PAOE 2. mrt pailt hews An mi m m.m i mmw , i;i The Daily News HELPLESS WITH MILLER GIVES PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The Newi RHEUMATISM HIS EVIDENCE Printing' and Publishing Co., Third Avenue, ONALD'S II. P. PULLEN, Managinq Editor.. Details of Kidnapping Came Out Until He Took "FnifNa-fe" This Wornlnq In I SUBSCniPTION RATES I Tiic Fruit Medicine Court. City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 11.00 Cut B Uynail to all parts of Jhe British Kmpire and the United Slates, It, 11. Xo, 1. 1.UCXK, QxT. F.vldeneo of .lark Miller, rliiff Jn advance, per year . Stf.OO. "For ortr three ytart, I wat witnois' for 11k- rriiwn. and t W. Wi - I To all other countries, in advance, per year ............ S7.&H. eonflned to bel with Mumlitm. .1. Ni'Uoii, tuhn tirtl-"f. -taki'U I treated with doctors, and tried tlii iiinitniiK in I In- Mli'to'l- More Tobacco for the M TELEPHONE 8A. nearly etcrjthlnf without ltiefit. Mitt kiiliinppli-K . At :iiuii Noilly, I tried 'TruiUtives". lldJ'XIIIIIIIlMll w.i- IHilte until transient Display Advertising S1.S.5 per, Inch each insertion Beor I kaJ used ktlf a r mm morrow morn 1 1' wlien fUflln-r mm Ilia tariff rvldtr for Hi l"tt!iiiii will mm $55.00 inch. imfrtitHUHl; pain yran Transient advertising on front page per 25c, line. ami the ssrJIIoj started to to Jaw a hi- auluuil h). A M. Mhiinoii. ..f Local Headers, per Insertion, .. per i I continued taking this fruit me Wlllinm. Mim- n A mihIi-. Classified advertising, per insertion s. 2c, per word, all the and Mill'T. eoiidurli-d fur dlclne, ImproriDC time, aiipenrlnir I 15c agate line. Notices, each insertion per Legal now I can walk about two mites and ihe ftxaiiilnali"" f"r Hie5 rrnwu. Contract Hates on At,'liCi;tlon. do lijlit chores about the place". T. II. llwiiM'r. . Hv -illcltor. ri .-ruMMtleil All advertising should he in the Daily is'ews Olllce on day preceding ALEXAXDKK MUXItO. lite . !. ami . II. publication. All advertising received subject to approval. 50c. a box,6 for f i.M, trial tlse 25c Johnson njtpc.ifd for I Its !-fimrc At all dealers or (cat postpaid by Mla.s M. 1.. 1'jtrli' Canada's best buy daily edition. Thursday, April 2S, 1931. Kruit- Uvcs Limited. Otu-s. ciiiirt Ntntuiarrnpli1''' lo tfivioK I"- fvi'knff Mitt-r the ECONOMY Package told uf lite eut Ittadllltt Uli ! Righl of Free . SUITCASES Ihe kidiittiilm and wlial lnul Speech a Farce. lntnsiiroil mi l lie Imm Vainii There i no such thing a Ihe right of free speech or free TRUNKS it Noeiuter .'I. lie hod nmlr thought. We dare not su what we think and we dare-not tlyuk n iltstl Willi ran Kwnuatm. Ho' what wo would, or at aiivrato not think aloud. This reference HANDBAGS man who ws shot in Kelrlnknn OJE. tllllilllllliiililiiuiih'e ! h not particularly to newspaper hut to people and institutions r'-Milly. for Hu- salt of III -' in all walks of life. Free thought and nlisolule independence is and or liiuor to In iMthi for n lf-li.r Tents (I I a nice thing lo talk about, hut it does nol exist in reality. Hume- Awnings tin Mi' ImhiI. T-eili-r rpues we fancy we ore giving fruV expression to our views and with lluulley Tale. llrtf iral-ford PRIKCC RUPEHT TIDES t then somelhing happens suiiieniy to rmifiije unr inimi. J. F. MAGUIRE and llraileii. Irons fer luau, :' Anv person thai speaks his mind is a most tlisagreeahle llicy hud tukrii i lie lliuor to tl"' Thursday, April 21. nersou. lie cannot ever tret on well with his fellows. Men are 712 geeond Are., Prince Rupert Vulonit4 ut ilK' tfiirli.iwe) wliart HutM. 5:i a. mi- I J. lerl. "asiBstiasnssMSsss social animals and in a community there has tu he give und take aln.ul II o el-N-k at ntclil. U'Iivii M.? p. m.. III.; f.el. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWA and the suppression of the individual for the good or the whole. tic iiiior hud teM laet n I-. 1 1 MS H. W., 1.6 feet. 5 5. IJKINCE GEORGE ' what iMiartl Kwattw'ii b4l iuvilwl Miller, iillinf TnVe a newsoaner as an instance. If we were to say Friday, April 29. we think of ome people we should he in the courts half (he'time. Tat und Mrudfimi ilo Hm HUrtt. n:9 a. in . t (rej,. jiHinisiii. , mursiiay... .in' Mti,... ... ...ii i; t . 1 As we have no dci ire to go out of business we have to suppress fruit In rkle up lo III Urmul It3l p. in.. 11. fl. 5. 5. PHirctfc our own personal feelings n deal andeonsider the puhfir WATFIt ACT. t9U. Trunk wharf Iisr. u:l r.. m . In.? f'-i. For lrrl Clements. II , ALBCriT. . H , -l, good rather than individual preference. Almost every day some Held Iron Bar, 1S:3 p. to . 7..1 lr.-l. "ti.i t.. . Ieioii drops a hint that n rerlnjn subject.should be ventilated in MITHE 14 HnHV MIVH mat lilt Miller uta afcwl lo iro iiitx'' x-uihi-rn U'iei-n i- Honour uw UnlruM ilurernur sf knuta April .'HMi. the newspaper. It is usually something which the person would Columbia by aivt wtta Uw Hlru-r of Nil entrine rMNii ) rree4vr isayiticiit Kn-Hlli CMincil UK Deen Vlv4 M and while down Lbr dark THAI SCftVICC ' but he thinks it is all right ifuitur MAIL not like,to mention publicly himseir, SOHEDULC I'nssenjrer Monday, wtdnesday snd Saturday at 11.1t 1.4 for n newspaper to take Ihe onus. ' SrrlUW Tnal fsnuBi 5 or Uw iq Wsirr uw prmiMoo Art !tti eoiiipaiiiunwav after Kwhjumhi Ik- for Nftllliera. prince f.e.irse i-.i I it; i Wis sf a-. ins rlaph-r SI of tiw siiiuim of llt lUalml his loii'li slid Htw at Hie Inu direct ounectintm for u ( u "i ? luk Difference Between ial or rer t it uarrrrld leoltoui of lli.' tep ibrtf men for the Cask. , . ilri, of Hrir Lskr. XrMilllin i:rwl Wednesdays Sat Aitcncy All Ocean Steamship Linn .Mondays. sod Freedom and License. ' a1 Msnnnl Hlr 10 U I'rUfe R-perl inetudintr Mirludsou. MtHiie oiu- There is a difference between freedom and lieene. There Wacr nlrtrt msblitrmt by imttdMNl hia f -( ami li foil down urdays at 10.15 a. in. fe-Thill sslmmtma srs r"t' ; Kra-in iuiuaril Mimlirrm ac-lnwnl Ont oetis, tM Te4 S,m. rsM tS are people who live here and who hold eoneiencious convictions, m ihr tun day or Omnitor. to find Mielielxoi UmliitK r.'-r Prom the Cast. a P which, if expressed publicly, would result in riot if not in If nch-II It aut IS.rrvrrr b nnrrtlMl firruin in lo M thr tar alrr a Ibe or liiiu with an iron h-ir in 1ue Sundays. Tuesdays and Thurs in ir. The community will not stand for expressions' of opinion MiniwH hivrr to lu Pnar HUfirrl hand. AaksHl what llMey wr jt-llijr day at 1:M p. nt. Water Oulrlrr ami Inal nntire or L adwrse to their own otj certain subjects. 11 would i?M pay to aurh raurllalli l iMiblitbMl ror lo do he was lidd that Ih tttrrr nx4ia id iiv B. c Oawtte In taken lo Is For Vancouver and South, CANADIAN PACIHC MUfl j trample on the Union Jack in this community and Lindsay uraw-V and for inrr roxiUis la ona imh wa w Jtunda . ford almost raised a riot in Vancouver when he lectured there raea Buunm ut nrmnparer po-Hsnrd land. The eiiinpaity in th h-Mii Tuesdays 1 p. tu. eaiaosp) rsossto octaa mnoa in lh l-nnre Kuperi Wsir. recently. So other subjects are tattoo. liKirirt. im-ludetl Swaiioon. Mle.lieon. Thursdays II p.m. i x We believle in as larjre a decree of freedom of speech as iMird mis tun dav T.or l.Mtrtn.I'ATl U.U.n. n. ltl. Frank, an Fiiirlisliuiaii, and Otto. Saturdu) '. . . . 10.15 B.C. Coast Steamship Senici pos'sibM, and jet Ihe utterance of some opinions might do much Minitlrr of laoflt. a Mqn. Ily Hits lime tlw April 3. It ami ?2 harm to the eummunity or the country. Herause of that we turn- wai well uinl'T way. Prom Vancouver snd South. 1 S. 8. PRINCESS m NOT I OK. to restrain ourselves; The point at which freedom merges into HiettkinK in NorwetrUn, Miller Sundays .. p. m.. Foe Ketchikan. Jurtaau. Skaaway, Alaska, frs i licence is not deJinable but it is there and cannot be passed with IJI THE MMTEa'cir Beclions 114 sin allenttilisl lf persiiatle- Iheiii nol Wednesdays 10:30 a. mi RuDsrt March 7. 1S. 28; April I, It, ft 1(6 or tn Land Hesllfy Art sa4 in tM lo lake him lo iunda (eland April N. 8 nn 2H s out danger . Men arc often severely punished either socially or For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle from Prises fuller or Lbt four 14). Blork Thirtr (IV). and li unity lliejr deehlni lo hl ,hr-busihess for expressions of Hipiiihiii. ' ' Section one' III. vurt rrme risperl. olT'al niBhyf ! March 12. 23; April 2, 12. 22. him ly tlif lime Por Anyoi and A lie Arm. (Map tttl. A. . TEES' frm Ptliwe ttuaatt "-r !arci llt Disintegration ' ' Praor . brraen of sn4 lli I.oat wa niiprtuirhluv Mellii- Sundays to tf in Cetrnantt, pjti.l eV irnitU Ah-Vanrpner Stsm .Haa No Value. ;.' ' : re-eniry sM reoerj f poaio. by kalla and, lurtiiiitr around,' Ihcy Wednesdays V p.m. K-H. Alerl Bay. it ,o man lives and -no man dies without having an effect on Edna VSMna, In retMirr4 enr of Nloiipnl at Ititfhy Island and a Prom Anyoi and Alice Arm. 't eny Salurlay i"--n the community. That is what an' ancient philosopher said and it cnarlet tne atmre. ut,Varm niuv-r to s you.Iran Ceorre(ranted t.ii.l.'d Miller, late and llradfonl Tuesdays a.nw iffr sad esrtatt. ,? is a.s tnic today as ever it was. Herause of tis social resjoni-'' dated the 30th Jam. tlH. and retiatered lo il.-liark iillo a leii-foM skiff. 'hursdays p. tn. for raws, iwmiiMf Oensrsl AQtnU VV. C. ORCHARD, bility it is necessary to go carefully. A newspajter that comes out lr Ow Und Heitrt umre. al Prince n- 'Ilio bont rarrieil on to rn nfirr with biling -criticisms, especially of those in ptTblic. life, always pert. a dumber Itit-D. harlot bfn ror. I lux. The ijex lime MiII.t h.ul Foe Part Simpson, Arrandale, Mill Cor 3rd Avenue and 4t t Street Prince Rupscl.1 nihed. it la my Intention afler tne ei-piraunn has a considerable backing, and always eventually goes under in of tnlrty diyt frtjin tne aerrtee of -.n MirhidMin wa on In- nr. Bay, Wales Isfsnd and Mast River., the stress of commercialism. It may live for some lime bul its Ibis nollee. to eaaetl tbe rrtiitrttloa of rel here. , Hundays 19 p.m. fale Is assured from the moment it is born. I be Mid le npon tne Hetiiler nnieat Under Cover, of Darkness. From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mill in the mesntune t ennd snd tslld objeclion W.i II. Jidiioi, eindiirlii.r tn When an editor comes outvilh a particularly virulent attack Island Day, Wales and Haas River. hereto Is niade and unless you tslt snd on somebody or something, he xf- slapped on the bark and egged prooerate the proper proceedtnts to es-ut)lit lontr LTooH-examinalinii. endi'a-viirl Tuesdays a.m. ' Dr. Sutherland lo "hake Ihe' evidence of on by those who enjoy n fight Whether a pugilistic encounter, a yotir claim or to prevent sacn pro-pnvd Miller and lirinir ittit illiell dog llghtor a verbal contest. These exhibitions of rancour on artion on my part ,n-n-ee'dinK D.D-C. land HetKiry liinee, Pnnee Unpen, on his pari. He ettu D.D.S.. L.D.S., the of always end in disnsler, however. They pijrt a newspaper H . trd Marrh, A i. tttl. liliitsiriil ihe farl that the de , indicate a failure to recognize the fact that life is nol a separate II. P. MACLEOD, livery hnd biti made In I lis- deiufT existence, but every man is a part of Ihe social whole and anything ' District nesistrsr of Titles. DENTISTRY in all its brancle of nislit uinler Hie cier of ih Tc Oeore Orey, SALE X which lends to disintegrate the community is bad. while TIMBER 3207, Prlnre liupert. V. C dark. In I1i course nf.lhla , that which lends toward unity is lasting mid valuable. auiination Miller told nf a crrt Sf.trrt temlers mill be rerelted by IM and J5 r.istrtet rnresier. rn nurrtt. S i: , iAi Block. Suite 14 LAM) ACT." panel u Hie hnal Inside of which Isier Hun mma mi iu ttik itat r aphi. it would lie I VT1. rasp I lie parrftase ,l Urtwi x at; Phone Black 516 1o roncejl Haiica f Int.ntlon ta Applr I. Laaaa Land. possible wsr jueaere, riunnri i n, s. .. rsi For Appointment twenty rases of llipiof. IVi'.oes bnanl reel sivt Hew-Sites Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE In Skeens Land DUinet. neeordinr Dis W. J. Nelson, custom 'ofllcrr. oiiesaar sill le Ik.ved rur reiuotil trict r,r Cisit. Hsnr I. snd suuste at Jietd or innlisi. told of eiziiur (he lml fir Imv-lur if i.'nion Bay, adjoinlnr lol l. I urtorr partiesilsrp r tne i;iner roresler. Take notire that Morman H. tiroditural. failed lo rlenr on the dale in Vlfterts. H. u. or Hie ixstrtri roresier. MEMBER OK TUB P.C. DKVTAL, COLLEGE I'M kttpert, . of I'rinre master mariner, jnfl'rllte IM li. BAKERY Hupert, occupation ipifNim. A jid a .3? RUPERT inienns tp apply for permuronlo Try DENTIST a ilomaiir ievlvrr luadi'il had MM) AOTrf lrse Ihe followtnr drsrriried Isndst l.eeu found. nimeneint si' s poat planted on the I Phone 575 Smith Block t Tli4: or MTESTlii?! Tu . PL t; Fur south line ot lol lt, Ibenre west 1 chains I'i;hcimse u. PASTAVOr QUAU High grade dental work at the lowest priced, more or less tn low water msrt; Ibenre In Prince nunert Larul Jiuirlrl. Meeord- rAKU ANU 'xj,wtm) qilthcrly 20 thaib skioi low water msrt; int IH.inel of tosil, Hsnse S, snd suuste i The Bread Only best tiste-tttt I give the best of reference. can sn ultnd Ijlns oB tne nnrtn ccsst sf ; 20 in active service. I tie nee rsul I chain mors cr less to hirn Ten Years Ago I irrlier Islsrut. I Ordcrtfor years osier mark; thenre northerly slonr Wrn Tine noure thai I. ialiua lladiswl. sfi wsier mark to post, conisintnf 7 seres. in Prlnco Rupert ennre Hufierl, B C,, occspsllon csrpenter. that Keats-rsnts. fT" mlrnd to in lr lor Pernn.iion lo uurrnsM I'rs.-t). Mice Hears 9-12i l-S and 7-9. Open Evenings more or leas. the folio ins desertiaed isiui. .HOIIMAS H. ItH'IDHLHST. 'omrrieneine st s noi tlsnled cm ss i nateiT Jannsry t. tttt. April 28. 1911 island shout I.ISO feet norlhavraterly Irom ' Satisfies Joscril OAOM nil1"" M. i.ot nil. Hsnre t. uos.t lliainru Ihenes K Tk'"1 IW'J I). llelyi-rMtm n-lurned lo I hi' smund the Island ta the point ot rMB P.O. Bos IN PROBSTK irily i'lei i.iy from a f' r month nH-nrrnienl, snd eonlsintaf 14 acres, mors 1 1.1 THE SLPHKMK iiU HT Of UHITI4II or less. trip lo London and New York. JUIJI'S H AULA"It, .G. H. Arnold - Notary Public IX TIIK MsTTKm' or TIIK AIIMIMSTHA e fl)ll Slaeeh Sel Isfl Tlo.t ai;t snil La3t night 1 i"e new jn-orery MI.i:ilAI. ACT. AGAi FOR SALE. 11 THR VTTKH or TIIK lTh1V. Y lrii! Josl i'tnhllli'd liy Slnlker " CEIITiriCATE Of IMMUIVrMEATS. ' HOME AI-KXA.'SI'tH W. f-UTT, UKtKASMI. t Wells at llayn !;jv" Clrrln miii Mammoth. Tlrrr.JtOTI'E.ilnmeiiske Minersl A Lot. on Third Avenue, in Block 34 TAKE NOTICE tlx I in nriler nf Ills Completely Mill"! by lire. i laiim. simsie in the nminees Minint In-fisi'si AN" ( liislrtrt. Honour r. wen. Vonns, inste ttie tin dsy of Csaaisr Where located d FISH norner nr Home nxniniain. - 'it xprn, iwil, I ws aiinoinira snininis For real nlcsi HOME toun'"" Adjoining the new Concrete Building in lor o w HUM or Alennrtrr W. Hroll, An unknown assassin fired rofniRnv.TASK Limited.luTK.k 1.thai Hon.personal 1Im lUta l l.tillllrl Mlnlhl ! ar a fm derrssriJ. snd sll srnes claims which js beintf erected there. A very desirable business stains! the said Estate sre hereby tisvinf renuired three, shots into (he Kaiser's f tanrimrrr. It. I... t ree Miner's lrtmrsie o sstst-c, inienn. unr ua from tne Ui riirnlelt asme. nnmerlv nentli-d. lo tne. fa location stateroom ns lint Imperial yai'hl itsle hereof, lo S-ily In Ihe Mlntnr He-eorder THE EMPRESS CJB on nr uernre iiif 17m nsr 01 air, ivii, for s Ortinrata or Improvrinenis, i n nit sll turtles InaWjIrit to the null srs was rruisint till i.oifn In the for the runiose nf oklalnina (:ron uranlt required to Hie tinrinnl ot inrir in-lelilelneia H. G. fisy 1,1 ihe slxivs cliims. HELGERSON, LTD. In me forrnwllK. Medilerrani'in.Jen yeKlertltiy. Eats Everybody Where And further take notire that set Ion, under Insurance Rental Real Estate omrisl teruon IT, tnuat ta rommrbred before Hot fiATtn tins I tin dsy m AitmtniMraHr.April, tttl. The. contend fur the conslrti"- prnernienta.Hie isautnrs ot surh lerlillrals of Im Hoses for Ladlss Kmpress tl'in nf 300 miles of railway from naieo inia Vl"i oar i nrrcn. s, o. ivii I F IIOBATK. IH THE SL'I'HEMK (HI HT Uf ttlllTISII Ddtnonton lo the Pence, titer was I.IILI MUIA. ycstiTil.-.y lt lo tho Oowao f'm- UJies'CosH FOR SALE I.t THE MATTtn M THE ADJUJUITUA- hlllicllon Co. tif innlpett by llin Bags 5 Roomed House and Bath in Kocllon 6, near new school, TIO.I AliT snd Cupniiinn Nnrllirrn Hallway. Art Clothes It THE WATTin or THE ESTATE OK Suitcases Measure $3,000 cash JHhKPII LtkOk, IjECEAMEP, l-TESTATE. to Put Hit Foot In It ' 1 1-will Conservatory, 0 ft. by 20 fl. TALK NOTICE thit in nrder of nil "The Ni'.-tlcliea ,r.i ftitlnus al Trunks selection also Urgfl Honour V. Mfll. Youns. rnsdo IDs till dsy fnr Prices reasonable. I hat society reporter snyiiiK of April. I V t IT I sii S(poiiiled Adnnnis-Irslor Two Houses In Section 8 7, minutes from. Cold Rtorajre fltvlC3 to Ihe Estsle or Joseph Lc.kntkl, thai 'Ihe.-e nsn't a Jarring nole' nnrl" i Four ftoomg and Hath 1 3 Rooms deresed, snd sll psrtles lisvint rlsims Tents, Packsacks .,sl stslnsl Ihe said Esltle sre hereby rr'jired in lliejr lal stTair." The pair $2,600. Terms given. on lo furnish or before sime,the prnirly I fin day verified,of Msy,to tttl,in, "I'hcwl I suppose lie dldn t F. M. r snd sll psrltes indebted to the rule sr know Ilia; NeT'd"' "'1 made his Crosby STEVE KING ?h& David H. Hays & Co. required u nsy in. stiiniint sf their In- dehiedners lo me fnrinmitt). fortune in preserves.' - H'lslnn 715 Third Avenue, Pilnre Rupert l.tllM II U.UIII I tM umr'ial Adnnniiirstor Transcript. I