TAOn TWO :32?E jjAllff KgWS ! $ ii IjL . , .. ill, . m - ; V TAXI AFFAIRS The Daily News J'lUNGH ltUPKHT - HRITIHII COLUMMA GIVEN AIRING Starling even PttbltftbeuJ Bfrr Afwrmion, except Sunday, liy The Newa Days I Tin tin and Publishing Company, Third Avamic Saturday II. F. PULI.EN. Managing Kdltor. PoKco Commliilon Dlaeuaaad Dlffvrant hifl Features Uel NlghL at Meel-t Oct. 15 SALE "SI SUBSCRIPTION RATCSl City IllTry, by mail or carrier. per mont'i $1.00 Tail mailer were il'i mi Ily mail to all part of the llritish Hmptr amt.lhc Utittod Statoa. a .tirina' nt the ii. Ik-c rommiion in advance, per year 5ii.wu m.--linn loaf mailt, federal Uif-MT'-nt To jail b4Iim- oeanlriea, in advanae? per y OAr .$T.IKjij taken and phaaae w re tap TELEPHONE OS f. .nin- raornjU'iioatloii" wore ' nade to Ma aol i. e in ewnetHtan V. -M .PS a Aftl I 1 DAILY KDITION ith the enforema of Uu luw Adopting jfeig The reeommendaiion for the tjm Liver Pains MINISTER OF LANDS hiT.iir KtruKI1' to net on hi-i "evoking of a n,.r'. hf.nel'J TILLS OF PROBLEMS feet. , The one h hartNAr Pins ' amW A Mf wna made. Hw atafl hi fueotion 1 HERE AND ADROAD wbieh haa hern alarin tbHta In UaaW Ml af iwr aWaatenwota had reeeajlty ba-i roh'led of,a the fftr i the Irish queOon. Oilier MdMtMM are lafeW drhHiia while inttaiaated. I do (Continued from Page I ' inaV'ih'ia. r ml know tha iartktilar elreuni-tancea and lower and there n'a Up the fmetnploy. lien.iLKiawian.bftniT i- aad bittoiM baad of thi eaae in point, Price hreakine; into the Kumpean ment lttiation. which n a-reat aid Ommt?loner Macdomtlil market in reap'1-! of rerlin many people think ha tT" -ff i .1 al.i il... cIb-"' of out I itnlir. bill there Tke otiakj( war to araute Ike aa'gravated tbroua;h the aywh-m lieenae wf dny ehaffrar wh arc other rlaY Hi Which we ef dole, wherah) men who Iihvm m . kaakhM at m by ! und drwak IihV drivtna ahouhl fal enam dla rTkata 1 1 fffl 4 1 r aa 1 1 PI ! nPabat aw 4 4 at- k luna aa m iiiu a a vw iiuiti va wa i tiiiut a. a avv:a a. LumillNaTtl lJaat r-an ecnre aoffte ronaiderabte he. p oat of wrri have been rr-ceivina at t CkMt s rdatf-Lifet Ma.. be tafcea aay." The '',d w a -, w 11 aail"1 UaWd will Uitkn rtuviih tu month n Haa ihr rrtullr Ia rUa tLafaaV t buaine. the najne ,Mf .a m-i. we awaa; ipdawW h Ma-r ftoi.,r.:..r an.1 1 f did jiot Jtfc Hmr la visit wli" have heen vura. A frreal nbtU ewrrwjt e whole aVtetne UiaMtMlatrMrh1tlJone. , uulform price. . Eiopi. Bat Mr. Tu'rnbul! k remaining limn) peaple warn Indiliiiik thut tyuem aai aV bloai. i'minilniii'r Mardoitald al To itdjuat nil wir prfcetf'ntid make tltaaw nil oonAkftn to t thai -going over for aome tiaar m .Swv Wav Bartaa. KUae. : ua !i' nation ha lieen trvinv m went or recori aa aeina; aetaMi' . .miHTiion wttU int.orr bu-- lift Hef op by the nmt tnti. QaL. wajaw: dutermtnatltHi He eid lhr-wrre to hold a Seven JJny Sate, nwl after you New Fa I si WwoU inea . and id all nfuhaliihty 'p hr whole dueti.in ie an e- -fmr aW l wWd hmm hWr aevoral ce that he knew mnnj'.owsr praatieally at tmiuufaaciuIrT- ball tait ale Wak, tW w. hwd. hwiaa-a an fa f where H waa almof certaia after the itiin(r haa a -k I aoine time xi--iiiiKl iiii-i.--.(iini mfp and lrei had In- n mloiieall. He 4i -o i , rat w. W- ."Lr tie lepiaianirp in nrwr w -ttherr ar- man? apTi in i Dr. 0 -aW4jw PaV ,il"d mi in'lani'e mi Fulln MEN'S TWEED SUITS A PMd MMltH riu.iii plate the work which ha be.-n lht M w, miwli I St ta aad faaad aawJhm rttreei where a driver had aofie started. iIpm to Hive aapreaaion ta the .r the tirade and a found .!!.mad aarment at lmmlgrtloa Important. maar viewiointi thut ifur i. iiue hour later aleei iii bed "The of i mm karat ion i ladh- 1 kat awai imiUtm m problem one". oTa . KbW4 Pdk. l Willi.-, of the iiicidVnl had $19.50 533.5J; i an all Important one toMi :"The one bin- quention fae-fnar thrift Ua bWi aa kMt tm wtll Je.-In rod that the dmer haA for HritUli tVdtimbia and tlx all the nation in Kurope i iw.-n under the mflueiwe of It. whole of the Ijominiorf of Canada. that of debt. It i. faeina the Dr. Car't Kidar.LKr PaV. tuor at the tinv. If our driver A RAINCOATS I am inefined to thin tbat natintui of Kuri( in the anie one pal a date. 2c a box. aS a proaeeuled Mi- all ahotild MEN'S obtti at possibly I have somewhat broad-er maimer that an individual i-b; dealw. or Edmaatea. Datet & be. Re had a ytem whieh he qoalitv of n I'arantalta $16.51' view with reaped to the facet, the mdiM'Jual. and th.-rr Co.. Limited. Taroat. uld ttae to diTii privateHy. problem of immiirralion than ' U na man living who ran for-t l wuld tH..iii b a lot toward $9.50 generally given, eapraaahin to a f- til.' final xiiicumi'. brlaeTinir certain peraon Heaa Hum Tn4t tip preMttt time. While it "IhiririK my to Rtir.'iM'. I to time. wow tun. would undoubtedly he a mi-'ke viaited Hwewen ftr the piirtxw. SUITCASES Night Dr4tng. WEN'S DRESS SHIRTS- Waal to dump large n unaware of ,-pie of loo log fsto the nelhln it. Cumniaakoper Myhill-ione. pattern and ""d aualny ol tide eT tart ffMtaa. I nev-erfhile Uirlc In reapeet of timber prxl. Trunks taled that th. Urlioai of ear cloth at believe that we can ucla. Thef use i inner there about the eily b"t-n the hour Ihtainuhke a btntar miatbei of that we prodigaltr thraw away f mldnichl anl early m.irniiia $1.50 fmniiKranta than la n-eneraily In-rc. Hrltiah Clunibia li-w-.-r, CLUB BAGS wa harotaina a deridrd naia-anee. eon template!. I think we hnntd will vratfiially diwaad it Large Stock On hand Car rw-ed at lull, ped laake our Tfrat effort to yet pen-pl wasteful method and with Hi-iM-iifilc to aclect from. alna fb atr.-.'. with eut-out J! on the laud. For every timn ciinins o a realitali'-n p.-n The mavor iitruele4 that i- upon the land mean an- j,if ihe heritaM which i benur J. F. MAGU1RE tUiief Virkef iiiveatiaraia tbe other in the city to xuppl) lun.jied from furaiti fi i nm t. matter: It v jwonted not fbat with the man a fhetnred artie renter can' wlft be vrWd Kelt tb ITW. wapart H M it wa taal' l the la to 4rie which he mutt ha.ve, ' 'taiiMawft4w!lata a ear wMJt taw cat awt peat. Aggresaiva Policy. Tlfaal Otaaaeiaenaaer Maadimald wTa-eet "II in DraaHitwd tu oarrv mH tbe peuple tbeiiiMlk"- Ciorn- asaMiai tin1 Kriailie that An Pi,'W ar tlta ail an kki cT iMiliov of inimTi mnl can only direct and it la bu! abe dleliki'a the Kreiich. ftaiMrliajia In the eMy ware in prat in aa far a Uritiah i-lunibia fr lb people . carry out. a-paaw". which I amended, .one poMaatiii of lleOOKe and oiIht ia eoneernrd. aad while "Sweden i a deticbtfu! oon- of the band piard "Doaleh. 1 wm in the old coaiUry 1 think try aad.ia. I tlnnk. a very waU I aad iaVr Aiiaa immediatnly AiawW Maahoatar rap.triad that I aucciiadad .in creothiK a very uwderetiMNl by Pa dfana grm- fdlamat hy Auir Britaauia, No parking rfitHpaltiaa were not Krea! deal of intareat in the ardlty. K tan ah air wWr aaayad. . eawainar atnh irouWe h.m prbiaw aad have laid the ktun-alation German Competition, Oayaat City. The bylaw rapwiatMNr the park tor aajraalaa; the Work 'f alao Miied tformany aad -Aa for PVanae, Part lltl f taui ia the n. inMv of nWtiK linaa wbieh wtlt reault in t ranee. Th Uernianf are work-ina the ay-i cuy in lii world. Avenue wa a-'M,.- Men'a Haary Weight RIBBED MM Hi ouajaidaanhlt flaw of ettiri tf hard and while there in Nev rthelma. I her Hray lurfce through. The aweral l.yU UNDERWEAR, hi ahtrta and WORK lOCtt IlrMhth CmmmAiH. uuMiiiiaity a far t the outaMh the ttiiant foar of what atiarhl would have U he held mrr f. dr nan .III) , at "At the preaait time Australia orid i conoarned. there ia happas. Vk'beti one aewa I bo liiur. New Kealand. tauttth Afrxa and conioraoi amrene ui oiiin-uieaaiatioii thai took pmoa It $3.50 4 pair (org athar QaikH of In KHur are; an MUnrpaiiy. ita Ibm akllled brtnsa it honar peetky oluaaly. offorod froaa Uane t ion.- formulattag vara aiahoratc laborar reaivina; ix or arven In different town aaearaw of at the Aaewt .UaaorhJ a ..ffi. .- , 'Sai plana in reaaavt of the problem aiarka an hour, whieh ia aquh liuildnta deatutiehed. a freai lmdon. M. Patlollo wa -.! Men'a Fine Quality of BLACK MENS CO!" of iniiuicraiion. The one thin dent of iix or aeven eeuia. tier-t litany of whob have not ypt baau hi lowa m raapawt theyeio. in CASHMERE SOCKS at wliiaii wa inaat )iav in Canada Jman eompeUtton i a problen repaired, wwtle in the field repH Mr tniMdtlo aW: $3. iU, viam of ,h groai tant i.' (iarmaiiy diffciiliie are alii: area a halt hdlea at Hi bear ewU Doing Splendid Work. 50 cents aur eountry and our iHonenae(abaad. Mbe levied no taxoe for aViM'r of the deva'tallon. "Tbe Aaaajtatienarat'a off,. . raouroa la that the land aaual war. Tbe AIIm ware to pay "I would ratper live in Gan- la doinic a apiendjid work I h. U b peoplad. for I lie war. ttbe carried on by iada Upjh any owwaMey on preaant Apnt-lepar.il. tf, Yon need new warm Fall and Winter Wm. BW "I beliove that w have ai printing- paper money.. On. r. earth, aaat I wauaf rpt har He Wade, ia aa esaadtiuriy h,. ill .J aauae for worry than any ottwr gun' a bualiel bak.'l .. in Hritiah Columbia than any nun i nl from hi lon e...ri Come and see us tomorrow. Oar new low prices tan couulry oa aftrtb and thai we hi- mouev in (rmny. 1 li. other part of V.aaada He ar- nee . i nvpapei mm i- will experience during Ih aext fUiebtaeT i nw u..-.'Uiw ...id - fortaadlr to be In inak aaid ahb- io atwtan mi aiu..it.-puliikily few deeadea a laraer propor-Uonata taeed with thy- problem of levy-1 fortunate Ui ho in Hrieaa Oo of hw.hMMiet ela.. f..r O'RElLLj Javebipment than any iny (aie. Tin uiuMa f Hi- lumbia. Omparatively we have the piovi He ia a hanl MARTIN other country in the world. Itul Uerman people beln- that tlx- not any trouble and Ihera la worki i. aanreie and Uii can inly he brought abaal great war waa a war of ar-;no plaee for tbe pTowcher. Man-Ion atantly kpa IleMiah OoIuiiiIim Jty proMreaaKc and aMifVc attain! imtny and Ilia' er and the poaaiMlat. Wa are to tbe forv The llrHlah (Uuiii ctMHtaxm aaivap aolion. (iaranany waa atrony enouab to )u Ue mtalaat aaauitry and the bia buMdiwK la located on one i - Heroic Struggle. force the Alliea to -ofte to a,araalet pruvine on earth." of ihr be-1 aitea in London. Not' ali In . - w S- f i v . ' k' "Great Hniain i iiiakniK a teace. (ioruiany no re In n-w of aoui. oritiviain tnal joniy ia the huildbaft the reu- (..lay I io- lit.hi it' .- if 'in PHILPOTT, EVITT fj datvooa of Ilrtttoh Ctflumbiaua,' I. e( btiiin" i lii. man but people from all porta tt who leoa tne "pep ami ' Next l'Mt OiTkt. I'rmce K X Canada. In tuy juiayaiaut tli.anil ave to know bow to ilu it. iii OAJft LA lit -T STEEUVIREROreS Naiuanle .urpoee. "C,. i luunlaryham, former MOUNTAIN rm aiwu. f-oiiiiiii,l...f of ftaberiea, baa) Ttk aeuae MMi I. iaxa 4aitiaa. a VtaraiiTir crua4ilia ruaMa bmw. N" The Imuse hi offn-.- m Hie HrHkab Odum-bia la nf w n b amyi only Hon.. Co. aL-aaaiua MWtai aa t rata of above, aw (lunninpbain utockt araSeaaJ I luat caeaewaria t mi sAijCT3 ha tx -n doinjr aseall. nl work eat mi r Uw a w r Lai 4etl. ifcean aaal rfeaww. Uwatr INSURANCE of AH N'nu. Kduaational wwffc retiutre to be aueai aa aaw. anan raaiai. i i dona in paet of the' Milmmi Ihaoav ia a abfctaa hi puUil ( new aameiaaut r axm w Wamjb Cat 'b.ti-85 Hifiuatry juat mm It doe In rc-apaat to iu lunrbar buainaaa. Sutherlanf1 Tbe aaiimnc Iwluatay of Hrtlteh Dr. ColuHibia haa got to o mil after La.N0 ACT. Ik.. I.iiii...-- irk I zb for thoSG mmSs M , . . 'T' " . 7inuMLMrj .urn mwmki M iiihi me uuainaea win efim law i or omot nana thai I. AaaaHaa. f to Hiiii.h Columbia without ef-'vJL2 mer " utcaaauoH ' naiiar. nil ifS fort. i ur American friend wMal a laate AV t PaeuM m aeutiiaat ar nntfiHtnirnV have been ettaowlliMtly activ- jaXjr.rrjsi Not only do have ptaniwi w ' ja Itmy repreaen- H whi r .no, taMK' aaii ebaaia. Suit Jj LAtiVl . Illl I K M..lll,ll t.lll II...V Wwora uurOl aiaa. UkMM ! H Pvohnnca Block, ...... ... . rkaliw. itfm- k' aulat ut nave actual aUMa "li Ilu- mk'OIMI. .m r4,uiniuif 4 rr awr ran - which b. ii. 1 1 v i .'li at I 7." ""uyiat For Appointnteni liiouf nl . uotiae. Ileuler Hit Peaea aipleaaair 14. itifV London ij .n i want to wait three or f.in iimiitha for aooil when riunoc aik.T t.jib oieTaioT-wa COLLART.LTD fJ . HI' I or ol nin'll THEO lhay .11. .. i i i-iii immi-dialei Till BUu III,, i, t i y,, That. ii. iio a coiMiib-ralii. nMar. i.pallaa llav iata u, ttmlt f..r a In mm ii. prMM I I .i i lr..Uuei pat . ..e. lwUr ,M -atyj iiumi. ' ' whut may ( 'nii.-.i ,i,.i,irti - ". '"'.' 4rraJ foe AL UM a ar. , arfr. li. .mhm.ii. .ua ai i i. i.i ataeu-n . . tni-l Ho- I rail.- ftio' ml ,..i .., AO ,V7Ti. on ..f n.. - wreafaer a? aut RMI " - vuUTM ein rnoNi etui ea Wte" . u.4 !'' nit important in Mi- n. I o.ii laatirr ...-,u, u'rhMi. i,. u IHi ( " Mt"' ' "'" "' Iinak.n. ..i ,.,i... hi,.i to wiii-'t. T" .in I VV I pair 8!-r -nt