for n FOR : TAXI x w WW CAU. Phone 35,w il,r Hals niiuv PRINCE RUPERT ROYAL Taxi SERVICE tlgenon Block Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Ernie Large IMtl VCi; nCl'KHT. II. C VKIVKHI)AY. MAIlCIf 2, ll2l. Vtturtfir' Oireatoilen 1.13S. Str. 4t. PRICE FIVE CKNTS 57 77 7nujur DITOR 1 lit I NO T AFPEAI f AS RRIS RATHER PESSIMISTIC REGARDING MODERATION BILL ENFORCEMENT gal to Put Tax DADDY OF FRENCH "ACES TROUBLE IN Possibi ity -Ship on Liquor Import PETROGRAD Construction May Suburb is Cut Off From Rett i of City by Insurgents. J. W. DeB. Farris Tells of Diffi-j HELSINCFORS, March 2. Proceed at Once Ul I Vatslly-Oslrov, a suburb of IllCS III iTiaivii; -uiibUK s-c. t iu Petrograd, I held by Insurgents Cover Need; Not Expect Too and Is cut off from the Vanco ver Ci editors Agree with Local rest of the city, according t9 Much I frontier.reports from Russo-Flnnlsh Group on Po'icy; McCaffeiy Goes Fighting is continuing between East to Interview Government I Will V ' it i' (ii!innliiu is unlikely In liavr sailors itnd workmen on ill liiiior, nriMiriliilK ( i -inlemen i,..irt..imii the one hand and officers on J W . r.nn in Ihe House elenlay, when he ren- the other. II. (. Slowarl mi he half nf Ihe creditor of Ihe Prince Unperl; which had taken jdare hclwceu I In- inlllile It Is rumored that Lenlne Urydoik & Kngiiiecriiig Co. I hi morning received the following , Oliver oft tin ijiieslioii. and Trotsky have fled to the dated P. I' i lelegiam yeMerday from M. M'CyfTery who went Ut Crimea. .t i II 1.1 wo referred to Ihe Federal act of di. ,Vunriimer to confer with the creditor. there: i hi I u 1 7 it meeting the detire of Hriii-l ; "Vancouver creditor!' met today and agreed with u. Mi-Ilrevy : to Ihe prevention of importation of liiu. CLAIMS POLICY and I are leaving willi the receiver for Ottawa. Letting Wallace i hi I h Ootertiinenl. Mr. Farri cxplalue.; have tcmiioiory lo!e..!ioii (tending etllenieiit of Ihe (iuverument i1 i was (n- i viilh ui in." , - il HVfll III IS NOT STEADY The mim on which Vancouver LIQUIDATOR PREMIER DOES unit l'rinci Itupert tredilor" have '! illi.unlli lit ' Solicitor General Says Liberals agreed i lhal there .will Im- no I. Tin u ) .art I int. i m OPPOSED TO Have Changed Their Fiscal apal. psain;.! Ihf rnliiijs r the NOT EXPECT TO I4llll0il llt Polfc- court liul lliat matter be takrn 'i lt. ilrckarml up al imri. willi Ihe Dominion i. vitiation GIVING UP OTTAWA. Mar In Ihe II r.I (loM-riiinenl willi a view to a CHANGE POLICY .. r lir Mill. rrndinp i.f Ihe Aft rr Hie )rreitre wiuyiiieni. i iin,. Il fruni ' lhM lnn.liMH n.ll.... Ir1: " "OWorU ha Iwrn re- Wires Assistant Here That Michael J,rkit... e. ItuU-JMl'?. tRJy gutd lo the Holds Out Little Hope of Schools everything -Is-sVetfTfl'"- Lieut. Charles NBrr-r, l.rdvimlrv of Minor sod M rt It Earo-pria dared Ihaf lhe smnxnYVixhifC- ft.wm t .1 .tirltin f . 'lfe and Hospitals Being Financed SPECIAL r Handed Over. Condom! alio lil Uonlr arrive In tlitu rouulo IJeut. Sao-tttnet e t.Kuhi fiirporl .1 in Mlli. iv.i:i-...i,iiriii-tai i..iiiiiiiiii....... in niui-.1 By a Poll 'Tax. amenihnent aferlin ViAtll lf ,,lf' la' Uliiirmij 1 III"! iru broecbt down forfU irui pUoe- lit- was n-iNir.d'! twrntr ' l,'-r'' 4 '' Ihat Lai thla afternoon a tile-gram confidence in Ihe government- l-n-ijeel Vi;TtJltI.. Manh 2. Lilllo tuoee ami decoreird almott a rmuj. .Vnw.r U cvamaukd bj tin work v.ill reciMiimence SI was recalled from W. E. Hon. Hugh (iiilhrte. Kolicilor- hope of Ihe I'rovinrial I i i'ri- IS SENT EAST Hodge by C. Clark, who I lrqui- dr Cnarv.te lie will llt IliU nKinirj endri tbr eunfih-r of tb Sineral. claimed lliat Ihe lUeel "".f- ... inent lakins over the m-IumiN ii"'I acting for the creditors, eay-Ing tro Club of iatcrk-s, sud a of M-tcral vlllu itvUiUj L lie mud. .f 11.. I il.r..l- in HIMI uu r- i. nut m, oiitiiiiio- Hyspjiai,, ij( IPj oui ,y premier that tha creditors at Van-couver not ihe iwillcy Ihat wa followed l,r '" "'al "?arl., "a. " Oliver to the Union Jf . C. Muni- had dacldad to give up iiiiiik w.iii., ii cipalitje. The ileleualion ui. jTryinj to Get Cars Says II. .l.i X1...I ;.. CO llllll II I II I fi - urn- in humi geided the letyjit of ihiII lax fighting Uie Government and III' PUIU HIUI .iiai i'iiir mil ii-- a the Inepector requested him ......i ..r ii... Ihat ork rmild pn- of lle cent. a day oil the worker i tc hand over poeeeeelon of I the Minister of Railways l.iberal party. ceed. am.1 Ilfleen dollar., a year mi olh'-r DRED THOUSAND 1 everything unreservedly to people to llnaiiee the arrangement. KETCHIKAN DELIVERY Wallacei'. This he I doing. . FUNERAL OF YOUNG ARMED FORCE The liquidator gives It at j Hon J. D. ReirJ Sets New Date for Delivery of Refrigerators i- -l Mh j hie opinion that the creditors CLARK LAD TODAY GOLD STOLEN which Promiied for 'Iiiv'k Roll I have by this action given up wne Definitely IN GERMANY everything and he Is personally March 15 Paid Tribute to of Many Memory FROM LINER :-. ' .ipproXI-j opposed to IL He and Son of Wlr.' and Mrs. Clossrs. McCaffery and Pills-bury Mayor ItiH'eter nciied a Iclegram thi morning from lion A. C. Clark. That Is Proposal If Reparations ' iin fur Ihrj are going to Ottawa, leaving J. II. Mehl, nimit'ler of rilwayf at Ottawa, in reg.ui fu (lh cnr Demands Are Not Taken "'I- morlling.j tomorrow nlghL Sum of $20,030 Reported The funeral of Tom i:iark. the whn hirriMl a follow: fiinii were. Complied With; From Malls of Empress "The (inmlian Vatioiinl Itailwfty onlernl ear in .YUy la thirteen ear old son of Mr. and of Russia. Mr:-.. A. t:ark, HUti llordeii i' ...l.ii l. ,-e RURAL CREDIT Iml the liinliler-'iiiinil it inio.ii1e til get delivery of material lake this afternoon LONDON, March 2. Pre Str"t. I- in . ,! anil place mier Lloyd George has can- ,j jVICTOIIIA, March . When the lii.l enr. Tliey now give a definite jironii of deiver from the home. Dr. II. 11. (Irani i nliaii Com. sented to the employment;'of Canadian I'aciffn liner Hinpre. of to roiiinii'io-c ui the end of Mtifrh ami nil lo he delivered hy I hf. oMcialiiiit hulh at Ihe residence BANK SYSTEM armed force against Germany lieu up ai i lie tun iiiuu-i aid the sraveside, A larjte II.' rilTiTtllJI end of May, al in the event cf non-comoliance dock here yesterday it wan reported 1 il nut I on,onil "i are endeavoring to tec foreign cam if iMhU bill iiuuiIht of friend of the lad are! with the allied reparation demands lhal $20,000 in gold hull foil tile .llin Plan to Establish Provincial Savings Ihe. -horlHge ha invveiited lliin o far. atlendimr and much sympathy to the eitent of the had heen stolen from the slip's i for the sorrowing v hi Ki'lrlii-V Banks Is Being "Kvery effort hu lieen made in gel car. Imill hut we ciimiot muther.being expresed Mr. Clark is at present, occupat on of Mannheim by mail. (Ii tle iimre French. Efrltl-h and "Belgium t Naturally there was a '(hw! deal 'a! mull! Uroea. do inio-ilililie. Tlur iiiiinageinenl advte that every effort.Iw on hi way lo sicolland. j troops and of the Ruhr ports of excilenieiit oer the report, "friueralor made In give yon nil Uie eur Hiihlft from Iheir .lock." Tho pallliearers1 arc lir. W. T.i on the Rhine where coal Is j.-iflef discharging mails and a few YICTOltIA, Murch I. A rural Kergln, Fred Williams. l. (ioyer. hr.ndled. passengers the steamer proceeded credit ylem pmiiliiiK for n hllualion ehnuUI il he. neee.iary. It. Ileaumont. T. MeClyiiunl and The Allies have reached a to Vancouver. ncheine hy willed I lie I'roNilieiHl TAKE CUSTOMS 11. S. Allislone. Amung the There I tin inli aUon that Ihe complete agreement In regard ROADS Oovernnienl may finance loaiiM I Horal olTerings are those " FOR : Allien Inleiiil In iM i ui y uilddition- ninny to their answer to Germany. DOMINATION OP ml of the depoll of Hie pnipii (iei'inan territory. fiom Mr. and Mrs. jaine Ue, In their own huvIuvm iuiiV i he-intf i Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanderson, Mr. s PRnVINPP urk'etl on Hie Aurirulturul I UNEMPLOYMENT and Mr. !. ioyer, l.nid and BEFORE BAR ORIENTAL RACES --! It 1 iillee uf lie I.cKilnturc hy Claire Williams. Winnifred Wil- Ihe Farinern limlllulrH. "upreme Council would fteserve llams. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wil- Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral In " of Convention Now In The romniillco IH4'oiiHiilcriiiK Legislature Passes Resolution llrnis. Shopmen of the Canadian LEGISLATURE London, England, Expresses Power If In Necessary on Aiks for Inter- tho matter. Thjs j Regarding Giving Relief. .Nullonal llailwuys. Ir. and Mrs.: Views on SubJecL . Colliding. Carman Debt f ! U....I,. l. utl.l UrM II n. J. 11 .I'll ."I. ..."..... j .i.unij, h Th I. ... ...I M...... .....f.... M. U'lllinn. ' . I l.flMMI.N. MlHI'lt ?. lllllllllia- VIliniltlA. Man ......l,......,,, U.I.1 .. ' - ' . ... ..... M When BUILD ROADS I.O.VJUIX. Mar. i.- t'mler Utp imIjiIihn' toda accepted u Irtlwir Stuillu Preshyleeian Sunday lion or marneis oi me worm uy the (ioern- Horden Street Land Relieved From Taxa-- ., ia, resulting from 1eononiic Hie liooil plr.n of Hi eiitiiniitlee of the'niolioil ealliliK upon Sthool, llivisinu ?. 'ii fore the S prenii t in it Hie fiennan nienl (o immediately lake into ihool, Mr. unit Mrs. Thomas . tlon Burden. downrail or "wnite lauor a I" I'roWn-N riiiiiii in .n-riiiiei lerriiuiy eoliiilerulion Ihe iuetlon of un-wouhl Meaymonl. Mr. and Mr. Mackin, I ifoeeium uy nr. m uiiam ijwe. uean 'III! :1 'ilneMlay lie luk'en over as n llrl utep eniploymenl and Mieh ilep as Mr. nn.l Mrs. J. Lome McLaren. VICTOIUA, .March ?. mess oj M. ram s i.aitieurai. iwnnim. K'l . i 'lie i uf koimI ti warilf .itytneiil of tlerinanyH may he neeeary ( Kle n-lief. Me nn.l Mrs. I" S. Allislone. Mr. i renre.ienlalio ade to Ihe Lov- cally the .su!lo Is realty sti- n . r w liirh Premier Tells League Representative ami Mrs. A. T. Parkin, Mr. and eminent for aiiequale iinanciai perior m me i.urupran, he de- l'i: I he eon. That They Will Mrs. James Slurgeou.. Mr. andirelief are iIvihUvc luriiiK the idared. The colored race will onl iv. in ., Mrs. Chris (iiuham. Juhu Harris Pieneul sessiuu of ine I.eglsla- wcrk and uiulerlivu,aiii llitis een- Auioiiy Press Work. II -"il hy (In) IN AID OF THE HOSPITAL FUNDS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron, l.a-j lure. Hie i nioii or i. u. .muiii- teaiiy rxienuniui im.iiw 11 i Preshyterian Church, cipalitiea yesterday determlneJ H dies Aid of i. i Wtileh.i. ernniei'it hiivn, VlirrtllllA. March '.'. intend The Mis S. MrLeod. Mr. and MrsfJ. C.'carry its cao U'fore the har or .Norman A. McLean returned to mil. ' ah V Initial (InwrniiienJ roml Grand Vaudeville Concert iieintv und Aileen C.arrutlicrs. 'he Legislature. As a final word Ihe city this iimrning.afler having ii 1 1 1 .i. "f iok,c curry out a hruad policy of Funeral arranaemenis are In the.the. I'nion will suggest Uat He spent holiday at homo in an- mi inter- 03nntriirlioii und pre road work In the hand of the 11. C. Undertakers.. itiuiiii'itvtl er.'iueus, eiltier inui- vomer, inr win rul "'r' in different pari" of llrillhh '.o-lumlila, March 3 Visually or rollcc.lively.resign. the Princa Alhifrt when she re- Westholme Theatre, Jhursday, uepeelaily In the nurlh. a . III: I. NICHOLAS DIED. Ti...lit' tin J ivis in .ess on here is sutiiee ner sauinas iius mia i " imager for fa ui n coiulitioiiH will allow. Pre-rnler All Star Trogramn e uring the redistribution of taxa- When the John ties up he will go l !'l., whol'n. Oliver told llio (I nod Itnud with wireless operator on the Prince Ksrivfd Stats, ?J.CO .XTIHFA France, March lifln in the mui!clpaille us I AdmiBsion, $1 'U II in. II... morning. thin i'tireenlalveii died ili'e view to relieving land and pro- Oeorge, jack Crawford taking the Montenegro of ':'!'g0 l"y King Nicholas after hnvlnif Plan at Prince Rupert Music Store Albert. Unil' viung other sources of rvvenue. III VlBfraii.. her yesterday. Advertise iu Ihe tally News I i