flhnmfs Toonno n bars For Prompt BUIIIi"! - 'ft TAXI QQ Taxi 660 Service Phone i ' PRINCE iUPERT LImovutntt and 7 Passenger MIT & Night Service Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Touring Cut I'MNCK IIUPKHT. II. (i, FHlHAY NOVKMIIKIl ll, IU2I. rmur ciMtu imi ium aiM . PHHiK FIVK CKNTI he umpire Honors iter loble Uead UIPVADH TAKTN nWRMHNnAV ANH OPFRATCHRV RAH WAV iiii a i a a aa a x iiiliji 1 v ajia iijivvi 1 jr x a. m. x jlx 11 .. a. ajjia.x m. a xja jlt a 111 iiu w x a. m. . - m a DITORIAL Railway Takes Over Shipyard U. S. UNKNOWN (0IKTOUS mtaaaua. IN FLANDERS FIELDS SOLDIER BURIED On Monday Morning: Is Said d-iy al ll The Ural of thee Ihree Kjem waa euirgeled flash"! to an enli'ted mediral man of Montreal, Canxl. Victoria Cross Laid on Grave by . pr.iaaMy. al Ihe begintiitiK of lie battle of Yprea, by the Eary Beatty and Earl Here .'uNW nteae. Will Do Railway Work i;hl nf Ihr devastation of HelKinm. The second Cavan Spoke. .Hl bail ever waa wrillen. a an answer to the lint, by the ! ".. Hie MtttltM Stale librarian of Ohio. The third wi comied WAHIIIXiiTOX. Xov. II. Laid 1 in lit- mm by a ffferl of lnaot, a small place iu Lincoln to real with all the honor of a On Ihe take of III local Monday railway company charge County, North Dakota. grateful nation, the United State men bad ever wipyard and will operate il under Um management of J. II. HGNCRTO TMC DEAD 1. Tha Call (1815) 'unknown aoldier from Franc ..r rlr,' an PtllslMiry. Mnl of Hie present staff of lmp fsremeei wttl le BY HELPING LIVING In Wander HeJdi the (toppie rrow bivouacked amonsr the irallant arranged." retained ami the ohm reiutir work will proceed a nwtl. Tbi Helwepti the croea, row on row. drad in ArlinRton Xational Ceme ii-ii after u closes Ilia wrk of the Wallare Coniaiiy al llti port fur the orrAWA."S' II - Hie That mark one til are; and in the kj 'itery today. Karl. Ileatly plared 'Hmi bate elap- 1 1i Vifri f rU amlilam nn Ilia Unyrrnt't - Ofiral Hlr The lark, atill bravely sing-inff. fly, iiihiHI-hi of beipreenL JNHan Ityng, lia ia Hearee heard amid the guns below. jsrave and Marl lavan, represent - imwI. fnrrl While there 10 nothing definite tu announce yeL it U imder- te fiilli1nftr Armmlir We are the dead. Short day ajro ing King (leorxe. (oke briefly. nail I hp l -,i...-d ItMMt it i the intention of ttia railway company k do a good deal I My WeaaaSr to ' an.a: We lived, fell dawn, aw ntieU glow, nien lk- if A' 1 ar repair work al Ilia yard tea tin riiy. a wU a bwMding "Hum the ita4 ly If'i'-idit Lucd and were Ioed, and now we lie .1. r M r the ENDAKO OUT TO i- irr not loo rs and other railway work. The yard adrntraltly filled for the I!!?. In Flanders fields. i.I, a eon- M h a purpu and if lbi iriHnfr, areurding to Ihr inlimatiun, Take up our quarrel with Ihe foe: 7 yoai from fa line hands we throw i havrd ! lrr will be a l.u lime here. There i no urtier Hare on the The toreh. He your to hold il high. GREET STORK in M.ed Im raat- ll 1 for the wurk aud wild aurh gwU marhrnery ytem w. ,!.. If je break faith with u who die mankind he PRESENTATION: TO ad fatorable oinMion. AVe shall not aleep. though ioppie blow-In n urh a rn. People There Alive to Necessity pm f lime. W. A. :PA1TERS0N rlandera fields. of Having Railroad Reestablished. - uibeat l TURNS DOWN . 4 TERRACE WANTS 2. Tha Pledo (IBIS) iim Mir Wit QWen Htndtama ClganU In rlatMter field the eannon Ixkiiii im MMnr Ho!de Btfora ,Laln7 for t K.MAKO. X..v. ll.-Kn.iato AJm) fitful fla.he light Ihe gloom, ii.ii4.uti4 and BRIDGE BUILT PROPOSALS Soutli. nrned oul in forre lo the Stork While up aliovf like eagle fly f ha been nieHhiH on Weduesday ni?lit, I- I V A. l'mteri of Ur Inral The flerre destroyer of the k. Wwliere have the' jeiple shown wtening I bra ar h 4 the tidia Hut of 1. 1lh lain the earth wherein jou He -beniselvra nMre alive In; "the ,il T" KionaUe PtUllon Haa Baan Slgnad UttUe Saya SwsBtlon la weJCre'il ndkku tusBr-rlhvfn''jifnroad ' ImaeaalWa t AlUlnmant. reMw i 1'rinee.jiupri. enu v-esfahliahed aeeordinjr lo Ihe ,klr.9 Aetlan. Slp on. e brave. The shrieking elieff. T 'J 1 1 i-m Ike ntl iMiMilar if Ike Ijiurler procram. Hood result " LONDOfl, No. 11-Tha bank bay af the eaty. wl-i leP ir The nu.ij.tnr.Irrnrhv the IrUrl jell, will be-ehowd hete on December Nn. II.- . n'm-ler . Theory of lh baltU Jiell i UlaUe eaklnat rajactad tha wr Vaneowter lel aiaht re. 0. ..iflrnawe.llirr lMH,it lh, fj,,rmeni if Ootaenmanl'a plan foe a aat-11 ..p..ri ike kead;itarW r Ike s hall wak'-wu-noli for ll I well. " - fan iLa..io.i i.kiiu i ! nm. 1 men I of IHh dlfflcultlaa X baak fwr Uii i b '!-Waewk. YcMir flaming loreh aloft we bear. J I ' .njM. ilk lk krklra With burning heart an oalh 'we wear on tha ground that It contain wi tradVrM a farewell BAZAAR PROVED Skeria HHrr al thia fundamental principle ial Ik" SI. ,1ndi- Ckek ranana Tu keeV tke in light it through, "iMtrel fti Tl which under ailttlng condU x retarle wmni, To cr?h lhe foe. or sleep wllh you -1. la) the rtulrlrt. 1 h- pni..n t'oea are Impoaalblo of attainment. Sir. inller. waai hm kea ,In, nander lielus. klarea tlfal the pel ar- w1llin Andrew GREATJUCCESS Tha Ulater mln-lattra a mrmker ..I id- lu abtote b Ibe deriH.n mt Mie are putting forward !rtHy af lrin llafert. arae-iMMlljt X Tha Fulfilment (1818) ' IWIrt. naitmeere of the depart in. Ml a counter propoaala. nar tt lemrural i-e ie .la Flandrr Held the poppies bloom '.1st of Prize Winner In Big were""".the j .. .lr. . . .. . . the ctT, arena a- M aaerrtary A bote your lowly, hallowed tomb. Drawing et Catholle Event. 'l"ll of f.r a aumkr aanalli. Thai your brae deeds may never die 4 for delar la rnMiiHeateillx lh- CHANGE NAME preaeWed with a kdHte laeer-ehaaan The tonrh of freedom. liMed high, There was a large gathering 4 Uok Forward. tWateae la aven Ike faet that (lie; eiiraeiie li ler af1 ra- Shall hine forever where yon lie. of visitor al Ihe concludiu, day wme here anHd "t aaree hera ideal fv II. MafUnnald. No iriore In Flanders field will grow f Ihe Catholic llaiaar and Fair inn mmu.In ir. U haiM he InjiII. Hte part or the OF NEW SCHOOL! nn w.i antiHkt the The eroe. entile row on row: al Ihe SI. Andrrw's Hall. Moat - arlual HalrwH aailllM airalH.I the nther. ... nf Ittnae itu- IWenishesI and eomjnered lie Ihe foe. Interest was eenlred around Ihe W la) r-HM-ralMed peril ;Nim I hey hae airml that wbal inert ta offer hi eervtee al the We kept Ihe faith. We've een it through, various drawing for Ihe prize inal titer ad im a hndgr aivl too ei. Will Be Officially Known In r"u-.outbreak t ihr i.reat Nar. and Onr myriad brate lie dead with you at the numerous raffle. Many erla hll deride where M ia lure aa Bocth Memorial Uli tke talk la, Hander fkl. of the tropkbvt were of considerable t .4 lUMaliou Sweet be jQiir rest. Our task i dune; value, and keen interest 'ii riMMMr Sshcol. iiiHMaVte I-apaYrMre 1W n1le krrr ir ateo very Tlve tramp of armie. boom of gun. was evinead as te who would be leeti to nave Ike road In KiUum- DIES The furious cry of savage Hub the lucky winner. An impromptu LUMBERMAN The rkHi b anl al Ikeie lalnea lake iajt In akane f.r Iraf .r silent now. The vielory won. dnee was enjMyed by Ihe large tirr umr at laei nienl ilf He. An' imaneftae nuaaker of ,,11!regular meelios Xov. II. The t'eaee to yoor ouls. The victory won al Bering of yuun? people, and 'atalHM lave be ataked anl there ciaaa in arrea m inr mrr hi VANOOtMJl. Flanders flekl. ,,. ,7i' lu iiojieiber the iiudinr day Itte annul in rliarar of tb dwalh Hfeurreil here I inlay of . L. la a leML eafaofieneu at wr m ir of' tbe fair wa a pronounced bead -r the rth Atnart-a IMtne. Whal la needed it itKiallaUon of ike lb.th tablet.Jenkiaa. i' arted m- Die new ehM. a1"! . rfeaajje-ean Lwnber uni-aHy. Tte late rrv- Vsn r.. i -ueaea. naaua af Ifaua.KirUlwu. Winner. Tha aad Make Ike naaae ! (be lunrfk Meaorlat Mr. Jeukin- had led in Vaneww- &0.aa of disbeat donated t i tie euett of Sebo.il. Thi will lie briefer and er for lb- i at yeara. tin- allolM RAISED FROM autre euttaJd. I l Ibuauibt. WORK hy trea. D.litS.life 1. Urauular.waa won by ' uleaiteil On Ike table! will be mention . WIRELBS REPORT ALL HONORED STOPPED :cn 50.00 Xo. VbHory Ilood, donated I li.Tr nkoWl'l of the reaavM fr the name and "r orMieal MURKY WATERS Iiurk in the lulMin wMl be an Nofember 11, S a. m. i.y tHe laoie nuppiy lAwipauy IMMORTAL DEAD ELEVEN O'CLOCK ,v w.hi by Ueket Xo. 5t. I. "i i-oniaviH-in. iilarved ih4itorapb f the lale lK.ti I KKK IHII.XT ;i.-ar. Itossl. n- tdaae in Keegeant WHIiaai H-h. Iniietk-er ealm; bar. .0.05 twiip. 36; 430 00 Sail of clothe, donated ' -li iutd look wtlh the niedal and nMtoM Oiler Beanefe New Studibaker mouth. Paused and Many Cities I.y Martj-ii (litielly wa won by lie aim lu of lb deeeaaed 4dl'r filer London For Two Wlr.oUs Man and Wo- Brought to Surface and 1U.I.I. HAIllliill - llaiuiwx; or Canada Held Public isrket Xo: lJ3t. Mr. Fred Stork; rhl a liet-" whom Hie aekool i naumt. men Stcod In Rsspectful .itlnvel whid; bar. 30.-pj; I Lifted Out. rne Services. ! Two Imiis id csyil doBated-by f aN .f Ike I r The CMHMiMiltee rimrled lemii. IS; ea rnusti. Silence. Albert A Metaffery wa woiuby i In iiniflt tke .il lli.-y had eol-iirlett 1 ami, leiMia IHier I lenr new car. winch iii to Jl.it iiref toward tke fund hlilHY LI-M luuO-, ealm. Lo.MMiX. Xov. II. )n the Uket Xu. 1708, Travelled Ufe. raa baokwarda and fell uito I he bar. :o.7; leniji. 3t'; a auiooth. third aniveraary of the Armistice. roe twa miaules I hit iiMrnl 14 worth of trade. donated:by itfii- . tablet yeat e with Mhkli l enoi tbr -airlfiei-a of water nf the karbor Ml Wed. Iriaee ItHperl iiaaaatl aV al London paused for to minute ins Uie estaMihinenl of Ike P. Hum Us.. Ltd. vj wo a by IhIIiiW aMttltl. Ktailay wma yaelenlay altariMMin niKlnliilil; IrlHa Albert paNl to show Ihe na I ion' grateful tp eUy. HtetudiHtf' lite lllr Ni w. tlekel .No. 10. Mr. J. Henry, hwanaaj boal lu al H ajn. ttofifird work for two nimute Onl. irf what llii-y aaRed by SHOCKLEY TO nieiiibeanea of the victory and a Tironlo, Hie wric Paekena aided by Albert A Mr-laffery'a Noon reverent tribute lo tbe fallen. employees ail eanidoyefs.alaiid. dUer wa KM THKK I'lll.Vr 4widy: in? in rrtpocifut fteee. U rraiie. ll Canada will iud Lave TOIIOXTO. Xov. tl CANADIAN TANK CARS I Ilia aeeina aenl down aud alfttnl a ro(e ( BUILD SHED calm; bar. 30.J0; leiup. lit eea froai eoasl to coast combined in was a means ..f ahowins Ihat all to ke an- the aubinerned vehiale. 'Ilien it iiiiiIi. thanksgiving ami reverence in the iwli'in is '.lie in it desire tu ARRIVE IN RUSSIA IIAIlHOIt Ovarraat: iiiiietiHirallH(r wa rleil ultli wliidUea aud UUI.li celrliration and observance off ' ' oumii. iwd lu the Albert .V MeCafferj Oat Contract From School Board fre.h nMihel wtnd bar. 30.-II; .,..n. Ihiv Mauv eitie ha.il Al ri.-v.-n a wnistie mew. MM hick. wharf wlwre U waa lifte eleir enti. 5: aen moderate. ....i.il. ..mi.. muUr civil mi.i:'liurrli b.-ll tolled, and llHTr was HliiA. Xov. II.- Four liip In Competition With lluMrt at 1 1 art ivi-d at Xovo HoMjak. a lltack by Ihr big ! I rrane ami landed """""" Snke lhB-e a.iu .talaarsitt a I ka.tkll'l'M 111 liiiuor of Ihe then eil.-i.r.-. aafrly m Hie vsltarf. Four Other. off tHHa laland. iiiiiuortal dead. s.4 i-f of Husi-la. wlthv 500 The t of Ike ar kd, dlf IdUHY ISLAM MOlulm; bar. il tank ear-from Uatiadi, let Uat ee- 13: ana amuulh. NEW SUPERINTENDENT QUiwanM iMU win hui ne m- The rnnlrael wa SV.V0; temp. A"nistice Day covered. A new mil' will hmr la Ulag by the aelwol board In H II. ENTERS SUIT AGMNST TRANQU1LLE SANITORIUM FISH ARRIVALS, be built Ui r.-;lai i- Ui niher. SIHMdkley lu erect a in if i'Uy iie. (in Sunday last llev. V, rweei. GOVERNMENT Th boat arrfvlug today and Campaign The itKU wlo fail w the wular (41 Hie eahoul KriMiiida at the man frm l inlako oeeu)4ed the PROVINCIAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES rim he were." are ItHlav HOtte tha wwee fur lelh Menwrial Selnwl. The liulpil ar Fort Krosbr ami He. Vaiuee. 70.000 lb, lo lloolh their duekinir. taadeee vkere: II. llraliaui ir.-arhed at KiUko VAXtlOl YF.ft. Xov. II. The risherle al IQ and Sr. H. II. Sli.K-kley. IIHW: J. 8. Tins aoiKaM.' .-i.-hatiire between dranby I'HiiiNiny ha euUred suit VlirrtllllA. Nov. II. Dr. Alex Annl. VJOO; ll.e McCoy Ko0 1 luud and KILLED ON RAILWAY. N.'L.in Kb.l; Kunka .V i:iiani-.lu. Hie Aiigli. iiH "d Pr. shyt iian t ihe Supreu Court against Ihelaiider ll. ljpn. nperiittendrul of aid Murtneac. 1309 to ddd a in I.ISIION. Nov.. II. 8aea per ;:M7, "iiecr Jt It. ally l?IHi. . inn. in s i. im iiiitu-aii 'M t tin aii"' i" y aen" ral to establish IhJamt" Agallie de MonU fanl-alronv SUaage at tl 60 and SJIO. 1 lhM mi. wrr- kill.'.l ami St injured Maelonald A Mcl'aeher.i. IIS7S. ..-li.' for ao-tMraliott.-a4'i anniuul and due dale of theltnriuin near Montreal, ha been Forward I9.00d: While Xlar .ho h.u.j you" in an b'thIimiI "ii Hi.- !' - winch i mW balllK lliaillfi'slwi due tu the province from appointed medical euerinlendeni i.iUrt i.. Iloyal lodo-rie al I 10 .iy ii' .ii Ui'i i il"..- In lit. Daily Xt-w- .-1 IU aul '."iiipiui ;! ih. ami i ium 4t irauuUI-' and '