f - t, . .r For Prompt a m TAXI QQ axi oo" oervice Phone PRINCE RUPERT Umontlfif and 7 fassenger Service a Night Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Toarbig Cars PIUNCK IlUPKllT, II. (1, Tl i nr u OCTODEIl 25, 1021. PHII K FIYB CKATV tl CHIEF WITNESS AGAINST WW J f ARBUCKLE. Colonel Peck Lays Shipyard and Drydock Here His Case Before And Will Operate Them Both People of Rupert , , , i.f the ltM-l ahipyanl l-inr. WorJ CRISIS The opening meeting of the federal campaign was thai held OVER her ih.it the Canadian National Huilwu are night in lite Wethulme Theatre when Lieut-Col. C W. Peck, ..I drytfeck o Hie pretest contract V G.. reprefenlative for Skeeita rkling in the late Parliament, HinpiNt idinf and I)rl Company expiree IN SINN FEIN aflJreel the electors of the city, telling of hi work ns a member . r.t.4 like uvjr Uw Hl put in by Ihe Prince' '-r Parliament, explaining hi present position and announcing ... Kng neeHflg CotHpeny. and will aloe lakef hi- future Hji.eie!. The theatre wa filled and Colonel Peck was Made That Kino geri a qine and attentive hearing with no duturbances or W"f It. I that a nfdef W carry on the work a com wwrB "7M u.t rsraonai !'I toward im iJchU, A reel of motion pirture was hown before nfragr J g( jnrti familiar with all Haaeee of instance. . he . urtHin wj raWod oa the platform where the soldier member w.a i-lfl a fias -J 1 a ! 'JthMf I'tMxiK iVt. t. I h- i. ... f r mil im iml roen- EAGLE TRIES im rt r - ! nt ntmm r n. In-.. -'a frJ hi EFFORTS MADE ilar II iifrt-tnv II.at ) rm down ib Iwn, t-d t' at th rrlm. im tin- Ii lull rotifrr plaviiiff a martial air. I :. .rk f t tii I -n: i RESCUE MINERS CARRY OFF a U'liqiw p tli. n."j fcut-rta III' Ji i- niHi'irfd Uf ihrA Km said Col. pttk in nwrim iidi C.--ing f lb timtrv mialil if tfrrnniry. n i tti firl eameaHro nwvt-' , Maria- -u LITTLE GIRL any influ'-ncc It pnoM nr ttiet I liae iv r acMri-l(Two Irrprlasned 2309 Faat B- lar Will).1 III- limit "f Ihr .- i nun wiv " H- rxplaini hin) lew Surfaca at Britannia i i will ioImh In baranonita the c.i.-f)rti' i no ij,..;-.i. j,. h- rletUtn f By Cava-In. Invadaa Verandah of Houm l(ixin In tit Iwli II7. He had been h aetive : Hi at wW at Vandarhoof, but la ).' at ih. front at the time VANCOUVER. Oe. 25. F.f-cii. i ..f aal DuUn to Death. nil Unused h- ii l f-u I fortii are being made In rpwu WoW REBEKAHS WHIST I ( lo hi n.n'itjney for that two laborer. L. P. Craig and air. VANDCrrMOOr, Oct. 15. anpai(w(i. aetiviti at the trunt Kranci Patenaude. who are Iin- ".ji tl yard A baldhaadad eagla meaur PARTY LAST NIGHT! 'i-d :rrvDifa him frtMW dinx pHned in Hie abaft of the; Ino aavan ftt from wring tip -. All the rampaiirninp he bad ftrHannia mines 3300 ret be- rlW. b. prtr , U OkT. . latfa a lam to wing Up alUmpUd to carry "rrM,hUt ff?n,B?,tt' ,nd "w" tt. !im wi the iKuina- of a little w the aurfare. The upper U. a cooUlt tWrtr Thr Hr4x-kat Ml an..th.r f C. d ' g i RK. j away a nlnt-yar-ld girl ; ba with nonlr oard aad the tlnnif of an ad. work of the ohaft raved In nUtllHT . namad Qlbaa from tha varan whM mr to lit Band IMiek vrrtjwHHrot n a iMialM-alkHi i. 'l1iurday rleht but both men, i luptoyed any-mii dah of htr homa hara ra-canlly. :"wan Ut nifrtat. ww i:ed ffc fmi th HaHan are believed to be allre. "?ai at rni. Tha atrugglaa of tha , flfiir laMaw aajrj !&-Z$tHnngarian Rebellion Broken Ileeord: or a few day Denny child and mothar pravantad wiatn'-r W''r Mfi. Allen had anaistral liitn in London I tha bird from gattlng away, fh-l wt.i t. ii.m& M'a rut CwiRMt.from t-Mm. and Ex-Empcror and Empress Willie be waa tt Nwve. Hl ex- WALLACE HAS if 3 n. taaaot and It ti Anally baatan to ji- ixuMMi naa erwi about izoo or ian ii aWoriU wl t Mi J: - i. WalMt daalh Tha by lltUa Uttht girl Samplo.autTerd a MayVd ail Mr Ntrharda. . With Supporters Are in Prison V-K 'V8" MADE OFFER IMlflMllMl r. fi cfcitf ill wrrp lAfVer bia bad c s- mil uf- numbtr of fleah wound a, but main i fit; la rapidly rocovarlng. M i wftrr 1Ih iraltiariwK I'lMlefl t grt te Canada to at' 1 hrr up, 11m aawwaalttoa ItUIlAPKST. OeL 56 Ki-Kmneror Charle anil the FlniBreMl-.. i. .t. jiu. HiMnil rttnr. tn aUM I nr 'J f tnta i ut. '0lA-nlli.tyrflitf1 -- irarrMrrJt ?mptir Mra 9i me BMnareu?t iitrtiag in imngary nave oeen arreieo. iroop -"w wn SEND urvtnnt r i iimtp lr. O. laie and Mla K. N "n caiterod Ue M.tieal aide who have been imprisoned following' jr'r- .J9,.8,.n, ',... Karl. A. . , . , , .... " w.i not uirtil after he had led II. J. t. Turney, manager of the A TRAIff JCUBO aimnnt tirmi u. rrc wnr on u uiroww oi . . .,,.,,1 f Ih Uanariian Wallaee f hlobuildlnK and DrTdoek IARLES TO HELMUT SIR JOHN KENNEDY Hoaiimry. A t.viKmal gmerHtnent under Uegeiit llorthy ret4m rtoy of oorupaiiofi into iter- lUniany Limited, elated thl tii :m ?i. lllte ret of aoverntnOMt and the iiinioe is beieved lo have been n nr .fter I he Artiltee that morninsr that hl firm bad made lNraMM Weo ttllMt, fhk wrr. , DIES AT AGE OF 83 deSnHeW l4,eu. had been a Mr la return another offer in connection with AN ISLAND w.tt i.4-4 aaxl rntlfr rjr. . MMiie. He li ft Europe on Jan. the lease of the local ebipyard and nary t, lUlt. drydock. He eaid he did not know- aluif ;imi ihnu i park tmr' a i-i t5.--lr K'lXiKKAI.. FREEMAN VINS Work In Houae. what attitude the railway com- .4ri w'.ea lr4.. wrr t-nly j, h1 .....j, nuiiruat WILLICN I'rwifd n ti deal wMb hi papy would take toward it.. uatiy tieliUrfiwT)'iett In M op ra.n ' tf M'-nlmal. STOLE KturiT f r I 1 1 work in the Heue of Cotn-j The opinion waa freely ex. aa aacantion or itwi hcrt- and eix- in auto- DOLLARS FROM He CaaaHta. mibite I dl-d he r afd Hi yew a U. S. MAIL SACKS FIRST ROUND nifo. UoL Peek menlited that preed around the eity this la- tMiri aiw-'n und. nl. a - - - Daily .New had eaid that he i.mming that it wa boied the XKW ViUK. SS. wa not a framer of great pol.jWallar aompany would be able lo lla at. COLLECT ALL YOUR PERRY CRITIC THrre a ii'J bamHle et, yrant fa Granted Permlsa'on to Carry -ii - and that be waa not a'uiake arranjreinente with the rail. RAMR1INC DF.BTS IN terda halt.d a aaaji truck el Paaeengcra ard Freleht to sreat Maleeaaaiu Jle neviy aidway eomiuiny to continue lo Mi t I Stewart. iw wa bjt be would guarantee'. pirate here becue a private awt Hrnadwtfy, u - Ma to-lalaajd ' Ual be eild leea up b end emnoanr usually aot more work cash, not cheques; OF GOVERNMENT: locked lh. rieter Ml ark, anil Hertiac r Capl. Krwinai: ha W"n the with bHw (Mr. Pullen. He did and wa more auecesnful In a up. ar- L4MH) llri. !1 A far which ri nlain.-d VallWla. ftrt! rouad of ii fiffbl wih the nd elauu that be bad done ev-.romniercial buine than a gov-tOihin? ' lJert:itmi 'tuvprnment Iiepart- but with the hearty VrnmerU-opera ted concern. -f 4a rAeitf and. t r l.nalad, a'ohiacta to Method of Dealing rot away w Mti a ttUl ml e I uifui if Ma.-im aa; baa been uinrt f the looal Hoard of, . tUm at dor atxiwl miMioH Uoitar. waa mm lamat a -ate With Beaver Pclla and Ur&ee ln.de fnd the UMy Council, he dattd in Ike MMe of lrd Ml! a e XaaiiK'U a ri-aranre i'r ru-win i Mint, ifmi n.i.nev ld by etr. Completion P. C E. eaeaeaeaeaeeaeeee fr 'h. Ia';n. h N.irbeiWoMr. ' tbwushi Ite bad aeeuiplibed BANDIT HELD The Captain ay i hat be wa ontHbinf. im eHltniH-Bl r a audit VilLUAMS que p uigj viirrouiA. ot. is. ii. a. ijnc ' "f hi . bu.inee -f ear. )Vben he bad onme bark in l. l.i i. f-r ii.lt ti (tie l'er. WWS perry of Prte (ieiirae ycMerdav PR0HI.RITI0N tween Stewart and here. It te l tits be had ftmnd that tbe looal UP DRUG STORE RICH WIDOW rnlieiaed the (ioverntHmt poiie) tu.i late ! !' it bai-k He i- in uwriae office wa an adjunet SUPERINTENDENT OF i' recard to pivuee l"oupe iMI tanda now lo en ii biek. He w iu- if the Ytcluria .ifftce. On ae-j and Ss'ted that tle vern-j f OF NO EFFECT; tead akinv nerinienton to u nt f tbe any location and stole SC5 While Theatre Crowda SHIPYARDS WALLACE - ...ij uiV aoia meat etou evtwndilure oA Ibewi; tbe i.T(iuit ill for dainagoe trot?rantiieal fMitiun thi seem Passed Last Evening In wa(Slr. DIES AT YANCOUYER and M the pubtic dt it. He urged eaued by Hielr r. foaai t atJow rd refMtenu. He bad Kl Vancouver. tbe coajyiletion f tbr p. O. K. lo Un,lt(J sllUe Oo,trnm,nt AJov, him In lv hi buaiueaa and at busy on ltd and by the cud of Prtue Ueairpe im iMatirr wnai ii linie irivina- Ule II9 Print iluiiert wa on the VAXOOl VEIL tkt. S5.-wA ban- I he will VANUil VI It. hi. 2J. 4uMte Unrettrlcted Medicinal Wine the -amc - . . a . 1. .1 a .- 11. .a.. K.4L who t'mmt, auperinletideiit of the WaU rent amt tbe pn-j'U! railway, rta-hU lo olhera with boat no naiue liioiing aa vieiona. anu uu unu up me uru mure wu la Ifrm Sard died hrro into tbe Peaee Mivrr country. Ha, and Baer. belfcr eluippHl. He I aklnst Capl. SatHtdere waa in charge of llatinff Street near Main Street r HilftUuitdiMR t Ti St. aid the peufde f the north coun ;.u iiiiMiati'iu in tin" turn tbe aeparate ditriet. Ut nibt and took 0S while the in Willi hi-ari (li.a... ai the toernnieitt i.Y (Kot. tS The He bad obtained tbe apiiro. theatre crowd were paaiug and wondered 1 1 try why .f ?S0.MMl. net. hie LtH-Ulowber l'nt of Prince Hu eonld not upend nioney on made 'ImeritmrM! au'hiHrizea doclr,! nriaUutt for the Tri4e lulaud two polieenien chatted uncon. W iIImiuu. hi !! i "i'. take , vrl. ilhere wbHc tl pent eiaojiuo un a .4. likrtii wbiab wa a vreat aid lu!emedly on the aidewalk near by. rlia'jii' uf Hu- fum-ral. jlmo'ir wareliie at Vaneouver. reMrictlon HSCH:iFORflIER RULER navigation and waa part f a Mr. Perry ad the people ex-pvH'lVd tad wine j great lixbttnjr .Tbeuu- l xukle BIRTH. a reduetton in taxation and file Hndiiliilion l are up in tran-l'acinc leainer. wiitrn Al the Prtncti Hupert ileneral the .people with amall income arm, baviny tirevenUal efft TRIED TO SHOOT slmuld uow be eomiag. to Uita ltipttal on Uatfbrr ttfsi. a UDLiC MEETING were cnlllli to tbe lira! redue being itivi-ii in the enurtii lh- purt. tdauitbtar wa born, to Mr. and ;t t.on. He allied that the ,ieople ' M4al1 lie bad obtained apHprta-!Mra. It. Matbeaon, of Naas llar-(Contlnued m the upner eniuntry Mievol b-ar and win- ld-.. Would Have Killed Salf If Queen oa Pace Two! " bou. 11. C. . lug anti-beer ler:tallm whkfb ...1 ii.. .ii. Had Not Interfered. mr- over beaw pell an,! d -l ,a..de. that lr. A. It. ' 1H HAPKST, .Oct. S5. - Former Wednesday, October 26 chairman of the pame ennerv -' t n ...vernhieiut' alatoa thai. KinixTor liliarten, wbi4 attempt t...n tHHird. reln and ll.e pnme '"'' I., i.n.mi 1 In' Magyar tbroue met MEETING OF SUPPORTERS AT S P. M. a mi iliKinal failure yterday. a comoiitrW of the IaUlalure. ' aiti inphd ti cimnmit nuloide by of A. John Catherwood. fTonaervative ftllLLIOil AND HALT Iimiiii hiniaatf lotb wtna In J- MACDONALD, M.L.A. inemiMT ror iiewowey. inimooee iitruDI AVm ADC IM arret near Koanora. The former f an aii'endmeiit to the addeeaa in U W CUlt LU I tl) AKt IM F.nprea Ztta a aw him pre-partiiR- Colonel Peck T- CONGDON, reply to the peeh from the GREAT BRITAIN NOW and prenlwl htm carrying throne aklnir the lllatHre lo out hia intention. PnJHmtT C(ntrr oftht Yukon uxpiea dlapproval of tlie flov-.riilii.'iit fKfl) Ttrritory. attltuile t the petition MiMNi.N. H.i. JS. -Nearly a NOTICE will be held at the from aetllera of .u-imn laland inillioo ami a hair people will h. STORK, for anaiatapoe ie rebuild! the wIUhuI ciuiI uhhU hi Itrtttau Committee Rooms, Frlzzell Block, Third Avenue libtrol rk to iflMd tiiein faun the' tbruttahout Hu- oimmmiv winter. Fifth Avenue from Pultun Candidate. Mood, whlob Cath-rwiiiMl save in neeurdiiMf t W. J. Me,Viuar (eel to MiHgrnvo Plae will be Tonight at 8 WtU addrOKS H'li rrrnltnir tww eueooaalve i-aann tiai' ''- nnnii'-i f tbnr. 'Ifir fTuvc-i. vehtasiar tra(D un p.m. ni tia tl."" .!. ! i-xi.-nd 1 1 . .'7th iiatftbor. IVSt. duced tbe aolltei - I" it 'Vi riv. m. - -to VDfnnJinfrc EVERYBODY WELCOME , - "jii' ! t 1 m.i..riiiiM i 1 ' It uniee, for organization purposes Aderlie In tbe laily New jto livlaud. ciinrUxuixcEn.