Ve nry 1 1 m A. T phone T call E a 3 ml i A r 17 A Ltlev & Hale Celgerion Block PRINCE RUPERT I I Joe and Fred J Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper ' -5f I'lll.VCK lU I'KHT. II. (i. VeiKsi)AY. MAY 1. 1SM. Tttilfdtr't ClfCdltllen TV0. ! 4M. PRICK FIVK CUNTS ihaughnessy to Explain His Policy R. MORRISON GETS PERMANENT APPOINTMENT AS POSTMASTER HERE Canadian National lips oau iu routtu at Baltimore Result of Strike; ! Is Handicapped by Five Sail from San Francisco O!FEa uipment lu.nMolt! M ,1 . HIiiji- lu re had lo he Nilircd in OTTAWA. M.iy i. The ilou? of Ctimmou raihvjy rum-niiM"p . ' K in t'oiitiri-tiiiii Willi attrmpl In oprr.-iie jeslciilay luanl Prridcn'l llonna lclify. He falel !.. "...niw "Irikr l on. Shipping nt a t;unl-ii . . STiTE OF WAR - (lie' raitwny weir lu.ii!j!r money owing' lo lacK of Vquiiiment, -tn n ridded l U"ikiT. and volunteer tppr.n silesia qtinliiigr Slinngliifry In Ihi- rrganl. He nkeil llic DECLARE ALLIES M, .:,;t. foiumillee mil lo inlerfere in Ihe mailer of wngex. ' h tlir Attempt In iii'griM'f n trike I.M.MXIX. .VIhv i.-Tif The iyinimillrc will prubulily nk Lonl Sh:iughiief.y "' n . - i il.Mioiidral.oii ngiiin-t i'-oIiiitiI men nml Allii' iliH'lari- ttii'i-r in a iiplr i anil expliiin fuiilier lii ."cheme for iinialgarnalioii of Ihe , i ii it -(tnh between tin' group. lai' if war in l'i r i.iilwi') of lli' loimlry n. f.el oul in Ihe memorandum recjully ("AM I-' I. M.i I. - Five - Silmia iv"up t; diorl,'n. m'iiI lo Premier Mfigheif. The nu-mortiiidiim aclvoc.ilcJ the "l ll.'K' JTl'H TU KVt'iirli foree .lia umiilgumatiou uf Ihe ISiniacliaii .NnlioiiaK ami CanaJiiin l'acillc i n ii lrilu WAGES CUT or. pif -vi'WTal tl'WIM III niilway untlrr I In- nion jcnieiil of Ihe Canadian 1'oriflo hoard l'i IW Dm- iU-y and offorla !, or dii't'i-liiix with a gnarunlt'cd inlcre-! rate to C l. II. bond I. II r..r Hie ai'i l.i-lii;:' 1 ilil oik - h. III nil. i IN THE STATES ili.v. ii I ho rin'HVM . lioldrr for nil lime. I ' ' Hopping- IK' ' " . I m i rvw DRUG PEDDLERS lihll 1 tel Corporation Makes a . necucti n ol Si.40 a Day COAL CT.'.IKE MAY per Man. FUNERAL OF i.E OVA IK WEEK BIG PENALTY MANY MAKES NEW YORK, May 4. Tht SOUTIIAMIVIDX. May I. United State Stiel Corpora MISSIONARY A peedirl im lliul lln Seven Years'' Imprisonment: and I'on announce a cut of 20 roil I lri).i' would lx hmt mm offer: per cent In the waeee 'of in a w-'k wu" maiti' hire $1,000 Fine Provided In tht employe and a proportional Veteran Clrrgymr.n or Naa River l J. II. 'riionia". if ini al Amendment to Act. reduction aln the al-arle Laid to net Th Altynoon ""ildAryJlIUitt-JialUiMul. i Timet Says ll Practically! and epin'ij, result union .(f iwiwiyili'U. iho MnTAW.V May F. II. H. SIIrv- i DftUlon of January ing In an average reduction 'II" T;inri "I Mm Jute i aii tv fur Hi I'liilcd dni. iiinuix-r for Vaiioiuvrr, in- ' Confirmee. ' of $1.40 a day pr man, JanK'i. M. llrfttillnvli', ttr:i ii Slati --. - triidurcd aiiiciidfiii'iit m I i the efTectlng a payroll living of .uiiri"iin y nf i . n-l X ia OjifuHi Art and llicfi- wire adnpl. I I .ii Imii : S1SO.00O.C0O annually. llh-r. tn.ik 'i:i'. linn ii fl. i iiimmi ! !rd liy Hi Kuiim' of liiiniiui;i - Ii i. u.Ji- j Heavy cut In the price of fmin, tUf An;.'I H-ii ii i.liur.'li. - j-r.lrrday. I hi- law In now' pi .ii i u ully , teel prcducl have already m Fmr' l'. Mi.-lr'. LAWRENCE EYVING amrniji-d irnvidinir a ih.'iibIIv of iM-'ni lrliig ! .. ' -! Hi bom announced. Tirrc o a I.n-.'- Ih i-. Tin In- v - 1l( W tl (If III' :i Hri'vilic CONTRACT LET , xi'vi'ii yrarn' itntiri.tMiiniiii( and n II l line of 1.000 for drujr MihlIer.. mull tirf.' al lh- tii". ! il I Ii"lir ready.. j,ENGINEERS' FOR NEW lUrir l.n.ivin lal ami rin'l ri'M-rlr.In mliKlitiiiry IIm wrM J.- R. Morrison Appointed FOR NEW ROAD' i Anollirr nal'y nf ami'iiiliiieiil vliiidiitf providing lo auyoni a found ft'llin ilru lo minor) i. iipl''lllr PULP HILL COMING ami HioB) f II fiiliniJ lli.J . I Postmaster This Cily It wa. dfft-ati'd. Itrv. i.mIi'Ui' lo ln rriiii'lrrjr. Company of Alice Arm People John Cmirton Arrived From i.ihkiii l. A. Hi .i iIh rlrt' of Cets Contract for Work ECK INROADS Vancouver Thl Morning to -itnIi-i'in atil rliiim'lli' iirni'"Ml'til Hit nml rliun-li In-"i Is Officially Announced Completion COAL STRIKE Spend Few Day. al.lJ It tl ii ml I M ini VV. I'. .M.llli: AII.M. May I, Tin r..u- GERMAN TRADE JoIih l-'jmri"ii. nf flic I'rinrr llultbriMk. - Olllewl oilliouiiecilieiil mini me i o--i.ii ni iuiiiuirii. ... vi.-y lrapl f. (i -y,,,,,!,.!j,,,, f ie IN SILESIA lliilrt l'uli dimI I'ajxr (.. ia Viewed Remains of Ihi" iippoinlnii nl of J. II. Murium as oslmalir herd In raj tntm "ff,,. ,r,.ji'Apa Kvw Tin mmI lay in liili nl Si. .. . .. . . imdIiI IIim aeilft HMMkllliiiilliiitl lkV I.. II I 11 i I lill in II Willi I tS ITIII'll l.l"! Ifill'. 111 II i I Hi i ill 1 II II a-I. ll.llllll UIIIITI fllTI rllfjM Congress to Plassj Mr.,. IWriwrn. Tlwy will prn.l AmlnrmV - Ii Troiii II "Vim-!. reiveiH iu Ihe eiiv W mzhl. ' ' SiM J' " , C'"h BeAWe'n Fre"ehJrr?.PS nd . . .... .. Mrlr.' inn. !... ! Insurgents No Ceclilo.i Ii; ilHITMf'W until lll : rmuiie on Gcods a fim ilavii In lwn nml may r-- ,rd wi, I,y .he rid-nU - .on .mm au , m ,, v,.u U.ej The an ,eem,Hl is ,..e,,., Regarding Territory. llnrii In VniU'iuivnr imi M inula V. omiiy Ui r.liiMiru Itt .k a.l I mt.l t.i.lmial n uiiltlii. fr Hie IhkI lime. Tli of Ihe . ily who are i-oiilldiMil llial ll.r l.uMiirss. or u.e I'M,,,,,,,., ,m.. yi.,.r,illv ,,v! 1 I.n ..' '.i-!..r ii. i....i I-.......I. i-iiid i'j.... ..rxlee w it Inurlihm our and1 0,.(. w- . ,iuiilorliMl in Ihe snnii' rlllrienl ninuner Hull in'... .... . . i IIKIII.IX. ilav t.- 'Ilnf hilrr mi tiff ..i.w t at...... ...w - I' i liTk I v I mi. OIiIii. wlm air riMiolrur- iimlir nrmplliy for llnw' h'fl J hann-lcrucd Mr. .Morixon. -upon i-mn hero Miice I'.'in, during Y.miu ...i rowlpl of a.h ices Trum y"'"J "imi.stoii at Oppri IhKiil. , in- i.i,n in nun m u.fll mimi'Ii ha.ri Illl mourn hunhaiHl and ralln-r n which period lie lias lieeti ii. ling Mi.lniii-ter on many oeeaiioin. Vicl.-ria. wheri the Vmr m 1 w.u "I'l'T Wi,ii mi.'. in lii'iny ittiiii'i'i loiiioirow nlclilV I Irnin In in i pMei by Ihe elrrvynuiii. oinid soindays a.o. It j4 S'i"" J'lrc., to (Ser.nany. ' III I.Mhz I ..... I a , .. ... .U....I. 1... m.,1 .Idr f.lnfllii(f I riliiiL- lhat wer il,..n- several ?Mm ll,1ul ,no yt i- .-I. i'.l)HI .III" PH.- 1.1 "'H i.... u ,de,lo.. w-or- .in "i.n .1 iii Hfiir l' Knalniir Harrow, a hydraulii- paid to liin iiii'iuory. rjit Au.'lieun ORE CARRIER SHORE DEVALERA ...nilircraTorlJo work. .o,n, f-' ' 11 i lllllll . . .mil- 'l l.jv. ntllii, will follow on Sunday niffhl rlniir l:i elliniUtiV and niH NEWPORT TOWNSEND Ihein from oiiImJc place. Pre-' Ihe eoaldriko eonliiiueH and lher ha been rln.h betwi-en a I ..l f Id invi-lianli' tie "Wi r pro. Hi.. Iiyinnx, "l-iahi IU oim po lioii-g ...ado no b HVll. Kiuhl." 'Mi're U a Hupl-y l.nnd." APPEALS TO j.aral.oiia...en I...pel work .larlcd , anJ ln$urgi.ntl inJ inn. "V- TliHiik riiiWoiA. Our Santa Alicia Carried 3,000 tons of , a dl.f,nl f((f ,w Ullil.'.naieiy Willi n jew u ruin. r..i,. A GLASGOW POLICE" lio.1."rhi palllM'nrpri.. who i..nipi'iiil Copper America.Ore from South THE VOTERS plcliiiif Iherouil early Ihi ..ea..on.'" J PASSES THROUGH CITY INSPECTOR KILLED tin u Of I he Mainir Ordrr of. . in..a.-e to llol. I'eck al Ollawai COL WINSBY HERE SKATTI.F.. May I. Th ulcani- whiih Wr. Mi'l.nllash vmis a inquiring h lu what pi-o'rf' wa DETECTIVE WOUNDED iiu'inlMr,-wi're: Cnptuin I!. Me-t'.oki-Kjlarry er Sanla Alicia, wed hy W. II. i Asks Irish to Support Republican he!UK maije i-u Ihe plan fir Ihe ON BUSINESS FOR 11r' PlMkeU of Victoria Hindi. V. i:. Or-I'haiil, flraeo Uo. Imuud from San Fran-1 Candidates In wharf whirh will now be for on,,. (H.AsnnW. May I -A poller II. I'aMln-i.ii. Iiptaiu ('.. II. riro to Seal Hi, ran hard apriuml Kf-fnrlx Coming Election. new made nreenry ". w lo havo NEW LIQUOR BOARD I'orl Townsend. M Sh . i v ... . liprclor wa Im-I diail ami a Foiuiljy nml 4. M. ilolllnoiL today near followed Ihe cniislrurlion of Ihe ' wru. Ol are lii'li.w mado ! relloal DUBLIN,May 4. De Valera Col. W. X. Wiuby-r.if the tit. v. drliidlvt wouiidiil llii innrnlnir MnoiiK ilia Hwrnl IiIImiI', were hy tin uriivinoial aoxorn pro- 1 ' "iotii n-niii her, makes an appeal to the Irish v-neial liquor board arrived in i llo'rfl ITeriiiiix f;uiu 'l'liupi'an l.oile, nt. Xo ha been received rrplv In wlml U lirlirvetl lo In' mi .1 . " Sinn IVIn nllnck on lln polin in A.rV A A.M .. T l.tnlg-. A.l". .V Tho M'SM'I cm rie Mi"1 lon people to vote republican at .... .... .....ri, llhe oily on Ihe I'rlnce (icorue ii. uiirin- Tin1 Sinn IVinir Itred A.M. I'aUil 'ft l.inp. I.ld, lr. of copMr ore. . Iileh f-aiiie from the forthcomlnq elections as and will look over the local Mtu-atiou """"-'"y-ioal Scullnnd. X; oh. Sntilli Aiiirina. i confirmation of the Irish republic, in rouueclioii vvllli the . and Mri. AV. T. Kinlii. llliop MmZ. IIUI. Ihe on ll pollerinan, who VH man ijM'orl-inir In and .Mr. '. M l" Virmd nn.l Mr. of which ha Is the EXTRA DAYLIGHT talilil.monl of the operation of 'III ' d.H- a van rnnvi-yinir a TO HELP titular head. He says the the new liquor aifl. I.ore. After' lb, LOCAL MAN 1,1 nnilantii escaped, mid Mr. (Ii'io'ifi' H. Till-. , , :..." " i .... i.i. piinou. Tin republic was constitutionally SAYING IN ENGLAND . Mpei.dipx a few dajr liero he wilt ; Suvii u " ,''' iiiiiin of FULTON TO FIQHT intSH ELECTIONS CELEBRATE AT K'GILL founded and is endeavoring OWING TO STRIKE Ki lo Hrince iiooryr. which U ' , to de'end the state from its ulo to be a headquarter point TEMPLE TONIGHT III III.IN, May I. Tin HorHou enemies within and without. under tho art. "'"Ii pinrlaiiiiiilon will !' unidi' oij M. J. Easson, Direct Descendent I l.l.)(l.V. Mn.v t. - An elra nml further claims '"itifiii ..... i ii De .Valera I Col. will .likely leave ii. :Z'lr ,,nl1"'-- I'lrrsin no, m ny . i'ni Wi'diifHiIiiy. rollovi'.l hy rll. of University Founder vto I that the Irish republic seeks l!"!iKhl avii.i: ha been vi Saturday .uuirnlu?. Niif,,, iiniui-Al I'lillon will mi'i'l .lark Trnipln of Xoiiiirtallnu may In Si pine.' on Visit Montreal. ! a place In the association of ili i'reed hece owing to Mm coal jhcru Sun Fraiuluro In a Irn-rounil May 13 and lln Wnlion May SI. nations. strike iu oi ter lo fuel. Til in MOXTIIF.AI.. M 'V i. A .cucli lUNITED TOYEiEMS llimil, -lii'ii' liiuivhl. ilie;:ll 1 1:a I !h cl'H k are two -! DEATH OF NAPOLEON for it direct de.-.'ndl of Jame CT tTCC limii- ill itihiinrn of normal. ATTEND' CONFERENCE. l'AIIS, May I. Franco lo.luy Meqtll ill order that ho may l'NYIlE llic. 0 CO 1U WOULD AMALGAMATE WH WORK OUT WELL 1:.......lllllll H ...... .."J illi.ii.-iilnai nf : prescnl. al Ihe eenlwiuary(!.., M..,.il col. SUPREME COUNCIL j GERMAN CONTROL OF j OTTAWA. May . I'lan are the Cfllli'linary of Ihe deulh id "raooii m u..- n ym ! W INMI'Ftt. May V-The tnllcd 'l"V'". lirlntf inadn fur I'rrinli'r Mi'Ulii'll Xapolcnn. tiiiivrfeiiy .n" ..I....HT .! in-licved AUSTRIAN INDUSTRIES VHeran reciiiiinieml an amalgamation M,,v ' In hnvo li' .'i. fiuiiid in lln VIF.NXA. May I. -lie.many I fn.' "vv" r In null for liiHidnu on Jiini' 7 In f of alt returned mililler nap.nn nr M .1 1 :lnill of I'l lliee .lniiipiu lui'K1' (luanlllleK of """I MOROS KILLED. r11" d iiaml. nltiMid Ihe npnfeii'iire of overe" oirort for re.enlah. in a hau, tijoIiliial I Su ii,..ltr,.,,.i. I.II.VDII.V May I. Tim ii ..i ...,...i i i.ii'.n,,. iv ..r tiyinir lo hold Ihe Halkan......... . MAMI.A, I'. I., Muy I. Ninety llli':il -' "' ' '" r.v""'- : free premier. Illud demand, fur loan of Moi-o. incluiliujr I'nlont'. n it-liuiuui Iloyal .Navy, a. i eeni win l. s Iru l.' despite the allied export promo Council wilt Invite: Ihe Mi John ilitero!. for two nnu niinilar yeuM alio Unilod Stale lo ond a irieinbvr killed on opKinlor on tin Dnn.iii tiov- lax lieruiHii e nir. in are nf fnnalic, wan ' C.upluin Willuni s imn. ai'vunlutfo iu rejfucl to laud Xi'w tiouiii ol Aulna.u in- jof the eouneil and of Iho rvpura-iuy , """ijiay l.i wn Inlrl, i rouUliMi'd al H.r Sunday by u dolarliineiil uf I'ltil-lipino orumeiil ultlp uiRlon oerat- iieo,uuinu lions i;oinuiiiou. .eltleini'iil fur tn.'IJit'r. whIi i cuuitabulury. in j U. C. wainsv 'dusiries. I llolid l-rinee liuverL