Ptf e 1 ran tjatct ititvvb "lmlu) , .1.,,, Mak BRINGING UP FATHER by George McMarJ to preserve 3 THliWMERe wrLl I'M m I wr,,.vT I MAVC NOO CVtR TmCUGWT i Ll DON'T UavC TO TminK i I V!i31 I ft mkt vMrra to JTV Up your health MR. Jhv:t LIVES? . OP BUTIKK3 A PtANO about rr. sue oces l I I I r CaW vu o js-aL ll i ALU THE TVUMKlNQr i ii . i Your your best II - fr I L. i i I ill --- I I mi 1 ll "i asset for fi Z V II r 1 jrA making life Mind successful. Good digestion is all-important The bect way to insure it is To Take Beecham's Pills. When the digestive organs fail, nti trition is interfered witji; blood is tainted, jiervcs suffer, headaches and minor ailments multiply. A reliable cleansing, corrective agent that acts COTTMCMT,I I. T m Ft ATI HI UIWI, -5 quickly ana with highly satisfactory results is HANGED HIMSELF Humorous Homebrew TO HIS BEDPOST Sold rywlr la Hearsay BUSINESS DIRECTORY iPECIAL PILLS ft. Shewchuk Committed Sutclda In i In Boxei,25c50c. From Literary Digest "Topics of Hotel at Edson These nre Gtxxl Places to Mnke Your Purchases when You yo out to buy the'Day." I LartMt 5aU f air Mdicln.hi tU WorU This Week liy lakinc a loalhor strap whirh 13 lie tin! around tin top of the he Soflic nf lln 'thirsty rilizzcns r 111 Ciii'tcd trail's have em-iiracd pu.t on Ihe one rml and insertion AERATED WATERS FURNITURE AND GENERAL LAUNDRIES Chiironier. ?i liiit.lieail in a nmise iimde at tho MERCHANDISE homebrew in? ns I heir Dresoi'rs other. X. Sliewehiik fotnmitteil BEAVCR SOTTtlNO WORKS I CANAPIAN STEAM LAUNDRY LCO. fcvorilp "indoor spori" since pro .siiiride in the lMson liolol and'it T Praier sirrel rtHK lit war rio orattok -oar. TWrt ioJ tul . tar CIpsmiu awl l'rrlf f ptL Kitchen Chair; Ii ihn inn. .1 ii si a t va I ho cusp rtwor Orrea Itt. Inr mi-dih! tund fueal enronvr's jury whirh later invedti-jralcl when automobiles flrsl became Iwra. UpholsteKi Arm BARBER SHOP AND DECORATORS the cae mine In 1he in PAINTERS I lui r.nite, I hp amateur brewer clusion that Ihe tnau eiiinniilliHl loves to ahuiil various YOKAHAMA BARBER SHOP FURNITURE spout cx-;:fiienccs FRIO SCAPOfN 'have received during the last I while of lapeatry Arm In- art an unsinind miml. with hit machine or tarty nerter - Bath 13U Ird Awt. slits M rrswr I'huM Orres It three weke Arrnrilin? In (instable Ikild- fRANC SR-KHU liisTnillll. ICockerf $:r . 2 liatever he call;" The TkirH Ave. rhM Ons-o 4 It. onxim thai silence is golden lias H'n riMirt which ha Jiisl BAKERS PAINTS AND OILS Parlor Tal". a!! rerli'd lieailiunrters of Ihe AU pre 100 Coa! iii'i-u over-mil hy'lsihhllngit aUul FEED STORES cars golden brew, liver on the job lefta PrnvitM-ial police, llio io- LA CASSC BAKCRV THE - W. EOOE CO. tad A. 1 i"en.ed vn foiiiiil in a Killing rfclrd Atrnur riHMi It I'ioi. oiu. ai.( rRinca- RuetRT rcto co. io ceiled. In a Jjivinl win, Iho arnes from Macleod River mine, owned ular posture on the Moor at the fixit of lraM. rur tivj Am. wt SL laslcs .i happenings. t-nd by Prince Rupert ritizens. the lied. He was leaning hark on CHINA, CROCKERY A NOTIONS PAINTERS AND DCCORATER3 the press parhgrapher. aud joke- 30 Day We have the exclusive right to Mlrap which he had lied hi ri t FISH RETAIL THC DfNr ALLEN CO. MERCHANTS, BALL A CROtSCTT PlkM 77. handle this coal in Prince Rupert. end nf the bed nnd around hm FURNITURE SALI pi-mil laiiirh stuff. Hero in sin Thin) Aveaa. M'l-'ni' Pmi OfDra, l ARTHUR'S MARKET Dun't be misled by other coal neck. I of 1hi hl lniiiMtrou hoinehrew Thiol Ave. Pbuiwsi ! A 411 P o 11 III PLUMBING dealer who Artificial respiration was tried use our firm name hearsay fur refreshment of CLEAfilNQ AND PRESSING to advertise their coal. t-1-aii'Tx: iiiunediately the man wn found. I QENERAL MERCHANDISE STEtN A LONOWILL POM S. I f you want a real good screened - hut allhoush this was carried on;TOKYO ore WORKS Prinf aixl dry coal, call for twenty minutes Ix.ih pnlici- kiiunt -irl 474 WIRQ CHIN YUEN CO. up Whtn '! hsjvo iiiaile yoi:r first y 711 ScaeS HiuH rSM Black ?S FCNTALS Terrace Fruit m plonsialile Caldwell and Ir. Proc Ikmizh in llir kilrhrii. iniur n llltln Phone 58 tor, it was willioul avail. Ifc'- f. W. HART Vmr Stat in lhi sink. If 4t la$fjS the en- CAFES OROCERIE3 miiH off it i. reaily to lmltln. ceased enlertl 1-Msmi from the AtfM. Oi Iraa 1r-n I Prince Feed Co. THI BOSTON ORILL LIIIET'S PRINCE RUPERT GROCERY SIGN PAINTINQ Rupert Kan-iiM I'.ity lar. horhild neiphhorhoixl and hud Hle BsHU M TMN In Flam in A r! pUce la Ml o. rii aol ralUM - ftrttt tit lieen in twallh for poor a considerable Corner 2nd Ave. and 7tb St, BELL A CROAtETT Pw 4TT. titilf ilwips if,waler,. lime. Addresses which HARDWARE THE ELITE CAFE I.inlc -l-aliins loo r lie Ictt.oil Hie t;:tic of Ills i..nii till, mnti in vot i 4SM-nd sve. Bitrrsl iwsl for lit iDanry. SHEET METAL WORKS 'HOWE A MjflULTY trwj A tlATM. Iiul llnrlft Saun w,,n'l ' priiinl Hint Ihe ,tci waft prei li- i.hi(vhm)lri. dl4,l ukI rMhermea t ap-ilA T''ll you what lhAyUJ do. taled. .CIGARS AND TOBACCO ' IftrftMnf la tkot SiUI) ' mm w'- ' Ml The beat way to have Waxhingtnn Herald. HOWE'S ALBERTA GOVERNMENT YOKAHAKA- 1i TBlrU Ave. Wfl IMPORTED GROCERIES BifX) AnuM rMe 14 9 . t m i Something Brewing 'IMaAsirt YourSuii .1 IMcpale: "Why is a rae ofi ALBERTA MEAT MARKET ITIfN A LONOWILL PAa B. Pfk, tXJtOO, M loan : C liomchrew bottles with corks I SELLS BONDS WELL DRUGGISTS ri'lli Slrr l-Buoe ! BU 1 Yur t w M bcinjr raisined out Hkn a conen- TAILORS LADIES AND GENTS Cleaned and Pressed LAUNCHES FOR HIRE KENNEY BROS. U tion of faujer " Gsts 96 for Six ptr cent S t!ss W. i. McCUTCHEON & ii by our Alternate: 'Til pass l , Running Fifteen Years Steroid Avbb tad SIMS Slrert UacN "NARBETRONO." P Bltcl 400. T. lit 'Bprt4t' rj OiH- Heal Catale and !n-jrtil rtir iarfU drvr kmae m .Noriliera B. C Tlw tlW.tOS Boil, IMesrate: 'Ilciuse.JhC' are all Terrace, R.C Steam Pressing Machine poi.fiers." Itulfrers, i:iMOXTO.. Jan. 25. Tender Method. mi (or the two million dollar bond It only takes 15 minutes. o mnlier how Iriflinc a man inAue i'or the Province of Alberta ! Our Price is 1, he is always willins (o hcIpjwero opened at noon Monday in New locitkt I Reasonable friend tret rid of a bad hoe Ihe I'arlTamenl Ilnildins by the: Daily News Classified Ads. Central Delivery is Prompt f li(iior. New Orleans Item. nmvincfnl lensnptke linn C. It i lielgtrKfl Give us a trial Phone Black Xffl lAp thai (ouch liquor shall .Mitchell, and alter consideration 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adrertiaement Taken for Leas than BOc TAXI Block as lo Ihe difference in Canadian A never he allowed in my cellar. j LING TAILOR Xcw York Mail. and American .payments. I lie WAMTtD. t on PALI. Three DOARD AND ROOMS escllenl view 821, 823 2nd Ave.. Prince Rupert lender of the Wood, fitindy Co., of l',r. I feed Toronto at (i.!l in Canadian lots mi Fifth) Avenue. Itlork i. I B.--1 my row on ImpAi. Ti n'-ntleini-n r m hae board i VVASTKIt fHilforlable Inline fur s.s-lion Phone 7. JlcaiilieH al I2.F.(KI I trive her raisins too. ftirreney was finally accepted. mid with i V 3(1 without ruoin pnale (noily yoilDK 1 1 tarried couple each, cash. M. M. Stephens, tf hoy, down Ihe Iinioedialely on the anniHinceoicnl 0, wijh rop: Phone llluik i: ctiihlr. ii; two or mure furnishl -o& She makes inc my home brew. of (he decision. seVPral of Ihe hous.'keeplnn rooms, suite of Ffllt SAI.P, inch firewMjd. 139 HnnlWlA SMITH & MALLETT ! $ WafeinRlon Times. ioni Jiouses prcscnl eonirralu-In'.rd house. Would cimsiiUr riin srj.r.o a rick. A. Isaacson, 1600 SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING Ihe minister on Ihe pletuHl ' and lutard. Apply Hot 15.', llih Avenue K. Phone fireeti i piluiBn Henngrsphle 84'hnol .. Trouble.Brew tirtoe he haiirefeivet. Thv issue lluilj ew OIBee. IM 216, after 6 p.m. 10 F.veniig rlnssca, Monday. U he is Father, Intsy, for Canadian 'payment was- for a PLUMBING AND HEATING I'Vioflrij? wflh lire"brew. llftcen year crioi, Ihe American WANTF.H Sond.hand furnl- j FOIl HALF, OR LKASK Job prlnt-ture. nesi'.ay and Friday. 7:30 lo 9' LEE CO. ENQIXEER8 . yith ifon(offlfon dizzy payment being for ten years, and If you have-anything to j ing business and plant. For oViiafik. Individual instruction, j TOM Estimates furnished. 'lie proeeels to slew. 'he interest al rt per cent. Associated sell call Re4 t3; We pay eatb. particular apply Dally News No. 10 Kinilh Ittock. If! Km tHi i.n-1 A Mother I for pilchin wllh Wood. !uridy in this F. M, Crothjr, 715 Third Avenue1 oficc. tf FARMS FOR SALE Address, 3rd Avenue, head His sluff in the brook;. purchase are A. VI. Ame a f. and West. tf VEGETABLES of Second Street. She can'l get in the kitchen AemiHu Jarvis fc Ci- all nf FOR RENT C. p. M. FARM LANDS The rlchi Wholesale and RaUit Phone 174 P. O. Box 27 Lons ennsh to cook. Toronto. In Arnerir.nil i;iyiiimil COM PKTIW FOIti LpK prairies of Alberta, Saskatchewan , " I.ouivillo Ouirler Journal. business office wanlcJ. Apply Hill fIF.XT and lloor em. and i-ral 1 tin the same firm put in a hid al Manitoba ari especial. 09.29. in own hand writiiu; to tox 153: . hlliuls, and .o f.irni- ly suited for mixed fanning. I.l.. 1 ... Farmer "Would you like to Dallr Xewi atife. 19 ! u ''""""pson! Land that will produce bin! " buy a jug of cider rirwM. i-iinne UIH1 W. 20 Pro of crops grain and andi IVAVTPli Unata fne Itnv of llvei fodder, IANO TUNING Tourist "Wrll er is it am Ph. bitioiM and willing to work?" Ten Years Ago and plain ftirniaf.e.1 room fur j ,u Furnished room; pri- well adapted for dalryinir or P HONO REPAIRS 'ew York KveniqftT World. wmkin man. Apply box 151 '' f"y. eWUIetiiBil only-News livestock raiting can still be HOTO ENLARGEMENTS In Prince Rupert offlm. I" AMiy " lfy of- had at prices averaging about' tr jru wan! o'neitiing wiin a f 1 8.00 an acre, with twenty) Agent for best art enlargements Uk, try mule meat. Shreveporl January 22, 1911 Wall Willi WH two' - - years to pay if you with, ttnly-10 MUSIC for DANCES in Canada. Negatives not 0,1 "'Wt Thre,rwjni made Timed. or three marred collage or per cent down. No further but merely print in Al a crowded merlins of Ihe a necessary, Hot ISO .New of-20 cd apsrlmejit. Apply 208.21" payment the liiifiv.-ilow. on principal until any conditionfaded, cracked or workers nf Prine It u pert last Ilw lies In Mntn Avenue West. If the end of Ihe spotted even! pear Pylvesler niiihl a jeoluliiin was nnaniio- lice,. fourth year; then'; ARTHUR'S Phone u and we will call. Plew. slileen annual payments. In-' ously passed demanding 45c per WAXTKIt by yoiinn man- work llcdririiins for reiil with Jialli, 50H He learned lo make his own lerrsl r, cenl. per Red 291 J. SUdV Steven iu:ur lor work none lor ii;e eiiy. of kind. Apply W. I., 1M- Hflh Avenue I'asl. 1H r.a.hat ia lioine.lircw. any Wrlie lo II. O. Loughran, Land I 'Four Piece Orchestra American Legion Weekly. Th Pan Juan Fisheries trawler wards. il.W.Y. rooms. 19 LOST Agent. C. p. M. gUllon. Van-1 "Chicago" has gone ashore in liily wanted to look after infant couver. Including Saxaphone "Arr the farmers allowed to l.(KT (iold chain necklace and Milbank Sound. box 119 I M News baby. Apnly ily Night Phones . J, G; Steen. 371 iiinko oider since prohibition went a . diamond ring. Finder return in It CHoBtTr. Phone 481 Phone M office. If W. Ungwill, Ulue 270 into etTei-tt' 1 1 illy Ni-ws office. Ilewnrd. fitly F-ngineer lavi Is warning 19 tt rur. srrhf sr. coiht ;r bhiiisii Day Phone B "Purely, havn'I you heard of all householder (41 be sparing of WAirin:a, VA.vnai noyai I i I VIBI4 the freedom of the press?" LOPT Man's gray wixden Rlove, It tHtf. VTTtH i- THK "ADMIAISIBA f4ife. STEEN8L0NGWILL their use of water as it has been I inder .please, return In News TIOI AI T". P.-nn. Punch Howl. Orchesfn found impossible In maintain office or phone 98. ami ... Rupert Dance Sheet Metal Works uili'iuale pressure from the Hnys FOR SaLE It TIIK MVTTJH or TIIK MTlirxit Agent for MeClary Purneaes llreek pump. ACCOUNTANTS kYiSi;IMe koevvASIII, ptlltttn. Four. (Its nr ' 11 a Wetre making portrait poslrard immTK. Now leady for 1 .. Sanitary and The following were Ihe winners J.50 iefjl'reii. fiall and iu-rmuf KX I;KM 1 1:NCKD AOCOUNTA NT Phon II, White, f" "J Heating Engineers tells of kidney troublt. Tht rneit last week In Ihe Ploan suit drawing: l havi' thu baby's photo would lake charge of set of Honor, ilir r. tlrB.f tfitwUrr.YiMise. marf ittt. um 1 &aatrn-tejiii .r. 6th Street and Fraser Street prompt rtlisf It obtained by mlnf Pain fiowen," .Nell McKay. taken. Pee Chandler, Pbotog. (ook. whole or part time.' poiniMi Admimaii nor at in tiui or Prince Rupert - - - - U. C. Or. Chtit't Kldnty-Uver Pilli. the It. W. llahieron. O. W. Cowen. II. raphi-r. 210 PUIh Plreel. (f W. K. Wlllitcrofl. Phone tIVMrMro KoHr l,i. oewuart. mna .11 well-known home F. Mi'llac and II. I llarrap. mack 259. if istrllaj Hoist rUlme tiainii tha and Hold Prince M . treitmenL 0ns i ! J 'lfl ; i.V Furniture, carpet. atlala are h.rbr requirwl la faroita tsma fi pills done. 2Scs boi, ill deilert. il ion . room suite. InpesOy BIRTH Wrn nXl 10 ma Ml or Ixlor in It Is Just as cheap to get etfrsiB iltif or your iuuirv. a. n ibi .n A. G. GRAY I'hun. J. Pteiihcrd, No. 'l Kuin-, rimnPEAN P-" )rinling done wel! and done, at MO.VfJTO.V. On ell pirlM io.m,Im1 m ttm ... ... January 21. ISSlV, Br. Chases Sut ailnlcnls. 21 BWraa la rfsy n Tsachar of PUoo lh sionsal r i. 10 per tome as it it to tend it away. Try at ine I'rinee liupert fleneral rr" n- tsrtkwita. Studio 137 Second Avenus fhe News Print Rboo. ftiriND-lfAND FUIiNJTIjnn sold lloepiiai. to Ihe wife of p. ,M. i'HIY II, MrMUI.U.1, PHONE Blus 421 or 444 on coiiiniitslon. P. I.cCIalre -I'li. M one I on of Terrace, H. C.., a oinriti Artaiinuirilfir, FIR8T-CLA I Advertise In the Daily News. n. (Irccn St I. tf daughter. pmsm Huperi, . r , A La Deled lb). Mia day uf Orrrmtirr. Itte.