Thursday, September 1, 1932 Wallace's Dollar Days Friday and Saturday F me Speci WATERMELON— per lb. is } Munro: sia | { LOCALITEMS 9 sl ) i I Children's ‘\Wooltex Vests Children’s Pure Children’s 24 to 32, each Boys’ 2 pairs k Ladies’ \Warm and Fleecy Vésts $1 00 Novelty Frilled Curtain Sets—Complete with val- CLD.L. Danve:eBur. Sep, 3 at different styles, 2 for . ance and ties, various reese ns ae per pair $1.00 Don’t forget dance tonight in Ladies’ SUk and Wool Vests $1 00 = Eagle’s Hall under auspices of each e Novelty Frilled Curtain we 6 yards for Simpson Orchestra, 9 till 2. 205 $1.00 for $1.00 Short or $1.00 Wool Vests eeveless styles, each Cushion Forms—Round, square or oblong, 2 for Tonight’s train from the East, the first to arrive at 9 p.m. under the fall and winter service of the $1.00 Sweaters, boys or girls 98c $1.00 1 Silk Hose opullis shades All Wool Golf Hose ull Fashioned Pure Threax our ply heel and toe yer pair Feather Pillows—In art ticking covers each Towels—Striped, plaid or plain, ex- cellent size and grade, 4 for Fine guage service weight, Canadian National Railways, was reported this morning to be on time, $1.00 $1.00 aac C7 N 1) eek Ae Pra ehiliet tai! contour heel, double sole, ~89e iP" $1.75 Lad ies’, Rayon Trimmed Panties. $1.00 Velveteens—In wine, reseda, STH Ae aL TTS blue or $1.00 ticelli Sock Yarn—Black or colors ; nh e b rm slack r cole $1.00 8 yards for various shades, 3 for brown, 2 yards for Ladies’ ‘Fine Lisle Hose—Black, $1 00 Rayon Taffeta—tIn all popular shades $1 00 Tat) mabe C12), white or fawn, 3 pairs ov, 3 yards for ° Corticelli Australene Wool—In $1.00 Pillow Cases—Hemstitched $1.00 | Mr. and Mrs, Ole Phillipson and everal shades, 7 balls § for ‘family will sail tonight on the ss. Purple, Heather Fingering Yarn—In $1 00 Prints—In a splendid range of $1 00 | Prince Rupert’ for a trip to Van- several shades, 8 skein ™ patterns, 5 yards for e jcouver. Cor Cretonnes—In several patterns Boys and Girls! Jackie Cooper “When a Fellow Needs 2 Friend,” $1.00 at the Capitol Theatre Friday and | Saturdé ay. Do you want to see it? |Buy your shoes at Jabour’s school pure $1.00 quality, 5 yards Sheets+-Fully bleached, 8-4 size, $ Children’s Fleece Waists— $ Nn ek lace co 1.00 | or". 1.00 White Flannelette—-35 inches wide Princess Slips—In several colors silk rayon, each ;Opening sale and get a free pass to the Capitol. 205 $1.00 SEE.OUR WINDOWS Miss I. Thoma, after spending a few days in the city following her The Way to Be Comfortable Next Winter is to— GOLBLOOM NOW! Beautiful \t an Unheard of Sacrifice Fur Coats Truest Kind faking Your Selection NOW Is the of Economy 4 Fur Coat Is a Sound Investment Show Windows, Third Ave., near C.P.R. corner jarrival from Little Falls, Minne- ota, where she spent the sum- 5 $ ner vacation, sailed yesterday af-/| ternoon on the Prince Rupert for ; noe wemomwem | flyder, Alask sre she will re- Snmmmemmmsenmomem Hyder, Alaska, where she will re jsume her school teaching duties. ’ Father E. M. Leray O. M. I. of | Ste ewart arrived in the city on the tala Tuesday afternoon and left S P E r | A L sf ym the Prince Rupert yesterday ifternocn for Anyox where he will jspend the » next couple of weeks, An- FOR THE WEEK-END. ‘cy scat nse ate tistine tah es, PALMOLIVE SOAP porarily added to his ecclesiastical 2 bars 15¢ urisdiction CORN FLAKES cain : per pkg 8c Orville F. Denstedt of the scie QUICK QUAKER OATS fle statt of the, Prince Ruper er % por pks 99¢ Fisheries Experimental Stat ili oe f : i] tonight on the Prince Rupe AUSTRALIAN PINEAPPLE 13¢ for Vancouver enroute to a re a1 No, 2 tins, per tin where he will take up further sti. RED PITTED CHERRIES 18¢ dies at McGill University. He may Aylmer, No. 2 tins, per tin “| be away for the couple of years RED ARROW SODAS He will be accompanied south bj Fresh stock, per pkg 20c his mother, Mrs. Denstedt of Bran- PRUNES--Malkin’s Best Gon, Manitoba, who kas been visit- ing here for the past few days Sie ae 2-lb. pkgs The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. “Rupert Brand” Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ' Cove Rate Y —-- essen ' een Hotel Central Ltd. homelike, pecial monthly First Avenue & Seventh Street if cu rbiatanett dhe try. afl assified ad, nient to business district, beautiful harbor views. 8 reasonable, . Spacious sample rooms. FIRST CLASS CAFE Open at All Hours rate and Meals lotel Central Lid. | Pianos Tuned for \ ‘ Rooms STORE te Bo Ndeabin a a a Zh ie Pianos For Rent $4 Per Month and Up , $3 WALKER’S MUSIC || SWANSDOWN CAKE 30c . Rupert inis Club Dance Sep- | FLOUR, per pkg. tember 9, snp Hall. BIRD'S’ CUSTARD —_—.- } | POWDER, per pkg 12 Dance Sept. 16 and 30, Oddfel- |FLOUR—First Patent Packed in|!ow’s New Hall FANCY SALMON—Red —— / spring, Wo. tail cine en Hotel Arrivals | Startling, revolutionary, NEW... ‘VICTOR ° VICTOR Bi-acoustic RADIO, Model R-22, complete with 12 tubes $189.50 Other Victor models range in price from $69.50 up 8 Great Advances 1. “B” Amplification. 2. Automatic Tone Com- pensators. 3. Tone Equalizers. 4. Dual Automatic Volume Control. 5. 12 New-type Tubes. 6. New Improved Dynamic Speaker 7. New Cabinet. 8. Quick-sight Tuning Dial VICTOR TALKING RLS BH, A radio that lives—that breathes—that pulses with realism. An instru- ment so brilliant — so human in TONE it amazes, enthralls both the trained and the untrained ear! AND WASN'T THE PIANO NATURAL? THAT "CELLO WAS SIMPLY LZ LOVELY ) (0). ask you to hear the new Victor Bi-acoustic Radio, an improved supet-heterodyne. Any Victor dealer will show you one gladly without any obligation to purchase. Whether or not you are thinking of a new radio, you will hear with delight and amazement an instrument radically different, vastly finer in tone than any other tadio you have ever listened to. Eight great advances—combined in the new Bi-acoustic circuit— give you twice the tone range, twice the power, twice the tone quality ! New ‘B” Amplification—which gets the drama, the feeling, the colour, with absolutely no distortion of tone at any volume. Extended Musical Range— that gives you for the first time a// notes of all instruments, from bass viol to piccolo. Two whole octaves more than any radio has ever given before. And in addition .. . new Automatic Tone Compensators that take our all,“‘tinniness”—new Tone Equalizers that end all cabinet noises ‘ —new Dual Automatic Volume Control, a real, positive advance that masters fading and blasting. Twelve new-type tubes—a new improved dynamic speaker—newly designed cabinet, acoustically right and perfectly beautiful. BEFORE YOU BUY ANY RADIO seeand hear the new Victor Bi-acoustic Radio. Compare its power, its range, its tone with any other. Complete with tubes, $189.50. Easy Terms. MACHINE COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MASTER BUILDERS OF RADIO musty, 1 aE = a 7 ~ Frank Morris, manager of tl ae a A SARA A lh ORE, 2 B.C. Undertakers, sailed yesterday : afternoon on the Prin Rupert for Stewart where he will take} ; SUNLIGHT SOAP per carton ar Announcements | Gingham per 49-lb. sk. | FLOUR—Buckeye, | $1.50, Cath lic Bazaar, October 19, 20 high quality, low| | ENSIGN PEAS—Choice lic charge of arrangt nts for the ! Sieve 4's, per tin : funeral of -M : M Geo Central Naysmith and William Mowatt MAYONNAISE—Dutch Maid 29¢ D. O. Allen, W. Logan, H. Gillis! Promicr. Victims of an automob 8-o2., per jar and Iver Robertson, city tragedy in Portland Canal 18-08 % em sunday morning per jar 40c . | DRIED BLACK FIGS | 3 lbs Miss D. Hogan TEACHER OF MUSIC Phone—Black 232 cost | | per 49-lb, sack 2 ——— =| | IL ADY FINDS EYEGLASS | frome notes 21¢ pric ES MUCH LOWER | NABOB COFFEE IN PRINCE RUPERT | per 1-lb. tin 43c. Recently a lady called to have} 29c her eyes examined as the glasses! | she had been wearing were a little uncomfortable. After a| thorough examination the price |CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS— New shipment, per Ib |FRUITS & VEGETABL ES) leuaenation Oranges, Sweet and was quoted on new glasses but | Juicy, large size, 3 doz, $1.00 Sanita hw thought the quality : ; : could not be as good as the pair |B. C. Canteloupes, 3 for 25c} she had been wearing, the price was so much ldWer,.The “Trade M: urk” on the frante was exactly the same as on the pair she had Eves Corit 0) Qobswemdox, . 35¢ (Golden Bantam) } 25e | a Field Tomatoes, 5 Ibs. so it was not difficult to convince 'Firm Cooking Apples, 6 lbs. 25c} her that our price was lower We, Bartlett Pears, per basket 85c sell only the best in Spectacle | | Ware made by such firms as. , Shuron, American Optical Co W and the Bausch & Lomb Optical a S roce Co. When comparing prices be sure to ask to see the Trade Mark PHONE 55 PHONE 56| °" the frame “THE BEST FOR LESS” Optical Dept.. Max Heilbroner, oo a Jowaler Se ———— MO 4 «ee te ce ely gat ead . +. cncsiieatnanttindincunslis bay “Cleanliness is Next to Godliness” SPECIAL FOR TWO WEEKS 29 to September 10 inclusive Ladies or Gents’ August Suits Pressed By Steam 50 Cents | Sponged, Cleaned and Pressed SAVE 50 PERCENT 10-Day Wallpaper Clearing Sale Total stock of sixty to eighty patterns to choose from with match- ing borders at one-half price—also 10-Day Paint, Glass, Muresco, Turpentine and Oil Sale on which you can save 15% to 25% includes all merchandise in stock. It is a great oppor- house renovators to get supplies at real bargain prices. This sale tunily tor A. W. EDGE CO. 330 Second Ave. P, 0, Box 459 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver:— CATALA BEVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. Via Waypoints, arriving Vancouver, Thursday a.m. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT, Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight. approx Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Alice Arm, Anyox, River points, Sunday, 8 p.m. Purther information regarding all satlings and tickets at — YRINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Second Avenue, Phone 568, PSS T.S.8. Stewart and Naas 75 Cents or Dry Cleaned and Pressed, $1.00 Phone — 649 LING - TAILOR We call for Naptha and deliver to all CANADIAN PACIFIC AUGUST SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER PRINCESS ADELAIDE—Fridays, 10 p.m.—via Ocean Falls and way ports, PRINCESS LOUISE or PRINCESS ALICE-—Saturdays 5 p.m. direct. For KETCHIKAN, WRANGELL, JUNEAU and SKAGWAY Mondays, 10 a.m, For Information call or write W. L, COATES, General Apent, Prince Rupert, B.C parts of the city. Mail orders receive our prompt attention, |) Ifyou lose anything, try a classified ad. ee ee ee =. % eae 4é