THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THMBC BAD FLOODS Local ami Personal A Special rnty" -15 Enlargements IN DISTRICT Universal Trading Co. Launch "Oh Baby." Blue Ml. t in I.iilarging Machine is n n- invention recently Ferry at Terrace Goes Out and Ht. negls Tail. J'hone 450. tl Corner Third Avenue and Sixth Street i. will out by Ihr Kodak Is a Total Loss Three Men mimny. II revolutionizes Aboard. II. 0. Undertakers. Mionetl. tf making of onlarge- a e e (i.i ni. Hayncrs, Undertakers. Phono STEWART AND ALICE T it vastly superior p r i n( 3S1. tf Low-Price n-l a sharp a the ARM ALSO SUFFER W'allfltfwer and liulbs. i iiiiK-i print -ere marie, City in I Ik- I tin fiirmrly re-ii'in Market tf (! in make one. Reported That Government Iii'iiu'iiiImt, however, thai Crldgts on Bear and Salmon Now arrivals In fur-lrimmed Quick-Turnover Sales good negatives make River Have Both Gone Out. coals. Driuers. tf good enlargements. . . i in which Mri ip a bit of sen-,,iii Hitch water and floods Mrs. Oetrge ilnn will nod From Thursday, September 29th fc'he tomorrew. lhrough-nut the district have nll.- fur a li 'iiii decoration. been causing eenstderable dam and continuing to October 11th ulinK la in the .i' uk (tend along Winter Harbor for small boats. ai' and nwfHWi-wl roads. bridges and ferries have suffered. Northern Kxchange. 212 iv mounted and fraasod. The WM-st of the flood are mw over, however, and lire wat For practical shoe repairing Annoum-la? tnr new Low-price Quick-Turnover Policy witb the Universal Trading (tampar.y er, are rimimeneiHg to recede. see Simpson, Wellride glreei. tf guarantee of dependable merchandise. We are bound to make il pay you to trade here. Chi- fi-rrv so roan the 8keen Yours1 truly. Mrs. G. A. Harvey. -Hplrella" Himt between Tarraee and Lak- I XIVERPAL TRADING COMPANY. eteetierr; opposite Post Offie, went lai Haturday itlgltl out 8. K. Shane, Manager. tf. .ml m a lite. I'. W. An tl' i mad fnreirtan. relrneJ lteere Friday night, Oeteber jlit-' malii frm the ssette. He i.i..ri. Hint P. Mlrtfald. the li. lor pons or nngiand wuisl Drive and Dance. FRIDAY SPECIALS r if man. had heen iiMkina; re WEDNESDAY, THUR, imii- in I hi- ferry and while be the main This Is lite time of ytr for .i.i.i ii ilfiarhfd freiit Mlnre Pi. Try Wood! JM the rablf. il broke toooe Hh thre lUts for (his favorite. tf Free Deal in 'iimmi almard and eiarted down the 10 dozen COTTON WORK SHIRTS. 100 dofn BOYS' WORSTED HOSE, all ig iim-i n atlempl wan idr hy 'Mi Melhmald in a small bat to OnrantfalttM Mucins for Imperial at sizes. Special al PrvMbrlerfan !. at Churofa Hall In!' it Nil I hi" w lmMll4e : I In f. rry finally sifuek a rock tonight. Supper 7 p.m. 239 $1.25 50c pair ' per li.r. H mayad Mttwe time en-UlilniB It. E. Allen, manager of Reyal JU1S 1 EJOJJ if men and entne on hoard to 1 taken off. Hef MHI. PHtHin hpxtr returned up river llrts mnrniniO train. rT jil mam faleved MM M hfnke on arrived. BOYS' SUITS, all sizes, designs and fJ 'NT, unUUNATN'N C JtKAM I htli 1S-INCH WHITE TERRY, Just HIM- aain a Ml. euHunttina and Mrs. Ii. I. lloarnii relumm' al cloths. Special at down biokp in Iktw parts Special o tow a afinr ha vine mailr the J Nli-tL KOI (ifc. Thin is ?1.86 is a loUl wreek. Pari of H JtB or 1 round trip iwth on the Prlwoe wijc for $1.25 t andd tir rem near veHl KiUmkfi farther dawn.btri Rupert. 45c yard $7.50 up Ihe ! of tlte ferry will We . . i s I'rr a real laety try i orifleei nwmvreiwewee o uw Limited Bbrwtmtrs Ffwaied r.mes Lakelae eMe selllera hwl ItMy Ha)iKfl and IHaek CsmI at 22-INCH WHITE TERRY, just arrived. ll)0 yards WHITE TABLE LINEN. jwiii har In niaae hifl with nod rials. 11 iHiat and the of Hie Copper Spectal al Special at THE REX ALL STORES iHiwr ferry, four ifW ra4 In 82 ar.J 200 c- rner Ave. and Sixth St. 'the I.akle ferry. It will be Mm. tt'atte Hlaw wb 75c beast vUMIh Ht Ka-irm ttregnw 85c yard L4 Third Ave . r.njKite 2nd St. ! iiiMHitde to restloee il 4M wfo. returned hexne aw Ibr Priuro H- yard i. i tmi ii will he pwt in atMi a I s "uir ! fe Ik-liven Sorvico pert th l mrn4ng. ,. ..11 piteeilile mrmi eai SUwart Floods. ' I l.d t Ihe Hewari diatrlel J. F. HulabiBMn. of the l- to arrive Wednesday boat shipment of tiiinhNi Fluherie-s offiee. irft thin Expected on arr reported to hat walHd wl Hms ning fnr lVurt lUsiaKtim. He thr aovrrwiiveol hrWjre on the Hear and SelnHMi ItMers. lite will he bask tomorrow rwnilne EVENING AND SEMI-EVENING FROCKS town of Mrder Is praetieally eb. A. C II. fttrhartH. sutMiriaitewd. EAT FISH saeroed. 'IW hii4e water we rhtal MrHieilsy. wi of the Hineiake Mm tew Co Vlhse Art. mnU4 in thr nty Him Oar retirts eome frosu ruterdsy afUrnoiai on thr Ctw Allre Ann where Ihe Ktlaadtt And Support the Industry Hier ferry wH away slid Ivbsta. CO. TRADING which a iiMntbar of Ike brMaen m lUr UNIVERSAL supports you Vmri Harrie eon of W U. Hr-H) tkdty Vardni Hallway w. rr un Ask for SVTWIMwd i.f ks city ha gme to To- Fresh, Smoked and Canned Iria IpHMo UnHeraity Wtwr lir lo will eludy eolMT tar Vir-the S. K. Shane, Manager Fish TOO LATl 10 CL83irr .UetlxmHot MMMietry. Phone 376 Corner Third Ave. and Sixth St. Taking of evidence and anru-hiettl Distributed by WI.VriCH berbor for small boats: of osiwoimH was romoleted no swell and uo chafing; m the Hunt ley Tat vs. Munrr II iadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. dance.wharfinger Apfdr In Mmslanl Norlltern atten tlx M intra awtoHtobtte daitMMies cae 1st Ihe eoooiy oooK yewterday af-lermnm. PRINCE RUPERT bangs. IM Second AvenueJ Jwdgimad Mas beru rr-erved. JuSutr K. MrH. V'Ulijs I f 1 "tl Phone tf iu io. mnw tram lor SinilU-i e where be will hold court. PL1H.IC steiHHrrawhrr. varied RUPERT BRAND huaineas PSuerleiH-p. lleon Fresh Local Beef from Bulkley i Johau-n arrived in lin-ity able eharavK. Mies Churoh. ao VatWy and Pvrofcrr Ithtmd ai Oty 'tto tfusn AtKe Aran yesterday GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Phil poll. Kxitt & Co. Nasi to Market. Hewing and Hoiths fli'riHMHi on lb' Cnehthsin. S. 8. PRINCE RUPERT sailing Pot Offic. Tel. SIH. Ml lleef He I-. IS tea per lb; Pt Wsdnesday 11:0O p.m. for Anyox; Thursday midnight for roasts tic in I6e; Ovesi roosta Ocean Falls. Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. CAMKKA and Shutter rejsir le In tor: Prme 1 1 Mm. Ste to A. W. Ileal rrturm-d to the 8. S. PRINCE GEORGE Saturday 8:00 p.m. for SlewarL i IT inning lutii . i Miici'di'tt l lUttermen Made Steven. 221 SeroMd Ave r: HiHtnd Steak, Me to S7te Mv thi uininiiujc aft-i having Sunday midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls. Vancouver. vuited hm Kid h-'iiu hi .ova Plioive " I . lit.. -I ..... U-....M.. fl'..-.!. Kplxmilr Kdie ti.. per lb. 24? Victoria and Seattle. mi'"l ll in III MH m IH -i Pro-e. 130 per ton. 90 If aroita. S. 8. PRINCE JOHN For Massett, Port Clements and v v n...I M . I'.f- ..r Oct. 12th and 26th. All points on Southern - a of utsurum awid quality trip m I iNmeiiMi iJaw- K P. Mall Bucklsy Bay, Anyox. ware in tbseV ye.lrrUay OcL 14th and 2Sth. .1 i.iruiy "I . . t .ii 1 1 imwe kern. Preae, ANNOUNCEMENTS Queen Charlotte Islands, In IL. 1 M-.-l I'-lllKU; "oy ' l'-"" Train Service. kiwliw irm they are tmkiu o,,l 1 J0 Ml- Paseo-er MONDAY, WtDNESDAY and SATURDAY al ii:15 itfitS '" - " -"t'piy teaiag gear. Adair Carss CtHipier I.O.D.K Itukir Ltuuii ti.. Htaw Tl.'" Cli'W' . (in-ru -. u in F' SinitUer. 1'nnre Ueorge Kdinonlon and inn i. i i luuiiuf, f niwrmt anu proi i.iiui. Second Annual Hall. Oetober 14. are viKSting the Xs and Skeena peg. making direr i cunneclion for all points in eastern boal this i.anada rind I niled Stall s. Mi., mill ftluim ui Rivers and rriorlil bird shoot- Cltv Ticket Offloe 628 Third Awsnue Phone 260 W Sons of Canada Athletic Dane UI...H.IIM W4 I hi- Sentinel with ENGLAND FISH Mng so "far as very gaod. Company Friday. Oettihrr tl. St. Andrew's atHHi niunii which was aotd . Ketchikan, Alaska Branch Hall. We4lMlwte Orafceelra. Mrs. J. C SaMik BfiaRd HiaUou thr t.Hiiadisn FimIi and did of the Orand Qtiaer of H '... sinrai' ;i. Hospital Annual Da nee, Oetober Ortler of Ihr MniUt(i Star, ar CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY under tbe IhiMe aus-pM-rs Hrnt'Ut MC6 31. rived ta the ettjr. litis Maraiug t P. O. Box 743 e e jtay an official vlH to kite ks-al of Ihe Wohmu's Auxiliary B.C. Coast Services OIIAND 11AZ.AR in aidd of An-nuneiatlon hapler. She was, met at the t. H. I . in the Mclntyre uall JAMES HUNTER Church and St. Jo wlvarf by a number f promswint Wedi..-i.dy. October 12, at :30 'ERAL seph's Convent, Wednesday and local teliers .ul Uh? liantern PM. Arthur s Orchestra. Gen-' Sailings from Prince Rupert BUCKSMITHING AND CAR BODY Thursday, No ember 9 and 10. (Star including Mm. J. O. Sbsen. "nen It. Udics 50. Refresh BUILDER Mrs. J. M. CarmWhae! and W. ti ,ents 230 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway nt for Traffic, Day-Elder and Rugglea Trucks Thanksgiving Girl Guides'Day.The Dansant Harris Thr ful ol the e Fralcrnal September S, 12, 19, 26; October 10, 21, 31. Terms ran tie arranged for purchasers. e League isaine of tbe sw- Construction of the Iulo mill!Whnl For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle First Presbyterian Fall Haiaar. November will necessitate moviug a por- son were played last uighl when Avenue and Cow Day SepUmber 10, 17, 24; October 1, 14, 25. Prince Rupert, B. 0. 23. lion of our lumber stocks. I;ladies' leai ii met. i.The it. it.result e s order lo clear these stocks before werr S Ikiihwo: SIHIW, o; Llnss. for all Steamship Agency Gilbert and Sullivan' 'Trial construction commenees, we SI. Auurrwu. .1; Daughter and by Jury" by the Prince Rupert are making special prirc redue-tions. Maid of England, ft; Rebckah. Full information from Musical Society. November 23. In certain odd lots of t. W. C. ORCHARD, Osneral Agent New Fall and Winter sbiplap and dimension, these re- e s Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prlne Rupert, B.0. eve King Samples Klks' Christmas Cheer Minstrel ductions are drastic; they will J. Mrt.i-eady, who has Iimm the Show and F.nlerlatnment. Doc-jinoe quickly. Ilrlng your lum-cinlier ehairinsn of Ihe Walhiee Shl-ys"l- 0 And 7. brr requiremenls lo us and save SiH-lal Club for some ART Clothes iimnov Prlnca Itunnri t unihur im.nih. t'el umed to Yaucouver on UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. Company. Office Seal Oovc i' i n-1 Wat last evening.1 tUlns trim e wi Rur Just Arrived & Phone 301. tr There was quite a galltcriug of Im Vumiw, VIUrU.i'.Uuis ln"i S. mu rIU TsiUr. t pja. fCZEMA !employees of tike yurd to see rrt'Si"S, Km Dliir, . sS SUM arm, Suuil.j widuifbL i, Callhis s Ocnt saS luu Hrr uu Mlllnn Ort II. ,iu. .. i.. tNis. All Wool UNDERWEAR Mia Irill-8 All fish orders served at the him off other men from the 4. . lUi. I Umw. II r.ll" SI VM od It4il-4lly Calllas si asmo-tlll., Imimd, Mill S w sstllsi Oct t. IS. o II. tflt Uim tlta. Saapl kus IW. Good Hals are first class. We'pUnl who returned niulh last , Ixt. II. t. J Wolsey Muraury Stnnfltild, otc Cbam's MM Mxi OluUuaal Miul id,imiup n II lur yw tuwUim i:UU. get a fresh supply of fish from : ' Kirkland, tl SZ1 Ihm4 Sim.. JSCS tARNSl.IV, a(Mt Prlsss Russet. B. L.ii LimiUil..11 Iimurw Mr or K0hmiw. "'Ul Ok, tbo duck every day. if ii. i'ryce and . llawkius.