PAOR FOUR -v THE DAtLi NKV8, , rw. ..... i it i i it n r . . i v. i ii i - i i i a aii a. 11 test- - tar M lr jnJ . f. 1 ISO . Gs'a- kJSr IWL-- i : For Sale Ih a f WW i i i - - - - - - i lino i for one fiabermmi. I - a. i mii ig a FISHERMEN'S stitndfVig In I he of. the Lol with two ( r3r building I dory in turn lh ttttroy. an ap-.PHratu 2?x.W. nih Avenue fur Iwialing up the heavy Daily News Classified Ads. Lumber LIFE ARDUOUS West $900.00 Mne. Ttta Jr i tMil ti Three rHim furnished in lhr Hher man. Aiamtin ht lU a CENTS PF.K WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adwirtlwrmant Takan for Ui than nOe Hern, who unto" the flstl hy Jkuc, Seel ion 0 $1,630 Interesting First Hand Account bapplnfr Ihfin Aft the hixt Into CLlj WANTED FOR RENT Activities Halibut la in lh of dot of on rm rinir Inn it 1 1 in m Agents for Banks Is Told. if I hoy are halibut, or iraini WANTKJk Woman fr kitchen IHH,M to rtit, suMaMr rr Norwegian American Line av-jr m m m m a w a Swedish American Line lhr onloidr if lltry hapfwn to work. Apply nlanlr. Mion cof. FuralsfHHf (r uofiirn-ind. J Market Prices 7t For .a man fo lake lhr oM b ally one of lhr many rthrr ' '1ST. U9 ntiol I Scandinavian American vrr (i.k-.t If T I. 1 bamboo potr and (r up elrram rartrtlr. Line. Fallon jjsr,. tt lo catch a frw tnml i lMr n At h lart lh two buoy ka- BOARD AND ROOMS Meats. Il - si. Oliver Typewriter different mltrr frmfi Alitnttintr marVhSir earn tm4 of the ltrl are FirtHB.vf 4inar ltmt Ma- Flaat lb. IIMSHKII and board. h-i . Gary Safes. n a mning wt to rand halt- ott of aierlil of wh ohrr and room rha. s.M pr monlh Trrt. wioaaaar n . ... tor h for a livinar. nay a firt M Milly lakHi hml two hmir 722 Fulion 8lr.. l Ihn I Hue tel's III niinl A, Kdl- ,:hk !. lb. ... ISr FIRE INSURANCE hand slnry in lh KrlrhiVan unttl thr othr eml is raaehiMl. 5I. Sir son isma. r Chmnlelr by Kmery F. Tniiin. Ibrh the .tcartVr ronsa ajontr- SITUATIONS WANTED fHouad aa uunni r In thr firot rar il i Mrt ; iilr; hmtk arv atlarhad to lhr run HK.VT Wnser sawing ns- atrt... mmj m. Dybhavn & Hanson nr travTrt" only a mil or n; net and il is pwllrl atMMinl and JAHAXKHK yinjla wants any hins. by weak r monlb. Jasl Iseof a aw - I Insurance Agents. Third rnrrt "alonn lhr liaiirt fih- men inr anry le iMtiatrii on kind of houttwoik. Apply Iloi """""phone Walker s Mnaja 1 1 majy. tf- tvi. cans roam. 16 fSc Avenue, Prince Rupert njr par- pi and ttn with Krotn our la four arte arc mad tt, Daily "fflre. tf Hrt .srVB. uiar I M '.aw rMaiM. tar ti. to ?r "W.w w 1 Mill W. M only on hwk of two and for in a-day In Cnofc Inlet a d' FOR SALE I LAUNCH I , ' I hoaa !HT 1' 1! lo tori j. II. ir hail u lilllr aalmon If Tlhlnfr of alevwn dorka In fax Illaek isci Plr.:fl tJ, nr hi on a Irawlrr il U oraMr lid and u-ralhrr mmr IIHI.Vn us your propetto questions. . yi-tawtosr bt;r lb lC t ISr work. A iouniry nf nlH) mil ritimMi nrf as tiiak a Iwrntr .New and used p re-pet I-oes AtrroMOBiLrs ' Csthesd baef. aar Ui tori Pr:s mlt , . . ... ... i.. . . r ' lASNb. Im. was U, inrr anaati anu ui iiniHp 'noaaand iMMintM of nu. at lew prices. Northern its The Qaality Grocers ?ar thrown ovr by earl, .toryi cieknlno Th.m. Hichange 138 fteand Avenue. rtUPKItT Meier Go, aasfrri ;Aab. loan ....... lie "ftea" Oar and Traak. Aata. I Walton, n onr -ri is ail i.r mm mi( Afler the day's tishine is over I'ltane Oto. U atcwtaai mobile renstr Tlraa. j aaaaa- Ustbsa. ibnaldsr. Mi.. Me to Mtr and contain thousand carry a ik itn arm.i ika uu. mm on We Carry iMMik m m. each halied with n!l tlu, hatch: aw! uhilr . IXthi ftnl.l. f giHM newsprint rte and r..rf parta ahnsya!La af snsrltoat. lb. . . is SILVERS1D In stock. Qnensnef tat boaiea wbolr sIsgMljr J4nagrd at r saaasMa a. 4r nothing hrrrintr of Tiohrrm! eat out lit nillk. neafat for Wripftn. St built far a(l 14 1 v. pr' If Ibe trout ri)irrman caichaal a . parpaaoa. al .h satasr mm. SO ' and ir intrstift of lb f)i us Hlar. mm.. a , I . BbOi pound 1 tally Nr. t f a pai an rmr,if of taal IOr l but the o iKiund of fisti t a day ariWber line of man aerap and P'nj4JE5i aar tmof. wtor a Maar. i Plain -,iii4rr M a watatrrfal days' wash lhr inside. Tku I.A,Mi Hazel siaaaaai. pec lb a e bs clean tan Iitrie4. Urge oaraer txzH tvi noaae, Taint aad Kiath fi-lonat. I.'nl two dory mat tbejr ar llinmn down th bold. ami smalt Irsei. Rsntair AxrBHe. ifjbork.iM,.,r,ii aaairr 34.- j BEST inn In a thuaeni pound of leg etai where anoibrr group of fiahrr Wm. flrant Aaeaey. Haielton. hlitiut lhy eoaaaicr il a vrry mm tbrow taa into fb pok awl a C. ' tf . musio "if- r l- so. WALLFiriM day indeed. i.i - ..I Pork. saaaaVr. aar Mi ttl pir ic tliaia 1t in tbe penm Fishermen's Work. When lb hip return lo rt It Kit MAN ltosirr OnarW for assMtc yau vcNl sisoa ft ad oat nncaai. eiicrd. pre lh 7or' PAtmrs, of Thr fibrrmrna work in land-inp ih fiah arr brhalI. wahd Hal. (inarsnfWtl Knl aiagra. wbat aarstNSal bmnt Ibar Is Hans, at least ftbr' BRt'lNCS Everything this trrrai amount of flab clean thai tbey ar really for Ih net imrtMT tootw inone itia m beta? srvioaabbt.''-Rv. llasn, afaose. par lb. SO. hrjriiM lb day brfnrr th arriv tt or frying pan: laid' in I he 7. SSJ kin II. a IkvMoy. feaalser. 'Halt narks St' WINDOW CUM for the table, and al al lh fiabinfr grounds, when frrctcrs: thm ill nltr'Aysaue WL lata. hrelrn. par la. ibr , pilnl in Ibe rooms sn fTHL SALH-Jlooe hold farnllure r n aay nsj 4rtni 467. Fassl, sbw Sari Uhry start baitintr th firgea pac up rar. of lltr eofcj Morage. supply every need Oin bed. one bed lounire. no I PKTtntl, Pie lb I I IOr Thia iu ilrlf ia small pork, aar no un- 8uch is life along lb fihingi YOUfl KXT HAXCK . oarpet 9 by J 8 4. I'wonft Orren or 1r 1 A ktWTwl d rtakini when it 4 considrmi bank al such U fishing thrra. olal evenl. Pryce's Up-la-lHt',,, WmSO" thai the around line ia nearly To u lh plarrd lokU gcxid Orchestra I'hooe Ulu 3l. tf jpj,,, lb. Sbr, ART IUPPUU. Munro Bros. iv... miles lotur. conlamhiK. four for anyonr wbo woiihl car IlKI.IAItl.K. l'hjanfgrapb repairs. ttmm. par f. Is HCI m Holoama, lb. far. Sr 1 sU i.atr-of rietM "Hia" aaeti per one rather rul than wear aWay. Hiade Mcsfns, 3?5 'KpHd Phone 83 Third Avenue requiring nearly a tbotand Many of thr' men atMiard the Avew. tpple Bilge Co. If ir 1 1 ioj toaujraa. Ce SriOW CAO Hnoiers ftbe piri- of bait. boat viiwol that lhy wr eon. Torches Ffill Ol K'.K sal, lloasrhobl fur-nlur. C4laa liver, gu . Mr phons ti pa ss Supply Light. ing ! lake lifr ray. but II is' caaciiuiTioa oe atsiavc. All baud arc aually up an doubtful if ttn-y w.uld braxr IS MftXordie Aart-ments. ni I kftr rea OKI la ream Dslry Produce, hour or more befor tker la il luii.fiini'.-s Phone fflaek alt. 92H lomi ia aeoaMiina ur caai a4r fa liull'r. par lb. . Or il a4 rtlnlntm Art nuiaMM any aijrn of oM Hot. Ir place .,klml'Lm,4 ,fu 'r. tsfs. a3;WT. feookhaf) par lb IS nut n.M.N Mruiary neater .rMwhrti ia ti entMS aianAn OtM-w -iust like "f bia lifrht the fiabrmn nub-stilute iMiard m anmi eoniiitkm An- ',t rcarr. tst. w .1( er ia. tar torebae. At thr trrounda FEW UNEMPLOYED ply Phone Illaek Jc) OM. irrH ia r.r ti la- ttaw rtlM l.iinbSiriM Cb vrrythiDK ia made realty, thr I AU 0w hift Ij-lss nst u!rjggs. ica1 ibe uraib torches Foil SM.h Hmplre rtiaUrt ol tw arHMr ri af u , U f fraab raaa I nu;. iu ar llghtcii. lb fWbrr- tirafonoia. tran IHrf iMn aM.1 avSaaSBV MUI ' new:: men for the top dory, pat their ARE REGISTERED Iweftly JiMlWr record. liS.00. rim he lilUr la.tlata..1 r-..air.. ana ik. thx a...SaalOii a.. an LimitrJ gear, a dory ail and lh oar Phone IHue 517. air. ! anJ tarfaams tiumti and. M realtor 3br Ph H Into If; Ulr dory is hooted clrar 1 1 L I hi e.I rairllaa af Vai . . 'l.mi. k..BM ftb. DI D P.vPF.Itri for 2&c ' : How often have w hard lh m jump in a it i luw-rrvd sale. a nr .nx of in faMi snrtUa.Koaar. per ib Ilr such an exoUinaliun from into the watn and whir Outlook In Prince Ruoert for a large bundle.1 a. l4Uy 1 - . News.. tf. &aMiraaf SI S Bil ra ti Waal CaaM, Hreaa). pof loaf f far Sac our lb steamer Winter Does Not Look Bad. iaf Jh MUSS (I iha aaaaia af assr rrr I, Kloar 'bard wboal. ta-lb tJ 1 s Sand& custuiners worn they prorrrd slowly, it PROPERTY FOR SALE. n ronv ist l aiara aalary iii 'lr' see the roMilt of the Dry Is "dropped." This continue n Saaanuaa 4 Uuimn Sillwii' h Milk, per . .'. .71U7 7ft cleaning and Creasing we until all eleven done are Jam Campbell, provincial FOH HALK Io I. 3 and . lh I ark ainlbrotrrl!- ineoca ear ..f i taAWsva JlrilSi aat ib VsgsUbtes gtv Uiair aranl. launched. government employment agent. Illock 341. Section 7. in tbe city atih'ti aaath ta4rr rarsrr,af the V M anrOi rrrr foSViB U eta 1 1 ' nan Gravel You'll ay it loo, when A moot striking- eight is thai announce that h bas about fifty of Prince Rupert. Apply Owner. ia be you se tbe work you ask of the dories strung out tn a anemplayed men rrgi.trred at Itoi 10, Hioui Lookout Ontario. sf wim saraant v wvac ia-i auaiv iwtti:im..Beets, per Ib ..... 5 :' w to do Ibe proaent time. Otnidcring rmrllt la U aailerlr tmoadarjr af laai a Is us fr you,. long I me, their tareha sowig 8EWINO urr4 nf .stmt I ob lr. lar. in rta I Taralas. bar I When Shall We Call? ltkc,tet HgMs al intarval for lb ge Herat depreaciou all over urte tr4irt ef W-, Afteaaa. M rtb. be ilha aiwoiM af isul imrki , . . aiarr.l a dtatanoe of -umtn tban two th province tbi condition is n()WNt, floats. Novelty tiuils and i.viari no in iiora sr i u z , Ibe miles out ioUbe btaek nlgbt. very good and compare more MB rihtrls rnaile to order andrr..:! 1 nuhilower Sto to Kc ill Canadian Laying the Gear. tban favorably with any. other ramodelled. 733 Third Avenue. 1 ' Taanafcea 1 4 fS IS w -irVU Head tHt nee tar K inn Steam A soon as the dory strike tbe office fn h. C. Willi the letting Phone i3. II. ear.hoe nr UiM MartiM nr.nkMierlr ear 4 taa aajae Waal tar Am raatr af Mew Potato, pei Ib v Laundry water an aneteor is thrown oat. of tie contrsels up river in tbe frk.yaaiaian Uirnra xM aloe H IM Smra C,. Irrara ii TL. (n.uarUirra eacli tbe Phone 8 The ground line and buoy keg near future, the reopening of the SUMMER RESORTS bmrMarr af T.,aahp IT. Safari Tomato, IsatbOtrM par Ib Sbr iHMflcl, uvare aurlb skws iha aaal Mr. I 1,11 is attached to this. IMly Vardrn Mine at Alice Arm. Third Ave. W., Prince Rupert Then, while FIHIIINO II0AT1N0 IIATHINO. rr 01 aaia laaniiwp it an in aaMinatfi rrun. tie man rows, ar the sail car increased aelivilie at th Pre. CalltOTlUa ... IftC pend your weekends and summer taodart of Taaa'hie It. 41 aaJ la Orapolrult, ries the dory -along, the other inter at Klewart and the prospect iha raris oreaa. a4 ta4aii( aii in t.rmon doaaa ... . IOC holidays at I.akelse Camp. UnSa ' Prr rrraka arul i.mI Li .aba a. out the of work on the suirlruc-ture plays gear. Another anchor WrHe t!att. Terrace. It. C. tf rani to ina riM n1 of vnenarar I'W a I oruas CM MITCH CD ACCOUNTANTS AND Is dropped, when the eud of tbe ocean dncjt and the Uiwl. a iilaT auk all lala4s tftt tx v I .mmmt 18a to II eoavai uraMn -- . Uvarti tna Mllnllal af taa rmtara aia - . . an r AUDITORS is reach! and tbe buoy keg new -tat ion here soon, the out. TUITION "f Iha lira tarat)al af aarli, taUlaaV sad (Ulalns, per lb Sbr a ar as s. look Vunwnr lilaait aa4 all Iha latwta atiats TOM IXB. follow. from tli rtnpleymeiil stand-pon . ... ....... . lb. RORIE & SMALL e a a a a a.a I IW 9BjrBSMria'i f Iha fHalrtrla af Ote. Curanta. Dff As morning begins to streak ' 111 I'rntce H 11 pert does not II. AUIIIira I'm UK, ITOtessor anu 0ditrni. MKMmib, KaaanmlL Vu aarla.I oi b.. rt, look Teacher of Violin and I'iano., a,l as sai ori and smiUi SaaMcb. akank I " " - a. a 14 ant Pnnr me noruon wiui gray, or some bad. arul lllahlaail Ji.l nu lh Sbr, llmll. I iii :;.iui .r ui. ... M--a r OlORQC NORIC. CA. time evari be for it ha don uuiuunr us iupii,- mv a.w.' . .. .a..,-: ..t.k 1. z. n.i' I.m nf......a.u aw ravv.. labia Fists, par At Ibr, VfOlTlli Oily Auditor tor film Rupert so, the steamer returns and PRESBYTERIAN LADIES' ' eenled. Phortc lilue t3. b Marat until nalff f rs riiieaius Mince Meal tbe uaiJaasIS SM ia paiBiianao rr aiiir taai aar M lha' Aslnnrurd Truiu la Biakrvpir picks Ibe dories. Th fhth-ermen FURNITURE REPAIRS en lob CAlambia Oaiall tail In araa- I la nana . . 75c .-.aliSPI ktfSHIr laiaatlaattoaa PwtMriMi Usvldallaaa Acaaaala then begin to bait up anoibrr AID TEA AND SALE OF tna psper I mnA psWiaba htatitraikai ar nrcalauai liiiirLrt.ia ttra,.r ik.of Feajiuas. tins. ... bOr sat of Afler about imi. 1 ituirt rurnuure for ... JOcI Naaaclal Raeoru, alt. Aaalsamaals gear, your A.- M ,M 'Hums. its. faaaral Bullalaa. Crlaca naa two hour have elapsed the HOME COOKING HELD want of proper repair. I'ollsh. ratv atamu is srasuiusa f Oml Oaolaouii Ifte 9ST B.i ill I I. A fi acralu I a 11...I.a.I I. ing. i.rating. II. II. falrjJrsra and Miiaral ttaa la Iha paars 39 B4S I : WMWflN .VWHIIM. W. II lieniinlngs (,,r,r munri. aaiii.nni ir rmtira tn Applra. per bog P!i. 11 niv iii ire aeg uaanng us num Hie f'i . ji)tnan Ladles Aid r, aia uu.son, s lay... . uo. ...,83 ..i.Sruoh .rrZX.SZ., .Sii .V'rVI Evaporated Fruits. ber, aud the fishermen begin 40 held a silver tea and sale of iiuru Avenue. j'none jiiaca and aoti. iiiIa-s rioa pull in thr line. home rooking at the home f (IIS. Orren 171. tf pepair Mlaliur o. a jiuiri,sf Usili. I---,White frf e Night Itona - J. 0; fttatn, 171 Fishing halibut doe not r-sbrfS mean M A. M. Maneuii. Fiflh Avr-nur . . . f (hir W. Longwlll. Ulu. 270 IIAIRDRE8SINQ V I. B. lav. r aj-a r WB N'j that only halibut pick out tbe Kat, yesterday uflfnioon. juif us. .... Peaebce so.- rlia 1 Day Phona S bail. Alt kiudsif nuecr deni-sen On sei-i.unT nf the tnelemeul LADIKH IIAinnrtFitRINn. Mar.' tinn ACT 'ApiOaa bOl la-r STEEN & LONGWILL of the deep from graat a wealhor, tbwe were jiosalblx nut eel waving, ih.mpoolnr, Binge-1"0"" " TU saaarwaawj eaf...a a naivi a kV, crab and ugly eonger el to a many in attendance at there mg, iiair Dyeing. Rcaip treat, ta lh Hans V. Cai LsM Dlilrlrl 'n.uaavs fHctbe Sheat Matal WorUa bm Bbark larger Iban S'riliuf ixairlri af I'rlar bvparL s4 a man might have itrm but good ur-ceaa nient Uka. lb'. a spoelalty. Toupees lliiaia mi Ukala I)lak. while and red Currants ar found on 1hr hook Kume-limas .. '. . faa B'4lra laat rad.nrl nttlao Mai- Agent for MeCUry FurncsiT rrmitteil anil Iha snot nf a Ha .11.. J ! fcwjiari, nf Vrinf.Buixrt. eMilia far Fish. the i . a made. 111 a i,,h,i il:il ' was renlited transronnatlon. for ladle. $$JrS? UkI. 2 lbs Sanitary and of dK fi-'i t end: tli.-n Heating Englnaare (In-flalMkrilo'ii ! Mr.. W H. Fisher poured lea BWilchiM md Up from l.l)!6tV tnmntn9 tl pott pUt4 .1 ttM Vxl flllstl, smoked. ire k'il hi. Iln..w. ami wa- --., it Mi. T. H. n... .MI.I nnv tt 1 nmin V.alhaail eiirner al L. III. Ihanra am py w-ii vuoiuiiiki, nrwv jiAitur.o Fre.h bis k od, lb. . . ITH tBml. 4 rtemi m tf ,,,, t pel- 6lh 8trat and Frsssr torn ' Strwt .i-i in-i. .01 ..t 1 it .11. Il...,pei a i Ur. J,,a Prints iir.-er. HHOP SS3 With rUrret. Prince " 01 vraas masis sf Ftnnan haddia LEE. Kupart - - U.C ing Hah. raiaraaur r.raak la u.iai af Mra. C V.. Alarr " I lie hail charged uf nupert II. C. Phone lilue sunt sad ctiaumiBi 1 an -, saawiai aar , llnlltoit. per lh '"' e uf iirawing illjlhe holm 1-..liking liible. 78 i tiii 1 r u. MULlliiUASU 1 r.icri'(. If. tl ' " Julf TIB, till, Herring, kippered, per