TUB DAILY NEWS PAGE FOUR . !... 1- BRINGING UP FATHER i -ar-t r-.ii E P... .. I fe&mTvfl ' -a- n i ni T Tr-aaofanH a . T If - " vwrz.HUni 4rn cf-CHAfttJ W 'nust 0MF to WM' r IWmi. quick aooqt J sg? -b-f - ' 8d-' ' J I r tH,ff i j - i For Sale l.lmiMl W. . San I'ralllkM H WILL ATTEND 'for .Wnrla. poailioa al njn. i:ii8 mile north of Man FBJMi- Three rimm furnished Daily News Classified Ads, An house. Serf ion 6 $1,500 feJcvi! . . W 1 I AM 1. WAV , p.m. I3.lt X.. a CRNT3 rflR WORD IN ADVANCE No Ad vortlMmamt Tk am fnr lnaa than HOe METROPOLE HALL I34UM V. f For rent to lodge or similar James Campbell Left Today for IHAI THKK HWfT Mvcr.l organlirttons from Nov. 1. Pert Arthur O. W. V. A. 1 oftt; Marat aaaalbroal wtml: kai -1 WANTS D FOR RENT OmRlO LIBERAL WOMEN CAIL1 Agents for Gathering. SaVfS: tewaperatiirt-. i TKI- H !!,, i . and H '.ird- rtl ft KMT Larr fnntihl Norweolan American Line ere. Rrae n,),i . Huir. i tm (wtt room, rloer to new cotrfrt WILL HAVE ORGANIZER Swedish American Line Jnmea Campliil!. until a frw Noon-OK.l Xinth Arnue We.i. ,MO houe IIH awood Avawwe If 1 American TRKF HUNT fit Scandinavian day aero fr- lery nf llif lirratl mnriM-fl. iiri I.- Th. Line. Itjtfif IMWtlhrt WifMt W A. TKI- H'., t the day HUt RICNT iaer aowta ,m-or in, War Vliran iM-iati"i. kft rral . n t.f Onfsrt.t ! ' lrmMmlurr. tt; hoar. Api.iv ib.v sal IMIji eaiawe, ay waok or aaoath. J test Oliver Typewriters Ihi mrninir for Port Arthur p-nt e wntnan ,, rwgh. JMaw Wicr. f3 aeHaae WaJhor a Muak mora. If Gary Safes. lo atlMid Itir annual contention mcliatelr Thi , . &4 , of Mir it. W. V. A. whtrti i . MHIIY SI.AM - iKereaM: SfTUATofNt WANTED TWO kottorkrrpliiK rooms for ( meotinc of thr U rt b. FIRE INSURANCE bf lN-ld from ortohrr I? t St. liahl OMlbra4 wind; harotieHer. real hiraieooal Mre. Joaaeoa. nntarlo Won,.-. A hurrird mr!ma of thr local tt.ltt; Irmprraturr. $4; mm W WTW lwi-.r Writ 7ff Fulloa Utrrrt. f iaiion. A r .. orranttali n i held In rr. the day. ? rr..-r !l Dybhayn & Hanson l iir to a rail from jM'sxtquaj'- BOARD ANO ROOMS i HfN MKNKKPIIMt mMi lo rraihirr nT r won,. ,, frr avid Mr. Camptwll who f j or room aad board Ph-nr Nad iur I ,i,. Born UjM Insurance Agents. Third PROVINCIAL Avenue. Prince Rupert t-niplovmin' iiffH-rr hrrr, wi RnoM and hoar.1 for two soatla. If, at mnie i aii cjwiaifi frisi thr NIMI SSLa. .Itl.ak . V ! . a-ivrn prrmii!ofi pro-vinrial .- - n Ibe n, i ,,r ' C. -a J To-ra-osed eabia to i iM-ra.n"iii to lafcr I hr t'.lt e .itfc-n in hat- SALE HELD AOBWTS WANTED. I Jmmt "lata, .. b ltday wotorit iter in .in. Afr.ona' thr Inattrr lo roeor up U AXTKI -I.ive a. ut fof little j COATS FOR MIRE. rMiuta i aree i ".. at thr rmrvrtlimt i prttflaity tal. a . a .a . I -"""aBBBaaBBoaaoanaaaaaMaaBw--a fiarbt. th.) tsnpor' rr .-r . The Quality Grocers lh.it of unraqtloyniriti and Mr. -Out of Sold 200 Outside Parcels Buyers.Offered, 47 iatludtna tbe well known di-! Jilll Woiefi . rO n -i Wing "rt Camphrfl witt hr ie,rtkwltiy rrrl drive. I il-rty lirlve t.niked by aay f t'-e pan . wrll qualified) t- V-al with It. weih S3 Mo, no rear lo FURNITURE REPAIRS We Carry oilirr luatrrrn will W rr.rul. The provincial lax sat look rut with aaad ill lake a boat AoWtlaa m the Hailv U-liiii nt, houeinv. prnio. im-mu-r.-it Pare this mominu aad anywaaro tber, tnffirtent liflX-r ROW yaajr Farneiore far nothing i..n. runied -i liltcfe' iav.laomptrVd lnld if an hoar' water to tlo..' it ia. Full S want of pea tier reoatr. fattn CANADIAN NATIONAL Hritioti Unve. There were loa parrrla of hat. CraMas. N. M. Hosnan iititiwc. ditartnamrni, h4. Piurns Lake B. V.. but the arasjr. RAILWAYS laad offered and 17 wvra aold to (hMa Halana's Km.irr Slcrioi Lrae-ur. adjunl. .latent. Hum I ake. h. I'.. May Co.. I ii t iif rrrdil oil owT.a pay. AataWe buyer. A boot Won wa Third Araaoe. Phooe Work GraxJ Trunk Pacific tui-Uii rrrdite for r-ervie raalited a a reuM of the eale FR SALE St. Oreon 471. f lliliClUl BEST nirn. thr rw rattan of vtrre rrtrM weeo 12 or 14 Mdorr oa HellWKjr CofftfMsrtjr hand. Kon O.U.K For.t loiirina Car in VATCH REPAIRS 'ruauiationo, an.I thr forrualiKi FOR LBASI The Mht priae which v. i lli-iil roi'il Mew bidy j of an orffsniaMloB of ihr m Jewelee aatf Watehmakor larouKbt al tho aa ealr va t -p. ! etij 4in an.I ttre. Shfpbulftiing YanJ ami Dry! aad dauarkee of vNrraue. LEE 8. JOE of Everything $to for lat is, Moot la. aiew. r.nKin-- rrcao overtiaolrd. in Unemployment. r. O. Hot I70O Dock art tnwaaile. paid ay John MeHor Al c.mlili.gi liar eaUy liritrvlnR hht aiu4 f awl In br tn oMn(Mtelln wth n. HI. u. Worth (t5. or qn.rk !-, MIS Third Avenue. Prince RsjaaH TCiJi Ihr mo-l prraxina- national profc). Ml wart ntiaranleod. .foe a oaae tm a kww for the table, and i !'.. ,r W. JJ Io, of llank of manager the. Ism m4 sail i i no i i nomi ' lem of the day. ihr li.W.V.A Maw Ordara Lowest Pr MftBoteaL All lb lola offered a Speeiatty. aw Ora4 tiaas carfiV a f iainu supply every need convention will m ,4nt a fwwto! I OH XAI.K Hpti-ndld Peer lee at r.- on, a se"ii Die Flrwart towneiU. a'ilb oh emmitte, foniod of oa ilertru- playi r piano. Brautl-ful TUITION v lh exeeevltoM. boafhi en wrrr member from h rwtoirr. tl lnKnirneiit. in earrlirnl a M by Mr. Lee al mm aawei prawe. I. ALBRFT PRY F. pr..rsor aou erra mih.' mHm reaolulion wffh rrmrd rondi'on. Apply H.H iti ssa aa ' f f Monro Bros. prepare The Mpot nrioe for the one lot Toaoaor of Vmira and Ptaaa. A t a tu".i.,.a. s' nawMu E. H. Shoal Mails '-w. offier. Ill to uneml"ytarnl anmtme ex-wrY Md upon wa I9S.H7. liaittorl aaraaar of pturtla ao-rwpfefit. ssaei srara ai Hae a aoi ..i ai n art- utMUm mt the ice A Phone S3 Third Avenue Mien. (leorge miik paid 2S for HKJ.Xii us ynar arapatiir awea-tioiia. Phone Hlne fa if btaaiMi i.- ...i.. t l " . u Ltm Plc:i - t Mo mpioymeat ituation. futmiakm Coal IMS I t. 1.07 aerr Hear Tarraoa. thr aa- 2Vcv and aaad p rope 11-ore BW-S 1 M , , varf Pi lUiniHiand offleUh eajra. will or. BOATS FOR HIRE ae a--ii. m se' .-Svti: set price of wlrtah wa t.l. at iw prieoa. ?orthera r las s !- Oa"' ' ' of the iii.y a i-onidrralile part A. J. Iinalor boairht anoMser Rsehanae 13$ aeenad Avenue HI .VTIJlii iNsrlle. iaae ol h a lime of the runvralion. I'oiaU r t a : , parcel of tJ1h is ao fte vie- Phone i0. If (Old with own Ma a. aM I 4irnd witt liwtade etatf unemployment iaily for IS6. upect prase hemp WMHaai R, P-t tm "eT"-- -a inuranr; proper ro 8I.K Hlrh alaea birch I like lo-IA. Pbosse Port' ladn.i.lii iaa -just dttrthution af labor fhrowtfh Ihe eordw'"-!. 1 2.00 per full eord twnta- Ttwrna Item p-aM ! for on. H. C if rUiiployiueul Hervice Ciiiwril of blir,.i ;i;s aoeond Avroue. 1 or. r fanr mU at llaypoL taw upH Canada: MinwiBL iedifal and Pltcm- .OA If AUTOMOBILES fbe pr-f 1 1 m . SfH ' " rtrteo of wfiieh was JS. lOjjiaor f-in.-. ..ee 'oe. , I not new!! provincial (rovrramat to re. aTawr serf air '" I quin- all contractor to raipley I.. V. Palmare bonsbt nine rntt WALK KlM.pteaw aotU oak NIT BUT Motor Co, fS aeeli ' ' aa.'ai- ' K- pa rod offered ta lb Port Kd-wanl dMtna sutte. bartwin. CoR at least 26 pemant eirrvte room "Km Cars aad Track, Aula- r pff.i iai i " Townetlo at el prlree mornina and eveolafa. tolta 3. atnbtte raaalra. men; the Immediate reiaalieh. Tlrea, ai ids o i a r" j How often have we ehard fjr Ihe Porpofho llartior I.and meat of provincial aud kwal ad-vkKey Kinad lllock. SSf anrloa and Puni alum ' earn an exclamation from council the l' Co. la atoak. tinmmmrMmi bd. ST-ffTJi: WAILWIW lo nrm-plymenl -" ; Others eelline at upset prieoa ll(H'tK for alr, tve rooaM and ' i our customers when tbey ftervlM and airar baill far all pwraosaa. Let rural Am 4 k. mm (M ael see Die result of tbe Dry lo ol4de buyera were aa fol-j bath: part i-aeb.valaaea aa root. PAINTS, railway rate for -rrver aaea ua five yoat a arioa on yoar a ain in i cleaning and Pressing we krr I Apply Xunro Broe. tf f wai . .1 aaartj BRUtHCS travelling to a plaae of apMit)t aar body. Taylor A Monro t reraBWa Uinr iarineiiU. Lots 20 and 21, btaek X. Orn-hai give Oarrer Tblrd Matti' I OH KAI.K K.iry Lama eiortrt baate, aad WIHOOWCUJl Tou'll - it when Gtly towneite. 113.5 to too, Bay Secretary of Typos. phonouruph. Apply 1M1 I'ark A toaw. tf LAMO ACT. you see the work you ak Florenee If. fSordon. Mr. Uampfeeel not ooiy Avenue. SM a ma- V AA- laaaa la. ok a NaWaa ef IMaatlaa te re" te iih tit do for you. i.oi za, oioca ae, ttvoimm oir : HAIRORESSINQ irTtmri playnient officer hrrr but la alo When Shall We Call? lowfl.ite, 9S lo Florence 'uixKHol li furnilure for ifuiek la Cmu Laa aiMTIea. S- KOtae plain'I "W"" xrrrrtary of tir local Typntrraali LADIBH' IIAIHI)ItR8HLn. Mar. rraat aayrri MKiao ai w:NS0R (iordi sale. fit Flail tb Avenue Api iy ieal I'ni.in and until raeeatly ... . f)t .1- ae XnWam Clla. eel waving, ensmpoomr. mmni V. a.. a. .aio. iir I TPUll Canadian was secretary to lb employing '11 1 T", "vrT. ' Wrel. Stt In a- Hair Ilvalnir Ana In laal..l-'Wi Haoari. a upalK fOila!m aareaan t irniiV v ayearoje are . d, I. prbitcm of the aad of theJ TMU4M - - - - - - - - , Steam jelly 1a1 3. Meek 1. Plan lef, near;F' H fAl.l Kuby bujcay, epleav. .lliril, rwif, ai TTLa p.-i7taa f CSM 1 Laundry i.V.Vi. and wt Pr aentleinen IHOW Terrace. fl.ld lo . .Norrt. did i.iiti-M, ft IS Tallow. SM wIr..,;.Taaa. - waW -' trans rermaiiens for ladies.; iaao ' "r, Phone 8 Lot IS, Moot . I0e aarea. Third Ave. V., Prince Rupert WIRELESS REPORT Caeeiar dielriot. tSIJM to W. J. AUCTION SALES quiihiiv irnxv u(.nRX nun in'iw leasia .ail aim Hunt f"r ar Phone " r own c-ernWnits. BARIIKni" m. ,,. Nelson. Al CI'loN -vii of Household ef-f 8HOP SS3 Hiltb Htraot. Prhvee! im 4 m r..b (S a.m.) Lot 7ttS, 0ndlr dls4rh. 3S.- . I. .. I I adieu Hulls an' riupert. II. C Phono Ulua Oa,iitiaaiaif . i IILIX HAIUtOH Overeat; 17. to J. MtllMT. Ffciit- will be held in oa 7. Cite a. foieeea. tf -.oa light southeast wind; barometer. M t7Hf. II a fine 3. half Inier- Kaen ,n :3 Third Avenu-a THAI Ltt Your Coal Bin 29.78; temperature, ,M; iiiHit et, HS.ift, 10 MIllMl h ,, , rtalurtfay next SEWINQ swell; 8 ajo. spoke aiolor ship Ijoi 1MI, Ilatijre 5. rBd arew. Yu . .ii i 4 ! any KWode yju ff 1 4 to Oeome l.eok. OOWN8. R04U. Novelty ftini. n. Apex abeam Safety Cove, souUi-bound. hM- f. i - i. al Ihia auction Lot 1S2S. IUK 3. lto.a. fieortr,- I ' auctioneer. Ill Me as SaibTta made o order, ami Is Now Empty E8TKVAN t naininit; froh OeoTRe Iek. roWMMteitail. 7SS Tatrd Avenue. southat wind; barometer. IV- Kulhwet quarter, Ut I30d, PR0PWTY F0n SALE. Phone 4S. . tf I .,(,r.......r.It. . Mi-an-Uirr"I I rrakrll"' a f.'i'- " TJ; Iroiperatuse 40; liht swell; I ol aerea, $KM i W. 9. Piast rofi M.K I. la I, S, 3 awl I. FOUND ih .utr I or it will b soon. 'Mi iiM.. spoke Clarle aleosi, er. ItltMjk :", s.., tion 7, in the eity We rt(Ti-ring Port Wells for ftirlitiioiid, poei fiOt 190, pari, rangft 5, M, to FOl'NI fHdd aimmed .yn : . i"ii are of l'i un Uuirt. Apply Owner. mJZLZ lion at 8 p.m., ?-'7 miles north L. II. Kenny. ataaaaa on eltore of TremayiM' rsSasM list M," fi . .'.1 fil. e- Ib.s to -M-. Ontario. I'll" REDUCED PRICES Lookout. of Iliclinioiid; '-' p.m. spoke W. 8. Fieher wag AMttoaaar M Ha. Awl A. It. lillla-a, turn-'' ii-iita ssa e?Slaaaaa FS'aaw StS.14 for Keptamber delivery. al tbe ale, A. J. linHanatar waa l.AM- Jl Uistrirl. n Malional F.sor.- r.ua . T"! a ' u Wlia Burlaw Don't wait, but have that You Should easbier. and V. Dealioliue, elerk. and kiiiiiM tracts. ttaiawiro l.lfiil beMtart aas tto II i bin tilled sow with tba 0(di8tttion PERSONAL. Wlia startrr FAMOUS Take Careb00?. BIRTH. Wm.u. : tiiiint Kcncy, Uaaellon.If I'd Clara Mabal Jone-mm Rood & Frizzcll W 1 largely a matter of Good Digestion. Fauin h. A I Mir aveatte rare Daalara you A bant Mr. and A toUa should UMlIeecham's sni was U musio EDSON COAL person at the I ilaai riitoerl fkafiy Prlnta Rvearli 0. Mrs. I nils to rtlievo dieUve ills and Klmer Maxwall ynetenlay correct ttosiachic disorders. On bwe f(fiiav i'r kfia aoka of account at the UonpHal. Ml H i. ii,.- ton rili great ma-a She.. I'bnnc i8 for quu-.k delivery. for ol t)vir ifrvtcesndrepuUtkjo ,i ,f uur rutlure." your uuUAil boalBj. eoll for rcliaUlity-TAKE 5a Spec4ul rate un car lots. Norman II. Allen salt.I hast Bote. II. c. IbMoy, teaeher, (f at lli eurffou peMMrbta tH-meat ai--'' BEECHAM'S nlKht on the ilbetohsin for Barf ?7 F.iithii. venae Waal. Tela or aead nn addroaa iftal -TO. it be forwrde. You have Inlet. phone i.r.i-ii 4V7. ran ug.isai Prince BopeiTFeei Co. Rottiinit to fear bul ail U yasn. .... Mr. aad Mi- T lUitu. FOR Vol n m -- im;f. or Tour l.ioO,,-r f.-.f if A Corner 2rd Ave. and 7th St. l.u..S2s..to. BaUK-yJ 1 1 ay sport, i illll.'ll III.- i-ilv I 'I ' H I'1 U. . I'p to III,!. J-r.i law ulM - 1 1 am Ol. Ill ,, I-,,, ,. my,, sgx i( Hill)'. I ill! I Newa.