a" Low Prices ON SHOES We are meeting Old Man Depression half way and have lowered our prices to meet the condition. We have bought a big stock of shoes at low prices and people of Prince Rupert are getting the benefit. Call and see, CUT RATE SHOE STORE Third Avenue USED CARS | at 25% REDUCTIONS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY You Cannot Beat These Prices, So Why Not Get Your Car Now? 1929 Ford Delivery, closed body, reg. price $300; Sale price $225.00 1925 Ford Delivery, covered body, reg. price $80; Sale price 60.00 1929 Ford Delivery, open body, reg. price $400; Sale price 300.00 1929 Ford Delivery, open body, reg. price $360; Sale price 270.00 1930 Ford, Tudor Sedan, reg. price $500; Sale price 375.00 1930 Ford Roadster, reg. price $450; Sale price 337.50 1930 Ford Fordor Sedan, reg. price $600; Saie price 450.00 1931 Ford Cabriolet, rumble sc.ut, reg. price $750; Sale price 562.50 1928 Ford Tudor Sedan, reg. price $400; Sale price 300,00 1927 Ford Tudor Sedan, reg. price $120; Sale price 99.00 1925 Ford Tudor Sedan, reg. price $100; Sale price 75.00 1929 Chevrolet Sedan, reg. price, $600; Sale price 450.00 1928 Chevrolet Sedan, reg. price, $300; Sale price 225.00 All Above Cars Are Genuine Value and Will Carry Our Warranty S. E. Parker Ltd., Ford Dealers Third Ave. East Phone 83 = | De is bes ~ Lal lron THREE Times as Fast — with an — Electric lroner Eliminate hard work. Make it ironing hour instead of iron- ing day with an Electric Ironer. Just sit down and guide the pieces to the firm pressure of the roller. Electric broners are moderately priced. Convenient terms if desired. Northern British C oluinbia ‘Power Company Limited BULKLEY VALLEY COAL IS A HIGH CARBON, NON-COKING, BITUMINOUS COAL That can be used to economical advantage in all styles of fire boxes. In your kitchen range try the nut-egg size and simply shake the bottom grate when a hot fire is desired, For heaters use single screened lump. In furnaces use single screened lump with a generous portion of fined added to hold a slow fire or banking over night. You will use no other fuel after becoming accustomed to— BULKLEY VALLEY COAL The New JASPER HARD COAL per ton $11.50 Minehead Coals $11.50 per ton HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 dred Hunt; Lillian Croxford. Croxford; Iris Corbould. | Bremner; Hunt. akatla; Mrs. Wm. Robinson, Met- der 15—-Josephine Bolton, Port Es- ; Sington; Elizabeth Russ, Port Simp- }son. Blake. rr Mrs. Wm. Robinson, Metlakatla.| SHIRLEY SHOPPE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS BIG SAVING ON FALL COATS, DRESSES, SCARVES, SWEATERS, HOSE, LINGERIE—IN FACT ON EVERYTHING We are cleaning out all our Spring Coats at $10 each—values up to $35—Polos’ Dress Coats and Tweed Coats. This is a real saving. Come in and look them over, Everything must be sold. oe Shoppe, Corner of Sixth Street & Third Avenue A small deposit will hold any article in the store, sneeeey. September 1 ! TCT CT Tf Te Wednesday & T i TWO SHOWS — 7 and § Feature Starts at 8:00 10.0 ADMISSION — 150 & 5 THURSDAY MATINER at 2:39 Feature Starts 3:30—15¢ 35e Tic All Third Avenue is Asking: Who MURDERED Damon Fenywic,s 4s “The Trial of Vivienne Ware’ With Joan Bennett, Donald Coon, Skeets Gallagher, Zasy p Lilian Bond, Hear the amazing evidence of the mystery that thrilled millions Comedy—“POTSVILLE PALOOKA” Sport—“SHARKS & SWORDFISH” IN THE STORE itts & ’ Musical—“spq LEGS PARAMOUNT ny WS ee, FRIDAY & SATURDAY—“WHEN A FELLER NEEDS A FRIEND" & Dance Competition for THE WALTZ CHAMPIONSHip os