ili;r .1;, TUB bAII.T NF.W8 PAOP, 1: -jl 1 ...j 11 j . .a.iij--i.iJ ISLANDER WAS ALICE ARM G. H. Arnold Notary Public - Mr. T. W. Kalconer and family Westholme BLOWN PIECES are vlIUwt al Mr. Kahoner :: Theatre I FOR SALE nwine 111 vmicouvrr. q afS XT' Modern flvc-roomed liouc on Horde n Hired, situated on n flue tlmilile rorncr. Hat m beautiful murine view. Former C.P.R. Steamer Located lC . flit Jan.ea Anderson, of Ihe All.- Tonight and Tomorrow Very close In. The lots alone are worth what Is being By Diver But No Traasura Q0 jT IS' I . IKli Holel Hlaff haa trlurned fiiun MATINEE TODAY asked for the lioiio and lot. Secured. iyCIJI a abort lt to llyder and Hlew- BARGAIN AT $3,600 CASH. hM V The drainer llntiilr. wrecked H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. JttUKAt', Alaka. July 50. Insurance Rentata !! EaUte 20 yearn nun next mouth,, lie ill 300 fprt of water, almost in ROSCOE Mill(kin t tiff rt the.centre of Nlrphrn l'aaRe, jaJIi h ' Mir ml If oulliwet of Marmlnn f land IIkIiI. Hreonlius to t;t I UHtyUZ' t: ,v ,XM Hml fallo"- Hoik I rank Wallers, deep ea diver. jTKi y "r lrtlaivl. tire?..!!, wh" ai. P.O. Pox 327 "DEMER S" 27 who located I In- wrerk In day m Vt e ti iii v III e ia titration here. W'it FATTY airo nnil who lim been surveying the week-end ll a fulling tui'j it lnre Hint lime. al llowuiaii lke. Cnplaiu Waller. who U Hie Iranee of Inlet Admir I Oilier man wliA alvairrd Hie afe oi Iftlitnd Mh on Ion IO- Mr. aHd Mr. Ilrnnley. ..1 Great Sale alty to the roi ARBUCKLE Clearing Canal I lie I'rhiiT-!lt Kiiiiininr.Si-pliiti prganiied in l.ynn an alunitt and light ia mi over Ihe Ihe eharl wrerk."would he tlKlr Anyox.tlalni have) inme wt 00 Ihe a lllian.,trip , pxi'liliou IliU irli(B and aP-UhikI and lll have River. Mr. Itelhouu. f Seaiih eouliiiiiril. "Sand who i vlAtllHS Ihrin. made uli- I Ivii inontli urrlrl . Extraordinary Bargains ak'o filled the wreekave and hanked In're kii llio neiire tnuit Sunnex of Ihe parly. IN of about up around it lo a depth e e All Summer Goods at Cost. Compare Our Prices lo known ull'MHi'1 In Ik li mi Imanl rroirr die tre.iure Nlaiiil. 15 feel a II lie innrninir.0(1011 tt tJaplaln tde. llal4i iHsraham arrive.1 from when nlie wrpekeil, Ae-etiiiiaii)itiK Yelenlay Hie S.Milh la week to Uit I11- Life with Vancouver. . er wn Waller look III- lat look- at The of liini vm nnullirr oiiiilnit prtKrly al Ihe bend of We must have the room for fall goods now arriving well known ilipr. Jark Cloue, the wrecked vrasel niwl wa under Ihe 1 1 1 1 ia eHTf River. ! water when the plente prty See our prices on Hats, Dresses, Coats, Suits, Skirts, auil a niTially ronlruelrl iliv. Ihe Amy paeil. He found, he Ti - MaIihIiw. al (he Middies, Smocks and Children's Wear. We are illinif nor nun at wa a Kreal iiseu ilfilh..o aunw inr talil, that I here w abolulely My II. Varden. eame anier lulu town on 1 The clearing out all our children's clothing-Ladie! Torn by Explosion. i tm IIiIiir ue llnil In Iryiinc uiIkIiI to have iwovrr been any-on rtiurday Im weel Mr. Mammm Party" t:ailain WnlljrH wilJ: "We, va ho ha Mrn oti a vml lo Van mfsi (hit You simply can't afford to the iMialwhrn il went down, a M Iim-iiIimI I In- wirrk of llir Nlamlen eMivet. Ia IiIa opinion that llje ttrral ex I The world's funniwt fat-man actor m a m k i III il.iyn nml fi-wihl Ihiit minim Iprrihle aio inlrrual Ailiinn k"J plosion Dial oiurred l toe Oulle a nuniNr ft Anyox 1 romance rolling in laughter. Hy the,worn DEMERS time of Ihe week not oflly Mew DEMERS rurrlnir al the lime the Ixmt Ihe Veel In hut neallered pie are einpliiir here Aiiimik ' funniest ifat-mun writer, Irvin i i. went ili'wn had hniken her all jiiere. I Item are Mr. and Mr. Uorlieii (he eiutenl&lll dver the hollooi with up. The thfklnir wi all irone. Im ami family. Mr. and Mr Itarrj tif the I'.-issakf where they now iiihI liillrn nihl Hie wlmli'J lie rovennt vrttii ani ami ni. and family, Mr. Itallanlyne andj v J r: n! 1 I the ?frniyi::ol.l imut mbiv. or BHiriMi IliltiK n ina oi iwKieii iron. Expedition Abandoned. Mr. Moffetl. The vittor. and! JUlld ldJC dllU TlUId U dll It'I IV 1-HoB.VTE. from whirh I lie u iHwork hail eHeally Ihe rhitdren. find Hi The' expedition wa almndooe.1 The difference been Mwn ami rolie.1 her a peaanl rliaon Ihe Brenneii Vlwl In Hie null" nr EMale itf away. lifter luakinir ure of the m.imII- VMHU.W tllll-Ml 1ILI.:.V ImMml "Afli-r our arrival here we I t Ml..... tl.A H...U.I I mm'll TAki: VIThK that no llw I lib daj of lion of lhjJoal and Ihe Suemefj" e e Burton Holmes Travel and July. A.Ii. ll, .Vitnimitlratlnn aim Ihe waslNl eniislilerahle I line in Will tif III r.Mate of Andrew with Hiver 'V alter and aile atiwir.l. j (airliiiifr for the oteauier Hie MelH-vo ao.1 Silver Star TEA. llillrn. taa riutHl In me. lefl at noon today for Seattle. I in AMI IIMTHER TAkK MITIIt Hut all a there were eo many run flirt. ! oi i ne im U llllanee River are Paramount Magazine imau harm- rtaima aram.l Ihe aawl Mr. WalU-r. before leaving.I.. ... 1.....1 - ... M ...... I.Utr ar hlii require.! ! ate Maif 1 ii if report a lo wliere Hie boat " aid thai far beina one of( a a onto hm within thirty day. Ini thr dale lmrk anil fnundereil." he rou '"n ""m- brre.f. aiKl all perama ovlitv munira lai the inylerke of the ea. filled Mjsical The Secret of llir -aid l.'lJIr it brfWr relrrO to pf tine. "Ten lay asro we found Special Program llw .ame i me firililih. with Irrn.iim awattina for ! .... ,. . IHTIfi al i'rinre Ktiperl. Irirtlnre II. I lie ex.TFI loeatiou i one I ne imiiy iinirn .rain .iti the Blend drill.h i itluniMa. thi lain dai hi JaOv mile from Martuion Nlaixl llalil. ilariinr ip ea diver to lake.y iweiirel at Wednesday brioir-htlt Prices 25c and 5 c IMI. I be lalander i a eloel Iiteident jiima h. yrii i.u:. whieh i the lillle Ulaml al Hi" ,. iKe front (amp H lo the 1 ...ill I. k .....ItMl 111 t:M If yiHt knew Ihe blmid ..f Blue ITIrlal lrtrnii.n-.r. oiilh end of mtuelan Ulainl. Hyj N" W lilbln mould Im lnipltil la a We of Ihe rtel, pri.e to 1,1"",'P" . Ihe roiiipa." he naid; "Hie ',"rtwl " wake Va aa Mti.'irwr lnit. it uiitl drikiuu iarfek i ohm miiiil wel ttt wn by alv.1f.K The fcMFKLbS IHLAIKh While ill lhee naler. -! In I Rtrmlnl by a prwreaa that r.mblwi oulli from Dipt Jlaiiil, -alino'f Hw rhulreat Ire tarttOra. Blu MONEY ' Waller paf.l a U. the wrveki lANUtRnUOr TONIGHT AND TOMORROW li Ihe renlre of Slephen l'a HIMmn In ll final tale rruiat anlv of Hie I'riurr Sophia 10 lnnl tul Is ! auptrlor 111 five t Bfc-e. I'inal and aid thai Ihe planklnr MUrti 1. fi -u' to llw punnd rilled With Sand. John W. l'aler"o wa ete-ieir and limber of the ve.el arw lemlt. "Iirawuiir a Hue fmia the pin lmlee for a three year : "TMCRCi a oirriiijei" beeoiiiiuir Tiiened and thai leno al Ihe rerenl annual nte.-i . TO I here i. Illtre prtaVahdMy of h-rjMM. f ,,, ,-riJ v.v j.; Anna Alice Chavk Blue Ribbon eve beinit brouKhl up fnHu her;,,tm rr.rteelr.1 au.l BUY YOUR reditu if plaee.' 1 The JaMT laeball team will IS Many ,K-ord read new.pai.eM , VllM(Mlt,, TEA LOAN a. murh for their ..hPftUing J, ttmmrnm f Ib, ( Terrace rolnion a they do for new. Saturday. Ihe M)llaw. are Mountain Madness" Lt act. I to be enlertaine.1 mjallr the! Sales Agent Ob Ireproved Property .AiTltl or WTtTIO TO ArrLT TO oeraen of their vlll here lit John L. Christie ri auivnr i.od. l ie c'ur of. IbeJr ttr l Ine Strawberries la II f4" v o. Lawl rMMrtH. ! . is "Screaming Shadow" No. 12 Comeij I'rinre Rupert, H.C. on Long Term laltuale-sit ni.inrt lakhe ljk.f rrnvrf lrl. and eal. e Mortgages and i Tak nmire of rr1r laal aprrt.rrWfiri reapaUwa pa.uen Mai-Iknlland. f. llerl UleJuiiU. of VaiMrto-f. Violin Solo by Mr. Wm. Halagnc. Ilr. lalewt. arfO fr rri" le farrhae ihe Mliiaiil iffiM la4 i lo build the Tjrrre awinilt I jntrMnriat al a P""l r'aooxl al lit McCaffery, Gibbon &. !ilhal enrarr of I.. Hit. Uware ! winch wa recrolly destroyed to TOM LEE CO. Gooseberries atH it an nnr nf Uk'. IherK fire. Mr. Riehanl ha scMe I" .lrlr aWt hrv and arena HMilk af Doyle, Ltd. i.iaralr r-a M nl nt nwmrnrt-mnt Vaneouver l purchase aew 01 a ,810 Second Avenue. West l mr r wm. amt maialmna err, Ntunanct ana ruat, ttran rhlnery and equipment l. W Ml LIIOI.UA AO fMM It ri Ata. THIS WEEK llr Tl. 111. e VEQCTABLCI for 1 W. . Meuuie I liimmj In iNew Wholeaale and Retail moil ii it pielure ehow from Max (IrnrrJl Contractor and Our phone number It Irlloil lo lliia plaee, Preserving. Labor Kxchanae changed. New number 649 t ia - COAL V. M. Illaek'lork. formerly ..I HALF J'rinoe Rupert, H.C. TAILOR sai Prices and quality will I rail, ha been appointed II..-inew Phone. 517 P.O. Box 72r UNG, 2nd Ave. be right. manager of Ihe llaiidadiaii t Hank of (ioiiiiinrre here and ai I rived lal HumUy with hi fain ! Phone us for Prices PRICES Hy. HOSE W. buy American Currency, STEWART JABOUR'S Silver, Gold or AT ZERO! In Men's Half Hoso you cm surely fma Moe SeKUln had In tell nw Bills just what you want hcrt. Wc can th It'll broken. Id rtyhl arm badly brulrd and reeelveil ir you a larC' variety in all.thc difTerent Midsummer Great Clearing evrre rali wound lal week Rupert Table Supply Co. MOUNTAIN PARK when working on Ihe ekidw-ay qualittef. al the I'rrmier Mine. lie wai PHOMEI XII, tit. Mist Ro ScrteicJ al tended by lr. Ial wbii hu-enl him lo the I'rnic Ruhii SALE Bulk, $12.00 $13.75 HiMpilal. e Sacked, $13.50 $15.00 W. Ilroad ha b'eii elerled n-lnnd auditor for the enunu year and I'. . Jark wa elerietl Ends this week Ihe new lruteeover K. It. Workman NANAIMOWELLINGTON by a vote of 1 to 1 1. The Chevrolet Motor Co. re-duced Miie Fh Strtciel W. J. Crawford I buildiiiK a Never in our history have we liad such bargains Jr the pricea of all their new nluble at llyder lo areoiim-dale to offer our customers, r.or have we ever fuodele In May. Bulk, $14.50 $16.25 Iwrlve head of hor--. Harry had such a Bale which proved so popular with I'rment pricea are the loweit Sacked, $160 $17.50 i'hoiiiey, Kmle Aruilrntf and poasible. bavins regard to main. It. Mr are doliix the work, thrifty housewives. We were busy last week tainine the quality of the out. e Men's Mack Cotton Half Hose, M 00 and are busier than ever this week put. Mr. and Mr. Jark ll'lvniiier 3 pairs for JX.W l'urcliayr of Chevrolet Cara Albert & McCaffery have moved, from llyder to Fair-bank. All departments are well stocked and await in I'rinre Rupert pay exactly the Men's Black Lislo ThrcatI Half nfc inspection at last week's special prices. name price as are charged for Limited Hose, per pair your Ilia paiim inodele In Vancouver Phones 116 and 564 Albert Mayor and Mr Kleimr Let Ua aliuw you the different Mcholle were married lui wi-ek Men's All Wool Black Cashmere ygc GRASP THIS OPPORTUNITY! model and quote pricea and al llyder by loioniiioner Renl. Half Hose, per pair term, e e e I'rucllfully aU the lowir. i Pacific Cartage The Inlander the Ihe dork I'remii'r and tram r'ih hue Creek bi-iwiii has.' Jabour Bros.. Ltd. been eomplflrd and eable and MARTIN O'REILLY LIMITED Firal CUaa Beardiaif llevae ore bucketa, have already arrived Corner Third and Seventh Chevrolet Dealera HtlwalinaH tit U1 beia PHONE 93. A. iaia, rneOaaw i . " inniw...wfl'ewti Advertlxe In tte Dally Mew.