Marrli rati I .. i OFFICERS CHOSEN FOR j aiw wew tBWWBgtBtWKWMBBaBBligMfctaM he Letter Box J MUNICIPAL CHAPTER! --v OPPOSED TO Annual Matttlng waa Hald LJIf . MAIfrRNnlLII li Evening In Council Chamber, 'ilH-'l- iiiitiy mnnicnl on lll III Al lln' iimninl ncl (rig nf tli ., :,, ,1. nPlllT till v ynii Miinlripiil :iiapli-r, Ini.erl;i Order 1.... 1 111 "I1 "I1 lln JHiigM'rMif Kinplre, held ,i ilir:v fum-m lnl etculm. In IN'' (Miiiiiril rliiiui-l-r , . an be nny , , I In followliiK tiflli'i-rn fr lu:?l I III UK' lieril ill' ttrre rlinin: . ... ii.d iikiiiI. Honorary n-xfit, Mr. r. II. liti i.i mi: a in win'" Vernef, , . ijm: li-1'" ioiny ' First Vice llea-enl, Ili,imrnry - iiiiilr remill A 9 B'Ml'-'M"l'MWlllJtCTMBWtOmi ' II ,11 Mm, l (i. liawAon. ,no.. hcmi-. lack nf Ilonornry hwiiwi ir-iW'Ki'nl, u i t ix - or n Mrn. 2. A. flsfirert. ii: , ,. lmii in fiiilli"(f In Il tnnrurr Third Vice . tietren', !im Kovcrninpnl ooul'l Mm. J. P. Illlrliic h On p''"ide Mm. J. fi. MrOnnnn. . . ... ...... m.i.t Itepcnt, .. n ii ii . I'lral MI'ff'iil. Mm. H. P. I. 4 ll ill I lllll III MpMhuIiV. h'prond Vlri-.llrj.'enl. Mr. P. r ' . ..nfuhiiiil lliul . .. .1... iH.lltl fllllmly. Treasurer, Ml" II. Urnlinm. HUM oil ll IM HMtrrlnry. Mr. A. W. Ilenliy. h lis lii- pur - Olmi-o tWtTlnr) Mra. C. Hi ii.t 'iy ii " kfn. ' Hi' "pl". a'l I Wl.l p- lliirxlliilinl lrMlllO. Mian (, II Hid .MTIIl(Hl Mill. .111: ll i lielhll It i.iii in -. xxlilrli Ili.ll.wrll.OrKinii'lfiK r'M-rdhry. Mln J. ONE THAT HAS NEVER OCCURRED BEFORE I ; "A m ll- own Jin"-, htnn.liinl lli'urrr. Mi.. K. THERE WILL NOT BE SUCH ii i,;nv .iKKrmMlril A CHANCE AGAIN li) HKl measure i put on. a; IM. failure.......l WELSH ANNIVERSARY SEE in-': aiv ii, xou iiiu-i WHAT WE GIVE YOU Hint 1 1 1,. anyone OBSERVED AT PARTY In cirilrr to briar our nmulMe tok "LQVK AKD Tliey are REAL. The book rve me a new rasiiM i liy l lie Kv-.' WAK" lirfore tlir public we ut Ritkinf a ramt unu .J into the conditioal that existed at the Front. The ' i-liuuM Itwp Mr. and Mr. Frank Morrlt crfTrr. "LOVR AM) WAK" ii a romaoti 'novel: fnO happy way in which Kornance ia blended with Reality were tA hit and Cre aivl paioo A talc of brrohto and Iom make it a moit ouutandinc book, one that tbould Hot to Large Party of revard. Il i vivid and arrrrtior. once you brtin, yuu lr read by evrrybudy who i ialereitcd in the (Joints el TmDrnca Countrymen. cannot toj uniQou heve read to the end. Itnakrthe of fair wumen and brave tnen I. f ,fi ;nr in eniei tran rumc to your ryri, and your heart leat til uh eiHtrmeot, tor it takea yuu to Ibe actual arene U "Your very truly, y m fhri 0 Irm. Jl. Iiir lny. Hip onrtlr-nry cucllirt trilt you lbior that have never f-n told before "Ronald CroM, nur irt- from of lli Vi patron onint. i Head what Lieutenant Crotf U the Cnadim Air I'orce. "Ueutenant, C.F." m ili-i i a nilinly rcldirotrsr Irt.l nlclil l.y aaya about it' i - 4 vlii-r Hie. Inrw KalliTlnp of I he foil, nf "I have read 'Ijort a&d War". It i vivid aod tbrilluif. The puUkhed priced this remarkable C STf r. i. "iily iiieifood (hi lillirin III I If nnlion at I tnyttli Xuk an ac-tivc part in the War, and o am txiuk It VIM. We make a special offer ,3U la a povilivn to jwigt Ibe train al the dewrH't'ona. at the very low price of jafan i i'iii h i tiivi ran liome of Mr. siwl .Mm. Kfrt uk uiiiiiii-HiKin. Mitrri. h'n-noil hlrNt, Tliw i 1';? il I Mir police. r aumii IlilrU nNN.ini ami In addition to the abqvc, we end to abso-(1 lwi Art of ju, r tanf lii n 4ii uliitfinu. rnnl pliiytnv aixl .Inm inB I pri kept up nnlll an rarly hour. liitrfy FRUE ; J 'I. liui ilirn I lie of Ifi rmirp I lie c wiling lUintt I' i! ..I hat Ihr rpfrnhwnu wrre mtwi). Tin A Reliable Watch Ml y Ninml rinhl Iiimiv a oiiioKfally iWornlfil ' .I'.ril' iniin. for the oooa.imi Hilli I !. nn.l Thi Splendid Timekeeper i made iy the largest :i" iniuijt tlirri. tarfrMlllt. maker of watches in the world. It is handsome Anions llioei pmmi w Mr. and reliable; a Watch that any man or woman, t- -how rlear-r nn.l Mm. P. Morrin, Mr. nnil Mrn. would be proud to own. Thi? it not a cheap ? nf (he parly J. V. Ilaytnrnl. Mr. an.I Mm. J. thing, but a Watch that cost $2.50 in any U.SV. s. al iMi 1'iin. Illlliar.l, Mr. ami Mr. C. Curklr. inr eht'My tore( or $3.33 in any Canadian store. When you Mr. and Mra. Melli Iaie. Mr. ami :im Ihnt are rm-. Mm. V. ti. Hughe.. Mr. ami Mm. receive it. compare it with the watches in any .ed tin ihr lltmr II. If. UtreL Mr. and Mm. A. C ..jcwjdlrni you will see that the watch we give a yeni ofLMInlv: Mr. and ilr. J. IMuunl.. you it tlie tame, as those told at the prices we to -irurc Mr. ami Mm. . Hill. Mr. and Mr, have named. c :d n .urllaH;(j. WaddHI. Mr. and Mm. 0. P. .-d ioliipnl(KViiip. Ml. V. K. Mormin. Ml-i s--(nii lie u ady Komp and Mim. I. J. BUT THAT IS NOT ALL. "t Hn'jlKaii.. Vaunlian l:uli, J. M. We alio aend you, at a frre ifl. riVH FPI t-7.Tl D ' Frre, o that you witl know THE WORLD PUBLISH"' y i .. . ludinKjWalkrr. J. Wynno. I. Itidicri J. IKKlKS, 4lotrd ua nud pa-r. kand'urorl) l oiji.l welt INU ASaXTlATION, and tell your friends about us. UluMralcd, tnat aril at m crnta aMnv t-1im in all '"'""'iiinmiM ami j. iLuriio. TImm are guuj, draa fic-twa fur men and wwm-o. Imv To tbo who atnd tbeir orders before March 10th, !.. and ftiK Yua will read ibirn fTvrr an nr tmaia. rnake a further prrent of 10 IWful HuaMBoM parrhtral rule, political parlle. We will nuke a wlrrtion uf 5 Irwh a terin and tmd thrm Aitkies. So we that your order is ia on time. - ii Hie Olhrr ran hp blunlPtl nrft ipniontralal wiih n,n OnUrio, hIipi lliry irlually WHY WE MAKE THIS UNIQUE OFFER. d 'iiiru.tml it eollapiMHl hpfore an on.laualil No doubt you are adinc rounrlf how an r bod) uid. five. tuch. a remarkable. . amount. . of foods,.all for the. small. sum.i affaiM idlrerleil In Ihr fnriiiPM' orsanlia- ul tU .HI. A you kaaw. it roMt any tvrl r trounos m oauars 10 ici n nunc ana nn souu kiusc vuc if poi.lK- rfirn it it a qveMon of yearn. u ll a ( moury. before roi- all over the country" know auout anrm. xve ii'y lirjiion, and eurli rpulU glp rie fit havr ikcKUd w MAKIi Ol RSIiLVKS KNOWN that there ii not a borne where TUB WORLD PUBLISHING f'T any :Llte liinl I enn Im iu-.fiillr ASSOC!ATI' N u not a familiar name. And tkn i the tncthod we have adopted. We believe that if we GIVE YOU Ilia' affprlrd rrlmnted for Ihe ewlu.lxe tle of hOMI'THI'('., fu.-a a L never been i.ivrn ho'.trr you will Irani about n more qukLly and more satisfactorily, n'i"i what tbau U you Mir our name thousand tunc l!ui uu have to hurry up. Send in your order before MarcfelOthand liy Ihjp who Imlity profll hy IIipih. take advanUtr of uir Great I rrc OPcf i He n oau I VaiiSHixo Assooaho? finfi aiirii Umk to Iindt.n, Olinwa ami Canadian Office Tonmto USA Office: Buffalof li'v j.Tiir-r lH'rnun party jtnv-11 i iiientu Ton.Mlo rnn for prVmf thai (mvrrii. DO NOT WAIT DO NOT DELAY Gentlemen I1ea";send me, in accordance uu'your special offer, ' ' curry on Mirrpuxfully ive aoq v ar your tree Gilt of a Reliable Witch rpprpurnlallvn on oilier limn arly line.- then Hre Books of Fiction Ten Useful Household Articles rl' Itnd 'iy i he ,i-i)iP rrlnni iur (cnn in ViPlorla and SEND YOUH ORDER BEFORE MARCH 10th. (If Una order is poated before March JOth.) h h ihiianti of a iiH'dHalp. II, J. SI'J.I.IVAN. I enclose n.SO, and I j.(lerstand that if tie rood are cot undci'n ptilallvp i saUvfaclory, you ili return my money. THE WORLD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION np aranrn ox well Xame.., 1" J. P. Mnftulre reporlj. Ihal Ihe an attpiupi to net oinoiml hnndeil oxer to the UNITED STATES Ordering Office, BUFFALO, N.Y. Addrmw . i" ' mr will, rathpr lirpte of Ihe Navy Iauue an ONT. CANADIAN Ordering Office, TORONTO, f al pi ivilepc. and the nel Ihe lli prireo of jnrrt nl raper la which I saw this Advertisement Ui'htOon. In rralily l;lch I've Hnrl nnng I7. n; f.! ii (o Ktirh 1lr in vfli.ria the popu. Ther? mav h rnMetimr you i - - .... . ... ' V as u ,iiM-red hy Ihr Want, Sea til ClaMMed rplllinn.r a trn lit rrmprei for natural ess !ATI flAl. OA A.Nt rtTHOltllvJ ftOTiCK. . v cormr of Seettnn i. Township a.i.XATtRAL OAS AD PETROLEUM .HOTICE. I AT, rurner nf l. . Townsbip s. Ors- rtnlfrr tla jxhirh ppiim j and itml-.nm ver l!ie fnllowinf HmtUI rahani Island. B. i: , tnenee SO ehaln DISrnil'T Of Ol'EE.N CHARLOVsa. bam Island. B.C.. thence- nortli SO cbains; Uicrp ' khthict or onrx iJHRLottk nnrtD: la rniina rati; so mains soutn HUM'S. - -- easi ao rnaina; souia ao nams; wesi ao (linn and il would NATfH. ntt Ap rKTIHIMCM MITH.K. W. rirwr f.f wli 4. Iswntnip ll-XV fcM num. w.i fn rmini rtT rjerinninr. I. Allan strwsri. Intend to apply to toe "faun lo pMni or n'emnine. I "iprrt that when I. Carulua II. rnniKin. nf Virions, rl. C. I 1 jirausf janiiarr saih. Illl. XiiMtitT of Lands for a license to propeel U-eated January tsih. tuft. ro lilHTMICT OF our. LIIMILOTTE Irliain.; il a rnams: Min rnaini Inirrnl lo apply lo the Viminrr nr Lands ! Al taA.Xi,. .. A, .Mrl-ll AIL. for iialural sas and petroleum orr the . XIliLlh P.. EXIMOJI9, v ni'K r umrn from :IAMm. il rbsint in Mini nr twrinninr. for a iimnu. to prmprei or naiarai rasi uirainr, rrinr desrrilieO laixls: t:uniniencine at Vletmria. a. c. . - I. Tarntas l. Iimiimii. i.r virinni. H c J Ijieslrrt Jtnusrr tl. lfl. sin iclmlrnm over tl' rcllnwlnr ursrrtbnl ynemyerll. C l, jhi planted al tha .M.E. coentr ol Sec. toeitor. r ilp I lie fn InieiMI lo siflv In mr Xlmlstrr of IjixIi! t'AHoU'l ll. KVUOVS. lanuai MiiMiiienrota ai a i.ibi iiianifu ai a, iunuip a, iirauani iiaiui. n i... inrner "' W'Hlld mil he fur a UrrRr lit nr.iTt fur nalmsl . l4eator, tl V K. nwnee of S, Tnvxnsnip WTI ItAI. OAS AM) PETIflLtl'SI IHIITirE. souin an rhalns; vxrst ao rnaias; north au J(ATt'JUljJ.S AND PETnotEUM .NOTICE. awl nrfniiii ntrr the fullnmini nwritK-d I . iiranain isiano. n. i... uwnrr atiuin au PISTIlH.T OP Ot rEN IIIAHI.OTTK rlMinag east SO rtnlll to point nf befio. t.l?RICT 'I s,.. if w IsruK: OiniiiM-iirin al a l"il ManiMl ali vtTI'HH IIW AMi rkTlloUl M MITHK. rnains: el ao mains: rv.rth SO rliains: S1.XVI mra. ' liF-vTrirAt riURLoTTE' . A. T..n.h.p , DMTfll(.r fir Off TV l.llilllilTlE tsim ao eiiains in umm iii neinnm. , i,lalMt,P a. xirfnail intMHt to apply Located January tstn. lost. , - i't I5I.A.ND8. i il of our liraiMm Miami. H. f... ttirnr wiulll u ISf.WPH. i?.".W .;f.'.... M Ihe Mim.irr nf Lands fnr a lieen.a In AI.LAM OTEXVART. Loeajor, I.i Allan Stewart. Intend, to apply to tna H in-clei t rluiii.: l an rnam.- rmrin rliains: I. careius n. lainiM. nr vtrinria, a. t:.. .'. ;nra.iwei rm ruiuril aa anil petroleum Vancouver, rl. C Minister or Lands for a license tu pro pert Sl.ins 0lirii,iH :rol ao rlMint In iimiil lil lH-siniilni, ii arviy r lle Vimnier of laniis LiK-sinr. oxer I! foUnwint Uesenbed lands: Aleiamler A. Mrl'haiL Aftnt, n-Mnatoral sss and petroleum over Ihe ! p prni'lirea of Wiratrd January tt. fr a lirrnM. to- .ropr't ror natural las l a imsi planle.1 at Ihe X'afte.rtieer, rl. C. nulLutilQX liescrltMHI lauils: Coinmeaeinr at ul, f lli' CAhoLI'a 1 1. :vi vi.ix. a in prlniiruin nrrr tn followmr ni.rrinrt ATI'RAL OA AD PETROLEUM AOTICE-ln,,,.'", come r or Mee. to, Ton n snip 'a pcl ptantvd at tha s. W. corner or Sec. ineilienl . iirainr. laiais: umiawnrina at a pout pianlM at . lira him Island. B.C.. tnenea sou in SO'SATIRXL OXS AND PKTROI ELM NOTICE. It", fowiunip S, uraham Island a. li. 1 "P a system Mk m V. rtnr r ieewu It, Tnamhlp tiMrfticT or OITIM ' IIARLOTTB I rhainsi east au ehaina; north SO rhalns;: DISTRICT or IH'FKS UlARLOTTB ineiu' uoriu so enaios: easi au cnains; of NXtt IHI. (ltd An rpTIIOLElM .01ltE. 3, Oraham lilanrt, H. I'.. Itirnra SO rnaini xve.i au enains io pmni or Deainninr. i9i.xiia. seiith Su rhaiii.v west SO chains to pmnt n r admit nnv mirm; au mains raaii an mains snutD; I. Alexander A. Vlel'hail intend lo apply! Loraliil January ftth. IStl. I. Allan Sli Visrt. Intend la arrlr to tna uf bermnuia. "I mid MTiipT ortyYfrN '",,,-,JTTt ' an rtiaina vi lo point nf rwt-mnint, to tlx. xonisifr of I amn foe a llcen. loi AtlXXVntK A. McrilXll, Minister of I.amis for a license lo prusprci LiMaied January ttth, IStl. rrdniimi i.i ir.iwi nr ll.I ll ra I S". ""M firiivivuill Lots tor. for iialural ras and petroleum over trie AIXAN STEWART. Locator,' 1 ' i'i lirM.ple I, Carolus f. tninums. nf Virtoru. rl. C t.AH'll.Vs l. f.MMOVS, over tle ruimwuir ue'enueu lairas: Vancouver, B. C fiUkiwinjr described lands: t:oninKnctnf al X snrouier, B. C w would lnieirt tu la H MiMMrr of land tJiralor. Conunenetnr al a post planted al fn a post punted at Hm .X. E. corner or Sec. Ah Jinoyr A. .vrrnaii. Areni, l,-l Hli the... i.,m,...... - fur a HeriiMi in rii"v fur natural sas 8. W. corner sh. IS. Tonii.liip s. liraham NATI'R XL rm XD PETROIEIIM MITICE. t. Toxvnshin s, uraluin Island. R. C thenre Vancouver. M. t Il ' " (i., n and tieinilriim nvrr IIh fciilnmliia rlrMrllied MsTCRsl. OAS I'ETROI EIIM MITICK. I'lund. II.t:.. ihvnee so .nam. nortJii s Di'STiticT or uvrt.s charlotte scuih SO rSisins; ski so rliains, norm SO who are there, Unili: i:.rfiiiiii-tu-lnr al a putt ptsntrd al IUMHH T OP OI'tr'N t IIXItl.HTTE rtiains esl. SO rhalns si.nttii no chains as. rhainsi east Str rhalns to poini of bin-oiur. .tXTlRAL OAS AID pETROLEt'M .NOTICE. "lainioin Hie a. w. rrirnrr nf Srrliou t. TownnDiD s. lLs.Mi.. xtrat Pi luiint or ueauinlnr I. Alexantler A. Mrl'liail Uitrnd io apply ovlTTtrt Hie sialiu I Irs In in liian.l, a. U. Iltrltrti iwrin SO I, ranilus ft. yniniims, or Vlrtnrla, rl. C. Lneated Januarx lti. Itt. to Ihe Minister of Lands for a lieenso to Loeatett January tstn. ttt. Mviiuvr aiiituifTt: "f Hiirh rimillllonn (iKinw ra.i so rhalns: iwaiin SO rhainsi Irirml In aiply lo ihe Minister nr Lands AUt.XANDtll A, xleplHIL, pro.ect fur natural aaa and petroleum ALL STKWtRT. Locator, KI.X.NDS, Vf.l SO rliains la minl of tH-rnnnln(, fnr a lleense ni pr.iieei for natural eas Locator, u.e . u luihiuana ileseeibed landst Vanenue er; B. C. I, tlexander A. MrPoail, Intend lo apply inveMigai,, lraml iminary SOI. ltd. and petroleum over the fnlliiwint.desrrlbed Vaiieeaiver, rl. IV Uaiiineiieinr al a k.uu4 St tna L.TjauOer A. Mrpnail. Arsnl. Li Hl Uiui.ler of l.aiMSs fur a Im-viim io "liy rn -.mnileil l.AIKil l'S ll. KNM'l ia. la no.- Cnnunenrliir al a nal planted al .N. K. corner of See. . Townup S. Uraham , X auryuxer. B. C pinrieei or rumral- rss and peirolruiu over min. (m-sior. the norm i ennier nr aerlinn 7. Town. ATI HAL IHS AND PETROLEUM .MITICK. t.laml. H.ft . Ilieiiee sotilh ad chains: west I oe ronuMinr urwnurq laiMi..- stun t, ilrahani II. c. tiirni-e ao insriucT or orEE.n .iiiarlottk' SO mama; norm so mains; east ao rbaipa , VvTI'RXI. "S rETHoLri'M MiTICL. S. W.dHunirursnr of al Seelluo a l'st 3.punted ionsJiip at tna. ,,p" ihl... NTI IUI. OAS AMI l-KTH'II.LUM MITIij:. rliains south; so rliains eaiti sn mains IRLAMIit. to iMiim of lierinoina. I I'lVlfUll r vx r.r.n s.ii..iu.l E Uraham comer Island. It. i: , lhenr su eliams "rnH, iwiriM: as mains west to pmn or Prm-nmt. I. Alexander A. Mel'hail Intend to apply or a led January smb. I til. ISLI.MIK. SO enams south ti' 1 ilm , .... fllCTIlU T r vT-EE riURLHTTE lo Ihe Minuter l-f Lands for a license lo V MrPIIXII, I. Allan Stewart, intend to apply la the rlisias inrib: ss rnaina lo east: of west oeaiuninc. .. "i on. iaf.Aia. I.uraled January tsth, tstl. pmsperi ror natural as and petrolrtitn . Locator, Minister of l.aiMls for a license le prospect luilnl hViiti... wnern I. I'.arnlus 1). nuiiniis. nf Vlrlona. B. t:.. CARo.l's i. CXIMOS. oxer I tin fullovxtnir ilesrriord Unilsi Vannaivae. M. C for natural aas and petroleum over ine Ijiraied January S7in. ivm. ex ALEX tntH A. .Mtl'IIXIl.. locator, HI- Vl(( i. pry Inuiui id apply p, uir vlniKIrr of l ands I orator, riniiinenrlns at a po' Planted st the folloumr (lesmtied lands! Conintearinr al Vancuuter. fl. C rannol bo fnr a lirensM Ln nnmnorl fnr natural aas ' 1 1 ' j. " ii i I. mi. a, K. Cnrnre nf HecUun t. Township t, .N'ATtns.1. 1AS AND PFTROI.EOM MITICE. a post planted at the 4. r. corner or see. I1"I II IH iii.l peiri.Mim ntrr the follow m ilnarrlPeil .NATI lll. 08 An PSTIl'lt F.I'M .MITICK, urahaid Island. H. c, ttienea norm so nisTKicr or oi:r.N uiarlotte SchalnVtl'VS c'ha.M SaVii XUIRIL OA AND PETROLEPM .NOTICE, lllnr .., .. "'rmiBh I ho wiii.i iHiiiiirnrinr ai a Pfiai inaiiiu ai PUTlilf T Or" yi l CHARLOTTE rlwins; xxrst SO chains; aoiilh SO rliains; ISLANDS. a. cM.n, in in i .... the V. S-. anrn.. itt IS. T.iKnsllln AMIS. eM so rhaius Id point or bea-iaalui, 1. AIIjo tuxxarl. intend In apply to lb souini sis rnaiua eai iu imini pi piiu- PlSTRl'V or yi FFN CHARLOTTE iiinyer, lor t, Oraliani Llaiid. H, :.. Itienue amjin all I, ..hwi II....... n A, llmlll...!ii.ii, iniriiw ii .iiiiiv..... l.oralel January SUh. sf. Minister of Lauds for a license lo prospect inn V. l?ILA.AII. . 1 " lllll)" In I lit rli.xinsr snl so chainai nurih tit rha'nsi in the Minister nf I anils for a lieenso lo AILXA.SPLR VHIJIL. ror natural sas and peircitnim over toe Lueaiad January tstll. tttt. I, Cimlua 0. Emmons, of Xlrlorta. B. IU Il i. I " at ALLAA STEXX ART. Locator. lutend to apply lo the Minister or Lands eal 10 inaina of lands: Cotiiinencinr IT'- 'liai In Ixuni liealnnins. pmperi ror natural aaa and relroleuni orrr rniionins desrrihed iq a B. C. el nee. Alexander a. .Mfrnau. aseni. ror a lirensa to pros pee I for natural ras member UM'sleq January Sinn, Hal. llw roiinuina deaenbrd landai Vancouver, a pai planted al Ihe li. W. corner I"' pan nn'l t.xmiilH ll. KM Ml I vs. rmiiminrinr al a post planted at lbs s. lowrtship S. uraiiam Island H, C, thenra ami rcHTl'um over the follow ins dsserified liy moa. Lnralor. a F. corner of Section 4. Township s, ATI RU. OAS AMI rrTROIEI'M ixi'vtill, SS rhalns south; SO rhalns eastt a rluini .ATIRXI. 8XS AND PETROt EI'M .XIOTICE. lands: temtnenefnr at a post plaulrd al I" of SO. TowusBlp S. ihe S. E. Corner See. wirli he '. 'J 1 111 r " R. riM CHARLOTTE xxtsl lo of Perm- PliiMP:i or pcrrs OMRLUTtE H""iir his firaliaia Island. C. ehaina I'lSTRICr OK Ot north; SO rbaini pomt nratuni Island. R. C . thence norm SO All'Rt HAH AJD I'tWltUM MUTICK. porilii 10 mains !; SO ehaina aouth) 1ST AND'. rlJlANDS, loienS la apply chains west SO rhainsi soutn la eiislnt i sS rhalns rati io of Prtiunins. , Alexander A. Vrrhall Intend to spplv Tnrated point fl "Ifc. Urense lo IS ehaias to pMnt or hinriini. .A 'ihe ef lands for a es-l H""'0 for a tteeosk px Miuister Exampl, MITfltCr 001 rN CHARLOTTE loralrd Janvarr tin. I. to tha Minister of Lands to for natural sat sua petroleum Lfirate.i januanr sisi. ivti. and X'anrouver. a. C AI.LXXXPtlt A. Mrl'HAlU prosper! for natural as petroleum Srsieel IflMr desrrihed laoni: lUROLUii fi. EMM0IS. nmriils of nil. I. Camilla ft. Minimus, fif Vlrlona. rl. I'... Uiinr, oxer Ih fntloxxinr rleserinea anosi Alexander A. Merhsit. seni, rnlMwiue Locakir. iiiteml tu apply o I in? Minuter of lands Vaiiroursr, U. U Coiuiminritii al a post piauien si ma V ancMirar, M. C. I r.uunienciiii ax a poss pisnirn as io