APr. 2 8 19ft j ORlA, lay"- T phone T .139 A A x o7 x Hale & untley Block PRINCE RUPERT I Joe and Fred I i jjtgffon Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Li j PniNCE Jll I'KIlT, Hf C, HVTimiAY. AIMII1, 2:3, lusl. THli'l CIPulnl 17M. ttrttt 424. PRICK FIVK CKNTH . .'i-1 j-i-ji.- u .mi'i 1 1 i '. in iji ...Tit .j erman situation Is Ail Absorbing nnnrnnTiTri t m it i unAfTiTrn r i tn rn itt-t nritn riiri nn OTHERS BANNED , . , , i i i .i - . . . ENGLISH DRAMATIST AND WIFE LEAVE FOR HOME. British arid French Two Badly Injirrd When ' " 1 1 GERMANY WILLINO tJJ m 'I TO RECONSTRUCT Way Freight Was Wrecked DEVASTATED LAND Labor Protests at LONDON. April 23. Sixty Miles East of Here lii'iiiKiiy linn cn a note to Itir 1 lr j( 1 1 1 l nvcrn me n t German Treatment reilemlTnw 'Ii rrt entnpb'te S.iniuol J. Ihiiilu-. fireman, ii"J Jolin A. Siillifrlunij, ciig-ineef, will!mni' t undertake rri-: Hie liii-pitnl MilTering from bad bum uiwl.ullicr injuries Mm recuilriirtlon of d. a ri-MillKf 1 lie wy freight niiiiiing into a I mil rorkfliile along .... . . . . . . . i.. I i 1 i aa vnlnlcd I'mnre. PAIIIS ,"ii ' ! I "e eiimmiiuii iny iiui inirnniru me - In; Hkerna Hivcr atwiiil sjxty mile eal ut here last'mghl. w . , .!, ,I--T1.. ... fill ttff., II..I II...'' I.rr.,I,....!. p..I..!.( (a- II.... A big gillie nirne !owfi over the enow yheils driving Ihcm out ,n, ,,i i.. ' I'fii.iii people ami declare Ihorlhr reparation f place uml, owing lu Hie had.lighting and (lie curve, the engi-pci4 Mil"1!' ' '' ' i ... f,ur "M II... 11...I II' .nu..ir-l..lliw'llir-'HI it.J'ii'-i-.11 M.H.I..I. diil mil fee I lie iili-.tniclion until tuo late tmd era.hed right il... I'll....i. ...I end for end and the tedder ftrhniri' ' "' '" 1 -M'" ' 4iioiiiiiiioo outer--. LOGGING STRIKE iiln iL turning the engine piling oil iiIhi. x,.. ! s:t. -The IfilHir ceeulivc ami parliunic ntary 'ir nt II mid ihini.igiug i'.i'Ily ri freight edi. Conductor Abbott , ...... ...it..... I ......i 1...I '..:.,.1 ii... t rs wr tt niM1vn ami the to braVemen ire not - . m' I"""" " linn; iiit'iiii-ii iiiv i. R Mini:'" HI wiiii i'iokiiiii 1111 IV IJIi I I i. it,. Itnlir c.i fields 1 1) Ihe Trench. The prute!, J In I lUuI lAjl limuetliatcly afli-r the nrri.U-nl. I il lM IX V 1 1 iw- ..hi.-m.Mil ! neutral arbitration of un impartial court j wliicti' liHik iilacc iilioul I0.;i0. v' ,' .i.liiijr ISerrnuii ubligul.oin. uml piotct, (IinI Njrlhern P, t of Vancouver U- lie iiew-WM HnnIieU IIip cilf i, .1,. .. will mi.ke nucr for .-rwlral KuruMon ,,B- LJk,,y t0 b, Ted up Say aaaaaaaaaaaaaaBslaBaaaaBBaVR fe3il6SBaaaaBBBal ' and Superintendent SVallcn at CASE COMES i "nee runlu'd u ijiecil Ir-'in li Membtr for District. i in- iieene with lr. K??erl uii Itnanl Ic look afi-r tin injured INTO COURT lUllMENT OF SINN FEIN VICHmiA. nl ;M.-Sli.Vr. turn,, Till wan followi-d'a fcixtiii til I iii losralnir ctniiiiM f V-cmitrr ,i Mii!itile by a w-ckiny crew , -ami UIuihI uiili Dif (.llltiiy wcrit i KriHi'i-din- i faL E.. Michslon Arrested on Charge IRISH TROUBLE BOLSHEVIK of ic fii-'i'ly of limlx-r 4ir Ibr i i"silic clearin? up.llie lebril . of Steallnq 40 Casts liillU Im-Ihi rul off. i jinijii 'oil r Hi wreck ami n-movug Ihei of Liquor. I by ll' v. I In.ma h Mmiiix, n.v V : v I AtUrny-0nrl Sayt Will , f-r l'iini(. win in Iit. Jl Ttie lide U nv extensive one, K. MiclirUoit. of the Kerhikun ,run utUi I In (imcrniiicnl llir jrailine Valorous. a ar-llmc. Maka Evldanea Public ml it rrniiival will ta ume bimt. In faw Day. lali'T rni)bl I h rl ttrn thrNtrn. A;errw frominilbem .irelel at 3 oeloet llii .morning Li Otrtr Said U t)t Matting linjf t tin tcJly"V "f uinr ':working rom Uie oilier pml. andiby Jerfeont-lUiley, Serxeaul Me-.yi MMrl ut lliAUIaivl. , utuiiWdeViialcli-Jvllll le usedjiiliucby andnMabblgaii'and iCarttiAal Lofiut and Ds LONDON. April 3 EW-. d no t Ut j t hr-1 n. ir1ert3Mffan4eUntW.ami? 1 01 kttwaon th Bolthavlkl ili'ff'alli",'th'(:ilu?n"uf MciIinjre i I In? ioire court 'ItlJV i.iil I'piwiiian m Oovarnrnvnt of flula and HT ( III. The' sfiefl Ihiii.1 wiW ilaniasedfeiiarTid willi rohbi-ry wJlli viv- iaia. . 1 1 A...l.r .rl.lrlv'. i.. ,tt life 1 ! lenee of forty rnif of li'iuor on Ihr l-u-l .il lifrlty.U th Sinn Fain movamant In ?iriiili roul. i rlllW Milll Iraland ha bn faund. It OLD COWRY uSs 4rer," " ' ' November 25 rum Jack Milter. flue m.iiI Ik. Vdlin. waa. tCit'd In tha Heua of Pat'e'fti Improving'. The case wa reinandeil until tfMrriiii''iil n utiMiiiiml III. Cemmana rvtr('ay by Dn- SMLED FOR CAN ADA Very" "faviii'abfe'rrpi.i'lj are' re., Monday inoriifn 011 request of Ml tat mmlli r. laiira r1i'il I nl Hanry, altornay-fianerjil 'li'ed'l'coni ifie' IJeheraT lliwpilal City 'ilieilor Hoop'r who lias John PrinkuMter, llie 'mnoun Kn?lih u(lior and drroa-llt 'To ' f&e further witnese! in Hie ease. I fer Ireland. :hi aflerniM-n a jfondf-iioifbrjlire. p.(,.mciii'iil ,.( (Ilf IrUll Mr. Hanry promt to mat On HuntrH and Firty DomtIe ihoiu?rnplicrwiib Mr. Ilrliikwaier when fjiejr lefj tbe 'ji'lurA ll? -u-lafned A. M. M;.n ion. of William. Man- tatMirf raimiil I,.- t tnnl.-il. tha tvldanca public In a fa S.lled from Liverpool on ahorea of Anu-rica for their null re hind. Mr lViiitatcr and iever'e 'burfis' buf YUfs-tneer .ou & tionzale, appeared In I. ilmi iIht-jfcra ...ar- ins; day. Atlagama Today hit wife made a urreful tour of this country. Sutherland, with a1 bniVeo lesr. eouii on behalf of Miller. il.l,- ..-IlirllM-lll of i The arises out of ra.e , -..'a '. Hie worl. The condition of UnH 'iin -li n. l U uil'l-r. liiNOn, April ii. lum- wliis.cy stealing eiinIe which-it rieilb'-r Is critical although the i Ikil i "rrii iiipiiI ami LOOKING FORWARD 'i.ml nii'l llfly "M-j ttillln fullril Crawford Followers Forced 'loclur were' kept busy durinsr i- aU-ed wcurn-d in thoj I r ii :.-.,. lu) ll 111-1 YEAR, .Il III'- l'iiiir V'liiglii fr..in lie 11 uli I and thi umrnini; at-einliiii: harbor on a t-'as.dine boat lu.-tr TO HUNDREDTH l.fr"M. 'ol fir M'-tllr.-jll In fall when Miller who was m-IUii?' Kiss Union Jack Following them. Hn M ,r i i.ii-ini'r, .ami t- nli-i dmii'1-! ir 'T' h'p in I'an-.iii'mn the liquor and two a--"K-iales The regular eatbound paneen-srr l.-i. lil it ilit iy Formrr Sant?r Chauncay M. Da-pew limiif. wliiTf Xislhon were taken to Mellakulla 011 the. lul..iai ii i l I'ltimia Say S7lh BlrthCay Not !)i at- t ii (muni rr nil Ml Id prr Irish Meeting in Vancouver Jo-re train,at 11:15 which thi was morning,due lo leave will boat and there held tip with ruu.s !i..i i. Hi. ntiUtar) Worth CommanV. iiin'iiili. and. 11 cteel bar. At Hie Indian, until 7 o'clock thin oi jrel away " "'"""I. .I ,lIl.T III- village ttiey were put off llie-Ixiat WI. SKW VOIIK. April 5.1. n I lie VAM:0LVK. April sa. A rrowil of (He lhouuud iol veiling on account of Hie triuble in a leu-foot KkliT and told when- tbe wreck oc-urirl. (t ilninou" u;i. .uii. hIii-ii 'ciii nf iiU mlily--f nili I'uih-iy ROBBED OF $1,200 wailed-Ihree hour ouNule the Dominion Hall l.-isl night whili .I SalviiK.A itiiowslied pracliially lo b" home while ttie robbers 'n.M.l . , , ,,,,rtV 0I, Inilay,furtnrr Kcnalur lllmiin-jccy ON STREET CORNER Lindsay Crawford, of Torunln, addmtfii 4 UiHJng under tin ollaped oyee Ibe locomotive, proceeded to ca with the liquor. I'l .1.. ill i llinl Hi i',.wn. M. IIcm'W until oc- J and the line with a big .niipires of Ihc lrili -Self lielenniwiou l.engiu , -nr rn-K'ii uiiwiirlliy l inuaii IN CITY OF MONTREAL rock and f lidins cbWd juiiice hud inaulily o i.iiiimtiil liiil Uml lii wa look-inn Unit iiu hour after Ilia- -meeting had and the" af Hi behind it. MANY EVADES r. rwanl uiili nilmln"iii In iiiiuouut-ed lhul'tawfonl had left the hull, the crowd relncliintly -a. While MllVniliAI.. April rtilfritiir In liuiulnillli fur. dipertd voicing determination to Ibid Uwwford after, having wnillnu at o ulrrel liilerneclion FOR STATES, IN ALBERTA COLD QUESTION G?1 fur a ulrert ear Wilfrid Iloumie. persistently Iried to drown the euking in thn hull willi two LEAVE,''. S;V.l'" COLORED an eniilocr of Ihr - Montreal lirn.- baiuU and ilhe Miiwinif of' BEAT VANCOUVER TruiuwHy. w rubbed of a brtiC lialriofio oni. " H&r) Wera Lealng"That Country; M-TIIIIIIMtK. . p r 1 1 S3. A- I'mi Net to Eiport II i "iilUiiiinK I 0 by bimdili. ')cr were oily5 a fp.w liiter-i-uplbiii" a Reason for Prohibition.. utliern.Alberta i?' in li't grip of in the ball and the .REBELLION GROWS for Oclobar 1. a u uow.storm t'xluy. This inorn. VANCOIVKM. April Ihc VCTCDAM CDICm people emerged they doffed their AGAINST SOVIET . . UL UI.IX. April'S3. The deen-e Iny ot Nantou the.Vnow was risl JM. April::.. Ii(.r y(h. ! Mew York I'.oloreil tiiautx defeal.1 lUlKlinn 1 hats lo tbe Union Jack, there IN UKftAINIA nf Hie Irish republican parliament inches deep and there is more oc r"'"""i iiai((-i in or r. ed Ihe VMncouver I'neillr tnler-liutiiinul NEWSPAPERMAN IS were a few lU-Ms and ome i oiii- prohibiting emigration Irom less snow everyvffiere. Seedini? ir.ii.r,.,. (. vul n.. I.'iimuc teuiii yenlertlay 1 puUory kixsinit of Hie national STf)i:KII(il.M. AjjrtI S3. I it-land "without proper authority" operations are temporarily held "" I Ill.ttllk I.I by n Keore of four to Iwo in an DE4D IN HOME CITY eiptdem. Ortanu'-i. rebel I inn was occasioned by the heavy up. J r "" ""-i'l-l esbiliilion inline yenlerduy afler- KITort were maile ye-ilerd.iy by U?uln I he llu-iuil Soviet increase of emigration to tbe 1 IIIMIIl. SAN l-lt.N.ISlH). April 23.-Joint I lie iiieiulei-!i of the llrilixh Km- iJoveriiiiieiil i pfuriiK lulled Slate of tale. I.! r '',VM,' I'hillp Youns. for forly-Uuva plre I.e.iL-iH- lo prevent the t.raw- with renewed folji ., ill SCOTTISH FOOTBALL M"H .., pivi,,,! Pt,,r,,. SPEEDING BUSINESS inanaifitis editor of ford meetiiiB. . I In mayor and Ukraine. ti,i- ileeliirrd; in Sn yearm rrancUco Cliruiiiele, council were ailed lo prohibit lueMsaneM ri'ceied. here TENDERS OPENED PROFESSIONALS PLAY DOMINION PARLIAMENT died(he early (lii morning nl Hie it..Mayor Thin wa! Kxiind mA done a proclnma-liou but today from pelronrad. AT HALIFAX MAY 18 nife of neveiity-nne. Alice Arm FOd Contract Likely Hint li" furllier mrCliuK ' OTTAW.A. April -On" 'Mini-day. to be Let Next Week MEMORIAL were lo be held by Crawfold in WIXNII'KO, April iJ. Tbo THREE KILLED. April ?5...Ai)l be the la.l duy the piVM-nl sliilt! of public (ecl-Iiik. Sroltish professiuuul foidbull Alilrh meiiilior- re-xiiliitlunn YltrroltlA. April S3. The ten- ou pi-lvalu Three TRY TO SETTLE learn whiclt will.four Canada and MO.Tlir..VI.. April S3. SERVICE mid MIU lwic piTced- 'dcrs for construction 01 me Stales United killed dml the t lo play Mi ill I real iH'nple were Alice Arm to conned the road ut ence. After llini uatn iiciwrnuiini Znl when julo-way ARMED BANDITS ROB Halifax iu May. il is fluted by Battle of Yprc8 biuiiirVa will loive tin, riahl oflHiree injured on hurf with Ibe town were opened '"" ,,J u l'uiu IRISH QUESTION President McNeil, or the Dominion ViL22. 1915, i... Monday.. f ni'Dr l.ueollo." $200,000 FROM A terday. but the contract will Koolball Asoeiulion. in I be l'-l until next veek. . . . Wtholme AT AGE JEWELLERY STORE s DIED TODAY Theatre. Another Attempt Being Made to ANNIVERSAHY SERVICE 7 Evening -ONE HUNDRED .YEARS NOTIOE CIIICUU). April S3. -Aimed, Bring Together Factions. BOLSHEVIK-TRADE I. 0. 0. F. AnnuuT lleneriil Muetint ot bandit entered- ibe Jewellery; COMMISSIONER IS 24tb, 9 o'clock linocKVlM.i:. out.. April s:i. Hie Prlnea Rupert Swlmmlno store In the dowustown district I'l'llMN. April S3.- Whut is All Oddfellows lire reipj'oted Pubiic Invited. Aloiuc Cui n, or Perth, Out., died Club, Mniiday. April H rubbed the plaeii of SOO.llOil inj described a an elevenlh-hour Hie Sinn Fein al-teniil TO VISIT CANADA lo meet ut K. or P. Hall. p cash and Jewellery and escaped. to briiiK Sixth SI reel. Sumhty evening cai'. Ih'fesoldieisof today here In bin IuImI p.iu. nliurp in Police Court, leuilers nnd Hie iove-imcilt into at 0.3A to atlem; divinn Clly Hull. All Inleresled In iieuMilinlion heftire (he election or. I.ONhON. April S3.- J.e.nid 111 Kn.. . ' rWM l nfV K II BAR SILVER DROPS. our children" weirure pleute SIR SAM HUGHES ILL. the new Irish Parliauu'lit is be- Kraln, head or I he llolshevik s.erviee ul the Presbyterian attend. OTTAWA, April i3.Thc ion-ditlon intr made hero. The would-be. trade coinmisslou in llritain. will Church. XHW YOMK. April S3. Uo. TAIIltUM. inedialoi-s include businessmen visit Canada at the end of flay, II. HltOSShTr. N.O, Av ,Koom!. 3rd 15. II. or Sir Sum, Hushes, who ; W. 8 in ei.I In bur allvup declined irom and' uuuMctal vUlt will be purely eoni-sntatlves'ol HAUHIK, Sevty: Secretary. is ill here, u nucha nyed thi clerny a reprc-jThe i 00 He mi ounce to 00 Uc Jn the mOriiiiii.. , the Uovcnuiient. increial iu chuructcr, it U tulcd. New Yurk murkct tuday.