'A VM't TWO '1' The Daily News . MOVES INTO Favor ihe Pino PRINCB HUI'liRT - llRITfBll OOLUMMA NEW STORE Public bed tSt' AfN-nmm, except Sunday, ly The News - a ' Prhrttog1 nnd PuMinhins ttnpny, Third AretiMC IMHftr. Fine Bulldlnn trut d by Frank II. P. PU1.LEN, Managing CUpJl to 8a Ocpld by W. Q. Barrte. ESI 4 nu t)i;e-. hr mail or carrier, oer tnofllh f 1.0 "f nev IHe prmtffd ft -r !. ...ii. .mail in. all nart of the Uritih Kramre and the United State. :l;il MIIMtlia h .- Im'cii I'.i. in advance, per year 1. i v w . imrvti-. mic luriiiiun- Vi j It in advanre. per jaar. a .tr :i To ail u titer oouatriea, .an. fjnM hmw wiiion -lie Me t nHM fa ve'ka. ii TELEPHONE BS rrea.-nt nrrcMrtfur Ma- retnval afe lit iwiMi to nvioH ei ii' Contract Rate oa VpptieajJoft. t ; ti iiifi-riu iln' aHMia io tnc aii t. .UMiili be in The Daily blew Office oei day pre- Indoor Life Th !',.. litilMlllg. Tobacco of Quality rered.uhjreiAo approvU All aderrtising cedinr publication. Mr. Itarrir alx-adf hai or-l"T $pefK$ma nrtvt tJine a piaaiy rf new goad iiaily edition to Vedeeday, Oct. IS. lttl conttipatiea iruVei woaica tka tar awe.awe Mti4tt la 'iiati will hr li-'r- within a week ir two anai will ge mn a nm. ta tfeM aouitaetton. n i humtinc defeat aV rapnt l weeeaey ia pi da I mil that Ik- Gradual Improvement tuJ iko )ali coataa(rd and lae the m t up ! dale fural-o 1 iih i Mitrrnownl eannni ft-nbl PHILPOTT, EVITT57 of Thl City. iaaaawarf aiqwriwci. will o. ...i .....t.io aurl neriallv People who navr n-en the iytte by r .Ic.rr nai ilir r.iat and l" held ri-i.'UiMi (..i It for ...men.me ud fetimied, note the gradual improvement of thi If m veaiaVi eet tejr be aar the fine window liplay tkf ovoiajM Next roetnrfK-.-. IVi ; , i.i Thev aee the street being gradually toreltoti up end the the awrMl of in good. At : (In- '"!fur- flankta r-f fee the afiar. I i .irfwin ou. They ee new bunine. buildtaga jrotog "p. lm (Mtntna. i t li'urr ia rr ..l ii1" and i. H. HI H Hi II i. II STEEL WIRE ROPES. xTlS t bul'lna on IIomI -uur Owt'i and tltej alo at new reeiderire being arr we Di 1 ome of them permanent, rabHie. All of weim y am ! atae inl the " ..,.i.jr,Si1 nekfe heint taken in the new hma Urrr IMk muuninut i nun i, ! ."mini " f .. . !.. Hkear Will la fata he kept m f aminr Relief UmfiH'. tr Mr Jiunti iJM' A it flneM of the aew bwie ihii-wpk i ni ju- . from aWir ue re The houac ! , II ha. a libe TKfJwfiU the eNM bad will hr dta4aaei ia IiioiikIi' HI rii !! in i. !( otiiy in No-ti r- TcofnlKtM Ti i. beta, bf CHPT Ayeaud all the it laitinj dy per aveh a aaia' thai Ml"' will Hueia. Priacr Hi.Mrt liraoeli i 'Tdil to the city. Mr. Clapp appearamauuid - i hi faith to cerUm. he a a nwalH tt a ah a ! in u praie he t- aVItiug for hi pragrcivene pinning Mn. leha B.rty. 18 St. with aaae. ebe flar la M feel insUKAfiU. ol All Kindt A'JCrti . riy with a great future. AirmS FOR EVERY IS permanent Irinr lUajiW a an lare it local unem-plmmeirt, Amaalc Seed. QW. Qwc ay IfM feet and there la a if there bonld he Imriiig the coming winter, nrnni p iir nnmnitrr S u there 1 be an opnoKMnity to further intpnnre the wtittft la' awnt. if street-. f the city by grading them inttoad if replant.np. hat -TkJ, k 1. rT l I J !! we need i to gA lid an far a poanible of the planted treet. fr iLk in n W.ad At rtCTiHllA. J. I Mrthf Dr. Sutherland it While Ihev are iHiiqiie and useful, they have to a large emtenl if l In the Letter Box GnhMUbta lead the aMinniot la .1 served their purpose and it i to be hoped that in the near fittiir iwiierahta) of auinaaohilf. ar-frtrdtn D.D., L.D ? D.D.C thev wiU be dinpenaed with. U. 4 t r Maflalle. Il I re.) One of Ihe thing Miat dii-Mirage the new arrival in the city M wn nlaf I RUSSIAN RELieF. wrte4 there i afie avrtor car , i Ihe thiMighl of the coal of making treU in this city. lKuW IMT Ul A.4ariM 11 ! b"I k J f Dt. Kdttor Imilv iewa; Haviaa for every If ieo"e f taia pc-j DENTISTRY in all ittU lec il it a big pruWem. bol not o Ng a i often uppued. If tX-4' OmmH (- retMl adMorlal of yatcrtUy inee The rate h ane U every aBaBnaaaaaaa--M-a-mamB your ' Mime new work i done each year we aaall ooo have graded !tl Ma.' t ia Ooeber. aae to ery ta ia lai. uader the aapftatji "flium Excharife Block, 5u:tti4ia4U MreeN thai will be permanent in character. There wHI be aoo de' Kidary-Lmr miario and ae 10 every t' la iii. Htixrmpii e from them at llrnt, but the work ha to be done and Df. n Ituaam la KatiiifMM," I rf.Hindi and ' fHb-r eelHaj For Appointment Pt 3r.Ludn;i Plb. one nfl a W. 2c a has. for the pHvtteav f a Mtll th time U tjonimence i rishl oow. all deAWn ar Edmaawo. Bte Jc to oireert aa ohi"i f the northern eatpfre low ' loarer proaorftnaa than UrtiHIi Co, Lii . Tereeto I. ii am your pari Why Not Buy f olwaHiia ii r ed. But avaa at fa are aaf" "'! aarare ttmi Hat. wt ar- a-low tbe pruorti.." In Prince Rupert? effucta have I"-!" iarted U oi If r nf are is bar a real live rHy here it w be beraiine relief nimitw ur t.f the I nitrd mate Where Iher. j the MmdenU ate Untwe! with a mum of civie prtde awl not only aaalte a i an aui.' fr every II peroa j HOTd whth would .Heel and SAVOY are willing toaajMftrve the tree- and boulevard and park but Tk Mao in the Mood rlointna. etc., ' he forward money . alo are ready to b at home. Money ent out i gone beyood SAYSi- Muaala t" meei ilir aeruf ned Howard Ktutchbury. trade eai- recall- II never reWn. Money pent at home circulate here ii(n uiidee fawrtae aoudi iiiiioner for the prntnce .f . Fratar Stmt and mnke petMe many of Ihe mpruvemenU like to ea. tlm. l thr .am iMne )MJ rc. ll--na. i In Ihe city ha in ar K Kmnk Qapp had been iinnt.le to ell the product of hi oft TNF. Nay daan i ad commend thai ,r relief at"'i'l riv-d till aiornin fr.mi V atwnu-trt Undvr h arwr!rt could not have erected h ftne to have aaaaed trouMr. And Com t trial)1 - 1 druik factuey district he not be aiteeftH'd throuafj Uo-chaufMH He wffl br h rr ui.til biiil.1mr which mow decorate the main atreet of the city. Happily that i aot tin ..aly dam thin unlay mort.ina in inwtkitl at maeteau tfM. of an arteate aeaan na - Mat and aetd Uf t :i n the home people apprr lated the home prodiiet, aad the renciH m tblaw Uat ha rauaad ir. tion, but thr uw Ike aaMiuai 'li tlo- lu-m" f eataavtahma aaam and the afUzena gefieeajly - . mm a a rilHEft. MiMitmi H benJl ial lnlh im-Jkf. s f the hd Cr. ar a aianMar or. mail hunker here. ;t The thing affpfia:ti M(tr loaal prtua,. Tbr Jsjaaitj . APCFTtW tlllaaa that Wat.iaavta Whwm' wdlttd aaa a ft, men hai i U are ui buune- from a eltln motive, we graamai. fret yaaj aawhai. la woaMtariaa LdlMamh1 tmai i ItasBa taaraayi i If, however, tkey gwe good aerwee ahey etMNikl be hetHed. !aat,ate Their jn-c on the whole are very reamaMe. and by buying at Satlafled Slta. ANNOUNCING 1iome it ia ptaibie to exebaage gedf ad to elect rMefaalju afMal. utotlnn. I Thia to the aatue aaderti..n I rt I! (kMidf never lotfk jut like tile pictoree ia the book. i B.ei with wbea canvain in.- The Greatest Phonograph Value in Caj - mm: ml Me old lini-r ay It Influenlial hadtvMoala ta ilo Visitor Find wtU be peaattary to buy a Miara- it itor thetr aainranttoa of ft i Price Very Low. to eat eommtMaa. and in A GENUINE it A renent visitor to the etty wa very mueh aurpriaed at tbe I which tt waa debld nei ! t: low priea ui aaany of the good he aw aVpkayeiJ lit tlje wiaderw iINOB the bar rwoaia have jtaaue that made of enliaiMiK "i tt and m the atare bare. She found that while aocne tfaings were gifw. amara aw 11 9 4d port uatft wa had evtdea ne Brunswick 1 1 i IiigBer other vrerc tower titan in the larger cftbta. The btgli aather to ,1 tae araaattiattaB we were a-i 1 1 priced good were chiefly tbe Small UHavga, wbieh were mibw-timea ual of UvtM aai the alaa tM w a refMaalhle orf V-I double Hie price charged ts YaMonver. On fianoat all thr the youftaer aeneratou? al iamliri mi a Labor larger tillage tbe price compare! favorajrfy and often were mueh lib, were aattalb l a n rjj SiWSi lower here Ibat) in the outh. Tbe average waa in favor of CnMMtlMHlO thai the ball eador.-d by our fell. ... k. i - Phonograph H4 F 1liii. ltilt4 idayera set bothla after the V we r. 1 r ' .... ... lai. .. 1. 11. ill minima, mm SeveaM tMent arrival wlw ltae eome here to live perraa-;""" " im1tt (hr aity be 1" . 1 a : 1 m- 1 .li I Mill u!l ftw.0 1M.. neritly nave tafnarnea oa tne raaaoaaine prteea ciiargea tor Biayi" - " i. U wa llial all thia fun coninMMliMe. htapfe art id" of looa imve beeti cneaper iiHtfi tney extra yrotind a wa were aate t have leea 111 the habit or eeing them oW. Oa thctlier bawl Recognized by Soviet. Only 150 $ there have been notalile cae which ItMiked like extortkHi. WHAT ait the Yankee are WV n have tbe rvideane tint' I.01 al nierrhanb have a duly devolving on them. They boald aytav now U "If aoly 1TI r wanted, and M at of a nature tak' the trundle to onirc carefully Ihe price they charge with Huth waa ante to ehaae the pill thai ..iiWt ta aattafy all th-. Tbf ctrer.!inai alio- Ut thr Mrunir wiun" 4 tb"' anked de where and keep vcr rloe to the out"iIe mark. ver tbe mmek yard fence If wh i-fiuire the auarantee rf an thr r-acb of er lonn- MPea that on compleU If IIji (n-upja Mre willing to bn Itx ll there mutt be a wiHingn"--tu iiaata would look about aa anmll aekMwiiied aaap-amble nraan-iaai" Phonoaraob the only Pbonfaraph that caa ala all I oell locally al -ncli ince a will be attractive. On tbe wbol-ue n a fi cent ride in ati automobile." ii an .to Ha bfua (idea. r-cord a they ahould be pi a Jed the only ronarah I lielieve tliut whut 1- being done. The little tiling lli.it don't 'Id.- famine relief. roimnttte- Ibat baa aa all-wood otal to ebauiber erea 1 iiUBt,Vi)fcTt jv I In- annoying ex'-cptuni. for Uir dr atvtcken In in a fall a heart alar at a prtfa that you wuuJd pay tr vift Huki. Mfftne In aa ortbtkary ur "nwuiWrd-' tfnVtoj I Ten Years Ago H iiiitwK a brnaefc of which 2 C,,M ataml- ha bweii 4 I afftlta- In Prlnc Kupcrt SUPPLY IS 'LiailTtO H Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE I ted Willi I lie Ameriaaa famine m aa eat Hiu" " UmAt. 8nl aV'lM'f i.i'iiiiii at Hew York mm t BtM It m rir anaatia ak -4 October 12, 1921 The K"w ork Mttea at di- mwrnwrnm uaaaawi lll-i"'1 DENTIST In (iuu uettiK oily adVertta4ua irittutina i-fiiaf to the famtor fi Ma Ltrmt mMl aa ' ,.11 Price remain tin- aine. ai 1 lie council aaeetms iaal atfal ulrirkfii Hiiousth the Had Ouaa af M' , , Aid. Mewtoe daetored Hori-i .f rbe Huaalaa Hoviei II,. t Vlalt hla Office Room 7 and 8 Smith i.fcl WW fer 'llltl MM r. TMr r " Prtace Hupart Jawcaal avputtiir. wham ia aa official I ii Blockor phona for an appointment. HiiiiiU Bral ftMln la Coa. Tat Ma eawtract boiiy x.i.KBiaad b tbe no let Ii' receiviiiK doutd v Phone 57B Mta tM lm m lr tar mm rn af fr. Office houra: 9.13, i to C and 7 to 9 rate from the etty. " tiowi iiimiii far tbe diatrtbulioa m . . rMMiarinia Hi BMMt t evening. of ri-lu t. ud alaa Manga lad by twawaaer. rmj Mr ao ar rnta H liar Simduy Appointment Lad Aaaiatant The city eouncll teal nbflt decided tin- fiii- rnaiioaal Had Croae A. l aa Mat alii put eMl mmk wto rar W". ll'l to irMwd with the build-Iiik .iM-mih.i' Thr fund of thia iiti-"- ataf i" '' rret- I .p. bdd- nf tbe saw Mae avail aest to fJaaadian fViimwHtwa are ptuixtd VIM. ri imfiMW iall Mtla V 1"" the pretaat oil. al the liiial uf th repr.i-titii- .u 1 .11 i - nrnainrlr MMr mm prl"B a a of Mi.. Had Oeaw of mwici uur urtmr l un. UrMf May HMa IMuaiili AND ONUt fl i. W.xHopp, aa Ufrtaad") and Huaaia lor iiurehaatog ia Caaada Strand Cafe Ih'lliiiirliam aewartdpe manufaa. al 111" mlvi. . f Ui,. Hovlel ihn -ernmiHit T aak rinortia hmi pa turer, proafiaa ta the ally a K ei wmbm rHi " plant hci for the produaibm of Publlo Meeting Soon. .! ttaatr. iirui liifit. We tiair beaa notified that III-Canadian ir 4t lll l Under New Management lu aUr ulM repreaaatailve of Mo $10 rii( Third Avenue I Many people read nwpaper lloaalan Rf Croa iHtco-iy wmi U1 iu rt.liwiliili 4 fur IM "Hi)bl ;ac inucli for tlielr advertiingMbrtlir U' in Hrtaee llupert fm U' fti ' aa Bet of column a they do far nawa. Ilia puriMj of agplaining the atlr . Tea f Everything as the Cheapest Rates" need of ami alatlilr ia llo - lb tiiliHIt ut III Home from Home for the World n Man saauati f aid. Nve eiict to CASH .rn, a mill icmlMI lalurm rlKiae aaaaBamBBBaml-a SUITCASES I Ittod a I'Ui.lir meeting In the m m ua IM uhvk! mic future al winch tile eltualluu 111 T runk ri'tard I.. Hi. famine can be di- ORDER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS 'I'tiaaed ami a rpir.nlalie a tmt Hi 4m1w aiiii'ii "',.;'" ' . .. THEO Y ' " COLLART. LTD. BMnam m & t aaai cari.iaw iMllwf - ruiniiiiiiw oraamtad aa teM Mt trra lamer aMiii " r""l''" -i ' CLUB BAGS poaaiblc Wiib Uic iiiforinatioii MW iu piam bo uen l in i"' '" " run mu 1 .( mui ,.lU buUMkrpllf rixj w. etairtllir Im-ku. Bros. w.vwi vuiifl la fmw Large Stock hand aien .lU... it i in bo hoped McRae tuul On nxNUHl ItulM. rillr I nral AcTAnfc rrtufrd MlUr Lii, 200 Urn. thai s ii.n 1 may I"' tbe ob-Hii' - - - to select from. JwCtU'h- '.i fm 111 "I govaru-111 Sales Co. rnoai atua aa wttTHotac thuitni block' -. o. box ee J. F. MAGUIRE llll'lll ' , II11--111 t hoy will The MuBical Merchandise Marin U.urnM tern fat tfHirlk Amcrka.-mi be pL .. 1 '1 Mi. nijje beiiiw Mr.I i'tiwiiii in. Lul f. ' touio Kuir t .imadian l"-n iimioi . i.l l'oi aa' Avi'inn1 ptmuUf Nt Ui FrW. Rupert Ml in ftfrt mf In aunt nf hi nun , j ll !! i iilr rulll'll llMlli In I'