1 Paire 2 TJTE DAILY NSWS S;i -.:. J.'.n The Daily News , VICTIM EXPERTS IN : ANOTHER i mi mm mm o . .u. rn bb am m .. - -vi PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News i ADVERTISING MitCPOSiilLOl OF RHEUM ATISH Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. iMcConnell A Fergusson Incorporated Tntirlr WVIl Atar SJs Wli with Four Offices In I Brier Tw.Uu.nl With "FRUT.A.TIVES" Eastern Centres Plug SUBSCRIPTION RATES I City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month $1.00 Ann..unr.mih in t nm.tc thai Jl By mail lo all parts of Ihe British Empire and the United Htates, i'Ii I he N Vi-ar r.uiif important SMOKING TOBACCO in advance, per year frt.OO, li,-.uu.. in IUi- .rminlHn uf To all other countries, in advance, per year ............ $7.50. Uf wi-ll know n advei Msoi'H aui'iwy1 TELEPHONE 88. lh rolnfnro known a M-i:himi'U A Transient Display Advertising l.25 pwr Inch each insertion KiTK'isson. The tarlncrbii ha Transient advertising on front page . $2.00 per inch. iii'cn itiforMtntii-ti Hint mm In- Local Readers, per Insertion, 25c per line i !'!'! as sharhidd'-r and dJnwf Ctavsified advertising, per insertion, 2c per word.1 sfvi-ral "f Ihe i-xcculixes of Legal Notices, each insertion, ....... .... 15c per agate line til" 'ilil ft Nil. j J. K. McCuniK'il is presiilrnt and; M. M. Keruin i M-c-irblMt. DAILT EDITION. & Saturday. January ??. 1951. Tl;e.i two ni-ii fnriN'st Hie fMrt-n-'i'sliip wUk-Ii fwun4el and 2ti House Shortage MR. AMCOCC GARCCAU the ininv ' McOmnell Aj Throughout World. S2 Hickory St.,Ottawa, Oat. KcrKusson t (- prMnl ouiorU) There seems l be a shortage of houses throughout the "I was for many years victim y anl Miluine. They will remain Kiigiih prakiug worliL How it has come alxlHl iioImh!)- team (Aol Irrrihle duraue, Meummlitm. In in their r-.if-li'' Miilmn in the tn know. Men wenl 10 war ami killed each oilier by thou-aiul 1913, 1 was laid op for four months orunnii.-ilion. . It. Mallon. for. with Kbeunutism ia the joints of the itierly lnsH-tir "f the Hank "f and when thoe who were left returned Ihey found there were not enough houses for all. Ovvii:g to the high price of material knees, hips And shoulders And was Trgrlo.. Join llic biMnl it nu it wa not prolilaoltv to .erert new hoite. Now condition are prerented from follow is t nay work, actf fxrutie officer. Valler' that of Electrician. H. (Sunn, well known llirotmlmut t changing. The priCiOf-building material Is etihWerably lower than it was only a Tew fnotith ngo: lhe"re-i plenty of labor avail-able I tried many remedies And was iinada In pnhlinhinic anl )ver. under the care of a physician; bnt liNinir cireles. is i tYireetor and) and people who need houffs will he arranging to have them built. nolLinj did me Any rood. Then I inana'ger of the comoAuy's Tor-' began to tale 'Froit-A-tlTes'and ia A onto iilUr As mauUSBrr of Iheir In l'rinoe Htinert there:ivlill a shortage of dwellings and week I was easier, And in six wrelsl Montreal otBcr, Lionel T. Itenisun MffHW4t the condition will be ar-renliild as mmih as Ihe pnng work was so well I went to work again. who lias bai i:iny yea rs exueri.. MAIL SCHCDULC 1 strts-iip. There is no longer prbvliirlaj'bouslng fuftd on whii-h I look opoo this fruit medicine, nee in lianlliiic Ihe cuinuicv aI- $50 In draw. We are left lo onrowji resources iijreganl lo Ihe to $5,000 it marrrUoui 'FniPtitet', u limply m ver(ilns ir.ililciii- of Kalern male For the Cast. . matter. It i up to us to prriion. . tun cf Ritmmalhm, And stronfly tlHiiaita a o joins Ihe hoard. It. (1 Mondays. Wednesday and Sat. A YEAR, FOR LIFE Various buildings are being planned. Several people have idvise safferioywith libra-nutiim si'hemes in mind in regard lo business blocks r apartment ereryeae tofiTe'Fruit-a tiTes a trial." Canada,ulN. with loanitiier hi office for in Winni- A.CAKADiAK COYERNMEWT AoNUiTY PROVIDES It houses. These should certainly be given every support- The AMEDEE GARCEAU. i the rerrotatiei - No tvclter lift IWB. eslern From th East. imtiuuciil svaiUbl need S apparent and the people should undertake Ihe work. A the board. John f - No bc.ttt orevritr aMamable l. n MeUonncll, few good apartment blocks and hoarding houses should be prolll-able 0c.a box,6 for$2J0,trial slae,25c. s,,,,,.. r,,.,.. .rf rh.. -Cannot be arUed or trvtrd upon for any taint veil known tlirtrtishoul Canaa undertakings. ' At all dealers or sent postpaid by an jdaj at p. in. WU taf rt4rc4 U Wat. Iuim or 4rrorr4 Fruit a-tiea limited, OtUaa. Out. .. publicity writer and jouraaliwl. N affKttal b tr m drprrt-m High Prices niAes tlie seventh memtier of Ihe ' Fot Vancouver and South. Tne ffaaca DMitmioti !laraainar Taa For Halibut. Ixiard. He sueeialUeK in Inaiiciul Tiiiiaa ? n , No SNnfcral nummvUkja crquUed Anifenr m the ar o.' 1 yrn rrtbVaM or dumtnlrd to Cmua, There is no reason why fish should be an expensive food in SUITCASES .ind raKa mla work Tliursdaya lip. in. Buy pvsrSHxt. Canada. If certain varieties are costly in comparison with other Managers' Convention Sunday 8 Amy tw prrtKM may puxsyatt jatatly. p. m. fish the fault lies with the Canadian people. Tlfke as an example TRUNKS A convention of tb miuisuiern Jannnry I a and 30 Ihttr Ernpteit tea, Hrt a may'wnffHWH patreti -- for faar itwir ttwlr rniom:r tstanotrra, vhoni Wji halibut. People ak why it should cost so much more than other ind eeciiiii- has jut bean con. fish. The reason is thai it has been put in a luxury clas. If HANDBAGS ludcd at lh.- London ofce. all From Vancouver and South. A.ao r . rti . I .ii Um those people who have o religiously adopted halibut as their: .Iiicli iii i. and metliti '"r Sunday 8 p. in, fish course would- substitute- brHI, plaice, sole, flounder or witch i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL h.- ensuing year were diwit-ed iivdneday . . . ."ltV:3t a. in.' . H.e-M.om4 occasionally they would do much toward correcting this situation, j tn.l deeble.1 uimn. ijnya H a. rn. These fish are closely related to the halibut, are available in' The principles and ethics which i January 28 abundance and have a delicacy of flavor and llneness of texture J. F. MAGUIRE hi.ve Boveri"d Ihe conduct of Ihej . which many people consider superior lo Ihe halibut. 7X2 Second Are., Prince Rupert iiisiites unier Mert, McCuBnell j Fol jnjox -nJ Aee aprn The reason for Ihe higher halibut price is this: It Is estimated A FerniioH for tlta vast "''"-iSnn1ayi to few that fcom thirty to forty per cent of the xatch on haliluil biles In ywar will be roHtbWi p the j Wwin4.nJsiy .'. y v.m,p.m. Only a more Days is cod, which have lo Ie thrown away. The Ixidls are obliged to . orsrantealion. f From Anyoi and Alice-Arm. . .... J. 'V I. - ' I.'-' if'it,' TP I ?otL t. go long aisianres uinew uaniy .jor, iih? naiuHii,. levig proline It wa cxwiciiuletl a tier a eareful iTuesdays a.m. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES banks nearer home stocked with many varielieV nf.rish but' no -aa4si-a' .i.' .ey ui. onuiiutn in usuiaua 'bursdays p. in. left for halibut Thus1t'wi!lbe seen that Ihe cost of the boat's cruise that reartr mrrrUaiHbsinx effort , must come out of the (10,000 or 70,000 pounds of halibut taken. Ilili.Saturday,0:11 a. January 10.. 19.2 22.reel. an.1 niorr intensive aertlsinar roP Poft SmpKlni ArrandaU, Mill OUR SPECIAL BARGAINS .than bad eer before ben .tatie in Btfi Waea Island and Naaa People to Blame 1 1 :V. a. in.. 2.7 Teet. Rler., Canada was now necessary I" For Condition. . ,. . , Low, 5:52 a.m., 7.2 feet. solve Ihe irwrfcelinsr pr.leiiV. of Sundays F p, Vi'"'"' AeeVndaU.I'J pin.! Hut you ?&iuiol blame Ihe fisherman for throwing away other 18:1 1 p. in.. 2 feel. Canadian manufaettier. I n- mill ! bk. uat. i.i.nH ,a n... ri... fish to get 00,000 pounds of h.ihhut. He is in business: for n living. Sunday, January 23. iIniMely the market in Canada jn' DEMERS whose the fisherman High. 037 J0.5 feet. ;Tuedays The people themselves, tastes must gratify, a. in.. will absorb lb- prHrts tf lan; are responsible for Ihe couomic waste and Ihe consequent higher 12:18 p. nu 23.4 feel. adian Industrie,Jul Ibr rwoaiun-inn a Quean CHarlotta price of Ibeir favorite fjsh. I.mv, :IK a. m., 6.2 feef. is rritieTt bnk Islands: public Hm The drain that has been made upon the halibut banks during 19:25 p. in.. I.I feet. prices and sjoaUiy cad tii tie. Kor Matt Part Clements and Last Day, Saturday, Jany. 22nl the past few years threatens lo seriously curtail the supply unless im.nd ti le tm "re-vn why" fpper island points instituted. is Canadian ' The time urd is racinc Stan. January 19 protective measures are It right thai Ihe in purrlia-istsr h !b tuhir. people should know these things because our fisheries are th&ir Uard, for the 120tti Meridian west. The MrCtaarl A K"ci-o "row Maasei fort Clements and property and those commercially engaged in the industry are It is counted from 0 to 24 hour (Limited . wamsse. in n ..f Upper Island point: custodians of their wealth; from midnight to midnight. January 20 merely Ibis silualMMS. hr 4H IN CASE OF FIRE CALL 50 The table given is for Port r Saldf-nl. Otieen Charlotte throw ini itw M IW mm.mat Increased Demand Simpson but. the time for Prince Ctiy sad Lowe Island points: By Means of Bonus. Htipert varies only a few minutes year, the omI eriwss tai -. January tt Vhen You Want Plumbef The substitution of other varieties of flatfish, equally as on some days and on others is icntratisl rWitri lo krjr tfce rt Frsnn !kWeate. vio Charlotte a palatable, but more abundant and procurable nearer home, has the same. The range of the. lidc of the amusM Mrt i I" "s- kuns- City and Lower Island points for been Ihe Fisheries Branch at Ottawa ti stale wf aVi mrf. In call some years urged by as taay be computed as 5 per cent January 18 a hurry a means of protecting Ihe balillut fishery'- In I til 8 the fiovern-ment greater at Prince Itupert than at With tuarmtfrmt m ttv ti&sur Jbonused the flatfish industry on the Pacific roast, halibut Port Simpson both at springs and i oinnier.-t. orsiOw- CmaMOL Foe Skagway and lha Yulon., KELLY & MALLETT for the of market in the western MoiHreai. Tnrr. ljm( excepted, a purpose ctieajiug neaps. Therefore the rise in the rmrvarjr n gnu zz.i provinces. While two-lhirds ol the transportation charges were Prince Hupert harbor is slightly Winni. From Sksgwat ano Yukon. j paid by Ihe Government as far as the western boundary of Ontario greater than Port Simpson. the oibfit tm law itutnHbwnaWis January fft, 30; February I.T Phone. - Green 85 and Green 1S a thriving business was developed. When the Government The height is in feet and tenths irobleu. .f IhvMM iies 11m and ?;. j withdrew the rebate, however, and it became necessary lo raise of feet above the average level of the retail price from leu lo fourteen oents per pound, t lie market lower low water. iln ..ffcr 'j- i- :". 4-A.um riawArt, Mspla Bay' and Swamp declined. Why people would not pay the ilifTerenve but still had Point. BROS no objection to paying twice 'he price for other fish, is hard lo There may be somethlns; you i... . .. L.,7 :pon SILVERSIDES explain. want. Pee the classified column IRfc'LH RAM .Vi.KhfAKY f January SI WHAT'S meana nrAetieAl men to aduS; 1 . FROM- Antee everything: w DEEP SEA roHERSEN; January 52 Dr.JOS. MAGUIRE u ". ! Try eUsslfTed advertisement . IN A WALLPAPERS TIMBER SALE X 2565. VmTtl ant anythin. A lot of bus.- 20 per cent reduction Janttarjow ikw 7 " n"Mn'iWi is done that war. NAME? HsrKAins in rema: DENTIST. Olntrirt Fumur mut Utrt mam tmmm tm 'mwrn-'mf" lass tw in Nti tte. , 5Rsr.r!P.O.Boi!2 ?Oi ear -r iitrrr. CtKnnCATZ Phonc22 a- an- : : ..s -.is. st-:- or tsvaavtasaTc Iiurrlute i"l 'lj'nT- tii M-wm. . ul t7.vM rt Unm tmk Se. I )mm Claim. j f,n Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block Himkirk iimivr.in yrtr ami win rmtr.t f i i'f ---tfimm ay lite, . Vaneim... , (s.Urn irii;a.Irwi Sill! o.rvll.m 1 Vinrro Niwrsi r.lim.Mum,1: ft 43srsisre. (. S All MJeSMiw nunrral ri'iimf Lady Aitant Open Evenings n. ' Vmnn ttmm, . (iisse ASw ita4 Ihe mm miusi m Vuw-b rjurl .li. Minmr Ooiooo Office Hours: Sunday by enure hu-n m """ct "r"ra ua Phone 575 lM ooe of lo- arm. ,n XZi 9-1 2? 1.6; 7-9. Appointment TIMBER SALE X2UI. ,sm tu , wcistenL TWT NOTICE !Ul I. Ak-i Ror.r. of in., REDUCTIONS 'XT Vaaenaver rrtmsre ol Hntun iM. hM mm -mm - - J- v remain in K t. iMHSjSa. Trr HUrr Cerllttctu Sa. 1179J . vsr tm neaair f mfteii inrt it i(rnl sdusa ass! snsiy enter tHiine far HmmI MardMUM, er Um mm :tiy nl trs. "?m " mBur w-Cir vmtmrr. Vtrr Miiwr'i iniiirii,i i w MffMtr f Eat A0."- (si m rrwn im! on plain marked price until my t G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public - tit'tttvx : JUVENILE LEAGUE '"'1 J.'-naorr arf.U,r.rrliMi: i iit vi'i'4.u. mini tor tm ruwn nunmrnred Oram'I 9 heavy ntock it retluced SvntTXf mJZr " " vrtprr it taauanrc ol tar irunri of FOR rvnmn nuwntoi r mv ou1 Sm4r. USTAU Iltts Jrrt Oar nf ISfS.J STEVE KING SALE ' Urrrmher, i'S". . Uiiwt tn. tnm Tiny Tims Defeated the Junior . ninf. Lut Nlahl ho I r MeoVs Furnlahlnu Third Avrnts line double corner on fcUtli Avenue, near McHrido netke ef UUnllo te Asplf to Uu tan. . Street in Section Six, Sewer connection, .Can be boufibt ccarsneart; e & tjiurr a. S to 5 Score, , , r r i . 1 1 1 1 ' i ciieaii for casli. An excellent lte for that dwelling which .-I ! I Sirens Dirrr Mmint Diiinri, Itna yon are aoliiit In build In the spring. tilt lium. SamJ Mm tjajm.fMmx Lot Urn iu The liny Tims defeated Ibe V" -r nti or Alire Arm. ' 'ieul liy a aeore of lo 5iMlJffltais ivr,ciiy. b. c. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Lunch 'vrVu junw ttmtm awn fninci. .in tbe JuveBile l.esxuc eaino (al, tsi nour tnti uw unnrrnrnod, Westholme Insurance Bonds Rentals 7TiTiJ t il.5T'r l , , venltu. Tl forinsr was a fol. ,.rtJ",f' " """ w. s.rrtii. ' n t tMowr. lYwriavc f antwa li.tm- " '"r Arm- """Paiion proMrlor ana ' . "?0,i.,, . ;f.u,'t' ,- .," reepr. latriida to ap4y for permit :Under New Marmjnent ny Tims-CJapp, 2 Fi ijcll, tatm lo Iraae tt follow in I dvsrsitieil landl: vwf;r::.wt. ! irai fr SrM Frrwa. tiw uirt it rrrrrrrrrrf rrrrrrr.titr i,t ."i un jinrri iruMrai w,. KHIy. ft; Marlln, lllack OttiiiiriWiAf l s post pUulHl lOUttMlil ALL WHITE HELP Ml t ladies'and gentle- j Dyeing - Dry Cleaning dale l i-c, latrbtT ir itei oan from' lite Junior Clant-Mllrbfll, 1; IM. nrwr. It mim sneihrrly dirtriwo from neroor. i iwtj for a Creva Oraal of S.E. rw i if Lot ; Ihetyte SI CM'na MEN'S TAILOR Fur good work, service IIm mbot rUllna. iar, 2; Jiy, S; Jiiiiipn, Mortimer. prompt .M) f'L'MTIIIH Tale VJTICK thai at-imo. Bi-rtlii tft'-n is rliaun wtali ihnra 4 Westholme Special Fit CiutuNTtso And reasonslile prices send goods vattr arcouai St. laaai l eooiDviMred rtnina K.nih; Ih.wr is rtiaina rati snd I 1? r THIRD avenue to CITIZENS' CLEANERS & bfre in laaoure ol rb Orunrsu ol Two.color window cards take eoniaiiilnr n si r. , mors or l-a. LbK. Opp..ii.Fo.onic DYERS, 2037 4tb Ave., Vsn- luiiirevrmfou 45c up AA(li'r ir7Trr.r;,?l.tP.1?? at' ' ' eouver- Inquiries Aoliclted ine.i ATfcD lull ltd dir of fjcrninr. a i lh eye ouiclty. t e them at the tMIAAlin W.MillllHE.lUJUlfclT. Three Course Meal - from C. I, VZHSKX. b'es Job Department. Patfil norrmlirr IS, lo.