THE D.UtY NEWS rAOE TWO HOLY LAND NOT YERY niiiiiiiiinnimitiiiim: The Daily News , SAID HE COULD ATTRACTIVE TO UYE pmxcu nUpRliT . niuTisn noLUMitiA Published Rrcrj' Af rnooit. except Sunday, liy Tho News NEVER JE WELL Pools of Salomon to Ba Used as Printing and Publishing nnmpeny. Third Avenue. Water Supply far Jerusalem. MACD mm If. K. PULLEX. Managing Htlltor. "Frull-a-liies" Restored I.ONIMIX, Jenl. ?. There nr.-now ' ' barely ?oO,im0 people In nil SUBSCRIPTION RATES I Him lo Health Itilesttne. n pnpnlamn much tes CHy Delivery, by mail or currier, per motjlh .$1.00 than that t OnlHe tN lb-lime PRINCE of WALES lly mall to all parts of the Ilritisb Empire ami the United States, ItO A ! I. of Christ. Herbert In advance, per year SfiO Fpr this .Mr 1 was Kamiid. the llntih blah eomwi.- CHEWING To ail other countries, In adrance, per year $7ftD mftrtr M n- " r1 Hner there, in a rfMn jiin hUS). .M r ba I sa' made pnbtir. TOBACCO vl took bH sse.NlBie but TELEPHONE 08 rtariruoi rm thnnsand nionivraiiU arrived I Smt km pro "i and iasltf ba in latest Oi' in the e.n Transient Display Advertising l. per Inch eaeh iftfterlrtin Milk Ms mrmlbs between n.-i.i.tiiber. In. $S.OO Inch At this ttsne, a fnt artvisel Transient Advertising on Front Page. per aud May, I Ml. be noorls. "' AfW akt Loeal Iteflder, per Inserti 2Re per Ihte to try -ffsfta awl Sir Senrael allrihuic ih.- scar-! Classified Advertising, per insertion. . 2c per word bases, I s tnsMy mt n-Het;itwy jetty nf the popuUtion to tack nf Legal Xolfees, each insertion. 15 per agate Hne thtt mrit Mytstoear,,k,lh iSf-UeNrf devepnent. Hon I reel Rates on pplieaHon. The flnaneHt eombiion f Hast-. should be in The Daily New OMre on day preceding are dow ipoMi.t" All ndverlHIng ciAar.vni Dt'txtun. ern an.I Central Kuroe. awl tn- publication. All advertising received subject to approval. ternal dirnesttlles within ibe for ! , trial . JOe a x. of the United y.mnlst orywnltaliin At dnoen or P"'rsM by the rrtrt. have presented tthrv Iff. IwSI. Utuas. State, aaya DAtLY EDITION Thur,ay,epl. Fralt litr IjaMtl, Ihe Khwtst rt.ement from Itrovkllotr, as vet. an tar Let Us Sometimes Say SUITCASES tor enlerprtse of ..-Hopton! or I Don't Know. colnnltallon. A" a wHisruueafL. Canodn's standarcl since 1858 The smaller the mind Hi more dogmatic H is. The big mind Trunks while tbere bat h. n ntnrh pre-sure to admM Jrwih lmnuarani. willing to admit there are Utiag it doe sot kow.Jit i a ign there bad been litii etpanslon in f mental health and vigor to occasionally admit twit there are CLUB BAGS the opportunities f.r employment. limitation. to mir fcwowledge. iv Stock hand be deelared. f We hear someone telling of experience or of poasibilitie or Large on The wnter supply for Jem I Sl T ft Jheouie and leeee we have Had no such experience we at once to select from. saleni havllR been found lo lie rnis ( at cst i 'oi' wtai' t i-i-ran et him down as a fakir. We bound knowledge by Ihe scope nf F. MAGU1RE insunleieot. the government Tat mtitrr t "r Dm I ot I, lain a-ir Ktrm ,.i our own rtllle minds. We do not acknowledge the limitation of J. bringtmr Into use some ancient Vnr.ufr, i na f' ' ! wsiismt ff I I HMraa I" sH-l S l ur own mind or the. fact that other mind may lre had wider Nsst ths rrl... Ropert ' reservoirs of vast rapacity, name lir.4rUM serf aateetl um f . i xperience or larger aeone. Mind is infinite and it ie we that et the Pools of Polono.n. but of unknown BMal'.t ttrcnkMl W Ihl..It MtHl. MHt aaiaiisi! -I si! mi W I i jfhe liomtderies foe it. Hir Oliver Lodge in addreettig the Ilritid dale. xsibty Herodian lint m f LM . Mm ttt s ui I Aoeit1ion at Edinburgh recently aid:'"i dont assume that we situate eight miles away. i-asMs.ieww nmtr a k4M a Mat e1 ire the only beings in the universe. I don't assume thai we know The imrrion of the country has arf urn Front Uw Mill iivw y u i 'jnre about ether and electricity than other people m the universe. Ten Years Ago been redueetl to ion aombalant jswas vsiicaxis mission. We noticit v i 1 1 A don't know. All I say K don't let h shut our ninds to the In Prince Rupert troofM, Impnsina a eharse of Ih ,1111. s infinite possibilities of existence." t?.KK).eo on the llriti-vh rx. LA SO CT in?- i ebener, or al the rate of CtoO for aa aaav sji aaa aak aV a .. a. ... September 29, 1911. raisrt ai rtar tisi owtwkt res. lllsjIkumilH aWSljBL'llSk Jl LI II 8clentlsts Will every ttghting man. rail t or ossr asiot 1 uiiuunwvni wvniv intra lv Quit- Ibe ml ptrtureu TW w-nn Om 1 fMBaa ssMrsna. al (Prevent War. S)4emniiet Ihe INMW. irnasilli a eaaaaaar v iiatmt Ka 1 ii 11im 1 a La wmMitiit ever in f Scientists are making it very nndeeirehle to go to war and in aaaSi f V W aJIUlIIU IliVUIIUni w.i.L'.U l-T that nf Miss Kratlie rtime wl of even I it altogether. When Oertnany introduced poison My was I tl- m. it., u r!XiT Lumber hat roarho - of otIene all We worki was aghast at me mon- Lysle Craljr, daughter tf Mr. and 1 1 ue man in me noon ) i m as n a w. now as a means j ga aa Saj atawa anrui east Mrs. Mette Cralir, and lHtnean ( Mro.ity xif the act. It was something new and was in line with ) SAYS- i IrtSS. BWe vmS fa Mis UeTavish, of Victoria, which I I rMS af canaaaar SB paMS fthe poisoning of wetts an! imitar dastardly actions, look i.bvee last evenlnir In the -- - H inassi its aiea. ana a las t nor oftVt. eaU ( v a." awaeolT the aetiou of Oerniany brought the end of war silts a And jet Anfrtieaa OiUrei. K V. James TIIK only aoviee I have lo a a. !ppreetoHy Scientist al once set to work to invent yet PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER nearer. JLb. ler effieiathKr. The brhteeoMMs give In this r I low ia In ..l more horrible means of extermination, and today If war should LAXa acr. were Miss MeTavtoh and Miss aareinst the niae what mahea a ibreak out between two major, it would surpass anything powers Mori-?, of Victoria, rmnassman, two hour S peer a. enrsjci airaT lain aefrnicT a the Imagination might conceive in destroetibilitf and horror. s R. Uallnee. nsbere,' H. t. Wilson. afl fla Mm Obm I. Harry UslaamaK, YTHere i n longer any glamor about war. There is nothing Mr. PMeatm and & II. A LOT ef hu'Eaaats are can. Via,..aa. aaaaaateai aaaaw aef. St ! chivalrous about wearing a gas mask or smoking out .sea a aaaa fw S Wan Imisii -ri-oaaj or glorious Kearna, Ifower girls. Miss pete eelling their subertUona la the aae aasaeal ass a nW fsi pour enemies. It H a reversion to the warfare of sewages and will lUlty .Veww because I are-raVS toee iisaji suss at s aoai Tre'uayae a ad Mhvs Dorothy they ton mitiimk 'aaaM sea teat H ao fprave a powerful-anlidols to the attractions at a. red coat. Palmer, and aeenatMnlst, Mbui like Ibe IMoga Marpte eay ami Ik. l ar at La tt. Unn vaej Ss HOUSEHOLD -:- FURNI Sir T. Brtwartl Thorpe, president of the Hritish Association, I.. Klfci. doe la Jigg. They sy it is t''.Tiia?au J, 1 a ytaM"'"i"ji Vn his inaugural address appealed to the cintits nbtain fnur setting a bad esaaaple. ,r aa' an at. eaaSsaaS SS aree " llhe degradation of sciebre by using it in toe interest of detmr-tion. A shot from a Kradtng eos-irael a a ntear MflToa. teeswwL of tvery ilf-- 1." lie mighfheve saved his reatb. Possibly no greater power on- First Avenue lis morn T1LVT ;dytttg et a bhkm Qiaiiaaa. taaaS. Reduced Pric exists today than that of the scientist in preventing war, for the in ilaeoaired Ir. V. T. Kenrin's heart" stuff does no g any CT Specially very horror of it strikes terror to every- nation. residenee and nearly eansed the mere with Canadian reader or HSfl Wa ef his IHIIe daughter who hudtesees, raise for Uw bslanco of thu m it. w Ignorance Is i was nlaytng hi the yard as the a a a ts a aiftsa taaik L C assrtay. at V'SnVaHWyi', ttttffttHttt CCnVM OTafttBP'? see The Only Menace. 1 shower of rock eame dewn. A FI.RA bite beeause be is a smU m aaaey ear s aiaasi a aesyeri ar W. G. BASRIE The only menace today in the world is ignorance:. The lira. Borne eiile are alway. ignorant pen-on is always a menace to society and th ignorant Joe Hayley, the VieUiri lighl- saurtlng far seen reason or nation will he a menace to the comity of nations in the future, wetKht, last nljrht knhese.1 e?ut other. tits. SSaeaa aat a swaji rlt is among the ignorant that the agitator holds sway. It is Oscar Nr4on. of Vaneouver, In a a ears se ekaias S4S t aasat at ignorant people or ignorant nations that are most easily bid astray. ibe second round of a scheduled THK Pftrar Hear teems fond Jit was the ignorance of flennany of the real heart of the nations fiflen nxind bul. Nlm bunn of Arrofrttts JIM. Et rook agswoernv. firai (against which she was,righting thai made her go to war. Ignorance was the referee. as Egg Coal Weston's is Jis a menace to the whole'world. I Imi.VT want the waller men LAN ACT. tioned publlely, but I am ant-Iihjs at aeraat iasb wstsicr- pis a Coal 'Insularity , Aunt Jemima's to get that seal in iKe iim InKT as l COAST I, H. Mi b. Csajina,- at Guaranteed Breeds Ignorance. , Kenate which the (Monet soum. Vsaiawaar Speciab'ly Alhcrta Stsrjart , (nsularity breeds ignorance. Countries that live wholly to Helpful Hints a a MiarsI Baaaa fs Sa aa aeaicaei its fettawtat ear Men-a 030 PHONE 9 themselves become ignorant of Ihe way of the rest of the world. Til V. suit f eseihes that is all aasvaM Itast: CaiaiHaS" si a agat si af is S t ear Sludia is a country that is ignorant, Iler people are wprtitiu Ami Jrtntmt mUl tssmer say aio.llon. wool Is u orally mostly cotton CTisi aT tS H S easava. 1 a '"i il fend their knowledge is bounded by Ibe knowledge at their imme-diale MM ia la; frer af The BaWy .r. imI. SHS)U) SS ank 1 east sa raoa., Uuarenl'-ed oo-ans not will rasiKiva K ana ..a neighbors. SufejtitkHi and ignorancr go togcthur. a a a awajnawsM, iiimlinsst Sea aeres laae ar lirtd that she was invincible, and be l.iUle Wsle It wa very kind I PITT less t,3, $13.50 . ".....10 -4irmauy a superslillon o nt you to try to help the Mamma a bet of wewnon beewuae HOWSIHI piwsni cjiasisoi. k.j..,-j aam Biiiiaarw u - would have been if she had stuck to tho warfare of commerce in goldfish lo wean her baby fishes, of the men they have lo live 11. set 1 Aiaaitai. nuwt.inf hewa most skilled. with. 4whirh but you should allow- Nature Ih s The people of the Orient are all more or le ignorant. They attend lo that. a a LA.1D ACT ' fdn not as a tople travel mil ell nor do they even use to any large IHWTINO sUrles seem to lack mtacE 'MsraoT lsvd btfTMirT MS 6 extent frustrated magazines or read literature of other nations. Peel lmm Mays Aim t Jo. that Imaginative touch wbb)fa Tsl TBKT seHra or"Ml t"aT I. H. M.-'it D eane-ena.a afi PHILPOTT, EVITT , few are doing that, but not the maaa of the people. The coolies miMA is not able to say hew rotates thehs k with so much Vsaeaatav. anagalkav aul. iurmti t rar i paf a aetaaa w preajwi pain nf Asia are as ignorant often as.a dog. No attempt i made to many heme runs Hah Ruth gusto. It seems as If the b unlets aad Mtanl ris aa Um raMaia V ' Next Post OfTi. i-. Prince lu. ; them. These eople are a danger or may be in the future. made this, sea sea. , Hew&vef I must all have go religion. aaaaiaS e laaaa sUa nairn At II at roraer a pni I i'uducate is in it broadening aspect that the missionary ! such think it Is very sweet of the Lai tiTST Se-a sa rkaias. ihrav ' crrpt tHIDC DADCC MilU ejurM) SS caaias. UaMMa ! SS rfcaia. wonderful work for the world. He i often a narrow pervon. with rhild to oLAays run lionie ef an MOST af the jieople who al-wnys Uean saaU SS rtwtat la psi nt TW prejudices just as strong as the people to whom he preach-. Hi afternoon, instead tf atayinir say Just what they Ihluk. Aasa.aiiajaaaaal. rnautaM sis are, avva u I, MOUNTAIN PM STEAM AND religion i often as narrow and as full of superstition a the away and vorryinir her ma. I have net mHsh.if & thlokery. - liaWAflO DAW-SOS CAMtaoM. . . v...ii,..i! i: j .religion of the peoe be trie to convert. Yet be take into the also think they should watch the a a a 1', f til. The only nouse m i"- ; . country he visits a new conception of lil. He is like a breath tear child, so she would not al-ay TIIK person who keeps Ida LAD AST. stocki ot atK ve. n -INSUKANtE from other worlds wlu h becomes the starting point tor a desire be wandering off ainl run-oinx 'month open Vs nut trying to of All Klnd ALLI,V for further knowledge. He pries open the shell which will later home aealn. ealch flies. He la Just wtabteg rancc TShI.T a.ri;aT W fXIAIT laib HlXqE nitTMCT pis lay bare the wonderful kernel of truth which will make all for .1 Inner. Tssa DM I I. II. O. Camanai, (i.rtle Ye, rny love, it Is aoaar. Mtlaad b peopls one. a a a s Siaaas u aa.ri lar a.1'" 1 aid lo be a tod sign lo break ma aslatil at aa Ox taUnttai tfa OIIU.M are supposed lo lose ii-' mirror. The foci tuaL your mshu: uaMiiaiai ai a p-i I YourCod W. at iw. f lltelr hearts, men are sel-dam ailla ika earner mirror often breaks when you 11. Uaram aM SS ahalaa. Maow aeeuted af aueh earelees-neas. WW SS Hatla. ttwara .S.I IS rbsln. look Into It does nut seem a rnrtUlS. 9S.aorta is cfcalas la ihmm at TanuypuLOaoarAI w t stun, (t) AurI Jemima 1 ii n 'HAT'S WHAT a a HOW ADD DAWSOS CAMIftof. 1 1 iumv 1. m ana in nnm knows of no way which you Ves, eharity may eover AMlltlil. - bsiad laly it. IS!I 10 IW" '4ii alter the shttM of your A multilude (if sins YOU NEED ii"' '3, An ingrowing face Is a Hut skirts no linger eover tASIi ACT. -mn of chararler. A multitude of shins. rnticr mciiiT imo mstrict -pis thlCT or COAST aA.vor. 1. TSia naiira inii i, ii.rrr aifisiaaa, ar PIONEER SEES WHERE MISPLACED. V.aaaMnf. orauMllua IINJiar bnAar. la 365 Days a Year ..iclD f lal to ! far a lirruaa la vtvm far for that cut, burn, tore A well-known Aiboiral a peiralaarn tA sstarsl f an U raHaatas uztm- or eczema. Ends pain, HE MISSED MILLION stickler fur uniform slupe and over of those diys u nlsnleit SI ll H W. rarnar at U4 lilt lh "' SI revents blood-poison-nir i opposite a vrry portly sailor IiuAM. aa rkaiM. iia.M bmiii aa doola lo f and grows new 1 VsNUfil!VKII.'Hpl. !. Many wlioae iinHlnUrihhfH was an inch IS MA.Hum Ikaaaa ia 4al l at ss auaiRielaeaiwal,rbOaa, ibaars eeroi ie GOOD BREAD kin. '! ago. when Vancouver's nr o lot) low down, tiling the nuMB( f i iaur ..r ia... All dealers 50c box. pi liK ipal streets were covered man with bis eye, the. Admiral '. ii 1111m h. iMaaroa,TCririwaii.a teat,Mprivaiiif Trying every 'lar " 1 t with gras. Thofuna Ietrle was asked: "Did you get that medal SeuleaaVr l ltl. it a Itltlo bolter and a in'1' EDSON "H- ..f ilo oli) settlers. He owned for eating, my mailt" LASD Ai.T better. soiiu- pasture tawl on what Is On the man replying "No, sir.' cassur CASMAH lain Jitw STHIMC t blOslON distiuct or . Sol alrunge II '" now ibe site nf die eetjtral pari the Admiral rapped.joit: "Then Tsks mIM UHl I, tSM Caass SOop.f. It. as you seeaii le. for St TeUffil Ceatk, oreavan) lnerf. m "! or Ho- buslni M disirlet. lie s4i why the deuce do you wear it l.a.1 s s(ftr rf patarfrl.i la lai lbs selling wr and iii'c UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. for fttO. ruUaalar JacnbS Isads: CuiiHumrlMS al II all the l line. Toilay It Is worth on your stoniaehf" TU-Hils. I MSI StslSA aa IM saaih aorser tail for vsoeouttr, Urm rtlii tat nsnMa Bty Tacsdsr t p. av S'tnir SUA SO Mai frvai tl ., 6" more Buf I or oruf. M.IU Bells. Alrrl Stv S.lurdx n m thau "np dollar. ajsast Prince fliis 4 IS rSstas. ibaaea aarts t tut(r Vvrt soyot,SIU4WU0 sura srm,sa4 wi.i ul Kir uiuut pwuu.siintjr Kna.y misiMfkt.a, to. The obi loan c tin ned Mils week JUST TURNKD AROUNO atuOM, ibeaea ! ts elwMia. Irsaes saata RUPERT BAKERY after a long Mnolreal. "llillo, oh New cart" S sasias M eaiM or w laanaiiranni i, aae ww hmkii, agssi uiiaenee In top. iMUdeM.f S ra. "v-ra r le. Ml a snar w SS Sses4 Aisass rfi avn, a.a tin i wImh- to- lias misseil a V". 'Mil rar, new top.'' I.a-foyi'll.- foHX i.WJI SIMI'Sii. Third Avsnus Pbeoe Aptiiii aat 'uluiir. lyre. luuj July ma, Ittl