May 20, 1921. Til DAILY IIWI PAGE 3. Like a Tidal Wave Local and Personal er The Tobacco Everybody Enlargements! Heart Disease and Nerve of QualHy" Smokes Troubles Sweep the Country. II. C. Undertaken. I'b one 41. tf Skill iiv Ullt'l li li;iurlil llcd.Jiiif? plants- City Market. rrolir il iki pri-Nxi m iim oril'i Mlllioul fin- pi-opii .'ipnp. la.kury have hrirl tod nette trouble! For 8t. Hegis aflcrnovn tea, in.'ill. ruin iimi-hmc re- U-rn o Malml a lliey arc tortay. OLD CHUM Cafe. tf Hi Ixarl rtii'l the ir and v "lnli.m'- (I i.ikniK Iram .( tbia lniv. tm.tliui ar. and tie of i iilm (ti-niciilK. Jul n 'f ami urri, ttw antitly tl cmlty Wanted Haw fur. 1'al I'lill- if 1iiiiim-m int romltiuu a arrlvu) dram llmi)!i. tf harp ti Hit! oii'jiml. in IIm nrrruu (yalem. Pries very reasonable. tm lu.iii ur mi aura-aday Mri4 Mat your boal fur tale wltU wiih urh a ruh in aluut'M Illn your fuwirilc iicjrn-tm-aml bean, anal trunrrst urrtra lirrali dun M. M. Htrpilens. tf will iinilrr llir Mrain. It has that mellow com one. on imp Mr.t apruiii of any lra. II. V,. Phrc of Hrallln li la)ing ou. . iKn c,r Mm M.inn Nilliurn'a llrarl and at I lie I'rlnce llucrrt Hold. richness that appeals W I'lllt Ifwtd t laaen. 'Tint rrruo-Irarlln- to smoker. every DEVELOPING AND irr W ll u U '''I i;a-h for your Vicloiy bonds. PniNTINQ 4lxl nrrrr )l-in Is Hn.My li.artf IMi. Mr. W. . Wrlrht, llprr-ll Arrnur, No waiting. IV Mc(J)iuont. tf f'T (llllll I fll th. Sn(fru-- oiiaaa, ont.. whir.: "Afirf auffrrlnr for HfiM- llli mjr heart, I rvotuitrd a J. Iliiileiiit frmrlliiu cairn-m.iii Imn gikirniii J Miliilwr ut lrir, J.UI tot no relief, iff WiiiniH'K. U in tin- cjly. Quick Service lli.m.wr. rraif tiat Nfiijurna llrarl and .m 1'iiu liad din (r others. tm bad Mr. N. II. NVa'l'J" not iik arw ttiii!'jiua and inouint I nuuld tv-ceive EXCHANGE RATES 1 ri- itH'tn a trial. Brlmr me. an Doiea tontvrrun' nor again until rrlinrd utr I am fciliiit On and fall. Courier)- T. McCIymoiil EAT : FISH and SUPPORT A LOCAL INDUSTRY an annul li my nurd eryJay. I tan , n-rtaMnend )iair plIU lo an vim war not Tin liiiiiriagllaiik of Canada i j.J, I did." SlerJiiifr.. ITi.. lr a lut al all drii.r ir uiaiM'd opfiiiliv h liriiiirli Ml Jai.n-r 1'afk, frunc. I(.0j. f EAT. dirrtl ua rttriH f prlr Uj Vm T. Mil-l.urn f ho, Junction point. Lira. Minimi, lurvftlii. Ont AaL Ir. T. A. More of Turonlo wlio Mrke.l '.! MAURICE CORKILL rtrrin-d ltiiM-r.lefl JI-oijjJTj-ujJafu fur on l'orl IfiV'Prince inii-ion.- treifV.-5e I53i, ' -China, Rupert Brand Japaii, 5. STARTING CAMPAIGN Ilulvaria. .?.!,' I'rpjiliylfriaii I.adicn' Aid al of Ci.-elu.Movakti. $37 J -lien H PaUnt for Alrlaia Tire which IhiiiiA rooting aTi'i ti-a at (lie liome mark, 2l.0j " ' i BRI L L S Build! Build! Build! will Eliminate Many Trouble of Mrx. jlJSlr.Mi. Ilnnd lllttrk. Finland. 3.It!.' V l-'rii.ii) from 3 to C. Holland. H.Q? Mnurlr.' II, Corkill, a rllkiiwii Ilunanry, 1.08. tllt iiui'r of I'rjnt'e lliiTt. vli. jri 'I'lii cae of 'J. II. IlinVrtxun, Jugo.Slayia, 2.73. I ,1,, i. Ma- hr.-ijM! lailliluiBr niiilrriHl hi the worM mid lln- mrly day a with lla IkhiI cliartd with an iiifraetion of (lie Norwa)-; Sl.r.C. SIMILAR TO ENGL'SH SOLE , ,. , rv.a ta'! low va!i-i- murk. lln' iruig lruilf mid iih linn of llrimorlli A Itrveraut liylau", na uitlidrauii I'ortuxal, 13.30. ,, . .-M g n. I lie li-mloncy will likely bp luwurJ lnglier 'jrlTiTnofl, atlhril in lln" rily in I lie polir..' V,M"I "'i morniii,'. Itouiiiaiiia. -.77. TO COOK Cut fish into required portions. Dip in flour batter. Place in very hot fat and fry for 15 minutes. ? .,r,,'r. yi-'lirday on lli I'rlnce ltiirl on Serbia, 5.f3. T.- I'i c H'UmtI Liimlar Ihiiiimii Uu u large slork ia biinii trip. Mr. DireC-tOr, Corneliere. ha Kpain, 31. SOLD BY ALL KETAfLERS ; a . u I.. 11)1 Miiir rrmu.rr mculv Sinre rrliiriilni: from mrrni-a, moved from the Mrlnlyre llloek to Sweilen. 35.1(1. DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPLAP. LATH ,lirrr la wait tiuy lioinliin? tlir and SHinij Tenth"Avenue,street.between Mione Ninth Mine Switzerland, SI.53 Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. jllochrx for a roupli of yrar from " SIDING FLOORING CEILING FINISH an a.'riiilanc. Iii lia liven Iravol- 2H3. S J. Mi.rri-cii. well known in tin (llnir in lla" ladeiale fttear eit) .Tint who at one- lime wa. in While Lumber li II. Itlaek of Victoria vva anion Do Your Building Cheap. I in for Mcw-non & lUiyland of the arrival from tin' uulh p.irlnerlit with . Crawford, i' . :i rriuivninl v. Htf oil...-. lioic or ,Vanroiiver. Alllioiiuli lie lia yen. now of Stewart, in the coal luii-ne lhe-"lrlnee He lerdiiy on Ituperl. 381 tlii here. I in the city and will Phne for Prices. oexerrd lii ronneclioii with i nl I lie I'rinre KuihtI .firm to rnler lulo liuninewn for' rt-siMerrd leave nillli hi family for Alice PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. himself a an aociate meaiher Hotel. Anirliorlly liere he' eipiH-t lo We carry the most complete jof n tire matiufactunqit The Junior ,llarl.all Lejsue leiiii me rumnier. J rumpniiy, he i euverinsc tlie jopem tonight with a game l.c- Nnrlhern rwut.e Tor the llriu tlii twren the liny Tuns and lry Abraham II. Kin. up for vn-nniev. Stock of Lumber havinir left I lie cily. Chief rnii on aroounl of the eriou iKick. Come alomr. fan, and illne of one. of the partner io bdot for the little fellowK. Vicker ake: in the police court would atliervie have leen here, oday that the rharse lie with. in the city. Our mill is miming steadily; we jijuickly The enterprise that Mr. 4U.rV.tll lan JailM.n flneil J0 in I draw n. manufacture uuy special order. , ha identliled htmelf with, and f,"o .ulii-e.e..url.UiU mrrnina- fi.r Dei)tistry-Pr AJ-feyne lul.ieh h 1. ..n or lh .lirertnri. '?Hllnir l n.iaiif. me oilier Deforc Inlying- ee our slock ou !i known a the tJlolje Airle. f Shier, failed lo appear in court The Man in the Moon J GEORGETOWN WHARF. Tube tympany. Limited. The.0 oail as cctrealed. ' 3AYS.-- i-nmi.iny lia tlie ne and ri. SPRUCE SHIPLAP,, BOARDS, DIMENSION, PLANKS, i Mr. am. Mr.. Leonard II. Leih. Helgerion Block, Corner Third Ave. and Sixth St u- e rfsht in a new palenli-, II. Charles ...... Mr. TIMBERS, LATH, SIDING, CLEAR FINISH. A!IT for art' .ake lie ..r mak-liB- auloniuh le I re .. may Dental Nurse in Attendance i rv jiiI km . jii i Lrkliie. al of anrourr. arrivnl alright for Ihe dead one like Cedar Boat Lumber V-Joint, Timbers, Shingles Oflice Hour, 9 to 12; 1.30 to Z; 7 to 9 I Ira hm and Ileethoveii. but we Fir Flooring and Ceiling. 'and iirc rrju.tcrcd al the I'rjnee Itarimtii. It i claimed, tlirtmshj arc the live one and we need I'.upcrl Hotel. more money," aid the New York nlrndins four jtei.ii. over years. Drices Attractive 'that II will eliminate nil -J Ire Fir dimension lumber and j.iii writer when Ihcy. went out trouble Mich a blow out, nhipldp, I. I'. opritcc. II r Itni-li, on itlrilt- lal wi-ek. ipu iii-lure nm. Hal tire. ilMiri nd wimJowe. lumlier re-caw IF a 1 0,000 bill were pul in BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY I 1-1 u hihI drcrd to any ize. a I'rince Ituperl store windw-would FISHERMEN!! Col. Cyru W. IN-ck. V.. M.l' (Julck delhcry by our uwu car. il draw inlcrct t a moie oldier. with pin. K. II. Slai-kley. Cow Hay. If srehe Ideii in civil life, lie i "I'll bitch tlie cow; un to the We can now oircr lrnl ieprecnlatle of he Can-ailiati N. II. Allen returned yesterday ploui.-h. iffh Pm yfTk mm y-v y-x M'li.ier .pint, and the morilius from a riucceful ll-h-in: And use her till my work is to FRESH FROZEN HERRING JJtO.UUU uovernuieiil iJih1 itself credit III trip to Lake. Mr." appoinliiitf him to command Ihe Allen brought buck a good lrln? Hut Min said: "Futhcr, don't A YEAR FOR LIFE DRY ICE QUICK SERVICE li-ain or liiiailiiiu riiicmeii al uf ecklcl bcautk'ii with which do that. A CANADIAN The lai udder work to do." GOVERNMENT ANNUITY PROVIDES IT ltiey Ihi ynr. 4)1 taw a Ciliicii. lie wa jully irieaci. cow BUTEDALF Princess Island CANNERY - Royal a No better life investment available WII.I.IK wa beiiip. measured No better aecurity obtainable FULLER'S SPECIALS Albert A McCalTery Uuvcbouxbl for hiVllrsl Kutl or tdothc-I Cannot be aeiied or levied upon for any cauae million feet of No. I lir Miip-lap one Will be replaced if ttolen I In ehouldei-s, lillle mail?" ioat, or destroyed pad Acadia Cod Finh. ? It. ode. and dimension, and arc kcII-iliif Not aJfcted by trade depression . Ilailiiliil IJour; Sjiecial VH-lb. at lowl'Hl prcc yet quoted. asked the laib'r. "No, pad Ihe Free from Dominion Income Ta DAVID H. HAYS & COMPANY rack, i.75 Alio complete Muck of llr l)ni?li panl," said Willie. No medical examination required Anyone over the e of 5 years resident or domiciled in Canada Genernl Rmn Etle Agent Spi-clal tiiivcd candy, lb. 3e. (Iiioi-m umlAvimJirw'', uud buildin? . AS a bantamweight I'cte Herman may' purchase. Suift'it Lard, 3 lb. 7jC. 5 lb. material. , tf Any two persona may purchase jointly. is uuite littles 1-tM.sler. it Employer purchase for their y may employrei school boards foe FOR SALE House and lot, 3 8th Ave. E l.3. rooms, Mr. and Mrn. II. I.. Mi i.,.Ii their teachers- -confretioni for their minuter. fully furnlthtd h'ute and furnituic In splendid condition Butter Specials will return to tint cilv from tit. IT would be iiuile atipropriatu App. l r r ml i Met or r W. pc.t.(. In,,hi T I Mto. Super T Our Una Hi ami. lb. 5u lo'cnll ome of Hie local Creek UrsJnl ot AanvtirK Ott.. lor Mw book .t ua other info.nk.tKia dn rt4 ' Price third cash, balance in 6, 12 roiitti In ut Ihe middle of licit $1350; Stinuybniok, lb. 15c. a babies the "Candy Kids." S.t m sn4 a I- rtud.y and 18 months. Also 2 beautiful lots on 6th Ave., 1 1 Ih. hove, 13c. month to xpeml Ihu Mummer here.! ! ear Borden. $1000 pair, terms given. They will u?aiu .vcupy theiri Ill) you ever notice how much 1 Sal ill tit Soup, 3 pkii. I.'. residence on Fourlli Avenue. Mr.' hut ulr there wa lu an oil boom? PO. Box I'ure. (Hhev Oil, H-10, now (I. W. Nickeroii will spend the 1588 Fire Inturanca Phone S7 rey;. 1 ummcr in Seattle. ITS inell,iHir all Ihe snow and' .00. B&K PASTRY FLOUR llraoliiK. New Soek ... ! ice around Ihe Mackeiuio Uivcr rl'Iau Inatttatli I iatltl(la latl illr lit' thl Heir. IU5. now SI.III. very cArly M-nson. l-I.IUI. low the bun.-c Ilclliiiiihaiu carry. The real white flour which Nkw Ilex. $1.25. HOW pastry Aiuuval of VELOUR and Jehsky Tuxedo inir U.30U cae 'f allium of lal Iti-tr. 1.U0, now lioo. means better, lighter, and more year' pack; arrived al tlie. (I, T. I. I'earl Itarh'y on ale, lb. t'e. SPORTS COATS dock thl morniiiii fiiini hetchi' May Day flaky pastry. llii-uil. I rei.h in Did Country While Wonder Poan 3,for 55c, kau, nud thellh i Iteini; unload, All floods sold under our "B & K!' in latest colours; also Lux, upecinl, 2 for 25c. cd today for Khlpiilelit eut oer Let's All Clean Up Trade Mark are guaranteed. spring . Jelly I'owdqr. .4 for 25r. , llaj U. 1 1 ALL GROCERS sell "B fi K PASTRY' Velour Coats Swi Vhile t;heec. 35c lb,-Freiich SPECIAL ON BROOMS Spring Musliroount, per tin. llYl.,W 0. 35 (iood I string llrooin. . .75o 75c. CITV OFil'IILNCK HUl'KItT Hambou ltrooma $1.25 THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. P.O. Box ' Mnlkin' ef'Coffee, n few (hi Whisks P.O. Box 74S Prince 327 "DEMER S" Phono 27 left ul 55c per lb. Notice I hc.reby lihon Hull four 1 1.Cedar Mops Rupert, B.C. Phone 3SO Special I'rtini'H, 5 Hi. 55c. (t1 thiys.jifler thc-at insertion ().Cedar I'olbh, Local new laid Kg?, per do. 55c. of tlii nutii-c. in till paper, up. Liquid Veneer will be made lo the Chief plication Slim Hruiihes Special Coffee. 3 lb. t.00. of I'ollcc of I lie City uf I'riiuo li.l w.iikiiii.ilup and delivery Special to attention nshcrinvn and ami prompt wharf Ituperl for a giant of (he IruntfVr Sto-o Wash llrushcs Hoards Try RUPERT BAKERY Art Clothes niuillty. wilh ri'unoiHible orders. of the licence of ,th ale of bev. I'ealher Dusters, only. . .50o pi n e. dtaiidind alwuya crane a do lined in the ubovo For Also for kept by Cook Jllo. & AdvArtlse in the Dally News. I lyl aw, in mid Upon the premises Wo are still selling CAKES AND PASTRY OF QUALITY Alli-n. known u llob. I'lucp, nilnute ul 3a I'ure Lard 75o The Bread Only beat,materials uaej You ara not 717 Second Awtiuc, in Urn City of 5a I'ure Lard .S1.25 Ordtrra for litY Costumri iuJ foals Over 250 patterns to select rCZEMA ID a partneou w u u I'ltncw Itupeit, from Mrs. Ague that Reatauranta, Steamship, Canneries, cte. fuiu tod Ofrrcoils from KLJi wt Cooiiei- lo myelf. Promptly attonded to . . H IJAnt f.i' .in. knl hkln Irrlta I l.-l, V L 'I t -l ill! Munro Bros. kll.uik It rt-llora at unea anJ Satisfies Jossril Gabon and C, It, Uiggicrt, I'roprletora STEVE KINfJ Third Avenve bfl Ui. akin. lUmpla W I . Apidicaiil P.O. Box 531-617 Third Ave Phona Green 211 tliata'a ini li you lurnauo uh. " omu Mm-ptuci Prince Rupert f.iruo.uaa. jfoca llatcil till ua) Of Phone S8 Third Avenue tilt klldulera w tUw"-. "tcmi" to 1. a