f The Daily News JURYWOMEN PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA . DISCUSSED Published Every Afternoon, except Surfday, by The News Printing and PubUshinjf Co., Third Avenue. (Counsel Objects to Laying Unsavory H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. EvhJtnca bsfors f 1 11 11 II Women Juror ... cilRirniDTiniu RfflTFJ BRITISH I Cily Delivery; by carrier or mail, per month 11.00) BERNARD SHAW IS !y mail to all parts of the Uritish Umpire and the United Mates, OUT IN DEFENCE In advance, per year $0.00. To all other countries, in advance, per year K $7.60. LONDON, .Mar. 1. slorm of TELEPHONE 88. and ussion,foiulcinjiali:"!.l tilt cMiiiineiHlallitfi has sviepi A Wond.of ftnolbbaccos iliriniBli lindii im'w simpers a for mcinvho smolic .holiest. t.25 inch each Insertion LIMITED Transient Display Advertising per ORMES lln- result nf the OinovHllon of Transient advertising on front page , . . . $2.00 per Inch. ' having women ti with oien as Local Headers. rer Insertion 25c. per line. riii'iiilirrs of jnrirs In divorce Classified advertising, per Insertion, .V.., 2c. per wnrd. SAILS er.ses. , ' Legal Nolices. each insertion, loc, per agaie line. Tin fir! mlxeil jury o "il In the Contract Rates on AlflHc&tion. AWNINGS London diWirre -..! -t has been All advertising should be' in the Daily News OITIce on day preceding TENTS unable to airer i n n mlrl ntttl publication. AH advertising received subject to approval. Ur." Mn dischartM'ri nTirr hearing v I ho rne for four day.. crlJrO DAILY EDITION. Wednesday. Marrh ?. 1921. J. F. MAGUIRE In lln rotuuii'iii "n i If proeeed-mjrs, .C0 lii h i . art iiliiril and Ihe '0 ZD1 712 Second Ave.. Prince Rnrt newspaper mKickagG ' Agent for ontrihulcU roiiiiiiuiii'iitlins of Is Opposed to C. H. JONES A SON, Ltd. rrab'rs hi illMMi"d rlneiily (Slkiins-4) Party System. 40 years' experience as makers tli propriety or nldiiiimr -rtn A i-orrctoiideiil from Anyox is opposed lo the parly system a iiirinbcrs of tlir jury lo finiu-iui' of government. The oilier method i Tor Ihndmiiu-'lraliiifi to pit Ihe et jdciii-i' ulimillel. S??8Sillilltll'HllliWllll'!!ill8i: be independent or it party vm, jut-t a it is injhe: llnited'Slides, iTvldencs Unsavory ' PRINCE RUPERT TIDES In his rnop -iiin'l for nni of and for each member of the Hoiife to treat every ine'tioii wholly the parlips lo Hm- arlion an-iiouiirril a -tin its 'merit and vote fleet Y-JInply. It sounds well, but it does. Thursday, March 3. that h- had rvMenee to AIL SCHEDULK not work well. lliph. :5f. a. in., I.? feet. ihmil which h did not eonslder In our iimlry, the adniiiiirntioit adopts a plicy. Hie ?J:I8 p. m.. 1(5 feel. il proer In placi' foofnre women FOR BREAKF A ST -seLs lo Low, 2:a3 a. m.. 10.fi fret. jurol". Ilm juUi- said h roe th CasL approval or tile coniitry "at ifln election jind, Ihen out put 15: 18 p. in.. 7.t feel. ltoicK in Ihe mailer, but lUllio-alely Mondays. Vdnsdays sno.sU that in foree. As.-loug a Ihc hiember nf Hie legislature ' poliry Friday, March 4. only the iihmi jurors rxam. unlays at 10:13 a. in. approve its artim. ,il N kejd in jiuwjpr, Jt IJi.e. members of the lllah. P:59 a .in. 17.t feel. illfd Ihe (di'llic. from Ufa CaaL Rupert Brand legislature disapprove, the ailmhiMratinii reigns and gives place 23;1 1 p. in., I7.fl feet. Sir iilwar.l Marshall - Hall. Sundays. Tuesdays and Tburs. to another.. The (loveniment is Mipifd, lo lhfid or fall with Low. 3:58 a. m.. 1 0.1 fertv 'unr for one r Ibe lutrli. da)S at 7 ;45 p. rn. the general jHtliry which it has adn,iti-l. 16:50 p. m.. 0.8 feel. said that this wa Hie first easo ! had over romturleij lefore a Toe Vancouvae and South. KIPPERS Dealing With' ' The time uswj is raettlo Standard, mised jliry and thai he hoped Tuesdays . . . 7 p. m. Foreign Countries. for the 120th Meridian west. In wotdd nfvr aitsln have la Thursdays tj f, m I It Is counted from Q to H hours deal with a ra- ( such a naltirr March i!3 and April ? A Nourishinrj: nnd Delicious BrtikJast Feci Oik notable example of how this works in rej-Vd lo a from midnight to midnight. a-.-ain. From Vancounsr and South. I foreign policy is well exemplified. The Unileil Stales makes a The table given Is for Port It is undeniable Hint I lore are Sundays i Bp. to. treaty with Canada providing for the protertion of Ihe almon In Simpson but the time for Prince many ea.en hi winch the aisl- Wednesdays ... 10:30 a. m.j TO Pf.nJT PIacc ,n fryn8 Pa with ni; jfj Hie rWer Hiver. Holh the V. S. and Ihe Canadian administrations llupert varies only a few minutes ii rr or uiMncn will (m of Ihe Murcti ?. 1)4 and If) 1 U lUUI. and cook for te rr jta rerkonetl on some days and on others Is ialrsl value l. the court." ald to iL Hut there is the U.S. Senate lo be agree the same. The range of the tide sir IClwpl, "Inn liter ar oilier! Foe Anyoi and Atlcs firm. Sold by all Restaurants, Retail Grocer & Bcia with. Nobodv ever knows what the Senate will do. The big may be computed as 5 per cenlp0r In Mihirli. from (lie naiurr jgunday 10 pjo cannery interests imm the S$nt of Vahingliin.e.nd a representative greater at Prince Rupert than at r Ihe eifilenre which will have li; fiinesdays V p.m. SMOKED DAILY BY lo Washington and make it impossible.for Ihl legislation Port Simpson both at springs and he discussed lfure llieui. il is- From Anyoi and Allcs Arm. Canadian fish & Cold Storage Co, 111 ,lo pass Ihe Seriate. neaps. Therefore me rise in tne undesirable that Hiey should jTuesdays a.m.! In Canada, the Governnlenl knows that iLcan control Parlia Prince llupert barbor u slightly sere." ! hurda p.m. Pnnre Ik ir. D frreater than Part Bimpnon. Eitremly Offentlvn it ha reasonable policy. ' Hy consulting with ment as long as a The height is In feet and tenths Sir Award's, r.iiiiioeiit et.ked a for Port Simpson, Arrandals, Will the leaders it is able to proelieally promise the passing of (lie pf feet above the average level of hoi retort from lieortre Hcrnard'Bay, Wale island and mvsr. treaty. Heeanse of the (liability of the United Slates to act the lower low water, haw. ptaywrfBhl, who", wrilintr to Sunday 13 p.rn. Kraer Hiver fishing has been ruined and the remedy is not yet the Dally Xew a "a loeinlier or From PU Simpson, Arrandals, Mill in sight AlUif-wliieh i betisf (heyihave iftl reipon-ibIe party A tot of people spend money in the male i.e4" iM.k f.stie Willi i-Bayf Wi llnd and aa me ' i7f. advertising, olhefs invest ft In view, of the l.arri-ler. Tuedays ajn, goverume in the Uniletl HlMrs x .. j . ! advertising. An adverlUement In ir litward . iar.tia!l-llall Ihe Daijy New is an investment ssiiii)lin i hut ri-ibilii Quoon CnartolU Islands; Farmer Party my j for GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAI Is Political. in this matiiT an e ilelieale LAND ACT. than women is not only uniotitHliill Man li, 1 I niul JH S S. PRINCE GEORGE al!inr Our correspondent speaks as though Ihe Farmers' parly of From - lull exlreinely offensive," wn.li- lllilniBtil Thur.ilay f.n an--ii H CASSIVB LA.10 MSThlirr OISTKICT or Onlaio wfls inn a parly. In thai, it is evident he is mistaken. cAssi.tn. Mr, Shaw. "Why In Ihe nai nf Mareli 6, 1 7 nnd 31 er. Vielona and Sinllle. . Premier Ilrury ' ! "e head of Mlilieal party just as much as TtkE MITICE llul f. i. K. 8lrc IMS coiiiriwin si-ne tint llu- blushliKi For aaawsy snd U Tukon. S. S. PniNCC JOHN is John Oliver or Arthur Meighen. The fact that it happens to II.truir.r. krraia Int-rw1 of Alw to ipf1j Km.rnr orniptuoo prriuitHUl pro to barrister esrlude x jnryiurn) March 7. IH and VH Fir Port "'lenienu, Malt Mn kl-' be a new party does' tint change its nature. It may not be o well k-iw tMutvturtnt in roanwinr il 1 iWriljed pml MDIo Uiuit:on 1M from Die tniolnay whieh he; From Shagway and Vuhon. OuUiern Queffi rirlille ll - nnrlh Imrixlarr or Lnl !; tbrrm fol-to-anar thrtiwht it nrMMoMry In make fori Marrjj IS. 2.1 n. pril 2 rleatirl. March Ird. organized as "have been Ihe older parties. It may not be a well irm Dim irr nurk to norm nor-nr At . . - . . MapU Bay and Smampl presenting ineni ionie in tHe;'w"r. TRAIN SCKVIC& nr lot lilt: iwot s. rtr TJ miit. known, but it is a party and Premier Ilnfry holds olllre at Ihe r.'i di.urw or 4i.t rt.. idoiw or ft lo xhllitl in Hie re l Mir SIX PolnL ! Hmmum Mnni.. Wxlnaadav and Saturtiy it " " 'H will of the Legislature just as much as doe Premier Oliver or mi rliim Dotutiltrr pnvturrd nf m Biter a Kiuthrrir ttonta amrliun:miorru jurywoinen. Fon j f.rr ftmllhera. rlne Oeorr. Enmo '- Ibrar rtJloinr prodnrtaoai Md MIT.r JJaurb ifltr .lireet rorinM'liniw fr all l- 3. 17 and 31 Premier Meighen. "Wherever a group of people get together Mntt touiuun !'. lotr iralrr piarii: ilmin Steamship Un rodovlnr In mtirr rears to nnrta f.un. RSh' FROM ! Agency All Ocean and organize for the carrying pul of a line of ldicy, there you itanLbf Lot SSS; llimra roHowmr Bono SHIPPING hmodarr A jr JlJi to point ot tutu-Rocoirnl. March I. 1(1 ami April I r lararmaiM aid reMai K have a party, on, TkM OSix ls TV eW t ' Oate January IT. Ittl. WINNIIMX;. Mar. t Fih in Liberal and . "t Ionise ai Kiterlftii is rapidly j:HTirH:Tii or isirnoyK.nf:sTs. Conservative Old. heinfr diiKrl nf and tlealers The Liberal and Jhe Conservative parties are old parlies and oth:i: of srruiMTio-. anticipate no further trnuhle at csnccLisTioa or atstnvr. in a general sense they have particular lines of policy. Speaking XIMTIUI.ftlKV anil iXAIMS.SOBTH muu STAN in iu raCTIO Anrot (hat point. .1nt.tr. I HlhlHT uiu tnat tn PACIFIC RAItM DiriaUtn tit In cawiar nimnrt. Viht-tn Within the wl stark It earn rewte eeMi IM 4 lS. iUi. tr bulri-t CANADIAN in a 'very general way, the olicy of the Conservatives is lo go MM-aid. on I lv ai.ault Hirrr. Unmf a raiKttwi nf flah hate been fruhi a a. ntpo. et" shlfieil lh nmir VaMrn 'irmio. canst esotf , slowlv and steadily, to look haekward for precedents and to care Usoif buiarr: Edvarrl Levtn or B.atl. liepaty MlMtter r LDli. in itw simr nf Wonmru.n. (UM ui Itiverlun Iu Ihe United Slalea, ;uiki rerarine. Steamship Scrr.cfl smcis B.C. Coast of of avoid wh'th radicalism. The fully anyltijjjg policy nf Amrrw-a. SuRitr of holora rrr brlnslns the total shipments of,, Y?!lZ ."l..;,tr. is. Ulnrr-t orliflralr: (0741-C lilt' Lint-rui party i. to limit- uiirnu, iu Mrikc 11141 oil new iwi;, TAkE MITirx thai I; Crtr0 lin, Ihin year n eatrh to SSs earloads to try out the"policies suggested by the radicals and to refuse to Tw inirtHi Vlnr-ai thr O-rtillral.rnd or aiity Sumter 10 riajrt 4S14I.C.from eaeh ear runlalns 15 lon of rHVIkMOS WATKII 'NflTICi:.ASD. nniNrrtH MARY t!SC ri be' bound by precedent, claiming thai there may be many new itw hwordrr Hat knol?r orur.nxt to t'.t'lj i.f to iniiinrvt-MMraia lh Minint tulllbee and pirLerel. The lialanee For Ketchikan, Juneau, Ssagway i..i. from things in government of wlm-h we have had no experience in the Oram tor the of Mrti trortxi of ttw ot above oMalnlna rlauna.a Crown of the ratr.h in ..lr.-..rr?.? ." ....... TK" -lllTKi;Lid., IIUI The ar W. i S4 Mecarter Rupert Al FLHTIItH Tkn .xnict tnai artion or Ibil.WU) (lound. Will Ix- elnppml aiemte. victana. B.C. apply fur, I. 11, Liberal conservative March 7. 18. 2S; April . p.-il. Sometimes, however, ii party becomes mimW rti fi tf the "Mineral Set aailatile.!7?TTLrLrrl."T; iTI!T tTT as nm a- ear are TTL ..... . ... rlMS SJel muu lie nmtrM-nrra before toe laiaaona in policies and then there is a break away jut as there was-in nf um oruileate of luiiroenietin. (H-oTiahly within .the next f I. 1 new. rlprlr iimI rfralsc isu. For Vsncouver, Victoria ana seaun irv- Ontario where its place h;i been taken by the Farmers' party, It'll tuit.u. I ma itai air in rruruarj. a. ii. day, dealer a interviewed tiwlay a '- March 12. 23j April 2, 1 (Slrned) KIiWARO LWI"I. The aier H tie diverled rnn the a Liberal party under a new unme. on Ihe situation stated. l.treain ai a inat abmtt rfi. bmi frn; " -H ;n"ull -t tlmm aiMf win l mm for in- tot rates, rert I IX and lamnM W" LAND ACT. ""'i ana mmmi imrpaaM nMn : '".-swl.aajotatnr. dearruil aa t U. Ten Years Ago iai7. i' appllea! will eirrrtiv IU None of Intanti) to Apply to Laaa Lao4. fwmera M a Mtt ': fwieaai uii in I Cor 3rd Avanua and 4th 5treet In Skerna Laiul liutrtru lien.rtlini Iu- In Prince Kupart I!aiiaerat TM. (MMtee lerrnorr.a mated on tint rronwl Dr.JOS. MAGUIRE ttlet of Coat Hanre I. and altnate at rwi1 Ml the f m day at JaotHnr, Itll. A ery ,t I mi Bay. adjotnlnr lot IS. m apfliraui rur.u.ai March 2, 1811 lirei and Iu Ihe water set. Itll win Take m.ilre that Korniaq ft. HmdDurH. 'tie Sled in the oiure n tb. Waier lider f emieo Ruiiert. erafiatun niaaler man Fire broke out laet nislit n at erlare Hirrl. f.c DENTIST. tier, lotenna to apply lor penniaabiu to hurl Reward. Jlaines, Alaska, and nii una the mii Hater nenmer r wun leaw Ibe foiinuint Aeornlied landa: .n,l,ey leil,,yed the .piarter. SSSSSi. "vStX. & Barnes uiinieiinn a I a poal fiianted on tne Special aowtti Imm ft lot lt, thenra etl S rhalna of the reirinu-f riand there. fasii ih;i aiwrr ins- nrvi afffsirar or AH UiU Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block III" Irfrisrr in sr i nellnlllrr it-it lirw more or to niter mark: thenrt 4t The Million rir the ancm,i nf ine month xHitlwrly IS rhalna akiny low water tnary- Major (iihon.pave a rnrial delightful pritM-anr. uaflerutina aa a liih : P Lady AsrUtmt Open Evenings llM-nre ra.t 1 rhain more or leaa to Mrs tairanl will lie hetm la ihe innr uf i tw to inaka FurniW danre last evening in hi board al a Hale m Im Died by ih (nio Furniture OficeTHouri: Sunday by water mark; tlienre rmniierly aWma hitn I relief room u any mtfTe.irti tn war 91 2; 1-6; 7-9. Phone 575 Appointment tT mark To r"l. rmuinina 7 arret. moiiiH m Kerond AVfntie, Mrs. If. file aa MOerlMMI Iheretn In ume i if for DKire i:. Treruayne ami' Mrs, II. I.. the (aii itiiroller lie nf ttw '.lj.r llM.frdj.p I'rtnre Hu-ri. a SURMA ft, rnopllCMST. Mcliilnali aaaifjlns jn rereiving. IHK W. Mri tllTia RI'NR r.o. LTD fiatetl January t. I HI. appnrant. Prices hit i.uia itu.Ma iwii Ft. F, JJ, WarCoii arrlwd from The rtate or the rr.l ptUiiiralion nf una ThlrJ'-'! KAMI ACT. iMilu-e la tmurOai. letmiary , itll ' Knffluml on .lie Prinee (leore IMPROVED RANCH FOR SALE Notlca Purchaia r Intention(.and.ta apply tt yesterday. Bags Mrs, Iionaltl UFd enler- 121 Acres, one and a Jwlf miles from Dorreen Station. In Skeena land lii.lnri, irrarainy Mi- tained al bridge yestrfday oflcr- trlr uf coaal, Xjnae l, a ad ailual at txid Suitcases 1500 strawberry planfe, some apple and small fruits. .f I'niun liny, adioinlny Int ISt. nion. Mr, nVfl, .Vaden and Mrs. P", Has & good frame six room house, lo? stable 12 x 13, Take ntlr tlx I itorniao H. Br-odSurH, S. II, Jrihneoh weref the priei thfh rni i ART. Notary ehkken house 10 x 16, hay shed 14 X 18, implement house r Prlnra huirr, (wrurst'oii runr manner, vlnners. Trunks KoaI Eatate w,"tllL- ' I lnirnd to apply rnr ermunon to a, ,ws 8 x 14, new root house 10 x 10. Partly fenced. Spring imrrliaae the rollnmlna dearrllied landi: a prr Ihe I'riniesf! CaidainJ It pays to irot a rond Trunk KDSOrTCOAUlllulk, -2 i at house. 8 Acres under cultivation, balance easily Cuminenrlnr at s p"M planlrfj im Ihe ... ..... Iny. . .i It to chooa Il her cleared. On wagon road and railway. Very cheap for anutn line nf lot tss, tiw-oi-a ea.l 10 rhaioa; airi.ioo, wiiun pas ueen nui oi pays Moat Ubernl MARINE INSURANCE on, cash or will make terms. Itienre anttil III rlialn.; lhenreyetl SO' evniiuisaion iifr) wTeekJng on F. ML Inturan r Company of North Amsries. J sy rtialna to aliorei therire alorr hore,t f4tf Crosby Bentinel Island," tynn Canal, last ' He"" . H. G. HELGERSON, LTp. ana rontaiDinr lerty arret, inrt or - d i at Insuranes Bonds Rentals , .OHMaN ft. PltOlllllSBT." July return lo Ihe Alaska 71S Third Avrniis, Prince Rupert j P.O. Ba C6 'j. "' Iiatea January tt. IVII, ruuJe I Ula iwiijjji... , jf i i ii i '