1921 PAGE 7. R PRINCE GEORGE CLAIM $60,000 FROM J n DEALING WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. WRIGLIYS J'llMOXToy. April 23, A riv(l; UNDESIRABLES rlaim fur ifon.nno ua. (Iln; in Ihi' niiprrdii' rruirt Turxilay morning' ' '''f nralnot tlic ilnnmlitin Pacifir Hail-, ' .....IU. way by..Mr, c. H. lifHiglirr. wlmfc, Notice Served on Colored People IhmIuiDiI wan killeil nl I In- ili-fcml-, to Move, and Whites May anl'n . railway rroiiiiir near Alright Follow HlfirkfHliU l.inl MfpletfibT Jn Jim ilalf.ln iiiillon I be , iiinn Harney Kei-frnh, the il'Traneil niiii the nlnlnliir were i lcll f.1 Illl-ltllllW lt Hie I'llV I'OUllt'fl. Irnvellintr by aiifiiinnbile on llii'! -iind-ii MniiM'tliiiiM" while nrtiiiK alfrnry Trnil nnil nn aiiinmrli tnj this low-cost aid to It i- nniror iliirlnjr Ihe uhrnw . of u level criiii at llliuiliii.iii Itlver' Mi yr Henry 'tli'in oil near (UarkfaliN. a Irain on the V appetite and digestion . m !i Hit I'riiwi' tieorpe Cillen line uvurily anil .tvilboul- ward-1 i l a special inert.ui; ru 1 1 I'll a frvr jnsri.aiiriroa.-hed the criUv oe,- iihvm niiit lii cniMbler an olfer on Mf dlny to Hie I'.lafni, ml dallied It keeps teeth white jj m LimiTED tin- r 1 1 " nebonp omnia, n-tilii IhIo llie ear. riniipletely ileuinlinb- iikii were m4 by the council See, Mcima, There is li.U it and killing Mr. Moiifrher ami breath sweet jjI iiiiifU'Unp the iK'fititf imiyiir to eri"'ily jnjureil Ihe plainliiT. an11hr0aJ SALE irk1 neiion lowani riiiiiiiiir lite- II i rlaiiiieil thai I In' lre on IjlJ R rily iff Hi" tuidealrable 'rnloreil Your Medicine llie cniHin una Inn biub ami .iiinlfllnn. A nn:!i !!;.- llinl Hie Irnin Mew no wliixlie, Jienple bate leen e;ortei by m)ii mliii nn bell. Jjjid neilher llif Jff f'.fiief Hollee "ES, dear, that Is the Dr. Chase's Makes your f Hilir'air a Ufin-A 5erve Food, li renin n nnr llie engineer v.,n on t Y medicine which that day has by and 1 ' iMMiplcil In criminal ruruil. In-.:ltullntr gone llie liiikrml. Vft smokes made mama well and know what it is to be Ihi' rnniilns of niinm. well Tbe plaintiff Hnlm ?f,30 fnr . trwlng Machine, Cnn hmixen, nil liwlil hi'illiel I bin sure neither of u shall and happy," ll:e i(iiiiiln'il ear, $CS a taste I ' Ond ever forjrtt It." "Why don't all the sick nmnllij ' SpflfB bctter with loMiUlnrfiiiitf. (Anil from Ihe (line nfvllie nrriijenl lill , Ultimatum "Are you going to buy people use your medicine 7" , Ihe-fireKPuU whieb f ljj5,hjary Wjjjjk jij -i some?" "'Far more of,them would r ff ittrctt. ( ttHliin f I li Following "So, darling, I do not need If they only knewcf the good be wa niakinu at UieriJnie,,if2nfi ; 'iiiiiii'll, Arlinn Muyi r Keeiran any more. You know how it would do.thenl I have iHmpllnl ftxpen-en, f rtfttfjn llie j ftipnni t-ltlittalinn mliriiMil In well I sleep now, thote terrible told lots of my friends and ileaib of flebiiiibiinitrtlVan'nrtir 90 tttnd. HiMif fifiir.lnfir f' 1! iwviple. headaches do not they nearly ajl have been uenrrni iiin.ij:i a -a (r tbi- mhUlfiir tlieimbiU their iin-i'iin' bother me any more and we benefited just as I was." in tli rily w ntl rtm-irlereii iH-lajie are ablfc' to take our nice Gear brain, splendid circulation, A l"l of people spend money In i Utensils. in I In; public tiiHHl iuuI long walks every day' ruddy complexion, idtrrlisin?, others invest it n Kttth.n tiiili.'il'in Ui mI n r,ini' nf "You never used to walk. sound, restful sleep, good HuverliKinir. An advertisement in I,. w ni' M'HIIil r" benrnnnl lo did you?" digestion, greater strength the Daily Xew I an inventmenl. I WOO D - 'ibalf peallli. iVot lor a long time. My of mind and body and better 'llie iliff f ha i-rvil nerves were so bad that I health are the results of using skeC i.nn msthi'3' nTitiirr ok yri.l" i:ihhi.iTTK I'lAAfit. !') n"ti''i Mii-n Ihi" iiMilirHlil"-ami could not do anything, and I Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. c Carlage Lid. furl Im nrimn i niiwli'il in am afraid I was often very EOc a box, all dealers, or Ed-manson, t,t Jikr VlrKrfu.enure R. I I fun. inlrinT I. .MrniU In JH-r s. rjutr.lM-i jib takfti. , cross and irritable with you Dates & Co., Ltd., turf Orffimtjiikiim-r uf UmI tr Iiti ! rrrs- (nr iwiiml awl fimleiiBi WM'n II it a ilifBrpIl mallrr and daddy, but, thanks to Toronto. nvrr '.10 rr nl unit InrllM a f.illowt: i "ninxfn lot al wl lliirrj i, t i-Uoint Tnr III miIIm In ururr''nriifMr; nn rvrfih olin fmrta ri mrwr .-r' IfvioViMf awaliint llii'w law. 1-4 tm. lintuin IIUivl. iivam rl rfuir, nnrm rliatni. rati ss rhaiiH.i 'breaker. Jiy Ibr vrry nnlurr flfMin May i'.iuiiany. in aililili.m (o Mith an rluliM in tni or mmm-nn-im-si., ETY IIiHr ofTi-nn, lliry will ir.lvil.ly jlin)v rn.i-in rmmni for III CHURCH RAISED FOUR L-au-rt fVbriiarj S s. i.lHkE.lil. Il.Uk-alor. - rwiftniiektbe fiMlllly of Iryinn l!l.amih-1fiiblari fUmipany. AND HALF MILLIONS y I. iumm. arini. j rarry m in Ihe fare of p-illee A ll.fiMil hi i I in beiri(c bipeil it.e utn iitbict ntTBHT or' POSIT rlbiji eonernl ruled naAinnl Ibetn lo Peace Hi,er jfiif (lie liutenika DURING PAST YEAR Ol'ir.S i'IIARLoTTE ISH.MIS. wilb Ihe !renl h of thr mayor !..!, I1..IL . A !. fc-.r ltk'r tiif I rial I J si.aoU;: si J .t..iu .xniniK yiHiiiiaio,, v'"!! f Mrt. a. inn-Mi l tiiy ',n-I ES ami eouiiril bebiml il. sif Hiriiin.i.i-r vr Lauuv fr a -ii-l 'rpn i liMinK lnmnrii in Knr-Men iniui-ij. .'.i .l While Bootleggers'. ,pru a u. priMprrt tt namral ra anil tlrnm i hae atii itlUe, .iU lo eiriiferenee of Ihe (jell, -ul Ix.aril rrjtrrri4 imI ai Wki, , i hrirt Proof Vault iil (nun ibe uinbirabte Ihen4rlberfl MMi-ttnnt ai a snniM 1 vtir Kellieeal riverrfiH. of the I'rewhyli'Hoil i:iinreh of aim foe hall. (t miky nonlt (iM 1e! I ilia)1S annum I'lemeiil in Hie rnloreil MiiiilnliiHi per Mr. Iltfebaoan. nam?ef of flfie ilaiiaila il refwirlril that Ihi roih-'ra.l iw' nwlir. a'l MnwiH M The Flavor Lasts . -1 H' .in bene, flier U a fi'i-lins thai I lie ills, liraiiam I3M: HwnA ral h; Hi tat Witfkn. ami n iiiiiiiImt of li.lill I'liiilriliiilionx lo llir rlmrrJi .flainft. rvtrtb an rluim. tfit aa rtiain. ' ' ' (HI. while l9t Irjrirpr doing a thriving irfilh rfiain la plunt tit ncnmrfirraiml. workmen, prueeetline iiorib- for for the Kit calendar year raine ljuralMl I M.mirr itih. )!. V Irmle' nhoiilil le nil Hit of ...ry SliF.rjS LAID DISTRICT MSTHH.T OF DISTIUCT nr orEE l!-i purpow. 'Jin iuaruikiT lo ft.ftOn.onO. , ULAHkK.Jjurttcr. pi.RUITTE-.;i mill liuoinene. 'lliere are a number . . i. Murium, armt. VI LEA 1-JltHl.llTTE ISLA.MiS. Hi M. ., : V. 1 1 1 lie flllnl WiJl ail IKO borne! ; Takt- nolirr Uut I, Claudr D. IMtrtwr. ATI'Rt."QSS IM I KTaoLEUM .MlftlJe. V. niu; iof knwn boot leaver who earry iii evlimler Slirlins nii.Lni -i S krj;s i.mi niTmirr DniKiirr or ot Dmw, kirail. I .s. A intriul lo I Allan sirwar!. mWDd lo arply mittRe IV Riii a lUMirf.lilnir Irnd. who a- iMiwer Ol.: aiAHLOTIK lUASD. ape i ii CBir iwiwioirr or Land Uliii'irf nt land rr a Cren-- to inHi r. . : m! . . . . ami Mbeii riMiii.THeil i exiierleil! lor a lii-raw M prmprri lor aaiarai ira ;ir lamral ta and. reimlriiiorrr Ui .i. The l"-r in..-ftf irer inwu Hani"- inirr. Man in the Moon Takr nrnier ins l I. .Mrtiu H. ciart. of and urin.lriim oarr aie arrr ol land a rnlhurinc drMTIbeil u ikI-i f 1 Tbe ( In repreenl one of ibe ielil lrlrla, H. C inirtHt In arfr M in 'follow.: . nnirtirillr al iMt plantrd cm imm ferene. tinllinsr bp SAYSs- . i Cnnmmnnw Jl a po planim J rnilrn nnd iw mm mriMr 4niio wl n li ali bTII Uiiiler Ibe iibera. keeU operating un the .Jl'ear J prM"l f.ir lulHrat raa and prtPilMim Minn at 111 'on I or tmrai. IB-m-- j nunrr of mi JUS. al iwi or UmIuiii cce Kuoert She will w r.4u wrr tf iau.1 9 inMi: r mt 13 -hair... ivinn s rnaina. i'lUnd. K. t: Ihi-Di-r SUHI-aw rhakt. rail entry pai'iiui'r ayil ilftn if llir jMilire, and one of Ibe ujnnintftnr al a fM pianird tmo and rlHlnv Milb .Dam. if lmnil of nun- n 'hiim. wain S Mailt, w-i ru rnain.4 4 Ktiftpeet who rnrrien on I bin Irelahl from Pea re ller lo HikI IF variety is Ihe sniee of U nr bat mo norm atul rin mil at el u-nnwnl. to puini r rumuiriu'fBirBi. iw tot I.-1 l-d r-brw-ry inn. it!I. LoraK-d r-Dnuur JSBi. ItSI. iftf-IS at mmr nt f!3&. l.ranain j nsurance Irnnte here, ninl who hn been mui Hope and is ill Im- in rbarce there iiukIiI In be li nty ofrpire ianU. IhrtM-r rat riuiffi. miiiiii a :ni he a l)Ei.Ti:nt. airaioL ! ali.a- sikwt. -lo-ato-. of Captain .Mnlnnl. in WRlrhiiia- a puhUr ilaiire . Kim. r.i nuin. D.4IK $ rDain to A. t. Uordnn. a--.it. v aw-.iur-r, H. C fljrhlutx niraiiil r.Miirlinn on a (inin rMi or r,anrfiitii.fii : A. A. Mri-nali. a-rnt Ltd. lerluiirallly. will rome up fur Inttall Engine the ralery. NAM iIrtur' liin. nil. nMrnnrr ok viee.n ihxhloite van-miw. a. a- fncies, . f. i Lililt. Lu-arnr. . I rial hiirlly. While at I'eaee liler. Mr. . 1. livfkin. airrnl. iiiiriiiiT or in .t- uiaklotie CHFKK to cheek il;inein? is all VATIIHL IMS A SO PETHOLEI .H Willi, f ISI.AMK. Ibere win a upeeial me.-iiPR ' ,,rbnnan will alo InMall a 150 Hell! Innu -.krxx Lon iihtbict ihstwct or I. Al-arik-r A. Urriaii. Wlind m apW-, SATCIML HAS ALl I'KThllLEfM MITIlTK In- ixiwiler .l.w. f Ibe polk eoniniiionerii i-ull-M Hi ii k I VI t.r- I IIAIILI'llt. Il.lt?l. Hi Ihe Muiinir t IjikIs for a IUtiim- lu! I. Allan Slrwari. Inirnd ti arnlT li ttm re Mier Siirlhip nmii.r in a not ea'tne dir. ' " Tate liulire mil I, Claude n. lw-ulrlK- reri-i for natiral f. and prtrmesni; "ni'iw T ijim for a nretue m pnwp-ri ! lo rllilw a ren.lulion enl n. f.M.I l.m.l h.-lnnnuiu 1.. Hi.- I D -nyi-r. i.lnnKl... I . s. a., inli-od lo e--r i rblli.lu4 OrntiVKl land: . !; Mttral sa and trun-tmi er ine lo I In-ill by Ibe roiinell in Mill (fir a ltrnM rni-wri for natural ijniaBriirjnr at a roiM pianird tl inei - u urmuru -: elty Peae lllver (iolil Unstfrina Imii- naneinjr, dancins Ml lie jrirl ami firirulewn oirrr 410 rn a fol- armlh rl wr l Wl JUS. WMI Kiaart onim-nriB al a pui ptanira one iraie xwaril I., the iiiallrr of Ihe uit-Ii-i-iii. nwii: at Crahani lUnd. B. i:.. inrm-r aa raain. ad ln iiiiim wirtn ul Uut aouin wrl Stock of pany. How I wonder why jimI whirl rjwmnut al a rlapiMi i mii- inn. rhain i. t rbaina anala. e p rnrr or 1.4 f US. wmi m.i or iiraiuun Why you Ja the old fm (rot .lift irf inr IM41U ra-J. i-onwr or ln fIJS. cluin nil to pmnl or m-lnnln(. -la ml. B. C llwiyr norta n rluln. at raham lulaml, Ihi-iw-r rl 90 rmmi, fir a ira tnrmry t. irm. rfeain-i. xiiitn rhain, wrat no tnaina IE SUPPLIES Seem lo- ine you know a lot. xhiUi ibaina. fan I $a iiiaiiia. iMtrm an A. A. UcpllAlU Loralor. I" poirti or rirfiunvnrrmrat. ENGLISHMEN ium in piiini r r,mrnr. iw ni. Vanrouvrr. . i:. Ixirab-d Frbruary Uta. I'll. Lorai.il r-un-jrj ilb. 'If I. SLM SiTEWAHT. locator. I "adyted Prices HOUSE BOAT "I.KT neorae ilo il." said the LSI DE P. ril Ti-lilH. Inrator. . distrIvt or oifcx ihrlotie Vanroufrr, a. C .. J. i!nn.w. ar-ni ' isi n-. A. A. Url hail. arrnl. liraRon, wbin someone akitl Vaneonvrr. B. C MAKE MERRY Inin lo k lir the Stnis of Knptand ikEEM lod distbh:t iistrm:t w AATITUL 0S A.XD PETRl'lJELM iTlt:t., FOR NORTH ball. VI EE HIHMIITL hLlllll. 1. Alrxandrr a. Nri ruil. li.l.ml lo apply IHSTHICT OF lL.MS.Ol EE.X CIIARU1TTE Tatr notlre that I. Mrnolaa S, lUarar. to the simi.lrr or Land- ror a nntur to t VlrlorM. S. i .. Inirnd to antuy In irm pnaAprrt ror namral ill and prirolriiiu SATfRAL CAS AMI HET11DLEUM 'OITIi: i -Birr etmiml!lon-r ur land ror a nrrae evi-r the rlliin dfMritI land; I. A inn SrarL Intend to apply to tne Dance the Sons of Trip il.,trip it. tn prorprrt for iialrral a and prlmlrmn innwnrtrv al t foil punira ai tne MbHatrr nt Lands ror a Itcrnm tu prnsprri Will be Towed to Mouth of Mao- by England Lit I In Matd. ivrr IU arrFa i-t laud rM-aird a- rolhma: norm ral ftrf-nrr of kit U. rmii tor nalural aa and prirolrum ovrr inn IBrrr of liraham llainli ir.rnrr kkiih SO rhaint. imiowmr drarrlord lanl:- ' .tl and the Daughters and Maids ' r4nfl!rni-inir al p.ml plantrd 1 kentle River by Hudson's Why are you ' Ml-ii i.rin nl in- nnrtn rat rrn-r or nl an rnain. nnrtn 0 rniint, rast romnirni-inr at a poni plantrd at Urn l-lan.l. tn-nr-rasl rhain- in of n.nmrnrrmrnl. mtn rasi rornrr r kil 7J, utard BaTA Is Success. So i abl? A1 1111. llrarwim s. C point Day Co. very - rjiin. nnrtn SO rluln. ri u rnain. Ipriircl irnrnary is. 1-l. iraOam laland. B. i:.. tnrnre north no !.! Iiy your facp MMH rliaina to point or nminirnrrnwnl. A. A. MrPIIAIL. Lots tor. etellM. wrM as main, mulh SO rliamV VARIED CRAFT FOR The St, CJeorire s Day ball triven Airainl iiiycheek , Lnralrd Irliniary S. S. IXAKkK.llin. tail.Lnraior. - Vanronrrr. B. C. wi.ini Ml i-halna rrurN.Ti in notnl r.io,or nil.rommrnrrnirnt. A ? p ten iisriDB SERVICE ON RIVERS lal nlsbl l,n the SI Andrew's Then we'll Jan It A. J. Oorrinn, ar-ni. DISTRICT IIP iLins.V'FKM -UIAHLOTTE ALE.VX STEWART,Vanroim-r.kwalor,B. C hall by Ihe Sons of Knitlaiid-and Heak to beak. A. A. McPbaU. aarnt XATi nAL nS A.D PFTROiri'M .MITIIX 5 SKEF..XA LD tilSTIUCT DISTRICT OF 1. Alrandrr Mrl-liilL lutind apply r Vancouvrr. H. C . A. to SL'ppIn p Co., Ltd. Ihe linutflilcm and MabU or Kntr-Innil VI II.A l.ll.MILOTIt IHIJII5. Ibe MlnUltr or Urdu ror a llrrnr to i:iMOXTOX. April S3. A llfty- a Tak- noiirr inai I. .Venom s. i.Urke. or wa an unquallfleil sureesit. PAIIADISK 1 a ylace where pnwprrl ror nalnral a and axlmlriiin tUSTRli T OF VLEE.X CHARLOTTE -l-o Wlnrta. a. r... int-ml to in iw Cliirf apply ' li e fmil hotie Imnl for tbe an nreoiimio II liM.k Ibe plare of life annual people wrile sbr( interesting CinVinlonrr or Und. I llrrn.r U.rJ.JKL0"'. Z-"?, at mr XATl'RAL HAS A.Vll PEtAhIJ'.II.M MITICK ilatlnn'of the iro eminent treaty pnu-prri for nalural (ii and prirolrum l AWiaiidrr A. NrPnall. intrntt lo anrny banquel and wan an innovation letter in the iaper and always mImib ri rtirnrr or bil tll. weal roat 4U aina or land tolluua: nvrr a - tBr Mimir if Land ror a Hrrnw! to pnti. tt!i(. ti All) in a fr north or tlraium Island. B. I, tnrnre nurta so ii?n their ComnK-nnnr al a nol plantrd thrre lliU names. fur nalnral aa and prtrbiruiu year. Many appreciative rhain. rai so Miami, MHiin So rtuina. prorprci ntlk-a norm or llw norm '! rnrnrr or (he inoiilh of llie Maokciulf -iv-r inr nerritHKi lanus:- i louuwina o ial Sil rhatM Id point or romnirnrrment. eommenlH win uiaiie on Ihe lot ISt. urahani Ulaml. B. thrncr rast rtmiiuenrnir at a poi punir.1 at tna LEE CO. umler I'onxlrui'tion by llie Albertii rliniiRi. AXY person who thinks he is Lwiirl-libruiry A. A. Slrl'HAlU l. !.Lorator, Mubth i-atl rnmrr nr lot SI 111. Olard Bay, P norm n rrumx is point ur ninimrumpriii Irtham aland. It. :.. tbrnrr norm So rtiaiu. M. tnr lliml Work. Mil- nl the the ino.it important drive wheel Vanwuvrr. B. C. 'tliere was a (food nttemldnre umim iroruary lain. ivn. t!I 0 rham7 aoulM so rbaln. rail tu ""a Avenut, Went Low I,el bridge. of i:nplili people with umnnller-inir in me inariiinery simuiu lake a .X. H. CLARKE. Lorator. DISTRICT OF OI EE.X C1IARLOTTIS l-ajir. to polnl or rommrr.i'i nirnL A. I. Uunliin, arrnL Walrd rrbiuary lit. Il. rin iriel i beinp ronvtrurleil of Irifth and Sroirh and to rest fur a few ilays. He will be .XTI"fHL OVS An IH-k.Mis.PETHOLEfM MITII... A. A. Mrlllvll.. Imalor. in Ihe prinrlpte of llie ohl lime Ihe strain of the VYcMlirilnic uipri.'( how well lie work will SEFE.X LA.XD niSTRinT niSTRICT OK I. Akiandrr A. ild'hall. InirtHl lo apply am uiivrr. II. i:. ':X '"""! VI EE.X i:ilHI.IITTE ISI-A.MIS. lo tbe Minntir ot Und P.if a llrrns t-nr.iNi.it -' nd Retail York bout, hut ililTern innlrrlally oreheMra daiieintr was kepi up go on without him Tikf nutlrr that I, tMaime D. Urutrnrr. I ror uaiural aat und prtroleuiu DISTRICT OF vi'FE.X OIARLOTTE nr Ik iitrr. ix.lorail I A., luirnd lo LSL.Mii. i. ovrr llw rwiovilnT m-iribl and: , ---viuri ana , in regard In iippoinlinrnU, ami until half pat two. Supper was 'PPU i tnr Uilrf ConimUikinrr or Laad IT,tfniiuiM-lni. al a tu,i .llar.u.,1 ai inr V'ATl'nAL OAS AMI I'ETHOLEL'JI .HIITICK. iiiileail of the familiar row r-.r a llrrn lo proFrri ror namral -ai nnrtn vl n.rr of lot 11)1. wrat roal f I, Alriamh-r A. Mrpnail. intrrxl lo apply open al idn Ihe caterers "M.IHI0 erei m Ik . and iirlrok-iim nvrr tlO arrrt or land lo-.airj or Urahani Island. U. C, Iftrorr aonm sit Vi thr Minnlrr or I anil ror a llrrnm to will bo a in'til i-raf, mini wild hfintf Ihe SI. Hi'kIk Cafe, a most a rmmwas rnaliu. rat (0 rliain. norm 80 chain. oroniieri lor natural ta ami prinilriim MRlID,rl THE HOME of Ooiunirnrina al a poal plantrd Billra rl so rhaln-t lo piHnt ot conimrorrinrnt. ever thr rolkmma; UorrtlW land! nr. cnbiim fur twelve, men. excellent repast beina provided. norm if thr norta ral rururr or lot nil, Luratm February li. II tl. niwinimrliif al a pml planted al the Airplane Srpuce Hie ball was prettily ileeorateit r.rabam Ulan.I, ihrnm rl SO rhain. norm A. A. .VcPHML. Lorator. film vri rornrr orJol 7JI. ourd Bay, fi" -nam, rati an rhaiiM. hiuih to rliaina Vaitronvrr, B. i:. "l coast of Uranam Itland, B. C, IbrurM The boat, wlihli will be ready by. (he committee, the reil rose lo pom' t romnirnrtmrnt I'ortn so rhain. rat so dials, aim in an .' l..4lrd Frbriiary llh. IIVI. ' OF CHARLOTTE il'aiu. rat .so rliaina to ioiu( or rom. , DISTRICT vi-EE.X for Ibe wnjer in lw weeks lime, belim iiiurb in evidence. Kaehi QUALITY tLAl'Dt D. tiEUTCHIH. loralor. ISLA.XDS. UM-nnim-nL . -r will be lowed down llie rivers nnd Kiienl wan prexenled with a rose A. I. unnltin. arrnl. .ATl'HL OAS AMI l'ElRol.El!.M .VOTIIJK ljuratrd rrnruary It. Ittl. I. Allan Sir art. Inu-n.l to apply to the A. X Mrl lUll., mrator. TORK'S Imek ai?aln by Ihe lc;imer nf the to wear durfiiir Ibe evening and SklEXA HXD DMTRIirr D1STKICT OK VlnMrr of Land for a lirrnna ki pronprrt Varrt fcvrr. it. C 11.11. Co, the these added n'louch of roloi' In OlEEX CIIAI1I.IITTE ISLXDS. for natural aa and pt-lrolrum ovrr llw Iranxpnrt system, Special this week Tat,- ikitlrr that I. Claud- l. riruirnrr, Mkiwlnr drarrlbrd land: DISTRICT OF (JI'EKX CIInIILHTTE nev. rrafl belnir built In Ihe onler the scene. f li, nn r. Onlora tn. I', s. A.. Inirutl to U4iinn-nriur at a pot plantrd on, ml! ISLA.MW. Tim commiltees in charpn nf Wincsnp Apples No. , apply lo tnr cnirr iinniiiiaioiirr or I anui rail or inr wulll rl rornrr ot lot li. HATl'RAL OAS AXD I'll IlllLU'M .XIITIi:E. 'TOVES. "f the i-oiiipniiy. She i hi'iiiff box ror a nrrnwi ia prupi'i ror natural aaa rl roa.l or Oraham Inland. B. C. Ihrnra h Ah-taiMlrr A. vrl'hail, intrtid to apply eniiolrurleil friuii the arranBrmrnls were: $3.50 iiul nrirolrum ovrr ais arrrt vl land ai south SO rhain. ral ao rhain, north so to the Ninttirr of lands ror a llrrnur la airplann epruee, rotumi: wmt ao rliaina to point of rom ror rnaina, trorri uaiural aa and palrotruin and when llnUhrci will prnvbli' Ihe Sons of Knalaiid- II. F Wear-iniiulli, Fancy Navel Oranpes, cnuiiii-nripr ai a pol plantrd a nuira nirni-i-nii'ni. rrr thr follow nit drtrribrd UnUi- I'. Sailer, 0. Weslnway, F. 25c doz. nor in if inn iBirih ral rornrr or lot fill. Loraltd rrhriiary llth. I at I. f jonnirncnia ai a poai pJanlrd at tn Rnverninenl nfllelnl with safe liraiiam Uland, iiwm-r ra.i u rliaina. aouin ALM.t STEWART, loralor, north vral rnrnrf of lol 17T. OlaM Bay, limisiiifr for llie wilb nrimlile, !.. ItiMth, F. Yirkers. J. 50 Navel 0range3 for $1.00 -o rnain". rst no main, norm av rnaina Vancouver. B. C. llrahain laland. a. I:.. iBrsre n.um a a money to ptmil ni roniiiiriiri-inrnt. A. A. .Mrriiail. aarnL rln in, tast ao chain, norm ao rbaina, v.lileh Ihej- pay Ihe various Indian I lay Hell, and J. Cobh. 4 lb tin pure Strawberry l.orairq iiuriiiry.tsin, n't, Vancouver. H. C. urn ao rhatiu to pnrnl or ronmirncrnii-nl. Mes-dauu'M IXVi'DE D. l-ELirhR. kiralor. Located If. DnuRhlers and Maids Frbriiary l. Won:.'"'"I' ll'lbes.i af well as comfortable . Jam 95c a. i. t.rruon. arrni. DISTRICT OF OL'EEM CIMRLOTTE A. A. Mrl'lUIL, lorator. V.. A. Wood. (I. I.eek, 0. IHI.AMIS. Vancouvrr, B. q. "UIACIC 1 jt I Irnvellhig for a summer' npurn-llnna V. 10 lb. sack oL SaFF-.XV IAXD lilSTHICT DISTRICT UK XATI RkL OAS AMI PETROtEUV MITICK Kemp, s. F.. Alexander, S. Cox, Try a mi ii norlhern wnenva)i. VVII.X I.MMll.lll It ISIUWI. i. Alan siruari. luirna.io ipmr to tnr DISTRICT OF Ql'EF CHARUITTE fi. MrCullouph, and S. llennetl- CRACKED WHEAT Takr notlrr mil I. Claude D. Drulrhrr, Vinlttrr of Land ror a lire nnr u rrosnrrt ISHMiS. Crulilng Canoes r.f lirnirr, Colorado, s. A.. Inlrnd 10 for natural raa and prirolrum ovrr in SATI'RAI. OAS XO PrTROLEL'M MiTlt'jr. Al- VI II. Tabrum was un efllclent . The New Ureakfait Food apply lo inr t.nirr rnnunisMonrr or Lanoa loiiomma orarribri land: I. Airaandrr A. Mri'hali, inlrnd lo apply In addition bonllhe to llii master nf .ceremonies and kept ror a limine lo Mrwprrl ror uaiural tl conimttir na at a pom piantra onr mil lo the Minuter or Laiula ror a Ihciim- Ui lierln Molur Hon! works hae a ami prirolrum rr tie acrra of land lo-i-aird rati of mr aoulh rai rornrr of lol tUJ. nmaprrl ror natdral in and prtrolruia -"nog. lliliiK mnvlnff steadily. a full.ma: wnl rnatl or llraham Inland. B. C-. Inrnro ovir Wf rollowlnr arribra laod: . .ii R-1 "'m number of rnnoes ready for ulilp- :oniinriiriiia at a post plantrd S mi in north ao rhain. rat so mama,' ton in aa iiiiomcncina at a poal plaotrd al the .11 Munro Bros. north or llm norm rat rorm-r or lol Sill, rbaina. 0 rbalsa la v rt point o( onm-iiimrrrnrnt. nmlh wi-al rurnar uf lol tJJl, Olard Bay, trim. nienl (in Ihe Arcllc io.it nf Ilia TJicro's no more use In having liraiiam Island, thriu-r oortlj ao rliaina, rati On ham lUn1. S. e. thrnra aeuin ao on a II.II. Co. ami dm Lfunnn.IIuM'ir1 (TiOds that nobody knows about 9 i-baint, aoulb 0 rhaloa, rst 10 tbaisi Loraini irpruary tato. tail. chain, rait, an rhaina, north 10 rbaina. nl or ronimrnn-inciiL AIJ... 81 1 WAST, lorator, ' In po urai u rnain-i in mi or ccminflirrnnnL Compnny. A ear of ruwiM will than in winking at a pretty Kir I Phono 88 Lnrk-d rbrnfirv HOI. Il. Vancouvrr, B. C. i.ut-sirn rinruary I" iait. f HI Pt p. tHHCHES. lorator. A. A. Mrrnail. aarnL A, A. alcl'HAIL. locau.r, In norlli nexl week for lha Hud- in the dark. If A. 4, oertfon, afrnu; Vaocauvtr, a. C Vaucouver, a. C