pAnn i THF DAK.T NFAVB ' -J 'M'l . il S 1 I -- - BRINGING UP FATHER By George MCM,BU VCb COT NCLLO JAMCS mo -But mco vvA)T TUCRC A vmT TO OtO THEY UMTIU I COMC Waky needs the CA.TCH THC TA.LL ftUOMOC i l TV H-VCt . i Think ' CROOK? With e lonC r r I health and sfrcntHh I " A in a 100a V CTV; I 63 years has f revein right iAX-Pr ill r EAGLK JIKAND v Condensed Milk Htf 3 Office Space ELKS PREPARE B0DY 0F mm 24 feet by 38 feet Particularly suitable for Daily News Classified Ads. Cottonwood Professional Man GREET VISITORS is not recovered' 3 CENTS HEM WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advartlaamant Te-fcn for Laa than BOa For Rent Arrangements Made Last Night Th Pr'"","l I" , Panelling iiih iimi nrr itenij tti WAHTCaX ron RKNT t SUMWCrl RESORTS. Tor Special Entertainment for lien Slne. who drowned1 Upstairs in our Building- ! Eipected Official. near Invrne CUinnery on Mnn WAXTF.U T.. r. n Hiree ..r four Ft'RMSHKD SUITK Tti HB.ST FlfHIXt; IUTIN HATMIX"! day niftht, lint hae not jth tienj roomed furni.hed bxie. H, LouU lloome. Phone Med 9 i. f..-n. .ii r HiHrnd and Mini Oliver Typewriters i vi a meeting of the special urrennfid. On aeeownl of (JiJ pit I tot ?m Ikady New uf-fW. mer holiday al l aWIe I'ainn ' .luimttee .if FJk lrfl toight il imnat lute tnVi jMmH eetr ISA TUITION. Write all. Terrace. H. If I r Cary Fireproof Safes & arrana-ed ! have kome ociat the oeene of lit aedent il i In J.plx (j 'RVKBY well trained yolh and fl"tng on ihe nrraton if the itlMiiul if Ihe hod.C. Will ever he W AXTKIt liwipeent hile virt Never forrel In tct thrtwtfh lh.k il v ,. a, Yaiilts. jiit of twtt official 'of the ftV-,-aniialdH). reeoveriL for jrrsrffc! htgiuwt. '.pr4? rtri nwrnt in fee tai he ealned Hat P. O. Ilt !- ef kwiH f niutie early ' O ' ; j Iieputy Oratidr F.i-lalleJl Lets & Houses For Sale VefrpUy aflernooli Captain aeewralHy." -Ilnkin ' Rutee Alex. Pe.bniand Pal 'eerntnn. of the I'JBf .IS ten- lUnPBNtltRS namtery wanletl U'ailaee H. C. IIAU.FY. Tether. ' Aiwa. K.iaHed Ruler. Spence. who with der Unrenee. reaebe Ihe f, eHyj SMflailtiWMa and lry Iek On. lllwe MS. tr Dybhavn & Hanson Mm. Peden and Mr. Spence are and I Aid hi lory f the affair.; UL . If lit.. lo viil I lie rily on Angut in, He had hcen aliii .HM feel away ; 'Jj. AlUlRKY PRYi'.F, ProfeiMnr aa.l nonce to cotkctoiu. Insurance Agent. Third remaining- here for several day. from Stone but had tint ee tbe SITUATIONS WANTED Teacher of Yodm and PiaMn. A Avenue, Prince Rupert Tlie visitor will he me nt drumninit. An India named A. YKX IIH! ,m'd ' PP Mr nr WMti.Mr nr mater Wart af E. H. the Ix ml and thai evening will lie Slewarl hail, however. een Slooe wMiuin want. rded. Phone l)e tl. If mm ike jk f fn. teti. tmt h Shocklej a. r. caa.wWn.aid-i t or in mm pan aa aKfl lo attend a eria nieelinR fall into Ihe water fra h '.ifam Vlkarf. rraw Planing Mill. If1 of Ihe metniier lo lie fullowed boat. He will'arrive in Ihe rMy MAIRDIinilMa. UMM. l aarfnt tmt rra Prince Rwptrt, B.C. by a yiupiier. The folhrvinft day on Sal unlay ami will then he: ron sals of LADIES' HAIROnnSSINO. Mar- at aa. nr imtt lf i i ta. mt Pfe. hey will lie hown Ihe rily And examined by Ihe runner. Stone l HI.... mnllMnrinWi r and Accident 2-iMy laken for a trip up the iank immediately after falllfif; in KOft SAI.K Hoat with !A H. P. Inr.l mm Hair.lafk.Dreintr.thampfwdng.haln w treat-I i i B a In tW al.iv. an I Skena itier. (la Ihe Friday the water ami only hi rap Patnje enrine gmni order. inept a specially. Toupee tu tea sat xenn vi s7mm Sickness ih will be bljr .la in the y a ore recovered aUHde far IndW-r or iraooer. and ic fr erUi--n and JttCJLU. Ulti'i.TJttn auditorium at which Ihe visitor A rxai fcarvata for eah. Ap-! Iransformationji fr ladle. weo mrm "T.... will lie the irueitl of honor. ply VrlhMMM. MMMer a-4. LattTB ftSaMaVV MBMMN.!V-B) BVBTCMatCaftBBWear W0 Wft DiSvorsidBs Insurance NINE THOUSAND Hwitehet made from ladle' fc It i Mii.le thai there will neMli hp. lit up tfvum ev ei a .r'ee own Mmklnr. HKT lltRUMn f nil. awt . 11 .Ton Accident an nol Sickise immune either from ie'wee a nvmher willi the of official other FJk on route llieir. CASES ALASKA MR SALB--TW iMlm' 71 J SDp 2J3 Kixtli Sir. Print ejatjMi ffj rWfaltM i i NV m-If tv ml Seoend StrMt or way in Ihe Calpary ronvenlion Arenas. aM future; n'ijrn, ii, . rpvna IJioe aarif kM wepae p r mm m SALMON ARRIVES . at home or travelling-. A fa if eMe anil A delegation i eipeled frnin. aMl Meter nat a rear. (a rily M rU P. IIPII II Mr nlrrMl WALLPAPER Policy in one of nir wirarwjr Vnjrot. who will lie KueU of Hie fwHtrtu d ThK i a bar CORSETS Companies will pco0erly lM-al halve at the eante llnie. fhe larpe lUllingliani. in low Fata Ktr rah iMa4 aaltHi Ml ft wia mat k SSaMiia7Mn provide for you and your I he lalie of lie Hoyal Purj'le of Ihe cannery boat Lenifte, iveKifirl' 169 OiH?JX ma.Je in order. Mm. i m wan ml Mk m aieflmm trn Tap r that meets all cornpri family during anv disability. 'rM'h; tbi from port mornin? Our Policy will inleret w.fh bemiE ilir FJk a-ked in! enlerlainlnp collaborate I"" unnj Point Packing Cm- FOR KALrW-tda SS. SS. 3t and Dlrrelor. Phone HMe 23. tfj ratttr Ht tSiSeW lion you. lo- d!Mnjrui.hed vi.ilor. and Pny'a plant at Kelohikan wilh, 3S. lftWrtS. MiM I. h- BOATS FOR HIRE. I Inh, a ;. Ml' Prices " their-iit enjoyable V.OftO rae of canned alnwfti.' -.fMMiHe cipo ninve A HirM. L-ND Airr. Prince Rupert ,,n' an jlal year' pack, whteh will lie mg. t604).M eiacii. M. M. PftlNT.F, IU PHRT IMIAT HOUHi:. ranging as low is SI n. if. Oovernwvent Wharf, l-aitnche. 'nk f taiealtoa I Mt t t l hippeil from here to Ihe Kalern Insurance ,Slae by way of the Canadian Mill SAI.K One Army Tank. scow. nmlMKit. canoe, fur nn mt rtm Pnvrt. an Sa; 12c NEW FIRE TRUCK WAS I.Im i - r.. ii.. eat nmr . National Railway. n.O: MJA rifle, ire. Muiwn i-aeneoa ur w Mmi I trm H Agencies, Ltd. BUILT IN LOCAL SHOP To be et.Mte al Hanavan' Store, lowing,ror itarpor paenger inp. nr-and f una retst b qm I ) yr'TTmi'TT eist'sv t teM. "X nma. the Single Roll, to tii Seat Oive. or phone lllack P.O. Drawer 1G32. Phone 130 !JUGOSLAVIA SPENDS I6I. If. our lenty-lo fnl r"Ti la in mi "T rinetit "jades on tb Fine Work Jut Complatad J , Uunrtie W eaeMwaf W mwH mt I... iil iapw Second Avenue by! run Ihreogisve yotir- WWU AM ncmJCD lw HMk in a tje p srp. market Rupert Motor Company for MULll Uil UtrLTIjL IP YOU WANT lo buy or elt ef. n)r -boat are afe and iSMt kes 9m a-rt. Ir. City Fire Department. boat, eniflnev or marine fit-llnir reliable. Phone Red Ml. If s aM impI m rWsai at w I P.O. Bos 120 Pate I fKflRAOK. July 19 The ko to the X on hern F.v. J karwMM fnaa x wv M r t w , nt ..r n Am f- aft MIRRORS .-. The way Mo make a rily pro,j War lienartmenl of the new rlunve. 13 Sceifid Ave! Plume ier mo tmrm SuSk-via am wi.r, alerted i PrOteCt Gar" peri I lo upport home in kingdom of iuin'ilavia will nfit 810, . If. MIRROR AND RF.SILVKIMXO. aatrft fc asm naM at ten emnat -i sai la, ! i dntrie. Tlii Ihe rily ha been S.iMMi.ftOO.oAO dinar, one-half OLAiH OF ALL KIN I B. knWAHSI . rtawastk HM4 I Small lore I.KASH FOR on dinr recently. The Prince Ru- the Kovenifnenl' Intal bndael. IILOOMFIP.LO I7 ath Ave. K. few . itti - - ments ; erl Motor li. yelerilay delivered In Ihe neil fical year. depile SiUh Mrrej neti u Hryanl Phone lllue 337 ; reidea)Cf. laolhinsr . fmin pvplendier MIX fill AL Arr. r in Hie fire deiarliwenl a vie-orKi4 efforl by Ihe Minister Oreen 107. If urw. fire truck with ladder and'of Finance In reduce eviene. I. Afi'ly l llclg-crtwin. I.ld. rrai r i from Moths . fire IiKliUnsr cqilnicnl iil nnjlhU i a retluclo.n of im.Wux. FOR HA LK Fnap 1 fur-nithed FOR SALT LAKES. rirHir or iMrnovjtAt Shamrock a Ford Chai. The UmIjt wa noO dinar from Ihe e.llmale rooming houe and lot, n TtTe a. FOR HALT LAKHS Launch "If title-' Mlaptpt CSina. M mttr4 la IMP inlrocled in lheliral ahop aked for by the War Mini-ry. for 11.750 on term. Fulton HI. k-rM Mmu( tmriw mt mH 0i inri 'Don't hope that inollit wilt not and i equal lo any work turned 71 every day evcept Monday aryl Wter pari! im rirtfcer i 1th Ave. Apply a mm -thp-" OMll ruin your garment I hi eawn, mil anywhere, llie nwwiey re-reived Ttie I Ha I hiidjrel eiiriale Tuesday, at 3:30 and 6:3n Tfc TKI! IIMI lM) W, rtlaMC. Butter but Make Sure. j for thi i being penl (a. were t,Oo0.nOn.00 dinar bnl FOR .AI.F Skiff for leaure Weilnesday and Halwruiy, Lmtmm.r r mt mtmm. Irr MOMC ir f rally and everyone benefit. thi-ha lieen reiluced lo t.Ond. nr trolling boat. Apply T. M. every boo from 12 to H p. m. lav vV tUI r. Wii. er ' rry Cleanintr will poitively Thi firm make a ccinlty AOO.ooO. The nominal etehanjre Orwejr. Seal iive. 167 Two boat on Punday. eaviM fMaa WtaMi Um lul Ue b.ppr,le irurw S "PHf ai n-.Me !i destroy any rnt -m tiny and of buildintr auUi hodie and d. value of a dinar I about III tMiathoiie every ?n mttwlee. HowiMtaia iWSs SnM Iw M e IN ln SapT fUiP. HAS THE FLAVOR 'hard lo delect which iiiotfat have in? irrneral anlo rejiair. eenl bill llie present rale il i BICYCLES Phone Red 391. Prince Hyperl Aa raruwr us auMre thai mSbhs.ar4 : YOU HAVE rr mpS St. ! jdepoftitrd. worth about Hire cent. niOYCLES, RFIAIRJ, PARTS loathnue. ff fare me raaaiar ml aae) rrUr - ALWAYS WANTED llefore you pack away your AND TIRKS. The "PFJIFrurr" AUTOMOBILES. Slee IkM I Ml d.p of HI. A. p, ten UILDINQ PERMITS iiwpi w r i Ask for It. Tk Man tk Mees Arrnry, 117 Mb Avenue K. heavy winter (tarmenU, let u Dry a Phone IUim 337. tf Rt'PFJlT Motor Co, dealer. inur pivtan-r. nvvtir s piaTan i) Clean them for you. SAYS lluildinir permit have been "Re.," far atttl Truck, Auln. TlftC SOTO or t-mvit IMI w I. rmr laarte ferer-i P. Burns & Ce. laken out by C. K. Iltoomfield fer MUSIC. mobile repair. Tin, aeeet-n.rie wnwe sa rey re ie-M- t- .r-",1 CwaiiajiSteamLaundry $100 addition In a dwellinjr on and Ford pari ajway f-p.lrrla M U toakiwMS VartMaMl, LIMITED It' eaxy lo vet rich I he day Thinl Avenue; M. Mrlhiiitrall for FOR YOUR XKXT DAXCP. or to. In tock. Commercial 'budi. al nuat aualee "' ir'cay a' he dicken awl halt asm Mrta ' ! Phone S. ;50 al'lilim lo hi residence rial event. Pryre'a IJp-to.le built for all purioe. ,et aj arvai iar aarer mt ail wl tlxth Avenue W Prince Rupert The rhlriwced in my pardcrf'd nf iUr HIC: lnr anrl . Place and U. I.amonl Orchestra. Phone lllue 283. If rale at Wayne u give you a price ,tB j,IMJr Uvore aval rkaiax. Mepw "! for Ihe erection of a five room epr ImmIjt. T)Ior A Mmire. fMae. Uvara ran Hmnm r t4 '' About a million chicken, LAKELSK HOT SPRINGS r.aMurarraval. iweuiaais l"". buniralow on Ninth Avenue. IUt hoiie. Ci.nier Thinl and Ninth Ik Sanaa Curd . ".. I CUim. Night ltos J, Ci Ji"J 1 I'm sure In gel lol al a cot of 13.000. LAKF.LSK HOT )PIIINOi TRANS, Avenue. if I.irtmi IllfniC iv 4f 1-tHPT.ll 4IKt W Langwill. 5 EDSQN COAL CO. Said a pin lo hi brother fer Line, operating car and ft.. SPtuma Mr. end Mr. A. Marlonald re I I'm headed olir way truck from Terrace, carry inn STEENSLONGWIU turned Ihl inorninK from Vancouver, for tha beat ami pointed another. paengr. freight and ha, her they were recently M.lal Werkt gaga Rale: 93 per peron each 5h . Alberta Coal HOW ran one talk about Ihe married. Mr. Macdonald i the way or IS return if coming bark Agsnt for MeCUry rsnv axe of discretion when you read manaser of the Canadian team same cay. Freight and baggage Lumber Direct Phone 58 Laundry and Mrs. Macdonald was Bought Sanitary and r men marry in eennd and Cur-ri, one rent per pound. We inert Healing 11"' Mist Mary Florence .third wie aflcr ihey are eenty formerly all train. Prompt service. Priace Rupert Feed Co. daushtcr of Mr. and Mr. Careful driving, Wire or trile SU 8tr.t and Frs. ' e a John Currie. of this cily. Priase Rupert Comer 2nd Ave. and 7U St. for information, iirookiiiK & From the Mill saves the middleman's commission. I AM broa(lmiiiJ-d enough o Waite. Terrace, 11. C. If you Kive every man credit fr beintf Sav We solicit your patronage with a "quality hoiiel in hi opinion 1ml I . NOTICE way know I am rllil and he guarantee" en ,t ecewT V L.WJ.U. of C. Prince Rupert aiiRif Ail TORK'S weonif. DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPLAP LATH Hraiieh Until the ramp re-oin, s SF.tX IF the world look blue o offic-ri.hiHjr will be from SIDING FLOORING CEILING FINISH RORIE & SMAU TOVES. you, ri-iiiember lliere I oiua. 7 to V p.m. Ilallott on the aMi4i r flume vronir with II or cine your July Convention proceeding Lumber has now reached rock-bottom in price. sioees aoeii. liver U nol working properly. ready. J II. Jiurrough, llrarwh . time v,.m 'fJ?J!ff!f Building is hero Hecrelary, Melnlyre lilock, present your requirements The a. T. P. tletnier Prince room 3. Photn 21. tf. ut our office, Seal Cove or Phone 3G1. vsai '""tizzr Hardware Fred Stork's Cieorge, Caplain II. L. Roberton, BOATS FOR MIRE. l.,U.f WJe r iiui aas. Second Avnui arrived on time al 10:30 ilb an PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. rWaraJ B.SI. "'V PHONE Bl ACK 114 'unusually light list of pattentrrt I.At SOU Narbetllong., Phona and cargo of freight. ORMES LIMITED J lilaek (00. If.