The Daily News 80 MANY PEOPLE UNEMPLOYED PIUNCR MTI'HRT - imiTlHIt GOMIMMA I'ublfuheil Every Af'Tnoon, except fliintlny, lijr The News, ARE NERVOUS NATIVES IN Printing nni' Piililisliing Compsrty, Third Avenue. DISTURBANCE Casca de If. P. PULLBX, Managing Editor. "Fralt-a-tlves' the Greatest Beer . StlRficrtlPTtON RATES I Cily Delivery, by mall or carrier, per month . . .$1.00 of all Nerve Remedies Savaral ed and Potlca mob KllUd Flrsd and Upon Wound-,at i The lly mail to nil part of the- Ilrilih Kmpire ami the United Statea, Bombay. Deer without a Peer in advance, per year t Tilt Fralt Heiiciaj Ristofii HeiR. To all other countries, In advance, per yrar t S7.BO The loerra in the nunther af nOMflAY. X.' IM iitnrli Mmle in II.C. for 30 yearn from only pur prj lift tufrfiif fimm A I aNaafl in ike oii luari r tttn -f TELEPHONE 98 frrioi worUnlJe; due, t a ntee.are, Ihe Inn Ae priMaalM I he entit tloo fotmir ii ' "r-oei, f Walc ami M "winst ilieaswii Delivered to home, free of Transient Display AdverlUing I.W per inch Hptrilnn rear Headaches, M" HareiB, the KuroBMN ! ! your charge, in quantitiMf,IE Transient AdvortUinR on front Page $2.ftrt per Inch Nmom IHPrJ,. venterday wen run. .1 lit a n'"1' fxcal Header, insertion 2fio per line. Ithmmitkm, hand wh one dozen botlles barrel per 1U.I Hesrt Action, ara the P"iM ef f unentiliyc n M to lots. Clarified Advertiing, per insertion 2e per w-ortl a drttarbrd condiUm (tb Nnr wreekfil and hum-.I a ni'ilr Legal Notice, each insertion I5e per agale line nf (ram ear al v-ral Hiinl Contract Hate on Sppllcnllon. F)tn.The uerres snJ lhe tdeol aw o ti.. .....k. ii.m.- .I..H..B al t.ur- Aak thu Government Vendor for CASCADF. All advertising should e in The Daily News Office on day preceding iatHwatrlr, so vilaH,, aaW that BF F R publication. All advertising received subject to approval. tUronJUten Tenets hiiBl Afler aevrl af 'he police had ,","", ,,aannnaiBaaBaannnaannB tU cwtMllkw of the other. If the la-en killed -m w..uadl In DAILY EDfTION Friday. November I. 19?I blond Is laden h ln.writle, H Is cuffle. whieli f.tll.'Wd lh' nrrrn.ifw4Mc to ha itrang. ataed riot.n'h infllelinn nilir.-a fu-ad uiiiiImt"I"'"f !'. VANCOUVER BREWERIES, Lim:ted ; When Mackenzie King wall o. ' Wa In Prince Rupert. UUr U I piff J rarar ta W Ike I runaway rvM-e w i When Mackenzie King wa in Prince It h pert he pel a giwnl iiuk nvir-A-m-ar -or peiHlMl and Ike tifh M rai frince Kupert mercantile Lo., Ltd. - - Distribut on ! ileal of time Among the ntiicn. and he certainly henl all their "nit'IT-.V-TIVWUattUtfV rylng m ! !. demir.( ' admlBHlratriH.. While here also lrtt. hUaytSBdskiaaailparMa imiiii lida the Meiftlien grieynte again tlM U.x0. MFwlt- MiM" iwfeas i he addressed a wlilic meeting, nt which he sakl: , "Va the n. T. P. plicy a wie ohc? What was Mir foo.1 Ixof pfifcty disntaal. Umi ORANGE LODGE HAD the lraiic.Hti.iental railway wn being en Wing tSr IiImI Uirmrry tM'wSW AND I Wilfrid vision when WHIST DRIYE rwsrr M-rT u wiarf ws ; plnnned. mid hi viHHi of llii particular city? I know. It was BoomluM-Bl partletdsrb It to arws.bW r "t DANCtUAST NIGHT Tti rait.t aoMe Uwi n'sat I. a avsoa n ataanwr.nvt f of iiip plying from Uii very laHr. criisaing the Pacific wilh VmnJoueMlMitaa "fruit Mr. NMHM Ml hn IW "yr. Universal Trading Co. ; the pnaliict of this country, bringing Iiark other conimodltie t thra" for kooif ftmn f Bcfa-Bntt The IH-ana. I -le Held a GT'fSiK.iaH VmnSA toaat lfoySZmt ! of the marts in the tir-aii IL-) cMtMti rt or i pijw.a m mm teaaa radar here, mnking this community mic greatct wktal 4rHe and riawe a iilahi . aW aShik af LHft af a.r world; of a rait way running through a country a fertile as any in lAii lrp fnil or mrdkim ofk. oCwijBr it timflf Mrnr Mnilwi ttat In Ike MrtrHid" Hall, tl sa lam pa wat aa aal r.aa mm.I av"", Cernae Tklrd Attnua aad Slilh lurt . the world, wflli feeder running north and smith, tapping the lm ill . w4l aJ tended and iroe4 qtm-an 75mb MM t k W naa mmiaiia m. mi ' of the miHeral nod timber, the great national nnyttMr affair. Mi an t l ll4 kmrU IIM, I at I resource province. tOc ti. fr I- '0, irisl 4t, . ingtmr mT auto alo wre -I H aarata. uta al .' weallh; a great community with ocrxiii wharves, doe, repair At dealer or M-nl ".''i'J liaklfMl. c r. aaaa. r Big Special! ; yard, drjdock. wfcmHMite, lintel, rait way tatton. and all the Fruii-a-Urr UmiUd. Otua al. In Ike bei drive firat prt--were OTKt i sights and signs of a great wortd mrtmtolt. sW fcy Mr. J? Intltl' raisi a at rfr LAav "And what have you got today?" enquire! Mr. King. "A SUITCASES and ?f M. ewi.. tSmiwda' ! tat i i'aT i law a'r award went to Mi L. Wari i c. .jiMle line and mil a mam -Mary, the difference between the Liberal aaaat fa a nrn a f- and J. Wakeler. Ml War"" I i 1. "i MlMraJ a. M tmwm m and Conservative parlies." Trunks b!m reeetveil a peeial m r u ttjuummt amaaiii nai t Me i p-i aauMaal aae tM aeie i hi lweal indUtakMl core im aiw aa two ana w omits 1 i ,uto i-Ut aitwr. nwari m . Two Big Group CLUB BAGS s..i.. Mrt Min ky K. v tr nk a i km i taakta I In Body Politic. ..!. V. Jnanea. Paw Hi.i'li mm. rtkrnr mmtk rmm aaat ( nianrnmni fuaiaanaa saa J The lilcrnl polity of .Mr.King wa further cxMmiidrsl at thai Large Stock on hand. a.n .iikera. J. Van(rr ! I ikl ! 1ll Pricea low. In for llM dnncf a i-' isati t aafrajMoj. ki. time in the following wmlst, very lliere yun were aevoral arrMiiam-l- j C !lajMpKC!!l $15.00 $20.00 "Irrespealive of'ihe polijical gnmps which grow from time J. F. MAGUIRE f-r Ike "naee rsiirf aieiat net Ml ' to time for pnliticMl pHrfioe there arc two great parlies in the M Kmiik a mier r.-re. rai t ne niMT a sot ml Nest 0 Prlnca Rupert Hole Tmkm m,t,a mat I W Br i political world. thCy-one TM-ogrive and democratic ami the other 1 miMttr and Lmn-Tim. a!i Pntwrl a t, . iianil !"'. M $25.00 $30.00 a party jff: Traction. Ujokig 4o the Mg'iHterest and rescnling r.l tif . McHa. wa nn Ike aHr. mat. Mtural aa aaa atirtiaaa Mm rl i The enaaiini're riiried H aaa a.TiaV Hm nana i ana change, t, Tli. Libfl Jtft, hi -el (Hit to build up the Dominion jHnotii. J. PMni, A. Mrhaav i. wii WH inn w I of Caiiaila, nd-alel freer mrket. naval defence, and had built ls-k. Jr.. Mkon. Tke can i. mnm Ten Years Ago m aa raian. aoi 4 a national highway wflh a Pacific ternftftH. And the Liberal ilarfo- Mi ike refrennien cum- tanawaeiwi. MENS' OVERCOATS In Prinea Kuprt tmm LA VM I party is diixioo to-ieep npflhe work al In flHih and cam "mifiee were- !. XV Ulaon. j uaac II". Mil. . Mr. H Himili. Mr. F. Nnnali. j through the plan interrupted lea year apw. II is for you to a Novambar 1S, 1911. Mr. H I rriir and Mr. IklJDHaWaf1i- t whether yon w i-b that work t h acciaiplhed or Mot. We cm lniHi. niraf!! II u ark Karri and Hike Ham. anrtcr ntaratcT- w i go to fvafcrn Canasta and als for the Mpport of the meo in the f Haieiliinv. ihe fai t oat fcaaac rrrt. $20.00 wrre in r ilyr rata atoi L m Wr. r erw I lla-i. hut unless you nend io turn cooj0tl l f?.irl Jhe Irt-J tenaay n ijielr way oik to DOROTHY GISH STAR le a m asaay gram i carried out. our ImhI are tieal. For the iMillding up of Vanenaver wkere the In i raid In r.1. mmHf n ) J Prince Hijnert tJiarA-is er$ry rt'a-ofl for yotir ghring us yoHr ip- penal Ike winter. Tkey phut el. IN LIYELY PICTURE k l $25.00 rnirL Tfm flol Ihihgrwe Havetlo do is to crry out the piicie f ienre Ike iWelnpoient"Ameneatn llnjr iaarnlna mtae OF NEWLY WED LIFE our leader. Sir Wilfrwl I-aurft-r, ami we who hae been Iraiiiel y netl year ilk Ike kipeiil mt a aaavl U $30.00 $ l e. him will to it that his will be krntky iih ill a lively .rreen see every policy completed. Ion mt silver ore Uf way IwtM f4 ItH. Il Her Mil ilia, AtraL fnree "ltemM-iiiB of IH-Inea llnper Ut Ike fall, WkjAHbulilBk- Can Anything Be Clearer a a Band, will t ihe aiiraeiion a i Thin Mackenzie King's 8peech? 'I kirty-ftv anrveyora and Ike Wealltoluw rkealre lntiiaM ratac. i .l.t noTitf Lift Mt- Tke lar ha ike rule f a viva-rioti fan T ur i nt avvot nvr Can anythiag he Hearer than the stalcmenl made by lintter erjlera. many day ireer-due Tata ir tao I T' He4 CO. . Itlarkeiizie King in bit fiteech hare? lie know the condition: on tke Nnas River, reaaked yiiunf (Ticl who Itmrrle. a Walak. at Tame, a C UNIVERSAL TRADING with tke Idea of reforming latent x" he has iitcd the -iiy mid Kpent ctwilerable time here. He has Ike city on tke Venture Uidjay. flirt raMw. tf . klm. tfler Mieful h. aad llith If4 accurately ized up the fituaiiou and it is to him wr hate to They kiol an aK rninrtm irtu a iiey. a atal vtA ! Comtc Third Annua ' i naniii-if I aeHk aw: t konynaiMMi, key I look for relief. by I rati and annoe. aaarter Btk el feaM ' r Me a' Phone 37S a, K, MM, wavlilad life. InjI Friend Hu. iWT, atnta aaata mt UO. car What a lot of Liberals would like to know of the independent a Hi ai i it rOa. ea aaaia t candidate is whelher hJs Itacking Mackenzie King, the man who Seventy-five nan arrive in hand in lray from i'w eaaaa. Saw a aktaaa. ia mim, Kiraiaht and nrnw. Al fir.i m a a an a aaiawnana. . Im lfi will In belji tis, and wiy mmhi be given the (Hiwcr? While Ihe cily Uatay frnaa flonaai llay Mr. In for. a i a. Xelyei u prune . wc waul Ui end a soIhI man to Parliament and intend to do o. navintT keen laid off for tke l.intr Tamil aaaaa iNan UAUOL SMlKWIt . .... . give ami forget, ktal when an affair J the main thing L (hat the man wlm i sent from here sball (Sillier: &i7 i nr l nw viumii. hetween her apoune and a '.jaa idcdge hijnself to tiaek up the Liberal leader, who tia already dated Mimnir, Smell ib and uiaiucuri.t aMtiea to liirkl, input wrnT!,'uB,' fattTajCT-W YOUR AON t placeil himelf oh record in reganl to Prince ItuperL I Power Co. her fil diHfii and f1-i-. I-father. rawer- lJmje mrr There are two other leaders in Canada today, and only two Then, by a mi i..v. i at ertaaa Baaart. a C . Ha eird nd l of any standing. They are AHhur Meigben awl T- A. Crrrar. Among Ike official of Ike man ni site l.rtnffa lap ..rrini I aitraa M HO.far naea ta Touchd t'p - Have either of lhee men visited prince Hupcrt? Hate they ever Wallace SkiponildinK : ',laer kalf U lema. CaMa fr aw laitaaWf l aalatal ayasll U-i air.. Vaniiih'd i by won! ae sigij nulicaled that they are ready or willing to help ailei for Hie aoufk lal nlhl . ... i. In he i . w I a. 'wr tux? Thrrc i not m iqih h the wink of an eye from the man ii iiieir return w. ..rm van-,jual a vivaeknaa mm lanakler. atria aaa M inn CMttr iy"aiar. Mei'gheu. whoin tiwniel Pe. k lia couver were J. Allen Hllrkie. ' eaa tl War I aarta IS eaaia. J m faithfully supported and i pruvtikinK aa ever in "Hmti- Ueaaa ta (ftaMM. avae aaaia whoot- n tnre)tadiirii the lolltioanls in Una rity, to indicate UuU ilurrbaiaK af-iri : Hukert Wal- enna Her HuhaMa. Her lenu-ing a.IfCMNOIlO if he i returned to pttwer he will relieve the railway ittiaion aiul , laee, aiunl Imli wperiniand-1 man i Jamea liennie, Ike mm a 4notrnotVir arr OJLARSBJ reull i'Ihi e Pron e Hubert on tlie mai. Since he has had the en); and T II hull ll- popular iaae ulayer. craav L- . reins of olllce be Ua tried to drive everything to the south, and erinledenl. Mr III hie and Corntr Fifth t we are Kepleried. In iew of this the man for us to aupport at Mr. Allen a''i..iM.;tni-d their aoTKK. rnon. - t ui aa aa i m - WIRELESS REPORT the prreiit time i the man who is pledged to aupport this clearly till-lM ml Tka Mkr SMI I R Vlrhal. f a laid down policy of Mai keune King. a r orraMHoa oU rati S a.m. StmSG swdy far re- far alarl ; awl p;iriB oa HI I.I. HAkeUlH fHereaat. e lickt iirtiiwei wiavl; karantater ii a ni aU4d aw rnaa cur air iU aim uk ar UiM rtr ai.r. 3011: temperatora, ID; I faVnaa ee aa riuaM. Ihrae awiia It Canadian National mrMih. ii Oaeno. -- ta tktia Utaara aaria Railways a yoke ta caiaM I nuiai f pniwearaal, eaa ISAVOYTOTEL Mtn ai Melia lietla aorttauoiind. aa afrea. ""naBMMBBaBaBaBWBaBaaBaBammaanaaa"t,,',1,",,,nnnn Sailed lend' V(rn "lliril Trader far IKAI Tit KB POINT Overcaal Ut4 K,.'ttei.,oV..rr..i. Hrlil Iran ruir(lie M'.ll'Her ll Urn f rillir t...i Work by alt a ealm; karoHMder, JHI.lf; temper- ; ft h jkr'tV, rai , "' ' WFrar Strati ii i aum iii lata (Ur fature. :H e aiiiootk. i Mantflt'""1 Prince Rupert .ie.ia"rw ' ' IUUIIV lrI.A.VIe-4nar freak aiar USTR1CT nvr.. Ml-1 Und.r N ' " Kiirn Vrw w. omtniler Wharf. i amtlhea! wiml; taamiueter, 4a.- tik anc ! I , a. T. riafa. af (;,inforlaN U ." i'' n prvM.oal aiu.i be .rri.aiel wr; Tarr.M. . .. a idaa pntfeu. la at modtraU priw. H; lem.. ralure, U; IIkIiI awell. lr4 W iKf far ia fa pri-l rr .... uc in tr room- , uei.wii . rhartered luak ut UMI, Noon. aal). aiMril tl aa iwiramra w in not in. "- iiiad MiMe Ut lb IMvil Hie MajBSter ... raaVeataf arriba Uad.: Catniala l -aa Shipyards Ill 1.1. If AltlU III 42iMMMr. IIBbl .. Mai aJaa4 aa rail rma CMti nn.r MRS. B. FISHCR. Wanaparata la tvr real, i af Uw m l ar ui aoulliaaal wiul- hinuiialar .111 aa in a nana "I UI.W wimf Purr, lender. hla aaaH be rrfrlUd If I I riula. lnnra aoTW It l-ni lekovriaa aera. u BIe lata a-! 10; temperature, 41; IIkIiI awell aeaea .! a rbiMM. Ihenea aoata "Tii r Oparatlna O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock rail Uiri m a baa ruuaiu e.Hed lae afna ZZJZ.'Lf, 3 a.lll. tBWaal I'rliwe Muter1 la UVJllllSnt casta t PM f waMaacnai. caa f nrNyinAl SAUh benaaO. i.l uurmilal iwurH. H in Ullh.nV Hoar I.k......A till. Itll. Enolnaaca, Machinists. Bollarmakara, ' afa aCMai II. vawim j. T rilSfOlV. Ippllranl. Blaektmltht, PatUrn af lb nuel. teaxlpet MI t b ttm- 10:5 a.m.. afnike Caiiio.nii a' makara, Foundara, Woodworkara, CU. MrMl ualeu auJ uni aa IK ranu Hlirf Inlet fti.iiMibnlJIMl .nt new ,.. ae- ' , . - i4id. uriva ar ih iria.l urailat af it norirr. ! Va ar. rnovmg 1 ,a aderer. and earkiMvl la ij a4afia DK.MI 1 (IKK I'liIN f !, nr tuner at rar LASH PltTltJCT Ml Thirrl Avenue and rather ' ' our plant m eijiiippej to handle all kinds of 1 I'Ua. tad HwiaelM4W lair be area 0 llirkt '!uMii-at wnul; uar"i' i' i. Trr.T "t i.if ba.m rtv 1 u.ih.nir in our atra at I ftP 'l alter tMiator Ik I Ilk, Itll. II tar -. .1- 30.(8; 33; eiiieralijrat ea " MARINE AND urlira af Itw raUar Unit lervae. VaT-Vm II wfirlli your CH tjacn-- ta .af liMfeeiar af airaaj-trr, aiiiiHilli. al fx 'VCr DOtLAH V. wlaaj.lar, aM ta IMOrtei fill lifiiliV b.mlar aVrraV4 Uial il ! DurinR our - iKi.wn-Xlenr. .'aliii. - aeer, '-mur Hwa. rrttur Itaaeri wi Ma a-lka VOU a Prleea. liearMI lelatetae -. iMal frnfu lae hariiiiieiri -. &MX..II I Wlndowa for .iii.'O; leuijierattii COMMERCIAL .. . Sao oor WORK tdaiaad oaa mmf ..i... .u.1 trt n tnenre ea.i filkaia ft) litfiMilgt itnim. abirb m til M 'in -iu-u.iu, 9:2h a.m. i'k rkii.1 tlwiee tTtTtMw. UMaaa aarta Store PHONES 43 AND 38ft a Ta MaMN laaat a nana rira in n-mi order li in. . .. vf. i mi mile riiirti ,,f t bii. ui taal ar Mnwnuiii, caa- Barrie's Furnitu ar aay ei4i u aerfmnly 4IM. M" 4llf. erfw. Kel. tnK;i i uMiIimiiiiiI I ..le.l luimi 111, t1 III, (IM KS&r WaEiUii.taer. lrinre Hu.r-ri ta t.H. aa. luhhv diaglsi aN,acaaaa,tppllrtnl.aitai. ..'