Friday, September 2, 1932 BARGAIN and a great chance to HELP CANADA Canadian farmers produce the wheat from which Shredded Wheat is made. Help Canada’s greatest industry by treat- ing yourself to this great food bargain at least once a day — You'll profit: so will Canada, 12 BIG BISCUITS IN EVERY BOX SHREDDED WHEAT MADE IN CANADA «+ BY CANADIANS ¢ OF CANADIAN WHEAT The New ER HARD COAL per ton $11.50 Minehead Coals $11.50 per ton THE DAILY NEWS Marble Slabs FOR SALE Various Sizes Munro Bros. : LOCAL ITEMS | Miss Mary Macfie, who has been’ on a “holiday visit to Vancouver} and Victoria, returned to the city from the’ south on thé ss. Princess Adelaide this afternoon. Rev. W. D. Urant Hollingworth a we ee pastor of First Presbyterian | Biss §, A. Mercer, principal of Church, and Mrs. Hollingworth, | Booth Memorial School, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from Victoria where she spent the summer vacation, who have been spending a two-| months’ vacation visiting in Mont- | real and in the vicinity of that! city, will return to the city from | the East on tomorrow night’s train C.P-R. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived in port at 2:45 this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 pm. on her return to Vancouver and way- points. NEGLECTED KIDNEYS Nearly killed her . . now you'd never Miss Efford, who has been visit- ing here for the past few weeks as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank suspect it Dibb, Graham Avenue, sailed by, (1 suffered with the Prince Rupert last night on| pprsing Kidney her return to Vancouver. "Trouble for years. P . | ® Had awful Head- ae aches, frequent Miss Jean Harrison, R.N., lady 2 Dizzy Spells and | | superintendent of the Prince Ru- terrible burnin lnetit - (ies . . Back Pains. pert General Hospital, who has finally used ‘Fruit-a-tives’ and soon | been spending a month’s holiday felt like a new woman. The Head- aches, Back Pains and Dizziness were ‘one.’ —~ Mrs, E.'W., Belleville, Ont. ‘ruit-a-tives stimulates FIVE vital organs to work naturally—the great discovery of a brilliant & sician, aduate of the Royal College of Bi hysicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh. For permanent relief from backaches, indigestion, constipation and the like, visiting in Winnipeg with a sister, returned to the city on last night’s| train, Miss S. A. Mills, principal of Bot) den Street School, who has been spending the summer vacation vis- HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 * LOCALITEMS | Announcements On Labor Day, September 5, all t Tennille Club Dance’ Sep- Post Office wicket will be closed | 9 LODE. Hall all day. The public lobby will be ypen from 8 a.m, to 1 p.m. wi S ve 16 and 30, Oddfel-| J, mes Lever, who was one of the New Hall interior exhibitors at the Prince we Rupert Exhibition this week, re- Cathic Bazaar, October 19, 20.|,... ' ‘ Tor | irned to his home in Terrace on} morning’s train The steamer Prince John, sail- Bach agaa 2) ing from here ver via the FAIR WEEK. SPECIALS i of Visitors M M. McLean, Mr. and Mrs. H tonight for Vancou- Queen Charlotte Is- will pick up at Massett and CHildreti Whs will go to~ the - idential schools, lor. Benefit and Customers Island points over forty In-| Bay and Coqualeetza native] daughter of| A. McLean of this| you will find Fruit-a-tives is the best jiting in Los Angeles with her} remed can buy, 25c. and 50c, }mother, returned to the city from ore ee wy | the south on the Prince George| Fruit- "a: -tive | this morning. ’ | "MAKE MAKE AND KEEP YOU | Miss Edna Vickers, of Borden,*° Street School teaching staff, who A meeting of the Labor Day | has been spending the summer va-| General Committee will be held in cation visiting in Vancouver and | the Police Court Chambers tonight Victoria, returned to the city frem} at g p.m, the south on the Prince George} this morning. D. Sim of Borden who | has been spending the summer va-! tion, is sailing tonight on the ss |cation in the south, returned to \Princess Adelaide for a trip to the city from Vancouver on the ss. Vancouver on station business tag * tPF George this morning expects to be away about a week | or ten days Miss Street D. B. Finn, director of the Prince | Rupert Fisheries Experimental Sta- Mary School teaching staff, | Miss Florence Livingstone, wor- SEEDERS 2 eee thy grand matron of the Order of | ‘the: Eastern Star, who has been} TT’ here for the past couple of days, | WA S having paid an official visit to Belist Chapter of this cit Wednesday morning's night left on ity on “| SPECIALS train for Prince George | rrived on the Prince George} é after making an official visit . swWwDDW PN arrived on the Prince George/ nd, after making an official visit) POR THE WEEK-END $5 35 morning after having spent| there, will proceed via Jasper Park PALMULIVE SUAP oad latter part of the summer va-|%O Vancouver. A number of social 2 bar Loc . alts Oi Vancouver and Seattle | nekeves have been held we Miss CORN FLAKES § feild uil Sunday evening on| Livingstone during her stay here per pk c Catal for Stewart to ij the r a - 2 i | Alberta | $1 35 ‘staff rs rare > ibli ‘om a QUICK QUAKER OATS 22¢c Ail UO] ie \ Cc Ss of 200 : i | per pkg Alb I rep er ‘ AUSTRALIAN PINEAPPLE 19 $2.65 | No. 2 tins, per tin C| ; > = 4 NOTICE RED PITTED CHERRIES 18¢ a $1.56 Aylmer, No. 2 tins, per tin ” . Qe Princiy H. Gilliland will be at RED ARROW SODAS 20¢ a es vot hi ffice in the High } Fresh stock, per pkg. oe ar Sch on Saturcay from 10 a.m PRUNES—Malkin's Best 20¢ vhs i, s6e to 12 a.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 2-lb. pkgs., per pkg . = _ 3:30 p.m. to register students for FANCY SALMON—Red 25¢ Commercial and Senior Matricula Spring, No. 1 tall tins, each a! ‘ - " ‘ ENSIGN PEAS—Choice t 75 Sieve 4's, per tin Fresh Veet ables are 5c Saturday Specials 20¢ Prime Rib Roll, 4 lbs $1 00 eo & bs, Apples ® ue Zac of Beef, 6 lbs : Aer ‘ i ; . ~ ‘ I on 1 ib. Braid’s Tea 1.00 a 2c t Steak, 2 lbs, | iv l ' Re Onions 25¢c Visit Our Ice Cream Parlor dco 35C€ « Delicatesse nt & Delicatessen Dept. O56 we 2 Only Read Roa 1 ih cken ne Saturday § tow Beef Boneless 1.00 e 35¢ Shoulder Lamb, 5 lbs & , & 1 1b. Braid’s Tea 1.00) Lees Of Taunb 95¢eh. per lb Loin Lamb Chops Economy Store . a y Fresh Killed Fowl 25¢ Where Dollars’ Have More Cents”! per |b Ham We Deliver Orders of $2.00 Free of Swift's Premium e 95¢ Charge | by the per Ib 319 Third Avenue—Phone 18 & 360 | 957 Phone — 957 P. 0. Box 575 il | Voy i) ? | === — == ~ «4 8-0z., per jal FOR! 16-0z / COUPON \ per jar Canedian Milk Products Limited, a BLACK FIGS 95¢C 115 George St., Toronto | 3 Ibs I SUNLIGHT: SOAP Please send me free booklet “Camp SUNLIGHT SOA | Cooking.” | per carton 1$¢) SWANSDOWN CAKE None . FLOUR, per pkg 30c BIRD'S CUSTARD | A s Sao POWDER, per pkg 12¢ FLOUR—First Patent Packed in| Gingham $ per 49-lb. sk 1. 00 . FLOUR—-Buck , high quality, low Pianos For Rent | «os $1.35, 70¢ ee WALKER’S MUSIC icHOcOLATE rs ae | STORE | New shipment. ner Ib FRUITS & VEGETABLES | |Australian Oranges, Sweet and | Juicy, per 49-lb, sack $4 Per Month and Up 24-Ib. sk Pianos Tuned, $3 large size, 3 doz. $1.00) 'B. C. Canteloupes, 3 for 25c Hotel Central Ltd. non COb, per doa. 35 “‘Govenient te dusihess district, wield on Ta ae lin | homelike, beautiful harbor . : ar ee a views, |Firm Cooking Apples, 6 Ibs. 25¢ | Rates reasonable. Spacious | Bartlett Pears, per basket ee) sample rooms. | FIRST CLASS CAFE i | Open at All Hours a S ocery ry | Special monthly rate for | Rooms and Meals | PHONE 55 PHONE 56 “THE BEST FOR LESS” Hotel Central Ltd. | @ 1 ee aM First Avenue & Seventh Street on last night lic trip to interior points ana will sail MAYONNAISE-—-Dutch Maid 22: . 1 . iy whence he wi = Vancouver DOLLAR DAY SATURDAY © raser & Payne’s LARGE SIZE FLANNELETTE SHEETS 100 Only Flannelette Sheets, white with blue and*pink borders; finished at ends; Largest Size Made and best quality; Extra Special Value; Dollar Day, each .......... RAYON BROCADE 250 Yds. Rayon Brocade in shades of old rose, lavender, peach, apple green, white and black; Dollar Day, 3 yards for $1.00 WABASSO PRINTS 36 Inches wide, all new designs Wabasso Prints, are absolutely fast colors $i 00 . Dollar Day, 6 yards for WABASSO PILLOW COTTON Circular make linen finish, full width, no filling absolutely pure Dollar Day, 4 yards for , $1.66 WABASSO HEMSTITCHED SHEETS Linen finish, absolutely free from filling or dress- ing, hemsititched, size 72x90 inches Extra special value at, each $1.0€ WABASSO HALF BLEACHED SHEETS Extra large size, 81x90 inches, very heavy quality, nothing better for hard wear, absolutely pure, Dollar Day, each $1.00 HORROCKSES WHITE FLANNELETTE Horrockses English made Flannelette, 30 inches wide, no better cloth manufactured Dollar Day, 5 yards for $1.00 FRINGED CURTAIN PANELS 100 Panels, cream only, fringed ends, new designs full 36 inches wide, 24 yards long $1 60 J strong & durable, Dollar Day, 2- for SILK DRAPERY DAMASK About 150 yards in 4 designs, colorings rose, mul- berry, rose and gold, blue and gold $i 00 > reg. val. $1.95 to $2.25. Dollar day, yd. DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS 54x54 Inches, made in Ireland, with colored borders, extra good wearing quality; Dollar Day, each neat fast 89c TURKISH FACE CLOTHS Full size good quality, assorted colorings 6 for 30¢ PURE IRISH LINEN TEA OR GLASS TOWELS Large size, pure linen, size 22x32 inches, very fine, close weave, extra good wearing quality, red or blue borders, ready for use $i 00 . Dollar Day, 4 for PURE SILK 400 Yards Pure Silk Flat Crene Swiss made; Dollar Day, yard who is Dr J. Wall of Ottawa, identified with the 23¢e Indian Affairs, arrived in the city Department olf train after a week's hight on the Caraena for 39 inches wide; 6 s TURKISH TOWEL SPECIAL 45 Dozen Turkish Towels, run of the mill, colored Stripes, checks, etc., absolutely fast colors, va- lues to 45e each; size 22x40 inches Dollar Day, 4 towels for GENUINE FRENCH BER?TS \ssorted colors, full size, French Berets Dollar Day, each 50c LADIES’ SILK & WOOL HOSE ik & Wool Plaited Hose in all the new fall shades, no better stocking for hard wear; Dollar Day, 2 pair for .. “$1. ¢0 LADIES’ SILK & WOOL FULL FASHIONED HOSE ‘ull fashioned, made in England, all new fall colorings, extra wide top; regular 95e price $1.50 pr.; Doilar Day, pair ; PURE WOOL HOSE FOR BOYS & GIRLS ‘0 Doz. Assorted ribs, made in England, in fawns, brown and black colors; size 8 to 10 reg. price 65c pr; Dollar Day, 3 pairs $i 00 LADIES’ FALL WEIGHT VESTS ‘ilk, wool and cotton mixture with neat tailored top, will not shrink and wonderful wearing quality, all sizes; 2 for $1. 00 KAYSER HOSE \ new shipment of all the new shades, pure silk, full fashioned, dull finish, cradle foot, fit all tops, service and chiffon weight Dollar Day; pair $1.00 ’ , Men’s & Boys Dept. Boys’ Merino Combinations, short sleeve and short leg, good heavy quality sizes 24 to 32; Dollar Day, 2 for $1.00 BOYS’ SCHOOL SWEATER Heavy rib wool Sweater, polo collar, browns, grey and blue; size 26 to 30 75¢ Dollar Day, each BOYS’ SHORT PANTS Navy blue cord and fawn whipcord, school pant; sizes 6 to 10 Dollar Day, pair "$1.00 MEN’S & YOUTH’S BROADCLOTH SHIRTS Fine broadcloth Shirts, collar attached, in blue, tan and white 75¢ Dollar Day, each FLAT CREPE hades, extra heavy quality $1.00 SAVE 50 PERCENT sit to Miss D. Hogan 10-Day Wallpaper Clearing Sale Total stock of sixty to eighty patterns to choose from with match- ing borders at one-half price—also TEACHER OF MUSIC Phone—Black 232 10-Day Paint, Glass, Muresco, Turpentine and Oil Sale on which you can save 15% to 25% This sale tunity “Cleanliness is Next to Godliness” SPECIAL FOR TWO WEEKS August 29 to September 10 inclusive Ladies’ or Gents’ PSS includes for house renovators to get supplies at real bargain prices. A. W. EDGE CO. all merchandise in stock, It is a great oppor- 330 Second Ave, P. O. Box 459 aad a —s - r UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver:— CATALA EVBRY TUBSDAY, 1:30 P.M, iad A aan Via Waypoints,” arriving Vancouver, Thursday a.m, CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT, Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight. approx. Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Alice Arm, Anyox, : River points, Sunday, 8 p.m. Suits Pressed || *** By Steam 50 Cents Stewart and Naas Further information regarding all sailings and tickets at — Phone 568, VRINCER RUPERT AGENCY: Second Avenue, Sponged, Cleaned and Pressed 75 Cents Naptha or Dry Cleaned and Pressed, $1.00 Phone — 649 CANADIAN PACIFIC AUGUST SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER PRINCESS ADELAIDE---Pridays, 10 p.m.-—-via Ocean Falls and way ports, PRINCESS LOUISE or PRINCESS ALICE-—-Saturdays 5 p.m. direct. For KETCHIKAN, WRANGELL, JUNEAU and SKAGWAY- LING TAILOR Mondays, 10 a.m, ™ For Information call or write W. L, COATES, General Apent Prince Rupert, B.C, We call for and deliver to all parts of the city, Mail orders = . = _ our prompt attention. if you lose anything, try a classified ad receive ae ee eee et : Vso 0s neeseseoes As tt 6s ores CO em — » oe meee 6 aw we ee eh eet ee ae