May I, IW. THI DAILT IIWI PAOE 3. W- ........e... K 1 Pill a Laxative, ff 2 Pills a Cathartic, Local and Personal Tho 7oh acco Everybody k 3 Pills a Purgative, K . K of Qualify" Smokes runswic It. C. Undertakers. I'lione l. tf Thii it the Way Millburn. Lssa-Liver Pill Work. l'or nflernofi U-a, 8l. ItPKi 0 Jafe. if It -8 V'iii will iKii'f urn in, of IIki old which shall it be? griping. Ii(ii'ltii( m krlilnr, purling pllla, Wanted iiaV furu. I'al Mill. ' mm or old .-nleliilng at (ixjr an ral.wM-1 irl other ' ,fv New lllon. tf '--.VhN. . 1- IB rtieall.' mineral Inrmliml.. oniv vmi um ', T- - aw Unburn Mn Lurr. a t.ill thai la tmrtlr -rrltli' Mat your tioala for sale with j arc many ways to test a . M. There lining ttic greit rir uaed In pro-mriiir M. Ktc-iih?ua. tfi cir liitix.t eradr 14 drug rnmi , PHONOGRAPH whirh Hi. r are uianuraclurml, lir tre tlaKh for yt'iir Vn-tory IioikI. tr -rf. II la axibl- 10 get I .No wnitlng. 'r:':Mi:f:yinuiil. , tf before you buy. The choice is I it lit r rniM-l J It has that mellow lit nil tripe or pain. i. .inmiootta t'i liiu'klcy ll:t, richnejs that appeals nOW UlSlinct vuv vi vuu. rum If '! are lrvnl,lii nun tiitiai tin lion. r.(icliel lliu eliy -lfr)ay ufl'T-noon. to smoker. out how the ilJrunswick difTcrs. MliMi.!. urlti n to dlalrarlloll villi an a , "' , every laradrhr., if j.jr pm.u, )( pualed, yor Kind out whether the tone of the lirralb had. mir fta-iiptearun muddy, ynaif J it mm ll.nrtfni i arriw-., on Hi.. t.-ikM. hate fbiaiiiig eprrkl before Brunswick is superior." l'-e jaillr. nrhing, bierwrhg or Wn In rr ypnlrnlay uriiTiKHiii from rolriltng pile. nr up poor tlurglali Anyox. iiold on easy monthly payments. lorr im a r. duae of Viltoiru't Uia l.iwp iiih. Tonilil n 4iiii-li- rliaiii in Mr. II..) Mart if. orillia. out- write I i., .iprrea in) luaukt fur the. tamlcville and pu-lure ni (he Mrc II. T. W illitl uili n ' ! nifi I hax pad by UHUt MlluurfTt WcxtholinaJ, -j cuhe kiiuori n. l.lial.nrr PHI I had been auHrnni ' ' i EAT FISfland SUPPORT A LOCAL INDUSTRY r..r eotiM- llifie from nxiallpalHin and pad 0,V.fhf)iliir iiicllnir in. Jack Joli'i it-Hi: ii' I hi.- inoiit-j k a.ia. tw.. i irwl all aorta of rum, Iiljillt at K lU." .Ml iiiMiihcrx rr-(Iui-kIm. nig frin a iHikinnKx Iriji to nniii ntii-li did iw l. imnd. unlil I wta adrraetf EAT Wlbl WAyuiUdicWJ, In afltrttl VtAm k. tn ..r pin.. ri gmi relief trier liking -mil 1 lr duM."- rm-e fir. a ni al all dealer, or iiuitH llrown h - Clanlcn A. W. Warier, nmiiatrr' "f iirr.i reeeipt ar prifepy lha T. Mil Seed. Ilt.e' hih. )kiliJliii Oroaiiie lanitM-y, arrici) in toun Hir ;.... Miuileii, Toronto, tint. AdL plniita. MaTki l. Brand taty tf lau.r nijrtil. Rupert 4 I ... I i'rorif Domt. iiianaiicr f lln K. 8lrai Jrfi yMlnfaBjr 4f- It. vaiijinn an arrival A in Jur- mill, rrHdiril (ItArlly m I.tiiih.ii on tlir l'rinrrs Airr oujjn the city from Juneau jreaMrday ! liil riliilit' Irnln. Iliii tnlll ha a bufneK' trfft "uili. v ' Hftemoon. Build! Build! Build! ;ar'uin cIomJ iIowii tin iici-i(iiil of . L-RRi LLS Uiii wrnkiipx of Ilir luinhor Ladii- of Id Itoyal I'mpl will W. K. 3. Iliidowani. of I'nrl ' inaikrl. mri't in lh ItaiKl lil.K-k. Fulton iiittmiHI. na-ltMi th- i-jty-yatM'T- ( SlrrjeV 8 W.-on.-wla). tin. afliTnoon. - '' .psl Iflllti ll( ID llCi al III I!C WOl hJ Dill n. C. lay Otor in the iiifiir-i MmmInt pteae not... tot a a In i Ikw wai'-r m.irk. ifi niiig trade liolire rwiirl Mil iiioriiiug clinrvri . J. Willman o.f tli Kl.'aii:i SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE Irmlrnry will lik-r 0 luward J. S. r"nrytli, until lugher n V illi mi lni.H-tnMr ofTi-itrf In llinl n-renlly a Mining i-o., arr i 'il in Mir r!it li'- 1 11 trikr a n.I kirk lii wifr. ..,..rr of tl. l.- l nkiniK, frnI t ,k. V TO COOK Cut fish into required portions. Dip in flour 'I l,uiiilcr iniini lia u large lirk Ailjoiiriiiiifiil a iiuic until to. iaii, irii iiar tuiii'..iiir on Ilir1 batter. Place in very hot fat nnd fry for 15 minutes. i Mtiir rriiinremnili.. ' morrow. lriiifni Allee yrali'l'.Jay aflrr- T. A. S'liiilmoii w- aiui'iii-' tlo S0IJ BY ALL RSl AILER3 niHi. arrival- on I lorn I'WiHaV l.i-orK'.'i DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPLAP LATH FULLER'S SPECIALS nil ll ..lllll lo lay. I U'uimfl'f Canadian Fish & Cold Ltd. Auxiliar)' t the I Storage Co., SIDING FLOORING CEILING FINISH Kr'li SlreHlirriM. iht lm O. It. L". will liwld a dann UVU- lieoriK- Hardy was ttiw I T n Do Your Building While Lumber it Cheap. jr. nediy. May t, in tin- Mdnlyrr h,Hr in I In- iMilii-.-! llii- , . nii-iiU al ilir .,f?i. Sc..) dive, or 05c.Xiu arrival innr jrn, i t a ti ?&c.nail. liinei, txir; K'Millemr-n.ut iiioriiiug for i.'riinki-iiin Phone 361 for Prices. . SpiTial 'ninr, 5 ll. fr 35c. ' ' i A. Mo.-nd and A. !-l.trk.r III U.T" Wnrr-r M(' l'llli. 60r. J. . r. lirarn on (-. Ii li n il to and r.i-l in Hi ri'P. PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. the I'rinetxav Mar yi-ti-rtfar af- Incubators and Brooders ilrii arsatn S fur &r. 'erioMHi aflT li;nniK i.-ul a polirr r ;irl thii ni.ii'iiln Queen j' Swrr-l llrkl. hulk. re;. noud of ikiy. la. i . ikiIiiik hi luslitini:. ... e. wlol t ll. fir t3n. iirtsrat The Queen Line is the "All Copper AVrnlliolnir lonitlil "Tin- ILm-" It..Win llooO Klour, la Mirk, MMIV a Line" of the rlav. Get a Queen and be of Tolling Kelt" plioloplay ami 2.85. Tlni a I 'I Ik- WrMholmr , a iu ed of the Maximum of Results with the It-.Kloiiian Hi ts il it- in anuu-idrlr l'.niorf (Umoh. irr tin. 3(f. lloiUMitan llrt)Vtii.-"' iii a i-om. the Minimum ot expente and attention. n t t t y n i i m -w . . . - - . " rhanfrr. aiTfial. rr III.. 3lr. hlrle elian. I In- 1 1 hum- of Aalr for nna. of nor MLKand J AbbEl A I'icuu- uiK. rr cum. . llrll" paelnii.I ami Olura Mr. and Mry. A. f . Paul. ull- ana Brooder Catalogues. I'ry fall I'ork, r'j.-lt. iwrn Ibtnal. new rrrentt riiarri.-.! in Vn ioria. ' 33. - t-wirhral -Itw ity - B&K CHICK FOOD for stionj, hnlth; Chicks. All Mt.tuMHlH-r of IGlIf Hit DRESSES ' r.miirti Mitiwl'frrj' Jam. 3 ieonc Iliii nawrnint;. tin. l.n dimidiate art- i-Mjuivlmi THE BRACKMAMER MILLING CO., LTD., iMirt Spwrr- Jam. IV -MalkinV lo oliMid a mi--iln? in tlif fi. W I'. J. I'lillrhi. H!..-riiv. ouV.-r al in Newest Designs, Just Arrived. llat am. Klmr Unfit .A. ntm rtiiM-day Uh al K P. rl '.KiuTlii. ar.'ivi'd 1'K.ay on P.O. Box 745 Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 3SO p. in. Iirtportanl luinc. 05 the Prinr and lrr tin. a lirorjn i-ontiiineit I.oca I now laid Pr, l'T dot., -Mr. and Mr. W. :. Tannrr lo Iii d'-ntrni I it.n on Iht- train. a a e jar. allrI yr lent ay kfl'-miMin mi I lie J. T. . Wiiliam.-i. i-i-Mrlrr of ti.nw. 3 u I'rinra Altn- fj.r llunran'H Sta tin- 0'ii-rie!. tlt tn SuuiUl OriiiiKfk. 3, (I.IM). tion, Vancouver tflaud. uin-rr Mr.! .-ir.ived Mrs. R. J. D. Smith. C H. ElWina 1 1. A. Breen M; inn ;." !;e and v.ill iH-ci;y fair-1 VurUy llaU. lol.. . 3fr. Tannrr in K'""tf into tMiinii SPECIAL PRICES IN W alfculi. in Mir. I ll 5iv. Willi W . II. IIuiimt ..f llii rily. i'm-e .hi P-rriin-l Me.-l .ig.i.ll. SMITH & MALLETT, Ltd. M jrmnlaij. U-IU. tin, l Ttirrp w-rc a iiiiiiiImt of friend J. X. Siu.-lair. niaiiauer of tlje I oIhw SuIoioii, lit)) Uhh, '.'5e. al Hi"- lioaliidi- Ui -r Mr. and Go-Carts I.Mil I lo un. ll ..f the Pa.ili Sea :: Baby Carriages IVanut lliillrr, .it tin. i.M-. Mm. Tannrr "fT and wili tlirui Pi-.mIi.-I-. A-sitriatioii, n-lnrm-d Plurabirg & Heating Ergineers in the latet Krjo'n llcon. Mr ll. MW'. mirrrnn ih lln-ir nrw honir. - deeigns. h:- 'ii'-r .uig from a biiinr-.-s trip for r On-ctoths and Linoleums beintf cleared K". Hi. Enamelled Bath Tubs, Wash Basins and Sinks, WHAT TO DO HOW TO DO IT. a a out at jfreat reductions. Weld-!! MrAfre. of-fii-orsil-'W n. Vitro Toilet Outfits, Maaawrtat lea. vrr. Ppread a paprr on your labia, rub nr.! Mix ltndiiie Milcli-I"an. Every kind and S.ze of Pipe, Pipe Fittings. Valves; BARRIES OU wouM tka artkrla la ba riraatd wMh a cloth Aii-hi'- !ran'. of lliln iiU. vere FURNITURE STORE ran"! wtlfh tra at jroi carried in stock regularly dipped in lha paata. let atand antB dry T narat but lou raa fiiad eul no and po:-ah with a aoft doth. Waah In ai.ionv the retuniinfr t'nfverit.v Whatever Problem In Plumbing nnd Heating Tiitrtl Avcnu marh It aaKha la Ih trUnaia hot aoapy aatrr. rlnaa and dry. idtideiilH un tin' Prince .Oeorp your and Phone 174 or write P.O. Box 274 manner: r.k. a maaara loi.ay. mtaaura.lta laniih, breadth and lhick Tiraaly Tipa. a a Kaaa. Wllh lhea IHre et'mraalaaa com Tu maka arora lae( longer varnlah Tin- lire department Imd n rail aolra with vopai yamlah and let dry. puia at rtiMr mtaaarelnl d vMa by Krult atalna on linen ahould ba, ra lu-l eveiihiK Hi T "'rlM-k In ex-iinyuih IMnr Tail Th rraoll la lia nattht rnof ad with glyrarine and left far about a amall Ida- in. lint HOME raaftM. of mine, tel tbe-eiact an hour: then kaah tha aulna a warm, AGAIN! amtnial. b-.t you ran r-nd mi aknut Kw aoa ly air; repeat tha prcaaa If aacca-tary. baement nf Ih.- It. C. Mrltae rurn jrau arr ahocl waiihlrd a.rrr dar FISHERMEN!! renldenee. Kourih lUlt. Avenue Thai a- Jiuppoaa lhal today you had Prr at tr ikat nraaurra br 14. or CUlaraa't Taalh. The dainaire wa -litrhl. Tor nlc rabie Inrhea. Dirtied hy thirty you will i. HOME COOKING and FISH AND CHIPS Tint that your V aalaha a Ml over Hart ara n ftw bint a about tha chlN Co lo the tnt).fiv pound, vhlla you mar ba drrn'a terth: Kir dietiaaniou luirilM-r nn.J We can now offer paylm for thlnr noinda. liiilap. II. II. piin-e), 0r tlninh. Tha t.nh ara vary Important. At aoon THE EMPRESS CAFE CJaaa Brown Laatkar B. aa tha children ara about thraa yara liMirk and vuid.w. tumlior repawn FRESH FROZEN HERRING nntwa lea I her baaa mar b rlaaaad bjr old laach I hem tha habit of washing mid drjenwil Iw any ntite. ; JJ" E"'body Eat. While Help Only rohhoia oa a Intra taihrr or purr whit tlialr teeth afttr avrry meaL Buy tham ijuit-k d.-livep hy .hit own. ear. ; DRY ICE QUICK SERVICE for Laiiioa a a. Apply It with a poa rub hard. amall alard bruah and a mild tooth IC. II. Shockley. t:w Itay If Einnni. Ilr.l.l nlnrl. .trrf A u. In It remain en a few ralaulra. thra arlpa ponder or paata. BUTEDALE CANNERY - Princess Royal Island dry lth tlannal rloih and MMah with Candy la bad for tha teeth. A amall ti. I.. Johnson l.-fl n u Iht- raaellne. rub Ihla la lth bar hanJ: plet-a after meal la plenty. P6 nat let I'riiin-! Atlee yextenlay afler-nm.n rub rrrr bard; don't uaa ton much and children break hard thlnga, auch aa alpa olf aril and w. bar all! look nira. nut a or thread, with their teeth. ru route to Winnipeg, Mr. Taka them to tha dentlat aa anon al Joiimton has hern in itxt city for Ooatraja SINrr Flak (Bu(). It la neceaaarr. Maka children Ilka tht Ho- and FOR SALE i pant wan y.-ar.- a Art Clothes Ladies' Costumes Ta deairoy thraa ailvrr riah rover blta dentlat Inatead cf hating hint. the dock. nl dry rr cardboard alio bolltd alarch paata im-r.haiiio 5 ftoomed House and Bath in Section 6, near new school, polaan.. alth araaal and lay lham oa Cornatarck for Economy, a a to Measure tha book ahrlrra, behind mantela, la bot. To maka an Ineipenelre chorolata pud Mi-h. Stephens, ai'i'oiiipan(i hy $3,000 cash lont at draa-ara, r. But of rouraa taka ding and lo maka one quickly boll corn, her drtUerhlri, Mrs. S. P. lie-Mordie, Ooiisi'i-vutory, 0 (I. Oy 10 ft. -i os wasonable. Larjje selection patterns rrarh crrat of rara rhlldirn that thja or Beta.paala Or U dual not within book meal until It thkkena. Then attr In railed on the Pri)itsji also ugar and roroa. It maket rich and da. and styles ahrlrra librrally with eommoa Taralaa Urloua pudding. Alu-e yealerday afternoon tuaujadl Two Houses In Section 7, 8 minut- (tout Cold Sloruyo tnaact podrr f pvrrlhrum. for Stiuthrrn Alberta where, -jhej" j FiraUia Cookar, Freak Graprj. will Visit. Mr MeMni-did Will I l'oiir und Hutli 1 J Houina STEVE KING Third Avenve A hemamad flrrlraa cooker wilt provt rwi you know how to keep era pea i. lurii to Priiu'i- Ituperl in itlxMil Tin) pair $2,600. Terms given. freakT Tht French rlua. put fin Prince Rupert very uaeful. t'aa a larf woodrn bulltr-paiL away a mouth. Phone for packing to hold tha bra I. uaa Ura lit a dark, cool placa tacH with ;ti a a a ftS? David H. Hays & Co. B7 fin, dry aaaduat. Hot brlrka may ba own atem triruat upward through tha J. W. McKinl.-y sva Ir.l iiitclit uaad laatrad of "aoap atone. A rloaaly cork of an Inverted bottle af water. Thla roverrd lard Pall ta uad to hold tha food. Involve a rick to tupport tha bottlea appointed hy the local Oddfei-! Ha aura tha lop of pall la rararad alaa. upalde down. J low.- liHlire tin errand i-eii-.-.-eiitn-Iim- Tha mart rloaelr covrrrd Ih Inalde and Another nay ta keep'gnpea freah la to fur thi eity til the Grand MUJPERT BAKERY eulalda of awdiiat.palla.Iht and im.r tha thicker aatlafartory tha padd'.n your teal tha ami of tht airmi nlth hot paraf. I..Mlu;e i-oiiv.-nlion to he held in once more in stock at fin, wrap tha bunrhea la llaaua paper PIVER'S FRENCH rnoktr Tou ran lll rook ba. all klnJa of vntiablea wall twlated up to exclude lha air and Niiuaimo in June. An altornale the old pre-war price. that atcd lo l boiled, alao mrala. ay them carefully in layeri between wa iiann-d in Iht- per.on of V. In LeTre.le.Safranor, A I o for halt of cotton balling. altamrd fuddlrr tnd alfamed brtada. Ilitriie. FACE POWDER Bread CAKES AND PASTKV OF QUALITY and you a III notlca that tha riavor will Azurea and Rosiris. b much bltrr. Ilrfor putting rour Lamon Loro, matorlala ucd Only Uiat rirla rookrr tnthrr tha food piual ba lmona ought never to ba allowed to Do aot auffer Price $1.00 Box Hat Ordrrt for boiling hot: ketllca mual ba filled an aa dry up. It la to almple to kep them 'mil Eft auoUirr Itch bleed.with , - per In laava no air aparaa. Tha "brlckt" or Itfitauranta, etc. Stramahlpa, Cnnrrif, plump. ome people recommend packing j-ruiruo-1 "aoap Itont" mual ba vary hat. wr mm r !'i thtm In a crock In dry aand. arrant. laa. No attondei to Satisfies Promptly lag aa that no o lemona tourh. Thla u r a 1 a a 1 roer. The Prince Rupert Drug Co. JooKi-H (Jaron and C. tt. IIiockrt. Proprietor Claaaa tllrtr Silrar. ln.'ur far a quantity. For lha uauat hlf-doin Dr.ChMa'a Ointment will relieve atlou you re-luUeL at one 'I PI ION li 134 x 3rd Avenue and 2nd Street Many klnda of pollah art hand at one n la belter to covr P.O. Ilox Wl -tT Third Ave Phone Orren 9.41 and afford laauug peuenv uu. a Mall Order Given Prompt Attention lout to Iht tllrtr. Huy whlitng. (noitttn hm wllh cold water, weighting thtm ur KdRiajiiii. llalel a C" ih water or ammonia, and you will I to keep them doen. Tha nattr ahould 1 Ofxilo. Sample Itoi free It you uwotlou Uda bav an 4tUnt rijtt for cUinlng ill'ib cinird laloy wee carer asl tnolota tump to (- : puauke w.a..jteeeeeeeeee:.eaee t,.r o...r(a s