The Home of In his work rnr, the men returning would have n make urelle Flour hrd whif 30.bk $33 psllcfn, at reduced from France, 1olh before anil much heavier Hi insure them FOR SALl-'?ltablly used lype- Milk, per case) ... . 15.73 lo f 7.75 prices.I-'ollowir.g afler Ihe armistice. To quote being lied up In. The bail of writer; Phone Hluef8. v 121 Vegetables Ramsay's f II.p. Guarantee,f?nginca fo ale: one passage from Ihe address $.100 Vs orderedrslreAled and BIO SALE WILL START FRIDAY Onion,. .dry, I'd I i for u in -c rt II.P. Automatic. which the, returned menv prepare Ihe police will make every endeavor In order to make It lighter to W'ATP.R ACT, 191 4. . iaTji,t i i it?r 14 i . , a 10.12 II.P. Ituitalo. ed: "His duties were A labor rtf to secure Ihe nreuse;. move up town. Carnd. per lb, ic Pure Paints lovfl and no returned man ever F.verylhing will lie ld at n sacrifice, MOTIIf. IS HIHftlT uivi.n inn III' .Turnip. er lb, A 5 II.P. Palmer. A POPULAH STYLK OF DllF.SS Hnnonr lit Umlrntnl H,ivttrr of Hlill'li Cabbage , L tOr. appealed fn liirn Jn vain." 'the nothing reserved, . first liriumlrM hr nn won ! lrir Hi 3 H.P. Palmer. illuminated address, which is a FOIl THK OIIOWINO OlilL . . come, first served. ., tif ullro Otilirtl bt UU pl4 t4 (lillilliiwer 23c to too nnd (lie " All in. complete working order real work of art, wa drafted by Singer band sewing innrhine good fitlWl Thil nnrausni- in in proriiMS er Head lettuce too to 25e i. and supplied with Col-umlilan SrrM4l St l.f tl Wslrr ! III! ! Potaloen. sack .11,30 lo 12.30 STOC the AJl'Tla executive of the fJ, Mr WALLPAPER as new $27.2.' ir t Mir -nt th innif ct tf II Peerles;- Propcllors. YV. V. A. and the fine sketching Heavy Singer f.5.00 IRil llMt trrt if ll snrirnl Celery, per lb 20c. to 30c irr iif fittr Mrallin l.rr' Waterfront, Prince Rupert and color work were executed by Fine dresser, Imavy plat glass nd Mtriwii si.r in in Crinr as-lfi Cucumber, ench 30c the Stafford Studios In Calgary. oval L...... f?2.rn liril-r-ln.i:uul'-l wnr ln.irifj nnlnbrrd ribluij til sv Spinach, per lb.'. I6'' Mil u( ..-. ' Red, full mIza tnatlress ami pmrd on Uh Mm dijr of Dreriubr, TmiiinIihs. hothouse, per lb. fiOe It 16. tm riwfll in fir is HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS spring 113.75 MHI rrr irUip in the wttrt of ItliilliNrb, per lb, 0e vimn.i iorr in in rriw Ph4M EDSUN COAL GO. nar-rri 33r I led i of all sizes cheap, no re. Wtlrr lilatrKI iisl fhl imiIkh r Asparagus P.O. Bot 120 WILL STUDY WORK OF serve. urn raiwrlUImn t putilltlire far rrult. Sacond Strttv tlirre nHinihi in irv H. K. (Ilium for fh b4t Cliair.t-alinost new at S' awl (nr inre itkwiim in floa laaaa iOrapefruit iHoridai .... 2e ' ROBERT L STEVENSON ra.-B RViCtt: tf ham i-bwaia-r nan. lion..... 33c Paint foi- Illioils, ln;iise, ric, per gni fS.lllj H.iina m ih mar aiiri wir per Alberta Coal Tables of oil kinds from $3.00 Inalrirl. Dales (druiu'i ....... .... 30e raim una tlta ar tr Minn, a. ii. ml. 35o to II Next term the lexf. In English In 8.00 ?. f. rTTi:i.ui. Navel oranges Phone, 58 llterulure frjr Ihe preliminary 'ryjiewrller (Smilli Premier) only ,. Miimi.raf tnJi. Raisins, per lb, . .... 3f.e course, JuniirOrade, in Ihe high 120.00 LAND ACT. Curnnls, per lb. .... .... 304 Prince Rupert Feed Co. rchools of 11. C. Is In be changed. (eat safe lo keep nway Hies fl.7f Peel, per lb, .... no" STF.F.NJLONGP Tub stand less than cost Natlaa af lalaallaa fa aaalf la Laaaa LasS. tilted lb. . . .... 35c at $3.75 nuts, per Corner 2nd Ave. nd 7th St. Sir Waller Scolf "Ivnnboe,' In lunia . I a-tti i.aixl imiriri. ncm WorkjJ which has been studied for many Finn reading lamp $10.00 Inr Mlilitla filllrirl r"'.of prlnra I V mil HUpart,anulawaal tail lluil of Table Figs, per pig. .... 16" Sheet Me.nl years, will be replaced by ft. L. A few yards hf cotton al less oreanlir tannery, hrtillii ltlni. anil I It Mince Me.ai ...... 250 than mile ran north rai nf (Irnn Itlaml I.lain. Newton'. $1.23 cost price. f Yellow stevenson'' "Kidnapped. Official Aiptes Takr nmtra Out I, strrrO r. Wrislil. ur announcement tills effect was 3552 Watches, rings, chains, boots I'riiirr Itunrrl, H, l.'., orrnpaiinn laixl Kir ARjes fWlnesops) Sf.no inlrnd tt fur In iirrmiaaiAS TORK'S made, by Dr. J. D, MeLeafv minis, and shoes, axes, forks, shovels, leaaa r)rr,Ihe roimwiHt acplr drrilril land! Apple (Orccning) $4.00 . . . i .'nwr Strl week hammers, hatchets, elo. :nmiriirinf al a t-t planted on lb Hanand 75c but Mrrci ' . . h i last alone s ter of education, SELL ixtriliwrtl rnd i)f a aand bar I W IMIIas Kupr Print with other change In Ihe various The place s.w. nr In anulharii rarnrr of lf in, Mrnwlerrles 35r lnnr t, iyt liMinrii Ibrnr armtnd TOVES. OLD OI'.PARTMF.NT . Fruits. public kcIiooI curricula. LY.NCII'H IM rnlira Sand War. UkHii in all mil van Evaporated STORK. ! Low Wairr Ntra, aud ronlainisf ID Ulack figs 2i'c ar- arrr, nwra or li. I'ullrn .l.'iH'' la berx illiinlrnOd. Tb lime now, don't foigel Ihis sLmtn K. wniuiiT. Wbllii flge 20o KidnTtpubJe Is the chance of your life lo fulxl tun ll day of prtl . ti. mi. 10c. (z Apricots It is cut In four Siren: H, 10, buy rheap-PIIJRRK LI'-CLAIMM. LAND ACT. Fred Stork's Hardware sie Peaches and tf years, A 1 year If Zvu tha caul sf mtmm n.Srl f of 3d Inch Apple will require yards . Coail Second Avenub In Hani land rmirlM. Keard- Italsins 350 Irem bickichs rheumitiim and material. ' CORSETS ins dKirirl ir I'ri'4 Htipri. and aiiuai Soeilles PHONE BI ACK 114 iumei(s. icu can 1st m MiddM) rass on n Aonn wen anorc 2Wo-25c quickly Prunes This. Is it good model for serge, of krimrdv Mland the kidneys rffht by stlnf Dr. cluck CnilSKTK made lo order. Mrs. Tai rmiira mat I, Alfrrd C. WritM, of Chile's Kldna.llr Pilli n. for suitings In rlald- nr f-, Prtnr liuprrl, U. nci-npaii.n rtml aur-rr, ....ru'nrMl sill a doss. 2 Sc.t bet,all dealer. nnllerns. nnd nltii for irlngh.ini. Director, Phone Illue 2H3. If inlnd i apply for prrmxnon 14 :od. 2 ibs. Hn HsT T IAUIUJ I Irair ll fnliowms drurrlpad ln1i - Zod fillets, smoked Phone 555 or Black 472 cliainbrey, pongee, talTela, percale Commrnrlnt al a' pntl plantrd on in WiHiuut itdverllsiTnenls, this ra'l rnd of in Sand Bar aimwo aa "Sua Vreali hlark cod. ner lb. .. I'WfJ '.Chase and lawn. . Sand," in rlnlnj ! of in fierio tad 250 C. V. EVITT paper would not Im.us liileietln roin-r nf Lot tl, Santa S, Uil Pljfrirli Finnan haddle- Auctioneer Buy advertised good mid buy lo you, bees use ItifrtVinalicn aboui Ibrnre irMind th rMlr sand Sir. liiiiif Halibut, pfn lb 25o LEE In U Itial pari ab4 lw valr Mark, I a Phone Bfir! 20f) Auditor and Accountant I; Pill (lieiu . from Hie Iccal mercbaiil pood for sale In the stoics Is arid eniilainliil flu inn, nmr i.r lat, Herring, kippered, per lb. who advertises, news just that. Diled una Ol LHll dijr fl of K.April WIIIIIHT.k v. nil, Halt Herring-, each, ..... ((Id