If PAOE 2. TITR DAILT PfKWS WeJneoday, Jun ,.. The Daily News WELCOME RELIEF ICAMPAIQN' IS OFF FOR IN PRINCE RED CROSS RUPCrtT Everybody Smokes f PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA (Conl inued from I'age one . Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News FROM ECZEMA our boy rose In ihe occasion Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. , 'niul fought for a principle showed f H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. dial Ihe "apiril of llie Gail-iailian OLD CHUM Complete Treatment That wax not dead. Secondly 'and Hit wn n! an encournvliiK; SUBSCRIPTION RATES I Gives Gratifying Results I reason, il was iliscovennl thai City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 11.00 rann.tn had spent iiiilHon in Hj. mail to all parts of the HriUsh Kuipire and the Unlleil fcSUleav WsaiKa, Out. developing her naturnl reaourcea In advance, per year 10.0(1. I s?iJ- tUek ot Witfint lull lin.l forgollell die hllliliin To nil otticr countries, in advance, per year $7.60. fCnrmj laj that mrclulhe oulJ asel. Il wna fnuiid thai fifty TELEPHONE t. . 1 t tluxnrh at times. percent of the Canadian men Transient i Display Advertising Zi.Ub per Inch each insertion Kor fourroontbi,IiulTrml' terribly, were not nt Tor lullitary '"re Transient advertising on frVint page $2.00 per Inch. I eoulj grt do relief i'triti vice. Tlu reaon was not laical Headers, per insertion, ... Jic. per line. MFrU4itf? J"Stk4Silta". Ihrouuli disease hut lliroush Classified advertising, per insertion 2c. per word. Altogrthrr, I hat u(d'thr malnutrition, neglect of person, Tlio Tobacco" of boxes of"Sootha-Salts"! Legal Notices, each insertion, 16c per agate line. nl hygiene and iinaiiilary con-dilton. "KTslt-a-thw", aoJ entirely am Contract Hates on Aj-fillciitlon. Medical autliorille m, well C. IV. HALL. gAII advertising should be in the Daily News (Mllce on day preceding Doih theae favorite remedies ars slute that elk'lily percent of the publication. All advertising received suhject to approval. peace time disraae are preventable old by dealers at tOe. a box, C for and this i proven by Ihe J2.J0, oracuton receipt of price by fact that umoiur Ihe military Fruit-a the Limited, Ottawa. DAILY EDITIOfl. Wi'ilnosony, Junr 8, l2l. casuallle of tlie war, five per-eent "Fruit a Urea" It aJo pit ap la a trial siae w Licit sells for 7ic were due to disease. Nnlh-iiur PRINCE RUPERT TIDES discovered new hud been Importance of lull merely rules for prevention Public Health Nurse. and correct bin had lieen enforced. Tuesday, June 7. "T help Ihe sick to recover, lo -pnilect those who are well, SUITCASES High I .11) Si.H fe. l Ily a campaljin of rslu- - a.m., Contractors and everywhere mid nt all times to tench the fuiidanlt'iital Inws of 15:35 tn. eolioii we Intend In carry out in p.m., I feet. health." In Ihrsc wonfs lias liven itplly summarized the fimclinii TRUNKS ieace lime wlml was accom IiW- H tH a.m.. I I) feel. fiflhe Public llenllh Nurse. One of Uie iiiut inorliiil flint of 10:tt C.I feet. - HANDBAGS dished by compulsion duriiifr p.m.. AND the lleil Cross Society.i the elaltlihitig of IMililie lleullh Nurses ihe war. Wednesday, June I, in roiiiiiiiinity. In n roniiuirotively few localities the ex-) every IIIkIi- Class of Work. ?:S3 .m, SS.5 H. Prospective Builders. jiVrimeiil nfji I'ulilie Health Nurse hs already heen inmle auiij Tents, Sails, Awnings The plan adopted In It. C. for I5:l p.io., SO.i. feel. . jlier work lias received Ihe enthusiastic eii'do'remciit'iil iijvariahly Iaw V.ttS I.I reel. Ihe continuation of tiir war a.m., the roniniiiiiity in which she was placed, the greatest value Jieiiig! w-irk comes under , aeveral I rH p.m.. tf S TeeL Nearest approach to pre-war prices on Lattachetl to the it affords to Ihe. J. F. MAGUIRE prulerjinii common healjlr, iwr- elas. There iii. first of all. Tti time iiea jf racinc stan Icnlgrly Ihroiighwlier educative work with inothej and their Nvxt the Prince Kurt Hotel (he conl itiunl liu nf tlie war dard, for Ihe liotb Meridian weal. Shiplap, Dimension, Boards, Lath, Flooring, ciiiiurfii. , . work and Ihe duly lo the return It Is counted from 0 to 31 hours, Ceiling, Rustic, Kiln Dried Finish SheMust Have ed men. Then there will le Ihe from midnight to midnltrhL i Special Training. ,- 1 eileiislon of rural iiuraiiiK and The table given Is for Port AH in Number One Fir The great Importance of the wirk she has undertaken makes Hie siiiervi(oii of health cen Simpson but the time tor Prince We have pot prices down to rock bottom. tres. Dranrhe will be o ry.lo llupert varies only a few minute a special course of (ruining very necessary to Hie Politic Health ir ed and etlurallou irUen. Tlie on some days and on others li Inspect our stock and place order. ure. In addition to being n graduate nurse, a special tt-grflihiateYoiire WATKIl ACT, 1011. your reMirt of the medical inapec- Ihe iu. The ran? of the I10e ' is provided by Ihe universities of Canada includ-iu the University of Hritish Columbia) special instruction ami HOTIL'K C HKRKHY OIVH1 mil HI luors in Ihe public school will may be computed aa 6 per cent llomnr tn jrnimai OtiTrrnw of pntioi Albert & (mining being given in the means of hriugiug health knowledge IMVKtUl bjr IM wltn Hie' tCttrr r Mn tu- followed up. Medical service greater at Prince llupert than ati McCaffery, Ltd. Kiiwuve i-uuik-u luti wto pwea i port Klmpson both at aprlns; and lo the public ami in .appplyjng it to daily life. There is. al the nW: - . to Hie isolated IlirlitlmfUes of ' Phones 116 Tint purwiani lo On timi or the roQt will be instituted. Dis neaps. TbereforyUia rise in Hie and 564 present tinier, a very inadequate supply of Puhlic Health Nuref. Sfiicm i or iik wiir An itu t-inr Mkiul It of tile duties of the lied Cross Society to provide Hie rloplrr (I of ttw Huinm uf 111 aster relief dekol for emer-Kefirie Prince Rupert harbor is aluiiliy Hut in rrtrrrr t.t lf unrrcroxl arising from disaster Kreater than Port Simpson. necessary facilities to-euahle nurses who show au altitude for vttor of ivir lkr, MrMuinn i:rw and edieinies will be established The height is in feet and lentil nd Mtrtnal Hlirrr la tar fnnrr ttu-nrrl this special department of nursing to receive the training. pr?r Wurr IMxriri rntllwl tr )ror-Hi-couimi nantM-mi 4i tp-firoved one siiclt lo lie arle Iiere in of feet above the averaire level of Carries Gospel of n in 1 4 1 car nt OrermtKr, Prince llupert. 'Hie worLshop lower low W. 11. Im) ranrrlN-d In so fir in Health to Homes. taut rewrn- prriatru tu inr vatrr ot for disabled soldier, wliieh are EAT FISH and SUPPORT A LOCAL INDUSTRY Dr. CvK. A. Winslow. a high Authority on public health. ha Water Viraul lunirtrt Itirrr in awl Ilie inal ertix doimw llnprrl or already rarlnp fiw MOO in lire this lo say. of the Public Health Nurse: "fjhe must he a trained urn eaarriUiton be ixitiutlim ror province, wjll te rarriesl on. AIL SCHEDULE Ihtmi bmmiiii la Ihe a. C Oajrtle Eat nurse, skilled in Hie reliej of suffering and ,the bedside care of and tor tarre mnnini in one uue "The rrealest work f nil. per -the sick, but she, must he much more.' Her work i- jirimarily that earn mofitn IB Ike or l-noee Mitne nepaper Huprt Water poo-llthM haps, will be the providinit of Foe the East. . . of the health teacher, the messenger who carried into the honie liimrH-t. rural nurse for oullyimr dis Moodays, Wedneadaf and Sat luted tma sua 1it or Marrn. A. u. Utl. .and interprets to the individual mother Hie gospel of good, health. T. ii. eTTi ixo. trict, flraduale nurse with urday at 10:15 a.m. She must work largely alone, nol under lhclmmediat6 dlreelldu Minuter or LaMi lerial Irainimr will be supplied From Dm Eaat. Rupert Brand Of a phvsieJan. She must know her bacteriology au her phvsi- LAND ACT. fliralll,l, DJI.IHJlMlljlll U-Elll It.M Sundays, Tuesdays and Tburs. tfilihfrt kn till fil if ii, 1I liVfriouis "4.ill A ii'm il.Ml fu..l. Moral Victorian Order of Nure.i days al 7:13 p. m. principle's lo -others und she,' loo. must deal with Ihe Italic ef leteeUen te pli la Lhh LaM. Already there are 13 nurse, en- j individual. In Vanv ( lurlolle l.tand Land liHIrtrt, - - notj7ierey.o4Vu. individual, hut as an element in n complex lrnrdin iHMfirt or rnnee Ho-rl. and iraset In (hi work in the Prov For Vanoouaor and South. B RT L L S untie 'Kocial group. The Hed Cross is inaugurating & nntion-wide enm-nalgn kr. .inriir out oaaniaa rih 4. hire. One ha jiisl arrived at Tuesdays 7 p.m. 'for Hie 'Ml Stora re A lit. of I'rlnee liuirt. Furl Fraser and her district will ...( development of health renters thrnughoiil the KeeiifiaUon fretti and fr m n.U V-s-rv Thursdsys II p.m. counlrv." - - - neMi to appir for lrioi,tKni 10 h fnuu Kndako t Kiiiren. toiler Saturdays 10.15 a.m tne fimmenelpr ramwuif uenijea al a piM iaiM:--nlairted one rmil i expect ml, There will be one April s. 13 and 33 .Red Cross Society . lo a autithefir dm rtiin rnaiL I'oM Indl for the district bejween Kndako ' -aia I. . n. tt. tlmire lla ft. nmre or From Vancouver and South. SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE Undertaking Task. , lee in a S. V dtrertuin to trw aler and Hum Lake and Hums Ijike Sundays 8 The special duties of Hie Public Health .Nurse can only he mark, tle-tve 70o fl.nnrtwrir meaierir m ainr a more low to Knottier and on the Oneen Wednesdays 10:30 p.a.m.'in, TO COOK -Cut fish Into required portions. Dip in flour briefly summarizetl. They include vi-itfng nursing, liilK nuloi-nursing, ter mart; tneor aaa Charlotte Island. April a. IH and 3H batti r. Place in very hot at and fry for 13 rninutet. ft Fitter!) alonr kiati ater inara lo n4ni maternity and infant welfare nursing, scImmi! nursing, T mnvnMi'Miienl and rrnilair.aii lo aerr Local ObJetUva SOU) Itr ALL RETAILS RA industrial nursing, mental hygiene nursing, first aid and home more or te. The niain objeel of the fle ;IIIAM nH k CLD DTOHMiE CO.. Foe Anyoi and Alice Arm. nursing, emergency nursing nnd hospital social sen ice. In LTIi., T. II. jonna.41. Cro in il "jeace lime raui-paiirn word she must he nol only all that an ordinary qualified nurse is. liAlttMayrdiatl. will the iiiijirovimr of fundays U'edneadays 10 V p.m.pjn. Canadian fish & Cold Storage Co., Lti Mil a tnonxighly competent adviser and instructor as well. To LAND ACT. he public health, Ihe prevention From Anyos and Allfr Arm. enahle a sufjlcieul supply of such nurses to be placed at Hie Mr nf disease and Hie iulllgation of Notlca of Intantloo to aardf ta Laaaa tana. Tuesdays a.m. vice of communities everywhere iu this province is one of, tha. I Itanae a. '-nam laii liHtrwt, Hernt uf ferine. are nol asking important tasks of (he llrilish Columbia Division of the Canadian Kir Middle luatrtrl Hanolre.ut I'rinre I hi mllea Hufiert.anotnweal and aituata or for inoner lail are endeavorintr 'buradays ............... p.m.' lied Cross Society, and one for which it asks Ihe undivided support Urhft Muitri. smitii iaiaod. and i i gel niemlier. Will, people milea eail norm eal or Onn Itiand LI cm. iFp popt 3m,ton Arr.Bd,Ut Ml of all good i-itizeiis. Take noiiee lliai I, AUred t. wnrfrt, or merulier of the . oc w' and Haas Priiu-e huprrt, H. c.. orrtiialtnn land aur-reynr. hoied llial Hi direct interest in nd. River. Intend lo apply rnr permianraa to Sundays 10 ieae ine looomina aeMTiteHi ijikii; Hie work will urge Iheir lellei' p.m. AN APPRECIATION OF ?lHn on llm Jof vr inr CfHRfnenetsK a! a za! planted co tat. From PU Simpson, Arrandaie, Mill norttiveal end of a aand bar I U mtlei upiort. Prince Iluiert' oh-jertive 1 f h L. 11a Ln 1 1 u a rtn fkutt ivrvi at a Bay, Wales Island and Haas Rlvsr.' I.W. of Ine aniithweat rurnrr or at la. should lie loofl inetnlier GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY CONDUCTOR W.D.MOXLEyt", -,i5"- ''" "-"t lianas t. Cnaal Dlatrlrl; luenee around Tuesdays ajn, the entire Sand Kir. tattnr in all tnal part dud 1 shall indeed be ashamed iar nior varied fhan Uio rif d 8. 5. P.'tlNCE nUPCRT PRINCE GEORGE l-ire Low Water Mara, and containing la it ' lo rejiort if We pel lea." Oaartotta Quaon Islands: ' (X'Ai..... 1 1. aerea. more or leaa. Haft i' ; l:.:a Lyfle. the correnpondml 1 " Z "P "t Al.rHMI K. WHIIiHT. Rev. Marsh Spaaks. For - Thursday and Sundar Midnight for twanaon iSt lllll......fl III r 11 la la n aiMn ruled thia lit day of April A. u. lilt, for Ihe Vancouvor Province at wit and .e, J.uiire trtH flip Willi U M-UIJI FollowiiiK the address ot April 11 and 35 Falls, Vancouver, Victoria and Stattls. Wsdnasdsy midnight a forpclliiiic Judire Yi.unif. Ilev. T I. Marsn lor Anyox. LAND ACT. Jhe Vandt-rhoof Daiymen'a con-yenllon. Dill, fi.r flint is what everybody From-- , 8. 8. PniKCC ALBERT. . .. of Terrace sixike liriefly. He April 11 and ?H -..r l... l.l. May .lime ''" write Jhe following to caljH Jilm. earns 12 K0 odd Notlca ef InteallMi to applf ta Laaaa Laad. I'ort .I.Miirnl.. 4n..M. " hi pajwr referiiiuf li W. I). monthly on hi regular He la nanre a. fT tana iiitiriet. neooro- told f the condition of affair Far Skasovsy and tho VukonT' m.iih "it MhiiIii-mi 'jut-u i.tiiiM. l-iii"'. run. nr dMirtrl of I'rinre hupert. and ailuale at Terrance when June Hill. Ihe "flu" hli'VIUI I Myxley, Hie well.known and own properly in It'upert and In in iHHiie raaas nrr ine norm west nor April . I" and 28 of Kennedy laland epidemic was on and emphasized From SATURDAY ! popular conductor. Skagwsv and Yukon. Terrace, ha a sixty-arm farm Take nonce thai I. Alfred E. wnrni. or i-e'ii-ef munuai, m.K""- ; , ,. On Wednenday wn difteovered and is Hie slore jirniri-tr al Prtnee Hniierl, B r... oeenpation land surveyor, what a blessinir il would have April 3, 13 and 3? -.in I'm, mi.till. ! I'rili'i- i.i-.irirr l-'l intend tu apply for permiauon to been at Dial lime Ihe Alejc. Dunn" of I lie (J.T.P. Cedarvale. Jl. transact lui. leae tne folios mr deaerlbed landa: had lliey but rUwart, Mapla Bay and Swamp iK-t mill, i!y iii i'i ! ri.nn'''U"u .il f He la "Hill" iKiinw-iH-nir at a imst planted on ine a rural nurse. This w only FolnL l.aiiliiln I nil"fl Mate- Mnxley, conductor ne all along Hie roule, cashe eai end of the Hand mr known at "Baaa il AUENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINEt. me Iml example wa forcible nn (lie jiassenirer train from cheque and generally i ratfd Hanit." 40 rhaim weal or tl norm taal a FOR J-.M lull ,..(..,..ill..II II.Ml .. I""" -''J.' rurner or Lot ttl, name I. l.oat Dialricl; fine and there ,fifl were were I'ripee Hujierl to many II n- -rfrk.i rvnie R?a Third Avsnue Pnons Kmitlier. a one of Ihe shrewdest husine ineiie around urn enure aena nar, laaini April am? 3H man who worked In all thai iarl atmve Low Water Mark, similar plan- close by. Such FHOM - jmm - JsiShuBBkuaSSks" construction on men an) Ihe hesl railroader in ana oriiuainifif ynu aerea. more or '. fact a these could provide twelve ycurn ago and has Hie north. no April 16 and 30 Dild tola lai day of April A U. Utl, belter argument for Ihe cause. Following Ihfk Volunteer member mi.m:iial ACT. were enlisted, result inx in rirm f.i CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Hie followlnjj panic helng el O.aiincair. or"inrhov:iicT. down lo aasisl jn the JiiiTI i; l. campaign: B.C. Coatt Service Dentistry Guaranteed Aid. John Dyhliavn, J. W. Nleh- "Karle" Mineral Claim, ailukted In the oll. T. II. saeena Minina iiinwai ui pi.irlrl Johnson. Canfain C Wliere Jiraiet.--o. I'untwr Itiaiwl adjuiii II. Fonuby, C. IL Orme. V. inr Ihe trte" Mineral Claim. PrinceRupert TAkK N'lTI': Out la W Cilnn. Sailincsfrom Phone 57B.for appolntmont Tobey, Captain K, MrCoskrie. O f.M.t:. avaai.c. ax trmi rar iuwan .Lady Aaalatont la ,. fit Hefute aar. tree Miaee-e A Me,ei..,ii j. r. Itradv. tl. A tineate . Ofil :, lol'int, 4ty(ia For Ksichikan, Wfr.5SS. '"''SVW'iTtl Woodland, i: K. Hell njid W. fnsn Miuuit tlie heroruer dale lieretif,fur a I'rtiDrale to airily ur to liu-irnrrfneiiu tlie Jun. 13, 20, 27 July 4, 11, 1, 2l Autost 1, i, . F. Itoberice fur Uie txirrae uf utiiaiiuiK for Vancouvsr, Victoria and a rta ranl of lite ie rlam. M 17 The Handicap of Crown. Bridge and nl firltxr lake nullr. tli.i .riui. nn Jun. 18, 26S July 2, 8. 1C, 23, 30; August iter sertlim St. Itmat lie rmutm-nreil te Hardy, DAUGHTER OF LATE rure Uie lnuili'l of urD irHflrale vf For Sw.nson Bay, Oosan Falls, Port Defective Teeth lllilirlrt'elieola. and Vlctorls Plate Work Vancouvsr lialMl Ihia frt flay nf Mar v n. ivi i Nlnpkl.h, Bsavsr Covs, HON. )AS. DUNSMUIR w IVEIir SATURDAY AT 00N. is too much for you to carry, at the lowest prices possible, TO WED IRISHMAN Full lntormstku. Iron. both from a health considering the Tirknu to .II part-of WorlJ and business Bags W. 0. ORCHARD, Osnsral Agsnt material I LONDON. JnnA t r ri v r?n r.oen.e f 4U. Straal and 3rd Avsnus, Prlncs nw". - standpoint use Suitcases adlari Pre -The emraaemenl SmlU ana I At uorlj lo, is announced of Captain Itdward , ml yout Ittlh II. Molyneux, M.C., son of Hie Trunks YOU WILL RECEIVE THE BEST SKILL AND SERVICE AT THIS OFFICE tale Justin and Mr. Molyneux. Office Hour: vav qg 9 of 1'rniuore, County Walerfurd, Tent, Packsacks UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C.,ylTtD' O tol2 lf AiC l3irll11ilrA Open Evening. Ireland, to Muriel, daughter of the late .lame' Dunsmuir, ex. Sunday of IiriliaU F. M. Crosby : I r'i,ZL," s.. mr pom", 'tioar ppolntmenta governor Columbia ' " ' " 7 end a mcs aannsttt, arrt. SMITH BLOCK. and Mr. Duuamulr of lliilley 716 Third Avenue, Prlnc Rupert SfS SaaanS Stanua rnsca Park, Victoria, JJ, C. 1