rni T1AILT IflWB TllUI'd,y P.tOE.8. J aUS-r.1. j,h. 1BH IIAZELTON JUDGE YOUNG G. H. Arnold - Notary Public Nearly Crazy evening last (In Wednesday Westholme MiuHlon enjoyed the great Irenl GAVE ADDRESS Theatre rOR SALE of listening to n really high class With Eczema A two-apartment dwelling house on llonlen Street, No. concert. Miss lard, of an-courr, ROTARY CLUB d, wllli one lot. Fully modern. Property l now rented tine of tin lending lolin- n rrl day ur mM ft ! v0 " l onight Unly, Thm-sday isls on (he Paellc oiit, and Mrs. aliiirlnl llh lltal irrrilH ain fur tSO month. An excellent neighborhood, llenutlfui per I. II. Morill wvre tho chief allrac. rrirma, or It it .nrn --alleU, tail forum. mnriiio view. A bargain nt 13,500.00. lions. The numbers ghrn by the Willi II utibraraliir (luminr. orbini aod Spoke on Peacs Time Work of lirflurlnr trUtt it (lailly rirunini two artists werr refeUrd wllh TtM-rs ii iki rrnxttr Hurtlncli PHsxl Rd Cross. The Pbpular Athon Companv H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. uellshl by the large audience. Rinrr fur uinr miff to narlt unrrfi Insurance Rentals Real Estats There were also fsollenl con no mnciiy llm im it'. r ran dn Judge F. Melt. Young wns Ihc in their fur llw lv an alnm! Orlvrn la wi-irariiisi tribution My local talent. The is tlto i. rriblfl lurtur. guest of the llolary club al the ..BIG.. iMiueert, which was in aid of the Afi'i U rttrrnaliv iikI II cl l weekly luncheon today. Th MINKIIAL ACT. hoopltal. was u gri'ttl success und tlii'ln. in him an'l iHirnlSf, tnl pro-mulra preMdenl. luhy. was In Hie realized it gomlly sum. a Is-aliliy lii-tlinr. elmlr. Judge Young JlmnVcd Ihe (t'orm r tl Ik Take, II Inirrnaigr ami It rM ..f .Ik. .1. - im 11 ' tiliHMt .tnr rluh for the iHtlirtcsy etlemlcd MINSTREL Bring in CEMirit'-ATE.oTH:K.OF IMrilOVEMt.MS, Several new settlers arrived In r,trnit . . i,hMl (n.i arm's u him in UFj'lMlvls(tJ(VJU' IMIMHl"Vani-jr atRI llnikv'--.MailWS"Oati HOIK-MI ratrh."CI4III.4,M.uf town llils vifrk and are looking uul sf un tjlnn. lunclo'on.'iiml. fdt; lHVVl'rtyil' llualf In IIh ,Nu Itivrr Mining Mtltmn over ariutis pleees of html Hose- Miss I- N. H.rtjIllN-r. f Mrlorll Huait. if y nffonletl him In address them Your "I har IkSrrrU lUHfat. wrfli": ir i .ir oiMr.fi. .V.S., WImtc lis-atnt:- About 0 mUrs up In in. They intend to settle here tw J r fruui ericiua I ctuM Ixit red on a stiiijeci llml was particularly warn fcltiault nrr lllvrr iiivrr.on tributary knunn and will bring in tln-ir families ilay ur iwrht I tuirrml rrral ar.siy, ant denr lo bl henrl. namely. Old Gold TAKK .Mil It V lint 1. Lewis W. ratmors, mid a iiumher of heml of slock. a tieaHjr rlsijr ilh list Itrhint ami "'tlic Prtieellme work of llm tVtin- SHOW r.M.t!. .i. SSSSI-c. a imil fur Mfmt F Iwruini. I l all kiixli if sahea, bl WiltM. F.M.C . JltJ-:: Itorsr M, ailinu Hrd llron Hoclely." Nearly every one lias sonic old VVrlrht. rrr Ninrrs Ctrlinrais ... Hospital Sunday, eelebrnlct: in iNilhisr reuml o iirtp nie. I mw Munlrk "Ills honor, in Hie course of i:: linra I. Wrlrlil. Vrrr Miner's lrlin- hlit Riiiert ailtrrtiieit. im a aJtlted gold Jewelry around which is rsti- u. IMW II; Marjr V. M.rLarrli. Frro SI. Peter's Ithurvt, was n grenl In try a Isitlle. I tisttHl sreal rrlM-f. and half an hour's address, gave a mil ir date or not in use. sunn,:imrs lire ceruncair vim-r Mi.:rrtmraie l7rv t.:To.MrtaiHlrr in 17 siieees. The morning nrire I really rawsil rrroniwrml II IwiUly rifruis dear and lucid Mitosltloii of iio New SonKs, Jokcj, StorirF, ILrn n Singing make It Into Nirnara it. unary, "iw-iai lew nii.i- wits coudui'ti,d the Itev. Mr. fur nal II baa ti- nr fur ." W'c, ran over by More fun orhlin of the siprlel) nod ll in minute thnn OMir.ralc a. Osrhl mrntlis, rrr Buntork Hkl milrra Ita Ui-n isi Ine -15 yon liavc evcr sonic new design or pay you Miiwr (frtinralf 39JJ7 C. and John itinlsoit Mini Hie eveohiv srMiion markrl fiir uter firiy trara. ami dunni nctlxllles fiiiin (lie time of. Ihe .wn-You'll cash for what you tio not .need. nutrrr.V.i. ;:.il.Ss-rlal Inirnil. Frrr mtv Vlinrr's tv fnsn trlifH-al the italr laken by tlr. W'riiich whu gave mil Ihal linie ha been maisifartiiml uiiy by lioer wur lo the proscnl iiiomettl. scream. Yon1 may be surprised what Is-ei-of,fur a iiirtWiale Ui apply U f linprovi-inMi,llm Mlmni llemnlrr for tttr much valuable information in r - T. MitlMtrn tM. Lintilnt. lorwilo, OBI. Many pwple might W under the you 'an do with some seemingly Hirv" r oliliinlnt :romrt TaM vt gari ! the work of the huspitul Impression Hotl Ihe usefulness The i-ai-h iir Inr aiwivr claim. prettiest play ever written with a moral useless article. AMI Fi IITIIEII T A K ViTirE mat r as an institution, hold locally und CHIEF VICKERS DID of Ihc lied Cro-s wms 'Jf roiltinteil gnat, itim. iio'ii r sn-n n sr.. ii "il tw mm. throughout lh world. Thp oU with Ihe signing of 'he arinis-H.. cr than n fcermon ; mrnrrd ttrfnrs llw laue of nrfi vtt-lii'i-ir : John Bulger if imnnATiimit Icrlion taken ainmiiited to f tiln. JOB 0E HIS OWN "K.r frdtn; Ifl OTIik greal i. : ; CiAlFI) mis l.'ih ilar or Arm. A. f. lf I. "j Jeweller irus.nilb'"n tii'iif find i.'n won. "The j liliiriims. eillirr Hud brilliaul Redemption'1 Caught J. Stewart, Ketchikan iters ilurins Ihe war anil hrmisM '11 ' p.ictsthat'urti gram-iiinliini'n May mnde 1ft the nl .New spuria Itazelloirl pro- Club with Good Last Night Mieh prlisre i (tt'nsda had tltkeu srps o uru.tltlle nlooit DE LUXE .1 hig stn-ei'ss. The fnoltiall game r.hief of Poller- Vlrkern was peace lime lines. .V compalun The side splitting comedy vaudeville Ix'lvw-i-o 1 1 it el I on nnl SmilliT for giHsl' lienllb ami getiernl act, doing n little scoiiliiig last even. was off ij wieniiiiil of lii it;rup-Ihm ing bis account and in liyglenle Improvement of nunll. on own ICE CREAM of I he train ser ?', jntl a Ihe eourse. of his perrjrrl nations lions tiver tip eolire country 'The New Recruit' b.-ftebull game wa uyfan-red ! . had been Instil lit ed." Dating visitml Hie Keii-hlkan club on eniarged our premises ake ils Itelween llnzelloit When think and mslalled modern machinery, plaee Tliinl-Aventi. Ilhervlng n considerable I The "iwnkcr aked Hie mem- by Miss Johnson and Mr Athi-n. you on- tlno-onKhly ciiipped lo and the nnlive of Ubm Yiiwell. ailijunl of etiurryiui: 'brrs of Ihe club lojoio wild the These luo lun(s played .i Itml r.ms sorlely, tlie FJks and nrotiml wflh knowing looks ami take of lee care our ctcr-growing of and footbnll maleh Ho- Baking, n prosrnm ,l,p m innhllig ine mit Cfam trade. nods exchangt-tl belweru nevral if sKrls n tinSirst itff ii wvlb Hl :,'- I J'l insuurnle. JOSEPH "Kentucky The iiigredunls usisl in "l)e id Ihe denlien. .,f ihe club l,e . think of "- ,,f ,,,,, "' slieressr. io snunlen d into the'bsci ami Luxe" tee Cream are of thv beL NOTICE room m d....rve.l J.IowmM. the hisl-m of Canada, DOWLING Colonel" pro- from our cream being importeu I. llolIHlo nnvalietse, Imve s'dd " " '" lb" south lri-wiekly. my house on tin- eorner of Fulton nrtetirr. ..ke.l handing two bsdlle Miracle Man of the Screen whicl, unmi.Uikohly WOODSTOCK KILLER Ice Cream Is made FiveRoses dally on our 1 lreel at;d Noil It .ttcniie, lot :in. premises In throe flavors Vanilla, whikey o a man. Il was a! ., .nr.itf Comedy, "Oiling Uncle" and Gazette UliH'k 3-'. serlioii '. to Miss Julia Strawberry and Chocolate. ' . a.e f Iteiug Ynuih In Ibiaranlf YAj MAflljLU lUUAI Harris, at . pi 'lit rinj -lit in t.J-"re-oll "llml We also specialize in Neapolitan IWi' lo.- willt . . bricks. nm'-. Slewarl aptti-iNl5(t ln poller Norman Qarflald Hanged on Olb. 'FECIAL TONIGHT, THURSDAY Sisued iMl.WTii l AYVI.lMti:. Flour Wc solicit orders for Teus, ioiiii this - tiiiH-trtug before bt Built Inside the Jail and Nail Ladies' Driving Manctis, etc.. and all orders are Mngilrate MeMnnlle ami' was fined and- for hi .1 inn rtl attention ami ile-' June Nor gien special WIXiisrf.K. ?. To I life same big Iieallhy loaf livered ly our own automobile. I iltle Imllscrellon; Jf man liar ll-ld. who liad a sen. Wood Sawing Contest ihal graces ,yur table three We make prompt shipments of MINKIt.M. Mrr. nlfonal i'eiiie frtim Ihe jail here limes daily, Kle Hoses out of Inwn orders Hurwi' Irf.t week where be was awntlln; Moncv Prizes to the Winners. ' rveriilbm for Hie niunler of I'cn Wholesale in Power Ll.lllirilTi: lMt-UIF.NLT. brings rxiru quality irery Jobiisloii. the bN-ol ronfertioner. lots slice nut only a delight, but 5 gallon $1.95 -:tr- vmrrlf I.UIt .IISlWil IB the of whlrh crime he wns runt tried, and upward MOTIIING woulJ suit us Utir knM Minuir tiilsMi'f i'm.i lostrlrl, a source-1 of Vitality, alive Wlicrr kdlnl i). rserrhee l.taiHl aUss. whs hanged Ibis morning. thn the opportunity to tvwe Theatre per gallon Mir Ihe -Trial-" Mtueeal l.Um. Curbm did lml have Ihe The Empress the nutrition ryes uilli matchless and bow yon capabilities of ord TVkK Mltl'f lut4rl W. fainsiee. Manitoba's wheat. Two stores Cure aryl Truos. e. v i Jtir,i, a a mil fr Jbwi-m chance Io srr Ihe rterutloit at-thoiish of richest Ford is (teady. s mfoth l as n. vt Kefsre Hay. rre Vowr. i-r-imi-rii- lo iwwer bad planned n 1tta . Inlewl. MU tlit-s many Royal Confectionery instantly rrsponsiv always Insi the dale Srtrt. to l4ly In lue elimb tree, poles ami liUUs" tops there Only, Thursday wlin wanted. vnimi Itervener fr s 14-rliarsir rf Im-ipni-nini. Tonight ,SaJe Agent No wonder the nrd is the for th" tmrpse of i4uismr lo do o. ii(eud of mi the uual DeLuxe Confectionery preference of mnre than half the a i tiei riw rurtixr n 'Irani like i.f tlie letorr atee mat rlaim anion sallows lnlllt inside the frnei- of John L. Christie car owners in the world It hsi trr tnm S jau jw-ihr-wgin t.n.k Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. the tnut J'fri '! r.: zr.'zz&i ;'.e EUGENE "His Wonder-O'BRIEN Prince Rupert, B.C. Phones 17 and 193 We render Ford service. Genuine iii-en-.rii place mi n gippet priiiy until . tiat.il tin. ft iUy Hr Vl.i. VI' lfl Ford parti ai d repair are t i w is w ef Nuiii . inside the jail. liartW-ld ralmly always ready for you here at paid Hie supreme rually or n ful Chance" fixed prices. No delays. Let us crime. take you for a trial run. i.itstrir av kiiur Gil A nntV H No. R Rood & Frizzcll KLIM OLD TIME SCHOONER .Two reel Sunshine Comlr.""f Dog.on.Wedr Ford Dealers H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. OF BEER BACK AGAIN Powdered Whole MO.NTItKAL. June 2, Hue lo THEO COLLART, Notary Public the liflina the thirty rent Itnury 7M- 1 ; MILK gallon of bcrr. Ihe ron Yale, i.m n. iu-k n. .-.-t...,. .-. New Goods lux on every arriving daily JJ75.00. are bus View. M . Hlock l, Se.-lo.ii J ".rhoonrr" old lime He" linn line which Is now popular m U st an i arr.origst ct' e: seasonable requirements special l.einit di-niou-l ruled in our niiu.r ils rrappcarHiter in mosl of Mffurs Inssrsnrr rWln tsayo th Mosl North Liberal Anerir.Company. At . II . 1 J 1 tl store. Al last we huvr got the Invents here, and waiters arc ', j f wrj atienuon is caueu 10 ine ioiiowinir: kept rushing about supplying the Blk r'" a milk wliirb will solve your W..lk J. Tk milk trouble or ever more. thirsty w(lh their almost forgotten No more wusle through live rem beveruge, whirli. claim YOU lias much more satisfying u many, souring. "v- - r i t t tniidren s No more feap, of linpuri-(ties talr Ihaii cer before. Ladies COME or iufet'lioit. LET Your Children Wear; Cotton Vests II will kreperfcrlly-Tiir DID NOT UKElorS months in the i'owiji-r fornr. FIRST short sleeve ribbed style, Tins Isjpj-pdnrl that will FAMILY SO GOT HIM TU hi-iirani-e pullry we wrlle foe All Wool siz'-s 4 to 12 years, from will Is-sill wrlllrn fi.iu.is l Site"ir yunr.rlf il- Ural It l-nable Pure I'rexti-rryiioim','lo.Milk day or night have ' DRUNK TO SPITE THEM HURLBUT 60c each riiii.Mli-raii'Si. isl ua. 11 i our mid is tjuirkly ma, so thai . , biiviis-. u rtiKlrr rrrl4-e. II is it is eipinl lolhe Unci milk ST. JOHN. N. II.. June S. lad i'r iluly Itt Insure )uu l I lie llfli-en -jirs of was taken 0 v hours fresh from the nuv hi uiutuiue wairaul. cow. into rutlody In an lutotleated Cushion Sole Yuur i4irf will ill all lliat ait Bathing Children's We distributors roudilion. lneltgnlioii btl the Cotton lnursiM-e Iwlu-y ean. If lo cisih-s. are sole f-Mutiirrliiiul will (ulkiw rislil ou for Prince Ittipeil. police to believe thill Hie boy wn II Is-rU. Wlw-n-eiH-iaal dale risnen given brandy by a woman who bad Combinations nu Mill I pna-ni'lly isilllied. All SHOES urtnluc ngiiinsl Ihe bo, s family. mil diuil will be Uki-ll rare of We buy American Currency, a t ii. i si iim dot. We are auiKsia Suits Fine ribbed sizes Silver, Gold or quality, Ui tri uii too jiib. IUt our loan CAPTAIN NICHOLSON'S after rmible in 6 rail. Bills . mi i. ft to 14 years win w i $1.25 per suit McCnffery, Gibbons & ii OPERATION SUCCESSFUL blfirlrTut Cushion Soles for children hllow the Ittue We can show you quite a Doyle, Ltd. Rupert Table Supply Co. VANCOt;Villi, June 2 -llptalu u feel to row in proier shape. variety of tliesu in all Iniurancs Real Estate ('.. II. Nicholson, of (). PHONKS 111, nr. manager, wool Jeraey Cloths from Ladies' Lisle Hose Pkoa 11 P.O. Boa I62S N. It. eousl Hleamers, uuderweiil an operation In the Imspilnl liero . eeeeeeeeeeeeeeaa yesterday which wits entirely successful. Men's Shoes Ribbed Top, Mercerized $6.50 to $9.50 Chartered Accountant It will bo some lime, Lisle Finish, good garter and Auditor. The Inlander however, before. )p. I able In re-h stocked with each top, in black and brown. GEORGE ROR IE ii if i ? ils dulie III J"bis officii' III Our Men's Department is fully Special f Rrl Small, C.A., Vaneouiar and FIrit Cla.a Boarding llou.. the t'nlbn'ftiullort. size and stylo and warrants inspection. made in the latest combinations rrlnce Kuitrt. ' ahapc, PHONE 1ST P.O. Bos M KMScmmI Av.nua ) I'Wa IIT of colors $1.25 pair Federal Building A. R.hln, f rifllu Owing lo a cliaime In ,lln nr. riiiigenients. J. M)hll Jones who whs lo have Ictt ycaleVtbiy with his motor launch. Ihe '(h Huby." Jabour Bros., Limited Not Llenita, We iruarantee our coal to give for Ihe Hkeena IliUT, 111 no) bo Real Coal satisfaction. Foothills. Lump, $16,00 ton; leaving mil II next weed, ami tin Corner 3rd Ave. and Fulton stove size. 114.00 ton. Cadamln Steam regular schedule Of trips to the Seventh. and Furnace Coal will lurpris you. More htat-leas ash less soot. Hull Lakes will be 'iiblinucd as Corner Third und CONSUMERS COAL COMPANY, LIMITED usual boih week dnys amf Hun-(iy. Room 11 Smitu Ulock J, Lornb MacLabcn, MsnaKcr Phones 7 L 311