m!tWO.th I..I BRINGING UP FATHER CATARRH BLADDER hit,i i I i : i t i ., .T-. i II M,tx)i v ii.aAm. i.f . . in warn e.- r lttt Han SS V I I n 7 'w r ' -II Tl" J i J III MtHr T B.,aarww.fc.fw I ,1.1' 3 'Z uV ' ' ?J JtrS?3 r - 7f iZSlTtZ t rZm The bust place la eat It home. Bui if you can't be heme the best place In Rupert la St. Regis Cafe Thled Aenue The RendrM I'M of ' imrMriilitr dimT. You can always depend on yetilnft a real feasl here skilfully prepared dishes, made from the choicest, freshest - meats, vegetables and fruits. evarnnlp of lite mineral wealth nfi I?-" 111 - ' w- The lAiinl and homelike BERT KERGIN the riding and deetami that al uirrotnmirir will add t" Any ox t located one of the Ok 3 ymir enjoyment of tbf PRAISES HIS three biggest copper produciiig Daily News Classified Ads. good food. concern In the world. Allln, We ipeclatlte In private he averred. I one of the great Ml a CENTS PICK WORD IN ADVANC11 No AdvnrtUfment Taben tnr jm than BOe Dinner and Supper Parties. CONSTITUENCY asset the Province imsseaaea Connection and it would be to lite lirierest Tad Service In w WANTCD FURNITURE REPAIRS k. PHONE 45S of the people of the other portion Wirt of lh Province In get ac WANTHIV- ia-boai. 20 to SO IKJ.VT HOINoor iurnlturw fOr'rMSJrg at rtat uo Tells Legislature of Wonderful mstmct ms quainted with that diMrlot. feat H-iig. Mul be m hoosI Atlln Country 'and Mentions which mo f bring In all Its sap onsfrtlon. Offer ! Lindsay's inf. Orallruj. H. H. Mesuminff sssiiSeri. a c. otmw tmmi,,-(lats p. a. c. pfb from natsble ami, there Gartaaw and ltorae. til Muison a May o. . J J n IT' farj VTTl llT.T:' fnee, is a matter af impnrtaaei Koortb Slreei. til Twtrsl Av-niM. Phone lHack tTlL'4 .fmrZr9'V J The Qmlity Grocers ArxordlnR to the it port Ihr In the business Interest of Ine 611. Oreeo 171. !J" 9? sf tMSts UkSsr soar. YouJoojCiaHi ielorfa Colonist, lirrt Kervln. Province. WA.YTKll Woman fr dintiitt t Ss 'SSS. rassss. M SS a Motor Bct ro(f. Central Hotel. inrnihrr for AM in wa nal null- Apply AUTOMOBILES S sassss s ii r ss. na 1 All the Fixin's rrllv rp"rtoJ hi Ibe dr- BOARD AND ROOMS ntfPtRT Metnc Co. 1earecs-"RssV MP59 2ss 1 1 11 1 jmlch whiMi nmm rvr tlm wiw nop RsaaT ot and which wan much wmlrnii The Man in tbe Moon ROOM ami board al Oarsj and rrorka. Aaia-matMla : ? for SAYSe- rales. 71 Fulton treat. repairs. Urea, aecaa TKa !od word for Ibe Pacific Clrrat Phone Blue IS I. If 0,n7m " JL ta Mock coWVoV. Thanksgiving valrn Hallway, the Oovern IT is euriouA thai In Ibe weal FOR SALE for, all ajnriMM tst Tte MM 1 a. m. oaf II " mrni owwhi anu oaarMet urtt- arsMMas oH car . .. J . no woman has offered br sarv-ice hs Sfa yon a price at Ml 11 in arM ,- A li"t f in here ! whteti lis kf in Un paH to back Hll 8AJ.K ' s ssirotMMi ,m good thing britig pnserf4y U -VinDarf Moras oar booy. Taylor A Monro, afe . i' make thai Thanksgiving riH-civ-d want praie. wa vow- the country by offering Ui rv-prvsefit range, eomalete with all stnve bnoaa. Cora TbirsJ 4 Ktott, Z'jcr'jxxsmsr.xrtz' d lh dta tnV in on mldrv. 1 a ii at Ottawa. pipe and waterfront filtlnfa Aveone. luui"r a complete auceesi. He rxrred hi ptracur al and eonaeetion. Uot fit : . anter-les, Fig, Apples, havi in? ianieipaiii in llir r- THi: latest Idea In dsneln only tare month la as. FOR RENT Raisins, etc.. In fact all and ral M llway.lrfilative trip ovr the sarmo Is tit Is see how much Prkre t7l cash. PboM IMsss Til RKMT- Fvtrniahed be.tr. ttl ..r thing,required for the "A wiindrrful pieee of wrk. around you ran caver In a ghess 3SS. . If ia prrvote hooae. Meam heat. , table. mfthlng th iKiople of (hi timw. s s OXMitiltTAIIli busae for et. eloae ill. Phore Htark ' provmr agr4 to and rare thr PHKMlBIt Mafghefi Is fisbing 3xr roums anil bath; lawa. M RK.M aral.iird h rWarrMrT 14 a tsstaicr then ffovernniMit a manual Iih for vo4 but tbe bait be a gardeo ansJ rbirkeu boose-Part Irani IfOtrd. Korfolk H ana rrssre UliL a inilMla iM aao ii-: lunro Bros. ci with Ma etrulton,' makew Ibe suurl vary Hnamfil-sbl. rab, balance as rest. Phone murk at". Ser. SMaaal t. sssmdT Sir a H-rata to a a the way Mr. Krrgia lr- Anply Mutrco Hro. if las' Phene SS Third Avenue rild lb railway. "Xnw thr 1 rH rt S K.K e.V.PI Jftl nn.rne to rnt 'emsls. L wSZt'JSi ASH CROFT rOTATOKSCarlead OJ af pen lf have ekanvrd Ihr4r or r M.10 ami boatil Pboos WHAT has. happened to all arriving- next week. Speelsl nT 11 1 inl atNHtl the nad. but th 11. If (ivvroinrnl is bound t IIk tb eoai baroH and other sn. price. National Grocery, iil. Mraa-a atjak SS Hum to m 1 k i 1 f4 wratche who used Im poitula ban Street. If WATCH REPAIRS itrMirci tanwKb." be siated. the air of beautiful Print Rti (SSt. Peculiar Situation. pent 'limes bava abanged and FOR SALB Ulgb alair- btrob Jawolar aosl Wataknaakar urr M Pointing to the petuliar llu-alkn ibevevil tongUr of the slanderrr arweoi. SISOO per lull assfd LEE S. JOE Lumber & of the AiHn ridlnir, sur-nuudJ is silenced. dellvWed. 3f5 oosmI Aveotss. P. 0. IKS 1190 on lh north and went Pbonc M. tf bio 1 a an, aiwim, rrvose nuperi 1 j 1 t..g .11 tf by a foreign territory, Mr. Ker-gln AN flection AU Wosk nMaeaoteeal. ttsTtltri 0Ue. t.'llic-l without the saf ssssar. asajsa ss asear Par arts t Ulrd 1bai at prrcnt so-. fron-celorrd picturesque billings. IIARKAiN t waleMU dbsiog Mall OraVrs a Banaiaity. t ij.pm ray aaat alis jmf ii to ibp rtdiOK IbrwUKb Can rooHi suite Vp4 fow mobtbs Shingles adian trrrttory ild ba bad only affair.pale will i be a avHojieiy lame frM. PTulB I IMrVak. Ill If MUSIC in the south, and lal fmr lie 011 n Hilt bAI--Ubf bjwsjy. At. FOR VOCIt NIIXT ItANCK oc iad iiad (o pay lwe4y pr ant .M Satan laid him1 cW"a la most new. Apfsty 1 1:4-vUi cssl eveot. Pryao s tfp.ti-lsate aasiai k sssss af sssss A new shipment of Fir Jhounl on irood Canadian rant. . Ave, Nsoaw I Hue 113 241 OreKoatra Pbnac (Mae NIS If ss ljataoa s aieM Saasat tIM. money in eintr his own ridlajr, fa. CTMN. atOtat asaaiir Dimension and Shingles tiaviny In ntrr through United TIIK rertous question to PIANO for sale. fTaod bargain -MIMIC. I bet pastier on be JaJL ffatftJOiaa'.-! Pacific Carle. has just arrived, bought .Slatrs lerritnry and beintr forc Uler is what is Ibe differeawe con. for quiaa sale. II MeMordle solrU Has TVan Ureal eyelkda SOTICX. ed to pay exchange on his money. Aparfrneola. fto upon tired eyes." Tennyson. an. at the market's biwaen a Liberal ami a Meigh. Hrielf H. C. Jsalley. teacher ft7 e'nlte Liberal? lOll gAI.Bnereat ebUds I TiImSL e UmI L laassf SW. at I Tbe eryinjr need ef hi (ilriei Ktvblb Avenue. Weal. Tela-phana Lowest Prices is roads, he said, and be pointed crib and balb. Phone Hreaa flreen 107. tf.Osat S ajay jaeTnCaaas la geiln far IF (ave only slopped to awnt j aaf4 MIWll fll Matat BWl4S8JBil flB MM tNaf Ask for quotations. U Ibe fart that in wen u being Ipasst SMaaaM ssaaV ciasvunss , the cot, there would be. vary oviafl CHtatoTte uuf wvtsso MSS AsssaTaas taS as aaanw BMat M aid at present abovt a poMihlo few marriages. PROPERTY FOR SALE. at 'iav W aai raw bSm aaaaV af . vv r .v 1 1 war befwfn tle 1 iwl! States Vk naOra axl W NeMarrta. sataer, UUW CaOar aiaar. skaaaa a 1 r. a. c. to SMft to OM taaara Mitt SS raaaaa. Oiafi ! S4 E. H. Shockley aitd Japan. In sueti an event his TIIK rumor market is bejrut I.ANIk Ilaxellon IHtrkt. Large artn.s ar 1 isss ssr isbis. aoa aaria aiaiar a act a e r dietricl would pfaelieally be eut una sinaii tract. i,iMuira aaioesl vsa .1 a. flooded slnae Charles Pianino Mills. off, lie said. What was impera-livty once more W in. O ra M A genay, esyilfsHj aa Slaia Mae, made his aeroplane aid r on Prince Rupert. B. C required, be held, was a It. C tf aSvana da saravasM Hungary. highway connecting Ibe Atlin 11. TaaaiMP 1, t rial ileaaas aaaea as (111 rift with the ret of Canada, TIIK fur of tlie polar bear ai 11 aanariiaasi Tsarr or uiui aasa mi 1 as xr Ml' one froin MazeiitHi to Wbite- board tbe Iidy Kinder Iey II. AUBRHY "Pre feasor aud isuyisn Vtke hre te aonnrt with the trans-provincial re. I'KVCK, IWsaa&w ran tm. S C. aarsMOan f-1-'I "' sembles .rLaracier Teaeher nsWi. faiassa ta Aiaaa roe Baa s 1 , Ilia of som of Violin and Piano. A TOM LEE CO. in highway tbe south. QlTtX CMISXOTtC LAMB MVMJ tar mi. salsrsl n sat tesra WUUe AUin (4 ftSsaaUoUy uiiu-awuntry of our enemies. It Is badly limited number of pvpiis ae-cepted. Ts 'Ua inai w n ntnrnt. Um SaaaiMMr SvnM siaan r a soiled. Vaaraawar. sv C totos4 to aeelr to ravr a Soat pastas oae saS aa 810 Second Avenue, West there are Urxe areas phone tilH 583. If brsaa Catoaf MaallOr Sf I sat far aaurtrr awl rnaa aSar aiar saS s acisar to for eaal. Wnljal aal - aMaO atadS af hi r of agriaullisrftl land. In Hue 1EWINQ Baoarsl aver asat aa4r la SjJtoafat atoaas SS saasa rs ( ! VEGETABLE Maa River Valley there was Ute AMO.Vrt Ihe-lblnK thai don t aVarrieaJ UaV Olaasr am tkiSassif tokn, til MM. SSasea aaal SS 1 Wholesale and Retail jset anywttare la baMeving Crsbaa Tale4. B. I Ciasaaasriat (f s aoal SS rasias to BoaSI af r v largMt area af fine taad In be yott GOWNS. Coats. Nnveitv Kmlt and ssaatot M Um aavWeaal fmr SaeSMi uaasM a r General Contractors and found auywbf0, s4m to the Pru all a prifesnal illtlrlan m.... .. ' , . u, Tnaaaai I laearv mM ss 'BSM. txrasnl a - - in.ii. w win rscBwa aaaaa ra nuai, am m r,I TNOMM I Labor Exchange vioe4u Ibsre is not today ays. J romodelied. 791 Tliird Avenue. oWtsa, UiNK, aartS S esaav to pstol sf l,' : s even a eoUwilialfcin road ki that Phone I0S. tf Iwrtal SaSSttoUa) Itta. ISil. MOTKg. Prince Rupert, B.C. eatioa, something imperatively WHAT wa don't like aboutj w. 0 MrMoaajs. lector raijirr MrruiT i-'n vaum "food & fiaJ Phone 547 P.O. Box 71 required if tbe area is to be set- Premier Oliver is Hint when wa LOST OSItU CMIKUITTB LASP MVISVON twcT or eosrr avf m 'art - . spend the money he expects us Ttl senrs SWl W rtTMeHaens. lassar. TSU BaOM last I. . riaaatM, f; tied. Va ir. B C. totoaat to NaO to ttai 'Cemea, B t, xaeiHaa sisauraar. av Wage Insurance. to oay the bills. I.OHT ., h t wHtb SrttiaS CiaWntW Miaotor of la4 Sw a uaa to sssss tor Ims to Bearr' tifli-alion luelal aluar.. K la-tor . btassest far r.art yajruiawai a4 aaal. satottl rf aS .rsiraosaa aa pb Mr. Ktrgln tUalt with a num - bmhtbi ssa ar raa laaaar ina asiiaasi ararnaaa bm 1 1 at Night Phone. J C. Stewi, m ber of tbe problems confronting LOCAL BANK MANAGER ft'-sae r luru. to Dalir Saws Wsti,liwisiiia. laM. p,Mi.l stoaud as asp fenMaOti iM. W I If qreaMa iiiaas s t ssssf suras aaas ar uss uav fir, Longwill. Ulu- 270 Ibe people of Atlin. advocating If stoaty? al no oiavrel rar uf arttoa tsVan aart rbats. to a re suns S Day Phon Jl Si, TiisaasBB 1 iiaia wm hum. ran. laasa sad a raara. an 11 IS APPOINTED STAFF a system of wage insurance U HAIR0RES3INQ laeaea aarlb SS caaJa. Uamnt aaal IS SS rSsSa to paiai 4 nxmiarHiini. " protect worker iu industries, rkaOM. iBoass suoW SS rhato to sutol af tataiat ss sreai. STEEN5L0NGWILL f sinwiiaiiel. UwsM aatasl tii, 1111 RELIEVING MANAGERS declaring that llx-re had been LAim HAlRBRnHSlNO, M.r. "lTJSt!U, t T 'tK'Tl&L Sheet Metal Work eases where eeiupanles had de. eel waving, iharnpoolng, 8 ngs- t.iw . Agrot for McClary Furncas faulted in wage pajwent. The I. M. lie Oex, manager of Ibe ing, jiatr toeing, Scalp treat. Qt'tt t,. s4im Cllg umi riTTt w 0.LAn MrMnm.rtrnsHi mr,1 hi.ick sxirrar MoTH uajw f. wsthkt wt Ooveriimenl, he oontldered. Canadian Bank of Commerce in menl a Touoces voaar. r... wiaato is t av inict qr ooast ra.voi nt Sanitary and r, J,0"",,r- rtTta .iaalM Mooter af Ia3 far a Til aanriMll I. W. . al frtara iteatlna Engiiiears houid arrange to take a Hen en Prince, Huput for eJglit years and vilgs for gentlemen and toraa la seaHwci for rl. aairoiaan M nsoart, iTc.. sreaetWMi coil eBstorar. i a company's payroll and in oae h whleb (Hmc he ha become lranrnrm.iln. fn. 1.1.. BSOirai ru ovtr S4 saoar laa foHBU tend to saol ror lraar. 1.1 iwe- .7 I AVI HI . lib StrMt sud Frasat SUaat I, I axrnard ua. Msssta tm itsMU lawi, rati, a ii lad patratoaai oa la '" a w of defalcation tha Prince Kuprrt ... H, c. by eotnpatty, very well known and popular In nwucnra maae up irom iaa.es or" iw . : umaaHni ii a?nrosCsSar -. collect for tbe fuen. tie rlty, leave uu Iliufsday, own combine. HHX I AttllKIl fSS" .1 t Jft of iJlMs os7lr. ltoa Kutogizing tbe seaalc attrao-tlone November , lot Voneouvfr HIIOP J3 HUtb Street, Prince "TirZTL JZit3 SLr'TTl S2Z 7ZL1mSTi Fruit Land of Atliii, Mr. KsrsiB declared: wtere Is will make bit ha4- Rupert. B. a Phone Blue c'SmaiansOMil. rSau la sassl sf uaiBaBeisisA. aasliai "You talk about Vanaou. iunrlis having bee appointed 78. Cbas. I.eClrrDd. If fi lax tia V VMJIMII Laauar; 1 -SOS" ASIHSi till. XMAS GIFTS ver Iiaixl, and yM so no- sUff af relleviug tnanag. 1 W. AI w Miirri 1 iMrnni i bt. , f.. r gt as far north as Priuea Hu-ptrt, r- Hits sueaosaor hero will be but tuever bear of UliMI'"! I 'i.i i gun to ernd sofue. you your aaanasjer TTtm ttmSt tbmM n wiNTIUl faw harbor for small boats: raw aurajir Wm:W.rL",to.awV tourist down beta assoetslfcttus of the tWt oTeom Vlslurla braawk saf) oumm tt cssnta - nt d ii to you a Christmas . . mentioning ... . . ... I nu swvli and no ehaflnc: ra soi i a .t. ik.t 1 a. a Masall r - ,w pr.wnt. L'uk iur stork Atlin, the district, rs. ue iiei, who is alike -.i...,,j , ..1 .1, "' tfte. ass isi M, u.aawu, ,r roars aZieT: a. t.. ova as par exccJleuee, far seanery, rru. ..- ki-v und makp ynur srlertion fftwrewsri r-V' game and natural raeotirea, the wflwf Sill' fuatoaO 4asrHt) F. AKASE most eontistant gold pducr weak. noef sow-iit- nun ssr ma 1 1 or a as a 1 101. Radar soar in Canada." Phone fit" It ' lV0al - 619 Third Avenue low to Vuaotivar "to SSoJ Xaw? SrT. aaala. ess soseS Kenney Wlatth of Rldlnq. V w WBS. Ittears II reakss MM A. )ra 00s aaal etoOa Baa aar Phone Red 85 Tlie member for Alitn refer-pat a iatsr data. RKPAlHM to lypawritcr- HtauV ra0) it, isai raal.slss rar arras mats ss VaioM-- I4S to aaVaS.1 iwtol r uaiiinierrnas". M aJ toi '7. a S Steveiia, .'121 Baeond Avenue, II MAmiVl) AH.li.ai I i-4 ........ nil r-u to iu- rremirr mine as sh Advertise in the Il'ally News. 0llllf ijlge Co. I Mo. 300. Dila4 f.we4-r et r,11,n H lit a n run ca. a. R. n:ihi s. Apfii'ss-