iursday, September 1, 1932 yt ae em se mo < ppeepsvenn ae eel ada CLASSIFIED AD cop pent, for sale.and ah other small advertisements in this section. charged at the, rate of 2 cents, a word per insertion with six insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge is 25¢ a word. No advertisement taken for less than 50c. = FOR SALE \R SALE--- Piano, very reason- ui Phone Black 904. tf POR RENT. Pive-room Cottage, nodern, Sixth Ave, Bast. Phone Red 248 OR SALE 1929 Forder Sedan Make me an offer. Apply Comer, White Apts. Phone 427. 209 bPECIAL~—Gooayear Tires at lower | prices than any mail ordes Kaien Motors Ltd. Phony house 52 OR SALE—7-room house, 3 lots.’ \ Avenue. Small payment down. Balance as vent, Write fn ‘DY nine (4949), known as the “Red > Number. 2" we Hundred and Fi Mineral Claim; Lot y (4960), the “Amazon Fraction" Min- housands of People RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL) FURNITURE,, REAL E LS oe puilahenedaandice A SS LS ST A VERTISE Tore FOUND POUND new. seine boat. skiff be- tween Holland Rock and Kaien Island. $10 salvage. Apply Clau- sen. Box 1662. 214 eT ee ee BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room for High School pupils terms reasonable. Seal Cove Hotel. 209 FURNISHED Rooms heated, with Or without board. Reasonable} term, 704 MeBride Sreet tf CHIROPRACTIC ' j | } -- - ——e MENTS | = —_ = = ORCHESTRA a FOR Your Daneeé orchestra phon: Mrs, Black, Green 218. Snappy music! Prices reasonable. (tf! DAIRIES For FRESH LOCAL MILK Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 PASTEURIZED MILK Read The Advertisements THE DAILY NEWS On LOCAL ITEMS Dwight Rice and Miss Rose Rice PRESERVING | PEARS SOO returned yesterday on the Prinee rere John after spending the holidays Housewives Advised to Get Stocks at Tiell. Mr, and Mrs. Rice are still in Soon—Peaches AlsoComing on the Islands. In Short Time \ rd ) penn: «| ' G. E. Gulick, local manager of | Preserving pears are expected to the Swift-Canadian Co., sailed yes- be at their best. next week and terday afternoon on the Prince housewives intending to put up this Rupert to make the round trip to variety of fruit are being advised Anyox and Stewart on company by the dealers to obtain their stocks business, returning to the city this at that time. Preserving peaches will evening. be in in about ten days or two} weeks. | New Orchestra from Kitkatla in First supplies of the popular Mc-| Metropole Hall tonight 9 to 2. Intosh Red apples are-expected to|Adm. Gents 50c. Ladies free. La- arrive here in about three weeks’|test in dance music. If you want time. A few Yellow Transparent | to enjoy yourself come along and apples from Terrace are in but not|see the color of the Blue Hawaiian in large quantities as yet. Orchestra. Butter and eggs are stiffening in price on the loca! retail market with | Miss Margaret Lindsay, R.N., af- advances during the past few ter spending a vacation visiting weeks. Sugar and flour prices re- here with her parents, Mr. and main steady. Mrs, J. A. Lindsay, sailed yesterday Retail prices current here at pre- afternoon on the Prince Rupert PAGE. FIVE Page Every Day STATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT Fine Carving ca Duncan Rodman of Holland’ Rock arrived in the city on Tues-} day ana is sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for a holiday trip) Chief Lewis Gray of Port Simpson to Vaneouver and other ponits in| Bas a bee a the south, a aiid © . Sy An interesting feature in the In- , J. McGreish, trainer of the mémn- | dian section of the Exhibition bers of the Spartan Athletic Club) Building is an exhibit of two carved (of Prince Rupert who partielpated’ chairs by Chief Lewis Gray of Port ‘in the Junior Olympic track meet gimapson, Part of the decoration at Vancouver, returned to the City, gonsists of a chief's crest set in aba- from the south on the Prince Ru-/ Jone, The tools with which the work pert yesterday. 'Y "was done are also shown at the ' —- | byilding. The wood used is yellow Having in tow a ceompartiy ¢edar. | SCOW which will receive repairs at, Chief Gray is certainly a clever ithe local dry dock, Coastwise carver and the chairs are fine ex- |Steamship & Barge Co.’s freighter amples of his handiwork. |Griffeo, Capt. Alex Camergn,, arri- | ica a ee 'ved in port from the-smelter town j \during the night, returning nafth! © WON Fee 29, 9° : $ : ‘about 9:30 this morning. i 4 The following is the scale # # of charges made for reading H | Mrs. R. Pintor of the Washing-'® notices. ton Block, Second Avenue, and her,@ Marriage and Engagement # sister, Miss Lillian Palmarsh, are # announcement $2. leaving tonight for Vancouver for # Birth Notices 5c, a week’s holiday before proceeding # Funeral Notices $1. to Calgary where Miss Palmarsh # Oards of Thanks. will attend normal sehool and Mrs.'@ Funeral Flowers 10c, per # Pinton will visit for a time with|# name. + Sheet he eeeeeeee ees Ny MY SimZt To ®! MAKB 4 ' Cash | The Classified Ads. Many people have something in the house they would like ta sell which could be turned into money if they knew of a customer, Try a classified adver- tisement, Most people read the classifieds. For about fifty eents you can let them know about it and it may prove a profitable transaction. Renting the House There are a number of houses in the city not rented yet and many people make little effort to secure a tenant, Others who are wise to their op- oprtunities try a classified advertisement in the “For Rent” column and often get results: As one satisfied customer said recently: “Those little ads certainly do bring results.” Some Like Reader Ads. Some people after trying other kinds of adver- tising decide to try a reader among the locals and personals. Then they have got results, The cost is a little higher but they have been well satisfied, When conditions are like they are today the news- papers ean often help, The price is not very high, Do not lie down and bemoan your hard fate. Try a different kind of advertisement and if that is not suecessful try again. ‘ rj ‘ s lows: for Anyox where she will resume Prince,, 3160 Davin Street, Vie- 1 QAR sent are as fol oria 219 W. C. Aspinall IS SAFE MILK Butter her duties on the nursing staff of lea ency car 39 the Anyox Hospital her people. Yhree Year Graduate Chiropractic cane Core ae a PP : No ‘reamery, S. ace an aneme — sa nn ee ee FOR RENT Modern Ray Treatments Given |resh from Bulkley Valley Flour —-—— vy } Phone for Appointment Farms Flour, 49’s, No. i hard wheat 1.65 OUSES fer Rent, F. W. Hart. 1m) ‘ Pastry Flour, 10 lbs. 45 to 50 mouse Mhone mae O14 e oh and f48 VALENTIN DAIRY Aust. Pastry flour, 10 Ibs... 40 m nouse Phone Hed Yis, jf) Even 6 Excng Bik 6 Dus pen Ings Excnange Phone 657 Fish OR RENT—Clean weil furnished | | Smoked Kippers, Ib. .................... 15 ° |. Palmer Apartments. Phone, WATCHMAKERS | Salmon, fresh, lb. 15 Red 444. PRs cerned Lawn Mowers Ground Halibut, lb. 2 Ibs. .25 : . E ete” ea Absolutely guaranteed to cut | ees OME choice modern apartments! g ead ‘ ' |Alberta Seconds, doz . ae ent’ Gileaile talldeea “oniak Send Your Watch, Cloek, _ like new. Sear eee tees a: ‘af Westonhaver Bras. | Jewellery and Optical Oe ee le ee eee Oe 31 ® aye thes airs ; |Local, new laid, doz. 40 mh ENF wwe ae ee Rep te H. B. Stiles, Proprietor Meas mes ee a ee oe A, EB. IRELAND hone 313 Cow Bay P.O, Box 764|Fowl, No. 1, Ib. i . 2 ne > . | : iil . ‘hin - |824 Phird Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C | Roasting Chic ken, lb. innie e OR SALB— Flowering Tyberous Ham, sliced, first grade .... 35 Begonias, wianers of prises at.|Thirty Years Practical Bxperience Veal, loin, Ib. Madd cal Oe fair, $2.00 each, Pullen,': Assures Absolute Satisfaction BIG CROWD Beef, pot roast, Ib. 15¢ and ..... 18 Dally News QUR CES Beef, boiling, lb., 10c to 15 Ww TE G00 | Beef, roast, prime rib, lb 22 R RENT—Superier Flat, newly HL 3B EXPECTED =. shoulder, Ib. 25 | renovated = throyghout, heated, | oulamnnicianeiadeaianl Beef, steak, Ib. 25¢ to ................ 30 ery reasonable pept, Brooks-/| IS YOUR PROPERTY VA- a ee }Lamb, leg, Ib. scree i. bank Block, 3rd Aye., next tq) CANT? Let us everhaul it. It : ; i |Lamb chops, Ib. 35 McBride. 205') will pent and give revenue | With Special Attractions Arran-|yutton. shoulder, Ib 18 | ——ageee—nne: |} again. @harces reasanable. sed, Exhibition Will Draw a | am, picnic, first grade, Ib... 18 f j Large Turn-out Tonight It Bac ; liced, best a 35 ‘ 7 ‘ oe acon, side, sliced, best grade... SWAP HOUSES uP, OLR Is Anticipated Pork shoulder, Ib, .................2-..-.- 15 Rone Pork, loin, Ib. 25 KADE smal} houge for big house rn er. Pork, leg, lb. 22 ice versa. PF. W. Hart. tl prreeah een - -_—— With weather cond:iions showing} Pork, dry salt, Ib. : j 20 - “remem M F § | a definite tendency towards im-|Ayrshire Bacon, Ib. ................ 30) WANTED i anure or ale provement, it is expected that the| Veal, es a 20) } e : + aang ' No Straw, $2.00 Per Yard biggest crowd so far will attend mibshoae ae = - Ibs 95 e OMAN wants work by day, week, | Casey Cartage Fuel Co. the Prince Rupert Exhibition to-| ooo, 1.50 al y nonth, Phane 427 209" Phone 308 night. Special entertainment fea-! Vegetable Marrow, lb. 05 . - , tures are being arranged and these,| Beets, bunch .06 in addition to the straight fair at-|Parsley, bunch 07 TRANSFERS ; ;|tractions, will draw a large gath-|Celery, head large 18 ews oe RS ering, it is anticipated. Today has|Golden Bantam Corn, doz, 40 AMPRON'S Transfer, Phane 11%. I } I EW been designated as Citizens’ Day. |Garlic, imported, per Ib, .......... 40 Lry Woed. Chairs for pent ur) : | Yesterday was children’s day and|Cabbage, local, green 05 ant rene \ For Sale ar Bent there was a bumper crowd of|4Head Lettuce, head 6c and 07 RIEF : } ’ youngsters in attendance Field Tomatoes, lb., 4c to 08 SHERIPP'S SALE | Rese, Cowan & Latta |) ; wae, et of Bettion } 4 |} Last evening the vaudeville pro-|Radishes, 3 bunches 10 7 wore on | Phege 204 ats _'gram was repeated with certain|B.C. Cauliflower, 20c to a Ss, a) EEN MARY QUICKS TAR. Prot | , riage variations and went off very well. }Onions, B.C., 6 Ibs. 25 eR ee Pe ale end | TIONEER In barrel boxing S. Murray won}Green Onions, 3 bunches 10 m WINLOW, Defendants (Judg- e from S. Currie in the 100-pound|Nubbard Squash, lb .08 PAKE NOFICR that in acdordance} Packing — Orating — Wrapping class while Pete Chenoski defeated|Bunch Turnips, bunch ..... .. 06 ' Order ta me directed by the; : Han Antonelli in the 125 pound/Bunch Carrots, bunch Oa aa Morri-| @nd General Furniture Repairs ; ‘ad es ae am 1992, 1) List your goods with me class, Murray and Chenoski will|Green Peppers, Ib. 20 r for sale on the 20th day of; . '$—-Phone Black 120 be on hand to take on all challen-}|Green Beans, lb. 5c to 08 one f er Ot 2.90 Pm, oe at of lteg e VRQs fh PAWES—Phon “+ gers tonight. Outdoor Cucumbers, each 07 he on aa ee Mineral There will also be another vau-|Green Peas, In RO lowing Crown granted 3} if a4 duims, namely vai oh deville program this evening as}Wax Beans, Ib 10 now Ge aon ieee Mainepat A ( ' IONEER well as a jitney dance. Honey Lot Forty-eight Hundred ane | Baseball, lacrosse and _ field| Extracted Honey, per jar 20c to .30 ar sdineret’ cham, tot hort | List, your goods with us—Prince — sports are being staged at the Ac- COMD HONCS —vree-ses oveeersnnnn - 35 Hundred and Three (4803) yer} Rupert's leading Auctioneer ropolis Hill grounds this afternoon Dried Fruits Red Top’ Mineral GClaim; bo : s evening >» five-a-side “nunered ama Pour | (4804),| G M HUNT and thi evening the five-a-side Dates, bulk, OG CE irceciscencie 15 s the Red ‘Top No, 3" Mineral | . ° football competition will com-jLemon and (range Peel ........ 29 | Lot Forty-eight Hundred anc ce ; . ino Five | 4805 ) pas be ai wf abe Hector Srd Ave. Phone Red 637 mence 3lack Cooking Figs, lb, 10 er 1” Minera) Clatm; Lot Forty-) — — - - Se ~ ~ - eee Hundred and Six (4806), know) |) === : = . = Se , he “Superior Number 2 Fraction” 9” Pero! Claim; Let Forty-eight Hundred | “TILLIE THE TOILER M : . | ‘A Seven (4807), known ag the “Red y t , raction" Mineral Oladun; Tot | , $ erlous ] t | or une Hundred and orty-five | | " nown as the “Amagon" rl sod ; f Sia hi m; Lot Forty-nine Hundred anc ; THAT CANA BAL LReEASBY WA ing GO walt Laat BUMPory sis capad. orty-nt + my vame-| {WEEE Ne \( Sat. Sen aOR one'e| | IT'S * Les Son ae DEG Me We Sor ( Sas ra | ' Number 1" Mineral’ Claim; Lot Gat WGETiW yo: awe MET, seem | (b> Se ee - : KB SA Loe! to we “" = e Hundred and Forty-seven! « S Tene } Re XLT Tees Te PANTS YOe SORES 4 picts MONTY | 7), Known ag the “Amazon Num- | "i ¥ t "te ; MACE SHOT DSA, .. Han Mineral ~Glaim; Lét- Forty-nine Yow, ——=="- ee } “ndred and Forty-eight (4960). THe i Tua i VR ae kn» } « magon Number 4" ner aim, Lot Forty-nine Hundred and We WRovesl Ga pa m; ond Lot Forty-nine Hun- c | Pifty-one (4061), known 94 ‘4on Number 2 Fraction" Min- “ Claim Me A n “ , ¢,,\2ove Claims are located at ®ul- rk. &bout 6 miles North of the Dat Bear River, Cassiar District \ . ad Prince Rupert this 27th ie SUgust, 3982, TERMS Chan ah galt sil AUER Bo