The Daily News SAVED FROM C.N.R.' BUSINESS OFFICIAL IMPROVING!SAYS ! j 1 1 1 1 1 c 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e i t 1 1 1 i 1 1: PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA saanc. .nik. am net amm m Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News LIFELONG MISERY flobert Creelman elves Interview wrM Si I iva Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. In Edmonton Regard I ntf , H. F. PULLEN. Managing Editor. Prospects And Danrerniee Operation,ty Tki "f RUIT-A-TIVES" KMMO.VrO.V. April M. Viit-jrig m SUBSCRIPTION RATES J tliia city nfler mi elenlt! City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month .... li.00 nr that !mk iiitn iivasNiny of dir. f Jl 1 I Stv By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Hlates, . iiut rlUe fi t Die liiui-j r ... in advance, per year ...... If.00. nlt-iM of n lln'li'rit -l.!,-. To all other eounlries, .in advance, per Tr . I7.BC ilnlieft I'rr iliiiiin 'iuliiiil ni-j TELEPHONE 88. Hir ll.ifllc'i-r if lie! Transient Oisplay Advertising $1.25 per Inch each insertion .i iiUUian .MIlMiiijil HdllwHy, eluli il More Tobacco 'lor the Money Transient advertising on front 12.00 per inch. page mm. mm Dial n r-'rri'-nil iiui'rbxtnenl n' Kit, js ,i ;jf 25c. per line. iWtaleiil ar ar y ' .M r.I w : a m. .aim. j e. Local Headers, per Insertion, i.iiMiiPn- im .i.vwiifre Classified advertising, per insertion, 2c. per word. ihiiiI lluil llii' itr"lil 1Mniiii . . . ntiiili'-i aT rt ar a " f'W 11-. -inmlil uilni'v. .tiiI DAILY EDITION. Saturday, April 2.1, li2t, cli IIB xtnlilr in.ti-i rutl linP. M. ! Packages 15 ilrerluiaii i iici ..iii.iinn ti liy V4 j ).. Mnir. sjiMiPfiil i of 1 lee- immg.T . M M Ws. Tr"' !1nV aWt Bl Ambulance is raeiuelinn Vulinnal I Mire- rlii-lnny Badly Needed. ; MRS. M. J. GORSC uitli luee(uni i. i - iii Win-niH. r r t r i im i, LU'wa Harlv (hi mnrninir when Ihe'lwo engiiiemeii were limunt ' RS Union St., VancouTer, B.C. in liatlly injured from up Ihe river, Ihey hail tuvhc driven to the) "I suffered with all tbe symptoms 1'elui'inton unit MfHii.i Ki-iipi. - ' 1 i. m a u'' hospital in ordinary taxi rnrs. No provision ha yet lieflii made to, of IVmale Trouble,with chronic Constipation ullv. Mr. Avijtinn I"" ii i 1 1 ii i uMixtf mm r provide the neresnry ambulance to-which nttentiou has been, sad constant Hftadichea. lii'relarly frt innl- in li.lnt e.- X. T I sad that we should allow IIiomiI kaJ Imm W lie back cad ilfnwn many timr. It seems very' paint m (nisi lei nlnieiMi neiriiieil eiuii. men U suffer iiiiifecearily in that coiutjlioii Miopiy leeu-e we iUt cf A Mr. I tried, Tiriuut Hiilio. In the I"rt i r.-ct Slnlew it comfort. On lichnlf! remediea mittout J then I III II H I .IT will notnlfonl Mi nmleiilnnre to drive them in relief,an put ui'iii'rnl i'hni in hi'ineii ft ' of the suffering men, who from time to time arc convcycu imm : myself under a doctor' care aod be lni!i!lry 'xi.- arii It l i)iierli i the train or hoat to the hi.Hlal we appeal to the wo'mtrii of this, edriaed me to hare aa operation, I dial n run., iil.'i .'til.- liieee will rity lo get busy that an amhulaiKf is provided. This refuted. eln're Ui'Ui.f th' t nllisl Htm.-. no fail. It is our duty to provide it We henellt from the work! Then, I started taller Trult -Htm'; II return let a n iktiiiaI nn.l Ihe means of rnrfiiK and from tht ouUet, I felt should :, the-meii do ami we provide lu'ccssnry .pilK'!! lmU. and Out meetiaew kat AIL BCHtDOLE better, eompUulf for them al n time when it 1 needed. Willie in I lie- I ml.'.l Slater Mr. EAT nlitrrj m of all any misery and FISH nnd SUPPORT A LOCAL INDUSTRY I 1 Off to Salt Lakes suffering-. My nelfbt was only 143 eclirmn fottnil muiiy AiiKrlcuiii For the Cast. ; For a Swim. v pounds and now It Is 169 pounds. nlie liate eoinlus to i iuimU llii-yeaf. EAT Mondays. Welne.Ays and Hat-urtlays Tomorrow night the Swimming Cluh to have its' Annual am fn of pain and headaches and the The riiure' ekptirllieenl '.k meeting. The weather is gradually changing and very soon we terrible Constipation;and what sated of Se-alHi rtitiletj imy-iv.ei u (It at 10 13 a. in. hall all he ready lo visit the Salt Lakes for a swim. Hcfore this ma from misery is the splendid fruit ii Canada elurlnx Hi innnlli tt I .hapnons, however, there are a lot of improvement 'In he made. medicine, 'Fruit-a-tite'." M.ireh, wliieli. .m lilr Int' t la t from the East. Brand etundays, Tuesday and Tbtirs. Rupert The most serious of these is the provision of a float to replnre MItS. M. J. G0RJ5E. eany (ir.-ieni nr iiir '-ur. a the one that was carried away during the winter. We-must have COc. a box,6 for 2.50,trial six 25c. i '('reil ii reeiiril t!. nlTli-c, Jay at :ti p. m. ' At all dealers or seat postpaid by that. ! The swimming rlnlt has done splendid work in the past in; Frult-a-tires Limited Ottawa, Oat. YOUNG INDIANS FROM For Vancouver and South. Tuesdays ? in. ' i p. with The BRILLS- -connection the improvements to -Salt Lake. public . ..ri.f Arl ika .4.rL it a, i, i c I II ic in f.o hnnArt Ifcnl...... ......llei' PORT SIMPSON STOLE Thursdays tt p. m. IIUU' ,'' 1 IIIV e I V ' J ...'i-vm SUITCASES alnn'njn 10.15 ajll. year there will he no falling off in the enthusiasm and support. April I'. 1 2 MMi it The Salt Lake is our holiday resort. It is our popular playground TRUNKS FISH-GO TO PRISON amlns-wc all like lo go lite re, we should all take a pride in it, From Vancouver and South. ee that we jnake it a credit lo the-community. 'We can do thai HANDBAGS Paul Prlea and Joshua Talt Scn-..n(I... . n SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE by attending the swimming rluh meeting tomorrow night and by tenced to Twelve and Nine m. fish IWnlnewiays 10:30 a. TO COOK-Cut into required portions, I p ,r f: 'contributing later when the committee goes out for funds. Tents and Awnings Month Yesterday , A,ir K tH anJ , batter. Place in very hot fat and fry for 15 m. No Reduction SOLO ALL RETAILER.. BY I'aul I'rfre uhe; J.wl.iw 1 Of Armaments. .!:;' Far lnoi and alka Irm. H looks a if the lessons of the past have not been learned J. F; MAGUIRE I'e.rt Sluii..ri Iii.tiHii. mii.i, .1 Sunday V. 10 p.m. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ill in iiere juiiBP l'MinK jeir may 'wineday S p.m. and the mrid race for armaments is lively to continue, spite of 112 Second Ae., Prinee flupert uflrrnrMin and ,, . the great sacrifices of the war and the hopes entertained that it we-re- ecnteucri ii , would prove lo be the last. Even the United Stales is looking ver iiieentlis ailil nine IntenDm! From Ineoi and Alice Arm. forward tomore trouble, judging by the way hi which that country re.iTtieIy, at Olalla Kanii. reer'Tuesdays a.m. is her and the lheft of naliuon valnril nt f 40 ! tiuraelaye p, m. preparing by increasing army providing h military machine which will be always ready for an emergency. 1.1 THE MATTER or Sections III' anl from a calnnt al Port Siuiiwi.ii. j The Allies are discouraging Ihe military xpirit in .fiermany 'it of itw Land Rermrr Art tmt in the Tbe arrrat wan indp .at I'..rl ,Foe Port Simpson. Arrandale. Mill milter of Lot four 4i. Block Tblrtjr (IS) 8itnien vtlierr-tlie-ye-nitli at- Bay, Walea Island and Naai River. by making that country pay the cot .of the trouble he gave the seetloo line ii). Utj of Prar Htipert, other countries. The -Allies arc a unit in their determination lo (Map till. le-niplrel ((ieplhe 11-la vtliiiii Isumlay 10 p.m. force payment and to.comply with olher lerms of the peace treaty. rronf of the Dream or Covenant, and Iliey hail tilen fronrtli; laun.-h 1 PACIFIC RAILWAY Slmoeon, Arrandale. Mill GRAND TRUNK iFro'M M 11 isa good thing to see that Germany is kept out of Ihe r-iry and reeeeery of poaaeastoiu Bjr M. and K. whlrli w mHree al military race for supremacy, bill little advantage will be gained the COna above Wabtron.lot, nnder tne rrrtaterO a lea Iran omner tea tj Of wharf. They were hrnuahl l. "u ulnd ntf ",,r-1,jn S S. PRINCE GEtG- Aittnr ,if another race is to. lake its place, that between United Stales i nariea E. Vurreas lo yon, Oeorre .lirey, town hy Ihe niTlee'r anil eJrteeTrlru''',,,al, MldnlM Thurxlay fri San a lUy fkean Fail and Japan, with Britain as an interested third party. N ' dated Ihe 30IH inne. Il. and retittered evl7 (rial, piraeTlnjf inll Charlotte er Virt .na and rVatil Werfr - . IP Ihe Und Nesttirv orare at Trtnee rioJ Plier wai givrn lhe enpir -n-tenee Queen Islands: ALBERT Possibly the Ireaty between Britain and Japan may aid in S. S. PRINCE Kir perl, a 5amter I9I-D. narlnr Been fur smoothing things out with the United States and in bringing niohcd. II la tnr tntenilnn after Ihe ei- fur he wn fret'HP craaalt nf April 1 1 ami ?.e for furl nemenla. Mjs.cii lMl;r l!a anl i Japan into line in regard to disarmament or a scheme for re-.stricllon ptratibu of thirty dart from the seme or ll.eff al Vanrotiver nn a Krtjm arniltimi .,. " t''a- - of armaments. ihta notice, lo fa ore the rnuratton of oernlon. Ai.rll SMIh the Mid leae upon the Hetitter valeai April II arrd ? vaaaiat erstuiCE. Premier Oliver la tpe meantime a tood and valid-objeetioa Pa.aenner Wednesday and Saturday at and P. G. E. thereto la made and nnlesa you tait and CAR UCENSES Foe BHaa-ay and the Yukon. for Hmilhera. lrinVe Oeorie. n and ft mnlpef. ta- pmtecule the. pmper proeeedin lo e Premier Oliver, ininisler of railways foi B. (I, is having a Ubliih jrr rlaim or to preteat auen pro April . H ami a Inr direct eonnecttopa for all r'n ' great time with the P. (!. E. It is like the wilel cat the man had puaed aeiton on my pan Several Oranted During tht Past From laagway and Yukon. Agency All Ocean Steamihip Linei up lire tree. He finds it difllcult to hold it and more difficult lo land Hriry omee. rnnra nnperl. Fortnight at tho Provincial April ?. Ii and ?; foe rafo auoai r rtar W B c.. 3rd Marrh. AO. Iff I. let of Police Office V on, tmsm Ofita. Its Twe go. The people Prince fieorge and Peace River districts II. r. MACLCOD. are insistent that, not only shall the present projected line be tHttnrt nertstrar of Titles. I tew art, Maple Bay and Iwamp', completed, but it shall be extended into Ihe Peace River country. The foth'wlhs aul'iinntiili Point. Vancouver is also an interested party and is backing the interior I Prinee Kopert. B. a li(ene havi- leen ieeitev nl lhe"'fl districts in us demand. LAM) ACT. l.reiviiirial plire. olllcf duriiiR Uiol April 1 1 and ;h PACIFIC RAILWAY .Vow Mr. Oliver is trying lo-get Ihe Dominion lo take over leant furlniM: FROM CANADIAN the railway or at anyrate lo bonus the extension tulo the Pence Neixt of letitlen to Apply M Laaaa Land. Canadian Klh X (i.)'l Hleeraire .April 16 am! 30 oAtnm rsotrto ocaaa a",K' River. The difliculty is that Ihe Dominion Oovcrnmenl has had In Skeena Land Diiinrt, Heeordins tts Oonsunier Ua) (tft.. TVntrV. B.C. Coast Steamship Serncei all it wants of .railways and would like -to let go some or thos net of Coaat. nanro i, and aiiDaie at bead Fori?. it already owns. r i-riinn Kay. sdioininr lit tt. Lindoay Cartas Cet;-Fiinl. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES lake not lee thai Norman R. Itrodourol, MARY of I'nne Huperl. occupation mauler mariner, K. II. FeWk. Ford, S. S. PRINCESS inteou to apply for permiaaion to ftiipert Ilakery, Ford. Wednesday, April 20. rer Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Alaiss, from me leae the follovtlnt detrrud laoda. Ir. C. A. lrert. Ford. , Ilik-h. 17:13 p. rtl.. SO.I feci. Rupert March 7, 1. 28; April le Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE Conimenrma- al a'poal planted on. the Sling Panr. I'm., Fonl. Irfiw. (J:l a. nu, 3.0 fpl. ror Vancoum. Vletoria and SeaM from aoulh line of lot l. tnenee veil i chains I ft p. in.. 4.t fi'el. i- more or leas to low water inart; tnenee March 1f. 23; April z, Thursday, April 21. . .... 4i.r tJnfii' P aoetrierly tt rbaina aiont - r......, MEMBEK OP TUB .C DENTAL COLLEGE low water mart; B, B. "ItM ' imm ITIin r mil" - ittenee eat i chain more or leaa to hiio llilfh. 0:ri a. m., ?l.7 feel. W.v. '"'l'"r r)(" Ten Years FuI, Alrt Hay Heav.r DENTIST water mart: Ibemw northerly amny btrS Ago r.:59 p. flt 30.5 fr-et. I noon. vaier mark to poet, contaliuni J aerea. In Prince Kupert I.iw, 7 a. ni Z.H feel. Yanei.iipr exery raUirdy nmre or e. , Phone 575 Smith Block .VinMA.I H. KHOPHURST. If l: p. tn., 4.8 feel. a4 MUisit. aav" High grade dental work at the lowest prices. luted January t, tttl. April 23, 1911 ttt I rstet.n nnrulDn re.ertalKea Ganara! Bnl- I can give the best of reference. The time nra Is ractne tfLnn-tlard. wee, w. nvi ini.i 20-jeara in active service. JHNKrtAL ACT. Manneel eenty ley olllcer Ihe for the I20lh Meridian uesl. Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Ruprri, Mraiii'-r i:i'lnuna rneheel xrl Lia It Is counted from 0 to 21 hour. l"MeHevlJHt.M. CEHTiriCATE VP loday. The wnUei at aeamen out Office Hours 9-12, l-S and 71 Open Evenings from midnight to midnight. 1 W II T I C It. l'eerl I'AxfnKlon on aeefetint of the I Hnuinla- "nnmi o. i "nn i i iee iaoie given is for I'ort refual of-the Nirlhern fleam. annia n. j," ii.w .o. ,nl "Ut. Simpson hut the time for Prince H' ii" Mineral IJIauin, aiUiale in lie Aaaa eiliip Ui. In pay them 5'c an hour COAL hirer VlneiiK Inviaeon ff ll'ilif ImlrieL Rupert varies only a few minute I UMBER wrr. Mfr.ira: i in i-imraaa i,reea. bit for HunCay wurk. G. H. Arnold Public tiuil mver. e on some days and on others is - Notary TAkt MeTICK.ttut lewn u' mi The I'rinee luiii-rl Induatrfal the same. The range of the tide rree Miteera irlifvraie xa. icl-c. arm I for the A lire arm La Hoe Mieunr imany Aaeeiiclalieeii has le-e)ile In rail nfT may be computed a & per cent of Rough, Sized and Finish; Llreelled. Vin-l-eraonel l.latinuy. free Hm--r Largest stock FOR SALE. (.eiuflrai o. eillo-C Intend, autv the strike if titrrl worker and ereiter at Prince Hupert than at ! frenii the date hereof, to apply to accept Dip old rale of wnKP which Port Blmpson both at spring and Lumber in Northern u.v. A Lot mninr Hernraer lor a cerlielcale of on Third Avenue in Block 34 unprufeiiM-nta, fur Itee purpow bt obtain cruaed the strike. neaps. Therefore the rise In the-Prince Sec Our Stock and Ask for ina a f:roll lll-anl tit eai-e, lit itim .twiw. Adjoining the new Concrete Building rlaiena.AMI I t'NTHF.R TAkE MlTK r. teial a.-li..n Four red leJIrr Imxe liae leen greater Ilupert than Port harbor Blmpson.Is slightly!j We handlq ihe well known mnainw-H c which is befnff erected therj. A very desirable business lore under Ihe aertlnn euaore II. niul f eurn be rewineenerd Certenrale tie.of placed at ariin pari of Ihe The height is )n feet and tenth AIDCDT P. Me.rAri7l7tV TO ,ifi.nd5L Inimvrnenti. clly ley thee lot v as ar sr n dwm.r a m a a s a a r location IlATfcU lien I(lb day of Marrn, A. l. Ofllca..departnienl. of feet above.the. average level of; ILeLfLiiil UL a was y - ll. lower low water, H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. LEWIS W. PATMOHE. Tho following were Ihe suit Insurance tenuis f!raj Estate winners at Hlnan' drnwinir last LAND ACT. nfsht: llrother Mrrieely, J. J,nrne Bags Costu dies' .VJTICE oy I.ITEMTIO.H TO APPLY TO Maci.arrn, K. Ii. Macdonald, J. I-:. Art Clothes e e e a e i,eeeweeeeee ii t'nHjn, V. I.. llarl;er Alex, flrny, Suitcases THEO CQLLART, Notary Public m In fjinriei l-rinre bt rmperl ua.Land Hans Dlitrtef., and neeordi attuate W. M. llrown ant! K. fl. fleilehell. Measure on an lalatid lytur bts Km north coaal tt rcrriwrr iviana. Trunks patted FLOUR ADVANCES. poSAUZ. 5 room house with bath. plasUred. on Conrad and Prlnre Take Huperl,noure that. C.I,oerupallon Jullua lladlaad.carpenter.ef Prices reasonable, Large election 9th Avenue, for B2.0OO. $700 cask, balance 6-12-18 montha. Intend lo aordv for termUkietn la noretiaia styles WINMPKO, April S3. Afler and This house is practically new. Ihe folioKina desrrllM-d tanaa: Tents, Packsacks Commrnrent al a pott planted on as droppinsr flfly cnls a barrel nn Insure your boat In tbe Moet Liberal Company on tbe Coaat. Island atMMjt y.teo feet northwriterly front Third Avrnve Insurance Company of Worth America. .W. coiner of Lot 1117, ftanya , Goait two diferenl occasion lne the F. M. feertrlrt. theeiee ae-nutui the laesnrt ia iim beginning of. thl month, the Crosby STEVE KING Prince W poiot of roneinetiremenl and It m P.O. Boa 6 coataiuinf WMtkoIaoe Theatre Bleak Pbene Blue 69 , rres, mora or leaa. price nf flour yesterday went 711 Third Avenue, Prinee Rupert Dated March Ird, IVII, I higher fifly eenl.