THE DAILY NEWS PAOK BIX . ALICE ARM CONDUCT OF G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public Miles Donald, the pioneer prutefor flnd mine oeeator. ELECTIONS Westholme l'our rooms, fully modern, Sixth Avenue Last $3200 leaves thin week for hp old Four room. Fifth Avenue Kast 2300 home town of Upper lllsekwell. :: Five room, fully modern, double corner, llonlen Street 3400 New llrunswlek, where he will UTTAWA. Orl t. hy m Two-apartment house, four rooms each, fully modern, mkII for two month. adfan Prf) TIwk- me many I onight and T ummil Avenue 3500 thlHB In .connecifii wiMi ito ornorro J Term can bo arranged on any of these. T. J. tUienTtnt. Jiweele5r of ewnluel Of Afftl ftMimhire to No trouble to how them. milieu, in paying a vln io ue (Iimm wtiteti are ehangetl H. G. HELCERSON, LTD. holly Va rift ii ntfrie this week. efaMy MIMler I be Hoimn Insurance Rentals Real Estate Ion lireellfNi Art ft 'in wlial tlcy hati Kenemly. who is slightly were tarowny. Ki n .r.'cnull"n under the weather, is pSHllng whsell atHHsl be Inkc t Psrlla r laVKasi P-SH A a rowple of weeks in rrlnoe lib mettt estaure "-l t 11 nml r perl. derly eleeltotts tak'n in PRIKCE RUPERT TIDES AMieiHlliuf llwi ae! during the Usl Mrs. Jans Laidlaw leasee on two eaSnssjM ami Hi.- reeull is a Wdnedy. del"ber If Thursday far a short vjfcsH to law k ill 1 i"vil- aaml High IO:0 a.m., 18.0 fact. Prince Rupert. Hhat was forsnerlv c..m.i,t.i in . or a candidate, and w ho rci.i. i'2:57 p.m., 11.7 fee. tneny oae4 ttnavoiaaM.- ectin OHlsMe f lUina4a, lo I.ow t..t t a.m. 7.S foot. Miss KitiHta htunas Is here evil. , ran-for t voire or in any way en.. a.. 17:10 p.m., H i feet. visiting her brother. Sieve li- One nt I ha venendmenia wliicti lo InsHsee voters to vssle for ai Thursday. October 13 mas. Hfte Is sewomtWHleil by ssiwsil eomlleral4e mmmriii in Hiffh 11:87 a.m., IH.H feel. her onrle, Frank Holla s lier, wlin Ike eonlry at the lime il wa of Ihe ennttMaiM at ah eet ii..i. The r onver a not of elevloi. i 23:42 p.m.. I H.I feet. an li I timer of (he sssM. pasl, was thai referring to rs a Low- - e:SI a.m., 7.0 feel. rtiis t. his flrsl viH to A I tee MHirMign fond iilrtluttona. p.lla. nr.. la aiao forbiiidcn ! mid over 3oo of lliowo days 17:51 p.m.. 7.3 fe-t. (nil. OIUe. Ten of the sminl-.1 act the net. This la hH a i,. ameMlnttnl bo I Is one wlilrh w we devote to the buking of I'rMny, October II as been m0 lo r-al High lt:l pm., I feel. The heavy rains of h post Campaign Funds. aireiiglaenaH eosnewlNll in lh GOOD BREAD I.OW 8:58 a.m., (1.6 feel. week which ended on Monday del .N UttltMSortMirsti-"! roiupany nmeitilliig of Ike former aei. 1 r r i nan is not an offsnee under Ihe an Tryltijr every day to gel 1R:;S p.m., S.I feel. some iMamge in I he district. or s6te!tn and tnr o-por. it a lillle better and a little The lime used Is I'art fie Stan- Son of rife smell imiles Att live sled PoaMsiSH- r' airiullin iiow,rr. for nnynno bin ai tiHfer. ' dart, fur tins 130th MerMsax fvolrf VsrUen Itsrtlwtfy win un- other Ihaa one in.-., ..ini..l f-ie ri'-eior. to psy hi" 'n tmrr ! Not strange If jrmi like wesL II Is ooonled from 0 U isrHrwe-l Imi Hie mo serious oottMrnl Mtfinx al ahall from the smsIIbbc slalb. II, as you neem l. for we're 21 hours, from miitiiisrht to mid dsmftre vflee the washfnit owl of (MresMly or hsdirerlly, emu l: i.nother alanee tt Is ua-i anKiam'V; nTM and of the the K It tilt itH. an offenee lo pay or prosnl- t selling more more night. ferty aero. M irtmHO, won, advanre, pay or ' I LaaaHaWaUfjliJi ni. TLHIIIIIIIIH II ull tfir Jm. The fahle g-iven is fir Port er near town. protnte or offer t ! any pay tlir espansaa. wnges or ! BTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTanTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaaaTaTaTaTaTannfaTT J I T .HnTsTsTsTarr col. . f is' eiorloe gssg lo o riimpson Put the line for.Prine: RtoMf or Hs enunnl-M 1 . -a TlaBaaaaaaaaaaaaannn!aTffaaariaaaaaaaaaaaar fr.wn itotltlHt alntkiA. I'ltd RUPERT BAKERY llupcrl varojs only a ffw minutes STEWART Or Or hi Rid of nn f imllftale fta ET niKaTaV-aTaaaaaaV.aaataaaaaaaTaaW Ihr set flHsa a SJSaUe Hi on some dny. and on oth.-r M aft toNiatt, or I.. f r or in Third Avenue Phone 643 Pvriy cniniuyer shnlt, rn p-'l' is I lie name. The run in- of tin The Sleworl exhibit . Ik M of any political part r-m-tHHIee d aWow lo eieri. me avney tide may In computed as 3 percent Vnterican Mining Con or as Iki..h ..r or bit in hia ewiasiiy al lee.I wi ao V ,r V greater at Prince Hup rt venlios) which t hefflg Itehl In (or.' or in M f toy ci ,pany liiKMial lonsr iMhr Umo ih Port both il than at Himpson lliewryoralwl for ..iin-al pur. Chieairo this week was hlph imm. Hoar, for vmiisat, and n prings and neap There f. rr or lo. or for m firh-eranre rerenUy. II euwihe 3H mis. poere, ball nake tie TOEAR-L WHITE in the !'rinee Hui ri eeni'lcyer any I be rise f, any x-n1 i..e '.leu friMH SNAPinCOAL iim (IMravl wakrtilsM tsf soet ilic-ii.Hi from la pay harbor is sligbly greater thtn tl IMlUIld. taalever, r for tlic .n.l-tiiuii'-a-tion DIRECTION V1LUAM FOX elertor iir Isnnwai issmms "f et Port Sinrpsnn. or reiminii ,.f m Tlie Is in feet ttnd art Irons hinv any penally by height II. Martlsi, the well kit own Hsifi- pereosi lor istnewy- ui" in "THE THIEF' We are overstocked with tenths of feet above the avenue rca-"i of his ah i ewe snirins HlmrehoMers and ..ffirer of left lst week fur UM nig man. Interior Coal, and in order to j level of lower low water. emopsaee or aciii"ii viola-ling uch aoiira." K1 m fir rnal ra. ,l u P... , II move this surplus with the eago. Nt falsa Slstsmenle. lUe ahovv .!! oi are o-earHl least possible delay we quote for the prnisnlNn of eandldsles KuiHy of an indirlaMs of-frneo. The of Hie I'rosnier pnBTe lertitans M also na4s the following prices: in ss an tramline rimalruclloM ( pToeecl a also u ay int n Mine Run, loos on Special Lunch iiik apaee In spile of adverse who aks or knowinaly twelves" indiriable owrtng,offenss or before fur any any aiee-iion person dock 16.50 wi-alher cosmIMIoo. Ttir any aasssoy or il equivalent, in i snake or psjMiah an Mine Run, tacked on slrurlliifl of lowvrs has VintalttHI f lais rlut. faUe lalmsenl of feet in t-lalloa dock , $7.50 eoiupleied anil Use alrlHstg of At I lie Ulne tho elauw w . te Ike persnstal rhararief cable I now going Hitni.lnead In the H ue Ihe on. eossthsel of esitdl'lal f..r 40c claim wis IB ihs' n aim. r any H m r m a m Prince Rupert Coal Co 'W ponMr of affswtsng toe re ouse ed al Ike political fuiid wlilrb il iioid prtigreiss Is heiisg Mats turn inet eanajwiale lo office k ii i l a wi Offlca, Central Hotel Thur day, Oct 13 m I he pmslHclal s safest wienl was. sialeij was Him being raised w ine kee4aic of nrder Chont IS traH op the Marmot Itlver. by Hie fa rater "manual ion In -nd abont sxilllsw stations, election lb wHtrs provinrea. The Vegetable Soup offkeers, a generally aa Cold Slaw Advertise la the Daily .News, elaiioe pael I he CoMtnsosia ant ks'ws are (hi en fsmrrrs a We offer Coa! Choice nf Kenale. hoaevvr with Mile ua- x-ar offirera io srre.t or order Oar phone nambsr is Boiled Salmon, Egg Sauce MMIIoU ihe arrrat of any 0004-mitiing changed. Nr nam-her 649 Pot Roast Besf, Corn Fritters Converancs to Polls. an uffenne parens.under Ine arui c r 'i is bcreened, guarmmi Cash & An-.tliT ciaoa' In Ho- amended Carry Mashed Pot loss oiled or rl II is not eaeely knrwn. dehv - 821 art make il an ..ff.-nci- for d4y. TAILOR Cream LING, I: Caullltowsr en urw.-ver. thai Use ratnming of-flrer 2nd Ave. nny peraon, nl lie I us an elector Rice Pudding or hia deputy may. doriita Tea or Coffee Specials aoaiinalioa day ami polling day. Sacked, per ton - W retire any person w tfkin naif Aft fl MT tADIfS AND GENTLE- Good Eats Cafe Sunkist Marmalade, regular VEGETABLES I a ioii mllr or swdliru of Um "to piser deHef af ntn to bus. Bu k. oer ton ULVS TMIOR HV . pec la I 59c Now ta the lime to buy y"ir slave.' ll' swoN. firearm. Beat any Cannot " Yo fit Gcteisrcss Pure Klrawberry Jam, i-lb. wtnler a supply t '' j Watch for Tomorrow's THISO AVr.KVK M i o tai'xv or olher Offensive tables. We liac never cn LEE Lunch pails 75o vaiMuv io the hands nr perfial Phnn KoH t 3fl. Jutland Sardines with key. surh One qualify as tlo- l ,. 4saiHi of snoh wefsoo ni rrT-.T' D T 1 I ' A L. LL 1 I II aa m m m- m m m w iwa am a a b t rr iw a 11c we have at prr(-ni per tin 't,c aers4isi s rrniri shall MLiULilVl VX lin.vni'r I.ibliv's Pork and Ileans. Terrace Yellow Turnip .-liver." Nor way a siraoger 6 lbs. for 25c Phone 116 and C4 Ier tin 1 Co jc inr armed lalo a padltng divia- Panne or II. C. Milk - Terrace Mild Carrol ion nor a reideal arm himself Una for $1 6 lbs. for 25e Must Keep Dry. H. S. WALLACE LIMITED Terrace No. I lleet ' CO., Iterleaned Oirranls, pkg. 19c other prohlMlion in Ihe a t n MC1 Seeded or Hullana llatsins. 6 lbs. for 25 r- agninsi ine nr at aanner Quality Clone C. Q. MINNS, Manager Ier pkg 21o Special assorted sack as follow iMmisis. fnrMrs, Isadgrs nr lanel ... . ... rna iili w r - Whole Mixed Peel. lb...43o 40 lbs. Turnbps,' 40 dilnsih the politnval lean- CO ... r... . -m.aa-QtOfVCC - lbs. Carrots, 20 lbs. Bests, 23 Third saoe wov Tip Top Tea (the blggrnt ,! . ..f inr warr on elaeiioti LECK, cB The following value In town . 2Vj-lb. 100 lbs. of No. 1 Vsgs- day or within eight dsye of that package 99o Ubles $3.00 jilale Thcie are also, of eotirsr real West Tea, 60c value I.lllooet NrlUsl tiem I'.la- pro via sons against Ihe selling or for 49o toes. per sar-k $2.65 of Ikjuor n th. s it m awny- Sp ecial Prices M. II. Coffee, per lb 49o 100 Holes No. 1 Wagner I Uxv of votiMK. ami also provision Ti Velvet Pastry Hour, 10-lb. Apples. 10o lb. Bos $20 agalnsl the Irenling of eier. a ij . r r i sacks 67c We will i- a few preserv -lng i,.r lo Hseala, drlnka is'ismv in force all this week I'.jniy Wheatlrts, 5-lb. sacks linea arriving this week menu, and stringent provision for those who like woull in for 43o acainsi bribery, giving or pr. GEORGETTE CREPES It..I led Oats. 8.1b. sacka 35o pul up more fruit or pn-kles. imsing employweiii ami the i. Your t-hou-e of our extensive slock. A splendid Perfect ion Hrooins . . -S3o We expeel Prarhes, I'runca, nianillng or receiving of briu-, m range of colors to choose from. Per yard $1.95 W hile Wonder Boajv - pears. Crabappies. lireen any form. SPECIALS 14 for $1 Tomaloaa. i'lrkliiig Cnions, Persons guilty of indteiabtc offences . CREPE DE CHINES Palnmlive Soap. . .12 for $1 Celery. Ited lbbage. r.itrou. under the Ae are liable 1'ink. sky, pearh. rose, navy, MaeV, Oor tt.75 Vegetable Marrow. Peeled peaches, evaporated, on indiciinenl t summary ron-virlion quality for, pr yard $1.95 5-1 b. package $149 We buy American Cur to flnee not exeeoding COLORED PONGEE SILKS two iliousand dollars r to im rency, Silver. Gold or for a term lo lw Thursday, Friday ana Navy, riixe. brown, reseda, natural Nt)k, while. prisonotenl up Per yard $1.75 Bills years, with or without lurvl la-l,.,r. a. j 11k Sanitary Market or l IxMli fine and imprisonment. Oct. 13, 14 ana i NIAGARA MAID Rupert Table Supply Go. Non-lndietahle of fences lAEGE SILK HOSE Walk Downstairs and Save under ihe art are punishable by Mercerized, hemmed, extra Money. PHONES 211, 211. a fin uol exeeiHiing Wt or our WE SELL FOR LESS , d-ep fashioned top, -lirnd year in prison nr buUi fine and silk, extra length; im ristinntenl. Persona found Vlella Flannel, unan Conscnrei Your Strength olors navy, cordovan, mnliy of illegal ih erruil prar-lirea blue and red !riped. e"" are alsi disqualified from vir- i halher, grey, white and Vlella Flannel, nii-hrHikabb-. Every ounce of extra wright .i tug or eantildalure for a period Murk. Very special, per Consumers Coal Co. Ltd. for Light blue and grey 51-in. li Ssrgss, csnicd diminuhes your powtf of Pale $2.50 of five years an illegal ' endurance. Jsrgcr " practice ami arven jears ior Nay blue Pure Wool Ssrgs. Rooc II. Srcitk Block aJi T If' croooruoa . 0o corrupt practice. Crepe da Chines and Oeorgstles, rs SsU Attsti ... tti to their wcigjit, arc OUR PRICES CANNOT BE Hoc. iai TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Wt the wsrmctt and BEATEN WE MEET ALL THE M0USC OF O00D VALUG most comfortable of COMPETITION. The, Darlnsrphlp between Jas all known garments. Adklni Kd Herbert Walt In thej Adklns & Walt Logging tympany Bros.,Lti A fkUy ilitutJtttd ". was dissolved as al October 10. .Tat-miir Milofi fit ea H. S.Wallace All accounts against Hie partner-1 '..n-r. VH L ship will be paid by Jas. Adkins, Co., Ltd. Telephone who will ntinilnue in Ihe logging ' Number 7 buetoese on bis pwn behalf. Our Shoe Department Is -V1" ke Iimm m4 AimW C C. MINNS, Managar (Signed UHIUIKIIT WAIT. ...ll .-J H..Ktvae BOOtS. V' Phone 9 JAS. ADKINH. nan anu Will Take Ooal Back If net. Satisfied. wi'i 'ito th Dally News