w It Phone T gi !39 A A r.'v IX 67 X n(ley & Hale .V -'. ' PRINCE RUPERT J Joe and Fred J UIOCK . i ..-.on . Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper imiii;i: m im:ut. n. c. tiii iisoay. www. 28. j;2i PRICK FIVK dTTTf jlT f GEEMAM REPARATIONS HAS BEEN SIT BEERS FOR LOCAL PULP PLANT 'WILL BE HERE EARLY NEXT MONTH ie Hundred and Thirty Two IRELAND'S NEW VICERC1 AND HIS VII E. Revolution arieo Protest Irish Executions to Pope Billion Gold Marks is Sum and President Harding Set Germany to Pay Allies, COIIK. April 2X. Th.'re were four exeriilioii. Iliis huiriiin for iilriir' yg.iiuil llm cniwn forces. The r.'oliitiiiii;i-Ie-. wireil lit.- I'iijx' ami Pri'uii-Jit JlariJiug in r'eganl (n Uu-in, cl.iirnin Dial ... :ni..n m.ii.i i. ..in- iiiiu.ir.'i i itiri - 'GERMANS WILL COME Uic p.xeciiliuii' were a fonlruvaiilion of rjvilizeil warfare, and Uic - i.,r rcimrulioiis tiiulcr I In pro in.n of Tn rnin tit itiu 1.i :.tie of humanity Iwf.-in-e the Ilriiili minilr recugnizeil u ' hi i fini in n ni I lie llep.mitioiis Commission informed i -e of war wilh SiinrFfiii. Charged with Crimes Committed1 ee i.Tinitty'i tiiieri4 ! clarify ri.ni! of PERMIT CARDS In War Entente Governments t .1- hi fiim',!iii' wild it r'".ii i fr.nn Hie to b Represented FAILED TO LIXIT -illeil iii n Kr.'nl.T coiifuii!. liritum POWER CANADA'S TO BUY UQUOR f'irlhrr , mu. HhtH.I.Y i ril tH Nine hurt REPRESENTATIVES t" -lti-(.i liuii wild IliA f lewiimi r p-.-.-l -d i.THI Hi.. ullttse pUnishlllelf Iiv all lh liiidoii nrwiamr lodukv lis-. h.en l-iiianld by Ihe Tri.l' OTTAWA. ,Ai.tj TO ISSUE SOON An iip'i. iliili nml tun to ... lh- llowcof (nimMi Ihalll.r llrili.h Vni' f,,r r crime., will fin-. ...... ... .1 -. ... M.i-i..i.i;... " '-"'l'ir l urn . May "-'' limil tin- MMver uf ill.-i.Ht iMicii 10 ariiini ww itu t iiii- rwiriBii(iii ai : i n-p -"iil :ltiv.i Hex i-n jii.liti'o will T,-.n.,. at 'h' Are Celng Run off Press and t'i-ii ii i tierninn rr Kirniii n.H-ai fl1IAtttt,4 Al Hi.- ii -i Iti .t . a.-s - al iii. I" I '-nal i;i.i'.- n, Will Be Ready by Middle i. there e ill he fotv-teeti ii- to l- lifld in Lonilnu vu .J.-f.-at'tJ in Hi" II.tu f of Ma. iw-o f r in Km.lnn.1. The tRATIONS AT i MAY SETTLE Krc.tch P-l-lao will nil and! ItritMi rei.ieenle.i jon-iiii"' i ..i iiii.ion..majority Tin wn I5"ru-1111-111 3i. Mriiiils YICTOItlA.f.n April Hie (nirrliase I.i.pmr of 1 1 On trial. li.U..r under Ihe -foveriimeiM emu BIG STRIKE i itr.il measure pu-si-ij at (lie last OT'NY IS F'ST .scfsiitfi of the l.e(fUlalure. will i likelyhe on sain by tjie niiij.lle USE STARTED; Cr.'Hsh Government OtTers BECOMING NORMA! C.P.R. WILL .. next inonlli. Permit cardiare. mm heinsr runutT Ihe prensr-i. to Provide Fund to The d.-eiimtlbpripare llu I a sure Wecfc. y j C?ttrlrs M. 8chwD,"iJjOl9 jj Steel permit, at onre..was derideifou , mn fling Received Todtyi that lsv Mm, Says Country in order lo .'the die people a l.lrtt-'ng of Cicavallon j . LONDON, ApKI 21 The Ot tstr'pplng Othtr. rlane of l.uyhiy iMfiin'ls Iwd Ooernrrnl olttrs to pro-ldi ISLAND MINES! -.ks hefore Itu urlual dislrii.u- i fund of half a million t XKW MIIIK. Aft-.! :iiarl.-,M ilton of litior ef.mes into effect. I pounds to onsure thit fie Silm.it. nlenl of III.-i t nir- ie- Tliis is fur (lie ruiivfiiienee of of the mlntrs v'll n'.t Lora tulmnnd Talbot n1 Ij.Ij Tull-ot p!ntu:riphre) tn - rl.-l.tl i airs J.lil'l.rni SI.-.-l i;-.n".rnli.. .. Have Appropriated Large Sum to ,. ,,,,hiir nnd in or.ler lo avoid Imnl home Jnl t-furp ll furnier left lu lake bis be reduced more than three of their op ..I Market j tk, t.i iul.lrr Iwr.tri- Hit Clianilc- 3fv.7rrl IT. A FJ. Ratl n t-tili A'li..n Hit. nlTlei- n.ieils. oeir dalles Lord Lleuteoaol of Inland. Lord Talbot suo . shilling a day. f OmiinrTiT lMr'. ill:irt?l Ilia' n ! i nun DelL - - - lit 1 1 -A-fff- Rcnt develepmerts lend l'iriiili triMiiiv ami unrrillri ceed Lord French. wav new h"t that there will be - - " HIU ,11k. WMrkinx ioJr .if frrmaii)' VH.ToniA. April in. Tin- f.. I .i- office. a rtllemtnt and thtl ISe !i.-ri. M'llliiiii ili.wu I., i-r-al nr ::i'd if" --ulisidiary. tin- inii-l miner wl! return U work 'lin-n.iii Eastern Investors Favor ami thai cmitilry "ati fl I'M I- i""'r. hiJW.i'iiJ .Vmiiic and Smeltiiisj er soon. '.iillri..niK llir I iiiI.hJ Stalr FOR SULPHITE ' 'akT MIMl j tUt., Irii' ..pproirialed a l.ir-e, l LONDON, April 28 (Noon) nml Ihr AlliiM nnlinii in IIm Establishment ..! .llb- ? Sulphite sum of in-'iiey wllli whieli I', in-1' The redtirit'on of Miners ..i i on I lu : ll-lil l.iWMri iH'i inalr) wsli-ale Hie mineral wealth, IMj;, ii' ml trdv rejected the new offer production ami iiossitiililirs of MILL IN CITY r.f the "overnmert for a Plant at Prince Rupert VANCOUVER YACHT Hie Ksqiiii.iall nnd Nanaimo ilail-j etttlemrl of the oal str'ke Ix'iim f-it. wtly lw-lt "ii Vnneoiiver Island. : n anil by Increasing the temporary AFTER UPTON CUF Till l. V.. Doleman, ire-pres. Million and a Hair Dollars Worth sut"d from C7.5CC.009 .to VA.N'ClirVI'Jl. April 2. Mr. fiiiint, of liraul. Wliile Ou. I III' l.illlll. told lion. Kl dent of Hie railway, to be Sold at Once. ill U- 'I - 110,000.000 by an overwhelming Alio Iimm In-.-II ill (lit rasl -in -oi:uei-liiii wilh Ihr limiting of tin-i-iiire W. J. "Sloon yesterday. Successfully Launched at U'..i,.. i iln.ii ra4l majorlljr. jPatrlcta I Vancouver Club llnpt-H PiiTji iiimJ laH-r li. I.i.l.. ha juM leluiMHiltUiiU The i:. P. II. when it aeipjired The Prince llupert Pulp and ' Royal p4irt "linl Ihe mity ami M..'r iH-ople Ihere lk wilh p "JOikI Ihe K. A N. Itaihyay n 'Vnncou-vnr Paper lo. Mil. is ufTeriinf ,for v.. v JACK BRITTON TO Last Night. Island .some tuko fn.iu years snle a tnillion nii'l a Ijalf dollars I! li-iil of rvor on IIm ini.-.'il local indiolry. The .-iirie-4 of Jhe with mi Mi niniii rrr iff Tl P i Hie l)uu7iuljjinlerjst worlh of eveu per cent lirl ui'iriiliii MCstli rUK INLt; V.M:iH'VKH. April i. - Hi. iloliilioii now .erni- anr".l. it mftsi iit Hiii laifdl of what ii uiortKaKe sinking fund bunds, the .ynrlil I'alricfa wa wirrenn fully Ik- furlher re "writ llml tin" eupiu. .'i- will lit- In Pi inco t I 111 per! known as Uic railway hell. These proceeds pi be Used. In enr Unjr a Mori Winner of McCarthy-Shade luunrlicl H lli lli.ynl VaiicU1H .iplylu Muy lo ri.jj.plt.le tlit-Jayiug oifl nl liie ili- ami the ijrt'pa-alionor lands wi-rt? pKen Ii. Itoliert Duns-niiiir siilplilte plant nl Prince dlupej-t. , 0 RACES Battle in Milwaukee. Yarhl Chili ln-l nlyhl. Tin- ImkiI III plans iu ronforinilv .with Hie (ground, anil iU rt'.l.ltioi. us a lmniis Hi indure him The direfloti I"I h f n e w con,i AT wn-i 1'iiill f rviiii ilaiit of .Mrlii'l-n, lo huild the railway and Hiey cent, us advertised, 44in JoliH ' lliifniiiiui llriti!li .Irtln o lly. :ivniill inrlu.le Ihe very valuable coal KmersiurJ. A. WuriLj tleorge W. I'OHTI.AXIi. Orv. A'.WI 2. -r. lands where the- Ciiiiint uml other Kay. Arjuan 11. Whllialli: itruco NEWMARKET!..tack llrill.iu. III.- wnlUrw Islil 1 4.1 i-r in (In K.-iikon mi utiriii.l PROCEED ELKS DRIVE MAKES mines an- sitiiaie.1. iiiero an?(M. Karris, 11 IU Jloore.J'. II. WILL :liaui.l.ii, Vkill UMM-l (lif iwiiiiH'r will In iiui.Ii lo lift !lir l.fplmi other eoiil lands not yet touched Watson, and John 0. Hulheilund. f Hi. Jimiiiiy Mc lirllij-. Im- Cup Willi lirr. Tlili. trophy i EXCELLENT PROGRESS hut Mime of tliusi were resened Sexerul of lliepe men are -on-necl.-d fmni Bin against Event Sliailo IhiiiI, wlilrli i lu'llilt lirl.l now lirl.l by Hi" ynrlil Hir Tom. CONSTRUCTION l.y Ihe Duiismuirs. with pulp and paper concern T,m "fll by Special in MllwHuk.-.- I'll Miiy fl. In a irn of SraltlK Yarhl I'.luli. Number of New Members Ad The only minerals, oilier than in Hi" east and Mr. K.mer-n Order hmiii.I tx.ill ni Milwiiukir" MW. mitted Latt Night ard Many coal, wtiieli have been worked bjuI Mr. ltell urt rpnnecjed 30. Ili.lli Mrijirlliy nful tihnitt' FREIGHT RATES ARE Applications Received succfssrully in Ihe railway '.belt with tin l'liiirn llup'eit Lumber have been al Mount Sicker -'." in tin 1'VtO an San Kruiii i-'i'" im-n. copper l.nipany. UNDER DISCUSSION nnd limestone for ei-ment on Hie Acconlinx lo the prospectus it II.C.U- The Kit bill .Irin' foj ineni-lii-r. xide of'tlie Malahai mountain and is proposed to install n forly-l.ni 'ii in rmi at MOBS ATTACK LIQUOR is wujiiu iiu-rrilv on. "'IjH"! ftri l"in-" . Amendment That U.S. Disarmament at oilier point nearby. ulilillo plant and later rV sell i -iH-cinl VIXXIIi:il. Apnl - Tin-II, iii-lil lit Hit" n-iriilar nieellliif "H um I t'uulii,! iy AND GROCERY STORES !il f'- .quuliro'.i.ui "f-J.fr-i-:lil Conference be Awaited Hi.-re were a "number f iniliJi-lii.ns more houds will) wliii-h to erect "in in.-ni 1 1,. ' ni-r lm till, .-n-l u ! VM -' roiitiii.-nri'tl Strongly Voted Down. mid a lin-.-i- numl.fr 'of KING AND WINCE HAD a The newsprint bunds are paper sold mill.tit -ind '"lllllill "iHniMl n IIKUASr, April Spirit in t-iilni-j.1 .'.lt. ln iiioriiliiK Mppliealioiir- fur m.-nil-ert-lilp 'IBP,. intercut with a -bonus of com-moil ),, FIRE IN ENGINE ROOM mil ni Hi'' III II IT nn.l "ri!ry -.ofi al Nywjon li fur.- III. Imuril of r;iiluy Voliu WASIII.MiTiiX. April 2H. Tli.-IIiiiiki- urn.-pled. . shares. I..-,,,.., iii-ih-r of IlimiU v..!.- ailHi'ki-i lal uiulit niii.Mii-r-. li. I'. Mrflir fur of Iti-uiv!' iilnlivn. Iia i.- ll i peopn-ii-.l in put on i 'r,"""m I,..,,I1"'! willi II. J. ji-rle.l, l.y mi vi'ivhlininB vol.. Mil lit urn al tlx' next riali!ar Ull'1.1. jnili''.' liy ii in.ili nml i-i'O lliiuV iinrlalili llillli Coluinliiii Big Seattle Schooner Gave Fire Ihi- -!nl.. wus euirrli'il nff. Kyiiitnut. il fur Muuilolia u n J the auieiuliueiil I Hie uaal u-propriatiuu ; iin-i'liiiir, when it is i-xienej lo BRITAIN STILL OWES' Run Last Evening M hill H al in. fund, be 'iniiki- o ni-f.ld fur fralerua r Brigade 7.;', lr"; -i. mil Huskj;l lifWiin nr.- .r.-.'liiff for BIRTH. llrfi n .fr.-in llio r.l'.lt- awnuiit. u-..-i I fur ctuiliniiiillvn u -Aur-liip 'canixaliuiix 111 Hii eity. If'Ihe at 6 O'clock. CANADA SMALL SUM I'oiialrut'tii'K until I'r.'Hiil.'nl 'present rate if increase -riM's mi, ' in m-. I lm iiiii- ilnmiliiii'iit inn , ,. A iI.iiikIiIit mux Imrii to Mr. lriMl llurdintr had i'hII-I nil informal I fie proposed new I'.lk (Ullli 'Ihe bin halibut seliiHiner KiiiK v. ill' inrm-nirt ion I OTTAWA, April 8U. Kliianre Mim. Niuiiiiin DilKll.il. of ipi-Hl- riuifeivlire lo i-intiiii-r i i .1 i-ma-lii.-ul. iiiiil.luiir should lie an isured A Willie bad n fire yesterday H niiiI. .-4uul in ii-ifiir.l I . llir .-nniiniJ if llir Minisier D'uytoii announces lliut '"iihiii,l i,, Tuyliii Slrri-I, nl tin' fli'iii-ral furl in Hi.- near fulure. Which oiiKinuled in her engine "' "lily. llo-liihil April 37. l.l'.ll. dy iM Inii!. room uud did some damuite Hiere Hie ai-eoiiiiU between llrilaiu and 'flTON and In her after cabin. The Canada urn uol .Unallly i-rlllt-d. FIOHTS. TIiph ,w 3 lM' r lill OLDEST FREEMASON blale, occurred ulmul 0 o'clock There is a balaur-o duo Hiu nl lli) cflnl imrly li. t'l I""' '' ILLUSTRATED LECTURE and lb.- city lire ilepartmeut was Dominiou of 1 ll.IOM.70l. by llio lli-li.-kulm in' lln Mniul IN CANADA DIES I called out. I'orluiitttely, Ihe tire lllnrk. Mr. Slnnl.-y Ih'nnrll nml Thursday, April 28th, nt 9 p.m. -:- Empress Theatre wui mure Itirealeuini; limn II CANADIAN NAVY Clinrloa Kiiihlrlini w.-i" ll.o llr.t was damajfiiiK and the vessel was i '""i i-'-iii in.i- (,,. Pl il.' WilllKTM, w lilli' I Iii fliiiim'- rillllir.llli.KToN. April rly nu'iulifr ST "Gen. Allenby's Last Crusade," able In clear for Seal He where Jiilm Aiilf.iiii. fur lulhiu itwunlri win! In Mm. Win. ' she is lo sell her tSO.UOO pounds UTTAWA, April 27-r Th daln - Kill. Hi-Id nml W. O. Hurrio. of I ho LocLliilur.'. in "li'n.l hero by Dsan R. W. Brock, B.C. University. .. " or llsli. 'of sailin-i of thu Ituuauluii ' Ilwi.i ' UNiHiiiii-r f..r urwI VI) Vm Wtrrf inoiillia Under the aunplcii of It.P.O. Elks, Admlwlon 25(j Willi 11 K"od dial or Kasohne juicadron lia been ii'iji hurW it Pti:i vMi'1-.iuv William Lnrtiiipoeur wim fineiS Hi. U -iU In In Hi.' 'lili't. f,.,,. TlckU can be obtainsU from all High School Students around the lire appeared hazard-ou Uek. The bouts will' not leuvo 111 i "i 11 Miiwls-liulc Illll.l.ll II I Hi Oitll-fl poliiiciiin in iKst-uimull l'IJMI,iittt I0 fur ilruukriiiifNS hy for a tew minute. until May ST. Mc.Murdlc tin uioiuiuw- tunuuu. ; i