T AOE'TWU THE dXily news ' 1 ' T C attaint, Jliero M bkely f x The Daily News WIT-MS" a nnfiBjlnitnn nf " "'Mi o'Mio ami aaaBBansw BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBamaw many aeni sli.mfo ...! Vri, .saaW tCRav PniNCR IlUPKnT niUTIHII COLUMBIA - If Premier MelHh n iul wunte.l PuhlUhrd livery Af'rnoon, except Sunday, by The New LIFE an etetlMi W riaitt IrHK' lo SAVED PMntlng ant) Publishing Company, Third Avenue. Jffl have had It wouj l have heen weat he attorned (he It. P. PULLBN. Managing Editor. hip and not f r r or fne Tills Frail Medlcffie AJrvays month bofore the iiiinonneW SUBSCRIPTION RATES I .f Itte ortMi and i sweti a Cily Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month f 1.00 Gives Relief had time a this. Hy mail to all jfarls or the British Empire and the United States. 917 IXiaiu Ht , Mrttst Free Tradar. in advance, per year ,....$0.00 I Suffered tenitily with ftwai Beemtdly he r-o.l with To all other countries, in advance, per year . $7,B0 1 hd It for yrars and all the w. II the p Ury lf irrin.n TELEPHONE 08 does f took di I not do w aa- 1 Hi- w is a Kre(. I hut h- Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per Inch each insertion I read airo.-ltilar U.ut frU- did ant think thin- .uid be Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.00 per inch litis"lanf foJ far aff Stmmmk 7W mack ehmnpe h, in. taritr what wicai Headers, per insertion 25c per line W DuotJtn tf Disnti pi 1 tried ever ahje got in lhMi- wen-eiiorsaaasa Classified Advertising, per Insertion 2c per word thtra. datt t iuid and Legal Notices, each insertion IBc per agate line Aft flaUhlag a few botes, I rs4 the tariff w :u- ! of the Contract Hates on Application. entirely relieved of the I epepda end natMHTa reSMiu I a- always All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day pre-ceding my general health was restored; and aoen a Liassral in r i iai M.ntw- publication. All advertising received subject to approvaL I sm writing to Ull yoe that 1 o I eaaaot fbli w Ho- f inriple my life So "Kralt-e tie" Tlfal'a wliy I am an ludpendenl DAtLY EDITION Tuesday, October 55, 1921 Ulie. ANTOlKETTi: HOCCHEK. now. He ayiilil!n -t w.lh Ilia BOo a bot. 6 for f-'.ao, trUI slae . Farmera' tarhtf ,! . and a COLONEL PECK LAYS obtained wharves for Alice Arm, At dealers or seat po.ipald by far a the cry .if .i, j..ni. Tntlt-a Lire Mauled, OtUaa. meat rould waa eonr. ri.. HIS CASE BEFORE Sandspif and Ktewart and s.'o.. PEOPLE OF RUPERT 000 had been spent in improving Hid see Wher m w.ni hy the. fanner cla w ii.l u- any navigation condition on thr SUITCASES worae iban by i.iv r fiiss (Continued from Page one1. .aas and Stikln Ilivers. Telegraph fe as had IsHB the .-a-.- in the and telephone line haft tinn for two houses costing Trunks past. been extended and $35,000 whiet) had been huill at improved Mr. .Manaon, o Ins .eeeh Here he had been given Invaluable Dlgby Island. CLUB BAGS aid Ibat they run i nut en hf assistance by Mr. Dowling. Dealing with toe fisheries. moke of fhi rueiii) lit- ''uM the loeal isunerinteudent. wlio Large Stock hand. Colonel Pee tuft of the ft din on ha rM tkMssn wfi.-r- T!- uild was one of the beat officer f lie he had had lo obtain change in Prices very low. get in tourh wh.'i it. H tell government had in Canada. A Iilrit An, 2. In, 1010 Hi crowns you to look on an lnde-udent f.j rjTiirm ronnerung J. F. MAGUIRE much monopoly ami tremendous Jiurnsj with suable I on ymi ran look mac, rramiiis i.ar anu nous- abuse. The district Nest the Print on me wita auatiiiion. ton had been provided for. The Hufwrt J tote 20Sr35 was closed to tanneries and to Indspendenla by Caricsd. j wor would be carried to Smith" obtain license one had lo'usr - "lnifeBiiata hav hni 1 wis and Telkwa. Uood lelegranh political influence. He had had and lieve lo the country. You cannot ted in lha country h the rar- 1 something to do with tb great telephone faefor in systems aiding and were a show me where if Stork get loads. I peuftnsr I.. ke.-p my f changes, that had been brought pro-J in that real estate will advanrr iinh'iMindettre wuli m- and m about. He had gone lo Ottawa moiing The railwey semement.question 1.000 a front foot. If I K loae It a aoane sf-oi i J m . b. at his own expanse ami wax delicate indeed. Pish was a bMk. and I am going back, I ds not aer tkat I ll not sac- aam bbbbbbbbj bbbj k T.'V KJfl raaal H flMBBaal there with Mayor MeClymont. had been one,badly needed and Hon.ear think I tan accomplish a iHMh part ar araae f .r if I itiiak m d MSm w hr mm lie bad spent many days eon-suiting Dr. Hold, minister of railway. as anylwaly olae." that by doiatar so t mould be asm aaaaaaaa saaj aw. Vt lari l-HVJ taaaaaaaa with the department of Financial Fiasco. a the inieeesits r m ti-irtt and D. H.' Hanna. BBBBBm BBBBBI BBBBBmaaaeak JHiaa BBW.r I am m aT bhU aBBBT fisheries and fJnally the numoplj president of Col. Peek referred to the wutud do . o . y i lining had been broken. Anybody fise had uaaadtat .-National system, Prinee ilupert Dry Dock and Rn-guteHiigv aae, iaf poarer an- I fc-t-TMbrr could start in the eannery busi-ness onie bete over a year ago. On. ftnanetal flaaen ' aa a party. I.'.r will ir. new naa made statements NAVY and the limitation of licenses that later bad He bad gone to Ottawa and bad Ihre.- grttupawii.ivriuiirut. Lib- CUT been found had been taken off. Provision ns righL These statement to be hammered away and finally the era I and Farmers . and u 4yl aV had been made for the 100.000 In lie knja whfch i had not been wages was pM. nm to tie the solicited gradual reduction of license Is. '-oi- by lihn paid a trttrale lo the laboring ttgvt. rherr will a roati CIGARETTES Peek). The minister had sued to Orientals who, at thai men of the ally Im bad be-havrd lion governno-id. told the Hoard of Trade that the lime -were practically erowtMng nh im reasonably under (tie "A" an Independent member, would ears 1 deliveml out the whiten. Herniations had November, In rireumstanee. lie told of at I will taite iii-Ii p.iii,tiia as then in January aad been made to re-establish the inen in March. fight to gel the areditora sa4d feel are r in lit, PA.i are ate while fishermen. Not hip or and expressed liie belhf that tmg retl op .n .a-y p..title and ganltation that he knew of had Waa Deceived. they wo4ld all oome ot well in llu- r.afi..n f the Farmers ever recognised the work in this I had been ettmptedely de tho end. If they did bot. a year part) is but evroimion of that connection- that had been don ssived. - aald Gl. Peek, "and of ht work would have am. feelioK." by Mr. Jlallantyue, the minister finally I found out that Site rare wasted Col. Peek then dealt with an yasj HI find an ripe rimrnta: Mr. found, the deputy minister were not ready and had. in fact. lla had often been eritieftad editorial whu h had appeared re farm a a result or himself. not been even ordered. -I immediately for not cms sin jr the floor and ewsrtly in the Isaily New. They "My good friend .Mr. Pullen V V t. y m Result Not Disastrous. got very busy and de ppoIng the government but it agreed, IImI he would be free and aaya I have missed my railing The result of the ojen fish-Ing spite llu fact that the New gave would have been a poor thing to untrammelled. ,m,d iki If so, I am out of luck. Perhaps Householders had not been disastrous a the credit for gelling the ear do lo alap a person iu the faee would be a "voire rrytag ia lb be has missed hi calling had been frantically predicted 2 Hilly Duff he bad a much from whom you wanted a favor. wHdemeisa. Well, be had beea Uase." by the cannery interest in the do with it a thl table. I waa lasting with returned soldiar ue in the paat and weald eoa Comal Alone. souih. iWpJte the fereevisle Johnny-on-the-Spol and all rea iueaiiuns, Co. Peak alstad Utal tiuue to keep crying with that I ene before you a ln a that the business would be sonable nien must know that." be was the represenUllve tor all IHhln al "oiee ia list wilder aa Independent eandldale. My We offer Coal flooded, in the last (wo years Dr. ileid bad promised ocean the relumed men in Canada. He ne a hi ideal. fotlowieg i not here bwl is all mere nau been but one new doek, station, round house and could show on his file letters I wiaa they wuoU drop thai over the riding. I am going In small cannery established, less machine shops and ,had drawn from thousands of veteran all lsh about tor ward raaord. I am snake a manifest) and explain Screened, and guarmntesjri clean, f fish had been caught and the great picture arousinn the over Canada. He -fxptaiaeil hi ;not appealing on sir arreni what I have done and tell what deliveml numbers of Oriental employed hope of the people. Vhe dock position on resigning from the but oa my reword aa an M. P policies I believe In. If you day, Jiad been reduced. and the station were eomlng, al Penaions' Committee on two occasions. My opponent has sm war mnni believe In me, eome in the coqi lie bad brought in a motion right, but as far as the round First the member for I appeal a a eMIsea 'and do mi silled rooms in the Friitell Sacked, per ton -Bulk, $12.50 establishing returned nfen in house and maebine shops were jlloyal, one of those generals who have to fall back on say war Mloek tomorrow and get into the the fishing business. Thin had concerned Ihero was nothing do- never got very near the front, reeoru. wing of vietory. No one run ton $11.50 been seconded by Mr. Turgeoo, nx yet. "I do not assume re. had made a direct slam at the As far as sa trip with In- me and bd one ch do It. I per member for Gloucester, N. II. onsibllity for these rank and file by inferring thesr Tolmie is promise.' eonrenied it waa nnn- have got no money, or very little You Cannot Beat Itl and had been supported by Mr. naid the eolonel. "all hough all wives belonged to the servant yoniieai ami if be I r4araed for the campaign but will depend Duff, of Lunenberg, and Dr. will undoubtedly come in tiaie class. He bad reaigned on this n tt contribution of the men Chisbolm, of Interne, all gottd ibey would have you be- account but bad gone haakJeU whe believe In me. There will LTD Liberals, lie wanted to aee a lieve that IV the Liberal get in lowing an apology. The aeebnd be no party campaign fund back. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, permanent elasa of native white the Dominion treasury will be time be bad found it impossible ag me but Iboae who give will fishermen in the Canadian fish-eries, moved. here and. the money. . will lo work with some of the mam do so believing In in and no Phones 116 and 564 oe uanuea i out in suovei. her of the committee from both favor will be promised. Al Publlo Works. am a much devoted to th rail- partie. though I have bad many strong In the public works dcnari- ay. the port and (be north Trip wth Tolmle. supporters in the past, and good meat Colonel I'eck aald he had country as any man and I be- In the department of agrieul support Is a precious thing to lure he bad finally been auaee ave. I have been able to ghe ful in gfttiihr the minister to few if any favors. I wish Irt COAL! COAL! CM visit the ridlntf. 1 Dr. Tulmi fight on the lines I think right aBBBBKBBBBBBBV Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE was returned a minister of air- d will continue lo do in the multure there would be an at- future what I have done In the perimeutal farm established In et on your behalf. DENTIST the central interior. 'I want a good clean fight Edson Coal Company He bad obtained A itlvialnn nf Prices nh remain the same. no bittern and no per Vialt his Office Rooma 7 and 8 Smith the cumbersome district from sonalities. II never get you 58 Block or phone for an appolntmanL the department of Indian Affair. cry far, anyway. Il(wevr, f Phone Phona 675 In the department of Naval was stent In trying to cor an a" attacked I am going to hit We are in a position c tt- Immediate cellssrf, Oniee hours: 0-12, 1 to 6 and 7 to 9 Service he had got a enrvey of uiccrpyaa'ngordlnary ointment.1 UBIB. titrir iim wt-ril IIWOI eerluad. of our fa. Ei'0" itippls Hoek in wrltt Mrs. J.ffrrv i n v.. . PlCI Heymour Nar LOWEST evenlnga, Sir-ret. Mttbuca. innuendo thrown at nw grid I BEST COAL AT VaPBaP' "Tho I Sunday Appointments Lady Assistant rows. of ZanvBuk, eard It, and am heard now have beea given IHlle credit for unui.ll n umii u sunsl at , n Post offices and route in the Complcljr cured. what I have done. district had been Increaaed. "Tblrty.ii.rti-jrtareago IbapUsr I only Invite any peraon who Outlines Policy. rr?r " m snkla. and grid, belietae ln me and pollcie Se.tnlh iv my and ualry (prcad Avenue In to my knr. The Coen.e Second -splaining hi poljcjea. lid. ptn waa terrific, t-orycsrsl could to take hart in the glorious Strand Cafe Pe k eipUined that he bad been tiartily walk aod had lo remain la victory which I Intend to Hected m t17 aa an Independent the bouse r or twcaty.flr years achieve." 1 rcofived Soldier candidate supporting doctors' t res Intent bot gotofily temporary relief. Under the war policies of (be Uion "Then I heard of turns wonder FILIPINO! ARRIVE B. C. LUMP.COAl Now Management 'iovernmenl. It had been a good ful curea worked by Zanvlluk and PEMBINA MEDIUM Third government in many and commented uilng It, The rel.tt Avenue ways I eaperlenccd VICTOItIA, Del. tl-Inveallga. waa woodcrsuL 1 he had been .. the moat huuesl in the lalUmmatl'.n WMgradually drawn Hon by supporter of the It, C. D.M..r!M "Best of history of Canada, lla had felt, pm was soon ended. Aalatie Kicluaion League find that Delivered in ' Everything at the Cheapest Rate." however that it was time to nart and.at Ut after tblriy.tbrce years a number of Filipinos have been This is one of the !. ! '"'"' " - new Home from Home for the company and he had broken off or misery, I was on I ha iomA t Absolutely free fr-.n dut - i ' 1 WorkinB Man recovery. To cut a iong story mistaken for Japanese. Home of l'" uia oiiiiaction. thor!..pfr,r",n wllh thl them are really Chlneee-motttsvs. mend this coal here a dowk Fl'St lie did lull nirmm- urill. Ki.Wonderful. balm rn,n..i i-... -. VM. ... I.-IS t'JI....M.. -...I I.-If 'L..-.--- astiaeiallr Bulled for rooking i ' Premier Melirban In ie and permanent cure M mi iiiiiww sw sm wimm, Coal about Zanvlluk is also untduiii. r. but they are wards of L'nrle Sam. THEO an eleetien at this Ladysmith-WellingtonLim.p CQLLART, LTD. r parll-cinar ogworm.abacaasM.holu. i rim Islamlera aav work ia trtrr.i - time within a few month. i m announeing of the ueiiverau in - '.-".-o i. . here ahuuld hav huui ewneu.iii;. gist or Zanvlluk Co Toronto, returaed after working in the c ooc, for St.23. Alaaka canneries and whlini Tha famous Ladysmlth-Wslllnoton has bja (jJ stations, rew have found work si i a m aiaiu vaarii m - .iisl THsarag lll4 "M that will b .J ' "Ing In ItftJ ctuot wan 1 here and they are returning quallllf of this 4pl. n bdl -Pvi a.j,,,.,,. , Maria am-Buk Tba aaost ttbaraJ coufar Usurasa oa Campaar MwtS AmtfUa. wtO and the ri,..lu(1... ....... ross the border before Uiey be Run ia Coasi. rrs sll tlalaaa proatptty. be based en t tVtl r, 4roine public charges. nfn L.UUI mint ' this was an impm,, t t afaSassaBaaaBBBBBar Offloe, Central Hotel - Advertise In the Dally News,