Saturday, September 3 ,1932 SCHOOL OPENING SPECIALS een Youn Girls Shoes, Skirts, Felt Hats & Pullover Sweaters Also Children’s Coats at ex- traordinary Reasonable Prices JUST ARRI 400 PAIRS SHO in Latest Fall Models IN KID TRIMMED BLACK SUEDE, AL- LIGATOR TRIMMED TANS, BLACK VEL- VET PUMPS, TIES, OXFORDS, ETC. There are fifteen different styles and shades to choose from, You are cordially invited to come and inspect this new stock. Annette’s Ladies’ Wear Co. Tuesday Special Preserving Peaches $1.65 per crate .... | Munro Bros. - LOCALITEMS — CLD.L. Dance “Sept. 3rd. E Baptist Hallowe'en Téa Oct. 31. 207 All roads lead to Acropolis La- bor Day. | NWU.W.A. Labor Day meeting, Sept. 5, C.L-D.L. Hall, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Black’s Orchestra at whe Labor Day dance, Moose Hall, 50¢. admission. i “Jesus and The Unemployed” will be the swbject of the sermon at the evening service at First United eae | Miss Agnes McQuillan of the Post | Office staff sailed last night on the |Cardena for a vacation trip to Vancouver. SAVE 50 PERCENT 10-Day Wallpaper Clearing Sale Total stock of sixty to eighty patterns to choose from with match- ing borders at one-half price—also 10-Day Paint, Glass, Muresco, Turpentine and Oil Sale on which you can save 15% to 25% ~ This sale includes all merchandise in stock. It is a great tunity for house renovators to get supplies A. W. EDGE CO. oppor- at real bargain prices. 330 Second Ave. P. O. Box 459 LAST CHANCE THIS SEASON | $3.25 | $4.00 $4.00 Slabs, per load Sek Mill Ends, per load - - - Box Ends, per load - - - ALBERT & McCAFFERY 116 Phones 117 ETT LTE AE OE OR RIEL AI SENET | EN EUROPEAN EXPERT H, S. OL WATCHMAKER Fivé years’ apprenticeship at the Royal Danish Watchmaker School at Copenhagen, then 12 years abroad working in the big cities of Europe. All Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. Prices Reasonable. TERRACE, BRITISH COLUMBIA idayv 1 Miss Ruth Gillies and Mrs. E. Hyde sailed this afternoon on the Princess Alice for a holiday trip to LOCAL NEWS oe Admission to } Labor sports Mon- A Te 95c. Children free. Music Classes will re-open at St Joseph's Academy on. Sept. 6th, Sam Hedstrom was found guilty Commercial Class Sept, 12th, Kin- xy Justices of the Peace G. H,|Gergarten October 3ra, 207 WMunro and S. D- Macgonald in city erday afternoon wei Carl Hansen, olice court yest G. Stromme and 1 charge of supplying liquor to| Mrs. A. K. Anderson were among Indias and was fined $50, with | passengers sailing last night on the yption of two months’ imprison- |Prince Adelaide for Vancouver. nent At First United Church the Hall, jr. member of the|™0rning service and Sunday School Hall Investment Co. of Vancouver, | Will be held jointly at 11 o'clock ailed from here on. the Prinee| turing the month of September. John last night E, E for Vancouver via | : he Queen Charlotte Islands. He| TW Sisters of St. Joseph arrived will leave the vessel at Port Cle-|!” the city on the Princess Adelaide ments, go through by foad to Ski- | yesterday afternoon from Toronto degate to pay a visit to Southeaster , to join the staff of the local con-| and catch the boat again at| vent. | Charlotte City i mine Queen a ae | George W. Laidler, the new local |manager for W. H. Malkin Co. Ltd., “}) was last night eleeted as a member h\of the Prince .Rupert. Chamber of | Commeree. Wrap up your troubles and en- 3€P-! joy the Labor Day sports on Mon- | day | Announcements Rupert ember 9 Tennis Club Dance S LO.DE. Hall and 30, Miss M. Pollock of Vaneouver, ;}who has been paying a visit with | friends In the city, sailed by the October 19, 20.) |Princess Alice this afternoon on her return south, Dance Sept. 16 ww’s New Hall Oddfel- | Cathie Bazaar SED R ERCP Ree PRINCE RUPERT MAN SAVES ONE HUNDRED, DOLLARS ; A tommunieation in regard to | express charges was received by); ; the Chamber of Commerce at its meeting last night and it was re- ferred to the freight rates com- Prominent locai man, who al-| mittee | ways has taken his son, with | very poor eyesight to an Oculist . in the south for attention, this; Corfrespondénce in regard to the | year decided to try the local Op- | forthcoming visit of L. F. Champion, tometrist. A thorough examina-| representative of the B. C Pro-| ; 1 by G. F. Davey, Registered| ducts Bureal, was read at the) Optometrist in charge of thei, . i ; 1€ er of Commerc eting las Optical Dept. of Max Heilbroner hamb eof oo ee J Jeweler, gave the boy norm./i|Hight and filed, vision in one eye, which is the - best anyone could hope to do! Misses Davies of Vancouver, who and constant attention to thei nave been visiting. here as the! other @ve, which only a local man|°* is j could give, should soon improve|@uests of Mr. arid Mrs. James L. the vision in the other eye. By| Lee, 544 Eleventh Avenue, sailed eeret this work done at home | by the Princess Alice this after-| ve ;ataer saves at least one hun-j noon on their return south. dred dollars travelling expenses | Are ra child's eyes ready for| school? A thorough examination| Miss Mary Easthope of Booth will tell you |Memorial teaching staff returned PR i i i i wemmm | to the city on the Princess Ade- jlaide yesterday afternoon after | having spent the summer vacation jat her home in the Fraser Valley | H. W. Birch, managing secre- jtary of the Prince Rupert General | Pianos For Rent Because it doesn’t pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised. ———— Hospital, sailed last night on the $4 Per Month and Up {/Princess Adelaide for Vancouver — Q » ED } |where he will attend the annual STEAMSHIPS LIMITE | ye scl ohana UNION srs aaa Bapent fot Vanounver ? | convention of the British Columbia P88, CATAL A SVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. Pianos Tuned, $3 ,Association representing the le- Oe Waypoints arriving Vancouver, Thursday a.m cal hospital T.S.8. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY Te P ' Ts Sunday midnigh ro . ’ m Weenif sailings to Port. Simpson oe oar whet lie salar WALKER’S MUSIC R. G. Johnston, manager of In- River points, SUNN 8 yerness ¢é , was ywn this c rdin all sailings and tickets at STORE verness cannery, was in t “a Fe ” Purther Se EEnT “AGEN Y: Second Avenue Phone 568, morning for a brief business visit, Se ace | having made the trip from the; sacl a eaaaneas ‘| river.on the cannery tender Klem- PB i aD EAT HNN 7 |tu Cannery. Mr. Johnston stated > | sas Inverness cannery would re-| CANADL AN I AC IF IC Hotel Central Ltd. main in operation for another ] SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER na } AUGUST vg Ocean Félle aria way ports, Covenient to business district, week yet. Pritteen (hte ce PRINCESS ALICE--Saturdays 5 pm. direct homelike, beautiful harbor eceenl For KETCHIKAN, WRANGELL, JUNEAU and sKAGW: bckeeds, 0 bm ie Views. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. |j Rates reasonable. Spacious || Ernest Georgeson, arrived in port) 1 or write _ , : , i ree, “COATES, General Apent, Prince Rupert, B.C sample rooms, jat 9 o'clock last evening fom the FIRST CLASS CAP® Open at All Hours Special monthly rate for Rooms and Meals Hotel Central Ltd. First Avenue & Seventh Street south and sailed at 12 midnight on | her return to Vancouver and way-| points, The vessel] had on board & ji arge number of members of Skee-! na River carinery crews going igoing south now that the season is nearing it8 close. | withdrawn "LOCAL ITEMS - There will be keen coritests in many of the sport events Monday. Labor Day Dance, Sept. 5, 9 p. m., Moose Hall, Admission 50c. Ca- nadian and Scotch dances. 207 May Wesley and Ernest Lewis are being Charged with Grunkenness in city poli¢e court vais, afternoon. The former comes under the In- dian Act and the latter under the Government Liquor Act. Mrs. Wiliam Gilchris. and daughter, Miss Margaret Gilchrist, who have been spending the past few months in Vancotiver, return- ed to the city from the south on the Princess Adelaide yesterday af- ternoon. —— M. E. Newman, school tacher at Queén Charlotte Vity, sailed last hight on the Ptihee John to re- sume his teaching ditties on the Islands after having spent the summer vacation at his home at Hazelton. Following the return to the city on Thirsday night of this week of Canon W. F. Rushbrook from a vacation to Toronto, it has been decided to re-open the gymna- sium classes in connection with St. Peté?r’s Anglican Church at Seal Cove about the end of this month. CPR. steamer Princess Alice, Capt. William Palmer, making her final voyage of the season on the Alaska route, is due in port at 3 o'clock this afternoon from Skag- way ana other northern points and will sail about an hour later for the south. Mrs, Olive Dawson ts planning to go south Thursday night, taking her two boys, Fred and John, to spend a month with Mrs. &. 7. Rothwell at her summer home at Crescent Beach, near Vancouver. After that she will] probably visit in Vancouver with Mfs. 8. Daw- __ The Union Steamship Co. has the steamer Venture from the run between Vancouver ;and Rivers Inlet. The calls which were being made by the Venture will be now taken care of by the Steamers Catala and Cardena in- volving no changes in times of these steamers so far as Prince Rupert is concerned. The secretary reperted to the meeting of the Chamber of Com- merce last night that all the cor- respondence in connection with the securing of a brewery license for Prince Rupert had been sent to Premier Tolmie with a request to know if the final decision from }them had been received. There had been no answer. DURING BABY’S TEETHING TIME The Bowels Become Loose Diarrhoea, dysentary, colic, cramps, eétc., manifest them- selves; the gums become swollen, and cankers form in the mouth. This is the time when the mother should use and perhaps save the baby’s life. On the market for 80 years. Price, 50c. a bottle at all drug- gists or dealers, ORMES LIMITED —— “Cleanliness is Next to Godliness” SPECIAL FOR TWO WEEKS August 29 to September 10 inclusive Ladies’ or Gents’ Suits Pressed By Steam 50 Cents Sponged, Cleared and Pressed 75 Cents Naptha or Dry Oleaned and Pressed, $1.00 Phone — 649 LING ~ TAILOR We call for and deliver to all parts of the ¢ity. Mail orders receive our prompt attention. Cl fi d Ads assi 1e is hoes HELP WANTED FOUND r HOW to get a Government job.| FOUND new seine boat skiff’ be- Free Booklet. The MC. Ltd., Winnipeg. RELIABLE MAN to take care of store route; distribute. and col- lect; new product protected ter- ritory; earn excellent weekly in- come. Tanner Peanut Products St. Paul, Minn. FORSALE _ FOR SALE— Piano, very. reason- tween Holland Rock and Kaien Island: $10 salvage. Apply Clau- sen, Box 15862. ‘214 rw = ce -ary os none BOARD AND ROOM’ BOARD and Room for High School pupils terms reasonable, Seal Cove Hotel. ,209 FURNISHED Rooms heated, with or without board. Reasonable term, 704 McByide Sreet. tf Make me an offef. Apply Comer. White Apts. Phone 427. 209 s3PECIAL—Goodyéaf Tires at lower prices than any mail orde: house. Kaien Motors Ltd. Phone 52. FOR SALE—7-room house, 3 lots. Atlin Avenue. Small payment down, Balance as rent. Write A Prince, 3150 Davin Street, Vic- toria. 2 ae SLX room house Phone Red 914. STEAMHEATED Room to let. Phone Red 390. 212 MODERN House, harbor view $25 a month. Phone Red 720. tf FOR RENT— Five-room Cottage, modein, Sixth Ave, East. Phone Red 248. tt SOME choice modern apartments for rent. Greatly reduced rates. Westenhaver Bros. tf FOR RENT—Fullvy modern six-room house with furnace, close in. Phone Red 720. (tf) SWAP HOUSES TRADE small house for big house or vice versa. F. W. Hart, tf WANTED WOMAN wants work by day, week, able. Phone Black 904. bt slaamaaaae SCHOOL Books, Grades. six and eight. Phone Blue 89 between CHIROPRACTIC ; four and six. * 203] ¢ FOR SALE— 1929 Forder Sedan. W. C. Aspinall Yhree Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 241 and 549 fypen Evenings 6 Excnange Blk. —e ORCHESTRA ~~ 4 FOR Your Dance orchestra phone Mrs, Black, Green 218. Snappy music! Prices reasonable. (tf) DAIRIES — For FRESH LOCAL MILK Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY- 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 PASTEURIZED MILK IS SAFE MILK Fresh from Bulkley Valley Farms VALENTIN DAIRY » Phone 657 ’ TYPEWRITERS For Saie or Rent Rese, Cowan & Latta Fhute 234 Dry Wood. Chairs for rent. tf _ PERSONAL PRIVATE Kindergartens pay. Ad- vice given free by the Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg Prince Rupert DRY DOCK SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers |} for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mining Machinery * Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-tom Derrick fer Heavy Lifts or month. Phone 427. 209 TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer, - Phone ‘177 The AUCTIONEER Packing — Crating — Wrapping and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me . GEO, J. PAWFS—Phone Black. 120 AUCTIONEER List your goods with us—Prince Rupert’s leading Auctioneer, G. M. HUNT: Ave Phone Red 637 ard IS YOUR PROPERTY YVA- CANT? Let us overhaul it. It will rent and give revenue again. Charges reasonable. J. P. MOLLER Phone Red 802 | Miss D. Hogan TEACHER OF MUSIC Phone—Black 232 OREN MIME OE OA, MRR | The HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 | Minehead Coals ASPER HARD COAL per ton $11.50 New $11.50 per ton ee aoe ciemnmneaons 5 =— om “ite