PAGE TWO THE. DgLY flEWS Hi ' r .' The Daily News PPOLAR PM.VCR lIUPHItT - I1WT1HII OOLUMMA Published fiferv Af'enwwi, except Sunday, liy TJio News IS LEAVING Printing and Publishing Company, Thin! Avenue. II. F. PUU.BN, Managing Bdilor. Aviator Prest Will Hop Off To-morrow Morning at S O'clock SUBSCRIPTION RATES! If Wsathsr SulUWe. City Delivery, ly mail or carrier.. ....per month.. . . . .$1.00. a a a a. n i mi Ily mail to all parts or the Hritish Km pi re ami me uniiqu auues, If weather condition-all are n' in advance, per year $0.00 satiable, the I.a .a hi. To all other countries, in advance, per year f7.R0 plane I Mar Hear, I .-d M TELEPHONE OS Aviatar V.. O. Preat. hop f Contract Hale on pplicat3on. from the Aeropotl mid ; All advertising fhould lie in The Daily New 0 IT tea n day preceding ft 'elfafc IlinftorTOW JH- ina f.. rml'ealloB. All adrerthlng received lijeet to appmvflt. $fnefL When leave Pflbee finpert, Mr. ) intend to make ihc (...nice '..f IAlLY EDITION 30ti2rn Thursday, Sept. ?!, 1921. the trip to Hirwrta a .i-nelly a pofble and hope In ie awny One of Lesson froe lwofi hjr a "k ffrt'in Of Democracy. UeHterrftw. The lamlinjr al One of the reason tgned for delaying the general election Weanlretl will he made i Farm was the fear of turmoil." ay the Toronto (llobe. Among gol Iflaail, aVetit ten mile iierth t mnny worthy people the impression cm to prevail that a general l he fiiwn and ? mi fn.m election i a dreadful thing, of which the bet that can It aid i here. Tti fliarttt will i'.e ahoul tht it in one of" Uie necessary vtts of deroorraey. It mutt l three heura. admitted that for this attitude there some excuse in the roal The engine of the P.lar peer tl nk. mnd-linging, mi!rcprcentatkfi and hysteri-eal excitement ha undergone a thorouirh er- which too often i mark an election campaign. The less of haullng while Itere. The new thce the better. lln t, apart frwn these disafreeaWe meWeiitmlpwwIler tm at the first the ontest in itself is a thing not ti be feared, wit to ! welcomed ike week from Seattle and U a- the grand opportunity of democracy, and even the elector who in place. , love, peace and quietness ought tMt to be whorked at Uie noise .covin Prince Itnperl the which i produced by the dash of oppming idea and argument. Polar Hear will be heavier than One of the lesson of democracy i lo agree to differ; to he frank anywhere el on life lip. Ile-Me in expressing one's own opinion, and goodtempered when ertt-flicting a full Unk of gaetdne, Mr. opinions are et forth with foree and emphasis. There i Preet tale Hh him a flertHva a certain-friction and heal of argument which i nor to he regarded periabe lypewrltrr, a camera as personally offensive. We rennet expect thai the three million ontflt, a St-ealibre tagle aim elector of Canada will he all in agreement, ami if they seemed In rifle. flhkaa laetle, prnvtoten. be so we should suspect that there wan stagnation rather t Iran Innl, nupplie and bagKae aa eH a an extra Inner lata harmony. rwhteli will be ued at a live pre Fear of Democracy I server If necegary. I.. M. Ilaeh, meehaniefan wlH Shown In Attitude. In this over-enHive dread of an ejection ronteat there lurk remain in the city uriTtl Monday ls .i certain fear of democracy. There t a latest feeling UmI wkn he will p.. North by learner the people are really not fit In govern themelve, and that every to Jeto the tnaehine, prebaMy Hre. From there be elect iun i a perilous experiment which may reHlt in chain. This al While will with Mr. Prat to Nome. fear i perhaps emphasized In the preefll atmtett by the fact that! fly Mr. Prel will the arrival at leut one new party ha entered the arena, and that all the report f Hie machine at WrangHl and parties are under new leadership. The elector wm once pinned While Ilor io Mr. Ilacti here his faith on a Maedonald or a Iuricr has now to think for him i self, and there is abundant evidence that he i thinking for him-i elf. Thi, too, is regarded by timid people a a perilon expert- a ment, meaning the MilflitHWoH of reaH for Hthrity and 1 if OOTBALL TEAIrl rOR VIRGINIA CIGARETTE 8 In our opinion, the change i a whoteaene ooe. It bring an SATURDAY SELECTED increased sense of reponybilily home to the elector. Ami whatever political association he may prefer, he will regard himielf not The foMowtog AU-Star in the a one of a flock of sheep, but prtietinL.iH the cHunsets of ha Ne elseted to ptar the bandy the party, giving advice a.well as taking it, and helping to safe Hosts ef Canada to Use OAV.V.A the party eoun els. I he eileef of tui sitoatanetHia,original thtnk Mensarial Fund pa me on Aalur package of ing will be educative and slimHMtmg. day afternoon at 3:0 p.m. Martin (Calltes) : armulh Character and J. Stewart ((IAV.V. i; Ik twenly-five Of Campaign. MuaM (Callie); Kiswhorn (Oal Much, of course, will depend upon the character of the eam lie) and Gampketl (Callies Cigareltos for paign. The more it appeals to reason and the le to fear and Hardy (fl.W.V. ; MaetltiliMlt excitement the more educative it will be. Unfortunately those (Oalrkss); WewiwoesJ H.O.K., , who fear and distnifl democracy are too often found trying to Tinker S.O.K ; and FaaitoiriM alarm, to excite and to mislead instead of to reVMa ami eduoatet S.O.B.). 35 Already they are beginning to talk as if they thought liritssh eon-nection, Ileoerves llnttaa (8.O.R. ; . . the fiscal independence of Canada asni the maintenance of Stanley Mtwrl Callie. an4 our industries depended upon the success of one party at the poll. Par ten (S.O.IL; Msn.Hl (8. O, """"" VS. ral en its v rs They are deliberately trying to prduce the turmoil which they fear K) ; and 11. II. FaalMorpe ho. rrN. J A. v Kels ft'l or profess to fear. They are introducing elements which are K.,: Wlirifen (i..V. arat bound to arouse rtftentment and ill-will, branding tboe who disagree IWiote C.W.V.,. with them as reckless of the national welfare, imputing ev-U The team will play in the motives and undermining friendly relations between Canada anS Veteran' colors and Hob Mereer the United States. Their motto is rule or ruin. will referee. Selected players It is not worth while to declare a moral civil war for the mut notify the Association Hee purpoe of preventing the fall of a party government. The ri.e retary if they are unable lo Hay. M N.u ltler lie uv the; and fall of ministries, the varying fortune and viciMitndes of The Man in ihc Moon i mtth umpimg uusd n tio parties, are the ordinary incident of our system of government, ROTARY CLUB HAS (ley awailtSMC Ike eiNMMW ... SAYSi- 'Uer.. a a i . i i and a party defeat should be accepted with fortitude and without bitterness. A term iu oppoMtkm will be no lrage r.- XI-Meighen SEVERAL COMMITTEES and his friends, while a change of government i- ii. I.V one re rt tf tin ilif. SILVER WEDDING (Hted as the result of the normal, healthy wording of uiMir fereaee mI n a yowua man. A I the Itotary Club meetiBff opuiiou mid will inspire conlidence in the com irv aa eld man wit). mr"T aaJ a DAY CELEBRATED today the following lit of eHN toil lee was amsousieed by Pre worm. I in' rlucfcain aeu tkrm FVom the Mill saves you t.'W? r deal iHUVy: all. Mr.-and Mrs. W. Oratton Hon mission. We solicit your put r p. Traniriaiios) O. NA. Mc- ored Last Evening by Gathering guarantee'' ' IT The Lait of Summer i -.tiaaaies tkftt lb, Day MrNieholl. W. K. WiUiams. N of Friends at Home. un mrtsj espenoes US e Hewing MM SHIPLAP II. Walton. DIMENSION BOARDS at iat eek.'a assseataU i Lat evening at their II. II. RnelHMter. 8. J. je.i. T' the cbanae In of good weather, but frm MrlHxl. would iri tke ateaw roller dere g 1138 vuur SlfilNH FLOORING CEIUNG reasons. The wet fall day te day it is en the IlrirUlrstien H. V. MaMaedie on Secoml Avenue bin Weal, Mr and Ui- Wslfrol days and the winter months mind of every open car W I . Kergin, J. V. MeiMtili. to roll ill e roai. tluM Mnrattaa eeletirwtrd the .iiv4 an are mM far off. Indian owner- ttboutd I put on Pt IU.lCrrY-al. V. PuHea. spread .lurnig liar aiversary of their wedding da Summer will make a break ny sssk -curtain?" t ny friend allen-d for th Pvrd ieo. Irf Munro, II. P-ilrftaffary- aiKR and women asknire laeA n t e-tl n(T,a 5Afll Hove 'T i ' Hy a Cmtpt or in ninni uiaieq r w vis e " - m Wmianw Work W. K. Hoys' ame thing a mi ta im til . Sedate. If the weather i uUrWH Mm "r"M" Wfhlng them - aa ni,ll I FORD SEDAN fine, lower the window; woman with a aaod figure Ipro-perHy.htsd Uopiag that the FKlfith KurtKi luiudlix a likea the to have WIRELESS REPORT yoman nstn if stormy, erase them and Would be Spared to relelxat,- a rood figure in hie ksaak huok. you have absolute protection their goldea annherary. Mr and awnfort. III I.I. HAHimrt. Ha.m. Ovr-eitt WITH um elecllon safe Klratfon wore the dding df The priee of Lb CoQpa ; Miuttiwe! wind. freati: ly duposed ot U WW tie wHI I of Iweiiiy.rrve year ago ti-i is flOIO.oa and the Kedan barHieter, 29.78; te(Nsratur, get ready for ike neil. w wan taarriea in miawa mi fiji. Prince ltu-oerl, : ea moderate. m epUMher ft, ltn. Ik tight ful II. C. (both model UKAH THi:F. POINT, 8 ajn MKHiHKN will) his group of refreahmenla were MTen, Mr Weston's iff i fully equipped with starter :iear ky, ealiit; barometer, f- unknown ea to be quite M. J. MeNeil and Mr., j. a Egg Coal and electric lighting. HO; teoierature, it; sea smooth. ready for the ffy. m bantam esnitli asasaitng. Many -Teni-ni I I'KAH THKK POINT, noen eork altitude must be admireL rerelved. one heing a rae Guaranteed Coal ROOD & FRIZZELL-Ford Deal Rainy, eaim; barometer, tVJAt; of silrarware given by everai Specialily Standard ers lemporaiure. SK; ea stoootli. or tae maei intimate friend of Allxrta " 630 OI..IIY ISLAM). noofi43liudy 1lie bctkla and bridegroom. An 630 PHONE t'none Green 2C8 Prince Ten Rupert P.O. Box 1689 Years Ago lin lihioiiieter, 9 65; temper, address aeeosupauied tin pr-sentaiion. ature r,8: aa mooth. In Prlnca Rupart The evening wa UuaranUed ai oiean if 4 penl in dancing and game, tha will remove It and n 'gr tiiiii I, " Ph0n,M P.O.B0.74J Ssptsmber 22, 1B11. affair breaVwg up in the early Egg, 13.50 ueiisaree SUITCASES day was ttstawwatrui houra a Ihiy morning Absolutely No giinssra ' ' , , JAMES HUNTER in Prim llupert: H. H. riem-leeied TtioNir Jren4 were: Trunks raider Caeala, Mr. lit wa over fKiiiean i.d Mra. If GENERAL BLaCKSMITHING J. Mril. Mr. and Mi.. II. Le- AND CAR BODY Hoas in iuotaMi bj a major-Ity LTD.- BUILDER CLUB BAGS "f a.- tud tiae CM ritiivei. (ourneau, Mi unit M A. Le-euc, THEO CQLLART, Mr. ami Mr. uii.r Be. Wept ,e Ujasfnl.-ii. iiaM Aosnt for Tratnc, Day.Elder and RuggUt Trucks Large Stock On hand iter, Mr. aud Mr-, i, . uture, torn SALS New a rins " Term can be arranged for purchasers. to select from. Judge Voim AIIim I,, Mr noil Mr J h ni,,iMi, Mr. tmm Rita Vlw ser - - . Uju - day f..r frirme, itoit. Ul vwii.'J MJ- ItaJtvU Lni., Mr. and shmi 1- si rt. . swt '""Vri'.Loes ' First Avenue and Cow Bay J. F. MAGUIRE liold i ..mi tiaee. I Mra. Oatloii llengnerel, Mm A rnoag etui ss wsstmci" thmtss Prlnca Bupart, B. C, Olut'c.!!. Mix. h M N .I .1 Nest th. Prii, 1' W' M .ns if lli kw " Huptrt !',, 11. -1 1 iiami rot hi t It ! I. I I a Ilia '' 1 l.ty .ii.i ! ti ip up hi.i i i I . .