AP I' 10 pry vntnt raws tatn BRINGING UP FATHER , By George McManus JtCfi'i fOMK HEPtC the' editor ' r- - ripur I will I flfP- t WANT "tOO TO LOOK I HAbrrr celled r tmi notice or ONE HSMS K'HT rw ixepticm in r IN THE WHOuB. f AfT ' VvV HMDVvRit,n'- ' HERE- I (J?) icue. . r BLAKE X? fWfs- "1 fl L r wo thanks 4fu nntll 16 SSs ft - i: It "4 1921 . lrt-, Fctukc StftvKr. Inc. K white biillertlt- Ih'it u-a out The Horn Walk loPorl Edward 1 1 n.lhrr hat could curly not Nd fly vrrv drown moth.! In and What. war.1 Bmw by the !tfrei.-.;(tu' bright Wf sunlijrht.fujoyitin Duck(lie suii-ami Daiiy Nevs Classified Ads. Fashions- 4 LA By II. F.P. " i "lii n- in I lie water and the 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less thn BOc I' L . nnfl .HP irlai made ihftn seem o rle i a- for Feminine that It i like look i nir nt them Din- Imv I t)'i u mini wb l l'l ,,, .,,n,r plnu tu. Wfc.TZD. sumxscn resorts. more comfort- f- -- - ----- f Approval lh ter.ur I 4 Coffee.Was Ready. fJALVA?ilZKH I HoN WATER IXORKAHRtl AxiMMiiiioe ; Market Prices J So fresb and n.ivcl pifx? vianlrd, -'("fidoaod. Ftv-Jiundml fur .iiinniT boaril.-r. at lli! ) many DES yen' mm. i.i.yil.inr" "f -i-fc.-! ij)in(rx buf II' dimrull to re-H' fifl -i""li lw inch and 1'arin. Termc. l-anfi-ar itnn. are to be seen in the SILVERS! ;. ift" I mii'rtilM'fviirhi oTi. Tlj walk mi -V.. llir Ineli ii!- in hv "Nb-dI(top. Frrnlr. nw Sprin'j Hat. Suit anl iinlliiii I. ti ( -tirtry, f Mtoftfttt HiJvkhU I havp ' Meats. Wjln- or ft bcil F;ock that- il liiJtiruJt BROS. KidfMiW i railway t, fr fHany a Jsy. Th HUcr lrir ULL.J- Mc-NrtO. T"!wa. MISCELLANEOUS T-bon ttak ..4... 45c is,. Ftreet Irnk." lrrr were burllnc inlo leaf. -7T ' (y ' t Round slak 46c which to efBrhajfre, . . II. U. . ... . . . Il4ui'-.bcriii (in- aur,. IJalifc-f MAVBIX TRAXSKER, Kap i ralkniK w Jut at tlioir .-tii iuhi siouk, pr iu. 4 So Pads Wallpapers l-lrrmiu-l i walkii' I'rt !Rq-1hxl mid It.-r and llirw a kunk W.A.NTlill Til HKXT- k orl ratrn. IjcptMs and al. Officnd Beef pwt roaxt, 1b,i22MiC to 25c tinetrvc intn In in a Kalsomine nr1 . l lr fn dlwm-i- itttft- .abl.Birr wa imlilnv up Us yrt. 417 Fiah Avcmii- Kant. Pliow Bc!f, fiinck roast, IL..22H to 25c trimmin;. fogies ainitujiit imw'liMit b''!!!, htHad. TJr wan a rl In May I. Pli-n- H!ar 411 n Bf. rib roait, lb0c and 35c Glass, elc. ""nry. r- l -. andjn, rafid t nardl and lliw write llax I MH. liaily wnf J Beef, boiling. lb .... IBe to 22 ui:w mr , I .. i t-Moday '; w .ral frioml. I Tiirt an (jUif-e. 95 DANCES Hamburger, per lb, ........ 25- Mrs. S. Frizzell rear I Mm' At! Sepplifi Mill .1 a -.i....... Iir(u. and lw that bad mn JKA-ERY SATURDAY ICYEMNO. 9 Hewinc beef, per lb, 20c and 25c .aw mi nwiiil .. M i,i thmj-t. VA.VlKO flw-ral n'ant. apply Smith Clock i, ir- rwady junl an r rairui on liil J 2 Dance in Mrlntyre Hall. liorned-W'-f. per lb, 22c Mr F. .H. Youni: lib Third and Fifth fc.'lrtir ul..!!. I i.l.-t.it,- uliihrir ramp flr.. Lamb, Ice. per lb 45c! Corner pi- 2 T O. Box 123 i n.ui i..r . .), ,., , i,,!,, f u wani a rlian from thr Atj. If i Lartinc..(jiiM"i"W)ii;2fcc Hiurmi'ii, 9uc;Lf I.rjrnb. loin . . . . ,. . . . . . 50c BSW3I IHv imi. I i. ff I'i.it-r . - a1-'rmwftod - llirunK of Thiol Avmiuo AGENTS WANTED. i Mutton, stewing in.-.i u. - .r i r. i;...) . . t'l-j jUi ikp a walk iHil to lorl KAIrt DnESSlNQ. j Mutton, shoulder. Ib.. 26c to 28c rd. f. ' . -.1.. .' ih. ;nii(. iw.ird n a Sunday aftrnotn brn AOIiXT onri lmldi man want- j 'l ' . Lcjt of muttonMb 40c I ' " '. I i iiii n.i i.nt! MiC fcuu i nhinuitr and thr i d In very tv.n to tas ordT, 1A1R DRESnvr,. PPraaAI. SW.ALI' 1 , .... o. tn TtTTT f n in I SALMON mJ ar-ii'.- ! fn- Win if i nM. jjtiM Mutuah co Ure-ie to nak for tstfM'' in-mad- elthi'j troatment. Marcel waving. Facekal shouWr roast, per lb.1 ! 28c , -f 1 1 t aiHi'-tt-nir .'f Uin illiinKK ulaan. 5?olhine ran in Canada. i!Khet otnni-ion.' muKsa?.-.. Hair rviinjr. Ladic? nt-.e& ,.30cand40ci e oerve '''' ,:" .. , bi.l andjniual ocb a trip. llif T.i H iring (Jo,'Ltd.. couwiw: maoe 1 :into awnrnea.a 1 ; pain 83ngage9 m per lb, 25c I frmii I lint "tin... oi trp " - - - Toronto; 'Chi! iai Caafi IOarr -tfr3 Sixth gj.amrock sausage 45c TROLLERS i'Wl'li- -. I ij-.l I Ml'', Stf"f. f'hsne Blue 7n for home iv-v i.,, a, ! hut I i. .. wi"- liirj t-re. J'fy n'the Letter Box BOARD AKO ROOMS ' y ; I'ork ( bofih. per lb, 55c GOOD FOOD Tfi:.-boat ith New (litfc' tH 'vi.iu it KftffM J'AI.MP.n Udptl f r Ikianl. Rjomj GLASS. JH..rlt, noolder, fier lb. 35c r -hfiiil"! i i ftMiiifh if iKi aihl 8uiflMl. I!...hp coiiin. .Brin, sliced, iter lb- x. 70c Engine, a!i complete. . ami a- I ti. nr.l b THE IAISH AQAIN Mrs. Mc!0Un:i I. 404-4"6 Byr- (WINDOW 1 UAm A.L.jBl5SER-.'Hara; sliced. COc rorSale. w Wlh Ama IMwtw Red t HirtKM-s aod r.iUiiij. w..1 Ham wile. ier lb, 55c The best of food prepared tiy lM !,..( fiuff out Kditor. haily Nrwci I nntire in 45c 449. If! call and dolher. BloJmneld.'Salt backs ........ ..... OErer Typevnitcrs Ki. 1.mr. mi mm vis. 1mm..nail 1 Prnlay H pai. anothrr Irtlr in 41-y iPffih Avenue Em. ph.aeo pee lb. 55c a ehef of wide experience, Lo Calla Camaxmd. tanswnr to ruin f Monday. Ij FOIl ROOM AM) BOARD P IIIim unit 'lleeen ItrFOwI. Dec lb .... ... 50c and SERVICE that is prompt ixj Fireproof Sj llaS 421. W 1 1 ' A P1VI1IM nnrt iwr !h. - . t . . 45c and courteous, are cbarac-lenstlcx ifmli&iui Lai riln wMrh r BICYCLES. Oankvd hsm. "sliccd.ipcr lb, SOc of our Oafs. ' FOR eL Vaults. Ml(ar ii.0lr i''4wJt MttHlr U a virtuo In rorrrniHind- F " 1 m . . i !S4ar4 tlbs. per lbi 30c Have trien otir Cakes '4 Howes For;Sale riolt mm-1 IvtM i hrav Qma irnre. Tbi firman mnlMllml FOR BALE 41it0tt halilwt boat, ti a.. ' feJiW.bam. per lb, ;v..... 85c and Pastry you yet? fully equipped Krisao Staadard Pr ,b- 30e a'ifrtfrtViAMti ,.....r r(uiil"niiuiilon r (ft a difTerrnt ri- i: r. m -r ... i0c to Kinn 1 ein Irrland. lliiife Knefno; 'Ariir.v il? Fiflh Avenue and dart b&rk. frrtly & Hanson Ihr-. ri- f-aihrr -ttyii.t soon aw ar nol boilf I" 9(3x9 work boat 28 h.p. heavy East. Pbw JOue 337. ,tilHrottev(.tlve liver, lb, 55c nr.. St. lyMiavn duly; . Regis Cafe WliKi ih- rficii hli! tfr.-t in rfiath "and lu-y arf "rrrlainly A ACCOUHTAKTS Dairy Produce. 3U8 work coat or (roller 5 h.p. in milf. As I k'"fno- m ! !. hia-b tij. .n .. r. - .furttmr away -.. Butler, sit lb, 65c AbtiI. Third Yala; Third Avenue nnd to id.. ...t.- p...4ti.iiHid on Mnwlay. if Sinn Kin l-XPERIEXOED AGOOnKTA.VT. puller (rookingi lb 50c . 15 boat, 2H h.p. inboard per -nu. I'nnr fL row nuperl middlf of lb ay: I b.iv lb" tu--t iit lo) frviund was In IIh enKlne; would take charge of set of chi-ese, per lb 40c wifx Mmt.-An.ffT in tlif . try Ailiintii or I'anBc, 1 don't sup- Hull S6x9, ready for engine; jonk, whit" or part time, Limbarper cheese, per Ib, .. . 60c in si litiH- Kri"i'' in n-1 I" iirnnn tiovprnuifiu W. E. Williscroft. Phone ! Kt-'irs case) 40c 25 h,p. 4-cvdfl enirine; LJ- would hrHat alout ifivinir lhni ! '!i4r In :.I. .'.!- : My f,:ft i- Iilack 256. tfii.ii.-s B.C. frebf oase 45c 4-ryeJe li" sw'- 1 IllUf llii. li ;o tbo rriniblip, and ond rl"I a nrc too, 5L.h.p. encim': ' Under newmanagemerii ;lln- Wiir'bl " i.iil lb sain Korrilim-nl it nl 7 h.p. Ouarantae engine; KQRSERY PRODUCTS r - from March 1st, 1921 i Afl.-r M.xWina Mr- a rdll io aim at bersrlf 4 h.p. Adams napine. ; ii.iH -iMiyinn 60e finest Hand Tailoring J M. iU STKPHEXR. jFhrir TKKI Appliu. Peara. honey tiWi lb" in Ihr fulur. ..(ly lb I4c Paci?el Is .li.rrMs. I'liim and -a'", per Fqr I My witi Imi' mi" ami I loei Mr. MntpiiMiTr ayi -Ireland SUIT ASI OYBHOIIAT for sale. ! alsn a full line of small tfeinls iHte&d, fierioaf 2 for 25c Prince Rupert !br" and i hi" aun-wr i. "I lirro ib.v lality iwr crat ilrcbld oh a m ii w, lCici 18 I'll All utricliy flcl clas stock. Kloar (iiad vthilej 50-lKsk S3.25 Goaraated Perfect Fit is tin lad) tilu irroUMi sluo ibal li-ubHc.' raodal. Appeal Sixth ,Ave- LnrjTst ami best assorted atick Milk, per case .... $5.75 to (7.75 Music Store an MMn;iit willi aibi" Tbej Strong Arm Method nue East. .- . in the country. IyrtU Nurseries, -Vegetables Fsr iilrda ntix' ' iIami caok. lUloT bul UVrr turrr tw oironx arm 'ilkiniR BiksmIj Victoria. Onions, diry ... . 2 c Opposite Pott Office. liMsy say "fl rl'IJiliiK- and jim-thndf j- al that !. I ion? FOR g.U.B 0nUeman' dresa lb, 5c Ease and Grace iliat In in iilnr ton I riat shut lin for that. sulL site 3k Cheap. Call B.C. tf CartitifPf 1 tS, 4c imAfKMiM.'. " Tljiafi itir m-iihi of i Whn is Difrr anvllifr country MirrJern Tallnr. 57 Third R O S K SlrirtM field grown Tnntfrw. lr Hju. i. e th thinu r hm4j0' lAwaVd ..orUi wjiti a .vf rrttwni would Avenue . . If plants, inchniinff all the most Cajbas , 1" ine Mater Tailor to li.ft I .lwar.1. ' nflnw any ft'sidont ui refer to FfiR SALE EhPlah Imby-hMW. valuable new varieties of reeeaH Other Bird. ilwir nun Irtwiit a a fort'iCll also Milky. 6J Htlh Ava..EaM. 4ntrtinntion. including t hi Know How lieiWos tin- Mil" im.u.- I hfard arnty? WmUH flic L'niteii Ule Pliooa nrwnlli, OS "IMHy Mail' of varnished eon- pSfaOi??W sict7 i....2j:si.75 wrrns .it.iHsa at wral i iota In. Burnings par.color, and "Roosier B.aauljf CeTery. rerJlb..', .'. . .JOclti? 30e ,A11 outstanding: account Second-hand furniture houchtand . - -l .: . 1 ft. .1 .V .1. i v to be Store On Mmi i I Hall in I'.iristiin' llrnlng oiliMKxiiNtuwns. wlial lUCOjtJOOIC"ft Jil " i 'u' 0lrif.aeb'.tSAt&d 75rj paulinto SamWood llurtuir w.. n rMnn, !'" tcg--ftri would Mr. MonlfroUirr' and hi ald. P, Ilalra. Phona Orpen, Also a fine lot of standard ana Spinach, peeJb, 25 jrrn''"'l ratii!v. ihiimI m- frwttd do if the 1mm. whs on the .544. . l wejinir ro-s. TyriU Nuf- Tomnlos, per b -t 50 rausc M i- a I way Imii.-.l. Jul other fool? In inier worr I LOST series. Victoria, U.C.. tf Rtmharb, ir 1t, 25e ...y..fig ' a rill n 1 WH walcb-ititt KoptHxe be anil hh lile would " Fruit. J. & M. GawthorH Matter Tailor u im. it "liiil' shot 'ill! of have Hie H.-itisli Irooj in Ireland !.t)ST. On Suifdsy from Fifth PERSONAL ; orapefrdit (California) 3 for 15c Proprietors f a IioIp a., iv up I ln lc.'i hI' of i-aluily siUiiiR in their barracks Street on Sec ml 1 (2ow Bay. CVT THIS f it T FOR , LI7CK Lemons, per doi, 40a r - B K 20H. Phnn.?nn tin1 nil. in i t tt .itlii-r......sid' of III nHkinp,'cfr., while Ihelr com. told walrh.t-eliain and loekrl Send birth ti.vte and ic for Dates 'drom i 30c t Mil wa' Kiniiiiilii'r --illinK OH rades outside were bcinir shot at with diamond, (teward. 519 wonderful horoseope of our Navel oraiiKC ...... 35c to It u iWfN .H li pole, t knew im. from nniliiinh. Nolhinir (lolnp. Third Avenita, Tokyo Tailoa. 6 entire life. Prof. Raphael. 04 llaisinsfper lb, .......... 35c J. 371 . Night Phoaes G: Stesn, - iiur-iliii'i w'il if w- The iJhor Sinn Fain Responalble (trand i;ntrat sta New York. 'Table raiins.h. 45c W. LongwiU. Bias 270 l.ir.l w- a. Mini hi tiir(rtn to . If I'tmlanil am; Scotland and fOII HCIT nunujts,-T5er lb , 30C Day Phone S inHkA a ii'i'l l d lliruwn i"Jil Wales lian "deprived Ireland of FARMS FOR SALE, lPej, per lb,,..,....,... 6oc SjjllLjD, i ! In; iielililn, all civil law." it i M-lely owinit DKgK SPACE for-rant. furnih-a. C. P. R, FARM LANDS The iloh Miied nuts, per id ac IVUfl if ilii'C? other in -gancral or private oilice. Tabic KiB. ...... 15o a rmirse wen- tfi the arts of Sinn Kelners long prairjus of Alberta, Saskatcbe- per pkC, Vorlt4 lllllli to be xeei lliere was a Apply Priuc Rupert Agrencies, nA Mnnllnhn AAnrffil .Aiiiicu it:....- aiiTa.r t ... ........ Km Sheet Metal knt pasl, ti'ato n nm Ilnm-Iliile, why the rest of the Mr, ueesor to Peak, Moore l enlist frp miTArl farmine- fl t''''s ;Yellow"Xewtons' . . 4.!5; Agot for McClary Famrsus ilrilisl) luley would only bn Io" A Co, Second .Avenue. tf Ami Ih.t trill nrnrlnrs hiv -Apples iWinfsapsl 1 4100 Sanitary and triad if I hey would accept it. TO RKXT KnypfsWl house. 3 arons of crain and fodder. and;A-,,M (C.rceningsJ , S4.00 Heat Inff Engineers Wears Coal Hint's the trouble. Sinn l'einers beiirioivi. sleepliijr iwrch,' two weJi adanted for dairfinsr or! Evaporated Fruits. 5th Street and Frsstr Street I lon'i wont Home Rule, but a republic, mootli from May '1st. Good livestock raising can dtfll he Black figs ................. 25c Prince Rupert .... a& I which Ibev will never et. view. Dmi 181 Dally News of. had at prices averaging: about Whito figs 75o feM"0K!ve,Bnn.. I As foe MrHw'iney being a flee. $18.00 an acre, with twenty Apricots ................. 45c 'fines !(,,. ' martyr, nl!! to if wish. Only Peaciic ............ 35o FOR RENT--3troomed house and years pay you jaMkr k. siyirr. No Apples 25c 10 per cent down. further some furniluiff for sale. Apply Seedless Raisins 35o to ITJbm Rupert 734 7th AveMYost. 9 payment on the principal until glion8ie!j57 judgeTied worth the end of the fourth year; then our,flrra h"n" QFFICH OR ROOMS FOR Ri:NT sixteen annual payments. Interest Fish. U,H Jiincc George OVER JHREE MILLION In Theatre .Block. .Enquire fl pei cent. Ud, 2 lbs 35c Brother Moody. if Write to H. O. Loushran,.Land tad fillets, smoked, ........ 20c !3 Agent. C. P. R. Station, Vancouver. Fresh blark cod, per lb. . lTHo TORONTO. April Tb enisle FURNISHED SjJjTE TO RENT TOftONTO Finnan haddie ............ 2ic LADIES AND CENTL& f'hone Justice Urit-(nu of the late Mr. uou su. M.T. InCenlrncf Shoppi"!) 81. Louis nopois, iMionc Halibut, per; lb. 25o mnrsTitifiif f was probated at 13,369.234. WMi uinii vn and Dutml PlinfP Plm.l P. I n BusinfM J50 ROOMS Mrs, lt.W. Brock of Vancou FOR RllNT--FHre,i"ail bedroom. Advert iinp is often expensive, Herring, kippcrcJ per lb.... 20c nr avAossrssi. i X - vujjcii. reea to. v rt- aim p. .u Bitk ver, daughter of deceased, i a Empire RuUja. ir but it i" nothing like a? expensive Salt Herring, each, '10o I T h r i osMtfupuMixn Tiimo a.vemuk f a i? ""Ill 1.4 i store and' idl Flounder, Fillets, Ib, 20c undr th will, wilU s an empty t4 7th 8t C,wiNMrrV lKC"fw v -7; ' benrfleUry others. Advertise iu the Daily News. clerks. tl5ailAcadia Cod, 3-lb. hexes. 65c