PAGE I. Till IJAII.T ITBVVH ALBERTA CITIES TO . IF- L.Ja BVBH BBH m MaBlBBBBBBBl H KB a la B1 Local and Personal HAVE FIVE MEMBERS you are nuflVriiiK fm Antlima. Illicuiunlimii. Slum.nil lioublf in i:iiMnMii, . i In Hi. -with Economv 11, C. Undertaker. Phone 41. tf every ii. . I ii nil in. niuui'y in i.. in iiniiiiht u'ui- event of a jteiicral plot nn ml eachlireCuaranle'cdaOOMr For aftcrnuvii lea, St. Ilrgis iliiinl. Ni-rvou trouble. Pile, elcrlinu belli called before an Economy.Tirea, rccon.vtmrj ., :afe. tf Skin (Unease, etc . trv u treat -inrnt oilier eM"ii of (Jie leilalin . 'u"ttl "brie -i.l wear ike new ril. TM if. ' 1 .. j I" lll'lll. IHIlelolllletllK .i 01 a,ww mne List your boat for sale with prHiei or more. Art .r- f-J M, M. Stephens, tf I lie eeelio ucl illd'tlly let.hi. iaca on an avcray of twent, ffM WONDER live H--clui jiiT ll pfiu'ldi' tot- travel. Price., including freV(u Itlei t A Cali fur your Vicluiy bund I'dioonloii iiml i ftlniry "cle. (n.- Tim n , r No uaitiiiK. T. McClyniont. (f lUe llieiiilie- e.ieh lll-le, ( tit SPECIAL OFFER HEALTH im Mi4 -o ,ll Sr. Hire' eiM-h ii. ul Joeell con Ill4 n t-,7 Steel Axles, Roller Spokes will not I'rco cup of .Nabob Ten anil -lilllle... II.M ! fall Hearings, tlolfee ul Ituperl 'l'iililo Supply. If RESTORER e I M t Ill each Hie will rHe cninlbhilen Break, Easy Running, Attractive in Appearance. l re)iri"l l.ind for Hie cil your imlnitton tt rno i., J , , ? " Thi't is W. I.. S. Dudnwanl arrived ye the herh(remedy a, Ii linn niveii ord.r If m th, l,n.,.,t , ' not only the best wagon, but the best tcrday afternoon from Port Ul Initte, I he till ee.eiOl.llllleuex j-lth f relief in I li'Mnaii'l- r mieh r,le. ""-, innrt i.i! 1.1..1 value. "Recommended and Guaranteed by us. impon. ilivinloli of the pHl lll'tlltf hIioI. Aihrt, ami Uritl.S 0,w ,i u"k """ ' Thl prcpumlion contain nuMi-inn Ibel. 'I'lll proM-pili has already blhr trighti4orriit, h.r, A vh.? 1' No. 1, 12x30 No, 3, 16 x 38 llt-own' KitiltiitiiMi Harden uixell li.e lo Dip opinion Mini whl full amount accon ..aL":' I?' lull alcohol herb no or nnrtt f tprr.i oflJe.. luuncr fr,. Seed, ltoc buhe, llnMiiiir I'aIiihiiiIi.ii at ill i'.iilpnr will pro ' $7.35 $10.00 plant. City Mm Let. If drutr- it In a true Nulure rrrled brbly Im' iieii a yiui of pro. ECONOMY TIRE Co. Dept. 291 1M3 Jmii See our windows for English made Sail Boats Mr. pit ri lien I he Id 1 cornet piirlionnl n iii .eiiiliin in lliej StjO&oJ JuiNnn, native, lined nun oi'KHiiie action lolie up the aexl election. I0 and cost in (lie police. otirl I nynleni--Coine In liquid or rap- 'I'hio ini'iisiire of redlolrlbnlion thl inurniiiff fur drunke niic. ule form. will therefore Kite lh.e nest leni-l SEED Son nf Kupland rhurcti nrnde Itllne uncinlil) uty iiiemlo i POTATOES On mile in Prince ltui i t by the tomorrow nifzht to fU. Amlnw' nfead of nflv-ilHtit. Ho- pie., nl VAUTV Churrh. .Member will meet In I'i'iliei' It u pert Inuif Ak niiniber. U Int.- the lv If il e m. J-eoilxllluencle well known vuii- 'h COLD COIN K. of I', hall. A:15 t. in. iilniul the rcconl ..J tin iri'ui ration nf the pronn e ul but limits). Uire, now hel.l liy llobl. l'.(ii"o, Fertilizers m( Srerit , t M. Manning appeared in the and Mr. tt. t. I'rice. uill be i.e.! BfiK Chick Food,, ihe Beit police court (hi niorninir chartr-ed nit. the hint extra membei n -rlment t. with vagrancy and wa released WOULD HAVE (Vdirory ant IUIhhiiI.i mil ,oii cxp with mf. - r .-. on upendcd nenleiicc. I'Mi morn tiiemhern to lie hmi.i Goods sold under our B G K TRADE MARK K Jtrasteae I ' , , j Write or phone for i , I Countable fOiarp arrived today Sunk ships in FULLER'S SPECIALS DENTISTRY on the Tee from Swim-urn Hay THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING ucronipnyins an allege.; in-nne CO til Pure KfralHrry Jain. t'-.j innn who will undergo examination P.O. Ilox 748 Prior here. KIEL CANAL Mlkin' am. Kikk Iteach.i Kupert, U.C P"m3S0 OF. i-r Im. I .Mr. and .Mrs. II. II. Heath, of i:iiipi. Klrawlwrry Jum. I h.. QUALITY Kelrhikau. arrived in the city on Admiral Sir Percy Scott Urges 35e. Ho Prince. Mary yenlerday Attention to Air Craft. SMbjl linoii, t!Ih..';Sc. SPECIAL PRICES IN mornini; and are reentered at IM-al new I n er Jul., the Hotel Prince Iluiiert. LOMHI.V Aprii .-:'. Admiral S5e Go-Car ts :: Baby Carriages Creamery Ktitler. It lb. bo, Dr. Sir I'ercy Stt. 'mmauder Bayne MAPI.K SYHUP in the latest Jut armed the aerial defence of London in per lb.. 57i". designs. tanlerii Canadian ijyrup at re-luced the world war, baw no una for SMfial iVftee, 3 I Oil. All Floor Oilcloths and Linoici n ; bc-y ti price. Fine ijualily. Also Sunkint iraiije. :i 4nt, Sl.un Office Hours-Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; near and-randy made from thin battle.hiji. , believe Ihe I j oui at preat rciui : . :. Purity OaU. IoIm-. lr. Saturdays, 9 to 12 only; Every Evening from 7.C0 to I) urc nyrup. Ii. K. GonfecHlotierj if llrillh it ient navy(lie would t tn.onO.lHIO be belter in-tended off Walnut in She I .1 II... 9h-. j (ore. 95 Dried Ujwii Pea. 3 lb, BARRIES FURNITURE Dental Nurse in Attendance for liAttlohip eonnlrue-liop -ie.; STORE in reeareb and providing Jfarmalate. :i.n. nn. at.on. ! Harry Held, the well known Tliird Avenue . . ,Phone 109 for Appointment clarjnnUl and formerly a member newer weapon of warfare. Kpeeial Prune fn.o hot ?6 ! " The lale liiMKl Hpud. nark lot. l.iO war," sir Perry nld. j Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Block, Cor. 3rd and 6th of the Wetholnie i rcluminu Theatre here at or-eielra. nn a"xlinweil regard lhat'tlie batllenhip only oafe wa policy to irftlioe Pwiuiul Salmon,llutter..wr lujt I H...lJ.' ?fte i Best Equjpped Office ;in Northern.B;G. V' ! early Held. date, accompanied;: . . by..,.Mr. ow I hem away n far a in. KryeV iiani.. per. lb- &r. J Vlble from Ihe enemy. If we g Frye a Haroiper lb. Bvie. , Dr. Sutherland 'U lo war now with h ranee ik not iJ,i .'Jia.ntloj CJ.V.1I. loa-tei Vante4 fur. I'at I'M) iiiecllaiiie. Ihink our bMlllehip will be iafe -Itaw of A'aiicotixer. a no A. I Walt, pMant nialer mechunir Ullle we ruilalruel a harfcw-r lo liin D.D.S., L.D.S.. D.D.C. of Sinlthero.' 'arrUe'd In the coiiiani iiohii in leeiami. " l.iitiii ? yhtcrday aflernoon'On an ofiic'lii1 Send no Money, TOO UltXTO CLASSIFY i.' DENTISTRY in all its branck bUsinenn trip. " " ' reronallyv. -eoiilmue! Sir Buad! Build! Build! Perry, in a ifewtaer Interview. Kl.Vr&ViVW-r4rfilft5! I lr .dimension lumber and "I am fully in Hcrord with Hear hiplap. I, . i.pruce, ilr llnioh Admlrnl Adalr when lie Mittd thai liiMIekctoiic pM.ionj, Ai.plv Exchange Block, Suite H and 15 lmrn and windown, IuiiiIkt rr- we oiiiiht iiaI l pniMl one penny For Appointment Phone Black 516 I.iiiiiber is lliv rlieapesl Innldiiig material in the world and awn and drenwd In any nke on batlle.lTfp, U u t whaleer lia pfiJiup") ic.n-lied low wvatcr inai1., S lliei inng trade fllliek lili..t 'I... ..i.m ...... money we may hav to iiare opening uji, Uiu icndfiicy. will JiWJy- Ix- bwanl higher I. II. .ShiK-kley, Oiw Jliy, If IhhiIiJ he laid out on irseareh IHil'KK HHI HK.T. ApfVly Monro I Iron. lrices. work. Hear Admiral Adair told if The Prince Ituperl l.njnlicr (rfiinpany ha- u large slock The O. . ft. Kleaiuer did u Mm Hon., of (3oniinon thai if lM At.T. FOR SALE from which In lilt xour ri'ituiivmenl.. arrive at Swun-.m Hay unfit tioon n nuni new nailleolilpi. wej , & Roomed House and Bath nt " ipuay on ner inn nortli, mi will hould a I hae to protnh- ,'"' """" fr UM. DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPLAP $3,000 cath LATH not likely.make lhi porl much bane at Kreat eot at Halifax ! i Hmw . ii ijm immwi. HmN before and Jamaica. , ral'JriCli. tUtuoervatory. fl II lo inidiiishlX She i carr". t,n SIDING FLOORING CEILING FINISH mir paen?crs ond mail. Went Oi.a,l of linada. in N i-w !" ... . aUo Do Your Building While Lumber Is Cheap. liniiifH. and al hiiijiapore. I .!"" Kiawrt. a i -- kimih im .ur Two House In Section 7, I'rince Iluiiert I.. O. I.. So. 2310 nn naiio... win. fi.e i, " iav:r.c,rr.4;avrjrr" I'roenl your reijiiMvmeut- .if 'he illtc Seul Guw, or I 1 uui lli..,in. Mild 1 1. Hi ninl visilins membem: lleu- al u hllliiixn in (he ...iin., 1 ' '""j1 " e i Nmimi , ir Phone 361 for Prices. fiole that there will be clmrrli III pan $2,600. I. - a n,,..,., iiiiyf- teni.;niw. rmRi tnl iif U ft.f panitJe in conjunction with the lure, when inif-ni iM TP. iwiitr i. I tml IM.Inrl Pho". nolnnly rail I'll & Co. PRINCE me v'?hZS David H. RUPERT LUMBER CO. . IDelwv l Willi Uw. rflOrr Hll H.r IUH..i Hays 57 (. K. on Suikjay, April 21, 101 what we nr. troiutr fo ! willi',n W" . ! wirr nut,.' Member meet nt K. I'. hall at ene. Italtli'nblpn when we fiel iwinwm M.ratii w r"a,11 wwuiii 1 l of kpm. 'tO p. in. I hem. iMim mm im ar or Aoni a. v. im.j Ill Ihe lilnl few bourn of Uie I.AM i Ai:r. rendHr will he nveived up lo nest war Plymoutb. Dovpr and j ana including May !.( on 1K0 even London, ,0y . ,-,.durwj jw Melk f InltntlM I l, u t.l hare of I'rince Ituperl Ituil.linx alie uulenn we are nreiurrd In,Unwr i. I and IM.lrlrl. Hni Tread-Easy .V Inveftiiieni Co.. I.ld.. utock mttnr nt rriner -urirrt. Mf ulmir FISHERMEN!! J with an a.leuale counter In the MKMIe rMfr. m Mim uo,M f! lli?het cah tender will bev ac lleet of airplane last woolJ attack iwrr. SMith HMwt. m I u . rMl I ante mi wrt-ia rai f ' cepted. Ajfdy McCalTery A (Jib- oran lJaiwt l.iibi. is relief u. 11 menu Ui met Ihere-fore. ttkr Wilw UHl I irmt E. Wiikl. nf your bon, 3rd Ave. 01 mar Ruhrrl. II. i: . UM ur-l We can now offer nothing but plain eoinmon -.r. mirtait a eiir fi.r brrnHMtim loi 35c sifter tins, Sold in . netie tharwe should aueud Wlial tar fnlknruit drrni-l Kwit j large I'aul Ahazoir i oil a (rip to the FRESH FROZEN HERRING Mtulh and in we ran j.are noi iu !weuii ma r mini lor I U IUIIM expected lo return In Unit sr. 'ti .1 . ii.lf-w, at Um llntr.l r,mr nt I J.l I II. Co. the city iwxl Wednesday. While M "vi " me aiiWrt. j. rjt ui.otri ihener run ml The Prince Rupert Drug DRY IGE midnhimaii nanL but In " '" m m iirovid- '"."" uui tart QUICK SERVICE i the nouth, Mr. AivazotT i muk. PHONE 131 Int tin- n. iu..i ,.!i2L "'A'" ."4'k "'ii . Attention ' " sve "i iirnr. murr vr Mall Order Given Prompt liU an effort to obtain the Kervlce BUTEDALE CANNERY Princes. I lie newer WeM-on (hat will i mm r wnii.Hr - Royal Island of frank Ilalaeno, I.roller of OIVkI Out . u of April A o lilt count in Ihe war of the future." CharleM Ilalajiio uud a popiilar New Davis Gun, Victoria celJi.L for the W. Sj-eakillK of (he talent develop. holme Theatre here. ineiit in death daalinir muni-nienl. LADIES' Ready-lo-mar rinciple Sir of Percy the new explained Ual wun.the High Average Milcc whlcli tires front both end and ' and Millinery. Church Notices with which he aid all American SomctitnCs you ficd a tire ill- g;ves irplane were lo be armed. It extraordinarv mileSL'C H n a 'i- z Extraordinary Values in Hats. would be ionible for an airplane perhaps. Wh creas tin- a . r .e 'jJ Presbyterian Church. to carry a li-lncli tuii and lire !oc ! !i Latest Designs at Exceptionally' MoniliiK kervlce at II. Subject al baltlehip ffinn 10.000 feet mileage mca.iroWcn riven"Aulo-Sh.bjr a ' !.: ai :-'' Low Prices. "lyiduranee." Sunday Kcho'd at up. HalJIenliip could have no as that given by Uw eacrpiin.1! ' h trr,'rr ISr30. Kvcniiu service 7:30. jirolecliori anlunl ueh wep-,nn. Oddfellow Lodtfe in allendalice. lSeakii)K of the jronrc that JISUW... t OIK"! 1- VT3 fU.t eiiMl. - , - P.O. Box 327 "DEMERS" Phone 27 ubjecl "XeiKhborlinci a n d had been made in planni! aenni thccot of D!li-Uiat nukes . """iw Friendliu ." altack on warijp, r?lr i'ercy to Kct Ames Holden 'Auto Mioc- i""1 naid. in an interview in liie lAen- ordinary tires, Chrlstlan Science Society. Ilnu- Haiidaril- "If I m. w,. i v Muriiiup, eervlc at II o'rloi-kJ now ljio j --every man Itf nervh e HOLDEN Subject Vproballon ttf,.r iealh." Ikiiowa it flml hfcdltijc! AMES HOME AGAIN! HuiidayXrhool al I. Wednesday jmother forhffgiiti we Vould jeveniuK at . Hay1 H'ock. tepr j probably, by niaiiti'iif at) aerial ?SS?'J "AUTO-SHOES" " ... i a ..j .niviur. rrve iiieraiure. At) anac. nave niiuCtlf lln tlvunaii m -Standard For real nice HOME COOKINC and FISH AND CHIPS are welcome. iiil tu the Kiel fjanal. Cord and. Fahrlc Tires Co to the u.:i 1 Sizes THE EMPRESS CAFE rCZEMA fi Vuu u if f rlBmii.wbto Or.out II J'lieud:t dlive, "lliil my ijeurf"you Iiu)oji deaa-U 'Gray Sax" Tuba FoT Sale By "Red Sox" i' f Iiumt'b Olllt- Mi tfpeeiy: "Sul vry ojeit-' 135 Where Everybody Eats White Help Only umiI Uuu. Ut II rrllr tZrtrnia 11 i4 vii hi and In (Tdu.Irriu. liiff. I didn I knovki anyotiu, Rupert Motor Company, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Phone lOIr bi-it u kln. ninriln, ! II. down today." Buxea for Ladle Fmpreaa Hotel Block, 3rd Ave. llinM't (niiUiieiit Ire It yuu .....!. ,..i. n io n .. V - . . ni Cntll IN aud end 1U.Hump lorUf. J'riejid: "Tim i. batd luck." On: EM3f a iooa & Jrd rrince rnouc ul duUirt or Lduuwi.!. K.wi it Co.. I The AutouiobiimL. rnzzejj, Ave,, Kupert,